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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zirkulierende Nukleinsäuren im zellfreien Plasma von LTx-Patienten als Frühmarker einer Schädigung des Spenderorgans / Use of Graft-Derived Cell-Free DNA as an Organ Integrity Biomarker after Liver Transplantation (LTx)

Kanzow, Philipp Clemens 29 September 2014 (has links)
Meine Untersuchungen zeigen, dass es sich bei der zellfreien DNA (cfDNA, engl. cell-free DNA) des Spenderorgans (GcfDNA, engl. graft-derived cell-free DNA) um einen klinisch vielversprechenden Biomarker zur direkten Ermittlung der Organschädigung im Sinne einer „flüssigen Biopsie“ handelt. Alles was dafür notwendig ist, ist eine Blutprobe des Empfängerpatienten. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Markern wird die Organschädigung unmittelbar, direkt und hochspezifisch angezeigt. Durch neue Entwicklungen in der Labordiagnostik lässt sich dieser Marker im routinemäßigen Einsatz mittels digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) bestimmen. Die Analyseergebnisse können bei verhältnismäßig niedrigen Kosten innerhalb eines Arbeitstages erstellt werden. Unmittelbar nach Transplantation ist bei allen Patienten eine sehr hohe Konzentration der GcfDNA messbar. Innerhalb von wenigen Tagen fallen die Werte schnell ab und erreichen die Größenordnung stabiler Transplantatempfänger, die in der Lebertransplantation unter 10% liegen. Dabei besteht keine signifikante Korrelation der initialen GcfDNA-Freisetzung mit der Ischämieschädigung des Spenderorgans, ermittelt durch die Dauer der kalten Ischämiezeit (WIZ). Bei unzureichender Immunsuppression ist eine erhöhte GcfDNA-Freisetzung zu beobachten. Mithilfe der GcfDNA als Marker der Organintegrität lässt sich auch der gemeinsame Effekt verschiedener Immunsuppressiva ermitteln. Die GcfDNA verhält sich dabei umgekehrt proportional zur immunsuppressiven Therapie. Patienten mit akuten Abstoßungen haben im Mittel GcfDNA-Werte oberhalb von 50%. Die GcfDNA-Werte sind bereits mehrere Tage vor einer klinisch manifestierten akuten Abstoßung erhöht. Auch eine virusassoziierte Transplantatschädigung durch Hepatitis C manifestiert sich in vergleichsweise höheren GcfDNA-Werten. Cholestasen gehen hingegen nicht mit erhöhten GcfDNA-Werten einher. Die immunsuppressive Therapie könnte sich durch den routinemäßigen Einsatz der GcfDNA sicherer, einfacher, zuverlässiger und individueller gestalten lassen. Unter-Immunsuppressionen und daraus resultierende Abstoßungen würden sich bereits in der subklinischen Phase erkennen lassen und die Therapie von der bloßen Reaktion auf klinische Ereignisse hin zur Prävention verschieben. Um das Ziel einer personalisierten Medizin zu erreichen, könnte die Immunsuppression für jeden Patienten auf das absolut notwendige und damit gegenüber der bisherigen Praxis optimale Maß festgelegt werden. Geringere Nebenwirkungen und eine Reduktion der Kosten für das Gesundheitswesen wären die Konsequenz. Dieser Marker könnte dazu beitragen, das finale Ziel, nämlich eine Verbesserung des Langzeiterfolges nach Organtransplantationen, zu erreichen. Multizentrische Studien zur Validierung dieses Markers vor dem routinemäßigen Einsatz laufen bereits.

Pesquisa de marcadores sorológicos e moleculares da infecção pelo Vírus da Hepatite E (HEV) em indivíduos portadores do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) / Serological and molecular markers of hepatitis E virus infection (HEV) in HIV-infected individuals

