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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Engagement and Network Building of Organizations with or in Energy Communities in the Swedish context. A study to understand the European Union energy transition agenda shaped in practice

Jaku, Ardiana January 2023 (has links)
Energy communities (ECs) are considered in the European Union as an important instrument in accelerating the transition to clean energy, with a focus on just transition and social sustainability. In Sweden, ECs are mentioned in various laws and regulations, but there is no specific legislation dedicated to ECs. However, the transformative potential of ECs in the energy market has begun to be recognized in Sweden, and various organizations are engaging and networking with or in ECs. Therefore the aim of this thesis is to explore the engagement and network building of various organizations with or in ECs as a concept and as a practice, forged in the efforts to decarbonise the energy system in Sweden. This aim will contribute to e better understanding of how the just energy transition agenda embodied in the Clean Energy Package, is shaped in practice in the Swedish context through these engagements and networks. For the explorative aim of this thesis a qualitative method is used. Eleven interviews with different typologies of organizations, from different localities in Sweden were conducted for the data collectioon, while the results of the thesis were provided through conducting discourse analysis approach. The results of the thesis show that the political ideas underpining the engagement and networking of various organizations with or in ECs were related with their aim to influence the change in energy and climate policy, community engagemnt and sustainability. The new alliances forged, especially at the local level, between ECs and other actors in the energy market have similarities with social movements. Despite it was limited the exploration of elements of energy democracy, these new dynamics created from ECs in the energy market in Sweden has raised the recognition of their potential for energy transition.

Effects of climate and land-use change on retention of semi-natural grassland plant species : A landscape study in southern and central Sweden / Effekter av klimat och markanvändningsförändringar på hävdgynnade gräsmarksarter : En landskapsstudie i södra och mellersta Sverige

Jonsson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Plants associated with the historical agricultural landscape are threatened. Land-use changes causing loss, fragmentation and degradation of semi-natural grassland habitats have resulted in many species becoming Red Listed. In addition, climate change favours generalist species, which risk outcompeting the specialist semi-natural grassland species. Conservation of small remnants of historical meadows and pastures left in landscapes has, on the other hand, proved to be of great importance for conservation of these species. A better understanding of how thespecies are affected by climate and land-use changes is essential for long-term and effective conservation plans and restoration measures. With this large-scale study, covering the whole of southern and central Sweden (ca 210000 km2), I investigated spatial variations in the number of retained semi-natural grassland species, and whether the proportion of retained distribution varies between species in different Red-List categories. Recently digitized data on the historical distribution of Swedish vascular plants made it possible to compare the historical and contemporary distributions of species on a large scale. Historical and current data of species distribution, climate and land use, and the presence of valuable grasslands were used to investigate the effects of changes in land use and climate on the species. Over 200 semi-natural grassland species were included in the analysis. The results showed that 34% of the seminatural grassland species in the study were Red Listed. There were spatial variations in retained distribution of species and the proportion of retained distribution varied between different Red-List categories. Species in the most critical category, CR had the lowestproportion retained distribution (median=0.39) and not Red Listed species the highest (median=0.95). The proportion of valuable semi-natural grasslands had a positive effect on retained distribution of species, while retention of open habitats had a negative effect, the lattercontradicting previous studies. Retention of species turned out not to be affected by climate change, which previous studies have suggested, but it was positively affected by a historically colder climate. The results of the study show the importance of preserving and restoring seminatural grasslands to reduce negative effects from other influencing factors, and that spatial differences in the effects are important to consider. The study underscores the need for more knowledge to understand the full impact of the threats that land-use change and climate change pose to these species. / Kärlväxter associerade till det historiska odlingslandskapet är hotade. Förändrad markanvändning med förlust, fragmentering och degradering av habitaten som resultat har lett till att ett stort antal av dessa arter numer är rödlistade. Dessutom hotas arterna ytterligare av klimatförändringar som gynnar generalistarter som då riskerar att konkurrera ut de mer specialiserade hävdgynnade gräsmarksarterna. Bevarandet av små kvarvarande ängs- och betesmarker har däremot visat sig ha stor betydelse för bevarandet av dessa arter. En ökad förståelse för hur arterna påverkas av förändringar i klimat och markanvändning är avgörande för långsiktiga och effektiva bevarandeplaner och restaureringsåtgärder. Med denna storskaliga studie över hela södra och mellersta Sverige undersöker jag spatiala variationer i antalet bevarade hävdgynnade gräsmarksarter, samt om andelen bibehållen utbredning varierar mellan arter i olika rödlistningskategorier. Nyligen digitaliserade data om svenska kärlväxters historiska utbredning gjorde det möjligt att jämföra arters historiska och nutida utbredning i stor skala. Historiska och aktuella data om arters utbredning, klimat och markanvändning, samt förekomsten av värdefulla gräsmarker användes för att undersöka effekterna av förändringar i markanvändning och klimat på hävdgynnade gräsmarksarter. Över 200 hävdgynnade gräsmarksarter inkluderades i analyserna. Resultaten visade att 34% av arterna i studien var rödlistade. Det fanns spatiala variationer i arternas bibehållna utbredningar och proportionen bibehållen utbredning varierade mellan olika rödlistningskategorier. Arter i den mest kritiska rödlistningskategorin CR hade lägst proportion bibehållen utbredning (median= 0,39), medan de ej rödlistade arterna den högsta (median=0,95). Proportionen värdefulla ängs- och betesmarker hade en positiv effekt på arters bevarade utbredning och bevarad öppen mark hade en negativ effekt, det senare i motsats till tidigare studiers resultat. Arternas bibehållna utbredning visade sig inte påverkats av klimatförändringarna, vilket tidigare studier visat på, ett historiskt kallare klimat hade däremot positiva effekter. Studiens resultat visar på vikten av att bevara och restaurera hävdpräglade marker för att minska negativa effekter från andra påverkansfaktorer och att spatiala skillnader i effekterna är viktiga att beakta. Studien understryker att mer kunskap behövs för att förstå de totala effekterna av de hot som förändrad markanvändning och klimatförändringar utgör för dessa arter.

