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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identidades inventivas : territorialidades na rede cultura viva na região sul

Dorneles, Patricia January 2011 (has links)
Ao revisitar a história da política publica de cultura do país vemos que passamos da perspectiva da tutela, da valorização do artista, do fomento reduzido ao entendimento de cultura como expressão das artes eruditas e chegamos até o mercado como definidor dos valores e linguagens culturais a partir do interesse privado de associação de suas marcas. Sabe-se que, a esquerda brasileira, expressa aqui na política do Partido dos Trabalhadores trouxe novos conceitos no campo das políticas públicas culturais, ampliando o conceito de cultura e traduzindo em ações culturais a perspectiva da democratização e da cidadania cultural. As reflexões atuais do impacto dos processos da globalização no campo cultura, que movimenta debates internacionais e políticas de respeitabilidade entre as nações, provoca questões sobre assimilação, hibridismo, interculturalidade, entre outros. As questões de identidade no mundo pós-moderno faz com que o debate em torno dos processos culturais se torne fundamental, e as relações entre o global e o local, mobiliza gestores e movimentos sociais da área cultural, na implementação de novas ações. Estas, que são pautadas em prol da democracia e da diversidade, não devem se reduzir na perspectiva deles, ao acesso a criação e a produção cultural, mas também acreditam ser estas novas ações um contraponto ao processo de globalização, tornando este processo menos homogeneizante e mais plural e diverso. Esta tese tem como proposta contribuir para novas reflexões no campo das políticas públicas de cultura, ampliando a discussão a partir da implementação do Programa Nacional Cultura Viva e das experiências estéticas vividas em ações culturais dos Pontos de Cultura pelos Agentes Cultura Viva. Identidades Inventivas – Territorialidades nas redes dos Pontos de Cultura na Região Sul, foi construída na relação entre diversos autores. Entre eles Milton Santos, Paulo Freire, Harvey, Canclini, Bauman, Foucault, Arendt e Dewey. E a voz dos adolescentes entrevistados apontam que, para além da potência de expressão simbólica e artística vividas nas ações culturais, a possibilidade de ações culturais engajadas na relação junto à vida comunitária, são potência do exercício e do desejo do bem comum. / The historical analysis of public policies towards culture in Brazil reveals the country has gone through a process of change in which the perspective of custody, the appreciation of the artist, the reduced fostering to the understanding of culture as an expression of the fine arts were replaced by the notion of the market as a definer of cultural values and languages, as a consequence of the private interest of associating their brands. It is known that the Brazilian left, represented here by the policies of the Labor Party, has brought new ideas into the field of public cultural policies, expanding the concept of culture and translating the perspective of democracy and cultural citizenship into cultural actions. The impact of globalization processes on the cultural field, which now moves international debates and respectability policies among the nations, raises questions about assimilation, hybridism and intercultural relations, among others. The issue of identity in the postmodern world renders the debate on cultural processes a crucial role, and the relationship between the global and local spheres stimulates managers and social movements in the cultural field to implement new actions. These actions, which aim at fostering democracy and diversity, should not be reduced to the access to cultural creation and production, but also be a counterpoint to globalization, making this process less homogenizing and more pluralistic and diverse. This thesis aims at contributing to new insights in the field of public cultural policies by analyzing the implementation of the National Program of Living Culture and the aesthetic experiences experienced by the Living Culture Agents in cultural activities promoted by the Culture Points. Invented Identities - Territoriality in the Networks of Southern Culture Points was based on the relationship between many authors, such as Milton Santos, Paulo Freire, Harvey, Canclini, Bauman, Foucault, Arendt and Dewey. The reports of the youngsters interviewed point out that, beyond the symbolic and artistic expression experienced in the cultural activities, the possibility of cultural actions engaged with community life are the power of exercise and of the desire of the common good.