Ariana Carolina Ferreira 28 April 2016 (has links)
A infecção pelo HEV é reconhecida como um considerável problema de saúde pública em diversas regiões do mundo. Embora caracterizada como uma infecção benigna com um curso evolutivo autolimitado, recentes estudos têm mostrado sua evolução para cronicidade em indivíduos imunocomprometidos. Além disso, tem sido verificado que nesses indivíduos a infecção crônica pelo HEV pode evoluir para fibrose hepática progressiva, culminando com o desenvolvimento de cirrose. Não existem dados acerca da prevalência da infecção pelo HEV em pacientes infectados pelo HIV no Brasil, onde a circulação deste vírus tem sido demonstrada em diversos grupos de indivíduos imunocompetentes e, até mesmo, em alguns animais provenientes de diferentes regiões do país. Com base nisso, este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos e moleculares da infecção pelo HEV, bem como a padronização de uma PCR em tempo real para a detecção e quantificação da carga viral do HEV na população de soropositivos da cidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídos neste estudo soro e plasma de pacientes infectados pelo HIV (n=354), que foram divididos em grupos de acordo com a presença ou ausência de coinfecção pelos vírus das hepatites B (HBV) e C (HCV). Essas amostras foram coletadas entre 2007 e 2013. Anticorpos anti-HEV IgM e IgG foram pesquisados pela técnica de ELISA (RecomWell HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®), e, em alguns casos, confirmados por Immunoblotting (RecomLine HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®). Todas as amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa de HEV RNA através da PCR em tempo real padronizada. Cerca de 72% dos indivíduos avaliados pertenciam ao sexo masculino. A média de idade entre a população analisada foi de 48,4 anos. Os anticorpos anti-HEV IgM e IgG foram encontrados em 1,4% e 10,7% dos indivíduos dessa população, respectivamente. Apenas dois pacientes apresentaram positividade simultânea para anti-HEV IgM e IgG. Não houve diferença estatisticamente relevante quanto à presença de marcadores sorológicos nos grupos de estudo. Além disso, foi detectado o HEV RNA em 10,7% das amostras analisadas, entre as quais, seis apresentaram simultaneamente algum marcador sorológico (5 anti-HEV IgG e 1 IgM). A presença deste marcador foi predominante no grupo de pacientes com coinfecção pelo HCV. Através deste trabalho pôde-se constatar, portanto, que o HEV é circulante entre a população de infectados pelo HIV em São Paulo, e que o seguimento desses pacientes se faz necessário dado a possibilidade de progressão para infecção crônica e cirrose / HEV infection is recognized as a significant public health problem in different world regions. Although initially characterized as a benign infection with selflimited course, recent studies have showing its evolution to chronicity in immunocompromised individuals. Furthermore, in these individuals the chronic infection can develop progressive liver fibrosis leading to cirrhosis. There are no data regarding prevalence of HEV infections in HIV- infected patients in Brazil, where the circulation of this virus has been demonstrated in different individuals groups and in some animals from different regions of the country. Based on this, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of serological and molecular makers of HEV infection and the standardization of real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of HEV viral load in HIV-infected individuals in São Paulo. Serum and plasma samples of HIV-infected patients (n=354), collected between 2007 and 2013, were included and organized in groups of co-infection (HIV/ HBV, HIV/HCV and HIV/ HBV/ HCV) and HIV mono-infection. Antibodies anti-HEV IgM and IgG were detected by ELISA (RecomWell HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®), and in some cases confirmed by immunoblotting (RecomLine HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®). All samples were submitted to research HEV RNA by real-time PCR. About 72% of the patients were male. The mean age of this population was 48.4 years. The anti-HEV IgM and IgG antibodies were found in 1.4% and 10.7%, respectively. Only two patients presented simultaneous anti-HEV IgM and anti- HEV IgG. There was no statistically significant difference in the presence of serological makers among the HIV infection groups. In addition, HEV RNA was detected in 10.7% of samples and six of these samples presented simultaneously a serological maker (5 anti-HEV IgG and 1 IgM). The presence of this maker was more frequent in the co-infection HIV/ HCV group. Through this work, we observed that HEV is circulating among the HIV-infected population in São Paulo, and the monitoring these patients is necessary because of the possibility progression to chronic infection and cirrhosis

Modelo experimental de doença do enxerto versus hospedeiro após transplante de intestino delgado / Experimental model of graft versus host disease after small intestine transplantation

