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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toolkit Handlungsempfehlungen für Bürgermeister:innen

30 August 2023 (has links)
Bürgermeister:innen sind die Schlüsselfiguren in Beteiligungsprozessen – egal, ob es um Erwachsene, junge Menschen oder Kinder geht. Besonders mit Blick auf Kinder und Jugendliche ist Ihre Rolle von großer Bedeutung: Interessieren Sie sich für die Interessen junger Menschen? Sind Sie ansprechbar? Und vor allem: Nehmen Sie diese wirklich ernst? Mit diesem Toolkit geben wir Ihnen als Bürgermeister:innen Empfehlungen, wie Sie als zuverlässige:r Partner:in für junge Menschen in der Kommune wahrgenommen werden und demokratische Prozesse im eigenen Ort voranbringen können.

Toolkit zur Entwicklung einer Leitlinie für kommunale Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung

30 August 2023 (has links)
Zusammenleben bedeutet zusammen gestalten – politisch, kulturell, wirtschaftlich. Dabei können nicht nur die erwachsenen Bürger:innen Ihrer Kommune wichtige Impulse setzen, sondern auch die Jüngsten wichtige Beiträge für die gemeinsame Vision einer jugend- und zukunftsgerechten Heimat einbringen. Ihre Stimmen gilt es zu hören und sichtbar zu machen – denn zusammen gestalten, bedeutet immer auch alle gleichermaßen zu beteiligen. Wir geben Ihnen mit diesem Toolkit einen Leitfaden an die Hand, mit dessen Hilfe Sie eine Leitlinie zur Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung passgenau für Ihren Heimatort entwickeln können. Insbesondere, wenn Sie bereits einzelne Beteiligungsvorhaben durchgeführt und Erfahrungen gesammelt haben.

Von der Kita ins Rathaus: Mitsprache und Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen : Fachforum am 15.06.2022 in Mittweida : Dokumentation

Günther, Lilly 30 August 2023 (has links)
Um eine zugewandte, engagierte Gesellschaft von morgen zu haben, ist es oberste Priorität, schon den Jüngeren zu zeigen, wie man gemeinsam die Zukunft gestaltet, wie man Konflikte löst und Kompromisse schließt, um ein friedliches Miteinander zu ermöglichen. Deshalb ist demokratische Bildung seit vielen Jahren ein wichtiger Arbeitsschwerpunkt der Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (DKJS) in Sachsen. Die Programme WillkommensKITAs, Netzwerke für Demokratie in Kindertageseinrichtungen, #MISSION2038 und der Programmverbund Stark im Land der Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (DKJS) haben am 15. Juni 2022 mit dem Fachforum „Von der Kita ins Rathaus – Mitsprache und Beteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen“ einen Einblick in Best Practice, Methoden und Erfolgsgeschichten gegeben. Dabei wurde eines deutlich: Egal in welchem Alter, egal in welcher Institution – Beteiligung lohnt sich immer. Die vorliegende Dokumentation blickt einerseits zurück auf die Veranstaltung, und möchte andererseits Lust machen, sich auf den Weg zu begeben, um auch in Ihrem Ort oder in Ihrer Institution Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten für Kinder und Jugendliche zu schaffen.

Mid-adolescent neurocognitive development of ignoring and attending emotional stimuli

Vetter, Nora C., Pilhatsch, Maximilian, Weigelt, Sarah, Ripke, Stephan, Smolka, Michael N. 04 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Appropriate reactions toward emotional stimuli depend on the distribution of prefrontal attentional resources. In mid-adolescence, prefrontal top-down control systems are less engaged, while subcortical bottom-up emotional systems are more engaged. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to follow the neural development of attentional distribution, i.e. attending versus ignoring emotional stimuli, in adolescence. 144 healthy adolescents were studied longitudinally at age 14 and 16 while performing a perceptual discrimination task. Participants viewed two pairs of stimuli – one emotional, one abstract – and reported on one pair whether the items were the same or different, while ignoring the other pair. Hence, two experimental conditions were created: "attending emotion/ignoring abstract" and "ignoring emotion/attending abstract". Emotional valence varied between negative, positive, and neutral. Across conditions, reaction times and error rates decreased and activation in the anterior cingulate and inferior frontal gyrus increased from age 14 to 16. In contrast, subcortical regions showed no developmental effect. Activation of the anterior insula increased across ages for attending positive and ignoring negative emotions. Results suggest an ongoing development of prefrontal top-down resources elicited by emotional attention from age 14 to 16 while activity of subcortical regions representing bottom-up processing remains stable.

