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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medborgare och myndigheter i en pandemi : Mottagarens upplevelse av kriskommunikation under coronapandemin 2020 / Citizens and authorities in a pandemic : The recipient's experience of crisis communication during the corona pandemic 2020

Engelbrektsson, Ebba, Hallberg, Elin January 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Gazzawi, Ahmad, Khurana, Mehak January 2018 (has links)
Internet of Things har sedan 1990-talet varit ett hett ämne, men på senare tid har begreppetblivit allt viktigare medan teknologin utvecklas mer än någonsin. IoT används i dagslägetbland annat inom sjukvården, för att skapa smarta städer och i effektiviseringen av processeroch verksamheter. I takt med att denna teknologi växer, uppstår frågor kring säkerhet ochhantering av den massiva mängd data som samlas in.Forskningen kring IoT, i samband med brottsbekämpning, är i dagsläget relativt begränsad dåteknologin i sig fortfarande är ung. Den aktuella studien har, genom att intervjua experterinom området, utforskat möjligheter för att skapa ett tryggare samhälle med hjälp av IoT.Studien inkluderar dessutom samhällets perspektiv där vi genom en enkät samlat ininformation om vad människor känner inför att polisen använder IoT för att effektiviserabrottsbekämpning. Vi ställer oss följande fråga:Hur värderas frågor om integritet i förhållande till brottsbekämpning genom IoT? / Internet of Things has been a hot topic ever since the 1990s´ but lately the term has becomemore and more important as the technology is evolving more than ever before. Today IoT isused in order to improve healthcare, to create smart cities and in order to create moreefficient businesses and processes. With the growth of this technology there is now newquestions regarding safety and the handling of the massive amount of data that is gathered.The research within IoT, in connection to crime prevention, is quite limited since thetechnology itself is relatively young. This study has, through interviewing experts within thefield, explored opportunities to create a safer society with the help of IoT. The study alsoincludes the public´s perspective through the use of a questionnaire. This helped us gatherdata regarding what the public feels about law enforcement using IoT to become moreefficient when it comes to crime prevention. We ask the following question:How are privacy issues measured when compared to crime prevention through IoT?

Informationshantering och andra konkurrensfördelar i en förändringsfas

Andersson, Magnus, Eriksson, Alexander, Svensson, Josefine January 2009 (has links)
Problemområde – Med uppsatsen ämnas undersöka på vilket sätt hanteringen av patientrelaterad information i Hälsoval Skåne uppfattas som en konkurrensfördel av privata vårdenheter och huruvida det finns andra konkurrensfördelar som dessa vårdenheter anser vara avgörande.Metod – En kvalitativ undersökning har gjorts i form av en fallstudie där verksamhetschefer på fyra privata vårdenheter, som bedriver primärvård i Malmö, har intervjuats. Hälsoval Skåne innebär en stor förändring av primärvården inom regionen. Därav har inledningsvis en bred litteraturstudie gjorts för att skapa en ökad förståelse för detta obeforskade fält. Avslutningsvis har det empiriska materialet analyserats och diskuterats med utgångspunkt i de valda teoriområdena; organisation, tjänster och information. Resultat – Resultatet av undersökningen kan sammanfattas i fyra punkter. Hantering av patientrelaterad information är av mindre betydelse då den i mångt och mycket regleras i av lagar och förordningar. Av stor betydelse för vårdenheterna är istället att optimera personalen och anpassa erbjudandet till det geografiska område som enheten är verksam inom. Samtidigt är det avgörande för både Region Skåne och respektive vårdenhet att säkerställa och upprätthålla ett gynnsamt samarbete.Vidare forskning – Det hade även varit av intresse att, om ett år, utföra en studie liknande denna för att följa upp inställningen hos och konkurrensen mellan enheterna. Då denna studie endast omfattar privata vårdenheter hade det varit intressant att även lyfta fram åsikter från Region Skåne, offentliga enheter och patienter. Uppsatsens bidrag – Uppsatsen bidrar till att skapa ökad förståelse för Hälsoval Skåne och de konkurrensfördelar som de privata vårdenheterna anser avgörande i denna förändringsfas. / Problem – This study intends to examine how management of patient oriented information in Hälsoval Skåne is perceived as a competitive advantage of the private units and whether there are other competitive advantages that these consider to be crucial. Method – A qualitative study in terms of a case study has been made. Managers of four private health units, providing primary health care in Malmö, were interviewed. Hälsoval Skåne is a major change in primary health care in the region. Initially a literature review has been made to engender a greater understanding of this not yet researched field. Finally, the empirical material is analyzed and discussed on the basis of the selected theories; organization, services and information.Conclusions – The results of the study can be summarized in four points. Management of patient oriented information is of minor importance as this to a great extent is governed by the laws and regulations. Of great importance are instead to optimize personnel, and to adjust the offer to the geographical area to which the unit operates within. At the same time, it is crucial for both the Region Skåne and the respective units to ensure and maintain a good cooperation.Further research – It would be in interest to, in a year, conduct a study like this to follow up the attitude of, and competition between the units. Since this study only covers private units, it would be interesting to also highlight the opinions of Region Skåne, public units and patients.Contributions – The study contributes to a better understanding of Hälsoval Skåne and the competitive advantages that the private healthcare units consider to be crucial in this phase of change.