Flávio Henrique Ferreira Galvao 10 February 1998 (has links)
A doença do enxerto versus hospedeiro (DEVH) é uma grave complicação do transplante de órgãos sólidos, com alta mortalidade. Seu estudo tem sido limitado pela carência de modelos experimentais apropriados. Descreve-se um modelo de DEVH baseado no aumento do quimerismo, sua evolução clínica, histopatológica, do número das células quiméricas, do perfil das citocinas e da tolerância imunológica. Ratos Lewis (LEW) foram submetidos a transplante simultâneo de intestino delgado e medula óssea provenientes de ratos ACI (grupo de estudo - E) ou LEW (grupo controle - C), tratados com FK-506 (1 mg/Kg/dia) entre o 0 e 13o PO, e uma dose semanal daí por diante. Os ratos foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: E1- 6 ratos sacrificados no 120o PO. E2- 8 ratos após apresentarem sinais clínicos graves de DEVH entre o 189o e o 271o PO. Como controle, ratos LEW foram receptores dos mesmos tipos de enxertos provenientes de ratos LEW, submetidos à mesma imunossupressão e foram assim divididos: C1- 6 ratos sacrificados no 120o PO, C2- 5 ratos sacrificados entre o 223o e o 270o PO. A citometria de fluxo foi realizada para quantificar a porcentagem das células linfóides de ACI doadores no sangue periférico nos E1, E2 em 6 períodos: 30o PO, 65o PO, 95o PO, 120o PO, 160o PO, 200o PO. Os animais foram examinados 2 vezes por semana à procura de sinais de DEVH (rash cutâneo, perda de peso, de pelo e hiperqueratose). No sacrifício dos animais do grupo E1 e C1, foram colhidas amostras de língua (LI), de linfonodos cervicais (LC), intestino delgado do receptor e do enxerto para análise das citocinas IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase. Em todos os grupos foram também colhidas amostras destes órgãos para histopatologia e nos animais do grupo E2 linfonodos cervicais foram processados para análise da reatividade celular por meio da reação mista dos linfócitos (MLR). A evolução clínica e histopatológica foi graduada de 0 a 3 de acordo com a severidade dos sintomas e do infiltrado mononuclear das amostras. Os ratos dos grupos E1 e E2 iniciaram sinais da DEVH entre o 84o e 115o PO. Os ratos dos grupos C1 e C2 não apresentaram evidência de DEVH. Amostras de LI e LC dos ratos do grupo E1 apresentaram alterações histopatológicas grau 2 e do grupo E2 apresentaram alterações histopatológicas grau 3, respectivamente. Nenhuma alteração histopatológica foi encontrada nos ratos do grupo controle e em amostras do ID. Nenhuma alteração histopatológica foi encontrada no intestino delgado do receptor e do enxerto. O aumento da porcentagem de células do doador no sangue periférico do receptor foi progressivo chegando a 5,4±2.3% no 10o período, 21±4,6% no 3o período e 39,3±4% no 6o período. IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gma e TNF-alfa estiveram aumentados em língua e IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa em linfonodos cervicais. Os linfócitos de ratos do grupo E2 mostraram hiporreatividade aos de ratos ACI e hiperreatividade aos de ratos PVG (terceira parte) denotando tolerância imunológica. Neste modelo experimental há uma inexorável evolução imunológica para DEVH; existe correlação direta entre o aumento do quimerismo em sangue periférico e da expressão de citocinas em língua e linfonodos cervicais e a severidade da DEVH, além da indução de tolerância imunológica do rato do grupo E2 quimérico ao rato ACI normal. / Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) has been a major concern after small bowel transplantation (SBTX) and the lack of suitable experimental models has limited the study of GVHD after solid organ transplantation. Here we describe a re1evant experimental model of GVHD after fully allogeneic SBTX based on chimerism augmentation, its clinical and histophatological evolution, cytokine involvement, responsible donor cell and immunologic tolerance analysis. LEW rat recipients received orthotopic SBTX and simultaneous donor bone marrow cell infusion (250x106), from ACI rats (experimental group - E) or LEW (control group C). FK-506 was administered dayly at a dose of 1 mg/kg on day 0 to 13, then continued as a weekly injection of same dose until the experimental end point. The recipients were divided in the following groups: E1 - 6 rats sacrificed at 120° POD. E2 - 8 rats sacrificed with critical GVHD between DPO 189 to 271. LEW recipient of LEW grafts, under the same immunossupression were used as control and divided as: C1 - 6 rats sacrificed at POD 120; C2- 5 rats sacrificed between 223 and 270 POD the number of donor cell in the recipient circulation was determined by flowcytometry in 6 pos-operative time: 30, 65, 95, 120, 160, 200. The rats were analyzed twice a week for body weigh and searching for signs of GVHD (cutaneous rush, hiperkeratosis and loss of hair and body weigh). At the sacrificed, samples from tongue (TG), cervical lymph node (CLN), donor (SBD) and recipient (SBR) small bowel were taken from all animals for histophatology and from E1 and C1l animals for IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa cytokines analysis using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Samples from cervical lynph nodes of 5 animals from group E2 were used for mixed lymphocyte reaction for tolerance analysis. The clinical and histophatological evolution of the disease were evaluated from degree 0 to 3 according to the severity. GVHD in E1 and E2 animals started between 84 and 115 POD. Histophatological analysis of TG and CLN showed that E1 animals present GVHD grade 2 and E2 animals grade 3. The increase of donors cells in the recipient circulation was progressive and account for 5.4± 2.3% at POD 30, 21.4±4.6% at POD 95 and 39.3±4% at POD 200. IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa were upregulated in CLN and IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa were upregulated in TG when compared with the respective controls. The lymphocytes from E2 group showed hyporeactivety to lymphocytes of normal ACI and hypereactivety to those of PVG, meaning tolerance. No cytokines alteration was noted in SBD neither SBR. Animals from group C1 and C2 did not present any sign of disease. This result show that GVHD is a inexoravel evolution under the experimental conditions of this study and the evolution of the disease is near correlated with the augmentation of the donor cells in the recipient circulation and upregulation of cytokines gene expression in target organs. Tolerance to the same donor strain lynphocytes was also noted.

