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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

the Moral Institute of Higher Fiction

Tengvall, Olga January 2015 (has links)
The Moral Institute of Higher Fiction is an independent institute acting on urban issues in the city of Stockholm through critical spatial experiments that operate on the threshold between fact and fiction, challenging our assumptions about architectural realities. The work of the institute dates back through history and also contributes the critical projections of possible futures. It traverses, and even collapses relations between temporal and spatial continuity, in order to comment on contemporary Swedish society. We engage in our given commissions by investigating their charge of affect and ideas; how these contain and transmit the thoughts and ideas that preoccupy contemporary society, shifting our relations to ecologies, challenging skepticism and stirring belief and action - all through the telling of stories. This thesis diploma design research explores the invented construction of the MIHF in order to investigate the status of architectural reality, specifically to assert that architecture is more than merely built form and emerges instead on the threshold between fact and fiction. It follows that the design research uses the notion of the plausible, or how far a suspension of disbelief can be maintained in exploring the precarious zone where fact and fiction intersect. The research also poses questions about the temporal and spatial alterations of both architecture and society - in the search for a future field of architectural practice that consciously intervenes in a politics of space and challenges what architecture is most often assumed to be. A perpetual reconstruction of the Moral Institute of Higher Fiction is undertaken to address societal ills, including xenophobia, fear and loneliness, set against the backdrop of the city of Stockholm. All of the commissions that are undertaken by the institute actively take part in its current embodiment which is sited on the northern shore of Royal Djurgården. Manifesting as architecture, this is where the stories of the Moral Institute of Higher Fiction unfold. / Det Moraliska Institutet för Högre Fiction är ett oberoende institut som arbetar med urbana frågor i Stockholm genom kritiska spatiala experiment som opererar på tröskeln mellan fakta och fiktion och utmanar vår förförståelse av arkitektoniska verkligheter. Institutets arbete sträcker sig bakåt i tiden men bidrar också till kritiska projektioner ov möjliga framtider. Det korsar, och till och med kollapsar relationer mellan tid och rum för att kunna kommentera det nutida svenska samhället. Vi engagerar oss i våra uppdrag genom att undersöka deras laddning av affekt och idéer, hur dessa innehas och överförs till och av tankar och idéer som återfinns i vårt nutida samhälle, som skiftar relationer till ekologier, utmanar skepticism och blandar tro med aktion - allt genom att berätta berättelser. Det här examensarbetet utforskar den uppfunna konstruktionen av MIHF för att undersöka den arkitektoniska verklighetens status, särskilt för att försäkra att arkitekturen är mer än endast byggd form och att den istället uppkommer på tröskeln mellan fakta och fiktion. Undersökningen använder sig utav begreppet ‘sannolikt’, eller hur långt en uttänjning av en ‘misstro’ kan dras och upprätthållas för att utforska den prekära zonen där fakta och fiktion möts. Undersökningen ställer också frågor om tidsmässiga och rumsliga förändringar inom både arkitekturen och samhället, i ett sökande efter ett framtida fält av arkitekturpraktik som medvetet deltar i det politiska rummet och utmanar vad arkitekturen allra oftast anses vara. En ständigt pågående rekonstruktion av det Moraliska Institutet för Högre Fiktion företas för att adressera missförhållanden i samhället, förnärvarande: främlingsfientlighet, rädsla och ensamhet, utspelade med Stockholm som fond. Alla institutets uppdrag är aktivt bidragande till dess nuvarande (temporära) förkroppsligande, placerat på Kungliga Djurgårdens norra strand. Manifesterade som arkitektur, är det här som det Moraliska Institutet för Högre Fiktions berättelser avslöjas.

Så styr algoritmer ditt flöde : En studie om personliga algoritmer inom sociala medier / How algorithms control your feed : A study about personal algorithms on social media

Larsson, Matilda, Nilsson, Nelly January 2021 (has links)
Sociala medier är ett fenomen som utvecklats drastiskt under de senaste 20 åren. Instagram och Facebook är två av de mest använda sociala medieplattformarna som har utvecklats markant med digitaliseringen. År 2016 ändrade Instagram sin algoritm, och 2018 gjorde Facebook samma sak. Algoritmerna syftar nu till att skräddarsy användarnas flöde för att visa det som är mest relevant till respektive konto och föra människor närmare varandra. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur Instagrams och Facebooks algoritmer fungerar och påverkar människor. Arbetet ska klargöra hur en algoritm uppfattas, hur plattformarna kan ha gått ifrån sina ursprungliga användningssyften och vilka etiska frågor som väckts till liv i processen. För att uppfylla studiens syfte skapas en undersökning utifrån tre generationer för att studera hur algoritmer påverkar människor och den roll som algoritmer spelar i samhället. Arbetet tar upp såväl positiva som negativa aspekter i relation till algoritmer. En kvalitativ undersökning med kvantifierbar data grundar strukturerade intervjuer i form av webbaserade frågeformulär. I ett första stadie ska respondenterna svara på ett frågeformulär. I nästa stadie ska respondenterna titta på dokumentärfilmen The Social Dilemma och sedan svara på efterföljande frågor i ett avslutande skede.

