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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How are you?:the narrative in-between spaces in young children’s daily lives

Kinnunen, S. (Susanna) 02 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract This research focuses on spontaneously composed narrative in-between spaces in young children’s everyday life. The study was implemented in home and day care center contexts, and in cooperation between them. The study examines how children’s relations are shaped and reshaped in narrative in-between spaces. The theoretical and methodological approach draws from artistic and narrative childhood research. The narrative ethnography intertwined with visual methods were employed in three different processes to generate the research material. The material was analyzed through a holistic narrative analysis. The study is in line with the recent discussion of childhood research that challenges the simple understandings of children’s participation and voice. The study considers how to construct knowledge together with children, both in educational research and practices, in a critical and diffractive way. The main findings reveal that the spontaneously formed narrative in-between spaces enable children and adults to encounter the unplanned together; call for aesthetic sensitiveness toward others; enhance intergenerational co-agency; and create and maintain caring reciprocity and continuity. These aspects require and promote the confidence between children and adults as well as among adults. The study opens potential perspectives into research with young children through the concepts of narrative in-between space and the aesthetics of listening. The concepts challenge researchers to acknowledge the significance of being present for children and creating spaces for children to narrate in multiple ways. The study points out that the spontaneous narration provides opportunities for children to use different modes of narration and consequently enables their multiple voices to be heard. The study encourages researchers and educators to acknowledge the potential involved in children’s spontaneous narration. The study shows that spontaneously formed narrative in-between spaces create valuable situations to share children’s home stories and other meaningful matters. Finally, the study supports the parents and professionals to strengthen the position of the child in the cooperation practices between day care and home and offers a concrete means of involving children in cooperation. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan spontaanisti muotoutuneita kerronnan tiloja lasten koti- ja päiväkotiarjessa, sekä niiden välisessä yhteistyössä. Tutkimusaihetta lähestytään kysymällä, miten lasten suhteet taipuilevat kerronnan tiloissa. Tutkimus liittyy kriittisellä ja luovalla otteella lapsuudentutkimuksen kentällä käytävään keskusteluun lapsen äänestä ja osallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen teoreettis-metodologinen viitekehys nojaa taiteelliseen ja kerronnalliseen lapsuudentutkimukseen. Kotona ja päiväkodissa toteutetuissa aineistonkeruuprosesseissa sovellettiin kerronnallista etnografiaa ja visuaalisia menetelmiä. Aineiston tulkinta muotoutui kokonaisvaltaisen kerronnallisen analyysin pohjalta. Tutkimuksessa kietoutuivat yhteen ”sydämellisellä asenteella” oleminen, tulkitseminen ja tekeminen. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että spontaanin kerronnan tiloissa lasten ja aikuisten on mahdollista kohdata yhdessä ennalta suunnittelematonta, herkistyä esteettisesti toisen kerronnan äärelle, lisätä sukupolvien välistä yhteistoimijuutta, sekä luoda ja ylläpitää välittävää vastavuoroisuutta ja jatkuvuutta. Nämä osatekijät vaativat ja edistävät luottamuksen rakentumista niin lasten ja aikuisten välillä kuin aikuisten kesken. Tutkimus avaa uudenlaista tarkastelukulmaa pienten lasten kanssa tehtävään tutkimukseen kerronnan tilan käsitteen avulla; pelkän tarinan sisällöllisen tarkastelun sijaan käsite korostaa kontekstia ja suhteita erottamattomana osana kertomisen prosessia. Käsite haastaa tutkijat huomioimaan kerronnallisen läsnäolon ja monenlaisen kerronnan merkityksen pienten lasten elämässä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että spontaani kerronnan tila tarjoaa mahdollisuuden lapsen toimijuuteen; lapsi voi osallistaa aikuista yhteiseen kerrontaan itselleen luontevilla kertomisen tavoilla. Tutkimus haastaa tutkijat ja kasvattajat huomioimaan lasten spontaaniin kerrontaan sisältyvän potentiaalin. Tutkimus havainnollistaa, että spontaanisti muotoutuneet kerronnan tilat luovat arvokkaita yhdessäolon hetkiä ja mahdollistavat lapselle tärkeiden asioiden jakamisen. Tutkimus kannustaa vanhempia ja ammattilaisia vahvistamaan lapsen toimijuutta myös kodin ja päivähoidon välisissä yhteistyön käytänteissä. Tutkimus tarjoaa tähän konkreettisen esimerkin.

