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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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05 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] Raizeiras e raizeiros do Cerrado se organizaram em torno de uma rede política e socioambiental, a Articulação Pacari, desde 1999, a partir de um processo marcado por tensões e assimetrias entre reivindicações interrelacionadas de direito sobre a medicina tradicional, a identidade, o acesso ao conhecimento e à biodiversidade feitas por esses sujeitos e a expansão de dinâmicas da propriedade do conhecimento e da vida. Este trabalho reflete sobre processos de (re)(des)constituição do compartilhamento do conhecimento de plantas medicinais de raizeiras e raizeiros, na interface com conexões globais. Para alcançar esse objetivo central, primeiramente, discute-se como se constroem dinâmicas da propriedade do conhecimento e da vida, a exemplo das interrelações entre patente, biomedicina e propriedade material, a partir de uma abordagem teórica interdisciplinar. Em segundo lugar, é analisado o processo de criação da Articulação Pacari a partir das suas relações locais, regionais e globais. Em terceiro, são investigadas dinâmicas políticas, normativas e sociais de construção da identidade de raizeiras e raizeiros integrantes da Articulação Pacari a partir do cotidiano e de histórias de vida. Em quarto lugar, são discutidos aspectos teórico-conceituais sobre as interrelações entre identidade, compartilhamento e apropriação do conhecimento de plantas medicinais e cuidado. Por último, são analisadas dinâmicas de constituição do compartilhamento do conhecimento de plantas medicinais de raizeiras e raizeiros integrantes da Articulação Pacari a partir do cotidiano e de histórias de vida. Emprega-se uma abordagem qualitativa e interdisciplinar e se utiliza fontes primárias (normas, documentos, entrevistas, observação participante, imagens) e secundárias (literatura acadêmica). Argumenta-se que as formas de compartilhamento do conhecimento de raizeiras e raizeiros têm sido (des)(re)constituídas de modo heterogêneo e estratégico, a partir de interrelações de gênero, classe, raça, ecologia, fé e cuidado. A pesquisa, dessa forma, contribui para a compreensão da forma como processos de reivindicação de direitos e modos de vida de raizeiras e raizeiros são afetados pela expansão global da propriedade do conhecimento e da vida e como essas dinâmicas geram possibilidades de reconstrução epistemológica e ontológica. / [en] Herbalists from the Cerrado of Brazil have organized themselves around a political and socio-environmental network, the Articulação Pacari, since 1999, from a process marked by tensions and asymmetries between interrelated claims of rights over "traditional medicine", identity, access to knowledge and "biodiversity" made by these subjects and the expansion of dynamics of ownership of knowledge and life. This research reflects on processes of (re)(de)constitution of the sharing of knowledge about medicinal plants of herbalists, at the interface with global connections. To achieve this central objective, it first discusses how the dynamics of the ownership of knowledge and life are constructed, such as the interrelations between patent, biomedicine and material property, from an interdisciplinary theoretical approach. Secondly, it analyzes the process of creation of the Articulação Pacari from its local, regional and global relations. Third, it investigates political, normative and social dynamics of identity construction of herbalists members of the Articulação Pacari from a daily life and life stories perspective. Fourth, it discusses theoretical and conceptual aspects of the interrelationships between identity, sharing and appropriation of knowledge of medicinal plants, and care. Finally, it analyzes the dynamics of the constitution of the sharing of knowledge about medicinal plants of herbalists members of the Articulação Pacari also from a daily life and life stories perspective. The research employs qualitative and interdisciplinary approach and uses primary (norms, documents, interviews, participant observation, images) and secondary sources (academic literature). It is argued that the forms of sharing of knowledge and practices around medicinal plants of herbalists have been (de)(re)constituted in a heterogeneous and strategic way, based on interrelationships of gender, class, race, ecology, faith and care. The research thus contributes to the understanding of how processes of claiming rights and ways of life of herbalists are affected by the global expansion of the ownership of knowledge and life and how these dynamics generate possibilities for epistemological and ontological reconstruction.

