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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett överflöd av kunskap : en studie om hinder till kunskapsdelning i en kunskapsintensiv ideell organisation / An excess of knowledge : a study on the barriers to knowledge sharing in a knowledge intensive organization

Kreslins, Justine, Momqvist, Ulrica January 2023 (has links)
Knowledge sharing is assumed to be challenging for most organizations. Most of the knowledge management research has hitherto focused on profit driven organizations, leaving the NGO context less attended to. This thesis intends to contribute to science by addressing the barriers to knowledge sharing in a knowledge intensive NGO, where volunteer engagement is confirmed. It applies the practical approach to knowledge sharing, implying that knowledge only can be shared in human interactions. By asking how individual and organizational barriers prevent knowledge sharing and how these affect overall knowledge sharing in the organization, this thesis seeks to deepen the understanding on knowledge sharing in NGOs and knowledge intensive organizations. The thesis uses a qualitative case study, illustrated by the NGO Engineers Without Borders Sweden. Six interviews were conducted, and the results analyzed with a thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in four overarching themes identified as barriers to knowledge sharing: lack of time, lack of internal network structures, lack of leadership and handover challenges. Lack of time, lack of internal network structures and lack of leadership have previously been identified as barriers to knowledge sharing, but this study highlighted new dimensions of the themes. For the theme of time, no correlation was found to trust. Both lack of internal network structures and lack of leadership opened up a question of quality. The newfound theme was handover challenges, which proves a challenge in the volatile volunteer environment, especially if knowledge is only tied to its carrier and impossible to document.

Utvecklas eller gå under : Organisationers arbetsformer och informationshantering under Covid-19 samt organisationernas nyorientering i den nya normaliteten / Evolve or perish : Forms of work and information management in organizations during Covid-19, and the reorientation of organizations in the new normal

Berg Levinsson, Åsa-Maria, Rönnberg, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
During 2020, pandemic Covid-19 hit organizations globally. Organizations changed to remote or hybrid work forms overnight. This prompted a fast development of information technology. Research during the pandemic shows expectations on new work forms to create a norm of flexible work forms. As organizations settled in the new normal this did not happen, organizations rather created their own policies for work forms, very much differentiated from each other. This made apparent a discrepancy between the expectations from researchers and the situation in the new normal, which is the problem this study will investigate. The purpose of this study is exploring the identified discrepancy and what consequences the work forms have caused in information management of organizations during the pandemic and in the new normal. The research question is: What consequences have the new work forms had for the information culture and information management of this study’s organizations during the Covid-19 pandemic and in the new normal? The theoretical framework is based on Choo’s theories on information management in organizations and his 4R model which also works as a tool for analysis. This qualitative study uses semi structured interviews with seven interviewees at different Swedish organizations. Results show that work forms have impacted information management of organizations and that organizations in the new normal create their own policies for work forms based on a range of different arguments. Conclusions find that development of information technology enables flexible work forms, but also that organizations still search for individual solutions for flexible work.

"Det blir på riktigt när man träffas" : En kvalitativ studie av hur kunskap skapas och delas i en kommunal hemtjänstgrupp

Rönnqvist Sidi, Ingrid January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka hur kunskap skapas och delas i en hemtjänstgrupp där en stor del av arbetet är ensamarbete och det inte är självklart att träffa sina arbetskamrater eller de sjuksköterskor man samarbetar med under arbetsdagen. Som metod för undersökningen valdes observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer med hemtjänstpersonal, sjuksköterskor och hemtjänstchefen. En tematisk analys av datamaterialet resulterade i fyra teman; tillit, insikt, informationshantering och hinder. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att mötet ansikte mot ansikte är avgörande för kunskapsbildning, kunskapsdelning och skapande av förtroense i arbetsgruppen. Undersökningen visar också att både för lite och för mycket information ökar risken för att viktig information missas samt att det finns en tydlig kunskapshierarki i organisationen som hindrar kunskapsprocessen att fortplanta sig genom organisationen.

Den kommunikativa organisationen : ur ett medarbetarperspektiv / The communicative organization : from a co-workers’ view

Johansson Marzban, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
This is a qualitative survey study that examines co-workers’ experiences of Information management within a Swedish authority. Previous research claims that co-workers' perceptions of Information management have not been studied and there is an understanding in science that there is a lack of studies from co-workers’ point of view in this field. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge regarding how communication is experienced by co-workers regarding their own participation within Information management processes. Theories on which this study is based are within communication research and information science with the assumption that knowledge is a human activity and that employees are both carriers of and practitioners of knowledge, communication and learning processes. A survey with questions concerning communication, knowledge, sustainability, and digitalization within the Swedish Transport Administration was conducted and analyzed through a qualitative thematic analysis and put in relation to the communicative organization model and knowledge sharing processes. The result showed that the co- workers perceived the internal information and communication similarly and that they were well aware of the organization’s visions and values. There were a weakness in the internal information processes and in the understanding of the sustainability roles for the individual co-worker. Conclusions were drawn that the studied respondents in the population have a good foundation for becoming a communicative organization regarding the correlation to previous research. Further research could concern different units within the organization as well as other authorities to make comparisons with the different areas of activity.