Educação nas redes: professores em cotidianos de produções televisivas / Education in networks: teachers in everyday television productions

Rosa Helena de Mendonça 04 February 2014 (has links)
O que fazem profissionais de educação numa produção televisiva? Nesta pesquisa, por meio de 'conversas' com praticantespensantes que atuam em produção de TV, e no uso de outros documentos (programas editados, argumentos, textos e roteiros), busco responder a essa pergunta e compreender as redes de conhecimentos e significações relativas aos espaçostempos de ação desses profissionais, entendidos como entre-lugares de educação e comunicação. A pesquisa, na perspectiva dos estudos com os cotidianos, se articula ao GRPESQ Currículo, redes educativas e imagens, do Laboratório Educação e Imagem/ProPEd/UERJ, e busca apoio em conversas/narrativas com/de professores que trabalharam/trabalham em televisão em especial, no programa Salto para o Futuro integrando a equipe de educação da TV Escola (MEC), ou atuando como consultores de séries temáticas. Sobre o assunto, também foram ouvidos responsáveis pela assessoria pedagógica dos canais Encuentro e Pakapaka, na Argentina, em doutorado-sanduíche, com o apoio da Capes. Como fundamentação teórica, além de pesquisas com os cotidianos, a partir de textos de Michel de Certeau, de Nilda Alves e de Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, dos quais emergem algumas das noções que permeiam essa investigação, ressalto a contribuição de autores da sociologia, como Pierre Bourdieu e Boaventura de Sousa Santos e, ainda, de represe ntantes dos chamados estudos culturais, entre eles Jesús Martín-Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha entre outros. A questão do outro, da alteridade, que permeia a tese, em sua tessitura com narrativas e imagens, busca inspiração também nos escritos e em conversas com Carlos Skliar e nos textos de Jorge Larrosa. As conclusões possíveis destacam a importância das ações desses profissionais (professores) nesses espaçostempos televisivos. / What do professionals in education do in a television production? This research is an attempt to answer this question not only through conversations with the practitioners engaged in television production but also through sources such as edited programmes, arguments , texts and scripts. In doing so, I intend to understand the net of knowledge and meanings related to the so called space-times of action (here understood as an in-between place belonging to both education and communication fields) of these professionals. This work, under the perspective of everyday life studies, is aligned with the research group entitled Curriculum, educational networks and images, from the Education and Image Laboratory of the post graduation program in Education (ProPEd) of the University of Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ). It concentrates in talks with and narratives of educators who worked and have been working either as members of TV Escola which belongs to the Ministry of Education (MEC) or consultants of a particular educational television program entitled Salto para o Futuro. The ones responsible for the pedagogical consultancy of the channels Encuentro and Pakapaka from Argentina have also been interviewed thanks to a doctorate program supported by Capes. The theoretical framework is based on the writings of Michel de Certeau, Nilda Alves and Ines Barbosa de Oliveira; besides them, the contributions of the sociological thinkers Pierre Bourdieu and Boaventura de Souza Santos as well as some representatives of cultural studies such as Jesús Martín Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha, among others, have also been used. Issues about the other and alterity have found inspiration in Carlos Skliar and Jorge Larrosas texts. The possible conclusions made highlight the relevance of the actions of these professionals (teachers) in this space-time television environment

Les espaces intermédiaires et la densification des tissus périurbains / In-between spaces and Densification of peri-urban fabric