Identity and cultural diversity in the construction of knowledge on the program of Education Postgraduate of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas / Identidad cultural y la diversidad en la construcción del conocimiento en el Programa de Postgrado en Educación de la Universidad Federal de Amazonas / Identidade e diversidade cultural na construção de conhecimentos no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Brito, Rosa Mendonça de, Brito Braga, Gisele de 10 April 2018 (has links)
The study presented here aimed to capture, interpret and understand the processes of construction of knowledge developed by the postgraduate program in education of UFAM. The plunge in their doings, in society and culture in which itis inserted, was accomplished through a case study involving theoretical research, empirical documents and guided by five main issues. The qualitative analysis of data-raised through observations and interviews-had as a guide the principles of phenomenology, hermeneutics and the dialogical and inallowed to seize the immense plot and the network of meanings weaved by energy that emerges from life of the Amazon and its world subjects which transcend, in lot, the pure logical relationships beams where humans are treated as clones, doomed to an eternal repetition. The analysis articulated perceptions of the researchers and the subjects involved with empirical research and theoretical conceptions, have revealed the richness and fertility of the Amazonian cultures and the direction of the program, which has its support in local insertion in the context with universal and hence complies fully with its function to qualify professionals for superior teaching and build knowledge that value and encouragein an intersubjective and intercultural perspective, dialogue between the different knowledges. / El estudio presentado aquí pretende capturar, interpretar y comprender los procesos de construcción de conocimiento desarrollado por el programa de postgrado en Educación de UFAM. El descenso en sus obras, en la sociedad y cultura en la que se inserta se logró através de una estudio de caso que involucra investigación teórica, documental y empírica, tutelada por cinco temas principales. El análisis cualitativo de datos —recaudados a través de observaciones y entrevistas— tuvo como guía los principios de la fenomenología, hermenéutica y la dialógica y nos ha permitido comprender la inmensa trama y la red de significados tejida por la energía que se desprende de la vida de la Amazonía y sus temas de mundo que trascienden, en mucho, las relaciones lógicas puras donde los seres humanos son tratados como clones, condenados a una repetición eterna. El análisis articula las percepciones de los investigadores y los sujetos implicados en la investigación con conceptos teóricos y los datos recogidos que han puesto de manifiesto la riqueza y fertilidad de las culturas amazónicas y el sentido del programa, que tiene su apoyo en la inserción local dentro del contexto universal y por lo tanto, cumple con su función para calificar a profesionales para la enseñanza superior y construyen el conocimiento desde una perspectiva intersubjetiva e intercultural, el diálogo entrelos diferentes saberes. / O estudo aqui apresentado teve como objetivos apreender, interpretar  ecompreender os processos de construção de conhecimentos desenvolvidos pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFAM. O mergulho nos seus fazeres, na sociedade e na cultura na qual está inserido foi realizado através de um estudo de caso envolvendo pesquisa teórica, documental e empírica orientadas por cinco questões norteadoras. A análise qualitativa dos dados —levantados através de observações e entrevistas— teve como orientação os princípios da fenomenologia, da hermenêutica e da dialógica e nos possibilitou apreender a imensa trama e a rede de significados tecida pela energia que emerge da vida dos sujeitos amazônicose do seu mundo que transcendem, em muito, os puros feixes de relações lógicas onde os seres humanos são tratados como clones, condenados a uma eterna repetição. As análises articularam as percepções dos pesquisadores e a dos sujeitos envolvidos na pesquisa empírica com as concepções teóricas e revelaram a riqueza e a fecundidade das culturas amazônicas e o sentido do Programa, que tem a sua sustentação no saber local com inserção no contexto universal e que, por isso mesmo, cumpre plenamente com a sua função de qualificar profissionais para o magistério superior e construir conhecimentos que valorizem e favoreçam, numa perspectiva intersubjetiva e intercultural, o diálogo entre os diferentes saberes.

Patrones de autoidentificación etnorracial de la población indígena en las encuestas de hogares en el Perú / Etno-racial self-identification patterns of indigenous population in household surveys in Peru

