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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Audiovisuella sensationer i den digitala tidsåldern : En kvalitativ studie om hur artister använder audiovisuell media i sin kommunikation / Audiovisual sensations in the digital age : A qualitative study of how artists use audiovisual media in their communication

Björkgren, Johan January 2021 (has links)
En kombination av ljud och bild, audiovisuell media, har under en längre tidsperiod varit ett sätt att skapa uppmärksamhet kring en artist. Den teknologiska utvecklingen har förbättrat de audiovisuella verktygen och gjort de mer tillgängliga. Dock har denna utveckling även skapat fler digitala kommunikationskanaler och ett informationsbrus som kan vara svårt för en artist att nå igenom. Utifrån detta kan artister behöva nå sin publik på ett djupare plan, vilket eventuellt kan uppnås genom sinnesmarknadsföring. Denna uppsats har därför som syfte att undersöka hur och varför artister använder audiovisuell media i sin kommunikation via sociala medier samt vilken betydelse samspel mellan flera sinnen har för att förmedla artistens identitet. Undersökningen har tillämpat en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med hermeneutik som kunskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt. Utifrån denna har studien antagit en abduktiv ansats. Datainsamling för studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, varav två genomfördes personligen, tre via telefon och två respondenter besvarade intervjufrågor via e-mail. Respondenter valdes genom ett målstyrt urval med kriterierna att respondenterna skulle inneha kunskap eller erfarenhet om ämnet genom sitt arbete och inkludera olika åldrar, könstillhörigheter och geografiska hemvister. Resultatet av denna undersökning är att artister kan använda audiovisuell media på ett mångfacetterat sätt som beror på artistens genre, sammanhang och målgrupp. Studien har identifierat tre typer av audiovisuell media: kortare videor, fullskaliga musikvideor samt livestreaming. Artister använder audiovisuell media utifrån olika syften som kan innefatta att kommunicera sin varumärkesidentitet, att addera till ett konstnärligt uttryck eller att etablera närmare relationer till sin målgrupp. Semantisk kongruens mellan flera sinnen är av betydelse för att förmedla en autentisk helhetsbild av artisten. I framtiden kan audiovisuell media få ökad betydelse genom en allt snabbare konsumtionskultur och mer tillgänglig teknik. Denna teknik kan även komma att möjliggöra inkludering av fler sinnen och därmed bidra till en starkare immersiv upplevelse för konsumenten. / A combination of sound and image, audio-visual media, has for a long time been a way to create attention around an artist. Technological developments have improved the audio-visual tools and made them more accessible. However, this development has also created more digital communication channels and an information noise that can be difficult for an artist to get through. Based on this, artists may need to reach their audience on a deeper level, which can possibly be achieved through sensory marketing. This study therefore aims to investigate how and why artists use audio-visual media in their communication via social media and the importance of interplay between several senses in conveying the artist's identity. The study has applied a qualitative research strategy with hermeneutics as the epistemic foundation. Based on this, the study has adopted an abductive approach. Data collection was performed through semi-structured interviews, of which two were conducted in person, three by telephone and two respondents answered interview questions via e-mail. Respondents were selected through a goal-directed selection with the criteria that the respondents would have knowledge or experience of the subject through their work and include different ages, genders and geographical residences. The result of this study is that artists may use audio-visual media in a multifaceted way that depends on the artist's genre, context and target group. The study has identified three types of audio-visual media: shorter videos, full-scale music videos and live streaming. Artists use audio-visual media for various purposes that may include communicating their brand identity, adding to an artistic expression or establishing closer relationships with their target audience. Semantic congruence between several senses is important for conveying an authentic holistic picture of the artist. In the future, audio-visual media may become more important through an ever-intensifying consumer culture and more accessible technology. This technology may also enable the inclusion of more senses and thus contribute to a stronger immersive experience for the consumer.

