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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contested consequences : Discourse analysis of social conflict between Sami Reindeer Herding Communities and mining corporations in Impact Assessments / Ifrågasatta konsekvenser : En diskursanalys av sociala konflikter mellan Samebyar och gruvbolag i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar

Wilhelmsson, Nils January 2023 (has links)
For a long time, the indigenous Sami of northern Sweden have had little influence within planning processes. This problem have in recent years been highlighted both in legal terms and through practices for developing Impact Assessments (IA), and has led to increasing conflict between reindeer herders and mining corporations. This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to examine the IA documents for three mining concessions within Sami Reindeer Herding Communities (samebyar). The discourse analysis found that there were some differences in methodology and language between the documents, especially relating to if the assessments evaluated impacts to reindeer husbandry using a quantitative or a qualitative approach. The documents would also tend to downplay the impacts of the mines on reindeer husbandry, while highlighting the benefits of the mines for the local economy, and dispute the concerns of the affected reindeer herders. The thesis concludes by stating that an increased awareness of positionality among IA authors would be beneficial to promote transparency when indigenous or other vulnerable stakeholders are likely to be negatively affected. / Den samiska ursprungsbefolkningen i norra Sverige har under lång tid haft enbart lite inflytande inom planprocessen. Detta problem har under senare år belysts både i lagliga kretsar och genom metoder för att framställa miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar (MKB), och har lett till en ökad mängd konflikter mellan renskötare och gruvbolag. Denna uppsats använder kritisk diskursanalys för att undersöka MKB:na för tre gruvkoncessioner i samebyars renskötselområden. Resultaten pekade på att det fanns vissa skillnader i metodik och språk mellan dokumenten, särskilt när det gällde om bedömningarna utvärderade konsekvenserna på rennäringen genom en kvantitativ eller ett kvalitativ vetenskaplig metod. MKB:na tenderade även att tona ned gruvornas inverkan på renskötseln, samtidigt som de lyfte fram gruvornas fördelar för den lokala ekonomin, och ifrågasatte de berörda renskötarnas bekymran. Avslutningsvis konstateras att en ökad medvetenhet bland MKB-författare om hur deras subjektiva tillhörighet kan påverka deras bedömningar skulle vara fördelaktigt för att öka transparensen när ursprungsinvånare eller andra berörda sannolikt kommer att påverkas negativt.

An Analysis of How the Political Legitimacy of the Sámi Peoples is Perceived by Actors in the Indigenous Community Itself

Bogarve, Elmer January 2022 (has links)
The Nordic countries continued disregard for their colonial past and persistent discrimination and forced assimilation has created a hostile environment for the indigenous population within the nation-states. The contemporary situation faced by the Sámi peoples of northern Europe is beset with inadequate political representation, an unequal hieratical structure, and a neglect of the Sápmi region's nature preservation. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a contemporary perspective on the protection of indigenous rights as well as the political emancipation of the national Sámi communities contrasted against the academic research on the topic. Through the use of interviews with Sámi political and cultural figures various themes were developed that concerned the current situation. These were then used in the analysis to create a red thread through the academic literature and its connection and points of contention with the perception presented by the interviewees. This analysis showcases the hierarchical structure and subsequent insufficient political representation of the Sámi peoples and the current movement to reject the nation-states' agendas and challenge their policies rather than comply and try to negotiate for influence on matters that concern the indigenous group. Additionally, the green colonialism that continues the Nordic countries’ neglect and discrimination is outlined, as well as how international organisations work towards improving indigenous rights by criticizing the nation-states. The interviews confirm how the national assemblies operate and regard Sámi interests as non-issues. This is further reflected in the academic literature that showcases the insufficient political representation and better chances of influence on the international scene.

