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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’internationalisation des universités au Québec : analyse de la construction et de la gestion de partenariats internationaux

Uzenat, Morgane 08 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, les universités connaissent une intensification de leurs activités d'internationalisation sans précédent. À ce sujet, une enquête menée par l'AUCC (2014) met en évidence que le recrutement d'étudiants internationaux constitue la première des cinq priorités des établissements d'enseignement supérieur canadiens. En parallèle, plusieurs écrits témoignent de l’intérêt croissant que portent les chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales pour l'internationalisation des universités. Ils mettent en évidence que, d’une province à l’autre, le processus d'internationalisation est relativement variable (Buckner et al., 2020; Taskoh, 2020). Au Québec, celui-ci varie également d'une institution à l'autre en fonction de plusieurs facteurs, tels que la langue d'enseignement et de communication (français ou anglais), la localisation géographique et les domaines d’études, ce qui crée des contrastes à l'intérieur même du système d'enseignement supérieur. Selon Jane Knight, le processus d'internationalisation se définit comme le « processus d'intégration d'une dimension internationale et interculturelle dans les missions et les fonctions de l'enseignement postsecondaire » (Knight, 2004, p. 2). Cependant, les caractéristiques de ce processus (justifications, bénéfices, résultats, activités et acteurs) divergent d'une institution à l'autre (Knight, 2004). Cette étude se focalise sur le développement des partenariats internationaux, qui sont l'une des composantes du processus d'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur, ainsi que sur les stratégies inhérentes à la construction et à la gestion de ceux-ci. Malgré la forte tendance à l'internationalisation qui caractérise les universités, développer des relations durables et stables dans un partenariat n'est pas une mince affaire. Il convient ainsi de consacrer davantage d'attention à l'analyse de la façon dont elles gèrent leur développement international et des bonnes pratiques qu'elles mettent en œuvre. En interrogeant des administrateurs d'universités québécoises sur les conditions de leur implication dans des partenariats, cette étude vise à examiner dans quelle mesure ils respectent le principe de réciprocité et quelles stratégies sont mobilisées dans sa mise en application. Le cadre conceptuel et d’analyse repose sur un assemblage de trois concepts: les « justifications » et les « stratégies d'internationalisation », tels que définis par Knight (2004) et la réciprocité. Des chercheurs se sont inspirés du concept de réciprocité (Galtung, 1980) pour examiner les conditions de développement et de gestion de partenariats internationaux (Leng, 2015, 2016; Mwangi, 2017; Wei et Liu, 2015). Le principe de réciprocité comprend quatre objectifs (équité, autonomie, participation et solidarité) par l'atteinte desquels une organisation sera à même de réduire les différences de pouvoir dans ses relations de coopération (Mwangi, 2017). Les données utilisées proviennent de neuf entretiens semi-dirigés menés auprès d’administrateurs et de coordonnateurs de projets de quatre universités différentes. Le processus d'analyse est marqué par une alternance entre analyse déductive et inductive. Les résultats montrent qu'au-delà de la rhétorique économique (présente notamment en matière de recrutement international), des justifications plus symboliques constituent l'un des moteurs de l'internationalisation. L'analyse souligne également la présence de différences dans les perceptions des participants selon qu'ils soient affiliés à des universités francophones ou anglophones. En outre, nous mettons en évidence plusieurs stratégies susceptibles d’instaurer des relations plus pérennes. Dans une certaine mesure, les administrateurs manifestent effectivement des stratégies associées au principe de réciprocité et les traduisent en actions concrètes. Bien que les résultats obtenus ne puissent être généralisés, ils donnent un aperçu des stratégies pouvant faciliter l'opérationnalisation des objectifs d'équité, de solidarité, de participation et d'autonomie. / In Canada, universities are facing an unprecedented increase in internationalization activities. In fact, a survey conducted by AUCC (2014) showed that Canadian institutions' most common top 5 priorities is international undergraduate student recruitment. Concurrently, in the Canadian literature, there is a growing interest regarding the study of the internationalization of Canadian universities. However, provincial variations regarding the internationalization process exist (Buckner et al., 2020; Taskoh, 2020). In Quebec, the internationalization of universities varies from institutions depending on several factors, such as the language of instruction (French-language universities or English-language universities), geographic location and the academic field. Therefore, it creates contrasting challenges inside the higher education system. According to Jane Knight, the internationalization process is defined as "the process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions or delivery of post-secondary education" (Knight, 2004, p. 2). As mentioned by Knight (2004), the features of this process (rationales, benefits, outcomes, activities and stakeholders) fluctuate across institutions. In this study, we focus on the case of cross-border partnerships, which are one of the components of the internationalization process of higher education, as well as on the strategies inherent in the management of those partnerships. Despite the high demand from universities to engage in collaborations, developing successful and sustainable relationships is not an easy task. Nonetheless, more attention needs to be dedicated to investigating how universities cope with their international development and best practices for success. In this light, our study aims to explore strategies in cross-border partnerships. By interrogating Quebec's administrators, it examines how far those partnerships are characterized by mutuality. Despite the extension of commercial approach and market-based values, we state that strategies and practices emerging from this study show great examples of how universities deal with their international development in a more collaborative way. The conceptual framework relies on a combination of three concepts: "rationales" and " strategies of internationalization" as defined by Knight (2004) and "mutuality". A number of researchers have drawn upon Galtung (1980) concept of mutuality to deeper understand cross-border partnerships development and management (Leng, 2015; Mwangi, 2017; Wei and Liu, 2015). The concept of mutuality comprises four goals (equity, autonomy, solidarity and participation) an organization can reach so as to reduce power differences in collaborations. This study follows a qualitative research design and uses a hybrid process of deductive and inductive analysis. Our data comes from nine semi-structured interviews conducted with administrators. The findings show that despite an economic-related logic (especially when it tales to recruit international students), it is clear that symbolic rationales drive internationalization. Additionally, we find the existence of substantial differences between participants' perceptions from French-language and English-language universities. Importantly, we also highlight several strategies that can lead to more sustainable institutional relationships. To some degree, administrators manifest some aspects of mutuality and turn them into concrete actions. Even if the results cannot be generalized, the findings have important implications for the development of further international collaborations between universities. In fact, it provides insight into the strategies that can be linked to the goals of equity, solidarity, participation and autonomy.

