Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interplay"" "subject:"jnterplay""
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Input - output : låtskrivandes utveckling genom samspelLeanderson-Andréas, Elinne January 2013 (has links)
Det här projektet handlar om att utveckla mitt låtskrivande och vikten av att få både input och output från mina medmusiker och därigenom inspiration till att komponera och arrangera. Jag skriver låtar i genren pop/singer-songwriter men då jag själv är violinist har jag valt att spela med bara stråkinstrument och sång. Bandet består av mig som sjunger och spelar fiol, en cellist och en violinist som även sjunger. I arbetet kan man läsa om processen genom komponerande, arrangerande och repeterande av de fyra låtarna jag har skrivit. Målet är att skriva låtar, arrangera dem, repetera dem, spela in dem i studio, mixa låtarna och sedan spela dem på en konsert. Dessutom finns det ett mål att utvecklas musikaliskt och personligt och våga stå för den musik jag skriver. Nu finns låtarna upplagda på internet (http:// soundcloud.com/violinne) och jag är mycket nöjd med resultatet. / This project is about developing my songwriting and the importance of getting both input and output from my fellow musicians and thereby inspired to compose and arrange. I write songs in the genre of pop / singer-songwriter but as I myself am a violinist, I have chosen to play with only stringed instruments and vocals. The band consists of me singing and playing the violin, a cello and a violin player who also sings. In this project, you can read about the process by composing, arranging and repeating the four songs I've written. The goal is to write songs, arrange them, repeat them, record them in the studio, mix songs and have a public play. There is also a personal goal to evolve musically and personally, and self courage of the music I write. Now there are songs uploaded on the Internet (http://soundcloud.com/ violinne) and I am very happy with the results. / <p>Bilaga: 1 CD</p>
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Dynamique et origine de la topographie tardi-orogénique du domaine bétique (Espagne) / Dynamics and origin of the late orogenic topography of the Betic domain (Spain)Janowski, Marianne 22 December 2017 (has links)
La compétition entre les processus internes et externes contrôle l'évolution des surfaces continentales à l'échelle des temps géologiques. La topographie et le réseau de drainage actuels des Cordillères Bétiques apparaissent comme transitoires (surfaces aplanies sommitales, knickpoints) impliquant que la réponse érosive du système géomorphologique n'a pas encore contrebalancé les dernières étapes de surrection. L'exhumation des zones internes montre un épisode d'aplanissement majeur de la topographie à une altitude proche du niveau marin entre ~ 17 et 8 Ma. Certaines de ces surfaces sont préservées de l'érosion en altitude. Les rivières montrent une incision relativement mature dans les sierras orientales initiée lors de l'inversion tardi-miocène, et une surrection régionale plus récente reliée à de la topographie dynamique. Le raccourcissement post-tortonien dans les zones internes est faible (~ 5 km) tandis que la déchirure E-W de la lithosphère ibérique depuis la fin du Miocène entraîne un soutien mantellique permettant d'expliquer les hautes topographies orientales. A l'ouest, la lithosphère ibérique subit la traction du panneau plongeant impliquant une topographique moyenne plus basse. L'implication de ces processus engendre une forte composante non-isostatique de la topographie. La géométrie de la déchirure de la lithosphère ibérique permet d'expliquer l'instabilité de la ligne de partage des eaux séparant les versants atlantique et méditerranéen. Le rajeunissement du relief bétique et la réorganisation dynamique du réseau de drainage suggère une surrection brève et récente (quelques Ma) rattachée à un fonctionnement discontinu de la déchirure de la lithosphère. / Competing between internal and external processes controls the evolution of continental surfaces at geological time scale. The topography and associated drainage network of the Betics are transient (summit surfaces, knickpoints) implying that the erosional response of the geomorphic system hasn’t counterbalanced the last stages of uplift yet. Exhumation history of the internal zones shows a major planation event near sea level between ~ 18 and 7 Ma. Some of these surfaces are preserved from erosion at the summit of several sierras. Rivers in the eastern sierras show relatively mature incision pattern initiated since the Late Miocene inversion. At the regional scale the drainage network shows a more recent uplift related to dynamic topography. Post-Tortonian shortening in the Internal Zones is low (~5 km) whereas E-W tearing of the Iberian lithosphere since the Late Miocene has led to an important mantle support of the eastern topography. To the west, Iberian lithosphere is pulled by the slab and the mean topography above is deflected. These deep processes are responsible for an important non-isostatic component of the Betics topography. The tear geometry of the lithosphere beneath the Betics can explain the instability of the main divide (Atlantic/Mediterranean). Rejuvenation of the relief and the dynamic reorganization of the rivers suggest a brief and recent uplift (few Ma) related to a discontinuous tearing of the lithosphere.