Att använda låttexter : En kvalitativ studie om låttexters funktion inom samhällskunskapsundervisning / To use song lyrics : A qualitative study regarding the function of song lyrics in social studies

Lindqvist, Jenny, Van Vuuren, Elik January 2021 (has links)
There is a constant struggle for teachers to find new methods that generate learning. Every student learns differently and not everyone benefits from the traditional learning methods that teachers have used for centuries. Therefore, teachers must now variate their teaching methods so that every student gets the same opportunity to learn. This study aims to explore the possibility to use song lyrics as a didactic tool to bring in a practical element in the subject of social studies. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to see how the students experience this kind of practical element in a theoretical school subject. At last, this study is interested in finding out if this kind of didactic tool and teaching method is an effective way to generate learning. To answer these questions the study uses three qualitative methods - a lesson study, group interviews and a survey. Earlier research has found that is it positive to connect the teaching materials to something that the students can relate to since this can create interest and motivation. The use of song lyrics in this study hopes to use something familiar to the students and connect this to social studies. By analysing collected data using two scientific theories, we can conclude three things. First of all, song lyrics can be used to provide a clear and realistic connection to society. Secondly, the participating students overall seemed to enjoy using song lyrics as a didactic tool. Finally, the study can conclude that song lyrics can generate learning since it creates interest among the students.

Skolrasten : en kvalitativ studie ur barns perspektiv / Recess in school : a qualitatve study from the childrens perspective

Björup, Sanna, Björup, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien baseras på aktuell forskning om barns hälsa, sociala utveckling och samspel. Barndomen kan vara avgörande för en individs framtida hälsa. Skolan är under denna tidsperiod en viktig arena som når ut till större delen av landets barn. Tidigare forskning om barn har till stor del utgått från ett vuxet perspektiv, vilket inneburit att den verkliga målgruppens upplevelser kan ha gått förlorade. Den här studien avsåg därför att belysa barns perspektiv. Studiens syfte var att undersöka elevernas egen uppfattning av skolrasten med en inriktning på socialt samspel elever emellan samt med vuxna. För att besvara syftet valdes en metod med kvalitativ ansats och fokusgruppsintervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Totalt fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer sammansatta av totalt 17 elever genomfördes. Studiens resultat presenteras under huvudkategorierna Socialt samspel i relation till vuxna samt Lek och gemenskap elever emellan. Det visade elevernas upplevelser av skolrasten och de samspel som uppstår elever emellan och med vuxna. Det framkom att den här period i livet är en tid för träning och inlärning av metoder för kommunikation och sociala normer. Både vuxennärvaro och makt att kunna påverka sin situation beskrevs som viktig faktorer för elevernas välbefinnande. Utifrån resultatet sammanställdes en konklusion som motiverar vikten av elevernas möjlighet att påverka sin situation för att de ska uppleva god hälsa. Rasten är viktig för eleverna och deras välbefinnande. Genom att prioritera hälsa tidigt hos barn ger bra förutsättningar för god hälsa genom hela livet. / The background to this study is based on current research about the health of children, social development and interplay. Childhood may be crucial to an individual’s future health. During this period of time school is an important arena that reaches most of the country’s children.  Previous research about children is mainly formed out of an adult perspective, and due to this the experience of the actual primary group may have been lost. Therefore, this study intended to illustrate the perspective of the children. The purpose of the study was to investigate the students’ own experiences of the recess in school with focus on the interplay between the students and to the adults. To answer the purpose of the study a method of a qualitative approach and focus group interviews were selected. A total of four focus groups composed out of 17 students were completed. The results of the study are presented under the main categories Social interaction in relation to adults as well as Play and solidarity between students. It shows the students experience of the recess in school and the interplay between the students and in relations to the adults. It appears that this period in life is a time for practice and learning methods for communication and social norms. It turns out that the presents of adults and the power to be able to affect your own situation both are important factors for the well being of the students. Based on the result a conclusion is compiled that motivates the importance of students possibility to affect their own situation and experience good health. The recess is important for the students and their well being. By making a health early among children a priority better presumptions for good health all through life is given.