政府組織成員的知識分享行為及其影響因素之研究:以台北市政府一級行政機關為例 / A Case study on employee behavior intention of knowledge sharing and Its Antecedents in Taipei City Government

邱志銘, Chiu, Chih-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
知識分享是實現成功知識管理的關鍵步驟,然而在公共組織中的成員,當他們去分享自己的知識時,不僅需要花額外的時間和努力之外,甚至可能還會減少他們自己在組織中的權力地位和競爭價值,因此將成員個體的知識轉換組合成組織整體的知識,相形之下會更不容易達成。故本研究的目的在於瞭解哪些因素會影響公共組織成員中的知識分享行為,因此本研究模式中的構念係根據社會交換理論、社會資本理論以及計畫行為理論為基礎。 / 本研究根據這些相關理論所提出之構念發展出涵蓋社會心理(例如外在報酬、預期互惠及樂於助人)、組織系絡(例如認同、信任及支持分享的規範)以及資訊科技(例如資訊科技使用)等三組因素層面的整合性研究模式,並認為這三組因素層面下的變數都會影響成員的知識分享行為。而本研究對象為台北市政府所屬之一級行政機關單位的員工,經過叢聚隨機抽樣後,抽出16個市府所屬之一級行政機關單位中850位受訪者,有效問卷數為524份。而本研究採取結構方程模式(SEM)途徑來檢定本研究模式之假設關係與模式配適程度。 / 研究結果除了發現本研究模式配適度良好外,也發現模式內生變數部份中的知識分享意圖與知識分享行為有高度的正面影響關係,而知識分享的態度、主觀規範與行為控制認知對於知識分享意圖也有正面的影響關係。而模式外生變數部份,預期互惠、樂於助人和組織認同感對於知識分享態度有直接的正面影響;此外組織信任和支持分享的規範對於知識分享的主觀規範有直接的正面影響;還有資訊科技使用對於知識分享的行為控制認知有直接的正面影響,而令人訝異的是在本研究中的外在報酬對於知識分享態度卻是直接的負面影響。 / 因此基於這些研究結果的發現,認為增加員工間的知識分享行為和參加知識分享活動是和正面的社會互動文化有所關聯,因此除了型塑出彼此相互信任、認同的組織氣候或文化之外,也必須建構出易於知識分享的組織規範(如創新、團隊合作和尊重多元價值等)。然而知識分享主要是人與人之間的社會交換活動,因此還要強化成員分享知識的內在動機(如樂於助人)。所以鼓勵公共組織中的管理者和員工彼此間能夠保持頻繁的社會互動,以建立彼此間的人際信任與預期互關係,還有對組織整體的認同與信任,以促使成員產生分享知識的意圖。最後給組織中的公共管理者與政策制定者一個啟示,知識分享還是需要有一個知識分享環境或文化,因此管理者應該確保有效地創造出易於知識分享的環境或文化,以促使知識分享行為的產生。 / Knowledge sharing is a critical step for successful knowledge management. However, sharing knowledge not only requires time and effort but also reduces value or power in the public organization. Therefore, individual’s knowledge does not transform easily into organizational knowledge. The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the factors affecting the individual’s knowledge sharing behavior in the governmental context. The research model includes various constructs based on social exchange theory, social capital theory , and the theory of planned behavior .Hence, this research developed an integrated theoretical model and unveiled three sets of critical factors: psychological(extrinsic rewards, reciprocal relationships, enjoyment in helping others), organizational (identification ,trust , pro-sharing norm)and technological(information technology usage) that are believed to affect the knowledge sharing behaviors. Data collected from 524 employees in Taipei City Government were conducted to test the research model using the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. / The results of the study provide empirical support for the overall structure theorized in the research model. Knowledge sharing behavior was predicted by the employees’ intention towards knowledge sharing and perceived behavioral control. Knowledge sharing intention in turn was predicted by employees’ attitude towards knowledge sharing, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The employees perceptions of reciprocal relationships, enjoyment in helping others and identification were positively associated with favorable attitude towards knowledge sharing. The perceptions of extrinsic rewards exerted a negative effect on the attitude. Organizational trust and pro-sharing norm positively influenced employees’ subjective norm. Additionally, information technology usage was positively associated with high levels of perceived behavioral control towards knowledge sharing. / Based on the findings, the study indicates that an increased effort to encourage employees to participate knowledge sharing activities is associated with a positive social interaction culture. Specifically, reinforcing individual’s intrinsic motivation and creating an organizational context characterized by trust, identification and pro-sharing norm are likely to encourage both management and employees to socialize and interact frequently with each other by means of driving knowledge sharing intention. Finally, the study has implications for public manager and policy maker to formulate policies and appropriately to ensure the effective creation of a knowledge sharing culture.

