Spelling suggestions: "subject:"La aristocracy""
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Meritocracia e responsabilidade individual no igualitarismo de John Rawls e Ronald Dworkin / Meritocracy and individual responsibility at John Rawls and Ronald Dworkins egalitarismMariana Ferrari de Oliveira 17 October 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação busca realizar uma discussão pormenorizada de dois grandes teóricos da justiça distributiva: John Rawls e Ronald Dworkin. O objetivo é verificar como a meritocracia e a responsabilidade individual são acomodadas, de forma normativamente apropriada, nessas diferentes interpretações do igualitarismo, ressaltando suas justificativas para a existência de desigualdades socioeconômicas, isto é, sob que condições estas poderiam ser consideradas legítimas. Além disso, verificar-se-á que tipo de políticas públicas o Estado estaria autorizado a adotar, se levar em consideração as implicações de cada uma dessas concepções de justiça. / This dissertation seeks to accomplish a detailed discussion of two major theorists of distributive justice: John Rawls and Ronald Dworkin. The aim is to check how meritocracy and individual responsibility are accommodated, in normatively appropriate way, in these different interpretations of egalitarianism, highlighting the justifications for the existence of socioeconomic inequalities, that is, under what conditions these could be considered legitimate. Furthermore, this study will verify what kind of policies the state would be authorized to adopt, taking into account the implications of each of these conceptions of justice.
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The state of the state of education : An analysis of the development of Dutch educational discourse and its reflection of the formulation, reinforcement, and reproduction of meritocratic ideologyvan de Peppel, Steijn January 2023 (has links)
This study uses critical discourse analysis to assess how the annual report of the Dutch education system, de staat van het onderwijs, formulates, reinforces, and reproduces meritocratic ideology. A comparison of the 2010/2011 and 2020/2021 editions highlights the development of the discourse and provides a strong foundation for critical analysis. The critical perspective is essential, as meritocracy’s charisma makes it resistant to critique. Meritocracy’s charisma hides the legitimisation and reproduction of inequalities it produces. This process creates a segregation across educational levels that validates the differences in attributed worth. The disadvantaged become more disadvantaged and become increasingly socially, economically, and politically excluded. An axiomatic belief in meritocracy directly harms those who lose in the increasingly competitive educational world. Whereas the Netherlands has known a lengthy period of educational democratisation and meritocratisation, the inequalities have remained stable if not growing. The pervasive egalitarian ethos gives way to meritocracy’s charisma and the many interests in Dutch society have made it difficult to enact changes in educational policy. Ultimately, the comparative critical analysis showed a growth in awareness with regard to the effects of meritocracy similar to previous critiques. However, none of these critiques are directly aimed towards the meritocracy. The unilateral value of education – and its power in society – has been reduced and the focus has shifted towards equality of opportunity and equality of value. Still, the discourse does not critically assess the fundamental value of education that the meritocracy creates. As such, the continuation of meritocratic values is somewhat mitigated by the compensation of its effects, which is a band-aid solution. It is important for the Netherlands to be aware of the way in which it formulates, reinforces, and reproduces meritocratic ideology as it is key to solving the growing segregation and inequality.
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A Quantitative Study of School Characteristics that Impact Student Achievement on State Assessments and those Assessments' Associations to ACT Scores in Tennessee.Swanson, Phillip L. 09 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether a significant relationship exists between particular home, student, and school characteristics and ACT scores and the relationship these characteristics subsequently have with the TVAAS grades assigned to each high school's ACT scores. These home, student, and school variables were socioeconomic status, percentage of minority, graduation rate, per-pupil expenditure, Gateway English II scores, and Gateway Algebra I scores. By looking at these variables and the influence they hold on the education of students, I sought to ascertain the fairness that is present when schools and districts are given grades through the TVAAS assessment.
