Spelling suggestions: "subject:"horkheimer"" "subject:"horkheimers""
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Tystnadens förbannelser : Ekologi, ideologi och religion i Elsa Graves undergångsskildring Slutförbannelser / The curses of silence : Ecology, ideology, and religion in Elsa Grave’s depiction of doom SlutförbannelserHunt, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats analyserar dikterna “En begrundande avskedsröst:”, “En överbliven röst minns:”, “Upprörd ekoröst:”, “Sårad socialarbetare fortsätter:”, “En jagröst som tror sig vara ensam överlevande:” samt en av dikterna med titeln “Mothägring” ur Elsa Graves undergångsskildring Slutförbannelser med avseende på framställningen av ekologins, ideologins och religionens roller i undergången. Centralt för analysen är framställningen av ekologins, ideologins och religionens förhållande till naturen samt hur deras respektive hållning i samspel med varandra gestaltas som drivande i undergångsprocesserna. Ekologins förhållande till naturen analyseras genom Timothy Mortons teoribildning om mörk ekologi. Ideologins och religionens förhållande till naturen undersöks genom Max Horkheimers och Theodor W Adornos bok Upplysningens dialektik. Analysens huvudsakliga resultat består i att ideologin och religionen framställs som mänskliga konstruktioner fjärmade från naturen vilket gör dem drivande i de förintande undergångsprocesserna. Ideologins förhållande till naturen framställs som drivande då den förintar både världen och sig själv, medan religionens förhållningssätt till naturen snarare framställs som en orsak i förhållande till ideologin. Undergångens orsaker identifieras gällande ideologin såväl som religionen som ett uteslutande av det ekologiska tänkandet om naturen. Ideologin respektive religionen framställs i Slutförbannelser som mänskliga konstruktioner medan det ekologiska tänkandet snarare framstår som evigt.
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Queering New Media: Connectivity in Imagined Communities on the InternetCorbett, Andrew M. 28 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Racionalidade dial?tica entre mito e esclarecimento :uma leitura da Dial?tica do esclarecimento, de T. W. Adorno e M. HorkheimerMass, Olmaro Paulo 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:55:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
436149.pdf: 770389 bytes, checksum: 1159cc1b100fc3bc72e39574599e17d6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / This study investigates the criticism made by Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer to the modern concept of rationality in the Dialectics of Enlightenment, which is essentially focalized in the promises of the Aufkl?rung. When they broached the origin of Western logos in a succinct and unique form , realized that the genealogy of knowledge, they perceived that the core is in the dramatic and incontrollable need of the human being to have a self-reliance before the forces of nature which imposes fear. Therefore, the concept of enlightenment can not be understood only in light of eighteenth. For the authors, in the myth there was a knowledge, which is intuitive, explanatory and inseparable from the clarifier thought. This aimed to give explanations and justifications about the events of the relationship between human being and nature. Therefore, i every resistance in the attempt to dominate nature, human beings will increase his potential, his strength and power over it. Thus, the starting point of the Dialectics of Enlightenment is a critique of the enlighten society and modern rationality, which has become instrumental. They make us realize the limits of modernity, reason and science, the more subtle and aggressive aspects that were already present in the mutual relationship between myth and enlightenment. Though the topic broached 'rational dialectic between myth and enlightenment' constitutes the course of this dissertation, it is important to review the question which the authors used to do: why mankind is sinking into a new kind of barbarism? Faced with this question they investigate critically and deepen the strategic and instrumental knowledge that became a mechanism of power and repression. With the thesis that the myth is elucidation and elucidation has become mythology, also shows that modern rationality, under the 'lights' of the reason, has its regression germ in everywhere. The research is developed in three stages: the first chapter includes the context and the sources of the main philosophical questions of the opus Dialectic of Elucidation; the second presents Odysseus as the prototype of modern man from the tour I; Finally, the last chapter deals with the dialectic rationality between myth and elucidation / Este estudo investiga a cr?tica realizada por Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer ao conceito de racionalidade moderna, na Dial?tica do Esclarecimento, que tem seu ?pice nas promessas essencialmente iluministas. Ao abordarem de maneira sucinta e ?mpar a origem do logos ocidental, perceberam que a genealogia do conhecimento, o seu n?cleo central, est? na necessidade dram?tica e incontrol?vel do ser humano se autoafirmar perante as for?as da natureza que imp?em medo. Por isso, o conceito de esclarecimento n?o pode ser compreendido somente ? luz do s?culo XVIII e de suas deriva??es otimistas. Para os autores, no mito j? havia um conhecimento intuitivo e explicativo, de algum modo insepar?vel do pensamento esclarecedor. Este visava dar explica??es e justificativas sobre os acontecimentos da rela??o do