Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bob demands."" "subject:"oob demands.""
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How can we better understand outcomes of workplace bullying in a developing country : Examining how emotional exhaustion, psychological capital, and social support can influence the association between workplace bullying and mental health in India.Delorme, Manon, Prior, Antonia January 2023 (has links)
The present study examines how the relationship between workplace bullying and mental health can be influenced by emotional exhaustion, and how the intensity in this relationship can be affected by the individual’s psychological capital, and access to social support from colleagues and supervisors. The studys theoretical framework is based on the Job Demand-Control-Support model, the Job Demands-Resources model and the Conservation of Resources theory. Data were collected at Indian workplaces and included 139 participants. The study used a self-report questionnaire and was analyzed with mediation and moderation as main analysis methods. In line with previous research, results showed that psychological capital as a whole moderated the negative effects on mental health that follow from being exposed to workplace bullying. Emotional exhaustion was found to be a mediator in the association between workplace bullying and mental health problems. Psycological capital resilience fully moderated the mediating association between workplace bullying and mental health problems via emotional exhaustion. Psychological capital optimism moderated the association between bullying and emotional exhaustion, but not the full mediation. Social support was shown not to moderate the negative effects of workplace bullying on mental health, which does not support previous findings.
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Examining Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Turnover Intentions Among Urban Frontline Registered NursesJones, Richard, Jr. 28 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Daily Use of Energy Management Strategies and Occupational Well-being: The Moderating Role of Job DemandsParker, Stacey L., Zacher, Hannes, de Bloom, Jessica, Verton, Thomas M., Lentink, Corine R. 05 April 2023 (has links)
We examine the relationships among employees’ use of energy management strategies and two occupational well-being outcomes: job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion. Based on conservation of resources theory, it was hypothesized that employees with high job demands would benefit more from using energy management strategies (i.e., including prosocial, organizing, and meaning-related strategies), compared to employees with low job demands. We tested this proposition using a quantitative diary study. Fifty-four employees provided data twice daily across one work week (on average, 7 daily entries). Supporting the hypotheses, prosocial energy management was positively related to job satisfaction. Moreover, employees with high job demands were less emotionally exhausted when using prosocial strategies. Contrary to predictions, when using organizing strategies, employees with low job demands had higher job satisfaction and lower emotional exhaustion. Under high job demands, greater use of organizing strategies was associated with lower job satisfaction and higher emotional exhaustion. Finally, use of meaning-related strategies was associated with higher emotional exhaustion when job demands were low. With this research, we position energy management as part of a resource investment process aimed at maintaining and improving occupational well-being. Our findings show that this resource investment will be more or less effective depending on the type of strategy used and the existing drain on resources (i.e., job demands). This is the first study to examine momentary effects of distinct types of work-related energy management strategies on occupational well-being.
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The psycho-social work environment of e-sport professionals : Applying the Job demands-resources theory to pro-playersJonsson, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, the area of e-sports has been growing rapidly and has consequentially drawn attention from the general public as well as researchers. However, research in this area still remains sparse, especially concerning the psycho-social work environment of e-sports professionals. This is even more true when referring to research that includes the individual perspective of pro-players. To provide more knowledge in this area, this study aims to explore what psychosocial aspects are mentioned by pro-players in documentary interviews and investigate if the experiences portrayed could be understood using a theoretical perspective by applying the JD-R theory. This study is based on 12 docu-series episodes featuring two League of Legends teams where 10 different pro-players participated. The research sample could both be considered availability sampling, since the data was already available, and purposeful sampling, choosing a sample consisting of pro-players. The episodes were transcribed and then analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Many psycho-social aspects emerged from the analysis, resulting in two higher themes where the first theme “Working as a pro-player” portrays what the profession entails and the second, “The interdependent work”, depicts the experience of being a pro, a teammate and an individual at the same time. By applying the JD-R theory on the aspects mentioned, it was concluded that these experiences indeed could be understood using a theoretical approach, providing incentives to conduct future research in the area. Possible areas of research interest were also presented in relation to this. / E-sport är att område som snabbt har vuxit under senare år,vilket har attraherat uppmärksamhetfrån allmänhetenoch forskare. Forskning på området bedrivs dockfortfarande relativt infrekvent, speciellt när det gäller de professionella e-sportspelarnas psykosociala arbetsmiljö. Detta är speciellt framträdande närdet kommer till att inkludera individuella perspektiv från spelarna. För att bidra till mer kunskap inom området syftar denna studie till att undersöka vilka psykosociala aspekter som omnämns av spelare i dokumentära intervjuer samt undersöka om dessa upplevelser kan förstås utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv genom att tillämpa JD-R-teorin. Denna studie baseras på 12 avsnitt från två League och Legends-lagdär 10 olika spelare deltar.Urvalet kan både anses som bekvämlighetsurval, eftersom datan redan fannstillgänglig, och strategiskt urval, då urvalet inkluderade professionella spelare.Avsnitten transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Många psykososociala aspekter framträddefrån analysen vilket resulterade i två högre teman där det första temat ”Att arbeta som en pro player” porträtterarvad professionen innebär och den andra, ”Det avhängiga arbetet”, beskriver upplevelsen av att vara en professionell spelare, en lagkamrat och en individ samtidigt. Genom att applicera JD-R-teorin på de omnämnda aspekterna fastslogs det att dessa upplevelser kan bli förstådda genom en teoretisk ansats, vilket ger incitamentatt bedriva framtid forskning inom området. Möjliga forskningsområden av intressepresenterades även i relation till detta.