Kranvatten eller flaskvatten? : En studie kring vanor och åsikter gällande konsumtionen av dricksvatten på Teneriffa

Roslund, Ebba, Schumacher, Frida January 2024 (has links)
Tenerife is experiencing challenges with its drinking water resources because of climate change and overtourism. The prior lone use of groundwater as drinking water source must now be complemented by desalinated saltwater. This has resulted in an increased use of drinking water on plastic bottles, which has led to large amounts of plastic waste on the island. Even with an implemented deposit system for plastic bottles in the capital, a high consumption of plastic bottles for drinking water remains. This study thereby aims to research tourists and locals’ habits and opinions of tap water consumption on Tenerife. The study aims to answer why tourists and locals do not drink the tap water on the island today and what their opinions are towards a reduced use of plastic bottles for drinking water consumption on Tenerife. The study also answers which actions could be taken to change tourists’ and locals’ consumption of drinking water in plastic bottles towards a primary consumption of tap water. A literature study was conducted to explore water consumption and plastic waste on Tenerife. A survey study was performed on 155 respondents of tourists and locals’ habits and opinions considering drinking water and plastic bottle waste. The results showed that most of the respondents avoid tap water with fear of food poisoning or insecurity of how it will affect their long-term health. Most of the respondents are positive towards a reduced use of plastic bottles for drinking water on Tenerife. Both tourists and locals answered that they would drink the tap water if they knew that it was safe and had a good taste. Actions that can be taken for changing the habits of using plastic bottles for drinking water are; informing the locals and tourists on the safety of the tap water and developing the water systems to improve the taste of the tap water. The study indicates the need for actions to increase the assurance in the quality and safety of tap water on Tenerife. This could improve the transition towards a more sustainable consumption of drinking water, help reduce the use of plastic bottles on the island and, is a step in the right direction towards the Sustainable development goals.