¿Con o sin ancestros? Vigencia de lo ancestral en la Amazonía peruana

Mouriès, Thomas 25 September 2017 (has links)
La existencia o no de ancestros en la Amazonía indígena ha sidoobjeto de importantes debates. Sin embargo, los líderes de la región no dudan en llamar ‘ancestrales’ sus saberes, normas o territorios,en un sentido que, desde un punto de vista académico, puede parecer enigmático. «Ancestrales, pero… ¿con o sin ancestros?», preguntaría entonces, confuso, el antropólogo. En este artículo propongo aportar elementos de respuesta a estapregunta a través del caso peruano. Primero analizo cómo los líderes indígenas amazónicos, conectándose al circuito del derecho internacional, adoptan la noción jurídica de ‘posesión ancestral’ del territorio para adaptarla al ámbito político. Este planteamiento rinde cuenta de la generalización y uniformización reciente del vocablo ‘ancestral’ pero deja pendiente el problema de su eventual articulación con las cosmologías indígenas que pretende reflejar. Por eso, en la segunda parte, intento sondear sobre la pertinenciade la categoría de ‘ancestro’ en la Amazonía indígena, recordando brevemente el debate académico para ir definiendo en qué medida esta categoría puede cobrar sentido. A partir del testimonio de un experimentado líder awajún, la tercera parte permite, entonces, volver más explícitos los diferentes sentidos y planos referenciales que despliega la referencia a lo ancestral, mostrando cómo los indígenas amazónicos no solo adoptan elementos conceptuales y discursivos externos, sino que al mismo tiempo los transforman a partir de sus propias singularidades cosmológicas y perspectivas políticas. / The existence —or not— of the concept of ancestors in the indigenous Amazon has been the subject of much debate. However, regional leaders do not hesitate to call upon ‘ancestral’ knowledge, customs, or territories in the sense that, from an academic point of view, could appear enigmatic. «Ancestral, but… with or without ancestors?» is the question a confused anthropologist might ask. In this article, I propose to offer elements of a response to this question,based on a case study in Peru. First I analyze how Amazonian indigenous leaders, following international law, have adopted the legal notion of ‘ancestral possession’ of their territory to adapt it to the political sphere. This approach accounts for the recent generalization and uniformization of the term ‘ancestral’, but poses the problem of how it articulates with the indigenous cosmologies that it supposes to reflect. For this reason, I explore in the second section the pertinence of the category of ‘ancestor’ in the indigenous Amazon, briefly drawing upon the academic debate in order to define inwhat way this category takes on meaning. Based on testimony from an experienced Awajún leader, we thus return in the third section more explicitly to the different meanings and planes of reference that unfold when one uses the term ‘ancestral’, showing how Amazonian indigenous people not only adopt external conceptual elements and arguments, but also transform them based on their own cosmological singularities and political perspectives.

Sustainability for whom? : A study on Sami perspectives on inclusion and rights within sustainable development in Sweden / Hållbarhet för vem? : En studie om samiska perspektiv på inkludering och rättigheter inom hållbar utveckling i Sverige

Håkansson, Louise, Lundberg, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
The Sami in Sweden have lived on and managed their lands since time immemorial. The strong connection to the environment and nature has given them centuries of knowledge that is still applicable to this day. With the help of their ancestral knowledge the Sami have preserved their Indigenous land. With constant work towards sustainability and extractive projects of natural resources for renewable energy that takes place in Sápmi, the question is raised of who is included in the transition towards sustainable development and who the transition is for. The purpose of this study is to investigate and get a deeper understanding of Sami perspectives on sustainability and the connection to their rights. Applied methodology for this qualitative study is semi-structured interviews with nine Sami, followed by a thematic analysis of the collected empirical data. This was done to understand and analyse perceptions of sustainable development and how it relates to Sami inclusion and Sami rights, using frameworks of colonial governmentality and green colonialism. The findings suggest that a differentiation can be made concerning how the Sami perceive actions for sustainable development and the concept of sustainable development. Further, the Sami view their inclusion in policy-making and implementation in regards to questions of sustainable development in Sweden as being somewhat low or not applied at all. In relation to environmental sustainability this study shows that the implementation of Sami rights varies depending on the context, but that it is generally experienced as insufficient, and that rights are often applied to the economic units of the samebys, and not all Sami, creating a division within the Sami community. The results also show a perception of lack of political will and a neglectance to include and implement Sami rights, as state interests are prioritised. The societal and institutional conditions for the Sami to claim their rights and require inclusion within sustainable development prove that the theories of colonial governmentality and green colonialism are applicable to the current situation in Sápmi.

United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Understanding the Applicability in the Native American Context

Morman, Alaina M. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

EU:s Critical Raw Minerals Act och lokala konflikter kring gruvdrift i norra Sverige : En fallstudie av Rönnbäck och Nunasvaara / EU:s Critical Raw Minerals Act and Local Mining Conflicts in Northern Sweden : A Case Study of Rönnbäck and Nunasvaara

Richardson, Ilse Marie January 2024 (has links)
The increasing global demand for critical raw minerals is increasing the demand for expansion of the mining industry, requiring quicker issuance of environmental and mining permits while maintaining sustainability standards. Social License to Operate (SLO) is crucial for gaining local support for mining projects. The EU's increased influence on member statesmineral policies through the Critical Raw Mineral Act (CRMA) could lead to local power shifts and conflicts. This study examines how CRMA affects local power dynamics and conflicts, focusing on two mining projects in Sweden to investigate the local impacts of the EU's CRMA and its effect on SLO. Using a qualitative case study approach, the study applies MacPhail et al.'s (2022) theoretical framework, focusing on process legitimacy, value compatibility, and expected distributional outcomes. The findings indicate that CRMA may negatively impact SLO and may lead to reduced power for indigenous populations and increased conflicts among stakeholders. The study highlights the need for inclusive, transparent, and fair permitting processes to secure SLO and minimize conflicts, emphasizing the importance of integrating indigenous rights and values in political decisions and permitting processes to support democratic and sustainable development in the mining industry.

