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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

International Student Mobility and Internationalisation of Universities - The role of serendipity, risk and uncertainty in student mobility and the development of cosmopolitan mind-sets through knowledge and intercultural competence. Employability, students’ future mobility aspirations and the EU’s support of international student mobility

Weibl, Gabriel January 2014 (has links)
The background to this study lies in the discrepancy between the perceptions of international student mobility in the context of the internationalisation of higher education by the EU and universities on one hand and international students themselves in terms of their motivations to study abroad on the other hand. This is a comparative study based on three main case studies, of six universities in New Zealand, Oxford University in the UK and the Charles University in the Czech Republic. It explores the students’ experiences abroad in terms of their intercultural competence, the shaping of identities, the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, the possible forming of cosmopolitan mind-sets and empathy, perceptions of employability and their future mobility aspirations. This thesis also considers the barriers and ‘push and pull’ factors of mobility, perceptions of risk and uncertainty in regards to mobility and the role of serendipity in student mobility, which has been overlooked in the literature on mobility and migration. The theoretical framework of the study builds on social capital theory, Europeanisation and the ‘do-it-yourself biography’ theory. The nature of this topic, however, suggested the employment of the concepts of globalisation, transnationalism and consideration of other forms of capital, such as the total human capital, mobility capital and transnational identity capital. This is predominantly a qualitative, mixed-method and longitudinal research project, which uses surveys, case studies, interviews and the data collecting tool called grounded theory. It triangulates data to support and enhance the analytical validity of the thesis. This research concludes that student experiences abroad as well as the internationalisation efforts of universities and the EU would benefit from the introduction of education for global citizenship, which should focus on the intercultural competencies of students. The thesis suggests sociocultural elements for example the cosmopolitan mind-set can enhance the economic, academic and political rationales of internationalisation, such as employability.

El Sistema : Musik som ett verktyg för social utveckling / El Sistema : Music as a tool for social development

Pettersson, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur musikundervisningen i El Sistema fungerar som ett socialt verktyg med utgångspunkt från en nyetablerad El Sistema-skola i en förort till Stockholm. Min utgångspunkt har varit att undersöka El  Sistemas arbetssätt som ett verktyg för social utveckling i samhället. För att kunna göra detta har jag försökt sätta mig in i de bakomliggande idéerna till El Sistema och förutsättningarna för undervisningen. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där observationer med låg struktur, deltagande observationer och en semistrukturerad intervju har används.  Undersökningen är gjord på en nyetablerad så kallad växtplats inom El Sistema, Sverige,  i en mångkulturell förort till Stockholm. De metoder jag har använt mig av har varit deltagande observationer av musiklärare i den dagliga musikundervisningen på en nyetablerad El Sistema-skola samt av så kallades VänsDays, musikträffar med fika för El Sistema-familjer på onsdagar samt en semi-strukturerad intervju med en El Sistema-pedagog. Litteraturgenomgången innehåller en historisk översikt om El Sistema, musik i skolan och musikpedagogisk idéhistoria. Vidare ingår också litteratur om didaktik, musikundervisning och interkulturell kompetens. El Sistema påtalar vikten av tid, kontinuitet och kontakt som tre nyckelfaktorer för framgångsrik undervisning. Musikundervisning i grupp, samspel och körsång samt att bygga upp en god föräldrakontakt är av stor betydelse för både den sociala och musikaliska utvecklingen i ett integrationssyfte.  Några faktorer som skiljer El Sistema från den traditionella kommunala Musik- och Kulturskolan har också berörts.   Resultatet av studien visar vid en analys med Varköys syfteskategorier att musikundervisning inom El Sistema framför allt fokuserar på  idén om musikens fostrande funktion. I undervisningen finns även idén om musik som medel för bildning och idén om musik som skapande individ tydligt representerad i studiens empiri. Musikundervisning i El Sistema ses som ett medel till något snarare än som ett mål i sig självt samtidigt som det finns en tydlig målsättning att nå en hög musikalisk nivå. / The overall aim of this study is to investigate how music education in El Sistema works as a social tool, based on a newly established El Sistema -school in a suburb of Stockholm. My starting point was to investigate the El Sistema approach as a tool for social development in the community. To do this I have tried to put myself in the underlying ideas to El Sistema and conditions for teaching. The study is based on a qualitative research method in which observations with low structure, participant observation and a semi-structured interview has been used. The survey was conducted on a newly established so-called nucléo, (center of education) within El Sistema, Sweden, in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm. The methods I have used have been participating observations of music teachers in their daily music instruction at a newly established El Sistema-school and so-called VänsDays, music meetings and refreshments for El Sistema-families on Wednesdays and a semi-structured qualitative interview with an El Sistema-teacher. The literature review provides a historical overview of El Sistema, music in schools and music educational history of ideas. Furthermore, it also includes literature on didactics, music education and intercultural competence. El Sistema comments on the importance of time, continuity and contact as three key factors for successful teaching. Music education in group interaction and choral singing and to build a good parental contact is of great importance for both social and musical development of an integration order. What separates El Sistema from the traditional communal Music and Arts School has also been affected. The result of analysis performed by Varköy´s purpose categories to music education within El Sistema mainly focuses on ​​the idea of ​​music's educational function. In teaching, there is also the idea of ​​music as means of formation and the idea of ​​music as a creative individual clearly represented in the study's empirical data. Music education in El Sistema is seen as a mean to something rather than as an aim in itself. At the same time there is a clear objective to achieve a high musical level.