Microbial Communities in Boreal Peatlands : Responses to Climate Change and Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulfur Depositions

Genero, Magalí Martí January 2017 (has links)
Myrmarker har en stor roll i regleringen av den globala kolbalansen och koncentrationerna av koldioxid och metan i atmosfären, vilket gör dem till speciellt viktiga ekosystem ur ett klimatförandringsperspektiv. Förändringar av myrmarker genom naturlig utveckling eller antropogen påverkan kan därför få långtgående störningar av myrars klimatreglerande funktion. Mikroorganismer har en avgörande roll i biogeokemiska processer genom att t ex bryta ned organisk material i mark och därmed styra kolets kretslopp. För att förstå hur myrsystemen reagerar på störningar är det därför väsentligt att veta hur mikroorganismsamhällena reagerar genom förändringar i sammansättning och biogeokemisk aktivitet. Målet för studierna, som ligger till grund för denna avhandling, var att undersöka hur mikroorganismsamhällen i myrar reagerar på uppvärmning genom klimatförändring och ökade kväve- (N) och svavel- (S) halter i nederbörd. High through-put sekvensering användes för att studera taxonomiska och funktionella egenskaper hos mikroorganismerna i myrar och quantative PCR användes för att mer specifikt studera de metanbildande arkeorna. Två fältkampanjer vardera omfattande tre ombrotrofa myrar med olika klimatförhållanden och olika mängder N och S inederbörden användes för att undersöka lokala och storskaliga effekter på myrars mikrobiella samhällen. Resultaten visade att latudinell variation i geoklimatologiska förhållanden (temperatur ochnederbördsmängd) och deposition av näringsämnen hade en påverkan på sammansättningen av de mikrobiella samhällena och aktiva metanbildare förr än variationen i den kemiska miljön inom varje specifik myr. Myrväxtsamhällenas sammansättning för en specifik myr visades sig i stor utsträckning styra sammansättningen av motsvarande mikrobiella samhälle i torvprofilen. Detta framgick klart av i en analys av samexisterande nätverk av mikroorganismsamhällen och motsvarande växtsamhällen i en studie av tre geografiskt skilda myrar med olika kvävedeposition. Effekterna av klimatförändring och nederbörd med olika mängder av N och S studerades mer specifikt genom att analysera de mikrobiellasamhällena i  ett långliggande (18 år) försök. Påverkan av var och en av dessa manipulationer antingen förstärktes eller minskades, när de förekom i kombinationer. Ökad kvävedeposition var den faktor som hade starkast effekt. De långvariga störningarna medförde stora förändringar i den mikrobiella taxonomin inom samhällena. Detta återspeglades dock inte i den fysiologiska kapaciteten, vilket visar att det finns en stark buffring i myrarnas mikrobiella funktion. Detta tyder på att framtida utveckling av myrar i relation till olika störningar sannolikt inte kommer att påverka myrarnas roll för kolbalans och växthusgasutbyte med atmosfären. / Peatlands play a substantial role in regulating the global carbon balance and concentrations of the greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere, and are thus of utmost importance from a climate change perspective. Any changes of peatland functions due to natural or anthropogenic perturbations may result in changes in these ecosystem services. Soil microbial communities are essential drivers of biogeochemical processes, including the carbon cycle. In order to fully understand the effect of environmental perturbations on peatland functions, it is essential to understand how microbial communities are affected. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to investigate the responses of the peat microbial communities to climate change and increased precipitation of nitrogen(N) and sulfur (S) compounds. High-throughput sequencing approaches were used to investigate the taxonomic and functional composition of microbial communities, and quantitative PCR was used to specifically target the methanogen community. Two field studies including three ombrotrophic peatlands each that differed in climatological conditions and atmospheric N and S depositions, were used to investigate and compare the effect of large- and local-scale environmental conditions on microbial communities. The results show that the variation in geo-climatological (temperature and precipitation) and atmospheric deposition conditions along the latitudinal gradient modulate the peat microbial community composition and the abundance of active methanogens to a greater extent thansite-related microhabitats. Furthermore, a tight coupling between the plant community composition of a site and the composition of its microbial community was observed, and was found to be mainly driven by plants rather than microorganisms. These co-occurrence networks are strongly affected by seasonal climate variability and the interactions between species in colder areas are more sensitive to climate change. The long-term effects of warming and increased N and S depositions on the peat microbial communities were further investigated using an 18-year in-situ peatland experiment simulating these perturbations. The impacts of each of these perturbations on the microbial community were found to either multiply or counteract one another, with enhanced N deposition being the most important factor. While the long-term perturbations resulted in a substantial shift in the taxonomic composition of microbial communities, only minor changes occurred in genome-encoded functional traits, indicating a functional redundancy. This could act as a buffer maintaining ecosystem functioning when challenged by multiple stressors, and could limit future changes in greenhouse gases and carbonexchange.