"Det är bra, för då har man något att göra" : Ett utvecklingsinriktat arbete om elevernas fria tid under deras skoltid

Vadaszi, Tommie, Carlsson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Detta utvecklingsinriktade arbete fokuserar på elevers lunchraster. Rasten tolkar vi som barnens fria tid under deras skoltid där vårt syfte med arbetet har bland annat varit att skapa en tryggare lunchrast för eleverna och öka deras inflytande över rastaktiviteterna. Genom att organisera strukturerade rastaktiviteter för eleverna vill vi även erbjuda eleverna en bredare variation av aktiviteter under deras rast som utgår från deras egna intressen och behov. Genom att strukturera rastaktiviteter under elevernas rast, som utgår från elevernas egna förslag men som är planerade och organiserade av lärare, så får eleverna möjlighet till ett ökat inflytande över deras rast. Den strukturerade rastaktiviteten är en frivillig aktivitet för eleverna att delta i. Den erbjöds under elevernas lunchrast. Eftersom aktiviteterna har varit frivilliga att delta i, så utgår vi från att lärandet från aktiviteterna har varit situationsstyrt men också grupporienterat då eleverna väljer att delta samt lär dem sig tillsammans med andra genom lek. Inledningsvis knyter vi an till hur elevernas raster kopplas till fritidshemspedagogiken. Eleverna anses som centrala deltagare under arbetets gång då de bland annat varit med och fått bestämma innehållet av de rastaktiviteter som genomförts. För att identifiera vår utvecklingsbara fråga i verksamheten har samtal förts med fritidspedagogerna på fritidshemmet. Vi har fått ta del av skolans trygghetsenkät samt gjort en egen nulägesanalys över fritidshemmet som detta utvecklingsinriktade arbete har genomförts på. I arbetets syfte och mål förklarar vi vad syftet med arbetet är och vilka mål vi försökt arbeta mot under arbetets gång. Vi har genom tidigare forskning inom området fått fram väsentligt material som vi använde oss av under arbetets gång som utgångpunkter. Forskningen vägledde arbetet genom att kunna analysera och reflektera över de begrepp som var väsentliga till de aktioner som vi genomfört. Aktionsforskning var vårt val av metod som kom att knyta an det abstrakta med praktisk handling. De aktioner som genomfört är Trygghetkartor, Capture the flag, Fotbollsmatch samt Under hökens vingar. Resultaten av utfallen kopplade till trygghet ansågs som positivt då bland annat majoriteten av eleverna kände sig tryggare på flera platser på skolgården.

Användaren och den digitala medarbetaren : En kvalitativ studie om användarnas upplevelse om samspelet med RPA

Ekdahl, Robin, Wikström, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Organisationer har under de senaste åren börjat bestå av både människor och robotar i sina arbetsgrupper. Det som möjliggjort samarbetet mellan användare och robot är Robotic Process Automation (RPA) som kan beskrivas som en digital medarbetare. RPA syftar till att ersätta användarens monotona arbetsuppgifter, användaren kan då fokusera på mer avancerade och värdeskapande uppgifter som kräver kognitivt tänkande. Tidigare forskning visar på att användare upplever förändringen vid implementation av RPA i organisationen olika och kan uppfattas som ett hot eller en möjlighet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur användare upplever förändringen och samspelet som sker med RPA i en organisation och ge insikter på hur samspelet kan förbättras. Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ ansats med semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka användarnas egna ord om upplevelsen till samspelet med RPA. Studiens slutsats är att användare upplever samspelet med RPA olika beroende på hur informerade dem är angående robotens syfte och mål, men i studien har det framkommit nedslag som kan förhindra de negativa upplevelser som kan uppstå vid samspel med RPA. / In recent years, organizations have begun to consist of both humans and robots in their work groups. What has enabled the interplay between humans and robots is Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which can be described as a digital employee. RPA aims to replace the monotonous tasks so that humans can focus on more advanced and value-creating tasks that require cognitive thinking. Previous research shows that users experience changes when implementing RPA in the organization differently and can be perceived as a threat or an opportunity. The purpose of the study is to investigate how users experience the change and interaction that occurs with RPA in an organization and provide insights into how the interplay can be improved. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews to examine the users' own words about the experience to the interplay with RPA. The study's conclusion is that users experience the interplay with RPA differently depending on how informed they are regarding the robot's purpose and goals, but the study has revealed impacts that can prevent the negative experiences that can occur when interacting with RPA.