高承諾人力資源措施與知識分享的關係探討:採跨層次分析 / A Study of the Relationship between High Commitment Human Resource Practices and Knowledge Sharing: A cross-level analysis using hierarchical linear modeling

楊敦程, Yang, Tun Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
知識不同於一般的商品,其具有無形、內隱與價值不易判斷等特質,組織很難以權威、命令、或單以金錢的方式來要求員工主動分享其專屬的知識,以提高組織內知識運用與創造的循環。人力資源制度涵蓋整體企業,各項措施與內部員工息息相關,而員工個人主觀的支持知覺和對上司的信任態度,對其知識分享(Knowledge sharing)的行為存在可能的影響。本研究以社會交換理論為基礎,透過階層線性模式(Hierarchical Linear Modeling)的統計方法,以Snell & Dean(1992)提出的五種高承諾人力資源措施構面為組織層次變項,同時參考Eisenberger(1986)與Robinson(1994)所提出的知覺組織支持(POS)與信任(Trust)為個體層次的預測變項和中介變項,驗證跨層次與單一層次的變項對組織員工知識分享行為的影響。 本研究將問卷分為主管問卷與基層問卷,透過書面郵寄與電子郵件的方式進行發放,對象為台灣國內27家金融機構的管理人員與一般員工,參與本研究的公司涵蓋銀行、證券、保險、投信、郵局與期貨公司。我們經由實證分析,得到了以下的研究發現: 一、 員工的知覺組織支持的認知程度愈高,其採取知識分享的意願與行為也會愈高。 二、 員工的知覺組織支持的認知程度愈高,其對直屬上司的信任也會跟著增加。 三、 員工對直屬上司的信任程度增加,其採取知識分享的意願與行為也會愈高。 四、 對直屬上司的信任在員工的知覺組織支持與知識分享之間存在中介效果。 五、 高承諾人力資源措施對知覺組織支持之間的跨層次影響有顯著,個別措施中嚴格甄選、績效評估、外部競爭與內部公平薪酬制度對員工的知覺組織支持之間存在正向關係。 六、 高承諾人力資源措施對信任之間的跨層次影響不顯著,個別措施的關係皆不顯著。 七、 高承諾人力資源措施對知識分享之間的跨層次影響不顯著,個別措施中僅嚴格甄選對員工的知識分享之間存在正向關係。 依據本研究結論,提供具體建議予相關單位及後續研究者參考。 / Knowledge has the characteristics of being intangible, tacit and difficult to evaluate. So an organization can’t force its employees to actively share their own knowledge to others by using the ways of authority, command or high payment only. High Commitment Human Resource Management (HCHRM) system includes many practices which closely influence the whole company and individuals in the organization context. And in individual level, the knowledge-sharing behavior of employees may be changed by the factors of perception organization support (POS) for company and the Trust for supervisors. In this study, we use Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to investigate the relationship among HCHRM practices, POS, Trust and Knowledge Sharing (KS) in both single level and cross level. The research hypotheses all base on the theory of Social Exchange. We collected 956 valid questionnaires from the employers and employees in 27 financial companies in Taiwan. According to the results of our analysis, we found that POS and Trust in individual level were significantly and positively associated with the employees’ behavior of knowledge sharing. And Trust also had intervening effect between POS and KS. In cross-level analysis, HCHRM practices can only affect the variable of POS. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of the interpretations and implications of the results in the context of single-level and cross-level. We also provide some practical and reasonable suggestions for company supervisors and further research.

