Spelling suggestions: "subject:"incest"" "subject:"ancest""
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An evaluation of the impact of parent groups on the treatment of incest victimsBlack, Janet Louise 01 January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Seismic CommunicationTatelman, Anna 20 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Le désir et le ravage dans la clinique de l'inceste : de la transmission inconsciente à la répétition aliénante entre mère et fille / Desire and devastation in the clinical practice of incest : from unconscious transmission to alienating repetition between mother and daughter / O desejo e a devastação na clínica do incesto : da transmissão insconsciente à repetição alienante entre mãe e filhaValerio Orlandi, Mariana 24 September 2016 (has links)
La dyade mère-fille est traversée par quelque chose tenant de l’ordre du désir et du sexuel. L’idée d’un même, d’un identique rapprochant la mère et la fille ainsi que la notion de répétition qui englobe certaines de leurs relations dans un contexte de violence sexuelle intrafamiliale nous interpellent dans notre pratique en tant que clinicienne. A partir de l’apport des travaux de Sigmund Freud et de ceux de Jacques Lacan – particulièrement sur le ravage concernant ce dernier – nous souhaitons savoir quelle place peuvent subjectivement occuper les filles du point de vue de leurs mères quand ces dernières sont elles-mêmes issues de familles à transactions violentes et/ou incestueuses? Dans ces situations, nous nous interrogeons et nous penchons sur la nature de ce qui est transmis entre mère et fille. Nous ne faisons pas simplement référence à l’inceste père-fille, nous nous employons à observer aussi d'autres formes d'inceste impliquant d'autres personnes de l'entourage ainsi que ce qui est appelé l’inceste de deuxième type (selon Françoise Héritier) et l’incestuel (comme décrit par Paul-Claude Racamier). Ainsi, cette étude prend en compte ce qu’il y a derrière la confusion des rôles, des générations et de « langue » entre mère et fille dans le contexte d’inceste. Notre recherche s’articule dans le champ de l'anthropologie psychanalytique, tel qu’il est développé par Paul-Laurent Assoun et Markos Zafiropoulos (2002), qui prend en compte l'Autre social pour comprendre le sujet de l'inconscient chez Freud et Lacan. Aussi, la relation mère-fille et ses résonances sur les plans social, symbolique et psychique, ainsi que la question de l’inceste et de l'incestuel seront les fils conducteurs de notre travail. Nous proposons de parcourir la relation mère-fille dans un contexte incestuel avec ou sans passage à l’acte à travers la clinique psychanalytique en nous appuyant sur des études de cas. L’ambivalence entre l’amour et la haine, déjà présente « naturellement » dans la relation mère-fille, s’amplifie dans le contexte d’inceste. Nous tentons d’analyser en profondeur les racines de la mise en acte violente des mères lorsqu'elles « échouent » dans leur fonction protéctrice, perturbant le lien mère-fille d’une manière encore plus ravageante en reprenant ce terme au sens lacanien du mot ravage. Ces circonstances où la mère et la fille sont dans une véritable impasse témoignent d'un lien d’emprise qui nous amène à nous interroger sur le travail de transmission entre elles. / The mother-daughter dyad is crossed by something from the order of the desire and sexuality. The notion of a double, an equal, a repetition that encompasses some relationships between mothers and daughters in a context of intra-familial sexual violence is one question that challenges us in our clinical practice. From what Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan teach us - the latter specially about the devastation - we ask ourselves what is the place that daughters occupy in the subjectivity of mothers from families with history of incest ? What will be passed from mother to daughter ? We do not refer only to the father-daughter incest, but also to other forms of incest, involving others in the family circle, as well to what we call incest of second type (according to Françoise Héritier) and the incestual (as descibed by Paul-Claude Racamier). Thus, our research deliberates on what is behind the confusion of roles, generations and « language » between mother and daughter in the incest’s domain. The work is linked to the field of psychoanalytic anthropology as developed by Paul-Laurent Assoun and Markos Zafiropoulos (2002) which approaches the social Other to undestand the unconsciouns subject in Freud and Lacan’s theory. The mother-daughter relationship and its resonance in the social, symbolic and psychic arenas, in conjunction with the question of the incest and the incestual are the core os this work. We propose to investigate the mother-daughter relationship in a incestuous context with or without passage to the act through psychoanalytical reference supported by clinical case studies. The ambivalence between love and hate, which is « naturally » present in the mother-daughter relationship, is amplified in the incest situation. We try to analyze in depth the roots of violent action when mothers « fail » in their protective role, disturbing the mother-daughter relationship in an even more devastating way, as per the Lacanian term devastation. These circumstances in which mother and daughter are in a profound impasse reveal a relationship of domination and make us question how the transmission works between them.