The Public Polemics of Baldur von Schirach: A Study of National Socialist Rhetoric and Aesthetics, 1922-1945

Koontz, Christopher N. 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the political writings and speeches of Baldur von Schirach, a leading figure of the National Socialist German Worker's Party, and the means by which he chose to transmit his beliefs in totalitarianism, racism, and militarism. Schirach's activities serve as a case study of the Third Reich's artistic and cultural programs and the means by which these programs served as conduits for propaganda and public education. Throughout his career as the leader of the National Socialist Student's League, Reich Youth Leader, and Gauleiter of Vienna, Schirach promulgated a political theory which interpreted the rise of the Third Reich as an expression of an innately superior German culture. He put this theory forth through the use of artistic means, including his own poetry and prose, and theoretical exegeses of artistic and literary works that explained them within a fascist, totalitarian idiom. The dissertation discusses Schirach's personal adherence to Nazism and its roots; the ways in which he interpreted fascist philosophical tenets, symbols, messages, and archetypes; his concepts of youth and adult education; his attempts to mold the artistic community of Vienna into an aesthetically progressive, yet politically coherent, means of propaganda; and his role in the destruction of the Jews of Vienna and his explanation of this act as a cultural contribution to the Third Reich. The dissertation is based upon Schirach's own speeches, poems, and published writings dealing with education and politics, as well as unpublished archival sources housed in the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv in Vienna and the National Archives in Washington, DC.

Zeit und Devianz

Matuschek, Ingo 19 July 1999 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht in zeittheoretischer Perspektive, in welcher Weise subjektives Zeitempfinden und sozial gestaltete Zeitrahmen deviantes Verhalten Jugendlicher strukturiert. Dazu werden in den ersten Kapiteln sozialwissenschaftliche Zeittheorien vorgestellt. Im Mittelpunkt der Dissertation steht die Rekonstruktion individueller Zeitmodi. Grundlage ist eine qualitative Längsschnittstudie. Neben relevanten Einstellungen und Alltagspraktiken werden auch Verlaufsformen und Konsequenzen im Zusammenhang mit dem Statusübergang von der Schule in den Beruf thematisiert. Besondere Beachtung findet das Phänomen der Langeweile bzw. der Umgang damit. Abschließend wird die Bedeutung sozial vermittelter Zeitgestaltung in bezug auf deviantes Handeln zusammengefasst. / Set in a theoretical perspective of time the dissertation focuses on how deviant behavior of adolescents is structured by subjective perception of time and socially-managed time frameworks. Accordingly, the first chapters survey sociological theories of time. The main focus of the dissertation is on the reconstruction of individual time schemes. Based on a longitudinal study, the dissertation deals with relevant attitudes and everyday conduct as well as process patterns and consequences in the context of changeover of status from school to occupation. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of boredom and how it is dealt with. In conclusion the meaning of socially-managed time is summarized in relation to deviant behavior.

Jugendliche im Zeitalter der Globalisierung : eine vergleichende Pilotstudie in Ostdeutschland, Polen und Russland