威權領導與知識分享意願相關性研究 - 知識分享文化的干擾效果

張瓊玉, Chang,Chiung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的蓬勃發展,地球村世界的來臨,提供現代人快速取得知識的平台,也促成了急速轉變的全球性競爭的環境,使企業面臨了非常重大的挑戰,迫使企業開始重新思考組織核心能力,以滿足隨時可能產生變動的市場需求;企業必須作出更快速的決策,以適應全球化腳步發展。越來越多的企業警覺到知識分享對於員工累積經驗與企業正向發展的重要性,因而透過不同的方式來鼓勵員工知識分享建構具競爭力的學習型組織。 多數的研究報告皆在探討轉換型領導風格 (transformational leadership) 和交換型領導風格 (transactional leadership) 對於組織文化、組織策略執行力…等的相關性研究,尚未有探討過威權式的領導風格對於員工知識分享意願的影響。威權式的領導風格是否影響員工知識分享意願、企業具備知識分享的氛圍,是否干擾在威權式領導風格之下之員工分享知識與經驗意願 ? 有鑑於此,本研究針對威權式的領導風格如何影響員工知識分享意願,並以知識分享之企業文化為干擾因素,尋找過去相關文獻資料加以整理,歸納出假設與模型,並依照此模型進行分析與探討,以提出對實務界有效的建議與學術界未來的研究方向。 本研究採問卷調查法,在不同產業中挑選頗具盛名的公司,針對其員工進行便利抽樣,並採用Lisrel 和 SPSS軟體來進行資料的分析。從威權式領導風格、知識分享企業文化、知識分享意願三個構面,探討主管威權式的領導風格如何影響員工的知識分享意願,並以知識分享的企業文化為干擾因素。以研究結果歸納出相關結論,以提供相關建議,供實務界在推行知識管理時一個主要的關鍵成功因素,以提高知識分享的可行性。亦供學術界進行組織氛圍研究之參考。 本研究結論如下: 1. 威嚴式領導與員工知識分享意願呈現負相關。 2. 知識分享的企業文化與員工知識分享意願呈現正相關。 3. 知識分享的企業文化,干擾在威權領導風格下之員工知識分享意願程度。 / In the past, research on the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals lacked discussions on authoritarian leaderships. Therefore, this research demonstrates how authoritarian leadership and or-ganizational culture affect the knowledge-sharing behavior of indi-viduals. The purpose of this research is to focus on an authoritarian leadership’s effect on the knowledge-sharing behavior of individu-als that is influenced by innovation and a sound organizational climate. Questionnaires were administered to employees from various in-dustries in order to gather information regarding individuals’ be-havior under an authoritarian leadership. The author used conven-tional sampling methods and 233 out of 250 participants provided relevant information. The findings of the research were as follows: 1. The more a leader tends to express authoritarian leadership, the less an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing behavior. 2. The more an organization demonstrates a knowledge-sharing culture, the more an individual exhibits knowledge-sharing be-havior. Such a culture, especially, encourages ‘innovation, sharing and learning’. 3. Organizations that possess a culture that is highly oriented to-wards knowledge sharing influence the knowledge-sharing be-haviors of individuals under authoritarian leaderships.

組織成員知識分享行為之研究-個體行為策略的演化與組織激勵的動態模式 / A Study of Knowledge Sharing between Members in an Organization: A Dynamic Model of Individual Behavioral Strategy Evolution and Organizational Incentive Policy