Moreno, Martín 10 April 2018 (has links)
This study defines and characterizes etno-racial self-identification patterns of the Peruvianpopulation employing the Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (Enaho) 2012. For this purpose, we have employed a module with questions recently added to this survey, in order to approach empirically to the notion of identity, combining the dimensions of native language, self-acknowledgment and the notion of indigenous population. The results are based on a latent classes analysis employing, at the same time, the information in this questions in order to identify four possible etnoracial identities. These identities are intertwined in the self-acknowledgment process with certain ancestors and customs, and also the one based on language. With the methodology and  the  data  collected,  we  haven’t  found  evidence that point that ethnic identities are multiple and fluent. The ethnic identities show certain heterogeneity in terms of the dimensions they are composed. / Este estudio define y caracteriza los patrones de autoidentificación etnorracial de la población peruana haciendo uso de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (Enaho) 2012. Para ello utilizamos un módulo con preguntas recientemente incorporado a la encuesta, el cual nos permite aproximarnos empíricamente a la noción de identidad integrando las dimensiones de la lengua o idioma materno, el autorreconocimiento y la noción de pueblo indígena. Los resultados se basan en un análisis de clases latentes usando simultáneamente la información de estas preguntas, las cuales permiten identificar hasta cuatro posibles identidades etnorraciales entretejidas en el autorreconocimiento con ciertos antepasados y costumbres, así como el que está basado en la lengua. Así, con las herramientas metodológicas usadas, y con la actual modalidad de recolección de datos, no se encuentra evidencia que indique que las identidades étnicas son múltiples y fluidas. Las identidades étnicas muestran cierta heterogeneidad en términos de las dimensiones que las componen.

Agency, Power, and Identity in Business Meetings: A Comparison Case Study Between Kuwaiti and American Organization

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation examines the organizational discourse of business meetings in a Kuwaiti financial organization (Innovative Kuwait Co., pseudonym) and an American non-profit trade organization (Global Phoenix, pseudonym). Specifically, I explore the discourse and social identities, agency, and power used in staff members' task-oriented business meetings (Bargiela-Chiappini & Harris, 1997). The study is based on ethnographic business meetings data collected during eight months of fieldwork in 2010, 2011 and 2012. I used three major qualitative methodologies: observation, audio recording, and feedback focus group. In this study, I propose three research questions: 1) How does agency of staff members reflect membership in the corporate culture of an organization as a whole? 2) How is power used in relation to agency in business meetings? And 3) How are discourse and social identities of staff members enacted in business meetings? The analyses of ethnographic and fieldwork data demonstrate similar and different business linguistic behaviors in the two companies. In Innovative Kuwait Co., male managers are responsible for opening and closing the meetings. They also perform power by using language directives and suggestions directed to staff members. In contrast, female staff members in the Kuwaiti company participated insignificantly in meetings and produce more nonverbal cues. However, in one meeting, a female manager organized the discussion by controlling topics and giving directions. In Global Phoenix, female managers outnumber their male counterparts; therefore, agency, power, discourse, and social identities are performed differently. Female managers are responsible for opening and closing the meetings and for organizing the overall discussions. Additionally, female and male staff members participate equally and they interrupted their colleagues less frequently compared to staff members in Kuwait. Interestingly, American staff members laugh and joke more together than staff members in Kuwait. The findings of this dissertation will contribute to existing linguistic literature on business discourse and the examination of social meanings and structures in organizations, explaining how language shapes the actions and relationships of business staff members. This dissertation will also encourage business people to become mindful of the role of language and language training in developing and maintaining the corporate culture of their organizations. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. English 2012

Do People Perceive Juvenile Sex Offenders Who Are Gay and Christian as Hypocrites? Social Identity Theory and Dual Identity Defendants

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: This study investigates the presence of a dual identity defendant, and how sharing an in-group can create a judgment bias. A sample of 256 participants was used to test whether there was a relationship between judgment punitiveness, perceptions of shared identity, hypocrisy and the social identities (religion and sexual orientation) of the participants and a defendant charges with a sexual offence. Results suggest that Christian participants selected more punitive outcomes for the defendant compared to non-Christian participants. Further, participants were more punitive when the defendant was gay compared to when the defendant was heterosexual. Also, when the defendant was straight there was a stronger feeling of similarity between the participants and defendant compared to when the defendant was gay, and non-Christian participants had a stronger feeling of closeness to the defendant compared to Christian participants. There was a significant interaction found, suggesting that when the defendant was Christian and gay he was seen as more hypocritical compared to when he was Christian and straight; there was no interaction when the defendant was not Christian. These findings should aid in future research and a better understanding of how dual identity defendants are perceived in the courtroom. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Psychology 2014

Les mots dans les parlers jeunes en région parisienne : analyses lexicale et sociolinguistique / The word in the youth language in Île-de-France : lexical and sociolinguistic analysis