What role to play in strategy implementation? : Constructive interplay between middle and frontline managers / Vilken roll ska man spela vid en strategiimplementering? : Konstruktivt samspel mellan mellanchefer och linjechefer

ÖBERG, JENNY, STENLÖF, ELIN January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to study the interplay between middle managers (MMs) and front-line managers (FLMs) in strategy implementation (SI). To successfully manage and run a complex technology corporation a well-performed strategy is essential. By comparing MMs’ and FLMs’ different views and responsibilities in the SI process, both theoretical and empirical. Methodology: Theoretical material regarding leadership, middle and front-line manager roles and responsibilities, as well the strategy implementation process, obstacles and success factors are compared in the study. Supplemented by a general pilot study and primary interviews covering their view of the SI-process, obstacles and leverages, leadership, and their roles description. In total, ten pilot interviews and 12 primary interviews have been conducted, with MMs and FLMs, equally represented. Findings: In large, the main findings regarding the creation of a dynamic interplay between MMs and FLMs were three identified key attributes. Firstly, success in the SI process and constructive dynamic require a clear distribution of tasks and responsibilities between MMs and FLMs or the key responsibilities in the process. Secondly, select key people for the SI process, picked from different levels in the organization with different viewpoint and expertise. Making sure that there are total transparency and knowledge sharing between all key members and organizational levels. This will enable a greater involvement and commitment in the SI-process. Finally, to create a successful SI-process and a dynamic interplay between MMs and FLMs, strategic work must be rewarded equally compared to operational excellence and product-development efforts. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att få en förståelse för samspelet mellan Mellanchefer (MM) och Linjechefer (FLM) vid genomförandet av en strategiimplementering (SI). För att lyckas kontrollera och driva en komplex teknikorganisation är en väl genomförd strategi essentiell. Detta gjordes genom att jämföra MMs och FLMs olika syn och ansvarsområden i SI-processen, både teoretisk och empirisk. Metodik: Det teoretiska materialet som har jämförts i studien inkluderar ledarskap, Mellanchefers och Linjechefens roller och ansvar, samt strategiimplementeringsprocessens hinder och framgångsfaktorer. Detta kompletterades med en övergripande pilotstudie och med primära intervjuer som visade på MMs and FLMs respektive syn på hinder, hävstänger och ledarskap under SI-processen samt deras syn på sin roll. Sammantaget hölls 10 pilotintervjuer och 12 primära intervjuer, där mellanchefer och linjechefer var lika representerade. Resultat: Rapporten konkluderar tre viktiga attribut för skapandet av ett dynamiskt samspel mellan mellanchefer och linjecheferna. För det första, krävs en tydlig fördelning av uppgifter och ansvar mellan MMs och FLMs alternativt mellan de nyckelpersonerna som är inblandade och ansvarig i processen. För det andra, är det viktigt att välja rätt nyckelpersoner i SI-processen och att plocka dessa från olika nivåer i organisationen då de besitter olika erfarenheter. Viktigt är att skapa en total transparens och kunskapsöverföring mellan alla nyckelpersoner i processen samt mellan de olika organisatoriska nivåerna. Detta kommer att resultera i ett större engagemang och en känsla av mer inflytande på SIprocessen. Slutligen, för att skapa en framgångsrik SI-process och ett dynamiskt samspel mellan MMs och FLMs, måste det strategiska arbetet belönas lika mycket som operativa och produktspecifika insatser.