The population in this study was students in the Tennessee high schools that had given the Gateway English II test, Gateway Algebra I test, and had TVAAS ACT composite grades. I also examined the influence that variables such as socioeconomic status, percentage of minority students, graduation rate, and per-pupil expenditure have on achievement. Before doing the first phase of this project, I set about to see if assumptions of normality were met. I then analyzed data to establish that certain home, student, and school variables affect achievement. After doing that, I was able to show a strong relationship between these 6 home, student, and school variables and achievement.
After establishing predictor variables, I examined the predictor variables and their relationship with the TVAAS ACT composite scores of Above, No Detectable Difference, and Below. These designations from the Tennessee Department of Education are "grades" for the schools and districts. The analyses indicated that, indeed, some of these home, student, and school variables such as socioeconomic status and percentage of minority students still have a relationship with the grades, despite the claim that TVAAS measures teacher effectiveness almost exclusively.
This study concluded with recommendations that further modifications need to be done with the TVAAS grades on ACT composite scores. The conclusions in this dissertation merit consideration from Dr. William Sanders as well as the assessment division of the Tennessee Department of Education.
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Inverser le regard sur la catégorie NEET : rapport à la normativité du travail, à la méritocratie, et à la réussite des jeunes ni aux études ni en emploi au QuébecGuatieri, Quentin 08 1900 (has links)
Construite à la fin des années 90 et désormais régulièrement employée comme instrument de mesure et d’analyse dans de nombreux pays, la catégorie NEET, désignant les jeunes ni en emploi, ni aux études, ni en formation établit un pont entre deux « problèmes publics » : le décrochage scolaire et le chômage des jeunes. Enjeu institutionnel et scientifique émergent au Canada et au Québec, les jeunes en situation NEET figurent comme premier axe d’intervention du Secrétariat à la jeunesse québécois depuis 2016. Cette catégorie permet une mesure plus précise et un portrait plus fin des jeunes en retrait des sphères traditionnellement reconnues d’intégration des études et de l’emploi. Cependant, les orientations institutionnelles et les représentations sociales sous-jacentes à son usage ouvrent la voie à un ensemble de stigmatisations. Ainsi, dans le contexte québécois au sein duquel la focale institutionnelle se concentre sur la « pénurie de main-d’œuvre », il émerge un répertoire d’arguments symboliques alimentant une lecture institutionnelle et sociale de la situation NEET à travers le « désengagement », la « passivité » et la responsabilité individuelle.
S’appuyant sur 36 entretiens réalisés avec des jeunes en situation NEET dans différentes régions du Québec, cette thèse prend le parti d’inverser le regard en étudiant le rapport de ces jeunes aux normes sociales à travers lesquelles ils sont eux-mêmes jugés et catégorisés comme non-conformes aux attentes institutionnelles et sociales. Tout en rendant compte des épreuves communes auxquelles font face ces jeunes, cette recherche explore ainsi les déterminants et fondements des différentes manières qu’ont ces jeunes d’interagir avec la normativité du travail et les principes du modèle méritocratique. Trois logiques d’interaction avec les normes de travail, de mérite et de réussite émergent, nous renseignant également sur les différentes façons de donner sens à leur situation NEET :
- Une logique de résistance, se traduisant par un retrait assumé du système éducatif et du marché du travail, subjectivement justifiée par une indignation vis-à-vis des conditions du marché du travail et une mise à distance des normes socialement valorisées de mérite et de réussite.
- Une logique d’intériorisation, à ne pas confondre avec l’apathie, s’inscrivant dans un fort sentiment de dévalorisation de soi et de responsabilité individuelle dans la difficulté à se sortir d’une situation source de souffrance sociale. Un fort pessimisme quant à un avenir désirable émerge et s’incarne dans un repli sur le présent.
- Une logique de compromis au sein de laquelle les jeunes s’appuient sur l’espoir et la confiance en la réversibilité de leur situation, ainsi que la valorisation des efforts, afin de maintenir leur adhésion à la normativité du travail et à la méritocratie.