ser humano com a natureza. Portanto, a cada resist?ncia na tentativa de domina??o da natureza, o ser humano vai aumentando seu potencial, sua for?a e seu poder sobre ela. Assim, o ponto de partida da Dial?tica do Esclarecimento ? uma cr?tica ? sociedade iluminista e ? racionalidade moderna que se tornou instrumental. Para Adorno e Horkheimer devemos perceber os limites da modernidade, da raz?o e da ci?ncia, os aspectos mais sutis e agressivos que j? estavam presentes na rela??o rec?proca dial?tica entre mito e esclarecimento. Embora o tema abordado racionalidade dial?tica entre mito e esclarecimento constitua o percurso desta disserta??o, ? importante recolocarmos a quest?o que os autores fazem: por que a humanidade est? se afundando em uma nova esp?cie de barb?rie? Frente a este questionamento eles investigam e aprofundam de forma cr?tica o conhecimento estrat?gico e instrumental que se tornou mecanismo de poder e repress?o. Com a tese de que o mito ? esclarecimento e o esclarecimento se transformou em mitologia, mostram, ainda, que a racionalidade moderna, sob as luzes da raz?o, tem seu germe de regress?o por toda a parte. A pesquisa se desenvolve em tr?s momentos: o primeiro cap?tulo compreende o contexto e as fontes das principais quest?es filos?ficas da obra Dial?tica do Esclarecimento; o segundo exp?e Ulisses como o prot?tipo do homem moderno a partir do excurso I; por fim, no ?ltimo cap?tulo aborda-se a racionalidade dial?tica entre o mito e o esclarecimento.
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Commodity fetishism and domination: the contributions of Marx, Lukács, Horkheimer, Adorno and BourdieuLloyd, Gareth January 2008 (has links)
This thesis seeks to trace domination theory back to the influential work done by Marx on commodity fetishism. Marx's work proves to be an original account of domination that explains how the dominated many accept the rule of the privileged few. The theory of commodity fetishism develops the idea that individuals come to adopt beliefs that bolster and reproduce the status quo of capitalism. For Marx, the way that individuals experience capitalism is different from the way that it actually works because, in fact, lived experience is actually false. Oppression, inequality and exploitation are thus hidden and the main source of conflict between the oppressed many and the privileged few is obscured. I seek to develop this insight of Marx's into a more comprehensive account of how dominating capitalism self maintains. Lukács' theory of reification explains how capitalism has become all-embracing because capitalism has developed its own type of rationality. This specific rationality shapes thought, which in turn, generates false beliefs that favour the continuation of the status quo. Horkheimer and Adorno argue that capitalism extends its influence by means of its deep involvement in modern culture. Today, culture has become an massive industry which inculcates the logic and principles of capitalism into individuals. For these theorists, capitalism has penetrated all areas of life; experience, knowledge and thought have become extensions of capitalism itself. Marx, Lukács, Horkheimer and Adorno give accounts of how false beliefs are put into practice. Hence the importance of the work of Bourdieu. Bourdieu's theory of distinction describes how the status quo in capitalism is maintained by the behaviour of individuals through their daily acts of consumption. I argue that the consumption of commodities reproduces the status quo in two ways: firstly, establishing an upper-class which takes the lead in patterns of consumption, and, secondly, by creating a middle class that follows its example. Finally, I relate Bourdieu's insights to the theories of Marx, Lukács, Horkheimer and Adorno and Bourdieu in order to arrive at a more inclusive account of how.
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Dialectic of Celebrity Politics: Identifying Public Personalities and Political Performers in Twenty-First Century AmericaSerizawa, Molly M 01 April 2013 (has links)
‘Celebrity’ has become a growing field of critical inquiry and cultural interest in twenty-first century society. Celebrities embody a host of meanings and engender larger ideological and discursive practices, in which they articulate expressions of social, cultural and political power that attach meaning to public individuals. Beginning with the late-twentieth century, celebrities have come to occupy spaces that exist beyond popular culture platforms, most notably in politics and international diplomacy. In spite of its typical association with superficial discussions of gossip and cheap entertainment, celebrities have become the site of anxiety in a capitalist society. To come to terms with these growing anxieties concerning celebrity and its accoutrements, this thesis explores the embedded complexities and consequences of the celebrity system within the framework of what has dubiously been called ‘celebrity politics.’ Through a detailed examination of this phenomenon, this thesis explores the coalescing spheres of Hollywood and the White House, where ‘celebrity’ and ‘politician’ have become interchangeable monikers. In addition to examining the historical conditions that have given rise to the phenomenon, this study examines contemporary articulations of the ‘celebrity politician,’ focusing on Angelina Jolie, Sean Penn and President Barack Obama. Discussion of these figures is framed by critical theory and media studies to better understand their location within the contemporary Western landscape.