Studies on bone marrow-derived stem cells in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Miettinen, J. (Johanna) 16 March 2011 (has links)
Abstract Intracoronary administration of autologous bone marrow derived stem cells (BMC) has been postulated to repair the myocardial damage in patients who have suffered acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The aim of this study was to find determinants for the left ventricular functional recovery after BMC treatment of STEMI and to study the effect of BMC treatment on different biochemical and clinical parameters associated with the outcome of STEMI patients. In this study, STEMI patients treated with thrombolysis were randomly assigned to receive either intracoronary BMC (n=39) or placebo (n=39) into the infarct related artery at the time of percutaneous coronary intervention. The efficacy of the BMC treatment was assessed by measurement of the change of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) from baseline to six months after STEMI. Two-dimensional echocardiography was used to assess PA pressure, LV systolic and diastolic function. Blood samples were drawn for biochemical determinations at several time points and BMCs were cultured in the laboratory for in vitro analyses. In the BMC group, the most powerful determinant of the change of LVEF was the baseline LVEF. Patients with baseline LVEF at or below the median (≤62.5%) experienced a more marked improvement of LVEF than those above the median. Elevated levels of N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and N-terminal proatrial natriuretic peptide (NT-proANP) were also associated with an improvement of LVEF in the BMC group. However, no difference was observed between the BMC group and the placebo group in the changes of the levels of NT-proANP, NT-proBNP or any of the inflammatory markers measured. The BMC group showed a trend toward a reduction of peak PA pressure, while the placebo group had a significant increase of peak PA pressure at 6 months. In addition, there was a greater improvement in the LV diastolic function, assessed in quartiles, in the BMC group. The in vitro studies of BMCs revealed that exposure to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) significantly enhanced the proliferation of BMCs and resulted in activation of immunosuppression by altering the expression of several immunosuppressive proteins. In conclusion, low baseline LVEF as well as high levels of natriuretic peptides NT-proANP and NT-proBNP, which reflect the severity of the hemodynamic and neurohumoral reactions evoked by the myocardial damage, have a considerable association to a better response to stem cell therapy after an acute STEMI. BMC therapy also prevents the increase of PA pressure and improves the cardiac diastolic function. Based on in vitro studies, the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α seems to evoke an enhanced proliferation of the bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and activation of several immunosuppressive defence mechanisms. / Tiivistelmä Sydäninfarktipotilaiden sepelvaltimoon pallolaajennuksen yhteydessä injektoitujen kantasolujen tiedetään parantavan hieman sydämen pumppauskykyä, mutta taustalla olevaa mekanismia ei tunneta. Kantasoluhoidon onnistumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä on tutkittu vasta vähän, eikä myöskään sitä tiedetä, miksi kaikki potilaat eivät hyödy kantasoluhoidosta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää infarktialueelle annetun kantasoluhoidon vaikutuksia äkillisen ST-nousuinfarktin (STEMI) sairastaneissa potilaissa, ja etsiä hoidon onnistumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin potilasaineistoa, johon otettiin 78 äkilliseen sydäninfarktiin sairastunutta potilasta, jotka hoidettiin liuotushoidolla ja sen jälkeen pallolaajennuksella. Puolet potilaista satunnaistettiin saamaan lumeliuosta ja puolet omaa luuydinsolukkoaan (BMC), joka ruiskutettiin pallolaajennuksen yhteydessä sepelvaltimon kautta infarktialueelle. Hoidon vaikusta tutkittiin mittaamalla angiografian avulla vasemman kammion ejektiofraktion (LVEF) muutosta lähtötilanteen ja kuuden kuukauden seurannan välillä. Lisäksi sydämen ultraäänitutkimuksella määritettiin keuhkovaltimopainetta ja vasemman kammion systolista ja diastolista toimintaa. Potilaista otettiin lisäksi verinäytteitä, joista määritettiin erilaisia tulehdusmerkkiaineita ja natriureettisia peptidejä. Lisäksi potilaista kerättyjä luuydinkantasoluja viljeltiin laboratoriossa in vitro-analyyseja varten. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että LVEF ennen kantasoluhoitoa oli voimakkain ennustetekijä suotuisalle LVEF:n muutokselle kantasoluhoidon jälkeen. Potilaat, joilla LVEF oli ennen kantasoluhoitoa alle mediaaniarvon (≤62.5%), hyötyivät kantasoluhoidosta enemmän kuin potilaat, joilla LVEF oli yli mediaanin. Myös natriureettisten peptidien NT-proBNP:n ja NT-proANP:n korkea taso infarktin jälkeen oli yhteydessä suurempaan LVEF:n paranemiseen BMC-potilailla. Natriureettisten peptidien ja tulehdusmerkkiaineiden pitoisuuksien muutoksissa kantasoluhoidon jälkeen ei kuitenkaan todettu eroa BMC- ja kontrolliryhmän välillä. Sydämen diastolisen toiminnan havaittiin paranevan enemmän BMC-ryhmässä kuin kontrolliryhmässä. Lisäksi BMC-ryhmässä havaittiin lievää laskua keuhkovaltimopaineessa, kun taas kontrolliryhmässä se nousi merkittävästi. In vitro-tutkimukset luuytimestä erilaistetuilla mesenkymaalisilla kantasoluilla puolestaan osoittivat, että tuumorinekroositekijä alfa (TNF-α)-altistus lisäsi solujakautumista ja monien immunosupressiivisten proteiinien tuottoa soluissa. Matala LVEF sekä natriureettisten peptidien NT-proBNP:n ja NT-proANP:n korkea taso sydäninfarktin jälkeen kuvaavat infarktivaurion aiheuttamien hemodynaamisten ja neurohumoraalisten reaktioiden vakavuutta, ja tässä tutkimuksessa niiden osoitettiin olevan vahvasti yhteydessä äkillisen ST-nousuinfarktin jälkeen annetun kantasoluhoidon hyötyyn. Kantasoluhoito saattaa myös suojata infarktipotilaita haitalliselta keuhkovaltimopaineen nousulta ja parantaa sydämen diastolista toimintaa. Tulehdusvälittäjäaine TNF-α näytti in vitro-kokeiden perusteella lisäävän luuytimen mesenkymaalisten kantasolujen jakautumista ja aktivoivan niissä monia immunosuppressiivisia puolustusmekanismeja tulehdusta vastaan.

Research related to Pathoses of the oral mucosa in South Africa (1964 - 1995)