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The MMPI : a subscale (Ic) for the identification of male incest offendersDolan, Mary S. 01 January 1985 (has links)
The MMPI has been used extensively for the clinical assessment of deviancy among sexual offenders. In order to derive a diagnostic scale for the specific identification of male incest offenders, an item analysis, using MMPI data from offenders, compared MMPI data from a nonoffending control sample. The item analysis results were cross validated with MMPI data from a separate sample of incest offenders. Eleven MMPI items were found to be critical in discriminating male incest offenders from nonoffenders, and these items comprise the Ic experimental scale. On the basis of the Ic scale, male incest offenders evidence characterological disturbances in the form of pervasive feelings of psychological and social inadequacy.
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INTERWEAVE - Food production interweaving with cultural programs, housing, and public places in Slakthusområdet, Stockholm.Ratin, Md January 2023 (has links)
Slakthusområdet, a historically significant slaughterhouse district in Stockholm, stands as a testament to the dynamic nature of urban landscapes, characterized by the relentless tide of rapid urban change. Over the years, this district has undergone multiple transformations, mirroring the shifting needs and aspirations of the city. Currently, Slakthusområdet finds itself on the cusp of yet another metamorphosis, as a proposal takes shape to rejuvenate the area into a vibrant hub that seamlessly integrates housing, workplaces, commerce, services, and green spaces.Traditionally, Slakthusområdet served as a focal point for the slaughter and meat packaging industry, bearing witness to the relentless rhythm of production. However, the winds of change blow through the district once again, igniting a collective imagination that envisions its potential to become a sustainable and culturally diverse urban food production system. This transformative project seeks to explore new frontiers in food production, harnessing the possibilities offered by emerging technologies and innovative practices.Among the innovative modes of food production to be integrated into the fabric of Slakthusområdet are insect farming, vertical farming, and lab-based food production. By embracing these cutting-edge approaches, the project aims to revolutionize the way food is grown, cultivated, and distributed within the urban context. The district's existing buildings, with their deep-rooted historical significance, will be preserved and thoughtfully integrated with new construction, forming a dynamic juxtaposition of the old and the new. This fusion of heritage and modernity will serve as a powerful metaphor, embodying the district's journey of transformation and adaptation.Drawing inspiration from Slakthusområdet's rich history, the project seeks to unlock its hidden potential by interweaving food production with other essential elements of urban life. Housing, cultural organizations, and public spaces will converge harmoniously, creating a tapestry of activity and fostering a sense of community. By embracing a holistic approach to urban planning, the project aspires to create a new identity for Slakthusområdet that transcends the boundaries of a traditional urban district. By blending the realms of food production, sustainable living, and cultural vibrancy, Slakthusområdet can become a beacon of inspiration and a model for resilient, inclusive urban environments. The integration of emerging food production methods within an urban fabric is a novel endeavor with the potential to reshape our cities, fostering self-sufficiency, reducing environmental impacts, and promoting social cohesion.In conclusion, the proposed redevelopment of Slakthusområdet signifies a pivotal moment in the district's storied history. By embracing a vision that interweaves sustainable food production, housing, cultural organizations, and public spaces, the project strives to carve a new path forward. Through this transformation, Slakthusområdet can emerge as a shining example of urban regeneration, one that transcends its historical legacy and embraces the challenges and opportunities of the future. As the project sets in motion, its impact on urban design and planning practices will reverberate far beyond the boundaries of Stockholm, inspiring the cities of tomorrow to cultivate resilience, foster inclusivity, and nurture sustainable urban ecosystems.