吳俊德, Wu, Chun Te Unknown Date (has links)
許多企業的經理人一直在尋求有效的政策以促進員工彼此分享知識。在組織中實施激勵知識分享的政策,因為存在著許多的個人與組織的因素,兩者相互作用會影響組織的成員知識分享的行為,政策的效果很難掌握。在實務上,不同的組織激勵的政策或手段的效果,欲通過田野調查或實驗設計來評估政策所帶來效果及對組織成員行為的影響不容易實現。因此,本研究嘗試運用一項新穎的研究策略-代理人基塑模(agent-based modeling),經由建構一個人造的世界來模擬組織成員知識分享的行為。在這個人造的社會中,研究者考慮了知識分享的報酬、組織成員的行為策略、行為策略的學習與適應機制、不同組織的群體能力水準、互動的網路、知識的選擇模式與不同的組織激勵政策設計等變數,藉以設計相關的實驗。模擬的結果產生了的幾項有趣的發現: (1) 當分享知識的報酬愈高時,代理人知識分享行為會愈多,無論是在那一種的互動網路、群體能力或分享知識的選擇模式的情況之下。(2) 代理人的互動網路是一項重要影響因素,互動網路扮演著知識流通與行為策略學習的管道,它同時會影響個體知識分享的報酬與行為策略的學習。它可能促成不分享的策略的擴散,可能會提升組織激勵的效果,也可能會增強激勵所帶來的副作用。(3) 個體的知識分享與吸收的能力如果存有差異,則能力較好的代理人將會局部地吸引能力較差的互動對象採用他的策略,即使他所用的不是可以獲致最佳報酬策略。(4) 為促進組織成員分享知識,定期審視固定獎勵的作法可以導致比較好的效果,不但可以提升分享知識的行為,也使代理人比較願意採用傾向分享知識的策略,促成組織信任的氣氛。但是,在某些情況下,可能造成反效果。(5) 最後,根據實驗的結果與研究的發現,研究者建構了一個知識分享之組織行為模型,以做為後續實證研究之參考架構。 / Mangers always look for effective policies to prompt knowledge sharing between members in an organization. It is difficult to evaluate the effect of incentive policies for stimulating knowledge sharing because there are many individual and organizational factors. In practice, it is not easy to assess the effects of different incentive policies or methods by the methods of experiment or field investigation. Therefore, a novel research strategy is applied in this study, which is called agent-based modeling. An artificial world was constructed to simulate the knowledge sharing interactions between members in an organization. This study considers some parameters including the payoff of knowledge sharing, the strategies of members, the learning and adaption mechanism of strategies, collective capabilities, interactive network, the selection methods of sharing knowledge and incentive policies to design experiments in the agent-based model. The results of simulations produced some interesting findings: (1) the higher the payoff of sharing knowledge, the more the actions of sharing knowledge is in spite of any kind of interactive networks, collective capabilities, and the selection methods of sharing knowledge. (2) Interactive Network of agents is an important factor, which plays a role of channel of knowledge transition and strategy learning. It simultaneously affects the payoff of knowledge sharing and learning of strategy. It maybe results in the diffusion of strategy of not sharing knowledge, or enhances the effect and side effect brought by incentive policies. (3) Because of difference between agents’ capabilities, agents with better capabilities will locally attract the ones with worse capabilities to learn their strategies, which even are not the best. (4) To enable sharing knowledge between members in an organization, periodic reward will get better results. It does not only increase the action of sharing knowledge, but also make agents to adop the strategies trending toward sharing knowledge. Periodic reward is helpful to form a trustful organization climate. However, in some circumstances, it may get minus effects. (5) Finally, according to experimental results and research findings, an organization behavior model of knowledge sharing has been constructed for the empirical studies in the future.

Human Behaviour in Social-Ecological Systems : Insights from economic experiments and agent-based modelling

Schill, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Progress towards sustainability requires changes in our individual and collective behaviour. Yet, our fundamental understanding of behaviour in relation to environmental change remains severely limited. In particular, little attention has been given to how individual and collective behaviours respond to, and are shaped by, non-linear environmental change (such as ‘regime shifts’) and its inherent uncertainties. The thesis makes two main contributions to the literature: 1) it provides one of the first accounts of human behaviour and collective action in relation to ecological regime shifts and associated uncertainties; and 2) extends the incipient behavioural common-pool resource literature that acknowledges social-ecological dynamics and ecological complexity. The overarching aim of this thesis is to further advance an empirically grounded understanding of human behaviour in social-ecological systems. In particular, the thesis attempts to unravel critical social-ecological factors and mechanisms for the sustainability of common-pool resources. This is especially relevant for contexts in which livelihoods can be more directly threatened by regime shifts. The following methods are applied: behavioural economic experiments in the lab (with students; Papers I and II) and in the field (with small-scale fishers from four different communities in the Colombian Caribbean; Paper III), and agent-based modelling empirically informed by a subset of the lab experiments (Paper IV). Paper I tests the effect of an endogenously driven regime shift on the emergence of cooperation and sustainable resource use. Paper II tests the effect of different risk levels of such a regime shift. The regime shift in both papers has negative consequences for the productivity of the shared resource. Paper III assesses the effect of different degrees of uncertainty about a climate-induced threshold in stock dynamics on the exploitation patterns; as well as the role of social and ecological local context. Paper IV explores critical individual-level factors and processes affecting the simultaneous emergence of collective action and sustainable resource use. Results cumulatively suggest that existing scientific knowledge indicating the potential for ecological regime shifts should be communicated to affected local communities, including the remaining uncertainties, as this information can encourage collective action for sustainable resource use. Results also highlight the critical role of ecological knowledge, knowledge-sharing, perceived ecological uncertainties, and the role local contexts play for sustainable outcomes. This thesis enriches the literature on social-ecological systems by demonstrating how a behavioural experimental approach can contribute new insights relevant for sustainability. Overall, these insights indicate that, given the opportunity and the willingness of people to come together, share knowledge, exchange ideas, and build trust, potential ecological crises can encourage collective action, and uncertainties can be turned into opportunities for dealing with change in constructive ways. This provides a hopeful outlook in the face of escalating environmental change and inherent uncertainties. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