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En balansgång mellan privatliv och arbetsliv: hur lagstadgade villkor påverkar återhämtningsmöjligheter för sjukvårdspersonal : En kvalitativ studie om sjukvårdspersonals återhämtning vid elva timmars dygnsvila / A balancing between private and work life: how statutory conditions affect the recovery possibilities for healthcare personnel : A qualitative study on health care worker’s recovery at eleven hours of daily restSchmid, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
På grund av uppmaning från EU-kommissionen tillfördes nya bestämmelser i Arbetstidslagen (1982:673) för att anpassas de skyddsregler som finns om minsta dygnsvila i EU:s arbetstidsdirektiv är att en fastställd viloperiod kan påverka sjukvårdspersonalens stress inför att nå sömn efter ett kvällspass positivt. Däremot visar det sig att bestämmelsen om elva timmars dygnsvila inte är en garanti för att sjukvårdspersonalens återhämtning ökar. Sjukvårdspersonalen upplever att bestämmelsen om elva timmars dygnsvila har skapat förändringar som orsakat ökad stress, ökad arbetsbelastning, brist på återhämtning och sämre balans mellan deras arbets- och privatliv. Det är därav möjligt att se lagen kunna ge upphov till likvärdiga hälsorisker som den syftar att förebygga. Reglerna av bestämmelsen påverkar sjukvårdspersonalen möjlighet att fylla deras privatliv med meningsfulla saker samt nå återhämtning. Till förs resonemang om att det inte är få timmar mellan arbetspassen som upplevs vara den största påverkan för deras återhämtning, utan att det är bristande flexibilitet och fler antal arbetspass i följd. Avslutningsvis framförs en sammanfattande diskussion av studiens resultat följt av förslag på framtida forskning
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Vart tog alla vägen? : En kvantitativ studie av orsakerna till att den svenskahotellpersonalen inte återvänder efter Covid-19.Dahlqvist, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att dels utifrån ett personalperspektiv undersöka och förstå huruvida arbetsgivarattraktivitet och arbetsmotivation bidrar till personalbristproblematiken inom den svenska hotellbranschen, för att sedan utforska vilka aspekter som påverkar personalens återkomst till branschen. För att besvara syftet har studien utgått ifrån frågeställningarna ”Vilka faktorer ligger bakom att tidigare personal inom hotellbranschen inte återvänder efter COVID-19 pandemin?” samt ”Vilka arbetsrelaterade justeringar kan genomföras för att locka tillbaka kvalificerad personal till branschen?”. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar ställdes även två hypoteser, där hypotes 1 testades för att besvara frågeställning 1, och hypotes 2 för att besvara frågeställning 2. Studien grundas i tre huvudteman, vilka är arbetsgivarattraktivitet, arbetsmotivation samt kompetens och personalutveckling. Dessa teman utgör också grunden för studiens teoretiska ramverk, som kompletterats med relevanta modeller och strategier. Studien har använt sig av en kvantitativ metod där en enkätstudie har använts för insamlingen av data. Studiens vetenskapliga förhållningssätt utgörs av det kritisk realism. Utifrån hypoteserna har enkäten strukturerats med hjälp av verktyget Survey & Report. Den insamlade data har sedan förts över till SPSS, där den har genomgått en djupare analys för att komma fram till ett resultat. Resultatet visar på att det går att utläsa flera potentiella faktorer som lett till att tidigare personal inte återvänder till sektorn efter pandemin, men att de två allra tydligaste aspekterna relaterar till bristande lön och förmåner liksom bristande karriärutvecklingsmöjligheter. För att locka tillbaka kvalificerad personal till branschen krävs en kombination av åtgärder, där studien föreslår justeringar som relaterar till studiens huvudteman. Detta diskuteras närmare i studiens analys och konkluderas sedan i slutsatsen, där det avslutningsvis också ges förslag till framtida forskning. / This study aims to examine and understand, from a staff perspective, whether employer attractiveness and work motivation contribute to the staff shortage problem in the Swedish hotel industry, thereby exploring which aspects affect the staff's return to the industry. In order to answer the purpose, the study has been based on the questions "What factors are behind the non-return of former staff in the hotel industry after the COVID-19 pandemic?". and "What changes can be implemented to attract qualified staff back