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For, By, and About Lesbians: A Qualitative Analysis of the <em>Lesbian Connection</em>Discussion Forum 1974-2004Erwin, Terry McVannel 26 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Las condenadas : an ethnography of sexuality and violence in BoliviaBorda Niño, Adriana Carolina January 2014 (has links)
This is an ethnographic study of discourses and experiences concerning sexual exchanges among kin “who are too closely related to marry each other” (OED), or what in lay language is called “incest”. I investigate the ways in which a certain kind of incest, that between older men and younger women, primarily from different generations, is experienced by women of predominantly rural origin, who have been hospitalized in the major public psychiatric hospital in Bolivia, in Sucre. In this sense, this research is as much a study of incest as it is of psychiatric institutionalization. These experiences will be considered in the context of a wider field of ethnic, class and gender discourses that are produced by medical staff, community organizations, as well as national judicial institutions. The category of 'incest' is problematized in terms of how kinship is constructed, not only as a series of dynamic discourses (as practices whose effect is the production of events) but also as mobile experiences, however socially regulated. With this in mind, I present an account of Andean concepts and treatment of incest, as well as of legal and medical categories. Specifically, I focus on the play between discourses in the context of the psychiatric hospital, the judicial court and the communities of selected inmates. I show how the inmates' experiences of intergenerational incest and sexual violence in general are related to the dominant ethnic, class and gender narratives produced by medical staff, community organizations, and judicial institutions.
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Flickors upplevelse av att utsättas för incest av fadern / Girls experiences of being subjected to incest by their fatherKarlsson, Martina, Pettersson, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige utsätts omkring 55 000 - 65 000 flickor mellan 0-17 år för incest. Anmälningar kring incest ökar årligen och det diskuteras om det relateras till ett mer medvetet och engagerat samhälle. Mörkertalet är fortfarande omfattande. För sjuksköterskor är det därför viktigt med kompetens och förståelse för barnens upplevelser. Genom stödjande samtal kan sexuellt utsatta barn upptäckas, vägledas och hjälpas vilket lindrar lidande Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa flickors upplevelse av att utsättas för incest av fadern. Metod: Studiens baserades på en kvalitativ metod med narrativ karaktär. Detta gjordes genom analys av sex självbiografier skrivna av kvinnor berättade ur barnens perspektiv. Resultat: Flickor upplever att de blir bekräftade av fadern men att inte vara förstående till hans handlingar. Incesten bidrar till att flickor känner sig ensamma och rädda i sin utsatthet. I resultatet framgår det även att flickor lär sig avskärma själen från kroppen i övergreppen. För att uppleva känslan av kontroll över sin egen kropp utvecklar flickorna ett destruktivt beteende. Skuld och skam är återkommande känslor hos flickor som utsätts för incest av fadern. Konklusion: Barn utsatta för incest behöver inte visa synliga symptom. För att upptäcka dessa flickor bör sjuksköterskor genom god omvårdnad se varje flicka i sin helhet och vara lyhörd inför deras livsvärld.
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Is there a male victim?: Discursive subjection in representations of female-on-male childhood sexual abuseDucat, James Ireland 01 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates established theoretical and embodied accounts of identities excluded within Western heteronormative society in order to seek out how those embodiments and theories may parallel what is contended that another impossible subject position -- the child male victim of adult female sexual violence.
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Familj, moderskap och incest i Så länge vi båda andas : En queerteoretisk temastudie av Stephenie Meyers Så länge vi båda andasReventlid, Amanda January 2011 (has links)
This paper examines in what way the heterosexual matrix is challenged by Stephenie Meyer in Breaking dawn (Så länge vi båda andas). By doing a thematic study on the various family constellations appearing in the novel, I search for the queer elements in it. I discuss incest, family building and motherhood, and find that there are numerous queer elements associated with the themes I have chosen. I conclude that the Cullen family challenges the heterosexual matrix, despite not being typical queer vampire characters. I also find that building a successful family is not based on gender or constellation otherwise, but is instead dependant on democracy and equality. Bella has a desire to taste the blood of both her daughter and her father, interpreted as an incestuous desire. I find similarities between Bella’s extreme motherhood behaviors and how drag show artists parody gender. / Denna uppsats undersöker på vilka sätt Stephenie Meyer utmanar den heterosexuella matrisen i Så länge vi båda andas. Genom att göra en queerteoretisk temastudie utifrån temat familj undersöker jag de queera elementen i texten. Jag behandlar incest, familjebildning och moderskap och kommer fram till att det finns många queera inslag i mina valda teman. I min analys drar jag slutsatsen att familjen Cullen, trots att de inte är klassiska queera vampyrkaraktärer ändå utmanar den heterosexuella matrisen. Jag kommer även fram till att framgången i en familjebildning inte ligger i kön, eller konstruktion, utan i demokrati och jämställdhet. När Bella åtrår sin faders och dotterns blod tolkar jag detta i sin kontext som ett incestuöst begär. Jag jämför extremismen i Bellas moderskap med hur dragshowartisten parodierar genus.
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