E-learning for knowledge management in technical vocational education and training colleges

Dhlamini, Ntokozo Mazwikayise 11 1900 (has links)
In TVET colleges, the traditional face-to-face mode of knowledge delivery appears to be the norm. Knowledge is often shared in a teaching space during a particular period of time. Students and a lecturer need to be in a specified venue during an allocated time slot for the learning process to take place which includes obtaining knowledge from the lecturer, sharing views and storing knowledge in their minds. There is often no interaction with the lecturer beyond the classroom. As such, learners with learning difficulties have no alternative platform into which they can get support; which compromises the quality of education and students’ success rate. The use of e-learning permits students to finalise a course in their own time and at their own location. It also implies that students are at an advantage as they do not need to go to a particular learning institution, and they can proceed with the training at their own pace. This research investigated how e-learning may be used as an enabler of learning by overcoming barriers associated with face-to-face learning. This was achieved through the development of a proposed e-learning framework based on the existing literature. The proposed framework was then tested through a survey distributed among TVET stakeholders to offer an improved framework. Furthermore, the improved framework was used to develop an e-learning architecture and prototype which can help guide institutions who wish to adopt e-learning. / Information Technology / M. Tech. (Information Technology)

Understanding Knowledge Sharing Motivation in the Public Sector: Application of Self-Determination and Person-Environment Fit Theories

Lee, Jaeyong 01 January 2018 (has links)
Knowledge has been recognized as an important resource that should be carefully managed in order to enhance organizational competitiveness. Therefore, it is important to manage knowledge resources that have been learned and stored in organizations. Several scholars in the public administration literature have examined whether public service motivation (PSM) can help employees share their knowledge in ways that contribute to the effective functioning of public organizations. However, the mechanisms by which PSM influences individuals’ propensity to share knowledge have not been clarified by past research. Against this background, at first, this study contributes to understanding the relationship between PSM and knowledge sharing by applying self-determination theory with a logical insight of the intrinsic knowledge sharing motivation process. This study also examined that relationship by testing three competing psychological mechanisms based on person-environment (P-E) fit theory: (1) person-group (P-G) fit, (2) person-job (P-J) fit, and (3) person-supervisor (P-S) fit. The research questions for this study are as follows: Do individuals with higher levels of PSM have a higher propensity toward knowledge sharing? Does the congruence between employees and their work environment increase employees’ knowledge sharing behavior? Do PSM-driven employees have higher willingness to fit in the work environment? Does P-E fit theory help explain the causal relationship between PSM and knowledge sharing? Based on primary data of 1,094 occupationally diverse employees working in 33 local governments in South Korea, the current study found that caution should be exercised when making claims regarding the effects of PSM on individuals’ propensity to share knowledge and that greater emphasis should be placed on ways public sector organizations can foster P-G fit and P-J fit. However, this study also found that the relationship between PSM and knowledge sharing is not mediated by the extent to which employees perceive that their values are congruent with those of their supervisors. Keywords: public service motivation (PSM), person-environment fit (P-E fit), person-group fit (P-G fit), person-job fit (P-J fit), person-supervisor fit (P-S fit), knowledge sharing