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Links between Prenatal Stress and Obstetrical Complications and Infant Behavior: A Twin DesignJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The main objective of this study was to use a genetically-informative design to examine the putative influences of maternal perceived prenatal stress, obstetrical complications, and gestational age on infant dysregulation, competence, and developmental maturity. Specifically, whether or not prenatal and obstetrical environmental conditions modified the heritability of infant outcomes was examined. A total of 291 mothers were interviewed when their twin infants were 12 months of age. Pregnancy and twin birth medical records were obtained to code obstetrical data. Utilizing behavioral genetic models, results indicated maternal perceived prenatal stress moderated genetic and environmental influences on developmental maturity whereas obstetrical complications moderated shared environmental influences on infant competence and nonshared environmental influences on developmental maturity. Gestational age moderated the heritability and nonshared environment of infant dysregulation, shared and nonshared environmental influences on competence, and nonshared environmental influences on developmental maturity. Taken together, prenatal and obstetric conditions were important nonlinear influences on infant outcomes. An evolutionary perspective may provide a framework for these findings, such that the prenatal environment programs the fetus to be adaptive to current environmental contexts. Specifically, prenatal stress governs gene expression through epigenetic processes. Findings highlight the utility of a genetically informative design for elucidating the role of prenatal and obstetric conditions in the etiology of infant developmental outcomes. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Psychology 2011
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Social hållbarhet och dagvattenhantering i Linköping : En studie om Parken Paradiset och Broparken i VallastadenElamidi, Sokaina, Amir Taher, Dalia January 2018 (has links)
There are several aspects which need to be considered while planning a building to achieve sustainable environment for people's well-being. One of the significant aspects is social sustainability which is largely about promoting everyone regardless of the circumstances. In a socially sustainable city, there should be access to meeting places to improve social life. The Park Paradiset and the Broparken in Vallastaden were designed to improve socializing between people. The parks in this work are examined based on social aspects; interaction and identity. In addition, a park should be designed based on different aspects to suit different people. This work considers aspects such as recreation/ leisure, cultural identity, accessibility and safety. Beyond these aspects, the stormwater management in the parks is also studied. These studies were conducted with systematic literature studies, site visits, survey and qualitative interviews. A site visit was in Vallastaden, where the authors explored the district and handed out survey to the resident. The interview for the Park Paradise was conducted with Ulrika Gunnman from White Arkitekter and the interview for the Broparken was conducted with Lina Moström from 02landskap. The result shows that the architects worked differently to achieve the social aspects. It can be concluded that Park Paradiset fulfills the aspects better than the Broparken based on survey results, site visits and the interviews. The results further show that the stormwater management for the parks consists of open systems. Open systems have even been current in the Park Paradiset. The open ditches in the park leads the water in the transverse dikes to a longitudinal dike. It can be concluded that the architects utilized stormwater management better in Broparken compared to the Park Paradiset, when the architects transformed the ordinary ditch into something attractive and gave the park a character.