van Wyk, CW January 1995 (has links)
Doctor Scientiae (Odontology) - DSc(Odont) / Investigations of pathoses of the oral cavity encompass a relatively wide spectrum of diseases, abnormalities, tumours and tumour-like conditions affecting and occurring in the dental hard tissues and supportive structures, the bony skeleton of the face and the soft tissues of the. mouth. It involves a study of the normal - oral biology - and the abnormal - oral pathology. Oral pathology is a relatively new specialized field of dental science and practice. In South Africa, prior to the nineteen-fifties, research in oral pathology was primarily directed towards dental disease. Two people - Julius Staz of the University of the Witwatersrand and Tony Ockerse of the University of Pretoria - were the doyens in this field and made major contributions to dental science. Staz reported on the status of dental caries and tumorous malformations of teeth and Ockerse on the prevalence and severity of fluorosis in South Africa. During the fifties a second generation of dental surgeons, who were interested in soft tissue, bone and tumour pathology, emerged. They ,were Bertie Cohen, George Baikie, Mervyn Shear and John Lemmer who, at that time, were all from the University of the Witwatersrand. Bertie Cohen later joined the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Mervyn Shear led the field with his research on cysts of the oral cavity. The practice of oral pathology, moulded on anatomical pathology, was established in the early sixties and Mervyn Shear and the author, from the University of Pretoria, became known as oral pathologists. Research at that early stage comprised clinical and histological observations of oral lesions, diseases, tumours and tumour-like conditions. Observation techniques became more sophisticated during the sixties and seventies with the advent of histochemistry and electronmicroscopy. The next major development which blossomed in the seventies and early eighties was the application of epidemiological methods in the study of disease. Epidemiological principles enabled the correct recording of profiles of oral pathoses in the community. Much was learnt about the prevalence and distribution of oral conditions. The application and use of experimental models, especially laboratory animals, became popular in the eighties. Amongst others, a germfree animal unit was established in the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Stellenbosch enabling workers to study the microbiological aetiology of dental and oral disease. Morphological observations of tumours and mucosal lesions were further enhanced during this period with the development of immunocytochemistry Experimental cell studies by means of cell culture techniques, commenced late in the eighties and was established in the early nineties. These models fostered molecular biology techniques which have become useful tools for the investigation of the aetiology of disease at a cellular and molecular level. At present molecular techniques are also popular in other spheres of oral pathology such as microbiological, immunological and oncological research. The author's first contact with oral pathology as a subject, forming an important and interesting part of dentistry, was the prescribed textbook "Oral and Dental Diseases", 2nd ed., 1951., by HH Stone of the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. Subsequently an enduring interest in the subject and research was cultivated by three teachers and colleagues, Ivor Kramer, Robert Bradlow and Mervyn Shear. Ivor Kramer, Professor of Oral Pathology in the Eastman Dental Institute of the University of London was a superb postgraduate teacher of oral pathology, and revelled in research. The Dean of the Institute, Professor Sir Robert Bradlow was a clinician and splendid diagnostician. He correlated the clinical and histopathological features of oral diseases. These two teachers set the course in oral pathology for the author during his postgraduate studies. In the sixties, after a spell at the University of Pretoria, the author joined Professor Mervyn Shear at the University of Witwatersrand. It was here that the author could further his skills of presenting lectures and research papers in an orderely manner and strengthen his love of research. The research carried out by the author reflects to a large extent the development of research in oral pathology in South Africa since 1960.. It includes studies of diseases and lesions of the oral mucosa, the dental hard tissues, tumours of the oral cavity and jaws and forensic odonto-stomatology. To date 139 articles have been published and accepted in scientific journals of which I was the first or co-author. The research presented here, however, comprises only those studies related to pathoses of the oral mucosa as it occurs in South Africa. Fifty-four papers and two abstracts are submitted. The papers are grouped into two divisions which include studies on (I) normal human oral and ectocervical mucosa and (II), those related to pathoses of the oral mucosa. The latter is subdivided into sections on: the profile of lesions of the oral mucosa in the community; cytological, clinical and morphological features of lesions of the oral mucosa; and studies on the aetiology of lesions of the oral mucosa. Each division and section is preceded by a declaration as to the contribution of the author or co-authors and a précis of the aims, objects and research findings. In the introduction of the précis statements are made explaining the aims of the study. These statements are not referenced because they appear in the respective articles.

Identification of TgElp3 as an essential, tail-anchored mitochondrial lysine acetyltransferase in the protozoan pathogen toxoplasma gondii

Stilger, Krista L. 11 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Toxoplasma gondii, a single-celled eukaryotic pathogen, has infected one-third of the world’s population and is the causative agent of toxoplasmosis. The disease primarily affects immunocompromised individuals such as AIDS, cancer, and transplant patients. The parasites can infect any nucleated cell in warm-blooded vertebrates, but because they preferentially target CNS, heart, and ocular tissue, manifestations of infection often include encephalitis, myocarditis, and a host of neurological and ocular disorders. Toxoplasma can also be transmitted congenitally by a mother who becomes infected for the first time during pregnancy, which may result in spontaneous abortion or birth defects in the child. Unfortunately, the therapy currently available for treating toxoplasmosis exhibits serious side effects and can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, there is a desperate need to identify novel drug targets for developing more effective, less toxic treatments. The regulation of proteins via lysine acetylation, a reversible post-translational modification, has previously been validated as a promising avenue for drug development. Lysine acetyltransferases (KATs) are responsible for the acetylation of hundreds of proteins throughout prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In Toxoplasma, we identified a KAT that exhibits homology to Elongator protein 3 (TgElp3), the catalytic component of a transcriptional elongation complex. TgElp3 contains the highly conserved radical S-adenosylmethionine and KAT domains but also possesses a unique C-terminal transmembrane domain (TMD). Interestingly, we found that the TMD anchors TgElp3 in the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) such that the catalytic domains are oriented towards the cytosol. Our results uncovered the first tail-anchored mitochondrial KAT reported for any species to date. We also discovered a shortened form of Elp3 present in mouse mitochondria, suggesting that Elp3 functions beyond transcriptional elongation across eukaryotes. Furthermore, we established that TgElp3 is essential for parasite viability and that its OMM localization is important for its function, highlighting its value as a potential target for future drug development.