Certain about uncertainty / What students need to know about measurement uncertainties to compare data sets.

Kok, Karel Willem 07 July 2022 (has links)
Messunsicherheiten sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil eines Messergebnisses. Das Thema wird jedoch oft vernachlässigt in der Sekundarstufe, und die Schüler*innen haben viel Schwierigkeiten mit Varianz in Datensätzen. Diese Arbeit berichtet über die Gestaltung und Evaluierung einer digitalen Lernumgebung (DLE). Die konzeptbasierte DLE nutzt ein etabliertes Sachstrukturmodell für die Sekundarstufe und besteht aus drei Teilen: Einführung in und Grundlagen von Messunsicherheiten, Berechnung und Bedeutung des Mittelwerts und der Unsicherheit sowie dem Vergleich von Messergebnissen. Die Wirkung wurde in einem Prä-Post-Design getestet. Der Prä- und Posttest umfasste zwei Prüfungsaufgaben: einen Kompetenztest und ein Datenvergleichsproblem, bei dem eine mit Begründung versehene Entscheidung getroffen werden musste. Die Teilnehmenden wurden nach dem Zufallsprinzip einer der drei Gruppen A, B oder C zugeteilt und bekamen einen, zwei oder alle drei Teile der DLE gezeigt. Insgesamt nahmen 154 Schüler*innen der Klassenstufen 8 bis 11 freiwillig und selbstständig teil. Diese Studie hat gezeigt, dass mit zunehmendem konzeptionellen Wissen die Fähigkeit der Schüler*innen, Datensätze zu vergleichen, deutlich zunimmt. Der konzeptbasierte DLE kan selbstständig von Schüler*innen in 60 Min. bearbeitet werden. Das Kodiermanual ermöglicht eine schnelle Analyse der Begründungen der Schüler*innen im Rahmen von Datenvergleichsproblemen. Dieses Manual kann leicht in der Schule eingesetzt werden. Diese Codes zeigen in einem feinkörnigen Detail die Qualität und Entwicklung der Fähigkeit der Schüler*innen, Datensätze zu vergleichen. Es wurden keine Korrelationen zwischen der Klassenstufe und dem Ergebnis des Kompetenztests oder der Begründungsqualität gefunden. Der Erfolg der DLE und das gleichzeitige Fehlen eines solchen Zusammenhangs bedeutet, dass das Thema Messunsicherheiten bereits in der achten Klasse eingeführt werden kann. / Measurement uncertainties are an essential part of a measurement result. The topic is, however, rarely addressed in secondary education and students struggle a lot with variance in data sets. This thesis reports on the design and evaluation of a Digital Learning Environment (DLE). The concept-based DLE uses an established subject matter model for secondary education and consists of three parts: introduction to and underpinnings of measurement uncertainties, calculation and meaning of the mean value and the uncertainty, and the comparison of measurement results. The effect was tested in a pre-post design. The pre and post-test consisted of two probes: a competency test and a data comparison problem where a decision had to be made supported by a justification. Participants were randomly assigned one of three groups A, B, or C and were shown one, two, or all three parts of the DLE. A total of 154 students of grades 8-11 participated voluntarily and independently. This work has shown that with increased conceptual knowledge, students' ability to compare data sets increases significantly. The concept-based teaching can be done by having students work independently with the DLE in 60 min. The coding manual allows for a quick analysis of students' justifications in the context of data comparison problems. This coding manual can be easily used in school settings. These codes show, in a fine-grained detail, the quality and development of students' ability to compare data sets. No correlations have been found between grade level and competency test score or justification quality. The success of the DLE and the simultaneous absence of any such correlation means that the topic of measurement uncertainties can be introduced as early as eighth grade.