Real & Imagined Foundational Narratives in the Context of Colonialism - Resurfacing Through A Phenomenological Separation of Body & Skin

Lindberg, Carin Susanne Margareta January 2020 (has links)
Denna artikel försöker utveckla Sara Ahmeds forskning om fenomenologi för att inkludera en fenomenologisk separation av kropp och hud för att förstå pågående kolonialism i Australien/Country. Det hävdas att kolonisatörens misstro till den koloniserade personens kunskapsproduktionen har lett till att kolonisatören har skapat en imaginär grundläggande nationsberättelse. Det hävdas vidare att kolonialismen kommer att fortsätta fram tills att kolonisatören kan skapa en verklig grundläggande nationsberättelse och i sin tur kan detta inte ske förrän den koloniserade personens kunskapsproduktion erkänns. / This paper is attempting to develop Sara Ahmed’s research on phenomenology to include a phenomenological separation of body and skin in order to understand ongoing colonialism in Australia/Country. It is argued that coloniser rejection of colonisee knowledge production has led to a coloniser imaginary foundational narrative. Further, it is argued, colonialism cannot come to an end until the coloniser can create a real foundational narrative and, in turn, this cannot occur until colonisee knowledge production is acknowledged.

Class Numbers of Ray Class Fields of Imaginary Quadratic Fields

Kucuksakalli, Omer 01 May 2009 (has links)
Let K be an imaginary quadratic field with class number one and let [Special characters omitted.] be a degree one prime ideal of norm p not dividing 6 d K . In this thesis we generalize an algorithm of Schoof to compute the class number of ray class fields [Special characters omitted.] heuristically. We achieve this by using elliptic units analytically constructed by Stark and the Galois action on them given by Shimura's reciprocity law. We have discovered a very interesting phenomena where p divides the class number of [Special characters omitted.] . This is a counterexample to the elliptic analogue of a well-known conjecture, namely the Vandiver's conjecture.

Swedish Pandemic Preparedness Plans and the Existential Pandemic Threat : A Pandemic Imaginary Perspective

Eskilsson, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
Pandemiberedskap är central ur ett säkerhets- och folkhälsoperspektiv. Uppsatsens fokus ligger på existentiell riskuppfattning i Folkhälsomyndighetens pandemiberedskapsplaner från 2019 och 2023. För analysen detta används ett perspektiv som utvecklats av en medicinsk antropolog vid namn Christos Lynteris. På engelska kallar han perspektivet för pandemic imaginary som grovt översatt till svenska blir pandemiska imaginär. Syftet är att undersöka hur riskuppfattningen för närvarande är konstruerad och hur den har förändrats från 2019 till 2023, åren för COVID-19-pandemin. Denna studie kommer inte att undersöka processerna bakom riskuppfattningen, utan enbart hur riskstrukturen ser ut och hur den har förändrats. Studien undersöker hur konceptet hot och värden har förskjutits både i direkta termer som det presenteras i beredskapsplanerna för pandemier och från ett perspektiv av pandemiska imaginär som hjälper till att förklara hur vissa metanarrativ har förskjutits från en mer existentiellt inriktad riskuppfattning 2019 till ett mindre existentiellt inriktat perspektiv 2023. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ systematisk och diskursiv läsning av beredskapsplanerna med fokus på teorin om pandemiska imaginär och riskuppfattning. Resultaten visade en förskjutning från en lågt existentiellt inriktad hotbild 2019 till en ännu lägre existentiellt inriktad hotbild 2023, som kort sagt kan sägas skapa en bild av pandemihotet som icke-existentiellt hotande och likartat till den omfattning som COVID-19 och de influensapandemier som har varit de senaste århundradets pandemier. Det visade också en förskjutning mot ett ökad fokus på individuell frihet och framställde motåtgärderna som tas mot pandemin som ett av de mest centrala hoten i ett pandemiscenario, det vill säga att röra sig bort från död och sjukdom som huvudkaraktär av en pandemi till att en pandemi är en kris och en orsak till samhällsstörning som drabbar individen. Denna uppsats är skriven på engelska.

How Race Dictates Space

Apparicio, Alexis Jada 22 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Entrepreneurship and Degrowth: Promise or Oxymoron?

Khorasani, Niki 03 January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

"At Home in My Father's World" : A Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Feminist Criticism on Scout Finch’s Identity and the Pursuit of the Symbolic Order

Bantilan, Rona Grace January 2024 (has links)
This paper takes a psychoanalytic approach to analyse the protagonist Scout Finch’s identity formation and her rebellion against social expectations of femininity. Her aggressiveness plays a central role in her character development, reflecting Maycomb’s societal struggle in dealing with discontent in its social, political, and economic situations. Understanding the dynamics behind her aggression and life choices is examined through Lacanian concepts of lack and desire in the context of the Imaginary and Symbolic Order. Her desires are substantiated explicitly and implicitly through her pursuit of emulating the father figure—the Symbolic Order, and the aggressiveness in her behaviour stems from the premature severance from the Imaginary Order, which parallels the defeat that Maycomb experienced in the American Civil War. As a result, Scout Finch’s identity is heavily influenced by the values and ideologies of the father figure, as well as the social conventions dictated by her society.