The social regulation and genetic and environmental underpinnings of cortisol : a longitudinal genetically-informed study

Cantave, Yamiley Christina 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Bien qu’il ait été proposé que l’exposition à un faible statut socioéconomique (SSE) familial altère l’activité de l’axe hypothalamo-pituito-surrénalien et sa production de l’hormone cortisol, les résultats actuels sont incohérents et suggèrent la présence de facteurs supplémentaires susceptibles de modifier ces associations. Pourtant, peu d’études à ce jour ont adopté une approche développementale sensible au timing, à la stabilité et aux changements au sein du SSE familial lors de l’étude de l’association liant le SSE au cortisol. En outre, peu de travaux empiriques ont évalué si cette association est non linéaire ou si elle est modulée par le soutien social. Enfin, rares sont les études qui ont examiné dans quelle mesure cette association est affectée par les facteurs génétiques et par les processus gène-environnement, notamment à l’adolescence. Objectifs : Ancré dans une perspective de psychopathologie développementale, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’examiner les processus gène-environnement impliqués dans les associations entre le SSE et divers indicateurs de sécrétion cortisolaire mesurés à l’adolescence. Cette thèse a également examiné dans quelle mesure ces associations sont affectées par le timing, la chronicité et les changements au sein du SSE familial et sont atténuées par le soutien social. Méthodes : Les participants proviennent de l’Étude des jumeaux nouveau-nés du Québec, un échantillon populationnel de jumeaux recrutés à la naissance. Le SSE familial a été recueilli au cours de la petite enfance (0-5 ans) et à la mi-adolescence (14 ans). Le soutien social a été rapporté par les jumeaux à l’âge de 14 et de 19 ans. Le cortisol diurne (n=569) a été mesuré à l’âge de 14 ans au réveil, 30 minutes plus tard, l’après-midi et le soir pendant quatre jours non consécutifs. Le cortisol capillaire (n=704) a été mesuré à l’âge de 19 ans. Résultats : Cette thèse est composée de trois articles. Les résultats des deux premiers articles indiquent que l’étiologie génétique du cortisol au réveil et capillaire fluctuent au long du continuum du SSE mesuré à la petite enfance. Les formes que prennent ces interactions gène-environnement sont toutefois distinctes pour ces indicateurs. De plus, nos résultats révèlent la présence d’associations uniques entre le SSE familial mesuré à la mi-adolescence et la plupart des indicateurs cortisolaire, soit suivant une relation linéaire, ou non linéaire. Nous avons également trouvé que l’association liant le SSE au cortisol capillaire n’est pas expliquée par une étiologie génétique commune, mais semble refléter les effets de l’environnement partagé par les jumeaux. Enfin, les résultats du troisième article suggèrent que l’effet synergique du SES familial mesuré à la petite enfance et à la mi-adolescence prédisent la sécrétion cortisolaire. De plus, l’association concomitante entre le SSE et le cortisol au réveil est modulée par le soutien social. Conclusions : Collectivement, ces résultats soulignent l’importance d’adopter une approche développementale et génétiquement informative lors de l’étude de l’association liant l’adversité aux systèmes physiologiques de stress. Un tel examen pourrait contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-tendant les disparités socioéconomiques précoces documentées en matière de santé, d’apprentissage et de comportements. / Background: While exposure to lower family socioeconomic status (SES) has been proposed to induce alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and its production of the hormone cortisol, existing findings are inconsistent and suggest the presence of additional factors that may modify these associations. Yet, few of the past studies have taken a developmental approach sensitive to the timing, stability, and change within family SES when investigating the association between SES and cortisol secretion. Furthermore, little empirical attention has been devoted to assessing the possibility that this association might be nonlinear or is modulated by youth’s perceived availability of social support. Lastly, the extent to which this association is affected by genetic factors as well as gene-environmental interplays has seldom been investigated, particularly in adolescence. Objectives: Rooted in a developmental psychopathology perspective, the present thesis’s main objective is to examine the gene-environment processes implicated in the associations of family SES with multiple indicators of cortisol secretion during adolescence. This thesis also investigated to what extent these associations are affected by the timing, chronicity and change in SES and buffered by perceived social support. Methods: Participants are from the Québec Newborn Twin Study, a population-based sample of twin pairs recruited at birth. Family SES was collected in early childhood (ages 0–5) and mid-adolescence (age 14). Perceived social support was reported by twins at aged 14 and 19. Diurnal cortisol (n=569) was measured at age 14 at awakening, 30 min later, in the afternoon and evening over four non-consecutive days. Hair cortisol (n=704) was measured at age 19. Results: This thesis is comprised of three articles. The results of the first two papers indicate that the genetic etiology of adolescence awakening cortisol and HCC fluctuated along the continuum of early childhood family SES. The patterns of these gene-environment interactions were, however, distinct for these indicators. Furthermore, our results pointed to unique associations between mid-adolescence family SES and most of the diurnal and hair cortisol indicators, either according to a linear or nonlinear function. We also found that the association linking mid-adolescence family SES to HCC is not explained by a common genetic etiology but appears to reflect shared environmental effects. Finally, the results of the third paper revealed that the synergistic effect of early childhood and mid-adolescence SES predicted cortisol secretion. Moreover, the concomitant association between SES and awakening cortisol was found to be modulated by mid-adolescence social support. Conclusions: Collectively, these findings underscore the necessity of espousing a developmental and genetically sensitive approach in studies investigating the impact of adversity on stress physiological systems. Such investigations may pave the way to a fuller understanding of the mechanisms underlying the early roots of socioeconomic disparities in health, learning and behaviours.