Material Handling Planning to Reduce Differences in Stock Levels / Planering av materialhantering för minskning av differenser i lagernivåer

Hertzman, Simon, Sjöman, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Examensarbetet som presenteras i denna rapport syftar till att kartlägga materialflöde samt informationsflöde för inköpt material hos GKN ePowertrain i Köping. Kartläggningen resulterade i att det finns flertalet ställen där möjliga orsaker finns. Utbildning av personal är en av lösningarna som syftar till att lära anställda hur de ska registrera material i informationssystem för att differenser inte ska uppstå. Utbildningen omfattar även informationsdelning om de konsekvenser felaktig inmatning kan ge. Implementation av samtliga förbättringsförslag hade lett till förbättringar av den ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala hållbarheten. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Barrärer mot kunskapsdelning i en nätverksorganisation : Aktörers perspektiv på kunskapsdelning i en nätverksorganisation / Barriers against knowledge sharing in a network organization : Actors perspective on knowledge sharing in a network organization

Andersson, Philip January 2023 (has links)
This study focuses on Knowledge management and knowledge sharing. The purpose is to examine potential barriers for knowledge sharing in a specific organization. The barriers will be from the perspective of actors in a specific network. Strategic knowledge sharing is based on knowledge management and organizational theory, the theoretical framework is created with this in mind. The research questions are the following: How is knowledge shared in a network organization? What barriers exist to knowledge sharing in a network organization? To investigate these research questions, a qualitative approach was taken through the use of qualitative content analysis. The study looks toward a specific network organization that in turn focuses on sharing information and inspiration to create a more sustainable future. Semi-instructed interview with different actors in the network was conducted. The result shows that without an established relationship between actors in a network, the actors themselves need to establish the connection. At the same time, a lack of communication channels creates a barrier for actors to establish contact with each other.

Trackers och rekommendationer: datainsamling och transparens

Axelsson, Victor, Ruponen, Felix January 2015 (has links)
Vid sökning på internet via en webbläsare finns en mängd tredjepartsaktörer aktiva som samlar in information om användarens beteende. Det saknas idag en transparens gentemot användaren om vilka aktörer, vilken information och vad informationen används till. Genom simulerad surfning undersöks vilken utsträckning datainsamling sker. I studien undersöks de i dagsläget största aktörerna och deras respektive informationshantering. Studien visar på fem stora tjänster inom rekommenderat material och data-analys varav två företag undersöks vidare. Företagens informationshantering analyseras i uppsatsen utifrån respektive företags sekretessavtal. Undersökningen visar att en stor datainsamling sker utan att det är uppenbart för användaren. / When searching on the Internet via a web browser there is a variety of third-party actors active that collects information about the user’s behavior. Today, there is a missing transparency for the user about the actors, what information is gathered and what the information is used for. By simulating web browsing the extent of data collecting is researched. This study examines the current situation of major actors and their respective information. The study revealed five major services within recommended materials and data analysis. Two companies were investigated further. These companies are analyzed in the article based on each company’s privacy policy. The study shows that a lot of data is being gathered without it being obvious to the user.

Hur kan BIM underlätta förvaltning av fastigheter? / How can BIM Facilitate Property Management?