Η διαπολιτισμική επάρκεια και ετοιμότητα των διευθυντών σχολικών μονάδων της α/βάθμιας εκπαίδευσης στο σημερινό σχολείο

Αντωνοπούλου, Πατρούλα 16 June 2011 (has links)
Σήμερα διανύουμε μια νέα εποχή, η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από πολιτισμική και εθνική ανομοιογένεια. Η πολυπολιτισμική σύνθεση της κοινωνίας και η συνακόλουθη αρχή του σεβασμού της διαφορετικότητας έχουν εμφανέστατα μεταφερθεί στην εκπαίδευση, η οποία είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη με το κοινωνικό περιβάλλον όπου συντελείται. Οι δημογραφικές αλλαγές έχουν προφανώς αντίκτυπο στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα, το οποίο καλείται να διαδραματίσει σημαντικό ρόλο στη δημιουργία προϋποθέσεων αποδοχής και αναγνώρισης του πλουραλισμού και της ετερότητας ως βασικών γνωρισμάτων των σύγχρονων κοινωνιών. Η εκπλήρωση του ρόλου αυτού απαιτεί προσαρμογή του ίδιου του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος στα νέα δεδομένα κοινωνικοποίησης που χαρακτηρίζουν την εποχή μας. Απαιτεί ταυτόχρονα πέρα από την αναθεώρηση του νομοθετικού πλαισίου, του Αναλυτικού Προγράμματος και των προσφερόμενων προγραμμάτων και διδακτικού υλικού, τον εφοδιασμό των εκπαιδευτικών και των στελεχών της Εκπαίδευσης με σύγχρονες γνώσεις και δεξιότητες, οι οποίες θα τον καταστήσουν ικανό να χρησιμοποιεί την κατάλληλη μεθοδολογία και να εφαρμόζει τις απαραίτητες στρατηγικές, ώστε το εκπαιδευτικό και διοικητικό του έργο να είναι αποτελεσματικό. Ο ρόλος του Διευθυντή είναι καθοριστικός για την ομαλή και αποφασιστική λειτουργία του σχολείου. Η Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση μπορεί να επιτύχει τους στόχους της αν υπάρξει αλλαγή στάσεων στο εκπαιδευτικό δυναμικό τόσο στο επίπεδο της διοίκησης όσο και στο επίπεδο της διδακτικής και παιδαγωγικής πρακτικής. Στην παρούσα εργασία το ερώτημα που τίθεται είναι αν ο κάθε Διευθυντής της κάθε σχολικής μαινάδας διαθέτει τα απαραίτητα προσόντα και τις ικανότητες να ανταποκριθεί αποτελεσματικά στο έργο του, δηλαδή αν έχει Διαπολιτισμική και διοικητική επάρκεια και ετοιμότητα σε θέματα που σχετίζονται με την ύπαρξη αλλά και τον τρόπο εργασίας με αλλόγλωσσους μαθητές. / Today we are going through a new area, which is characterized by a cultural and ethnic heterogeneity. The multicultural composure of society and the following principles of respect towards differencicition have obviously transfer to education, which is inseparable linked to the social environment where it takes place. The demographic changes have an obvious impact on the educational system. Which is summoned to a role of creating conditions of acceptance and recognition of pluralism and otherness as the basic characteristics of modern societies. The fulfillment of this role requires adjustments to the educational system itself towards the new data of social inclusion that characterizes our societies. Expect of the simultaneous adjustments to the legal framework, changes are also required concerning the curriculum, the offered programs, the teaching material, the supplement of teachers and executives of education with modern knowledge and abilities which will make them capable of using the right method and following the needed strategies so their educational and leading work is effective. The principals role is defining for the smooth and effective function of a school intercultural education can reach its goals if theirs is a change of attitudes in educational dynamic as much on an executive level as in teaching and educational practice. In this thesis the given question is whether each principal of each school unit has the required qualifications and abilities to react accordingly concerning his work, meaning whether or not he has intercultural and leading capabilities and confidence concerning intercultural issues about working with foreign speaking students.