Platsens betydelse för praktisk klokhet

Solhäll, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Through my own professional experience, the essay explores how place may have significance for exercising practical knowledge. It also sheds light on the conditions and qualities surrounding my, as therapist, presence in interpersonal meetings, as well as perspectives in relation to meetings around life issues. Of special notice is place as nature and garden. With support in stories as representations and in dialogue with philosophers, several different perspectives and analyses are shown about the place's importance for the pursuit of practical knowledge. The drive of the research is supported by three themes, place, body, meeting. They lead the survey forward in dialogue with Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Buber preferably together with geography professor, Edward Relph and researchers and writers within the fields of practical knowledge and naturebased interventions. The essay uncovers a complex area of understanding. It puts emphasis on the relationship between us as humans and our environment. In this relationship, place is of importance to practical knowledge. Interplay and movement between different approaches emerges as a common denominator.

A geographical interpretation of the interplay between urban development, conservation, and sense of place of urban greenspace in Rietvlei Nature Reserve, Tshwane, South Africa

De Jager, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / In an increasingly changing world, the attributes of human and physical environments are critical in assessing human quality of life (HQoL). The research sources consulted for this thesis point to specific relationships between urban change, ecosystem services and the HQoL. A variety of models have been developed in the global North to assist urban planners to manage the benefits and stressors related to urban shrinkage, ecosystems and HQoL. In the global South the trend is urban growth rather than shrinkage and few models are available for this context. Based on a mixed-method case-study approach, the Rietvlei Nature Reserve, located in the rapidly-growing urban peripheral zone between the Tshwane and Ekurhuleni metropolitan areas in the Gauteng province of South Africa, was selected to assess the benefits and stressors of localised urban development, conservation and sense of place. The purpose of the assessment was to develop a Greenspace Stress Model of Urban Impact (GSMUI) that would be of value to local authorities in managing the interplay of the varied functions of a nature reserve as a greenspace in the global South. Land-use changes were analysed using remote-sensing images. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposively-selected key informants to evaluate the functions of the Reserve and the objectives of the Ecological Management Plan for the Reserve. The benefits and risks to the Reserve, as well as the sense-of-place aspects, were identified through semi-structured interviews with 18 purposively-selected key informants, 181 on-site face-to-face semi-structured interviews with visitors to the Reserve, group discussions with interest groups and electronic surveys involving 365 respondents. Data were also collected through the researcher’s own observations and her participation in activities at the Reserve. The empirical results of the research were verified by 14 purposively-selected key specialist informants, who evaluated and ranked the identified