Havsstrandängar i Halland : Försvinnande och nyetablering vid framtida klimatförändringar / Coastal meadows in Halland : Disappearance and new establishment at future climate change

Redegard, Magnus January 2017 (has links)
Havsstrandängar av EU-kod 1330 har en utbredning från atlantkusten till Öresund. Längs med Hallands kust finns salta strandängar utspridda. Habitatet är hem för många hotade och ohotade arter och har krav på finkorniga jordarter samt topografi med låg höjd och sluttning. Genom bete eller slåtter hålls strandängarna öppna. Klimatförändringar påverkar den globala havsnivån och kommer påverka strandängarna negativt. Genom en GIS-analys går det att beräkna strandsförluster samt ta fram potentiella marker för nyetablering. Resultatet visar att stora areella försluter drabbar Hallands strandängar. 87,9% av befintliga strandängar kommer gå förlorade vid en havsnivåhöjning på 1m. Resultatet visar också att det finns möjligheter för nyetablering av salta strandängar. Arealen för potentiell nyetablering är större än den strandängsareal som finns idag vilket ses som ett positivt resultat. GIS-analysen ger en indikation om vad som kommer att ske med Hallands salta strandängar men för att nya marker ska kunna fungera som strandängar måste aktiva åtgärder vidtas. Både omföring av befintliga markslag och åtgärdsprogram som kan underlätta för strandängarna att återetablera sig vid eventuella havsnivåhöjningar. / Coastal meadows of the EU-code 1330 have a range reaching from the Atlantic coast to the Öresund including all along the coastline of Halland. The habitat is home to many species, including many that are threatened and have requirements for fine-grained soils with low height and slope. Grazing and haymaking keep these species rich meadows open. Climate change, however, affects global sea level and is projected to negatively affect on the salt meadows. Through a GIS analysis, meadow losses due to sea level rise are calculated. The result shows large losses of meadows in Halland, a full 87.9% of the existing meadows are projected to be lost in a sea level rise of 1m. In addition to these concerns, the result also shows that there are opportunities for establishment of new salt meadows. In fact, the area for potential new meadows is greater than what’s available today, which is considered as a positive result. In conclusion, GIS analysis provides an indication of what may happen with salt meadows in Halland due to climate change, losses and potential compensation. However, if new areas are to serve as meadows, active measures must be taken. Necessary actions include both change of existing land types and effort that can help the meadows to re-establish themselves in the event of sea level rises.

Evidence for birch forests and a highly productive environment near the margin of the Fennoscandian ice sheet in the Värriötunturit area, northeastern Finland