Benigni, Camille 04 December 2014 (has links)
Le débat actuel, portant sur la consommation des territoires qui est associée à la périurbanisation caractérisée par la maison individuelle, nous a amené à entreprendre notre travail. La volonté d’inscrire l’évolution des tissus périurbains dans une historiographie architecturale et urbaine nous a conduit à analyser ces formes périurbaines, à travers l’étude des processus et mécanismes morphogénétiques. La densité a eu mauvaise presse auprès des scientifiques et professionnels de la ville, aujourd’hui celle-ci semble être considérée comme un remède à l’étalement des territoires. Ainsi, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’instrumentalisation de la densité par les différents acteurs de la Ville, à travers les lois, les documents d’urbanisme. Nous nous sommes penchés sur l’étude de la définition de la densité, de sa place dans la théorie urbanistique et du rapport qu’elle entretient avec la morphogénèse des tissus périurbains. Ce travail aborde la transformation des tissus périurbains (dont l’analyse est peu présente dans les travaux scientifiques) au travers du prisme des espaces intermédiaires, que nous considérons comme un enjeu important dans l’évolution durable des territoires. Enfin, ce travail s’est proposé de réaliser une nouvelle lecture des espaces périurbains par les espaces intermédiaires à l’échelle de la parcelle pavillonnaire, en considérant que l’analyse des transformations, qui s’y déroulent, représente un élément marquant/discriminant pour l’élaboration des politiques urbaines. / Actually the discussion about the use of territories, which is associated with suburbanization characterized by the house led us to undertake our research. The research aims to include the development of peri-urban fabrics in architectural and urban historiography. And from that, we have analysed these suburban forms. Density has a bad press among scientists and city professionals; today it seems to be considered as a cure for the urban sprawl. Therefore, we have looked at the exploitation of the density by the different actors of the City, through legislation, planning documents. We focused on the study of the definition of density, its place in urban theory and its relation with peri –urban fabric morphogenesis. This research addresses the transformation of suburban fabric (whose analysis is not present in the scientific work) through the prism of the “in-between spaces”, which we consider an important issue in the sustainable development of territories. Finally, this work has proposed to produce a new reading of suburban areas by the “in-between spaces” in the suburban plot, whereas the analysis of the transformations that take place, are a prominent feature for urban policy.

Educação nas redes: professores em cotidianos de produções televisivas / Education in networks: teachers in everyday television productions

Rosa Helena de Mendonça 04 February 2014 (has links)
O que fazem profissionais de educação numa produção televisiva? Nesta pesquisa, por meio de 'conversas' com praticantespensantes que atuam em produção de TV, e no uso de outros documentos (programas editados, argumentos, textos e roteiros), busco responder a essa pergunta e compreender as redes de conhecimentos e significações relativas aos espaçostempos de ação desses profissionais, entendidos como entre-lugares de educação e comunicação. A pesquisa, na perspectiva dos estudos com os cotidianos, se articula ao GRPESQ Currículo, redes educativas e imagens, do Laboratório Educação e Imagem/ProPEd/UERJ, e busca apoio em conversas/narrativas com/de professores que trabalharam/trabalham em televisão em especial, no programa Salto para o Futuro integrando a equipe de educação da TV Escola (MEC), ou atuando como consultores de séries temáticas. Sobre o assunto, também foram ouvidos responsáveis pela assessoria pedagógica dos canais Encuentro e Pakapaka, na Argentina, em doutorado-sanduíche, com o apoio da Capes. Como fundamentação teórica, além de pesquisas com os cotidianos, a partir de textos de Michel de Certeau, de Nilda Alves e de Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, dos quais emergem algumas das noções que permeiam essa investigação, ressalto a contribuição de autores da sociologia, como Pierre Bourdieu e Boaventura de Sousa Santos e, ainda, de represe ntantes dos chamados estudos culturais, entre eles Jesús Martín-Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha entre outros. A questão do outro, da alteridade, que permeia a tese, em sua tessitura com narrativas e imagens, busca inspiração também nos escritos e em conversas com Carlos Skliar e nos textos de Jorge Larrosa. As conclusões possíveis destacam a importância das ações desses profissionais (professores) nesses espaçostempos televisivos. / What do professionals in education do in a television production? This research is an attempt to answer this question not only through conversations with the practitioners engaged in television production but also through sources such as edited programmes, arguments , texts and scripts. In doing so, I intend to understand the net of knowledge and meanings related to the so called space-times of action (here understood as an in-between place belonging to both education and communication fields) of these professionals. This work, under the perspective of everyday life studies, is aligned with the research group entitled Curriculum, educational networks and images, from the Education and Image Laboratory of the post graduation program in Education (ProPEd) of the University of Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ). It concentrates in talks with and narratives of educators who worked and have been working either as members of TV Escola which belongs to the Ministry of Education (MEC) or consultants of a particular educational television program entitled Salto para o Futuro. The ones responsible for the pedagogical consultancy of the channels Encuentro and Pakapaka from Argentina have also been interviewed thanks to a doctorate program supported by Capes. The theoretical framework is based on the writings of Michel de Certeau, Nilda Alves and Ines Barbosa de Oliveira; besides them, the contributions of the sociological thinkers Pierre Bourdieu and Boaventura de Souza Santos as well as some representatives of cultural studies such as Jesús Martín Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha, among others, have also been used. Issues about the other and alterity have found inspiration in Carlos Skliar and Jorge Larrosas texts. The possible conclusions made highlight the relevance of the actions of these professionals (teachers) in this space-time television environment