January 2011 (has links)
In Zeiten von PISA-Vergleichsstudien sind die sozialen Probleme Jugendlicher im Zusammenhang mit der Globalisierung, insbesondere in Osteuropa, etwas aus dem Blick geraten. Rund 20 Jahre nach dem Systemumbruch in Mittel- und Osteuropa stellt sich jedoch die Frage, was Jugendliche in Polen, Russland und Deutschland vereint bzw. noch trennt. Dieser zentralen Frage geht der vorliegende Band – anhand eines Kulturvergleichs – in drei Länderbeiträgen nach und untersucht Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Jugendlichen hinsichtlich deren Einstellungen, Lebens- und Wertvorstellungen u. ä. Angesichts „unsicherer Zeiten“ ist davon auszugehen, dass die sozialen Probleme Jugendlicher auch künftig nicht geringer werden. Deshalb wird die Beobachtung, Analyse und Begleitung der Jugendentwicklung in Osteuropa eine wichtige Aufgabe bleiben – sowohl für Sozial- und Bildungsforscher als auch für Lehrer, Erzieher und Sozialarbeiter. / In times of PISA-comparison studies the social problems of young people in the context of globalization, particularly in Eastern Europe, are out of sight. 20 years after the system change in Central and Eastern Europe raises the question of what unites or even separates young people in Poland, Russia and Germany (20 years after the system change in Central and Eastern Europe the question of what unites or still separates young people in Poland, Russia and Germany raises). This question is central to the present volume - in three countries to contributions and examines the similarities and differences between young people regarding their attitudes, life and values, etc. - on the basis of a cultural comparison (The present volume follows this question by means of three country contributions – on the basis of a cultural comparison – to examine similarities and differences between young people regarding their attitudes, outlooks on life and values). In view of "uncertain times" it is assumed that the social problems of young people will not decrease. Therefore, the observation, analysis and monitoring of youth development in Eastern Europe will remain an important task - for both social and educational researchers and for teachers, educators and social workers.

Tegeni masikio: composing East African realities through young eyes

Rosenberg, Aaron Louis 06 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
At times creative writing has been employed by Tanzanians in order to demonstrate the progress of African peoples and to reflect the changes, or lack of them, in this society. Popular songs are another continually vibrant medium of intellectual exchange which appeals to various sectors of the Tanzanian populace. Such oral and written works, directed as they are to local and intra-national audiences, are most often created in the Swahili language. The relatively young age of Tanzania’s population, with nearly 65 percent of the population under 25 years of age has brought about a situation in which this young and dynamic population is increasingly seeing their voice and interests represented in literary and aural/oral works. What are the themes and strategies utilized by such songwriters and literary artists and what are their trajectories of dissemination, consumption and activation within Tanzanian social contexts?

The Role of Parental Psychopathology and Family Environment for Social Anxiety Disorder in the First Three Decades of Life

Knappe, Susanne, Lieb, Roselind, Beesdo, Katja, Fehm, Lydia, Low, Nancy Chooi Ping, Gloster, Andrew T., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 10 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background. To examine the role of parental psychopathology and family environment for the risk of social anxiety disorder (SAD) in offspring from childhood to early adulthood, covering an observational period of 10 years. Method. A community sample of 1,395 adolescents (aged 14 to 17 years at baseline) was prospectively followed-up over the core high risk period for SAD onset. DSM-IV offspring and parental psychopathology was assessed using the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview; direct diagnostic interviews in parents were supplemented by family history reports from offspring. Parental rearing was assessed by the Questionnaire of Recalled Rearing Behavior in offspring, family functioning by the McMaster Family Assessment Device in parents. Results. Parental SAD was associated with the offspring’s risk to develop SAD (OR = 3.3, 95%CI: 1.4-8.0). Additionally, other parental anxiety disorders (OR = 2.9, 95%CI: 1.4-6.1), depression (OR = 2.6, 95%CI: 1.2-5.4) and alcohol use disorders (OR = 2.8, 95%CI: 1.3-6.1) were associated with offspring SAD. Offspring’s reports of parental overprotection, rejection and lack of emotional warmth, but not parental reports of family functioning were associated with offspring SAD. Analyses of interaction of parental psychopathology and parental rearing indicated combined effects on the risk for offspring SAD. Conclusions. These findings extend previous results in showing that both parental psychopathology and parental rearing are consistently associated with the risk for offspring SAD. As independent and interactive effects of parental psychopathology and parental rearing may have already manifested in early adolescence, these factors appear crucial and promising for targeted prevention programs.

Call me ‘Top in Dar’ : the role of pseudonyms in Bongo Fleva music

Omari, Shani 16 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last two decades Bongo Fleva music has become a popular form of entertainment as well as a key cultural element among Tanzanian urban youth. The objective of this paper is to examine the role of pseudonyms in this musical genre in Tanzania. It focuses on how Bongo Fleva artists adopt their pseudonyms and discusses their role in identity formation among urban youths in contemporary Tanzania. The paper argues that pseudonyms in Bongo Fleva, as in various other fields, have an important role to play in portraying one’s identity, culture, characteristics, profile, actions, hope and imagination.

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