benefits and stressors. Benefits and stressors were not ranked the same from different perspectives. Using the results of the empirical research, the researcher was able to merge and adapt a number of models developed for the management of greenspaces in the global North in order to develop the GSMUI specifically for the Rietvlei Reserve. Guidelines were also developed for the application of the GSMUI in geographically similar greenspaces in the global South. / In ‘n toenemend veranderende wêreld, is die eienskappe van menslike en fisiese omgewings krities vir die evaluering van menslike lewenskwaliteit (HQoL). Die navorsing wat geraadpleeg is, het spesifieke verwantskappe tussen stedelike verandering, ekosisteemdienste en HQoL aangedui ‘n Verskeidenheid modelle is in die globale Noorde ontwikkel om stedelike beplanners te help om die voordele en stressors verwant aan ontwikkeling (stedelike inkrimping), ekosisteme en menslike lewenskwaliteit, te bestuur. Onvoldoende modelle is nog ontwikkel vir die om die teenoorgestelde neigings in die globale Suide te bestuur. ’n Gemengdemetodes-gevallestudie-benadering is gevolg om die voordele en stressors van stedelike ontwikkeling, bewaring en sin vir plek in die Rietvlei Natuurreservaat (geleë in die snelgroeiende stedelike randgebiedsone tussen die Tshwane en Ekurhuleni Metropolitaanse gebiede in die Gauteng Provinsie van Suid-Afrika) te ondersoek. Verandering in grondgebruik is deur afstandwaarnemingsbeelde ontleed. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante gevoer om die funksies van die Reservaat, sowel as die doelwitte van die Reservaat se ekologiese bestuursplan, te evalueer. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met 18 doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante, 181 semi-gestruktureerde persoonlike onderhoude met besoekers aan die Reservaat en groepbesprekings is met ereveldwagters en belangegroepe gevoer, en 365 elektroniese vraelyste is ontleed ten einde die voordele en risiko’s vir die Reservaat en ook die pleksin te identifiseer. Data is ook deur middel van waarneming en deelname aan aktiwiteite in die Reservaat ingesamel. Die empiriese resultate van die navorsing is geverifieer deur 14 doelbewus-geselekteerde sleutelinformante wat die geïdentifiseerde voordele en stressors geëvalueer en geklassifiseer het. Voordele en stressors is verskillend evalueer uit verskillende oogpunte. Die gebruik van die empiriese navorsing het die navorser in staat gestel om ’n aantal modelle aan te pas wat vir die bestuur van groenruimtes in die globale Noorde ontwikkel is en te integreer ten einde die GSMUI te skep. Die CSMUI is spesifiek op die bestuur van die Rietvlei Natuurreservaat gemik. Die navorsing bied ook ‘n generiese GSMUI met implementeringsriglyne vir geografies-gelyksoortige groenruimtes in die globale Suide. / Kumhlaba oguquka njalo, isimo sabantu nesemvelo kubalulekile ekuhloleni iqophelo lempilo yabantu i-Human quality of life (HQoL). Ucwaningo oluhloliwe lukhombise ukuthi kukhona ubudlelwane obuthile phakathi kokuncipha/ukwanda, inkonzo yobudlelwane babantu nemvelo kanye ne HqoL. Lokhu kuxhumana kwehlukile kancane ezindaweni zaseNyakatho nomhlaba (ukungcipha kwedolobha) nezindawo zaseNingizimu nomhlaba lapho ukwanda kwamadolobha kugqame khona. Kwakhiwe amamodeli ahlukahlukile khona eNyakatho nomhlaba ukusiza abahleli bamadolobha ukuphatha izinzuzo nokuhluphayo okuhambisana nentuthuko (ukuncipha kwedolobha), kanye nesimo sendawo kanye neHQol. Awekho amamodeli awenziweyo ukusiza ukuphatha