Para transvalorar a dan?a contempor?nea: pot?ncias de dan?a no (do) corpo-artista

Silva, Chrystine Pereira da 27 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:00:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ChrystinePS_DISSERT.pdf: 2037695 bytes, checksum: 1cdce9c08277a41924f14e44bf173871 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-27 / Tanto no contexto acad?mico quanto no art?stico e mercadol?gico, ? crescente a discuss?o sobre o espa?o de conceitua??o da dan?a contempor?nea e suas fissuras, que deixam de abarcar esta ou aquela manifesta??o art?stica ou mesmo acaba por abarcar aquelas manifesta??es que n?o se encaixam em outros espa?os de conceitua??o. No presente trabalho objetivamos a investigar, a Dan?a na Contemporaneidade, para al?m do que se entende por dan?a contempor?nea, em sua capacidade de atravessar os espa?os de conceitua??o j? estabelecidos, para implicar em uma pluralidade de fazeres. Objetivamos tamb?m pensar a pot?ncia que a Dan?a imprime no corpo do artista criador, pensando tamb?m como este se comporta no espa?o de entre linguagens . A disserta??o que aqui se apresenta encontrou enquanto estrat?gia metodol?gica o recurso da met?fora, partindo das ideias de travessia, cartografia e cidades invis?veis para a constru??o do pensamento sobre o corpo do artista e suas rela??es com as diferentes linguagens art?sticas, tomando por base uma retomada das experi?ncias est?ticas e art?sticas de sua proponente. Dialogando experi?ncias pr?ticas e referenciais te?ricos, inicialmente tratamos da dan?a contempor?nea em seus problemas de classifica??o que apontam para a necessidade de um pensamento contempor?neo em dan?a, que pense as manifesta??es art?sticas em seus pontos convergentes, e n?o nos divergentes que as situam sob diversas nomenclaturas. No cap?tulo seguinte discutimos a possibilidade de contamina??o entre as linguagens art?sticas a partir do pr?prio corpo-artista. Discorremos tamb?m sobre a dan?a enquanto agenciamento e resposta aos impulsos resultantes da rela??o com o espa?o e outros corpos, pensando como o corpo do vivente se organiza nesta rela??o de compartilhamento de experi?ncias. Mostrando uma pot?ncia do corpo artista criador que se dedica ? transvalora??o das fronteiras entre as linguagens para a organiza??o do seu fazer. Por fim, apontamos para a diversidade na metodologia de processos de cria??o que variam de acordo com as possibilidades t?cnicas e necessidades est?ticas de cada artista criador

Light and Perception of safety in-between buildings : The role of lighting in perception of safety from a female perspective in in-between spaces of residential areas