Violences et justice dans les cours de récréation à l'école élémentaire / Violences and justice in the school playgrounds at primary school

Boxberger, Clémence 16 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge, dans une perspective pragmatique, la teneur des disputes entre pairs dans les cours de récréation à l'école élémentaire. Le régime de dispute en violence (Boltanski, 1990), caractérisé par des épreuves de force engageant exclusivement la force des personnes constitue le pivot de notre recherche. Comment et sous quelles conditions les interactions enfantines basculent-elles dans le régime de dispute en violence ou inversement sortent-elles de ce régime ? A l'aide d'une méthodologie fondée sur une approche ethnographique (observations et entretiens semi-scénarisés) et des questionnaires soumis aux écoliers, nous avons été en mesure de caractériser les formes émergentes de ce régime de dispute en violence, révélant ainsi une violence protéiforme ne se limitant pas au seul phénomène du harcèlement. Nous avons démontré que les écoliers recourent à des normes corporelles spécifiques et à des principes issus du monde domestique et du monde civique en vue de stabiliser l'ordre social en récréation et peuvent, sous certaines conditions, employer la violence comme un dispositif visant à contrecarrer les menaces pesant sur ces normes et principes. La compétence à s'extraire du régime de violence est apparue fortement corrélée aux dispositifs pédagogiques en place dans les écoles et à la grandeur que les élèves accordent aux enseignants ainsi qu'aux justifications et dispositifs que ces derniers emploient. La grandeur accordée à ces dispositifs et à la figure enseignante s'est enfin révélée, au fil de l'analyse comme étant étroitement imbriquée à la grandeur politique et civique que les enseignants accordent à l'écolier. / This sociological research deals with arguments among children in the school playground at primary school and follows a pragmatic sociological approach. The violent argument regime (Boltanski, 1990), is characterised by power struggles, that exclusively involves people strenght, without any principles. This violent argument regime is the centre of this research. How, and under which conditions peer interactions can get out of that regime? Using a methodology built on an ethnographic approach (observations and interviews based on scenarios) and on questionnaries to pupils, we've been able to characterise the emerging forms of the violent regime, and we showed the existence of a multifaceted violence at elementary school that can't be reduced merely to schoolbullying : this analysis's questionning the psychological approach of schoolbullying at school and discards the portraits of pupils who are either a persecutor or a victim : they can be both of them. Furthermore, pupils use physical norms and principles of justice that come from the domestic and the civic spheres in order to regulate the social order in the school playground and to get out of the violent regime. However, they can also, in the name of those principles, use violence as a device which enable them to stem the threats to those same principles. Moreover, the pupils ability to get out of the violence regime is linked to the teaching devices in the schools and to pupils perception of the teachers and the regulations that teachers use – or don't use. Some teaching devices could help pupils to get out of the violent argument regime and could restructure pupils principles and norms of justice.