Bogren, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
High-resolution records of early Holocene deposits are rare, and as a consequence reconstruction of terrestrial environments very soon after the deglaciation has often been difficult. In this study the palaeoenvironmental conditions of early Holocene (c. 10600-7500 cal. yr BP) are reconstructed in the Värriötunturit area of northeastern Finland, using evidence from plant macrofossils and pollen preserved in a lake sediment sequence retrieved from the small lake Kuutsjärvi. Special emphasis is put on the environment immediately following the deglaciation as the base of the sediment sequence is rich in minerogenic material interpreted to have been deposited by meltwater pulses from the retreating ice sheet. The abundance and variety of fossil remains in these early meltwater deposits provide evidence for a very productive ice-marginal environment in the area between the lake and the ice sheet, and the presence of tree-type Betula macro remains as well as high percentage values of tree-type Betula pollen suggests that a subarctic birch forest established just a few years after the deglaciation. In the following centuries the birch forest around the lake became rich in an under growth of ferns, and at c. 9400 cal. yr BP a transition into a mixed pine and birch forest took place. Due to absence of indicator plant taxa in the sediment it was not possible to reconstruct temperature conditions for any parts of the sequence in this study. However, the rapid colonisation of birch forests suggests that the climate was warm already during deglaciation, which is also in accordance with climatic conditions reconstructed for the early Holocene in the nearby Sokli area just 10 km away, as well as in other parts of Fennoscandia and Russia.

Managing knowledge sharing of extreme weather induced impacts on land transport infrastructure : Case study of the Swedish Transport Administration

Rydstedt Nyman, Monika January 2016 (has links)
Extreme weather events and effects of climate change are threats to the transport sector’s functionality and safety. Risk management in this context implies a necessity to focus on the connection between near-term experiences and coping strategies on one hand, and long-term adaptation analyses on the other. How learning from past events and subsequent knowledge sharing can be adopted is a question that needs to be explored, discussed and tested. A systematic approach to lessons learned calls for measures of investigation, reporting, planning, implementation and evaluation. A qualitative case study approach was used in this thesis. In the first paper the practices of accident investigation in operation and maintenance were inventoried within the Swedish Transport Administration (STA). Three accident investigation methods were applied and tested on a cloudburst event, causing flooding in a railway tunnel in Sweden. In the second paper, semi-structured interviews, documents, and archival records were used as means for penetrating deeper into the attitudes and understanding of lessons learned concerning extreme weather events within a procured public-private partnership. The results of the two studies showed weak signals of feedback on lessons learned. Partly, these weak signals could be traced back to weak steering signals. Various obstacles impeded learning curves from lessons learned. The obstacles were of both hard and soft values, e.g. resources in time and equipment, systematic investigation methods, incentives for lessons learned, education and knowledge, values, norms and attitudes towards how and why identified problems should be solved. Successful knowledge sharing requires that close attention is paid to such obstacles and that an adaptive approach is adopted. / Den pågående och framtida klimatförändringen sätter press på aktörer att möta risker som associeras med klimatförändring. Syftet med denna avhandling är att bidra med kunskap om lärande och kunskapsöverföring inom offentlig förvaltning av landtransportinfrastruktur. Eftersom lärande och kunskapsöverföring är grundläggande för planering och beslutsfattande om strategier och åtgärder som främjar ett robust transportsystem. Målet för detta arbete är att belysa lärande och kunskapsöverföring inom och mellan olika organisationer i det svenska samhället. Det socio-tekniska systemperspektivet - som används som analysram i båda studierna ger en djupare förståelse för bakomliggande faktorer. En kvalitativ ansats, som omfattar intervjuer, deltagande observationer och dokumentanalys, har används i detta licentiatarbete. I den första studien belyses möjligheten att använda sig av industriella utredningsmetoder på naturolyckor i en svensk kontext av en översvämning i en järnvägstunnel. De industriella utredningsmetoderna visade sig vara användbara för utredning av konsekvenser efter skyfall, med olika metodologiska fördelar och nackdelar. Den andra studien utforskar hur Trafikverkets verksamhetsområde Underhåll arbetar med lärande kopplat till väderextremer; hur de fångar upp erfarenheter och kunskap som finns hos kontrakterade entreprenörer, samt hur entreprenörerna uppfattar att lärande och erfarenhetsåterföring sker. Resultatet från båda studierna visar på både svaga styrsignaler och svaga återkopplingssignaler, vilket medför svaga lärandekurvor. Olika hinder sågs ligga bakom med svaga styr- och återkopplingssignaler bl.a. resurser i tid och processer, systematik i utredning av naturolyckor, incitament att lära av varandra, utbildning och kunskap, värderingar normer och attityder till hur och varför identifierade problem ska lösas. Ett adaptivt förhållningssätt innebär att man behöver ta hänsyn till dessa hinder på ett systematiskt sätt. / The agreement in Paris in 2015 was an historic manifestation that society has to work with both mitigation and adaptation to achieve a reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. One way to achieve adaptation is through the integration of present coping strategies. A first step is to study the existing processes and routines that support short-term coping. This licentiate thesis targets different aspects of learning as a strategy for coping and building adaptive capacity. Road infrastructure and maintenance in relation to extreme weather are used as the physical context and the Swedish Transport Administration as a case to study. Paper I shows the possibility to apply industrial accident investigation methods to an extreme weather event and get useful insights into underlying root causes. Paper II shows the intra- and interrelated patterns that exist in public-private partnerships (PPP) in Sweden. The paper describes a parallel of systems with infrequent overlaps regarding lessons learned.  In both papers the socio-technical perspective approach was used to highlight aspects of learning from and investigating damage due to extreme weather at different tiers in society. The socio-technical perspective provides an understanding of how decisions and legislation that affect our actions and behavior today may have been taken in different time and space settings. This thesis contributes to concept and theory building regarding the socio-technical system approach. / <p>Paper 2 ingick i licentiatuppsatsen som manuskript, nu publicerat.</p>

