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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estructura espacial, dinámica temporal y hábitat del poblamiento de peces litorales mediterráneos

García Charton, José Antonio 09 November 1999 (has links)
En esta tesis se aborda la cuantificación, mediante censos visuales, de las pautas de variación espacial y temporal de los poblamientos de peces que viven en los fondos rocosos infralitorales del Mediterráneo occidental, a varias escalas espaciales, y se estima la importancia relativa de la estructura del hábitat rocoso para explicar dichas variaciones. En sucesivos estudios, utilizándose técnicas de análisis espacial, se muestra que riqueza, abundancia y diversidad de peces responden a las variaciones del hábitat estructural (distinguiéndose entre complejidad y heterogeneidad), tanto a escala local como a múltiples escalas espaciales jerarquizadas. Por otra parte, el poblamiento de peces muestra una notable estabilidad temporal, aunque ésta depende de las escalas taxonómica, espacial o analítica considerada, pudiendo esta estabilidad ser debida al efecto del hábitat sobre las poblaciones. La influencia de la estructura del hábitat rocoso puede enmascarar, e incluso contrarrestar, los beneficios esperados de la protección pesquera.

Interoperabilitet vid marina internationella insatser

Hansson, Leif January 2004 (has links)
Förmågan att hantera konflikter och kriser har blivit en huvuduppgift för många av Europasförsvarsmakter. Marinstridskrafternas förmåga att kunna operera med andra nationer ställer krav påinteroperabilitet. Att kunna kommunicera med varandra och kunna delge information i realtid är avyttersta vikt för att undvika vådabekämpning vid internationella insatser.Denna uppsats syftar till att ge en sammanställd beskrivning av tre taktiska datalänkar för marint bruk.Vidare skall uppsatsen kunna ligga till grund för ett framtida val av datalänk. Inledningsvis görs enredovisning av de interoperabilitetsmål som Sverige ingått med Nato samt erfarenheter fråninternationella övningar där svenska marina förband deltagit. De länkar som ligger till grund för dentekniska beskrivningen är: 8000-systemet, Link 11 samt Link 22. I analysen jämförs dessa länkar medde avtal som Sverige ingått med Nato samt mot de erfarenheter som svenska marina förband gjort vidinternationella övningar. Därefter besvaras frågeställningarna om tekniska möjligheter att byta länk samtvilka taktiska fördelar och nackdelar detta innebär för marinen. Slutligen genomförs en diskussion ochförslag till fortsatt arbete.Uppsatsen visar att det finns två vägar att gå för att byta länk. Dels att använda sig av en översättare frånbefintligt format till Link- format. Dels att man från början konstruerar ledningssystemen för länkformat.De taktiska nackdelar som ett byte innebär är kopplat till Link 11 och dess begränsade EW och C2funktionalitet. Vidare visar det sig att sambandsreglementen måste skrivas om samt att utbildning måstegenomföras. Fördelarna är att Sverige uppnår den högsta nivån av interoperabilitet samt att även dennationella interoperabiliteten ökar vid ett byte till Nato- länk. / The ability to handle conflicts and crises has become a main goal for many of the Europeandefence forces. The Naval Forces’ ability to operate together with other nations puts demandson interoperability. To be able to communicate in real time is of major importance ininternational operations to avoid blue on blue engagement.This research paper’s aim is to compile a description of three tactical data links for navalpurposes. Furthermore, it will be one of the bases for a future data link choice. To begin with,this research paper describes the interoperability goal that Sweden has entered with NATO andlessons learned from Swedish naval forces participating in international exercises. The links thatthis paper is based on are: 8000-format, Link 11 and Link 22. In the analysis these links arecompared to the agreement that Sweden has made with NATO and with the lessons learned.Finally, these questions are answered - What are the technical possibilities of changing link?and What tactical advantages and disadvantages would they have for the Swedish Naval Forces?This paper shows that there are two ways of implement ing a NATO link. The use of a translatoror to reprogram the command and control system for link format. The tactical disadvantage isconnected to Link 11 and its limited EW and C2 functionality. It shows furthermore thatenhanced education and training is needed. The advantages are that Sweden will reach thehighest level of NATO interoperability and a raised national interoperability with a new NATOLink. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-uppsHylla: Upps. ChP T 02-04