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La mobilisation du paysage par les acteurs publics locaux, un enjeu stratégique de territorialisation ? : réflexions en Loire Moyenne : Blois, Nevers, Saumur. / The mobilization of landscape by local public stakeholders : a strategic challenge for territorialization ?Voisin, Lolita 06 February 2013 (has links)
Le paysage est devenu progressivement en France un objet de politiques nationales et locales. Pourquoi les acteurs publics locaux mobilisent-ils le paysage pour parler et penser leur territoire ? Est-ce seulement le fruit d’une traduction descendante d’injonctions venues de l’Etat ? Nous formulons l’hypothèse que le paysage participe alors à une stratégie transversale spécifique et singulière pour chaque territoire en projet, dans un processus de reterritorialisation (Deleuze et Guattari 1980).L’analyse s’appuie l’étude de trois villes moyennes situées sur la Loire. La méthode croise plusieurs disciplines (analyse paysagère, analyse des politiques territoriales, entretiens semi-directifs, analyse des discours publics, analyse du jeu d’acteurs). Nous montrons ainsi comme le paysage est appréhendé localement, s’il répond à une stratégie organisée et s’il porte d’autres objectifs plus sectorisés. La recherche ouvre finalement sur une question d’actualité qui mérite d’être interrogée : quel est la part politique du paysage ? En quoi la prise en compte du paysage favorise de nouveaux modes de définition de territoires en émergence ? Cette réflexion est particulièrement contemporaine pour penser l’évolution du paysage, et de ceux qui utilise cette notion singulière, tels que les paysagistes dont le rôle évolue rapidement. / In France, the notion of landscape has gradually become the focus of national policies. Why local stakeholders choose to use Landscape to talk and think about the territrory ?Is it only a reason of vertical translation of national orders ? We formulate the hypothesis that landscape then participates in a specific and singular transversal strategy for every territory in project, in a process of reterritorialisation (Deleuze and Guattari 1980).The analysis is based on three middle-size cities all located on the Loire River. The method lies on the analysis of territorial policies, analysis of individual and collective discourse by local stakeholders, and on the analysis of the interplay of stakeholders organized around the notion of landscape. Thus, we show the way in which landscape is defined at the local level, whether it is the object of an organized strategy and whether it carries other, more sectorized, objectives.Our research finally opens onto a topical issue worth investigating : what is the political role of landscape? How does the public consideration of landscape foster new modes of definition for emerging territories ? This reflection is of particular contemporary importance to envision the evolution of landscape and of directly related jobs, such as the rapidly changing activity of landscape architects .
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Pedagogers syn på skapande material i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares upplevelser och erfarenheter om skapande verksametNordenberg, Cathrine January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete handlar om att få ökad förståelse om hur pedagoger ser på skapande material i verksamheten och närmare bestämt om pedagogerna har något didaktisk tanke när de låter barnen arbeta med play doh deg.Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med pedagoger på olika förskolor har jag undersökt hur de arbetar med skapande material på förskolan och hur de tänker kring barnens lärande i skapande. För att få bredare förståelse valde jag pedagoger som arbetar både med de minsta barnen och de något äldre barnen.Resultatet visar att pedagogerna är mycket positiva till skapande material och ser det som brett område som kan vara användbart till mycket. De upplever play doh som ett billigt och bra material som man lätt kan fixa själv på förskolan. De upplever att barnen tycker att det är roligt att dega, det infinner sig ett lugn hos dem och de ser även att kräver koncentration och sätter igång fantasin hos barnen. Alla barn kan vara med och utforska degen på sitt sätt oavsett ålder, vilket bidrar till att det är ett demokratiskt material. Det bidrar till ett stort lärande hos barnen både genom språket, matematiken och tekniken, samt utvecklar samarbetsförmågan. / This study examines how working educators understand and use creative material and if they have any didactic thoughts when they let children use a material such as Play Doh.By using qualitative interviews with teachers from different pre-schools I have examined how they use creative material in pre-school and their conceptions of children´s learning during creative activities. In order to get a wider perspective and understanding I have chosen to conduct interviews with pre-school teachers working with both toddlers and older children.The result shows that the working educators have a very positive experience of creative material and see creative work as a useful tool for learning in many ways. They also view the material as a cheap and easy way to get children to express themselves. From the working educators' point of view, the children find it very amusing and become calm, concentrated and use their imagination to the edge. Despite age, every child is able to explore and use the material, which makes it a democratic material. This contributes to a large amount of learning both regarding language, math and technique and also develops an ability to work together with other children.