to the industry?". To answer the study's questions, two hypotheses were also proposed, where hypothesis 1 was tested to answer question 1, and hypothesis 2 to answer question 2. The study is based on three main themes, which are employer attractiveness, work motivation and competence and personnel development. These themes also form the basis of the study's theoretical framework, which is complemented by relevant models and strategies. The study has used a quantitative method where a questionnaire study has been the chosen approach for data collection and critical realism as its epistemological approach. Based on the hypotheses, the questionnaire was structured using the Survey & Report tool. The collected data has then been extracted to SPSS, where it has undergone a deeper analysis to arrive at a result. The results show that several potential factors can be identified that have prevented former staff from returning to the sector after the pandemic, but that the two most obvious aspects relate to a lack of pay and benefits and a lack of career development opportunities. Attracting qualified staff back to the industry requires a combination of measures, with the study suggesting adjustments related to the main themes of the study. This is further discussed in the study's analysis and then concluded in the conclusion, which also concludes with suggestions for future research.
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Job characteristics, work-nonwork interference and coping strategies among ministers of religion / Anna Sophia van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Anna Sophia January 2014 (has links)
Ministers have a very unique occupation with designated job demands and incongruous
resources at their disposal. Over the past few years numerous studies have been undertaken
different occupations’ regarding job demands and job resources. In contrast, limited studies were
done among ministers of religion, particularly in the context of the three Reformed sister
churches in South Africa. This is the case even though these ministers play such a key role in the
current social and religious sphere. Results from previous studies have shown that job demands
and the lack of resources have a major impact on the experience of work-nonwork interference
among individuals (Koekemoer & Mostert, 2006; Mostert, 2009, Mostert & Oosthuizen, 2006;
Tshabalala, 2007; Van Aarde & Mostert, 2008).This trend, however, has not been researched
amongst ministers before – particularly how ministers cope with this interference.
The overall objective of the present study was to investigate job demands and job resources as
significant predictors of work-nonwork interference for ministers of the three sister churches.
The focus also was on coping strategies that are significant in dealing with work-nonwork
interference. The possible moderation brought about by these coping strategies was also
investigated. Various hypotheses related to the overall objective were tested in the empirical
study. The design used for this study was a cross-sectional survey design undertaken among
ministers of the three sister churches mentioned. Various job demands, job resources, worknonwork
interference and coping strategies were measured. This was done by employing the
instruments of Peeters, Montgomery, Bakker and Schaufeli, (2005); Buys and Rothmann (2009);
Koekemoer, Mostert and Rothman, 2010; Geurts et al. (2005) and Carver, Scheier and
Weintraub (1989). Construct validity of all the instruments were proven with the CFA (Confirmatory Factor
Analysis) in the SPSS program. Descriptive statistics, cronbach alpha coefficients, Pearson and
Spearman product-moment correlations and multiple regression analyses were used to analyse
the data. Moderation regression analyses were also done to test for possible moderation of
specific coping strategies.
Results indicated that cognitive demands were related to the dimension of work-parent
interference. Emotional demands and pace and amount of work had a relation with all the various
dimensions of the work-nonwork interference. Congregational support related work-home
interference as well as work-religion/spirituality interference. Financial support, lack of
autonomy, as well as social support, related to all three dimensions of work-nonwork
interference. Job significance related work-religion/spirituality interference, whereas job
accomplishment predicted work-home interference and work-religion/spirituality interference.