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Naturen, vetenskapen och förnuftet : upplysningens dialektik och det andra modernaNilsson, Per January 2001 (has links)
The topic of this study is one specific area where the tension between instrumental rationality and value rationality becomes prominent: the question whether we have a rational responsibility for nature or not. Such a responsibility cannot be derived from instrumental reason, but it is argued that it can be derived from discourse ethics and communicative rationality. The study begins with an examination of Georg-Henrik von Wright's cultural criticism. It is argued that his subjectivist view of values limits reason to the realm of instrumental rationality. Horkheimer and Adorno's theory of instrumental reason is examined. They claim that instrumental reason, through the negative dialectics of the enlightenment, have created a vacuum with regard to values. Marcuse's anthropological solution to the problem of values, and his theory of an emancipatory science and technology, are examined and rejected as Utopian. The philosophy of Jürgen Habermas is examined, and it is shown how he solves the problem of his predecessors through the dual framework of work and interaction. His hypothesis of three knowledge- constitutive interests is analyzed, and it is concluded that a general theory of communication is needed in order to solve the problem of value rationality. It is shown how Habermas later theory of communicative rationality and discourse ethics overcomes the shortcomings of his earlier theory. It is argued, among other things, that his theory of communicative rationality is compatible with a correspondence theory of truth, ontological realism and epistemological fallibilism. Discourse ethics makes a rational discussion of values and norms possible. It is argued that it solves the problem of value rationality, but without providing a definition of the good or the right. It is shown that revisabilty is an important part of discourse ethics. This is manifested in the hypothetical status of discourse ethics, and in the revisability of the norms proposed. It is argued that we are in fact able to rationally propose a norm, which demands responsibility for nature within the framework of communicative rationality and discourse ethics, although such a norm must be the result of the outcome of a rational discourse and is itself, revisable. / digitalisering@umu
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I kläm mellan kultur, politik och marknad : En undersökning av kulturtidskrifternas roll och statusRogvall, Filippa January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka kulturtidskrifternas roll och status i det svenska samhället idag, bland annat genom intervjuer med verksamma redaktörer på olika kulturtidskrifter. Som problembakgrund presenteras den paradoxala situation som kulturtidskrifterna ställs emot: de anses som viktiga för yttrandefrihet, demokrati och mångfald men blir ändå försummade och underprioriterade inom politik och forskning. Utifrån detta formuleras tre frågeställningar: Hur ser redaktörerna på den politik som drivs kring kulturtidskriften? Vad anser redaktörerna att kulturtidskriften har för roll och status i samhället? Hur kan kulturtidskriftens roll och status tolkas utifrån de intervjuade redaktörernas svar, den rådande kulturpolitiska diskussionen, kulturteorier och tidigare forskning? Dessa frågor analyseras utifrån intervjusvaren, tidigare forskning, Horkheimer och Adornos teoretisering av kulturindustrin, Habermas teorier om det offentliga rummet samt Bourdieus fältteori och teori om ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital. Uppsatsens metodologiska utgångspunkt är i kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio verksamma redaktörer på olika kulturtidskrifter. I slutsatserna bekräftas den inledande problemformuleringen – kulturtidskrifterna är viktiga men försummade. Statens kulturråd har stor makt över kulturtidskrifterna eftersom de styr över ett årligt tidskriftsbidrag. Få kulturtidskrifter klarar sig enbart på prenumerant- och annonsintäkter, vilket gör det statliga stödet livsviktigt för många. Kulturtidskrifterna har flera viktiga roller i samhället. Framförallt har de som roll att fördjupa och vidareutveckla det offentliga samtalet och bidra till så att obundna, oetablerade och alternativa röster kan komma till tals som inte är påverkade av kommersiella intressen. I förlängningen kan man säga att det leder till en ökad mångfald, yttrandefrihet och demokrati. Kulturtidskrifternas har generellt sett låg status bland allmänheten, vilket leder till att den får låg status i andra sammanhang också, bland annat inom kulturpolitiken. Den låga statusen verkar hänga ihop med uppfattningen om att kulturtidskrifterna är finkulturella och exkluderande snarare än lättillgängliga och kommersiella.