La liberté de religion et les intérêts de l'enfant au Canada

Laliberté, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. en droit option recherche" / Nous entamons notre étude par l'examen de cinq justifications avancées au soutien de la liberté de religion: la tolérance, la rationalité, l'utilitarisme, le perfectionnisme et la neutralité. Ensuite, nous exposons de façon générale le droit relatif à liberté de religion tel qu'il est mis en oeuvre au Canada. Ces deux étapes préliminaires nous amènent à analyser de façon critique l'interaction entre la liberté de religion et les droits et intérêts des enfants. La thèse générale que nous développons est la suivante: lorsqu'une situation met en présence la liberté de religion ainsi que les droits et intérêts fondamentaux d'un enfant qui n'est pas assez mature et intellectuellement indépendant pour pouvoir faire des choix éclairés, nous sommes d'avis que le test de proportionnalité n'est pas appliqué par la Cour suprême et que généralement, il ne devrait pas l'être. Nous concluons que l'intérêt et les droits fondamentaux de l'enfant ont un poids prépondérant. / First, the author analyses five reasons that may be advanced to justify freedom of religion: tolerance, rationality, utilitarianism, perfectionism and neutrality. Then, the author generally sets out the mechanisms by which freedom of religion is interpreted in Canada. These two preliminary steps lead to a critical analysis of the interaction between freedom of religion and children's rights and interests. The author submits that when a legal situation involves freedom of religion and the fundamental interests or rights of children that are not capable of autonomous choices, the Supreme Court does not apply a proportionality test and, generally, courts should not apply it. The author concludes that the fundamental rights and interests of children are preponderant.

Justifications for K-12 education standards, goals, and curriculum

Creighton, Sean (Sean Patrick) 07 January 2013 (has links)
In the contemporary U.S., the state, through the Legislative Assembly, the State Board of Education, and the Department of Education, sets policies for K-12 education. These include goals and standards that affect the kinds of influences local officials, parents, and students can have on various education programs, required and elective coursework, graduation requirements, and curriculum content. The state ought to be able to justify their education policies to citizens. I argue here for a pragmatist informed "minimalist approach" to justifying education policies. This approach has state officials (and subsequently local officials) use local, situated reasons for justifying their education standards, goals, and curriculum. I argue that if state officials utilize a minimalist approach to justify education policies, it will be easier for citizens to contest (or support) the state's policies because the language employed will better represent citizen's local, situated common experiences, and be contestable on those grounds. One consequence of this minimalist approach is that state officials could exclude justifications that are made by appealing to isolated, abstract conceptions. Isolated, abstract conceptions are, as pragmatists such as Rorty have argued, transcendental in nature and doomed to failure; fortunately, as the pragmatist defense of a minimalist approach shows, they are also unnecessary. Some implications of adopting a pragmatist-informed approach is that the state should give up terms and phrases that attempt to (i) construct a unifying theory for justification or for truth; (ii) construct and somehow universally justify a single best particular method for interpreting texts and analyzing scientific processes; and/or (iii) construct comprehensive and complete standards. Rather, state officials ought to identify local, situated reasons for particular policies. From these local appeals, state officials could construct a minimal set of education policies that leave room for local officials and teachers to have particular freedoms in constructing programs, projects, and curricula. I approach this argument through a critique of select education policies in Oregon, Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee. I argue that these policies, like many education policies and standards, lack adequate justifications. Those justifications that are provided are too vague and susceptible to interpretations that are not relevant to the particular purposes of the policies. For instance, certain policies have illegitimately led to the denial of funding for "Ethnic Studies" programs in Arizona, or allowed for irrelevant teacher and student criticisms of theories within the sciences to be explored and entertained as legitimate in Tennessee classrooms. My recommendations, if followed, would give state officials grounds for excluding the concerns of citizens that are not relevant to particular policies and provide a legitimate, justifiable basis for constructing state education policies. / Graduation date: 2013