Kaci, Nacer 21 December 2017 (has links)
Le travail présenté ici propose une étude sociolinguistique d’un corpus oral recueilli récemment, auprès de différents locuteurs en rapport avec les milieux multiculturels et plurilingues, en Île-de-France.Partant de l’hypothèse que la variation (socio)linguistique (et ses locuteurs) reste encore aujourd’hui sous estimée en dépit de l’idéologie du standard, ce travail s’interroge sur les pratiques langagières des locuteurs qui sont significatives, non en tant que formes entièrement à part, mais en tant que formes à part entière de l’environnement socioculturel des locuteurs. Pour ce faire, notre réflexion sur ces formes dites non standard se base sur la proximité communicative entre les protagonistes (Koch & Oesterreicher, 2001) qui partagent des connivences et forment un réseau serré (Eckert, 2006), favorisant l’émergence de variétés linguistiques.L’analyse des unités formelles dans les parlers jeunes ordinaires montre qu’elles sont en constantes dynamiques tant au niveau lexical qu’au niveau sémantique, par lesquelles les locuteurs situent leurs identités. En d’autres mots, des marqueurs d’identités dans lesquels s’inscrivent les représentations sociolinguistiques du sujet se font jour (Mendoza-Denton, 2000). / The following thesis offers a sociolinguistic study of a recently collected oral corpus, from various speakers who belongs to different multicultural and multilingual milieu in Île-de-France.Starting from the hypothesis that the sociolinguistic variation including its speakers remain today undervalued despite of the standards’ ideology. The following research seeks to question the language dialects of the speakers which is very significant, not a as apart dialect practice, but as sociocultural environment dialects of the speakers in its own right. With this in mind, our reflexion about these dialects identified as non-standards, is based on the communicative proximity of the protagonists (Koch & Oesterreicher, 2001) who exchange connivance and constitute a tight network (Eckert, 2006), promoting the linguistic varieties emergence. The analysis of formal unities in basic young dialects shows that the language practice is constantly progressive lexically as well as semantically, through which the speakers situate their identities. In other words, the identity markers in which are inscribed the sociolinguistics representations of the subject are updated (Mendoza-Denton, 2002).

Tourisme, patrimoine et disneylisation de la Chine contemporaine : le cas de Lijiang / Tourism, Heritage and Disneylandisation of Contemporary China : the Case of Lijiang

Bouteloup, Eric 07 April 2011 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, l’expansion du tourisme culturel, en Chine, est exponentielle : activité autrefois marginale, le tourisme occupe désormais une place importante dans la société chinoise contemporaine. Ce développement du tourisme s’est accompagné de la protection et de la réinterprétation du patrimoine historique et culturel. L’objet de cette thèse est de chercher à comprendre les interactions complexes existant entre tourisme, patrimoine et identités culturelles à travers l’exemple de Lijiang, chef-lieu de la région autonome Naxi dans la province du Yunnan et village classé sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, devenu, en quelques années, l’une des principales destinations du tourisme intérieur chinois. Et de répondre à cette question : l’instrumentalisation du patrimoine par l’industrie touristique contribue-t-elle à la disneylandisation de la Chine ou à l’émergence d’une modernité chinoise alternative ? / Since the 1970s, the expansion of tourism in China has been exponential. While previously a marginal activity, tourism now has an important role in today’s Chinese society. The purpose of this thesis is to try to understand the complex interactions between tourism, national heritage, and cultural identities through the example of the Lijiang village, county town of the Naxi autonomous region, in the Yunnan Province. Lijiang is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and has become, in a matter of a few years, one of the main destinations of inner Chinese tourism. In this thesis, we will also try to address the following question: does the use of national heritage by the touristic industry contribute to the « Disneylandisation » of China or to the emergence of an alternative Chinese modernity?