The results of the predictors on work-parent interference included the following: cognitive
demands, pace and amount of work, financial support and turning-to-religion. Work-home
interference was predicted by the variables pace and amount of work and financial support.
Work-religion/spirituality interference were predicted by pace and amount of work, job
significance and turning to religion.
The various coping strategies (turning-to-religion, seeking-emotional-support, active coping,
acceptance coping, planning and avoidance coping) functioned as moderators between certain
specific job demands, job resources and dimensions of work-nonwork interference.
Limitations of the study were discussed and recommendations were put forward for future
studies on this topic. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Job characteristics, work-nonwork interference and coping strategies among ministers of religion / Anna Sophia van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Anna Sophia January 2014 (has links)
Ministers have a very unique occupation with designated job demands and incongruous
resources at their disposal. Over the past few years numerous studies have been undertaken
different occupations’ regarding job demands and job resources. In contrast, limited studies were
done among ministers of religion, particularly in the context of the three Reformed sister
churches in South Africa. This is the case even though these ministers play such a key role in the
current social and religious sphere. Results from previous studies have shown that job demands
and the lack of resources have a major impact on the experience of work-nonwork interference
among individuals (Koekemoer & Mostert, 2006; Mostert, 2009, Mostert & Oosthuizen, 2006;
Tshabalala, 2007; Van Aarde & Mostert, 2008).This trend, however, has not been researched
amongst ministers before – particularly how ministers cope with this interference.
The overall objective of the present study was to investigate job demands and job resources as
significant predictors of work-nonwork interference for ministers of the three sister churches.
The focus also was on coping strategies that are significant in dealing with work-nonwork
interference. The possible moderation brought about by these coping strategies was also
investigated. Various hypotheses related to the overall objective were tested in the empirical
study. The design used for this study was a cross-sectional survey design undertaken among
ministers of the three sister churches mentioned. Various job demands, job resources, worknonwork
interference and coping strategies were measured. This was done by employing the
instruments of Peeters, Montgomery, Bakker and Schaufeli, (2005); Buys and Rothmann (2009);
Koekemoer, Mostert and Rothman, 2010; Geurts et al. (2005) and Carver, Scheier and
Weintraub (1989). Construct validity of all the instruments were proven with the CFA (Confirmatory Factor
Analysis) in the SPSS program. Descriptive statistics, cronbach alpha coefficients, Pearson and
Spearman product-moment correlations and multiple regression analyses were used to analyse
the data. Moderation regression analyses were also done to test for possible moderation of
specific coping strategies.
Results indicated that cognitive demands were related to the dimension of work-parent
interference. Emotional demands and pace and amount of work had a relation with all the various
dimensions of the work-nonwork interference. Congregational support related work-home
interference as well as work-religion/spirituality interference. Financial support, lack of
autonomy, as well as social support, related to all three dimensions of work-nonwork
interference. Job significance related work-religion/spirituality interference, whereas job
accomplishment predicted work-home interference and work-religion/spirituality interference.
The results of the predictors on work-parent interference included the following: cognitive
demands, pace and amount of work, financial support and turning-to-religion. Work-home
interference was predicted by the variables pace and amount of work and financial support.
Work-religion/spirituality interference were predicted by pace and amount of work, job
significance and turning to religion.
The various coping strategies (turning-to-religion, seeking-emotional-support, active coping,
acceptance coping, planning and avoidance coping) functioned as moderators between certain
specific job demands, job resources and dimensions of work-nonwork interference.