Vilka länder får synas i engelskböckerna? : En undersökning hur engelskspråkiga länder framställs i läroböcker för årskurs tre / Which countries may appear in the English books? : An investigation of how English speaking countries are represented in textbooks for year three.

Barkhem, Josefin January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates whether students of year three get the chance to learn about cultures in places and contexts where English is used, through textbooks. The focus is whether the diversity of the English speaking cultures is shown or if a western centered image dominates. Postcolonial theory is the base of the investigation. As an analysis method, content analysis has mostly been used but also critical discourse analysis. The results show that Great Britain is the country that is most frequently represented in all books, but also that in general few cultures are brought up or explained. The purpose of this study is to investigate how English speaking parts of the world and contexts are represented in English books for year three.

Interkulturní výchova a její využití ve volném čase dětí a mládeže / Intercultural Education and its Application in the Free Time of the Youth

TYKVARTOVÁ, Oľga January 2007 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the definition of intercultural education and its key concepts and methods of its application within formal and informal education. It surveys the present situation in the area of intercultural education in Europe and in the Czech Republic. The thesis closes with a brief outline of possible applications for intercultural education within free time of present-day youth.

Interkulturelle Kompetenz als integrierter Bestandteil der germanistischen Ausbildung in Moldau / Eine empirische Analyse von Einflussfaktoren / Intercultural competence as an integral part of German Studies in Moldova / An empirical analysis of the influencing factors

Papiniu, Svetlana 25 February 2016 (has links)
No description available.

“Discúlpeme señora pero seguramente van a poder poner una silla extra a la mesa, ¿no?” : Un análisis conversacional comparativo sobre la competencia pragmática en usuarios nativos y no-nativos del español. / ”Excuse me madam, but you’ll surely be able to put an extra chair to the table, won’t you?” : A comparative study in conversation analysis of the pragmatic competence between native and nonnative speakers of Spanish.

Esperanza, Lucia January 2012 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo pretende analizar el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia pragmática en usuarios nativos y no-nativos del español con origen chileno y sueco respectivamente. Se han analizado una serie de conversaciones telefónicas endolingües y exolingües y se han comparado en términos de longitud y en organización de sus secuencias de negociación. Por otro lado, también se ha observado en detalle la cantidad y tipología de marcadores lingüísticos de mitigación utilizados en ambos grupos. A partir de dicho análisis conversacional comparativo se pretendió determinar en qué medida un usuario no nativo de nivel avanzado en español inmerso en una cultura hispanohablante ha logrado dominar la segunda lengua en términos del dominio del discurso y el uso funcional de los recursos lingüísticos de acuerdo a un cierto escenario de intercambio comunicativo. Como resultado se han observado diferencias entre los usuarios nativos y no-nativos en relación con la producción de marcadores de mitigación pero no en la longitud y organización secuencial de las conversaciones. / The following paper aims at analyzing the level of development of pragmatic competence among native and nonnative Spanish speakers from Chile and Sweden. A series of endolinguistic and exolinguistic phone conversations have been analyzed and compared with regard to their length and the organization of negotiation sequences. Also, the amount and types of linguistic mitigation markers used in both groups have been accounted for. The overall aim of this comparative study in conversation analysis is to determine in which way nonnative advanced Spanish L2 speakers immersed in a Hispanic culture have been able to master the second language in terms of discourse command and functional use of linguistic resources in a given communicative activity type. Differences were found between native and nonnative speakers with regard to mitigation markers production but not in the length and organization sequence of the conversations.