Ytterholm, Simon, Persson, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
Byggbranschen anses vara en konservativ bransch som är trög att implementera nya innovationer i sina olika faser. Det kan bero på att ingen vågar ta steget och det inväntas resultat ifrån den som faktiskt vågade. Därför går det sakta framåt med utvecklingen av tjänster och programvaror. Ordet BIM, byggnadsinformationsmodellering, har länge funnits i luften i branschen och flera aktörer har fått förståelse för dess utvecklingsmöjlighet. Det effektiviserar i projekteringen och samlar stora mängder information i en samlad modell. Undersökningar har gjorts på BIMs påverkan i projektering men inte lika mycket har gjorts i förvaltningsfasen. Förvaltningen är trots allt den fasen som är majoritet av livslängden på en byggnad. Nyfikenheten växer i byggbranschen och insikt i vilka möjligheter som kan erbjudas har diskuterats, men i praktiken är användningen i sitt första skede. Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida BIM kan påverka förvaltningen, specifikt underhållsarbete, och dess utvecklingsmöjlighet. Studien utgår från teoretiska begrepp som lägger grunden till undersökning om hur underhåll påverkas av BIM. Studien har genomförts genom en litteraturstudie som har jämförts med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer berörda av ämnet. De intervjuades roller är fastighetsägare, förvaltare, projektledare och BIM specialister. Studien har identifierat en vision hur BIM kan fungera i förvaltningsskedet, men som inte är helt möjligt idag på grund av det hinder som finns vid implementeringen. Trots det använder företag liknande programvaror och nyttor som BIM. Företagen har olika syn på hur BIM kan hjälpa till vid implementering inom underhåll. Studien redovisar de fördelar och de hinder som finns vid implementeringen vid förvaltning och underhåll med en koppling till hållbarhet. Det tas upp hur viktigt informationshanteringen är vid underhållsplanering samt problem som uppstår. Resultatet visar på att en utveckling på marknaden måste göras samt hur viktigt samarbete i en organisation är. / The construction industry is considered a conservative industry that is slow to implement new innovations in its various phases. This may be because no one dares to take the step and results are expected from those who actually dared. Therefore, the development of services and software is progressing slowly. The word BIM, building information modeling, has long been in the air in the industry and several players have gained an understanding of its development potential. It streamlines planning execution and gathers large amounts of information in a single model. Investigations have been made of BIM's impact in planning, but not as much has been done in the management phase. After all, management is the phase that is the majority of the lifespan of a building. Curiosity is growing in the construction industry and insight into what opportunities can be offered has been discussed, but in practice the use is in its first stages. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether BIM can affect management, specific maintenance work, and its development potential. The study is based on theoretical concepts that lay the foundation for research on how maintenance is affected by BIM. The study was conducted through a literature study that was compared with five semi-structured interviews with people affected by the subject. The roles of the interviewees are property owners, managers, project managers and BIM specialists. The study has identified a vision of how BIM can function in the management phase, but is not entirely possible today due to the obstacles that exist in the implementation. Nevertheless, companies use similar software and benefits as BIM. The companies have different views on how BIM can help with implementation in maintenance. The study reports the advantages and obstacles that exist in the implementation of management and maintenance with a connection to sustainability. It addresses the importance of information management in maintenance planning and problems that arise. The results show that a development in the market must be made and how important cooperation in an organization is.

Ego formatae : En studie i designprocessens agentiella perspektiv och påverkan på dess designer

Andrén, Emma, Davidsson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
I denna undersökning tar vi upp hur en designprocess kan ses ur ett agentiellt perspektiv. Detagentiella perspektivet är framtaget av Karen Barad som i sin forskning i kvantfysik börjadeundersöka hur olika fenomen kunde ta olika former, som till exempel hur ljus kunde ta bådepartikel- och vågform (2003). Genom att applicera detta perspektiv på hur man uppfattar verklighet och situationer utifrån olika håll ges möjlighet till en bredare bild av hur verklighets-skapande blir till. Vi ville därmed undersöka detta i relation till designprocess och hur verkligheten formas om man ser designprocessen ur dess eget perspektiv istället för designerns,samt hur designern blir formad av processen. Vi har valt att analysera faktorerna tid,informationshantering, process, designperspektiv, Psykofysiologi och medietekniskinstallationskonst. Vi har även valt att studera Chions (1994) begrepp audiovisuella kontraktet,som har varit en grund till vår valda design, genom agentiell realism.Vår design är byggd på intra-aktion, som förklarar mötet mellan olika faktorer som påverkar ensituation (agenser), och audiovisuella kontraktet, som förklarar samspelet mellan ljud, bild ochåskådare, där vi valt att utgå ifrån medieteknisk installationskonst. Med dessa somutgångspunkt skapades en design av en interaktiv Projection mapping, som kan förklaras somen projektion i flera lager, som samspelar med en ljudbild. Vi har under processens gång funnit fler exempel på hur vi som designers och individer harformats och förändrat olika ställningstaganden till både processen och vår verklighet, som viresonerat och diskuterat kring. Valet av vår undersökning är grundat på att ge ännu enkunskapsbas för vad som händer under en designprocess och för att medvetandegöra perspektivsom kan underlätta arbetsflödet. Vad händer egentligen med oss i en designprocess, och hurpåverkas designen?

Probleminventering av några forskares informationshantering : En fråga för biblioteket? / An inventory of problems found in researchers’ information management processes : A question for the Library?

Egevad, Per January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate if the library can be a real partner for researchers in managing and dealing with their research information. In this study, six researchers have been interviewed about their problems with information management. This study uses the method Critical Incident Technique for the interviews with the researchers. This method focuses mainly on problems and what happens around those problems. The interview results have been prepared with automatic clustering and analysed with the help of a theoretical model from Minnesota University Library. This is a model of the scholarly research process described in four overlapping areas: 1) Discover, 2) Gather, 3) Create and 4) Share. The studies result gives that there seems to be no problem with accessing full text information, the problem is rather narrowing down the search to get enough time to read it all. The researchers do not find any search skills in the library that match their own search skills. On the question if the library works well as a partner, the answer in this study is no. The researchers do not see the library as a partner in working with research information, but only as a supplier of documents. When they need assistance, they turn to colleagues, students, email, and as a last resort, the library.

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