Imagens, mitemas e mitos em “A princesa e a costureira” e “Joana princesa”: construções discursivas de identidades sexuais / Images, mythemes and myths in "The princess and the seamstress ” and "Princess Joana": discursive constructions of sexual identities

Silva, Clodoaldo Ferreira Fernandes da 13 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Franciele Moreira (francielemoreyra@gmail.com) on 2018-04-25T13:01:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Clodoaldo Ferreira Fernandes da Silva - 2018.pdf: 2415792 bytes, checksum: 1b0d7833036b2d8cd11866932cec5cfc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-04-26T10:55:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Clodoaldo Ferreira Fernandes da Silva - 2018.pdf: 2415792 bytes, checksum: 1b0d7833036b2d8cd11866932cec5cfc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-26T10:55:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Clodoaldo Ferreira Fernandes da Silva - 2018.pdf: 2415792 bytes, checksum: 1b0d7833036b2d8cd11866932cec5cfc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-13 / This study presents a research which was conducted under the auspices of the PhD Program in Letters and Linguistics at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) between the years of 2015 and 2018. The investigation – Images, mythemes and myths in “The princess and the seamstress” and Princess Joana: discursive constructions of sexual identities, research follows a qualitative approach and investigates how sexual dissidences reconfigure gender identities in children's stories. The central objectives are to examine the myths in the narratives of contemporary fairy tales and to verify if they can (de)construct some identities. It is also intended to problematize myths which can possibly produce identities, as well as to investigate how the ideas expressed in the stories can insert or exclude sexual diversity in the contemporary world. Another purpose of the research is to discuss the relationship between gender identities constructed in the stories and their socially pre-established roles, in order to analyze how the myth is proposed in contemporary narrative of fairy tales. The corpus of our analysis was made up of two fairy tales written by Janaína Leslão which were published in Brazil from 2015 to 2016. These tales were entitled The Princess and the Seamstress, and Princess Joana. The analysis of the texts followed the theoretical and methodological principles of the Anthropology of the Imaginary and the interpretations were subsidized by the scientific method named mythcritic as proposed by Gilbert Durand. The results indicate that there is a renewal of the myths that subsidize new identity constructions about sexual dissidences. / O presente estudo advém de uma pesquisa de doutorado desenvolvido no Programa de Pós Graduação em Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) no período de 2015 a 2018. A pesquisa intitulada ―Imagens, mitemas e mitos em “A princesa e a costureira” e ― “Joana princesa”: construções discursivas de identidades sexuais, segue uma abordagem qualitativa e investiga de que maneira as dissidências sexuais vão reconfigurar as identidades de gêneros nas histórias infanto-juvenis. Tem-se como objetivo central examinar os mitos presentes nas narrativas dos contos de fada contemporâneos e verificar se podem (des)construir algumas identidades. Pretende-se também, problematizar possíveis mitos, os quais podem ser produtores de identidades e investigar de que maneira as ideias presentes nos contos podem ser capazes de inserir ou excluir a diversidade sexual no mundo contemporâneo. A investigação se propõe, ainda, discutir a relação entre a identidade de gênero construída nos contos e os papéis pré-estabelecidos socialmente; para em seguida, analisar como o mito presente nos contos de fada é proposto na narrativa contemporânea. Nossa investigação teve como corpus dois contos de fada da autora Janaína Leslão, publicados no Brasil entre os anos de 2015 e 2016. A saber: A Princesa e a Costureira e Joana Princesa. A análise dos textos seguiram as tramas teóricas metodológicas da Antropologia do Imaginário e as interpretações foram subsidiadas pelo método científico da mitocrítica proposto por Gilbert Durand. Os resultados apontam que há uma renovação dos mitos que subsidiam novas construções identitárias acerca das dissidências sexuais.

Os jovens, a congada, e a cidade: percursos e identidades de jovens congadeiros em Goiânia , Goiás / Young people, congada and the city: pathways and identities of young congadeiros in Goiania, Goias