En filigrane, cette thèse montre le déplacement d’une catégorie d’action publique vers une catégorie sociale à fortes connotations morales, nous renseignant autant sur ces jeunes que sur nos propres normes et grilles de lecture. Elle permet ainsi de comprendre la manière dont l’étiquetage de non-conformité attribué aux jeunes en situation NEET s’inscrit dans une perspective de l’utilité sociale mesurée et restreinte au productif, illustrant tout le mal que l’on a à reconnaitre et légitimer, en tant que société, les manières d’être et agir s’écartant des assignations capitalistes.
Sans adopter une démarche de prescription d’actions publiques, cette thèse rend compte de la nécessité de réorienter les logiques d’adaptation de ces jeunes vers une interrogation collective quant aux conditions dans lesquelles ces derniers sont pressés à se réintégrer. À rebours des représentations du « désengagement » et de « l’apathie », les jeunes rencontrés dans le cadre de cette recherche, bien que s’inscrivant dans une condition précaire et une constellation de désavantages, interrogent les normes sociales structurant nos parcours de vie. Il en résulte la nécessité, d’un point de vue scientifique, de ne pas présupposer que la capacité à remettre en cause le système de valeurs dominantes soit l’apanage des jeunes diplômés. Dans la continuité de cette idée, cette thèse invite à considérer un ensemble de registres subjectifs dans l’appréhension des aspirations, du mérite et de la réussite, et offre des pistes afin de saisir les colères, frustrations, mais également les ressources, de jeunes davantage invisibilisés qu’« invisibles ». / Developed at the end of the 1990s and now regularly used as a measurement and analysis tool in many countries, the NEET category, which refers to young people who are neither in employment, education nor training, bridges two "public problems": school dropout and youth unemployment. As an emerging institutional and scientific issue in Canada and Quebec, youth in NEET situations have been the primary focus of the Quebec Youth Secretariat since 2016. This category allows for a more precise measurement and a finer portrait of young people who are outside the traditionally recognized spheres of integration of education and employment. However, the institutional orientations and social representations underlying its use open the way to a series of stigmatizations. Thus, in the Quebec context, where the institutional focus is on the "labour shortage", a repertoire of symbolic arguments emerges that feeds an institutional and social reading of the NEET situation through "disengagement", "passivity" and individual responsibility.
Based on 36 interviews conducted with young people in NEET situations in different regions of Quebec, this thesis takes the approach of reversing the perspective by studying the relationship of these young people towards the social norms through which they themselves are judged and categorized as not conforming to institutional and social expectations. While accounting for the common challenges faced by these young people, this research explores the determinants and foundations of the different ways in which these young people interact with the normativity of work and the principles of the meritocratic model. Three logics of interaction with the norms of work, merit and success emerge, also informing us about the different ways they make sense of their NEET situation:
- A logic of resistance, resulting in an assumed withdrawal from the educational system and the labor market, subjectively justified by an indignation towards the conditions of the labor market and a distancing from socially valued norms of merit and success.
- A logic of internalization, not to be confused with apathy, inscribed in a strong feeling of self-depreciation and individual responsibility for the difficulty of getting out of a situation that is a source of social suffering. A strong pessimism about a desirable future emerges and is embodied in a withdrawal into the present.
- A logic of compromise in which young people rely on their confidence in the reversibility of their situation and the valuing of their efforts to maintain their adherence to the normativity of work and meritocracy.
This thesis shows the shift from a category of public action to a social category with strong moral connotations, giving us information about these young people as well as our own norms and reading grids. It thus allows us to understand the way in which the label of non-conformity attributed to young people in NEET situations is part of a vision of social utility measured in terms of productivity, illustrating the difficulty we have in recognizing and legitimizing, as a society, ways of being and acting that deviate from capitalist assignments.