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"Jag vill röra på min kropp för det är så härligt" : ett utvecklingsarbete om de yngre barnens interaktion och delaktighet i musikundervisning i förskolanFalkstedt, Elna, Kron, Jennie January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få syn på hur de yngre barnen i förskolan är delaktiga och hur de interagerar i musikundervisningen. Detta har undersökts genom observation av 1–3-åringar i ett musikrum på en förskola. Undersökningen är en del av ett utvecklingsarbete utifrån ett behov på förskolan där studien är gjord. Studien är utförd genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med deltagande observation. Empirin till studien är insamlad genom fältanteckningar och filmning. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt i studien är det sociokulturella perspektivet som hanterar samspel. Aktuell och relevant forskning hanteras. Fokus läggs på begrepp som musicking, delaktighet, interaktion, samspel och undervisning. Resultatet visar att barnen är delaktiga på olika sätt, som genom verbal kommunikation, kroppsspråk, ögonkontakt och att utforska kreativt. Resultatet visar även att utformningen av miljön inverkar på hur musikaliskt stimulerande den är och hur den bidrar till barns delaktighet i musikundervisningen. / The purpose of this study is to see how the young children in preschool is participating and how they interact in music education. We have observed preschoolers at the age of 1-3 years old in a music room in a preschool. The study is a part of a development project from a need the preschool had. The study is made through a qualitative research method with observation. The data is collected through notes and filming. Our theoretical starting point is the socio-cultural perspective that handles interaction. We look at new and relevant research. Our focus is on words like musicking, participation, interaction, interplay and education. The result show us that the children are participating in different ways, by vocal communication, body language, eye contact and by exploring creatively. The result also shows us that the environment affects children’s participation.
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Approaches to sensory marketing strategies within the beauty retail stores in Sweden : A qualitative insight concerning sensory interplay and sensory overloadGrandin, Veronica, Jönsson, Jessica, Kessén, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
As sensory marketing is becoming a more widely used strategy in the world, the need to distinguish oneself is more important than ever. The general knowledge of sensory cues, their interplay and sensory overload among Swedish retail beauty companies is researched in this thesis. We set out to identify the baseline knowledge of the store personnel and the implications thereof in Sweden on the subjects formerly mentioned. This investigative study aims to provide an insight into the workings and knowledge gap of retail store design from the perspective of store personnel with sensory- marketing, interplay and congruency in mind with focus on the senses vision, audio and scent. The knowledge of these are assumed to influence a stores’ ability to cater to and adapt to everyday and sensory-sensitive consumers. The study also aims to provide an insight into the subject of sensory overload, what causes it and the effects that might be had from the experience. To achieve this, we formed the research questions: “How do beauty retail stores in Sweden keep sensorial interplay in mind when designing their retail setting?” and “How do beauty retail stores in Sweden take sensory overload into consideration?”. We performed qualitative interviews with Swedish retail beauty stores’ employees. A foundational knowledge was established in the form of a literature review followed by empirical findings, to be discussed in the analysis. The conclusions drawn from our research, were that there is awareness among managers on sensory marketing. However, sensory cues are commonly broken down and compartmentalized into singular events. While we found that there are congruence considerations taken as to how the cues relate to the stores’ brand, there seemed to be little to none taken to how the cues interplay with each other. We could also conclude that sensory overload is not a consideration. However, that there are various reasons to this, one major being that Swedish retailers are careful about the implementation of sensory experiences and therefore consider themselves safe from the possibility.
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Exploring the role of music therapy in the nurturing of personhood in a male psychogeriatic wardStuart, Karyn Lesley 13 October 2008 (has links)
This clinical enquiry, based on clinical work undertaken during an internship, explores the role of music therapy in the nurturing of personhood of persons in a male psychogeriatric ward. The purpose of the enquiry is to draw insights into the role of music therapy in fostering personhood, not only in patients, but nursing staff members, who were included in the weekly music therapy group. The music therapy sessions included a variety of musical activities with many opportunities for performing. Over the course of thirteen sessions, clinical material was selected via purposive sampling, in the form of three video excerpts, and text lifted from observation notes. This material was analyzed using the research methods of coding, categorizing and identifying themes. The emerging themes are opportunities for growth of personal worth; experience of a changing group and self-identity; community: being in social relationship with others; and musical interplay: expression through music. It appears that music therapy indeed played a role in nurturing the personhood of group members, through the affordance of opportunities, and through enablement and empowerment of the individuals and the group. It would seem that including staff in the music therapy groups, developed not only their own personhood, but the personhood of the patient. This may have implications in music therapists’ view of the role of the nursing staff member within a music therapy group. Staff may be seen as, not only perfunctory helpers, but as a contributing, equal members of a music therapy group. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Music / UCTD / Unrestricted