Diversité génétique d'espèces structurantes en environnement marin : influence sur la réponse démographique des populations aux perturbations anthropiques

Becheler, Ronan 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'influence de la diversité génétique sur la stabilité démographique des populations constitue un paradigme de l'écologie évolutive. Au sein des populations naturelles, l'étude de cette relation est complexifiée par l'influence réciproque de la stabilité sur la diversité, et leur degré d'interconnexion. Ces interrelations ont été explorées chez la plante marine Zostera marina et les coraux d'eau froide Lophelia pertusa et Madrepora oculata, des espèces partiellement clonales. Ce trait d'histoire de vie, influençant profondément la dynamique démographique et la trajectoire évolutive des espèces, a constitué le fil d'Ariane de ce travail. L'échantillonnage dans l'espace (échelle régionale) et le temps (un pas de trois ans) d'herbiers de Zostère a permis de mieux comprendre la dynamique clonale de ces plantes. L'architecture et la diversité clonale apparaissent comme la résultante de l'équilibre entre dispersion/recrutement de nuages de graines dispersées collectivement, et la compétition pour l'espace entre clones. Les perturbations affectent localement l'équilibre de l'herbier. Cette dynamique originale rend impossible l'identification des contours populationnels. En revanche, nos résultats semblent indiquer que la diversité génétique au sens strict (hétérozygotie et nombre d'allèles) des herbiers de Zostères constitue un facteur de stabilité démographique, via sa potentielle influence sur les capacités de résistance aux perturbations saisonnières. Les coraux d'eau froide, quant à eux, présentent des patrons biogéographiques en accord avec l'hypothèse d'une extinction dans le Golfe de Gascogne, lors des derniers épisodes glaciaires. Les marques visibles des activités de pêche posent la question des capacités de résilience de ces écosystèmes, qui dépendent entre autres du potentiel de dispersion de ces espèces. L'absence de structure génétique observée chez L. pertusa suggère, au moins pour cette espèce, un fort degré d'interconnexion entre les récifs, tandis que M. oculata montre davantage de structure régionale. La sensibilité de ces espèces aux variations climatiques et à la pression des activités anthropiques souligne la nécessité d'études approfondies, pour leur conservation.Les résultats obtenus pendant cette thèse permettent de mieux comprendre la dynamique populationnelle des herbiers et récifs profonds, le taux de clonalité et la connectivité des populations. Ces informations sont essentielles pour avancer vers une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique et la résistance de ces espèces structurantes, et sont donc primordiales pour la conservation de ces écosystèmes clé.

Tending the meadows of the sea: Traditional Kwakwaka’wakw harvesting of Ts’áts’ayem (Zostera marina L.; Zosteraceae)

Cullis-Suzuki, Severn 22 December 2007 (has links)
Eelgrass, Zostera marina L. (Zosteraceae), is a flowering marine plant in coastal regions in the Northern hemisphere. Apart from its significance as habitat for a diversity of marine organisms, it has been a direct resource in European and American economies, and once was a food source for people along the Pacific Coast of North America. This interdisciplinary study documented protocols and specifics of the Kwakwaka’wakw ts’áts’ayem (eelgrass) harvesting tradition in British Columbia, and how their methods of harvesting affected the remaining plants’ growth. Through interviewing 18 traditional eelgrass harvesters and participating in six harvesting sampling events, I documented the detailed protocols of the Kwakwaka’wakw eelgrass harvesting tradition. Based on the protocols of traditional ts’áts’ayem harvesting, I developed harvesting removal experiments in a dense Z. marina populations on Quadra Island (2005) and at Tsawwassen (2006) to examine the effects that traditional harvesting of eelgrass would have had on a shoot production and rhizome internode volume, within a growing season. At the Quadra site, a June treatment of between approximately 15 and 56% shoot removal corresponded with shoot regeneration above original numbers. An approximate 60% removal corresponded with the highest new shoot production after treatment, indicating the strong capacity of eelgrass meadows to promote new shoots after removal disturbance. Based on fieldwork with traditional knowledge holders, I estimate that traditionally harvesting would have been between 10-30% removal within areas the size of the experimental plots. Shoot regeneration, net shoot production and rhizome production results at the Quadra site supported the theory that a light amount of harvesting removal such that was conducted by Kwakwaka’wakw harvesters would have been within a level for full regeneration, and possibly even enhanced shoot population and rhizome production (measured by internode volume). Tsawwassen experiment treatment was applied too late in the season to show an effect of harvest, but the design provided efficient methodology for future experiments. Ecology literature substantiated many of the traditional eelgrass protocols documented in this study, strongly supporting the theory that eelgrass harvesting was a sustainable practice. Scientific literature about pollution also corroborated and explained the observations of elders on the state of today’s eelgrass: few locations yielded ts’áts’ayem fit to eat, as specimens were small, had heavy epiphytic growth and dark rhizomes that Kwakwaka’wakw consultants had not seen in their youth. The combination of traditional ecological knowledge and scientific inquiry holds much potential for providing a better understanding of eelgrass ecology and dynamics, and for defining concepts of sustainability and conservation of this important resource.