Without adopting an approach of prescribing public actions, this thesis considers the need to reorient the logics of adaptation of these young people towards a collective questioning of the conditions under which these young people are pressed to reintegrate. In contrast to the representations of "disengaged" and "apathetic" youth associated with NEET, the young people we met in this research, although in a precarious condition and a constellation of disadvantages, question the social norms structuring our life paths. As a result, it is necessary, from a scientific point of view, not to presuppose that the ability to question the dominant belief system and values is the prerogative of young graduates. In line with this idea, this thesis invites us to consider a set of subjective registers in the apprehension of aspirations, merit, and success, and offers avenues to grasp the anger, frustrations, but also resources of young people who are more invisiblized than "invisible".
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[pt] A presente tese busca compreender como diferentes noções de justiça social,
em especial, aquelas fundadas sobre parâmetros meritocráticos, são compreendidas
e disputadas no Brasil. As principais concepções trabalhadas estiveram
fundamentadas a partir de gramáticas políticas ou ideológicas distintas, tais como:
i) princípios libertários, presentes na teoria nozickiana; e ii) princípios welfaristas,
presentes na teoria rawlsiana. O estudo das disputas entorno da implementação de
políticas de Ação Afirmativa (AA) no ensino superior brasileiro no início dos anos
2000, demonstrou que as concepções de justiça social propostas até então davam
conta de explicar os principais debates brasileiros. O centro gravitacional das
divergências às AA nesse período esteve circunscrito aos esforços em deslegitimar
as cotas de viés racial. A despeito do sucesso desses programas comprovado por
inúmeras pesquisas na última década, a exemplo dos trabalhos que o
GEMAA/IESP-UERJ têm levado adiante, vemos hoje, passados 20 anos da
institucionalização de AA no Brasil não haver ainda grandes acordos sobre a
pertinência de políticas baseadas exclusivamente em critérios raciais. Por fim, a tese
buscou compreender esta última questão – a insistência de negar o reconhecimento
do racismo estrutural brasileiro – levando a cabo a análise exploratória de um
evento – a polêmica surgida entorno da implementação de um programa de trainees
exclusivos para pessoas negras pela empresa Magazine Luiza em 2020 –, com o
objetivo de testar a hipótese que a deslegitimação das AA de viés exclusivamente
racial tem sido um debate dominado ou influenciado contemporaneamente por
argumentos e atores ligados à extrema-direita, o que conseguimos comprovar
apenas provisoriamente, ensejando a realização de investigações futuras. / [en] This thesis seeks to understand how different notions of social justice, in
particular those based on meritocratic parameters, are understood and disputed in
Brazil. The main concepts worked on were based on different political or
ideological grammars, such as: i) libertarian principles, present in Nozick s theory;
and ii) welfarist principles, present in Rawlsian theory. The study of the disputes
surrounding the implementation of Affirmative Action (AA) policies in Brazilian
higher education in the early 2000s, demonstrated that the conceptions of social
justice proposed until then were able to explain the main Brazilian debates. The
gravitational center of disagreements with the AA in this period was limited to
efforts to delegitimize racial based quotas. Despite the success of these programs
proven by countless researches in the last decade, like the work that GEMAA/IESPUERJ has carried out, we see today, 20 years after the institutionalization of AA in
Brazil, there are still no major agreements on the pertinence of policies based
exclusively on racial criteria. Finally, the thesis sought to understand this last issue
– the insistence of denying the recognition of Brazilian structural racism – carrying
out the exploratory analysis of an event – the controversy that arose around the
implementation of an exclusive trainee program for black people by the company
Magazine Luiza in 2020 –, with the aim of testing the hypothesis that the
delegitimization of AA with an exclusively racial basis has been a debate dominated
or influenced contemporaneously by arguments and actors linked to the extreme
right, which we managed to prove only provisionally, giving rise to the realization
of future investigations.