Imagining an Astronaut: Space Flight and the Production of Korea's Future

Chung, Seungmi 26 June 2020 (has links)
This dissertation examines the debates and discourses surrounding the Korean Astronaut Program (KAP) using the concepts of sociotechnical imaginaries, sociotechnical vanguards, and the construction of expertise. Based on documentary analysis and oral interviews, this research considers KAP as an example of how the visions of sociotechnical vanguards conflict and their failure to construct a unified sociotechnical imaginary. Furthermore, it contends that the expertization of the Korean astronaut failed because of the public openness of KAP. KAP was proposed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and run by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). These two sociotechnical vanguards, MOST and KARI, provided different visions to the Korean public sphere, which already ascribed to its own image of an astronaut. MOST imagined the future Korea as a science-loving nation in which especially the next generations would have a strong interest in science and technology. Thus, MOST defined KAP as a science popularizing program and the Korean astronaut as a science popularizer. However, imagining a better Korea with better science and technology, KARI defined KAP as a research program that would lead to human space flight technology and considered the Korean astronaut a space expert. However, in the Korean public sphere, the widely shared expectation was a better Korea with a Korean heroic astronaut, because having a hero similar to that in other countries could position Korea on par with other advanced countries. These three visions conflicted in Korean society during KAP, and none of them succeeded in becoming the dominant sociotechnical imaginary. This elicited severe criticism of KAP and the Korean astronaut. KAP was also a good example of expertization with public openness. Credibility is the most important part of modern scientific practice. Without credibility, scientific experts cannot exercise their authority. Credibility rests on social markers such as academic degrees, track records, and institutional affiliation. However, these social markers are not suddenly assigned to an expert, who spends much time and effort attaining them. Rather, experts are made in a continuous process of improvement. Therefore, this research focuses on the process through which a person becomes an expert in emerging science and proposes the new terminology: expertization. Usually, the expertization process is hidden behind a public image. People do not know how experts obtain social markers, despite believing that these verify expertise. However, when the expertization process open to the public, it could be easily destroyed. KARI tried to position the Korean astronaut as a space expert. The first Korean astronaut did not become an expert overnight, but emerged as such to the Korean public through a selection process, training, and spaceflight. However, unlike other expertization, all steps comprising KAP were broadcast, and the expertization of Dr. Soyeon Yi, the first Korean astronaut, was open to the public. Consequently, her expertise was questioned each time the public found an element that did not satisfy their expectations. This research also clarifies the meaning of gender in emerging science. Dr. Soyeon Yi became the first Korean astronaut before any Korean male. In this way, KAP provided an important meaning to women in science, especially in the field of emerging science, which is usually dominated by males. Through these discussions, this research expands the application of sociotechnical imaginary and expert studies. It also enhances understanding of these discourses in Korean society, and stimulates discussions of the negative consequences of research programs. / Doctor of Philosophy / In April 2008, the first Korean Astronaut, Dr. Soyeon Yi, was launched to the International Space Station. The Korean nation welcomed their astronaut and believed this marked Korea's entry into the space age. However, before long, this aspiration changed to severe criticism. This research analyzes the Korean Astronaut Program (KAP) from its proposal to after its spaceflight in terms of its reception by Korean society. The Korean Astronaut Program was proposed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to overcome the science and engineering crisis in 2004. As such, MOST defined KAP as a science-popularization program and the Korean astronaut as a science popularizer. However, as the first human space program in Korea, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI), who ran KAP, considered it a research program to achieve human spaceflight technology and the Korean astronaut a space expert. These two different understandings were communicated to the Korean public sphere. However, the Korean pubic already had its own image of the "heroic" astronaut based on other countries' space programs and popular culture. The public thought that having an astronaut would position the country on par with other countries. Because the visions of MOST, KARI, and the Korean public differed, KAP could not satisfy the expectations of all three actors. In addition, the process through which Dr. Yi became the first Korean astronaut was opened to the Korean public. Consequently, when the public found an element that did not satisfy their expectations, they doubted Dr. Yi as a space expert, bringing about severe criticism of KAP and the concept of the Korean astronaut.

Unearth : Imaginary Geographies of the Subself

Gilroy Barrett, Jamie January 2024 (has links)
The essay explores memory, tacit knowledge, and time in relation to place. It aims to uncover insights into working with place and proposes a method of rupture and pause as a conceptual technique for addressing personal and collective narratives of trauma. Following a folkloric tradition of place and landscape as an embodiment of collective sadness, the essay seeks to find an intuitively driven framework for mapping of memory within imaginary spatial objects and sites. The essay utilises the ground plane as a metaphor for the present and the tangible, treating the act of ‘the dig’ as poetic instrument for the imaginary and temporal implementation within the essay. The ground is an essential dependency of metaphysics, and the text plays on this in a literal and material sense, using motifs of bogs, mires and unstable terrain. The subject of the essay is situated predominately within an Irish context of folklore and recent history. The essay is a testimony to the joy and the pain of working with place and how one is embroiled into the process subconsciously.

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