Improving NK and T Cell Immunotherapies for Hematologic Malignancies

Wong, Derek Perseus 26 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Aerobic Uptake of Cholesterol by Ergosterol Auxotrophic Strains in Candida glabrata & Random and Site-Directed Mutagenesis of ERG25 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Whybrew, Jennafer Marie 27 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Candida albicans and Candida glabrata are opportunistic human pathogens that are the leading cause of fungal infections, which are increasingly becoming the leading cause of sepsis in immunosuppressed individuals. C. glabrata in particular has become a significant concern due to the increase in clinical isolates that demonstrate resistance to triazole antifungal drugs, the most prevalent treatment for such infections. Triazole drugs target the ERG11 gene product and prevent C-14 demethylation of the first sterol intermediate, lanosterol, preventing the production of the pathways end product ergosterol. Ergosterol is required by yeast for cell membrane fluidity and cell signaling. Furthermore, C. glabrata, and not C. albicans, has been reported to utilize cholesterol as a supplement for growth. Although drug resistance is known to be caused by an increase in expression of drug efflux pumps, we hypothesize a second mechanism: that the overuse of triazole drugs has lead to the increase of resistance by C. glabrata through a 2-step process: 1) the accumulation of ergosterol auxotrophic mutations and 2) mutants able to take up exogenous cholesterol anaerobically in the body acquire a second mutation allowing uptake of cholesterol aerobically. Two groups of sterol auxotrophic C. glabrata clinical isolates have been reported to take up sterol aerobically but do not produce a sterol precursor. Sterol auxotrophs have been created in C. glabrata by disrupting different essential genes (ERG1, ERG7, ERG11, ERG25, and ERG27) in the ergosterol pathway to assess which ergosterol mutants will take up sterols aerobically. Random and site-directed mutagenesis was also completed in ERG25 of Saccharmoyces cerevisiae. The ERG25 gene encodes a sterol C-4 methyloxidase essential for sterol biosynthesis in plants, animals, and yeast. This gene functions in turn with ERG26, a sterol C-3 dehydrogenase, and ERG27, a sterol C-3 keto reductase, to remove two methyl groups at the C-4 position on the sterol A ring. In S. cerevisiae, ERG25 has four putative histidine clusters, which bind non-heme iron and a C-terminal KKXX motif, which is a Golgi to ER retrieval motif. We have conducted site-directed and random mutagenesis in the S. cerevisiae wild-type strain SCY876. Site-Directed mutagenesis focused on the four histidine clusters, the KKXX C-terminal motif and other conserved amino acids among various plant, animal, and fungal species. Random mutagenesis was completed with a procedure known as gap repair and was used in an effort to find novel changes in enzyme function outside of the parameters utilized for site-directed mutagenesis. The four putative histidine clusters are expected to be essential for gene function by acting as non-heme iron binding ligands bringing in the oxygen required for the oxidation-reduction in the C-4 demethylation reaction.

Photoreceptor transplantation and characterization of vascular changes in canine inherited retinal degenerations