La liberté de religion et les intérêts de l'enfant au Canada

Laliberté, Julie 12 1900 (has links)
Nous entamons notre étude par l'examen de cinq justifications avancées au soutien de la liberté de religion: la tolérance, la rationalité, l'utilitarisme, le perfectionnisme et la neutralité. Ensuite, nous exposons de façon générale le droit relatif à liberté de religion tel qu'il est mis en oeuvre au Canada. Ces deux étapes préliminaires nous amènent à analyser de façon critique l'interaction entre la liberté de religion et les droits et intérêts des enfants. La thèse générale que nous développons est la suivante: lorsqu'une situation met en présence la liberté de religion ainsi que les droits et intérêts fondamentaux d'un enfant qui n'est pas assez mature et intellectuellement indépendant pour pouvoir faire des choix éclairés, nous sommes d'avis que le test de proportionnalité n'est pas appliqué par la Cour suprême et que généralement, il ne devrait pas l'être. Nous concluons que l'intérêt et les droits fondamentaux de l'enfant ont un poids prépondérant. / First, the author analyses five reasons that may be advanced to justify freedom of religion: tolerance, rationality, utilitarianism, perfectionism and neutrality. Then, the author generally sets out the mechanisms by which freedom of religion is interpreted in Canada. These two preliminary steps lead to a critical analysis of the interaction between freedom of religion and children's rights and interests. The author submits that when a legal situation involves freedom of religion and the fundamental interests or rights of children that are not capable of autonomous choices, the Supreme Court does not apply a proportionality test and, generally, courts should not apply it. The author concludes that the fundamental rights and interests of children are preponderant. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. en droit option recherche"

Dinâmica de institucionalização de práticas sociais: estudo da responsabilidade social no campo das organizações bancárias