Dastgheib, Seyedehfatemeh January 2018 (has links)
This thesis will investigate the relationship between lighting and perception of safety through a case study. The main focus of this study is outdoor lighting with consideration of gender equality and perception of safety. Although street lighting is generally recognized as the most important environmental features that influences subjective perception of safety after dark, there is still lack of knowledge regarding the needed quality of light for this purpose and how it may influence perceived safety. Literature review indicates that effect of light on perceived safety works through two different mechanisms: natural surveillance and social integration. The main focus of this thesis is on natural surveillance. Indeed, light by increasing visibility in interaction with presence of people, enhance possibilities of natural surveillance. Based on literature review, a tool has been developed to have a more specific examination of visibility.Besides, the women’s safety audit (WSA) diagnostic tool is used as a qualitative data collection tool to identify unsafe spots in the chosen area by 10 local female participants. The chosen area is a residential area in Eskilstuna city, called Årby neighbourhood. All the participants were asked to determine unsafe spots from their perspective in the chosen area during an exploratory night walk. In the next step, the identified unsafe spots are analysed by means of the developed tool in terms of visibility.The result of this thesis supports the previous findings regarding the relationship between visibility and safety perception. Results show that urban settings with low level of prospect (obstructed view), high level of entrapment (escape difficulty), high level of concealment (lots of hiding spots), lack of illuminated visual spatial boundaries (sky plane, vertical plane and ground plane), low level of facial recognition and obstacle detection, low level of illumination of path, high level of glare and varied lighting distribution are judged as the most unsafe by women. In addition, the study revealed that illuminated ground plane has the minimum impact on sense of safety in comparison with other safety-related environmental factors. Consequently, this study highlighted that standards and guidelines, which are related to ground plane, are not very beneficial for improving perception of safety.

Residencia colaborativa con centro de atención para el adulto mayor que vive solo en San Juan de Lurigancho

Mosqueira Aguilar, Paula Isabel 13 January 2021 (has links)
El tema elegido para la investigación es de una Residencia Colaborativa1 con Centro de Atención para el Adulto Mayor o parejas de adultos mayores que viven solos que estén dispuestos a tener una vida social y activa. En esta propuesta el adulto mayor cuenta además con un centro de atención y espacios para actividades colectivas donde podrán vivir con familias o amigos del mismo rango de edad. Se busca diseñar espacios urbanos y arquitectónicos que puedan ser disfrutados por el usuario en esta etapa de su vida. La soledad es uno de los problemas sociales que afectan al ser humano y en este caso, es importante ya que está comprobado que las personas más afectadas con este problema son los adultos mayores. Existen soluciones arquitectónicas para resolver este problema y las dos más importantes son la Teoría de la Geronto Arquitectura y la Teoría de los Espacios Intermedios2, que promueven soluciones espaciales de encuentro y de socialización. La ubicación propuesta para el proyecto es el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, donde se encuentra la segunda mayor población de Adulto Mayor que vive solo en Lima Metropolitana3 (INEI, Adultos mayores de 70 y mas años de edad que viven solos, 2019). Esta ubicación es importante debido a que en la periferia no se ha trabajado el tema de la accesibilidad residencial y urbana para el Adulto Mayor, considerando que esta parte de la ciudad comenzó como una invasión, como es el caso de muchos distritos de la periferia en Lima Metropolitana. / The topic chosen for the research is a Collaborative Residence with a Care Center for the Elderly or couples of older adults who live alone who are willing to have a social and active life. In this proposal the older adult also has a center of attention and spaces for collective activities where they can live with families or friends of the same age range. It seeks to design urban and architectural spaces that can be enjoyed by the user at this stage of his life. Loneliness is one of the social problems that affect the human being and, in this case, it is important since it is proven that the people most affected with this problem are the elderly. There are architectural solutions to solve this problem and the two most important are the Geronto Architecture Theory and the Theory of Intermediate Spaces, which promote spatial solutions for meeting and socialization. The proposed location for the project is the district of “San Juan de Lurigancho”, where there is the second largest population of the Elderly that lives alone in Metropolitan Lima (INEI, Adultos mayores de 70 y mas años de edad que viven solos, 2019). This location is important because the issue of residential and urban accessibility for the Elderly has not been worked on the periphery, considering that this part of the city began as an invasion, as is the case in many districts of the periphery in Metropolitan Lima / Trabajo de investigación