網路社群知識分享過程之研究-以企業管理教學網站為例 / Knowledge Sharing in the Network Community

吳有順, Wu, Yu-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
知識分享是知識管理成敗的關鍵,網路社群又是資訊科技與網際網路中最適於互動與交流的應用方式,因此,本研究擬以網路社群為研究對象,探討以下研究目的:1.何種類型的個人動機、團隊與組織,較有益於知識的分享。2.資訊系統於知識分享過程中所扮演的角色。3.個人、團隊與組織因素之間的互動情形。 本研究採取「個案研究法」,以深度訪談、初步描述性統計分析以及網路上發言記錄的資料分析進行之。研究程序為確認以網路社群之知識分享為研究主題後,隨即進行相關文獻的蒐集與探討,進而發展出研究架構並據之以設計問卷。接下來,針對問卷的結果進行初步描述性統計分析,將整理後的結果與研究架構對照後,設計訪談大綱並進行深度訪談。最後進行個案分析與命題發展,並推導出結論與建議。 本研究的結論如下:個人因素、團隊設計、高階領導、組織文化與管理制度等因素,都會對知識分享意願產生影響,進而影響知識分享行為。個人因素會影響知識分享的意願。不一樣的想法、習慣、個性、限制或動機等個人因素,會形成不一樣的知識分享意願。不同的團隊成員或設計會有不同的知識分享意願。高階領導會影響知識分享的意願,且高階領導涉入越深,促進知識分享意願的效果越顯著。組織文化會影響知識分享的意願,其中非正式關係越好或是越容許犯錯,越能促進分享意願。管理制度會影響知識分享的意願,其中獎勵、舉辦專案或娛樂活動與建立實務社群等,皆能促進知識分享意願。組織因素中(高階領導、組織文化、管理制度),以高階領導對知識分享意願的影響最大,管理制度最小。個人、團隊、高階領導、組織文化與管理制度等各項影響知識分享意願的因素之間,彼此會互相影響,進而影響知識分享意願。知識分享意願受個人、團隊與組織因素的影響來決定,而良好的資訊系統會間接增強分享意願,資訊系統不好則會降低意願,性質較接近保健因子。影響知識分享行為的因素有知識分享意願與個人限制,如專業能力、電腦能力與時間壓力等,其中以分享意願最為重要。網路社群的知識分享行為對經驗傳承與溝通協調有正面的影響,其影響的效果又受高階領導與組織文化等因素的影響。 本研究的建議如下:1.進行知識管理時,不可忽略知識分享的重要性。本研究所提出的架構,或許還有些許參考的價值。2.可以將資訊系統視為一種限制條件,亦即在一定的資訊系統下,組織如何透過內部的調整與安排,使得知識分享的效果極大化。3.引進知識分享的資訊工具後,必須注意其他配套措施是否完善,諸如個人動機、團隊設計、高階領導、組織文化與管理制度等,以免空有知識分享的工具,而沒有具體的知識分享行為。 / Knowledge sharing is the most important key of knowledge management. Network community, also called virtual community, is the best solution in Internet or Information Technology to communicate, interact and share information or knowledge with others. One of network communities will be observed and three issues will be discussed: 1. What kinds of factors can improve the members’ inclination to share their own knowledge? 2. What is the correlation between the process of knowledge sharing and information technology? 3. How do influential factors interact with each other? What the methodology is used is “Case Study”. There are three data sources-deep interview, elementary descriptive statistics analysis and the analysis of records in the database. Personal factors as well as group and organizational ones can influence the inclination to share, which determines the sharing behavior. As for organizational factors, leadership should be considered with first priority. Poor information system will limit the sharing inclination of members. Using good information system; however, cannot surely improve the sharing. Personal factors, group factors, leadership, organizational culture and managerial system would interact with each other. Moreover, the critical factor of the interaction is leadership. There's a distorting opinion on the correlation between knowledge sharing and information system. Information system wouldn’t work without supporting factors, such as leadership, managerial system and so on. In addition, Knowledge sharing could be done well even without excellent information system.