The Performance of Critical History in Contemporary Irish Theatre and Film

Harrower, Natalie Dawn 24 September 2009 (has links)
This dissertation examines theatre and film in Ireland between 1988 and 2005, focusing on the plays of Sebastian Barry and Marina Carr, as well as a select group of films from this period. Employing a method of analysis that couples close-readings with attention to socio-cultural context, aesthetic form, and issues of representation, the dissertation demonstrates how theatre and film work to complicate conventional Irish historical narratives and thereby encourages a reassessment of contemporary constructs of Irish identity. The introduction provides a contextual framework for significant contemporaneous social, cultural and economic changes in Ireland, and includes a case study of ‘The Spire,’ a monument unveiled on Dublin’s central boulevard in 2003, which I argue is the architectural metonym for the transitional nature of Celtic Tiger Ireland. The case study explores the aesthetics of the monument, as well as the politicised public debate that ensued, and thereby provides a snapshot of issues relevant to the readings pursued in dissertation’s remaining chapters. The discussion of Sebastian Barry’s ‘family plays’ reveals the playwright’s effort to refuse traditional binary conceptions of identity and to proffer, instead, a dramatic landscape that similarly refuses to allow conflict to dominate. Barry’s use of a non-conflictual dramatic form supports his narrative interest in compassion and peaceful resolution, and provides a model for living with otherness that could prove useful in an increasingly diverse and globalised Ireland. Marina Carr’s plays share Barry’s desire to represent aspects of Irish character anew, but they also dramatise how cultural transitions are difficult and never linear, and how the conventional pull of memory and the past has a residual presence in the ‘new’ Ireland. Taken together, these chapters reveal Barry’s hopefulness as an antidote to Carr’s tragic endings. The final chapter provides close readings of several ‘Celtic Tiger’ films, arguing that the representation of landscape is the key lens through which Irish film communicates shifting images of Irish identity. A cycle of films from the first years of the new millennium ekes out a space for new modes of representation through a critical dialogue with major tropes in Irish film history.

Borrowing identities : a study of identity and ambivalence in four canonical English texts and the literary responses each invokes