Informationshantering i fastighetsbranschen

Albrektsson, Elof, Helsingen, Per January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Facköversättare, information och förändring : en diskursanalys av Facköversättaren 1995–2021 / Professional translators, information and change : a discourse analysis of Facköversättaren 1995–2021

Tinnervall, Jonna January 2022 (has links)
The information-seeking process and information management of professional translators have received little attention within library and information science. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore how non-literary translators’ work, especially in regard to their use of information and information technology, has changed since the 1990s. This is carried out by conducting a discourse analysis of texts from Facköversättaren¸ a magazine for professional translators working to and from Swedish. A sociomaterial theoretical framework is applied, combined with the discourse theory developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, which in this thesis serves both as a theoretical and methodological basis. The study finds that the discourse of professional translators has changed in several ways during the period in question. Firstly, to strengthen their identity, translators tend to contrast themselves to non-professional translators, other actors on the language service market, and machines. Secondly, technology is found to be described as a threat in the beginning of the period, while being described as a tool later on. Thirdly, the process of information-seeking is becoming increasingly incorporated within other parts of the translation process, with the help of CAT tools, and the translation process itself is being successively transformed by machine translation systems. This sociomaterial aspect of the entanglement of human and technical translation processes would benefit from further studies within library and information science.

Så mycket mer än bara inköp : en studie om inköpares ledarroll i fast fashion-företag / So much more than purchasing : a study of the buyer’s role as a leader in fast fashion companies

Jeppsson, Rebecca, Petersson, Helena, Eklund, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Som en spindel i nätet leder inköpare i fast fashion-företag sitt team mot uppsatta mål. Då inköpare ständigt står inför att ta snabba beslut och hantera tuffa förhandlingar, är det en spännande och komplex ledarroll som vi har valt att studera närmare. Dock finns det motstridigheter om hur ledarrollen bör skildras. Det saknas dessutom forskning som belyser inköpares ledande roll, i synnerhet i fast fashion-företag. Syftet med studien är därför att tydliggöra hur inköpares ledarroll ser ut i fast fashion-företag och för att fylla det gap som finns i forskningen. Vi har därför valt att studera hur inköpare betraktar sin roll som ledare i fast fashion-företag. Eftersom forskning visar att den kontext som inköpare verkar i har påverkan på ledarrollen har vi även studerat detta närmare. För att uppnå syftet med studien valdes en kvalitativ ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju kvinnliga inköpare från fyra svenska fast fashion-företag och skuggning av en inköpares arbete under tre arbetsdagar besvarades studiens frågeställningar. Empirin analyseras med stöd av Mintzbergs (1971) teori om tio olika ledarroller samt en fördjupning Mintzbergs (1971) teori med hjälp av senare forskning som stöd för att identifiera relevanta infallsvinklar. Resultatet från studien visar att inköpare inte intar en specifik ledarroll, utan intar flera som roller som de ständigt skiftar mellan. Den komplexa och dynamiska kontext som inköpare verkar i har stor påverkan på ledarrollerna, vilket är helt avgörande för vilka roller som blir dominerande. De mest framträdande ledarrollerna i studien, oberoende av kontextuella påverkansfaktorer, är kopplade till beslutsfattande. Detta eftersom beslut är den mest centrala delen av inköpsarbetet.

Behovet av kommunikation om kommunikation : En fallstudie om intern kommunikation på ett folkbibliotek / The need for communication about communication : A case study of internal communication at a public library

Harðardóttir, Hrafnhildur, Åstrand, Ellinor January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain knowledge about the internalcommunication at a public library in Sweden, focusing on the flow of information and the library employee’s role as a source and receiver. This is an important subject because internal communication affects not only the internal work, but also the users. Despite this there are few studies about internal communication in libraries. The research questions used are: How do the employees perceive the role as source of information, and what choices do they make before they spread information? How do the employees perceive the role as receiver of information? How do the employees feel that the information flow works in the organization as a whole?The research is founded on five qualitative semi-structured interviews with the library employees. The study’s analysis model is based on Jan Strid’s model from his book Intern kommunikation inom organisationer, företag och myndigheter (Internal communication in organisations, businesses and public authorities), and contains the elements source - purpose, channel - message and receiver - effect.The results show that even though the general opinion amongthe employees is that the internal communication is working well, some problems are also revealed. For example there were varying understandings about what was expected of them in their roles as sources and receivers of information. The conclusion is that there is a need for open discussion about the internal communication, and that there is also much to be gained by establishing guidelines for information management. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Beslutsprocesser och informationshantering : en fallstudie inom en högskoleorganisation / Decision processes and information management : a case study within an academic organisation