Ripolles-Garcia, Ana 13 January 2023 (has links)
Los fotorreceptores de los mamíferos, las células externas de la retina que detectan la luz, carecen de capacidad de autorregeneración tras una lesión. En los estadios avanzados de las IRD, los fotorreceptores se pierden pero la estructura interna de la retina se conserva durante largos periodos de tiempo, aunque con una importante remodelación sináptica y gliosis. Para estas condiciones, las terapias regenerativas dirigidas a reemplazar los fotorreceptores y establecer sinapsis funcionales con las neuronas internas de la retina viables restantes podrían permitir la recuperación de la visión en pacientes que de otro modo serían ciegos. En otras palabras, la terapia con células madre está dirigida al tratamiento de las degeneraciones de la retina en aquellas situaciones en las que se han perdido los fotorreceptores y, por lo tanto, no es posible restaurar la funcionalidad a través de enfoques más comunes como la terapia de reemplazo de genes. Se han desarrollado y caracterizado células madre embrionarias humanas (hESC) o células madre pluripotentes inducidas (iPSC) derivadas de células precursoras de fotorreceptores (PRPC) contenidas en organoides de retina (RO) para terapias experimentales regenerativas. Aunque la terapia con células madre es un campo que ha mostrado resultados prometedores en animales de laboratorio, no hay informes que evalúen la seguridad y eficacia de su uso en perros. Con un inyector subretiniano que fue modificado para acomodar el gran tamaño de los agregados celulares, inyectamos con éxito las células en el espacio subretiniano (SRS) canino utilizando un procedimiento quirúrgico sencillo (inyección manual en bolo sin vitrectomía previa). Pudimos monitorizar la supervivencia y las características de las células injertadas a lo largo del tiempo utilizando un enfoque de imagen multimodal que incluía la detección mediante fotografía del fondo de ojo y/o cSLO de los genes reporteros fluorescentes (tdTomato o GFP) expresados por las PRPC. Esto nos permitió superar un reto importante encontrado en otros estudios, donde las células donantes no fluorescentes fueron seguidas sólo por OCT o detectadas por histología después de la terminación. La visualización de las PRPC fluorescentes en el animal vivo nos permitió diferenciarlas de las células del huésped. En consonancia con lo descrito anteriormente, observamos dos patrones temporales de pérdida de células del donante: una reducción temprana del número de células injertadas en la primera semana del trasplante que no dependía del estado de la inmunosupresión (IS), y un rechazo retardado del injerto, observado en aquellos perros que no estaban inmunosuprimidos. De hecho, hasta donde sabemos, no hay estudios que evalúen el tiempo de pérdida de fotorreceptores tras el trasplante, con y sin IS, controlando simultáneamente la transferencia de material citoplasmático entre las células del donante y del huésped. Aquí observamos signos compatibles con el rechazo del trasplante en animales que no recibieron IS sistémico, así como en un único perro cuyo tratamiento con IS se interrumpió. El grado de inflamación clínica variaba entre los animales, pero la vasculitis retiniana, el vítreo turbio y la inflamación de la retina eran comunes en todos los perros con rechazo de las células del donante. Estos signos se detectaron por primera vez entre 1-2 y 12 semanas después del trasplante, lo que respalda la necesidad de un seguimiento frecuente de las retinas tratadas en los meses siguientes al trasplante para detectar posibles signos tempranos de rechazo y ofrecer la oportunidad de ajustar el régimen inmunosupresor. Dado que el rechazo del trasplante en el SRS también puede producirse sin inflamación clínica manifiesta, se justifica la identificación de nuevos biomarcadores que puedan detectar la inflamación subclínica temprana para modular la respuesta inmunitaria y prolongar la supervivencia del injerto. Aunque se desconocen todos los factores que promueven la supervivencia de las células del donante, descubrimos que el IS sistémico desempeñaba un papel fundamental en la supervivencia de las hESC-PRPCs administradas por vía subretiniana, como se había informado anteriormente. En el presente estudio, algunas PRPC desarrollaron estructuras similares a pedículos, expresaron la proteína presináptica sinaptofisina y establecieron contactos con las células bipolares del anfitrión. Estos resultados alentadores preparan ahora el terreno para la evaluación funcional de estas xenosinapsis. La retinosis pigmentaria es un grupo de enfermedades genéticas que provocan una pérdida progresiva de la visión, siendo una de las principales causas de ceguera en los países desarrollados. Está bien documentado que en pacientes con retinosis pigmentaria, existe una disfunción vascular asociada que conduce al adelgazamiento de los vasos; sin embargo, las implicaciones de esta disfunción vascular en la degeneración de los fotorreceptores no se comprenden completamente. Los modelos caninos de degeneraciones retinianas hereditarias han sido de gran relevancia en el desarrollo traslacional de terapias de reemplazo génico para múltiples formas de retinosis pigmentaria, Amaurosis congénita de Leber, y enfermedad de Best. De manera similar a lo que ocurre en pacientes con retinosis pigmentaria, los perros afectados con las mismas mutaciones también experimentan remodelación vascular, sin embargo, la cinética de esta remodelación vascular en enfermedades retinianas hereditarias caninas no se ha estudiado y no se han establecido los parámetros normales en el perro. La angiografía por tomografía de coherencia óptica (OCTA) es un método novedoso de obtención de imágenes sin necesidad del uso de contraste intravenoso que permite la visualización detallada de la circulación retiniana, lo que permite el estudio de los distintos plexos vasculares por separado. Esta importante extracción de imágenes de los diferentes plexos, junto con la alta resolución de estos angiogramas, permite una cuantificación más precisa de la densidad vascular y otros parámetros, teniendo muchas aplicaciones en sujetos sanos y en pacientes con diferentes enfermedades oculares y sistémicas. Con el uso de modernas técnicas de imagen, este trabajo ha confirmado la presencia de cuatro plexos retinianos distintos. Aunque muchos estudios han informado de los datos cuantitativos de las imágenes OCTA en retinas humanas, no se han descrito parámetros vasculares caninos. Este estudio proporciona datos normativos para el SVP+ICP, DCP y WR, estableciendo con éxito un rango de referencia que puede ser consultado y comparado en futuros estudios. En los ojos humanos, el número de plexos retinianos y sus densidades disminuyen hacia la periferia, y esto es similar a lo que Engerman et al. describieron previamente en perros. Nuestro trabajo no sólo confirma este hallazgo, sino que ahora proporciona datos cuantitativos para cuatro parámetros que se utilizan frecuentemente para caracterizar las redes vasculares. En nuestra evaluación, los angiogramas de OCTA tenían una mayor resolución en comparación con las imágenes de AF en la misma localización. Al igual que en el caso de los seres humanos, la angiografía por OCT en perros permitió identificar lechos capilares (ICP y DCP) que no se identificaban con la AF. Sin embargo, la AF proporcionó un mayor campo de visión y los artefactos que se encontraron en algunas de las exploraciones de OCTA (artefactos de movimiento y anormalidades de descorrelación debido al artefacto de proyección) no se observaron en las imágenes de AF. Cuando se compara con las imágenes obtenidas por IHC en montajes completos de retina, nuestro estudio confirma que la OCTA proporciona una buena visualización de la SVP y la DCP. También encontramos que había una subrepresentación de los vasos de pequeño calibre en la OCTA, especialmente los situados en capas altamente reflectantes (ICP). Cuando se compara con las imágenes adquiridas en las mismas localizaciones por microscopía confocal/IHC, nuestros resultados sugieren que la OCTA es una técnica valiosa para visualizar y cuantificar la vasculatura retiniana en perros, especialmente para el análisis de la VD en el DCP. Además, por IHC encontramos que el ICP se fusiona con el SVP pero no con el DCP como ocurre en las retinas humanas. Nuestro estudio ha confirmado la viabilidad del uso de OCTA en perros, proporcionando imágenes resueltas en profundidad de diferentes capas retinianas segmentadas que permiten la evaluación de plexos individuales. Esto allana el camino para otros análisis in vivo de la vasculatura de la retina canina en un amplio número de patologías de la retina con un fenotipo vascular. Además, evaluamos los cambios vasculares en el area centralis de perros afectados por varias formas de IRD que fueron visualizados por OCTA en diferentes etapas de la enfermedad. Identificamos que la DCP está más afectada que las redes vasculares más superficiales en una etapa temprana de la enfermedad. Además, confirmamos que existe una fuerte asociación entre el VD en el DCP y el grosor de la ONL, lo que sugiere que la evaluación de la vascularización en este plexo puede utilizarse como un marcador indirecto para la evaluación de los requisitos metabólicos de la retina externa. Por último, hemos validado mediante el análisis de los vasos en los montajes planos de la retina los hallazgos de la OCTA, y hemos descubierto que en los modelos caninos de IRD la migración de las células del RPE también desempeña un papel en las alteraciones vasculares de la fase posterior que se producen en los pacientes con RP. Encontramos que los cambios microscópicos observados en los vasos con degeneración eran diferentes en las distintas redes retinianas. En la DCP, se confirmó un estrechamiento y una pérdida progresiva de vasos, que acabó con la desaparición completa de esta red. En el SVP de los tres modelos, los vasos presentaban un mayor grosor de la pared debido a la deposición de material que rodea la pared vascular que, en las fases finales, conduce al estrechamiento y la oclusión vascular. En la fase final de la enfermedad, se observó que múltiples vasos de la SVP estaban rodeados de estructuras pigmentadas. El marcaje específico de RPE65 reveló que se trataba de células del PRE que habían migrado para rodear estos vasos internos de la retina. Aquí caracterizamos dos tipos diferentes de degeneración vascular que se producen en los plexos retinianos SVP y DCP, lo que podría aportar información para futuros estudios que evalúen específicamente la fisiopatología de esta degeneración vascular. Un animal del modelo crd2/NPHP5 fue tratado con terapia de reemplazo génica unilateralmente con una inyección subretiniana que cubría el area centralis. En este perro, la pérdida de ONL en el momento de la intervención de terapia génica era inferior al 50%. Al comparar las fotografías del fondo de ojo del ojo no tratado y el tratado, se identificó fácilmente una marcada preservación de la vascularización en el área que fue cubierta por la terapia génica. Las imágenes OCTA se procesaron con el programa AngioTool, y la evaluación cualitativa de las imágenes esqueletizadas mostró una regresión vascular en el ojo no tratado y una notable preservación de la integridad vascular en el ojo tratado. También demostramos que en estas enfermedades naturales, así como en un modelo de degeneración aguda de fotorreceptores inducido por la luz, el DCP se ve afectado antes que los otros plexos vasculares de la retina. La posterior disminución de la VD en el SVP+ICP que se produce en las últimas fases de la degeneración, es probablemente una respuesta al marcado adelgazamiento de la retina externa y a la capacidad de que el oxígeno transportado por los vasos coroideos llegue a las localizaciones internas de la retina, como se ha confirmado previamente en modelos animales felinos utilizando perfiles espaciales de oxigenación de la retina.