Konstruktion und Transformation von Identität in der Migrationsgesellschaft

Can, Halil 20 October 2022 (has links)
Migration ist eines der präsentesten und prägendsten Themen unserer Zeit. In dieser Ethnographie richtet sich der Blick exemplarisch auf die Akteur*innen der (‚Gastarbeits‘-)Migration, hier konkret auf mehrgenerationelle Familien im transnationalen sozialen Migrations- und Verflechtungsraum Türkei-Deutschland. Im Fokus stehen dabei ihre Identitätsprozesse, In- und Exklusionserfahrungen und Empowermentpraxen nicht nur während der ‚Gastarbeits‘-, sondern auch in der Prä- und Postmigrationsphase. Migration wird in dieser Forschungsarbeit akteurszentriert aus dem konkreten sozialen, hier familiär eingebetteten Alltagshandeln und den Narrationen ihrer Subjekte in dichter teilnehmender Beobachtung beschrieben. Auf den Fersen der Familien(angehörigen) und ihren Identitäten in Bewegung erweiterte sich die Feldforschung zu einer multilokalen, -methodischen und -lingualen Ethnographie. Als Proband*innen traten dabei zwei Familien aus der ostanatolischen Dersim-Region der Türkei mit zwei Spezifika hervor; zum einen durch ihre ursprünglich familiäre Sprache Zazaki und zum anderen ihre Zugehörigkeit zur alevitischen (Glaubens-)Gemeinschaft, wobei innerhalb des alevitischen Glaubenssystems die eine einer Ocak- und die andere einer Talip-Familie angehört. Migration und darin auch Identitätsarbeit zeigen sich in dieser Familienethnographie als ein geistig, körperlich wie auch emotional konflikthafter und komplexer individuell-sozialer Prozess der permanenten Aushandlung und Veränderung unter Bedingungen von Diversität und intersektionaler Differenz. In ihrer Ambivalenz ist dieser Prozess somit Herausforderung und Chance zugleich. Resümierend lässt sich Identitätsarbeit im transnationalen Migrations- und Familienraum auch als Empowerment- und Powersharingarbeit beschreiben, als einem kreativ-interaktiven Handeln im „dritten Raum“, dem „Zwischenraum“ (BHABHA), in dem jenseits von Norm und Abweichung bzw. Insider- und Outsider-Positionalitäten (ELIAS/SCOTSON) „hybride“ bzw. „transkulturelle“ Identitäten und Lebensentwürfe möglichen werden und damit als dritte Positionalität die transformative Positionalität des Transsiders entsteht. / Migration is one of the most prominent and formative issues of our time. In this ethnography, the analytical gaze is trained on the actors of (guest work) migration, specifically on multi-generational families in the interwoven transnational migration space of Turkey-Germany. The focus is on their identity processes, experiences of inclusion and exclusion, and empowerment practices not only during the ‚guest work‘ phase, but also during the pre- and post-migration phases. In this study, migration is described in actor-centered fashion through the close participant-observation of concrete social actions embedded in the families’ everyday lives as well as the narratives of the research subjects. Following the family members and their identities in motion, the field research constitutes a multi-local, multi-method, and multi-lingual ethnography. The main research subjects are two families from the eastern Anatolian Dersim region of Turkey with two specific characteristics. On the one hand, the families speak Zazaki as their original native language. On the other, they belong to the Alevi (faith) community, whereby one belongs to an Ocak family within the Alevi belief system while the other belongs to a Talip family. Migration and the identity work associated with it emerge in this family ethnography as a mentally, physically, and emotionally complex individual and social process that requires constant negotiation and change under conditions of diversity and intersectional difference. In its ambivalence, this process is both a challenge and an opportunity. In sum, identity work in the transnational migration and family space can also be described as empowerment and power-sharing work, as creative, interactive action in the „third space“ or „in-between space“ (BHABHA). Beyond the positionalities of the norm and the exception, the insider and the outsider (ELIAS/SCOTSON), „hybrid“ or „transcultural“ identities and life plans become possible, and the transformative third positionality of the transsider emerges.

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