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Konflikter på gång- och cykelbanan / Conflicts on shared-use pathsAndersson, Ola, Hjalmarsson, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Ett ökat användande av cykeln ger ett minskat utsläpp från transportsektorn och skapar en mer levande stadsmiljö, dock ger en ökad mängd trafikanter även en ökad risk för konflikter och olyckor. Hastighetsskillnaden mellan fotgängare och cyklister är stora och med allt fler eldrivna fordon på gång- och cykelbanan blir denna hastighetsskillnad ännu större. Det är därför viktigt med ett fungerande gång- och cykelvägnät. Målet med denna studie är att bidra med förbättring av samspelet mellan cyklister och fotgängare genom att utreda orsaker till konflikter samt att undersöka hur större kommuner utformar gång- och cykelbanor. Metod: Observationer har genomförts vid korsningar på huvudcykelstråket i Jönköpings Kommun, konflikter och flöde har observerats. Data har även samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med trafikingenjörer och trafikplanerare från fyra större kommuner. Insamlade data har strukturerats efter teman tagna ur det teoretiska ramverket, dessa teman är utformning, riktlinjer och VGU, separering eller samspel och konflikter. Resultat: Studien har visat att det saknas normer kring hur man beter sig på gång- och cykelbanan vilket påverkar trafikanternas attityd till trafikregler och medtrafikanter. Under de sammanlagt 10 observationstillfällena observerades 15st konflikter. Av dessa var 47% på grund av att minst en trafikant inblandad bröt mot trafikreglerna. Oftast inträffar konflikter mellan olika trafikslag, fotgängare och cyklister. Av de 15st konflikter som observerades var 80% mellan olika trafikslag. Studien visar inte något samband mellan inträffade konflikter och hur vida utformningen når upp till rekommendationer i GCM och VGU. Dock kan förbättringar göras, otydligheter i utformningen gör att trafikanter inte vet hur de ska placera sig och samspela med andra trafikanter på gång- och cykelbanan. För att utformningen ska respekteras är det viktigt att trafikanterna få det utrymme som krävs. Konsekvenser: Gång- och cykelbanorna måste göras tydliga och sammanhängande för att de ska användas rätt och respekteras. Fotgängare och cyklister bör ses som två olika trafikslag och ytorna dem färdas på bör utformas efter det. Ett förbättringsförslag är att skapa en standard vid utformning av gång- och cykelbanor som är anpassad för tätorten. Begränsningar: Arbetet är begränsat till större kommuner och observationerna är genomförda i korsningar på endast en kommuns huvudcykelvägnät. Flera intervjuer och observationer i kommuner av olika storlek hade behövt genomföras för att göra arbetet generellt applicerbart. / Purpose: Increased use of bicycles will reduce emissions from the transport sector and create a more vibrant urban environment, however, an increased number of shared-path users will increase the risk of conflicts and accidents. The speed difference between pedestrians and cyclists is large and with more and more electric vehicles on the pedestrian and bicycle lane, this speed difference is even larger. A functioning pedestrian and bicycle road network are important. The aim of this study is to help improve the interaction between cyclists and pedestrians by investigating the causes of conflicts and investigating how larger municipalities design pedestrian and bicycle lanes. Method: Observations were made on crossings in the main cycle path in Jönköping municipality where conflicts and flow were noted. There were also interviews with traffic planners and traffic engineers from four medium sized municipalities. The data collected was sorted by different themes from the theoretical framework. These themes are configuration, guidelines and VGU, separation or interplay and conflicts. Findings: The study has shown that there are no standards on how to behave on the pedestrian and bicycle lane, which affects road users' attitude to traffic rules and fellow road users. During the total of 10 observations, 15 conflicts were observed. Of these, 47% were due to at least one road user involved breaking the traffic rules. Most often, conflicts occur between different types of traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. Of the 15 conflicts observed, 80% were between different types of traffic. Studies do not show any connection between conflicts that have occurred and the extent to which the design reaches recommendations in GCM and VGU. However, improvements can be made, uncertainty in the design means that road users do not know how to position themselves and interact with other road users on pedestrian and bicycle lanes. It is important to give users enough space to make them respect the configuration. Implications: Reasons of conflicts are uncertainties in the configuration, speed differences and pedestrians moving unpredictable. There is a lack of norm of how to behave on the shared path. The configuration of shared paths needs to be clearer and it need to be coherent to make the users respect and use it properly. Pedestrians and cyclists should be seen as two different kinds of transportation and the surfaces they travel on should be designed as such. A suggestion is to create a standard in configuration of shared paths that is suited for the urban centre. Limitations: The study is restricted to larger municipalities and the observations were made at intersections on only one municipality's main cycle road network. Additional interviews and observations in municipalities with different sizes would be needed to make the findings more applicable.
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