Building Happy and Resilient Communities in the North of the European Union : A case study on Transition Movement in Sweden and its relationship with the EU

Cardona Shokotko, Vanessa January 2017 (has links)
When the world becomes drowned in multiple global problems and citizens do not see any real progressive solutions from their governments, they take the initiative in their own hands and start changing the world on their own. The Transition Town movement was born this way. It is a social movement which aims at building resilient local communities in response to climate change, peak oil and an unfair ecologically destructive economic system which is probably soon to break down. As a potentially strong actor of future social change, it is worth studying emerging local movements in Europe, and hopefully identifying new potentials for success of these grass-root innovations.The study, thus, aims to investigate the relation between the participants of the Transition Movement Sweden and the supranational/intergovernmental entity EU, which plays one of the key roles in economic, environmental and social aspects of Swedish citizens. By conducting interviews with participants of the movement in several Swedish cities, the nature of this relationship is being explored. Using the theory of Multi-Institutional Politics Approach the case study explains the connection between the movement and the EU.

Modeling hydrometeorological extremes in Alpine catchments / Modellering av hydrometeorologiska extremvärden i alpina avrinningsområden

Voulgaridis, Theo January 2017 (has links)
Uncertainties with a modeling framework consisting of a weather generator, two precipitation disaggregation models and the hydrological HBV model was assessed with respect to hydrometeorological extremes in Tyrol, Austria. Extreme precipitation events are expected to increase in intensity and frequency in the Alps during a warmer climate. The Alpine regions may be particularly vulnerable to such changes in climate where many floods in Europe occurred during recent years and caused major damage and loss of life. Weather generators typically provide time series at daily resolution. Different disaggregation methods have therefore been proposed and successfully tested to increase temporal resolution in precipitation. This is essential since flood peaks may be maintained for as little as minutes. Here, the non-parametric method of fragments was tested and compared with the multiplicative microcanonical cascade model with uniform splitting on the reproduction of precipitation extremes. It is also demonstrated that the method of fragments model can be transformed to disaggregate temperature with slight changes in the model structure. Preliminary test results show that the simulation of discharge peaks can be improved by disaggregating temperature in comparison with using daily averages as input in the HBV model.  Test results show that precipitation extremes were simulated within confidence bounds for Kelchsauer and Gurglbach when using historical observations as input. These two catchments had longer records of data available in comparison with Ruetz where the majority of simulated precipitation extremes were found outside confidence ranges. This indicates that the model is data driven. Synthetic data series were constructed with the weather generator from historical data and disaggregated with the two disaggregation models. The differences between the models were bigger for Ruetz where less observed data was available. The method of fragments simulates extremes with the closest resemblance to extremes. This is also true for the reproduction of wet spells and simulated variance. To account for parameter uncertainty in the HBV model, it is highly motivated to simulate discharge with different but suitable parameter sets to account for equifinality. However, the large amount of data produced when disaggregating the weather generated time series transcended the data capacity of the HBV model and made it crash. Other uncertainties related to the framework are the use of theoretical probability distributions in the weather generator and the dependence of high-resolution data for the disaggregation model. Despite these uncertainties, the framework is closer to a physical understanding of the causes of floods than the uncertain frequency analysis method. The framework is also applicable to land-use and climate change studies.