Steenkamp, Elzette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The notion that the post-colonial text stands in direct opposition to the canonical European text, and thus acts as a kind of counter-discourse, is generally accepted within post-colonial theory. In fact, this concept is so fashionable that Salman Rushdie’s assertion that ‘the Empire writes back to the Centre’ has been adopted as a maxim within the field of post-colonial studies, simultaneously a mission statement and a summative description of the entire field. In its role as a ‘response’ to a dominant European literary tradition, the post-colonial text is often regarded as resorting to a strategy of subversion through inversion, in essence, telling the ‘other side of the story’. The post-colonial text, then, seeks to address the ways in which the western literary tradition has marginalised, misrepresented and silenced its others by providing a platform for these dissenting voices. While such a view rightly points to the post-colonial text’s concern with alterity and oppression, it also points to the agonistic nature of the genre. That is, within post-colonial theory, the literature of Empire does not emerge as autonomous and self-determining, but is restricted to the role of counter-discourse, forever placed in direct opposition (or in response) to a unified dominant social order. Post-colonial theory’s continued classification of the literature of Empire as a reaction to a normative, dominant discourse against which all others must be weighed and found wanting serves to strengthen the binary order which polarises centre and periphery. This study is concerned with ‘rewritten’ post-colonial texts, such as J.M. Coetzee’s Foe, Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, Marina Warner’s Indigo, or, Mapping the Waters and Aimé Césaire’s A Tempest, and suggests that these revised texts exceed such narrow definition. Although often characterised by a concern with ‘political’ issues, the revised text surpasses the romantic notion of ‘speaking back’ by pointing to a more complex entanglement between post-colonial and canonical, self and other. These texts signal the collapse of binary order and the emergence of a new literary landscape in which there can be no dialogue between the clearly demarcated sites of Empire and Centre, but rather a global conversation that exceeds geographical location. It would seem as if the dependent texts in question resist offering mere pluralistic subversions of the logic of their pretexts. The desire to challenge the assumptions of a Eurocentric literary tradition is overshadowed by a distinct sense of disquiet or unease with the matrix text. This sense of unease is read as a response to an exaggerated iterability within the original text, which in turn stems from the matrix text’s inability to negotiate its own aporia. The aim of this study, then, is not to uncover the ways in which the post-colonial rewrite challenges the assumptions of its literary pretext, but rather to establish how certain elements of instability and subversion already present within the colonial pretext allows for such a return.

Sjukvårdsorganisationen vid svenska marina missioner

Hagberg, Mathias January 2009 (has links)
Försvarsmaktsorganisationen har varit i förändring sedan försvarsbeslutet 2004, då Försvarsmakten gick från ett invasionsförsvars till ett rörligt insatsförsvar. Denna nya inriktning innebär att de svenska enheter skall kunna genomföra uppdrag långt ifrån den svenska kusten och infrastruktur, vilket kan medföra en del nya intressanta frågeställningar. Ett exempel på en sådan frågeställning är om de svenska enheterna är lämpliga för sådana uppdrag då det gäller att ta hand om och transportera eventuella skadade ombord. Har sjukvårdsorganisationen och Försvarsmakten medel till att transportera och ge adekvat vård vid större krissituationer internationellt? Uppsatsen syfte är att genom ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv undersöka hur Försvarsmaktens förmåga att ta hand om skadade vid internationella missioner ser ut, samt vilka brister i organisationen som kan påvisas. Den metod som har använts är den deskriptiva metoden tillsammans med fallstudier. Det som har studerats är svenska reglementen, doktriner samt den utländska Nato doktrinen AJP 4-10. Fallstudierna har utgjorts av ML 01-02 samt ME 01. Maslows teori om säkerhetsbehov har hela tiden verkat som utgångspunkt vid presenterande av fakta samt assisterande för att besvara frågeställningarna. Slutsatsen som har dragits är att svenska enheter inte är direkt anpassade för denna verksamhet. Avsaknaden av egen helikopter är en av orsakerna. En bristande organisation kan ge en försämrad stridsmoral, vilket kan resultera i förödande konsekvenser för hela fartyget. / The Swedish armed forces have been through a big reformation since the Parliamentary Resolution 2004. The Resolutions biggest statement was that the armed forces should change from a invasiondefence to a mobile armed force. This means that Swedish troops and ships are meant to operate far from the Swedish coast line and infrastructure; this can give many new interesting problems. One of these problems is if the Swedish units are fit for the missions that they now are entitled to take part in. I particularly if they have the capability to take care of injured personal far from Swedish infrastructure. Have the medical organisation and the armed forces the right means to give adequate medical treatment and transportation? The methods that the writer has used to solve these questions have been the descriptive method combined whit fall studies on ML 01-02 and ME 01. The literature consists part of reglements, doctrines both Swedish and domestic, in particular the Nato doctrine AJP 4-10.  The conclusions that have been made are that the Swedish ships are not adjusted for this kind of missions, the abcens of the helicopter capability is one of the arguments for this. The effect of what this can mean for the soldier is a decreased will to fight, which can be drastic for the ship.