Limitations of the study were discussed and recommendations were put forward for future
studies on this topic. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Anställdas upplevelser av att vara tillgänglig i arbetet : En kvalitativ intervjustudiePersson, Jennylee January 2017 (has links)
Arbetsplatsen är en betydelsefull arena för människor då en stor del av livet spenderas i arbetslivet och det medför att det är viktigt med hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete. Arbetslivet har under de senaste åren förändrats mycket på grund av informations- och kommunikationsteknikens utveckling vilket möjliggjort ett flexiblare arbetssätt och att en stor del av arbetet bedrivs med hjälp av teknik. Förändringen inom hur och när anställda utför sitt arbete motiverar studier som vill öka förståelsen för anställdas upplevelser av tillgänglighet i arbetslivet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur anställda upplever sin hälsa i relation till att vara tillgänglig i arbetet. En kvalitativ metod valdes med ett urval av fem personer verksamma inom konsult- och rådgivningsbranschen intervjuades. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att det upplevdes finnas både för- och nackdelar med att vara tillgänglig i arbetet. Tillgängligheten medför kontroll över anställdas arbete men det uppstår även en upplevelse av behov av att vara tillgänglig vilket medför en negativ påverkan på anställdas hälsa i form av stress. Det visar även på att arbetsgivaren har ett visst ansvar för att stötta sina anställda att hantera tillgängligheten för att arbeta mer hälsofrämjande med anställdas hälsa och en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats. / The workplace is an important arena for people since they spend a significant amount of their lifetime with work. This imposes that the workplace is an important arena for health promotion. The development of information and communication technology during the last decades has contributed to new ways of working in terms of flexibility and how work is performed. The change in how and when employees perform their work motivates further studies to increase the understanding of employees’ experience of the availability of work. The purpose of this study is to examine how employees perceive their health in relation to be available for work. A qualitative approach was selected in which five individuals working in consulting and advisory services industry were interviewed. The interviews were analyzed with a manifest content analysis. The result indicates that perceptions of availability for work comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Accessibility provides enhanced control over work tasks but there is also a perceived need to be available. Which can result in a negative impact on employees’ health in the form of stress. The study further indicates that the employer has a certain responsibility to support their employees to cope with the challenges that comes with availability to actively promote the health of employees.
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Pour un modèle explicatif de l'épuisement professionnel et du bien-être psychologique au travail : vers une validation prévisionnelle et transculturelle / For an explicative model of burnout and psychological well-being at work : towards a predictive and transcultural validationNtsame Sima, Murielle 26 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a testé un modèle explicatif de santé psychologique au travail, intégrant comme variable bipolaire, l'épuisement professionnel et le bien-être psychologique. Sur la base du Job Demands-Resources Model, des facteurs d'exigences (conflits de rôles et charge de travail) et de ressources organisationnelles (justice organisationnelle, autonomie au travail et soutien social) ont été catégorisés. Le postulat de base de ce modèle a été de prédire des effets directs et indirects des exigences et des ressources sur la santé psychologique par l'intermédiaire de l'assertivité. L'objectif était la validation prévisionnelle et transculturelle du modèle, à travers une modélisation par équations structurelles, auprès de deux échantillons comprenant des enseignants et des infirmiers français et gabonais. L'effectif total de la première vague de données regroupait 273 participants (France : N = 90 enseignants, N = 45 infirmiers ; Gabon : N = 93 enseignants, N = 45 infirmiers) et celui de la deuxième vague s'élevait à 400 participants (France : N = 108 enseignants, N = 96 infirmiers ; Gabon : N = 141 enseignants, N = 55 infirmiers). En France, les résultats démontrent que les exigences au travail agissent directement sur la santé psychologique et que leurs effets sont aussi médiatisés par l'assertivité. Les ressources, pour leur part, influencent directement la santé psychologique. Quant aux résultats du Gabon, les exigences et les ressources organisationnelles prédisent directement la santé psychologique, sans effet médiateur de l'assertivité. De plus, au sein des deux populations, l'assertivité s'est avérée être non seulement une variable salutaire au regard des conditions de travail, mais aussi un fort prédicteur de la santé psychologique au travail. / This thesis tested an explicative model of psychological well-being at work, including as a bipolar variable, burnout and psychological well-being. Based on the Job Demands-Resources Model, jobs demands (role conflict and workload) and job resources (organizational justice and social support) were categorized. The basic assumption of this model was to predict the direct and indirect effects of job demands-resources on psychological health at work through assertiveness. The goal was the previsional and transcultural validation of the model through structural equation modeling, with two samples : teachers and nurses French and Gabonese. The total of the first wave of data consisted of 273 participants (France : N = 90 teachers, N = 45 nurses ; Gabon : N = 93 teachers, N = 45 nurses) and the second wave was 400 partcicipants (France : N = 108 teachers, N = 96 nurses ; Gabon : N = 141 teachers, N = 45 nurses). In France, results demonstrate that the job demands act directly on the psychological health and their effects are also mediated by assertiveness. resources, in turn, directly affect psychological health. As for results of Gabon, job demands-resources directly predict psychological health, unmediated effect of assertiveness. In addition, in both populations, assertiveness is not only a beneficial variable compared to working conditions, but also a strong predictor of psychological health at work.
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