Quantification des immunoglobulines A par résonance des plasmons de surface pour identifier les individus IgA-déficients

Dubois, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
Le but de ce projet, en collaboration avec Héma-Québec, était de développer une méthode point de service (POC) pour la quantification des immunoglobulines A (IgA) dans un petit volume de plasma humain. Les IgA jouent un rôle important au niveau de notre système immunitaire, surtout au niveau des bio fluides sur les muqueuses comme la salive. On peut les retrouver normalement dans le plasma à des concentrations plus grandes que 2000 ng/mL pour la majorité des gens. Dans le cas d’une personne immunosupprimée, une concentration plus basse que 500 ng/mL est observée. La déficience en IgA est souvent associée à des maladies auto-immunes comme la maladie de Crohn. Ces individus peuvent éprouver un choc anaphylactique à la suite d’une transfusion de sang, ce qui nous motive à utiliser la résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR) sur place à des collectes de sang et dans les milieux hospitaliers. Pour réaliser ce capteur d’immunodéficience en IgA, un anticorps primaire spécifique aux IgA fut lié à un peptide formant une monocouche auto-assemblée sur une surface d’or du capteur SPR. Un deuxième anticorps a été utilisé pour quantifier spécifiquement cet analyte dans une matrice humaine complexe. Plusieurs étapes ont été optimisées pour obtenir une limite de détection basse, soit l’étape d’immobilisation de l’anticorps de capture, le type d’anticorps, le pH pour l’immobilisation, la détection secondaire, la validation dans différentes matrices biologiques, parmi d’autres. Le capteur a été validé avec quelques échantillons cliniques et la réponse SPR fut comparée avec ELISA. Ainsi, nous anticipons que cette méthode pourrait être utile à des collectes de sang pour assurer les réserves de sang déficient en IgA. / The goal of this project, in collaboration with Héma-Québec, was to develop a point-ofcare (POC) method to quantify immunoglobulin A (IgA) in a small volume of human plasma. Immunoglobulin A play an important role in immunity, specifically in biofluids on mucosaes like saliva. It can generally be found in plasma at concentrations higher than 2000 ng/mL for most people. In the case of an immunosuppressed individual, a concentration under 500 ng/mL is observed. IgA-deficiency is often associated with autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease. These individuals may experience an anaphylactic shock following a blood transfusion, which motivated us to use surface plasmon resonance (SPR) on site at blood drives and in a hospital setting. SPR quantifies the interactions between biomolecules. It is a complementary technique to ELISA that can test more rapidly individuals susceptible of being IgA-deficient in a hospital setting or at blood drives. To develop an IgA SPR sensor, a specific capture antibody to IgA was bound to a peptide monolayer on the gold surface. A second antibody was used to specifically quantify IgA in a complex matrix. Multiple steps were optimized to achieve the low detection limits required for IgA detection, such as the capture antibody immobilisation step, type of antibody, pH of immobilisation buffer, secondary detection, validation in different biological matrices, among others. The SPR sensor was validated with a few clinical samples, and compared to ELISA, to demonstrate the potential. As such, we envision that this rapid method may be used at blood drives to ensure sufficient reserves of IgA-deficient blood.

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