Ventura, Elvira Cruvinel Ferreira January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2009-11-18T18:50:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 teseElvirafinal.pdf: 4737240 bytes, checksum: 229684ded14affe454604980df24ec0c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / The scope of this theses is to understand the dynamics of the institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the Field of Banking Organizations in Brazil. Using the social analysis model put forward by Boltanski and Chiapello (1999) and reverting to the conceptual basis of the institutional approach and using Bourdieu¿s notion of interest (1996), we arrive at an analytical model that enabled us to assess CSR as part of a movement of displacement of capitalism. The theory we propose here is that with the institutionalization of CSR, actions are justified in terms of the common good, being legitimized by structural confirmations and arrangements and, at the same time, heeding the inherent interests of the Field. The means used for comprehension of the dynamics of the institutionalization of CSR were: (1) the analysis of the construction of the phenomenon of CSR, which enabled us to identify critical factors and events, leaders in Brazil and associated ratification of the institutionalization of this social practice; (2) the description of the Field of Banking Organizations and the identification of the elements of its CSR in History, which are essential steps for understanding the justifications for insertion of the Field in the movement towards CSR; (3) the identification of key players in the institutionalization of the social practice within the Field, as well as the categorization of practical actions considered socially responsible to be found in the organizations researched, analyzing them in terms of justifications and interests; (4) the analysis of the dissemination and sedimentation of structural arrangements linked to CSR in the organizations of the Field, such as specific areas created to deal with CSR, social reports and organizational websites. The field research assessed some 30 organizations and included documentary analysis and interviews. We noted that, from being a marginal and isolated action, over the course of the past decade CSR has become a structured action in banking organizations, while at the same time becoming transformed into a social value, capable of contributing to the legitimacy of the Field. In this respect, research showed that retail banks are those that are inserted in the movement towards CSR, which ratifies the thesis of the phenomenon as displacement of capitalism. / O objetivo do trabalho é a compreensão da dinâmica de institucionalização da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE) no Campo das Organizações Bancárias no Brasil. Utilizando modelo de análise social proposto por Boltanski e Chiapello (1999), resgatando as bases conceituais da abordagem institucional e utilizando a noção de interesse em Bourdieu (1996), chegamos a um modelo de análise que possibilitou-nos compreender a RSE como parte de um movimento de deslocamento do capitalismo. Defendemos a tese de que na institucionalização da RSE, as ações são justificadas em termos do bem comum, legitimando-se via provas e arranjos estruturais e, ao mesmo tempo, atendendo a interesses inerentes ao Campo. Os caminhos utilizados para a compreensão da dinâmica de institucionalização da RSE foram: (1) a análise da construção do fenômeno da RSE, que possibilitou-nos identificar fatores e eventos críticos, líderes no Brasil e provas associadas à institucionalização desta prática social; (2) a descrição do Campo das Organizações Bancárias e a identificação de elementos de sua RSE na História, passos necessários para a compreensão das justificações para inserção do Campo no movimento pela RSE; (3) a identificação de atores-chave na institucionalização da prática social no Campo, bem como a categorização de ações práticas denominadas socialmente responsáveis evidenciadas nas organizações pesquisadas, analisando-as em termos de justificações e interesses; (4) a análise da disseminação e sedimentação de arranjos estruturais ligados à RSE nas organizações do Campo, como as áreas específicas criadas para tratar da RSE, os balanços sociais e os websites organizacionais. A pesquisa de campo contemplou cerca de trinta organizações, tendo incluído análise documental e entrevistas. Verificamos que, de uma ação marginal e isolada, a RSE passa, na última década, a ser uma ação estruturada nas organizações bancárias, ao mesmo tempo em que se transforma em um valor social, capaz de contribuir para a legitimidade do Campo. Nessa linha, a pesquisa evidenciou que bancos de varejo são os que estão mais inseridos no movimento pela RSE, o que ratifica a tese do fenômeno como deslocamento do capitalismo.

Strategic use of public procurement for innovation : rationales, instruments and practices / Utilisation stratégique des achats publics pour l'innovation : rationalités, instruments et pratiques