Wodlén, Anna-Carin, Åmand, Ing-Marie January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis, was to study decision processes and the importance of information management in the processes within an academic organisation, which led to the work with adaptions according to the law of Equal Treatment of Students in Higher Education, (SFS 2001:1286). A general question was formulated concerning how different information- and knowledge flows interact within an academic organisation and its library during the decision processes. The questions at issue we have tried to examine, concern the factors that have influenced the participants´ choice of information during the decision processes, in their work of adapting the law of equal treatment, and how these choices have influenced the priorities that were made. The theoretical starting point was basically Cohen, March and Olsens Garbage Can Model. We also found the author Chun Wei Choo´s descriptions of organisations, as systems of information processing, useful for parts of our thesis, especially the parts that deals with the role of information management within the decision processes. To answer our questions interviews were made with seven participants who had been involved in the work concerning the adaption of the law. The result shows constantly present interaction between the information- and knowledge flows during the decision processes. New information is processed continuously by the participants. The information processes can be transformed to knowledge in sense making processes, and be useful when the information- and knowledge flows coincide with each other and provide opportunities for decision making. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Tjänsteorienterad arkitektur : Ett arkiv- och informationsvetenskapligt perspektiv på tjänsteorienterad arkitektur / Service Oriented Architecture – An Archival- and Information perspective on Service Oriented Architecture

Westberg, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>The starting point of this paper has to do with rapid changes within the information technology and the need for agile and fast systems. The primary goal is to investigate what happens with recordkeeping practices in agile environments like service oriented architecture (SOA). It is in the possible transfer between IT architecture and digital archive the area of this paper resides. The paper relates to the Records Continuum model by which records will be considered historical and active at the time of creation. In the Records Continuum model recordkeeping practices and archival requirements will have to be taken into account at the time of creation.</p><p>This paper concerns SOA from the perspective of Archival and Information science. It describes the different parts that make it possible to achieve a SOA with emphasis on those parts which have the most impact on the requirements of a digital archive. The main requirements discussed in this paper are the principle of provenance, the need to ensure that records remain authentic, reliable and keep their integrity and usability over time. The issue of keeping track of information and activities in a SOA is also discussed. It is established that records which need to fulfil the requirements mentioned above do exists in a SOA. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether or not the principle of provenance and the archival requirements will be affected by SOA, and whether or not the requirements can be fulfilled over time.</p><p>Information collection for this paper is basically through studies of literature and information gathering on the Internet. The method is descriptive and comparison between the information gathered has been made. In addition one short interview has been undertaken with Skatteverket, a government that are in the process of implementing both SOA and a digital archive. The main purpose with the interview was to find out if there are any collaboration between SOA and the digital archive at Skatteverket.</p><p>The results indicate that a lot of the problem concerning preservation of digital records over time also applies for SOA, such as the lack of sustainable format and media and the potential loss of information. However some successful implementations of digital archives based on the OAIS-model with SOA as tool for realising the digital archive has been found. The archival requirements and the principle of provenance will be affected by SOA but it is only when there is a connection between SOA and a digital archive that it is possible to secure some of the archival requirements.</p>

Intranät : ett stöd för sjuksköterskans och undersköterskans arbete

Kjernald, Susanne January 2001 (has links)
<p>Inom hälso- och sjukvård hanteras dagligen stora mängder information, patientrelaterad och av generell karaktär, som effektivt ska stödja verksamhetens huvudprocess, vårdprocessen. Då vårdprocessens minsta beståndsdel är vårdpersonalens arbetsuppgifter måste ett datorstöd effektivt stödja deras arbete.</p><p>Detta arbete har studerat om spridning av generell information via ett intranät kan förenkla och effektivisera användning och åtkomst av information på en vårdavdelning ur sjuksköterskans och undersköterskans perspektiv. Arbetet har bestått av en fältstudie på en vårdavdelning samt en enkätundersökning riktad till sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor på elva vårdavdelningar inom Skaraborgs Sjukhus. Detta har resulterat i ett förslag på en intranätbaserad datorstödsarkitektur för generell informationshantering på en vårdavdelning. Arkitekturen beskriver informationsinnehåll, fysisk arkitektur och gränssnitt.</p><p>Resultatet visar att ett intranät är en möjlighet till förenklad och effektiviserad informationshantering om vissa faktorer uppfylls såsom att personalen får utbildning, datorstödet är lätt att använda, informationsinnehållet utformas av personalen samt ett tillräckligt antal datorer finns tillgängliga där de behövs.</p>

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