Kulturně-společenské centrum Brno-přehrada /téma "Brno-město uprostřed Evropy"/ / Culture and public centre Brno-damlake/Theme"Brno-city in the midle of the Europe"/

Vrágová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
Cultural and Public Center is located on the dam in Brno dock, addressing the promenade between the marina and Kozí Horka, starting points and bicycle path , and include marine terminal and a natural amphitheater with a restaurant. Promenade is the multilevel net of wheelchair interconnected trails and green spaces with objects of public amenities covered by reinforced concrete shell structure with walkable green roof and with color features as landmarks. The building of the cultural center is fitted in the field wave that rises and opens towards the audience. The back part of the building is composed by field wall with employees' inputs, which forms a barrier between the amphitheater and the bike path behind the building. The object reacts to different heights of promenade's trails by Raumplan arrangement. It is divided into performers' background with store of properties, public toilets and restaurant facilities. The supporting structure is a monolithic reinforced concrete wall system in module 4 m, which carry exposed reinforced concrete shell structure with walkable green roof. The main walls are rotated by 5 °. Overall height ranges from 2700 mm to 4750 mm and headroom ranges from 2300 mm to 3800 mm according to the curved shell structure. Nationwide building foundation by the base plate with circumferential bands into the frost resistant depth is affected by bottom water pressure.

Elaboración de bloques de concreto adicionado con nanoplaquetas de beterraga azucarera para prevenir las patologías en unidades de concreto tradicional usadas en edificaciones cercanas al mar / Concrete blocks for structural masonry homes built in a marine atmosphere zone using tuber waste from the food industry

Olarte Breña, Karen Gabriela, Sánchez Riveros, María de los Ángeles 28 October 2020 (has links)
Las manifestaciones patológicas de mayor importancia en los bloques de concreto de la albañilería armada son las eflorescencias y las fisuras; las primeras son estéticas y las segundas son estructurales. Estas patologías se originan por la porosidad del bloque; la cual facilita el ingreso de las sales procedentes de la brisa marina y niebla salina presentes en la atmósfera marina. Estas sales, por efecto del viento son arrastradas y depositadas en las viviendas construidas fuera del mar. Una solución a este problema es utilizar un material que minimice el avance de las fisuras y grietas, como son las nanoplaquetas de beterraga azucarera (NPB); las cuales son residuos vegetales procedentes de la industria alimentaria. En la presente investigación se aborda el estudio de los bloques de concreto fisurados, estudiándose para ello algunas propiedades mecánicas, físicas y químicas; los resultados muestran que con la adición de NPB la resistencia a la compresión y flexión aumentan, y la absorción y carbonatación disminuyen cuando se comparan con el concreto sin nanoaditivo. / The most important pathological manifestations in the concrete blocks of the armed masonry are the efflorescence and the fissures; the former are aesthetic and the latter are structural. These pathologies are caused by the porosity of the block; which facilitates the entry of salts from the sea breeze and salt mist present in the marine atmosphere. These salts, as a result of the wind are dragged and deposited in homes built outside the sea. A solution to this problem is to use a material that minimizes the progress of fissures and cracks, such as sugar beet nanoplatelets (BNP); which are plant residues from the food industry. In the present investigation the study of cracked concrete blocks is approached, studying some mechanical, physical and chemical properties; the results show that with the addition of BNP the compressive strength increases, and the absorption and carbonation decrease when compared to concrete without nanoadditive. / Tesis

Ledning och manöver, bara begrepp eller har de betydelse?

Borglund, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Command and control (C2) and maneuver are basics in the use of tactics and theories about warfare. This study aims to understand them better by conducting a case-study on the battle of Leyte and find if the use of them can explain the outcome of the battle. Wayne P Hughes theory about command and control and maneuver will be used. These variables were found in Hughes theory about C2: distribution of effect, conducting (of C2), aids, planning and time and timing. Regarding maneuver these variables were found: Position, time and speed. The result of the study is that the use of distribution of effect, conducting and planning as C2 and position in maneuver gave a positive outcome for the Americans. The misuse of time and timing in C2 by the Japanese and a misuse of time in maneuver gave a negative outcome.

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