Damascena, Adriane Alvaro 23 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-11-19T11:02:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Adriane Alvaro Damascena - 2012.pdf: 8038693 bytes, checksum: 58cadfbdfcde678440179d3c5e9c98c9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-11-19T11:31:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Adriane Alvaro Damascena - 2012.pdf: 8038693 bytes, checksum: 58cadfbdfcde678440179d3c5e9c98c9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-19T11:31:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Adriane Alvaro Damascena - 2012.pdf: 8038693 bytes, checksum: 58cadfbdfcde678440179d3c5e9c98c9 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-23 / This study attempted to know how is produced the dynamic relationship between young people, the city and ‘congada’, which formed the tripod that substantiated the research. From the young ‘congadeiros’ was possible to understand how the socio-spatial practices were shaped, in Goiania, not only from the 'congada' but from young people themselves. For this purpose, we turn to literature on the subject, and the fieldwork, which involved the photographic record, questionnaire and interview. The ‘congada’, which is celebrated by the ‘ternos de congo’, has its main performance in the festivities of Our Lady of the Rosary. Young people were the main channel of translation for the possible connections that link the existence and permanence of ‘congada’ in the city. For this, we considered both the elements of the objective reality of young ‘congadeiros’ people from Goiania as the subjective dimension of their juvenile condition in order to understand how ‘congada’ is been renewed, and which is the contribution of youth to a new understanding of ‘congada’ in the modern and urban space. Studying these aspects allowed look at the city of Goiania by a kaleidoscope provided by human geography and its branches in contact with other areas of knowledge, important perspective in seeking to understand the world and place. This pathway led to the realization that the young, when ‘congadeiro’ builds a very particular way of experiencing the city and its own juvenile condition, at the same time that assign new meaning to the permanence of ‘congada’ in Goiania. / Este trabalho procurou conhecer como se dá a dinâmica produzida pela relação entre os jovens, a cidade e a congada, os quais formaram o tripé que fundamentou a pesquisa. A partir dos jovens congadeiros foi possível compreender como, em Goiânia, se configuram as práticas socioespaciais tanto da congada quanto dos próprios jovens. Para isso, recorremos à bibliografia referente à temática e ao trabalho de campo, que implicou o registro fotográfico, questionário e entrevista. A congada, que é celebrada por meio dos ternos de congo, tem sua principal atuação nos festejos que comemoram Nossa Senhora do Rosário. Os jovens foram o principal canal de tradução para conhecer as possíveis conexões que apontam a existência e a permanência da congada na cidade. Para isso, consideramos tanto os elementos da realidade objetiva dos jovens congadeiros de Goiânia como a dimensão subjetiva da sua condição juvenil, no intuito de entender como a congada se refaz e qual a contribuição dos jovens para um novo entendimento sobre a congada no espaço urbano e moderno. Estudar esses aspectos possibilitou olhar a cidade de Goiânia por um caleidoscópio ensejado pela geografia humana e suas vertentes em contato com outras áreas de conhecimento, perspectiva importante na busca do entendimento do mundo e do lugar. Esse trajeto levou à compreensão de que o jovem, ao ser congadeiro, constrói uma maneira muito particular de vivenciar a cidade e a sua própria condição juvenil, ao mesmo tempo em que atribui um novo sentido à permanência da congada na cidade de Goiânia.

A palavra (re)inventada: pelos caminhos da harmonia e da violência (uma leitura de estórias de João Guimarães Rosa e José Luandino Vieira) / The (re)invented word: by the paths of harmony and violence (a reading of stories by João Guimarães Rosa and José Luandino Vieira)

Cristiane Santana Silva 13 October 2010 (has links)
O trabalho ora apresentado tem como proposta a leitura, sob o pondo de vista comparatista das estórias presentes em Primeiras estórias, de João Guimarães Rosa, publicado pela primeira vez em 1962, e No antigamente, na vida, de José Luandino Vieira, de 1974. Parte-se do mapeamento do percurso da (re)invenção inscrita no tempo da infância, para posteriormente, sob o recorte da caracterização das personagens infantis, verificar a ficcionalização da violência através destas personagens, marcadas por dois movimentos distintos: através da compreensão da presença ou do passado colonial e das identificações nacionais, do intento harmonizador, em Guimarães Rosa, e da evidenciação da violência, temática e estruturalmente, em Luandino Viera. / The presented dissertation has as purpose a literary reading through a comparative point of view between the shorts stories from the books: Primeiras Estórias, written by João Guimarães Rosa, published for the first time in 1962 and No antigamente, na vida, by José Luandino Vieira, published in 1974. It is started with a map of the pathway of (re)invention, set in childhood time. After that, it is checked the fiction process of the violence made up through the infantile characters marked by for two distinguished movements: through the comprehension of the presence of the colonial past and national identification, through the harmonic intent present in Guimarães Rosa writings and also through the disclosure of violence, that is thematic and structural José Luandino Vieira short stories.

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