Growing Intercommunalist "pockets of resistance" with Aloha 'Aina in Hawai'i

Hermes, Karin Louise 07 June 2022 (has links)
In der hawaiianischen Vorstellung steht das Land in einer Kinship- oder Verwandtschaftsbeziehung als lebendes und atmendes Familienmitglied, von dem man abstammt. Aloha 'Aina („Liebe zum Land“) ist eine Onto-Epistemologie der Indigenen auf Hawai'i, analog zu anderen gemeinschaftlichen Organisationsformen, die Mensch, Nicht-Mensch und Natur als miteinander verbunden betrachten, wie etwa im Glauben der Haudenosaunee. Anstatt Aloha 'Aina als eine Methode der „dekolonialen Klimagerechtigkeit“ zu präsentieren, die im globalen Norden nachgeahmt werden soll, und damit Aloha 'Aina von jenem „Land“ zu entfernen, theoretisiere ich ein ortsbezogenes Konstrukt, das ich „Spirit of Relationality“ nenne. Ich verknüpfe das hawaiianische Aloha 'Aina mit der politischen Theorie des Interkommunalismus des Black Panther Huey P. Newton, um dekoloniale Formen globaler Klimagerechtigkeit für nicht-Indigene Positionalitäten zu entwickeln. Der Zweck dieser Verbindung war es, den „Geist“ innerhalb der postmarxistischen Theorien neu zu verorten, wie sie von Vanessa Watts (Haudenosaunee & Anishinaabe) kritisiert werden, da dieser Geist für eurozentrische Perspektiven entfernt wurde. Indem ich hawaiianische Geschichten und zeitgenössische Poesie analysiere, vergleiche ich auch Vorstellungen von lokalem Glauben anderswo, wie auf den Philippinen und im Ästuargebiet, durch die Verbundenheit des Pazifiks und von fluidem Wasser und Luft. Metaphern von Spirit/Geist und Kinship, sowie eine materialistische Analyse des Antikolonialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung auf Hawaii führten dazu, dass ich meine eigenen Konzepte als „Pneumaterialismus“ bezeichnete. Dies ergibt sich aus der Metaphorik von „pneuma“ als liminaler Geist und hawaiianischem „ea“ („Atem,“ „Leben,“ „Wiederaufleben“), mit Wortspielen zur Metaphysik und Antagonismen zwischen Materialismus/Materie und Idealismus. Die Dynamik interkultureller und organischer Symbiosen und indigener Solidaritäten bildet ebenfalls die Grundlage dieser Metaphern. / In Indigenous Hawaiian conceptualization land is relational, a living and breathing family member that one is descended from. Aloha 'Aina (“love of the land”) is an Indigenous way of knowing and being in Hawai'i, analogous to other communal forms of organization that consider human, non-human, and nature as interrelated, such as in Haudenosaunee beliefs. Instead of presenting Aloha 'Aina as a method of “decolonial climate justice” to emulate within the global North, and thus remove Aloha 'Aina from its land, I theorize a place-based construct I call “spirit of relationality.” I connect Hawaiian Aloha 'Aina with Black Panther Huey P. Newton’s political theory of Intercommunalism towards decolonial forms of global climate justice for non-Indigenous positionalities. The purpose of this connection was to relocate “spirit” within post-Marxist theories, as critiqued by Vanessa Watts (Haudenosaunee & Anishinaabe) of having been removed for Eurocentric perspectives. Analyzing Hawaiian stories and contemporary poetry, I also compare notions of localized beliefs elsewhere, such as in the Philippines and in the estuary space, through the connectedness of the Pacific Ocean, in-flux waters, and air. Metaphors of spirit/ghost and kinship, as well as materialist analysis of anticolonialism and labor organizing in Hawai'i, led to labelling my own concepts as “Pneumaterialism.” This is from metaphors of “pneuma” as in-between spirit and Hawaiian “ea” (“breath,” “life,” “resurgence”), with wordplay on metaphysics and antagonisms between materialism/matter and idealism. Dynamics of intercultural and organic symbiosis and Indigenous solidarities also ground these metaphors.

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