從創新觀點檢視創作共享機制與著作權保護及知識分享擴散之關係 / Creative Commons and Its Relationship with Copyright Protection and Knowledge Sharing Distribution ~from an Innovation Perspective~

盧文祥, Lu,Wen-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
著作肩負著人類對文化傳承、藝術發揚及知識分享的重責大任,影響深遠,自應創造因誘因加以鼓勵並給予適當的法律保障;惟現代著作權法保護創作人的思維均藉由「創作完成自動保護」的途徑,賦予創作人各種著作人格權及著作財產權,一改往昔仍須藉由註冊審查或登記列冊方能享有著作權的傳統作法。然而,任何偉大的著作,其價值乃貴在廣為利用方能源遠流傳,前述各類創作人是否分享或放棄著作權之意願,由法律自動保留全部權利(all rights reserved)的預設(default)立場,使得利用人在利用著作或接續創作的平台受到重重的限制,除了能符合較抽象的「合理使用」範疇以外,利用著作前均須依法取得權利人之同意或授權方能免除因此所生侵權責任。 對於一向主張著作應視為公共財的自由派學者,前述加諸廣大利用人動輒得咎的法律限制,顯然會認為對於知識分享擴散造成阻礙的結果無法忍受,於是美國史丹福大學Lawrence Lessig教授即於2002年間號召有識之士,倡導「Creative Commons」(本研究稱為「創作共享」)之運動,藉由「保留部分著作權」(some rights reserved)的理念,設計鬆綁著作權法以釋出著作權的機制,現正積極在世界各國間推廣中。 本研究即針對上述理念之興起,思考此一創新機制與知識分享擴散及著作權保護間有無相關,並試圖找出可能直接影響機制之關鍵因素提供建言。在第一章部分,除敍明研究動機、目的、範圍、限制外,更直指本研究之問題所在及預期之貢獻;第二章即針對研究主題,包括過去對著作權保護、創作共享機制、知識分享擴散及制度創新的研究進行文獻探討,第三章則對研究核心創作共享機制具體實踐之契約條款予以法律剖析檢驗,並釋疑部分易為外界混淆或誤解之觀念;第四章則詳細闡明研究方法後,設定各個命題及假設,並各賦予操作化定義,落實為問卷調查之問題及選項,第五章則以立意取向調查方式發放及回收共547份有效問卷,並以11.0版SPSS軟體執行問卷數據分析並進而出各項判讀,印證前述命題及假設相關程度,另從管理意涵賦予各項解讀之詮釋;第六章則藉由坊間已先後運行的四個類似創作共享機制的個案,將前述檢驗的內外因素、體質因素、驅動因素等研究構面逐一比較,第七章即就研究成果列出結論並提出後續研究之建議以供來者繼續接棒發揚。 / Creative work carries the responsibilities of cultural inheritance, artistic manifestation, and knowledge sharing; its influences are far reaching and the work ought to be encouraged and properly protected by law. In contrast to traditional copyright laws, whereby protection was given only after registration or examination, current copyright laws give protection to creative work upon its completion, and provide the creator with all kinds of moral integrity rights and copyrights. However, the value of a masterpiece lies in its widespread use, and the current legal system gives the creator, by default, all rights to reserve their intention to share or forfeit their copyrights. From the user’s standpoint, this protective system means limitations and restrictions in using creative work or in continuing creative platform—requiring the user to obtain agreement or license from the rights owner for any use of the work outside the scope of “fair use.” Liberal scholars who believe creative work ought to be public property find these legal restrictions on users and limitations on the proliferation of knowledge sharing intolerable. In 2002, under the appeal of Stanford’s Professor Lawrence Lessig, the movement for Creative Commons was begun. Under this model, relaxation of copyrights with some rights reserved is called for, and this idea is being widely promoted throughout the world. This study focuses on the development of this new ideology and examines its relationship with the proliferation of knowledge sharing and copyrights protection, and further inspects the key factors that may directly influence this new mechanism as well as provides necessary suggestions. Chapter One explains the motivation, purpose, scope, and limitation of this study as well as pointing out the problems and expectations of this study. Chapter Two focuses on the main theme of this study, including empirical studies on past copyright protections, creative commons mechanism, proliferation of knowledge sharing and innovation of its system. Chapter Three examines the legal aspects of the creative commons licensing agreement and clarifies the parts that are confusing or can be easily misunderstood. Chapter Four explains the research approach and sets up theories for each topic, and defines the procedures for selecting questions for the survey. Chapter Five analyzes the 547 valid surveys, which were distributed using the conceptual approach, using v.11.0 of SPSS against the topic and theories set forth in the previous chapter, and interpret each item in the survey via management connotation. Chapter Six compares four existing mechanisms similar to the creative commons model in terms internal and external factors, physical factors, and driving factors. Chapter Seven discusses the results of this study and states suggestions for subsequent research.

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