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Educação escolar e mediação: impactos das tecnologias digitais no processo de formaçãoSantos, Elaine Cristina Moraes [UNESP] 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T19:34:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2015-01-28. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-06-18T12:47:21Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
000828990.pdf: 373775 bytes, checksum: a534623a70403dcc570ccf8240908121 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Considerando a difusão das tecnologias digitais na sociedade contemporânea, assim como, sua expansão no ambiente escolar, este estudo tem como categoria de análise, o processo de mediação, como o caminho para problematizar, que tipo de conhecimento estes recursos digitais são capazes de promover. Ao se perscrutar o papel da prática escolar na sociedade, bem como sobre os mecanismos ideológicos que ocultam a principal finalidade dos fenômenos tecnológicos, este estudo contém a seguinte hipótese: a forma com que as tecnologias digitais estão inseridas nas atuais políticas educacionais inviabiliza uma mediação pedagógica emancipadora, gerando impactos evidentemente enfrentados na prática escolar e na formação humana. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho teórico-bibliográfico, de perspectiva dialética, cuja abordagem está voltada para a Teoria Crítica da sociedade, particularmente a partir das reflexões de Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse e Christoph Türcke / Considering the diffusion of digital technologies in the contemporary society, as well as its expansion in the school environment, this study has the mediation process as an analysis category, with the objective of problematizing what kind of knowledge those digital resources are able to promote. When scrutinizing the role of school practice in the society, as well as the ideological mechanisms that hide the main purpose of technological phenomena, this study contains the following hypothesis: the way in which digital technologies are included in current educational policies preclude an emancipatory educational mediation, generating evidently faced impact on the practice of the students and the human formation. This is a theoretical and bibliographic research, guided by a dialectic perspective, whose approach goes toward to the German Critical Theory of society, particularly from the reflections of Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse and Christoph Türcke
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Adorno e Horkheimer versus Batman e Robin = da estética camp como possibilidade de superação de alguma coisa / Adorno & Horkheimer versus Batman & Robin : camp aesthetics as a way of doing something about itLeite, Pedro de Araújo 04 May 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Fábio Akcelrud Durão / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T02:34:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Leite_PedrodeAraujo_M.pdf: 1325793 bytes, checksum: b99bf65c3d00a9facf46283d0d3ef8f5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esta tese tenta descrever em linhas gerais o conceito de camp e sua trajetória dentro da indústria cultural desde meados do século XX até hoje e apontar as mudanças em seu papel simbólico em uma possível reação a essa mesma indústria a partir de um consumo ironicamente passivo com fins tanto aristocráticos quanto satíricos, e para tanto usa como objetos de estudo o filme "Pink Flamingos", dirigido por John Waters em 1972, e "Batman, the TV series", seriado de TV produzido pela rede americana FOX entre os anos de 1966 e 1968 / Abstract: The aim of the present work is to describe in general terms the concept of camp and its pathway inside cultural industry since the middle of the 20th century till nowadays. It also attempts to point out the main changes in the symbolic role played by this concept as a potential reaction to this same industry with regard to an ironically passive consuming serving both aristocratic and satirical purposes. For such intends, this investigation presents as study objects "Pink Flamingos", a movie directed by John Waters and released in 1972, and "Batman, the TV series", produced by the American broadcasting company FOX from 1966 to 1968 / Mestrado / Teoria e Critica Literaria / Mestre em Teoria e História Literária
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První proměna Frankfurtské školy / First Metamorphosis of the Frankfurt SchoolChlouba, Karel January 2017 (has links)
Title: First Metamorphosis of the Frankfurt School Author: Bc. Karel Chlouba Abstract: This thesis deals with first metamorphosis of the Frankfurt School - its origins, deve- lopement and historical context. The developement of this metamorphosis of critical theory is split into three parts within this work: first part elaborates individual moments and motives of this positive dialectic and also observes the develomepent of skepticism within it; second part elaborates the sceptical turn itself and the third part deals with the negative dialectics mainly presented within the work The Dialectic of Enlightenment. This thesis aims mainly on thought of Max Horheimer as a leader of the circle of thin- kers. Although he is not always the most powerful source of insight in this circle, he is the one who controls the direction of its thinking. Key words: Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, critical theory of society, sociology, ra- cionality, science, theory, reason, change, alternative, dialectic, enligh- tenment viii
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