Dimensionering av markavvattningssystem för jordbruksmark i nuvarande och framtida klimat : En pilotstudie på olika typjordar / Design of drainage systems for cultivated lands in climates of today and the future

Gustafsson, Eric January 2017 (has links)
I Sverige finns idag inom jordbruket runt 30 000 markavvattningsföretag och det räknas med att 1,3 miljoner hektar av jordbruksmarken är dikad. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att flera av dessa dräneringssystem som byggdes för 60–100 år sedan inte längre är anpassade för det nuvarande klimatet och att dagens riktvärde på 1,2 m djup för dräneringsledningarna bör ses över. Detta, i samband med att klimatförändringarna väntas leda till bland annat en ökad årlig nederbörd, ställer Sverige inför stora utmaningar att anpassa dräneringssystemen därefter. En väldränerad jordbruksmark är en förutsättning för att minimera kväveläckage och säkra den nuvarande samt i framtiden ökade matproduktionen som krävs för att underhålla en växande befolkning. Syftet har varit att med hjälp av hydrologimodellen DRAINMOD dimensionera dräneringssystem för två fält med olika markfysikaliska egenskaper som är anpassade för dagens samt framtidens klimat. DRAINMOD simulerar grundvattennivån mellan två dräneringsrör och kan med hjälp av grödparametrar såsom rotdjup och längd på odlingssäsonger uppskatta den relativa avkastningen för en specifik gröda med hjälp av ett stressindex. Detta stressindex beräknas av DRAINMOD baserat på över- eller underskott av vatten i markprofilen. DRAINMOD beräknar även vattenförluster i form av dränering, ytavrinning samt evapotranspiration. Efter att modellen validerats mot historiska klimatdata testades varje fält mot genererad framtida klimatdata. Flera olika dräneringsdjup och avstånd analyserades med avseende på dränering, ytavrinning och relativ avkastning. Det ena fältet beläget i Östergötland, med ett dräneringsdjup på riktvärdet 1,2 m och ett dräneringsavstånd på 25–50 m ger en minimerad dränerad volym samt en relativ avkastning på 80–100 % i ett framtida klimat. Det andra fältet beläget i Skåne uppnådde en minimerad dränerad volym och en relativ avkastning på 100 % vid dräneringsdjup på 0,9 m och ett avstånd mellan ledningarna på 20–50 m. / About half of Sweden’s cultivated lands are estimated to be using artificial subsurface drainage. Earlier studies have shown that several of these drainage systems are obsolete and ill-equipped to handle the present climate conditions. Sweden has used a drain depth of 1.2 meters for the drainage systems as a guideline value, although studies have suggested it is necessary to be re-evaluated. Poorly dimensioned drainage systems in combination with an expected increase in precipitation due to climate change puts Sweden into challenges to adapt current drainage systems for the future. A well-drained soil is a crucial fundament to minimize nitrogen-losses and maximize crop yields to sustain a growing population. The aim was to model two different types of soils’ drainage systems with the hydrology model DRAINMOD and adapt these for today’s and the future’s climate. DRAINMOD simulates the hydrology of a soil for long periods of climatological records. The model predicts water table, soil water regime, drainage, run-off and crop yields associated with a certain drainage system design. Several different drainage depths and spaces for each of the two soils were analysed and evaluated. For the field located in the county of Östergötland, a drainage depth of 1.2 m and spacing of 25–50 m were sufficient to minimize drainage losses and maximize crop yield. Furthermore, a depth of 0.9 m and spacings of 20–50 m would be sufficient for the second field located in the county of Skåne.

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