isimo esehlukile eNingizimi yomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisa inqubo exubile, inqubo ye-case study, iRietvlei Nature Reserve (etholakala lapho kwanda khona ngokushesha amadolobha phakathi kweTshwane neEKurhuleni kwiprovinsi laseGauteng eNingizima Afrika), yakhethwa ukuhlola izinzuzo nezingcindezi zokuthuthuka kwamadolobha, nokugcina isimo semvelo kanye nobunjalo obuthile bendawo. Injongo yalolu hlolo bekuwukwenza indawo ebizwa iGreenspace Stress Model of Urban Impact (GSMUI) ezosiza iziphathimandla zendawo ukuphatha ukuxhumana okukhona phakathi kwezinhloso ezihlukahlukene zeReserve njengendawo eluhlaza kwiNingizimu neAfrika yomhlaba. Kwahlaziywa indlela eguqukayo yokusetshenziswa komhlaba ngokusebenzisa imifanekiso ebheka ikude etholakala kuma mepi akhombisa indikimba (thematic map). Kwenziwa ama-semi-structured interviews nababambiqhaza bolwazi ababalulekile ukuhlola ukusebenza kweReserve kanye nezinhloso zohlelo olubizwa i-Ecological Management Plan for the Reserve. Izinzuzo nezingcindezi zale-Reserve, kanye nobunjalo obuthile bendawo, kwaphawulwa, ngokwenza ama-semi-structured interview nabathile ababalulekile abakhethwa abayi 18 ukuxoxa nabo, futhi kwenziwa nama-semi-structured interview ngokubhekana ubuso nobuso nezivakashi ze-Reserve ezingama 181, kanye nezingxoxo nabaqaphi abathile besiqiwi (rangers) kanye namanye amaqembu athintekayo. Ulwazi lwaqokelelwa futhi ngokuthi abacwaningi babheke lokho okwenzekayo kanye nokubamba iqhaza kwimisebenzi ye-Reserve. Imiphumela yobufakazi bocwaningo yaqinisekiswa ngosolwazi ababalulekile bobuchwepheshe abangu 14 ababekhethelwe le nhloso, abahlola babuya babeka ngamazinga izinzuzo nezingcindezi ukwenzela ukuthi abacwaningi babuye baphinde bakwazi ukwenza enye i-GSMUI. Ngokusebenzisa imiphumela yobufakazi bocwaningo, umcwaningi wakwazi ukuhlela kabusha amamodeli amaningana athile enziwe ukuphatha izindawo eziluhlaza eNyakatho lomhlaba, ukuze enze GSMUI eqondene nokuphatha iReserve laseRietvlei. Ucwaningo lubuye lwahlinzeka futhi i-GSMUI enabile engasetshenziswa njengemikhombandlela yezinye izindawo eziluhlaza ezifana nalezi khona eNingizimu yomhlaba. / Geography / Ph.D. (Geography)

Standardization in Innovation Policy and the European Integration : New Concepts for the New World

Zaytseva, Anna January 2011 (has links)
This is a study of standardization in complexity. The context is innovation policy. Why do standardization and innovation go hand in hand and what does the interaction of interests between public and private actors look like in the “profile” of the standardization process? The nature of technical specifications, Lead Market Initiatives in Europe, social innovations, eco-innovations and psychological services for recruitment are the target areas of this study done in the style of Science, Technology and Society. We decrypt the codes of the expected behavior veiled in standards, the strategically selective sectoral integration of the European Internal Market, the emergence of innovation in standardized areas, the nature of the European innovation policy and the mission of each particular innovative sector. This research contains answers on how the European Union will move toward a more state-like organization bypassing the sovereignty of its member states. Standardization is a bouquet of strategic activities where each has its purpose, destination and time-framework. By studying standardization, we are able to look into the European future.

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