Chicot, Julien 18 July 2017 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de pays de l’OCDE encourage l’utilisation des achats publics en soutien à l’innovation, mais les discours ont été peu suivis d’effets. L’ambition de cette thèse est d’aider l’élaboration des initiatives d’achat public d’innovation (API), en identifiant les obstacles à l’innovation qu’ils peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les instruments et les pratiques les plus à mêmes de les aider dans cet objectif. Nous identifions huit idéo-types d’API selon les défaillances de marché ou de système (niveau méso) auxquelles ils tentent de répondre pour stimuler l’innovation. Ces défaillances affectent soit les utilisateurs, soit les producteurs ou touchent leurs interactions. Nous les comparons à celles de niveau macro et déterminons ainsi la contribution potentielle de chacun de ces idéo-types d’API aux politiques tournées vers de grandes missions. Notre typologie constitue un cadre théorique unifié associant défaillances et modalités de mise en œuvre des API. Elle en aide ainsi l’élaboration, l’évaluation et l’analyse. Certains de nos idéo-types doivent soutenir la création de marché pour encourager l’innovation. Nous nous appuyons sur les théories économiques évolutionnistes et une série d’études de cas pour comprendre comment les API peuvent y parvenir. Nous identifions leurs rôles, à différentes étapes de la procédure d’achat public, dans la coordination de connaissances et d’informations pour la création et le développement de marché. Les API doivent notamment permettre aux utilisateurs d’interagir avec les fournisseurs de manière appropriée et suffisamment tôt dans la procédure d’achat. Les recherches sur les achats privés ont néanmoins montré qu’une telle implication précoce des fournisseurs est source de problèmes de niveau micro. Une série d’entretiens avec des acheteurs publics et des fournisseurs permet de mieux identifier les problèmes affectant leur collaboration au cours d’une procédure standard d’API ou d’un dialogue compétitif. La nature de ces défaillances diffère selon la procédure d’achat public, du même que leur moment d’apparition. Les entretiens révèlent également que les acheteurs et fournisseurs perçoivent différemment les pratiques à l’origine de ces défaillances. Nos résultats appellent enfin à reconsidérer l’influence du cadre juridique sur les API, et soulignent l’existence de procédures et stratégies alternatives qui sont plus ou moins privilégiées par les fournisseurs. En somme, notre travail de recherche identifie différents niveaux d’obstacles à l’innovation que les API peuvent résoudre, ainsi que les mesures les plus appropriées pour les aider dans cet objectif. Il plaide en faveur d’une approche dynamique de la décision politique, qui définit problèmes, instruments de politique et pratiques à chacune des étapes des procédures d’achat public, de formation des marchés, et de collaboration entre acheteurs public et fournisseurs. / An increasing number of OECD countries has adopted measures to encourage the use of public procurement to foster innovation. However, implementation of public procurement of innovation (PPI) is lagging behind policy discourse. The ambition of this dissertation is to address this discrepancy by assisting in the design of PPI initiatives, that is, by identifying the innovation-related failures that PPI can overcome, and the most appropriate policy instruments and practices for achieving this objective. We define eight PPI ideal-types according to the type of meso-level market of system failures they address. These failures can relate to users, producers or to their mutual interactions. We confront them with macro-level failures, and determine accordingly the contribution of each PPI ideal-type to distinct mission-oriented policies. Our typology provides a unified PPI framework associating their rationales with their design. Therefore, it contributes to policymaking, and to policy evaluation and analysis. Some PPI categories aim to spur innovation by stimulating the formation of markets. We employ an evolutionary approach to analyse the influence of PPI at the different stages of the dynamic process of market formation through a series of selected existing case studies. We demonstrate that PPI can underpin the different phases of knowledge coordination for market formation, by ensuring appropriate interactions between users and producers early in the public procurement procedure. The literature on private procurement nevertheless shows that early supplier involvement is subject to a number of micro-level failures having their root in procurement practices. Based on interviews with public procurers and suppliers, we identify relevant collaboration failures related to the standard PPI and competitive dialogue procedures. We highlight differences in these failures and their loci between the two procedures. Furthermore, public procurers and suppliers appear to have different perception of the causes of the failures they have encountered. Finally, our findings discuss the influence of the legal framework on PPI and suggest additional PPI procedures and strategies that are favoured by suppliers to varying extents. In sum, our research identifies innovation-related failures at different levels that PPI can resolve, and relevant instruments to help PPI initiative to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, it advocates a dynamic approach considering failures, instruments, and practices at different stages of public procurement procedures, and market formation and public procurer-supplier collaboration processes.