Specifika výuky němčiny jako druhého jazyka v jazykově heterogenních třídách v Německu / Specific Features of Teaching German as the Second Language in Language Heterogeneous Classes in Germany

Švédová, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Intercultural competence as a conductive factor of managers' readiness for organizational change / La compétence interculturelle comme facteur contribuant de la disposition des gestionnaires au changement organisationnel

Vallejo Garcia, Jose Luis 23 May 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’identifier les compétences interculturelles qui déterminent la disposition des gestionnaires au changement organisationnel. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé l’influence des compétences interculturelles, impliquant des aptitudes cognitives, des habiletés émotives et des compétences comportementales/sociales chez les gestionnaires, sur la disposition au changement. Afin de tester notre modèle de recherche, incluant douze hypothèses principales nous avons eu recours à une enquête avec un questionnaire électronique auto-administré. Notre échantillon total compte cinq cent cinquante- sept personnes en provenance de soixante-huit pays différents. Les personnes interrogées, des salariés d’entreprises, occupent des postes à différents niveaux hiérarchiques : au niveau stratégique, mais aussi au niveau opérationnel, c’est-à- dire, des gestionnaires qui sont responsables de la planification à long terme, du contrôle du progrès, ou de la supervision quotidienne des opérations. La compréhension du concept de la compétence interculturelle était un aspect essentiel dans cette thèse de doctorat. La partie théorique a donc été écrite discrétionnairement par le chercheur au sujet des références choisies sur lesquelles le cadre conceptuel a été établi. Une partie empirique a été soutenue avec une analyse méthodologique quantitative afin de prouver qu’il y a une corrélation positive significative entre la compétence interculturelle et la disposition des gestionnaires au changement organisationnel. / The object of this thesis is to discover the intercultural competencies that determine manager’s readiness for organizational change. Through the analysis of twelve main hypotheses; regarded as intercultural competence; involving cognitive capabilities, emotional abilities and behavioural/social skills in managers; and their influence on readiness for change, the procedure to validate the general hypothesis includes an electronic self-administered questionnaire and a total of five hundred and fifty seven respondents from sixty-eight different nationalities. The respondents are managers of corporations who hold strategic, tactical or operational management positions; that is, managers who are responsible for long-term planning, progress monitoring, or day-to-day operational supervision.The understanding of the concept of intercultural competence is a central aspect in this dissertation and therefore the theoretical part has been written discretionarily by the researcher concerning the selected references upon which the conceptual framework was built. An empirical part is supported with a quantitative methodological analysis in order to prove that there is a significant positive correlation between intercultural competence and managers’ readiness for organizational change.

Assessing Intercultural Competence in Writing Programs through Linked Courses

Hadi Banat (9024011) 27 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Internationalization of higher education is a collaborative responsibility academic and non-academic programs share to facilitate the integration of various student populations within the broader culture of the university. My dissertation project links First Year Writing (FYW) classes of domestic and international students to promote and evaluate their intercultural competence development. My research questions explore the use of reflective writing as a genre for formative assessment in the writing classroom and investigate the data it provides about students’ continuous learning. My research methodology combines qualitative analysis of reflective writing and quantitative analysis of intercultural competence development. Participants come from four sections of FYW courses spanning two semesters – Spring 2016 and Fall 2017. I collected reflective writing data from four embedded reflective journals and a final reflective essay assigned to students in each section. Using a grounded scheme, I applied thematic coding analysis of reflective writing and traced frequencies of codes. I also mapped students’ reflections onto the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS; Bennett, 1993). Results from both coding methods contextualize and interpret students’ development in both intercultural competence and writing skills. I also share pedagogical, assessment, and administrative implications for more effective teaching of reflective writing and better continuous assessment of intercultural competence skills within the context of the linked course model curriculum. </p> <p> </p>

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