Droit du sport et droit pénal : recherche d'un équilibre / Sports law and criminal law : finding a balance

Cohen, Jennifer 10 December 2015 (has links)
Rien de prime abord ne rapproche le sport et la violence. Le sport contribue à un épanouissement personnel alors que la violence est un moyen d’oppression. Du fait de l’augmentation croissante des violences sportives, le droit du sport s’est trouvé dépassé. Le droit pénal est alors intervenu à son secours afin de réprimer et de faire diminuer ces violences. Au fil du temps, le droit pénal a pris une place de plus en plus importante dans le contentieux sportif, de sorte qu’un droit pénal spécifique du sport a émergé. Si le droit pénal ne peut plus intervenir dans le contentieux sportif en raison du particularisme fort qui caractérise le droit du sport, la création d’un droit pénal du sport est devenue nécessaire, avec ses incriminations spécifiques, en conservant toutefois un droit pénal commun, également applicable en droit du sport. Pour autant le droit du sport est encadré par le droit pénal mais également par le droit disciplinaire. Toutefois, le droit du sport s’autorégule si bien qu’il se suffit à lui seul et qui n’a pas besoin de recourir systématiquement au droit pénal. Peu à peu une dépénalisation s’est mise en place. Le droit pénal a alors pu prendre ses distances avec le droit du sport afin de laisser la pratique sportive s’épanouir. En somme, si l’intervention du droit pénal en droit du sport est devenue inéluctable, il n’en demeure pas moins que le droit du sport, compte tenu de sa spécificité, est capable de s’autoréguler / Nothing at first only brings sport and violence. Sport contributes to personal fulfillment while violence is a means of oppression. Due to the increasing violence of sports, sports law has been overtaken. Criminal law is then stepped to his aid to suppress and decrease the violence. Over time, criminal law has become an increasingly important litigation in the sports, so that a specific criminal law of sport has emerged. If the criminal law can no longer intervene in the sports litigation because of the strong individualism that characterizes sports law, the creation of a criminal law sport has become necessary, with specific offenses, keeping however a common criminal, also apply in the sports law. However sports law is framed by the criminal law, but also by the disciplinary law.However, sports law regulates itself so that it is sufficient in itself and does not need to systematically use the criminal law. Gradually decriminalization was implemented. Criminal law was then able to distance sports law to allow the sport to flourish. In sum, if the intervention of criminal law sports law has become inevitable, the fact remains that sports law, given its specificity, is able to regulate itself

A Competitive Environment? : Articles 101 and 102 TFEU and the European Green Deal

Lundgren, Lars January 2021 (has links)
Europe is facing a climate and environmental crisis. To respond to this, the European Commission has launched several programmes, which aim to increase sustainability and environmental protection. This aim has been condensed into the policy document that is the European Green Deal. The European Green Deal sets out the aim of making the Union’s economy climate neutral, while improving environmental protection and protecting biodiversity. To this end, several different sectors of the economy need to be overhauled.  In EU Law, a key policy area is to protect free competition. Article 101 TFEU sets out that agreements between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition are prohibited. Similarly, Article 102 TFEU prohibits abuse by an undertaking of a dominant position.  This thesis explores what happens when competition law thus intersects with the environmental policy of the Union. The thesis identifies two main situations  of interaction. Undertakings can invoke environmental protection to justify a restriction of competition. The Union may also rely on its antitrust provisions to enforce sustainability by holding unsustainable practices as restrictive agreements or abuses of dominant behaviour, respectively, and thus prohibited by the antitrust provisions.  Generally, the thesis concludes that there is not enough information on how the Commission and the CJEU will approach arguments relating to sustainability in its antitrust assessment. The Commission’s consumer welfare standard appears to limit environmental integration to points where a certain factor results affects the environment or sustainability on the one hand, and consumer welfare on the other. The lack of information, moreover, is in itself an issue as undertakings may abstain from environmental action if they believe they will come under scrutiny due to violations of the antitrust provisions. Therefore, a key conclusion in the thesis is that the Commission and the CJEU should set out clear guidelines for environmental action by undertakings, in relation to the antitrust provisions. Similarly, the Commission appears to be cautious to use antitrust as a tool against unsustainable practices. The Commission has, however, recently decided to open an investigation into agreements which limit sustainability, which shows that the picture may be changing.

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