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The effect of age, gender, job level and race on attitudes towards affirmative actionRamusi, Kgalamadi Benford 12 1900 (has links)
The study sought to establish the effect of age, gender, job level and race on attitudes
towards affirmative action. A research was conducted in a government organisation in
the security cluster in one of the provinces in South Africa. Findings indicated that men
and women’s disposition towards affirmative action was positive. Employees at
different job levels and varying age groups were also positive towards affirmative
action in general. There were significantly lower numbers of white participants and
those on senior management levels such that this cannot be objectively reported. The
generally positive regard employees have towards affirmative action is good for the
organisation if it wants to build a cohesive culture that is non sexist and does not
discriminate on the basis of job level and age. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / (M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))
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Meritocracia e docência: um objeto multifacetado / Meritocracy and teaching: a multifaceted objectKoga, Yáscara Michele Neves 19 November 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The central theme of this study is meritocracy in teaching as an education policy in Santa Catarina state inthe early years of the government of Raimundo Colombo(2010-2014), during which the genesis of the implementation of the logic of meritocracy to teaching became explicit. The problem that guides this study is structured in the following manner: How do teachers legitimize meritocracy as a policy for the valorization of teaching? The study is based on a sociological perspective,using Pierre Bourdieu sconcepts of social capital, cultural capital, distinction, field, illusion and tyranny. To describe and analyze the conditions of the implementation of meritocracy in teaching in Santa Catarina education the study analyzes factors that refer to international, national and Santa Catarina educational policy related to teaching policy, considering the logic of meritocracy in teaching. Interviews were conducted in 2010 and 2011 and two teachers inthe Santa Catarina state school system responded to questionnaires. The two teachers were chosen based onthe following criteria: time of teaching and distinction. The two teachers work at the Belvedere State School (a fictitious name). The school was chosen due to its location in a municipality that has one of the highest tax revenues, but low social indexes, both in relation to Santa Catarina and to the nation as a whole. The research data indicate that international determinations influence national and state determinations in a tyrannical manner, revealing the determinations of the economic field on the educational field. The study found that there is also a movement of adaptation by the teachers to the game played or according to Bourdieu, in the Illusio, as something to be followed, not because it is required or imposed, but because it is seen by teachers as something positive, a development of the field of educationitself. The data make explicit that teachers at times use self-help discourse to overcome the reality experienced in their practice, using this subterfuge as the only escape for overcoming the demands imposed on them, where the teacher is her own means for overcoming difficulties.It was found that the practice of meritocracy in teaching isimposed as one more mark of distinction of the upper classes. The study also revealed that the practice of meritocracy in teaching serves as a catalyst for neoliberal imposition of the economic field on the educational field, yet reaffirmed as a development of the field of education / O tema central desta pesquisa é a meritocracia na docência como política de educação no Estado de Santa Catarina nos anos iniciaisdo Governo de Raimundo Colombo gestão 2010-2014 em que, explicita-se a gênese da implantação da lógica da meritocracia ao docente. O problema condutor desta pesquisa estrutura-se da seguinte forma: Como o professor legitima a meritocracia como política de valorização docente? Trata-se de estudo realizado a partir de perspectiva sociológica. A pesquisa tem por base a teoria do capital social, capital cultural, distinção, campo, illusio, tirania elaborada por Pierre Bourdieu. Com o objetivo de delinear e analisar as condições de implantação da meritocracia na docência da educação catarinense objetivou-se analisar aspectos relacionados ao campo educacional referente à política internacional, nacional do Estado de Santa Catarina relacionadas à política docente, à lógica da meritocracia na docência. Para tanto, no período de2010 a2011 foram realizadas entrevistas e questionários foram respondidos por duas professoras da rede estadual de educação do Estado de Santa Catarina. A escolha das duas professoras deu-se por dois critérios: o tempo de docência e distinção. A escola foi escolhida, devido sua localização em um município catarinense que detém uma das maiores arrecadações públicas, mas enquadra-se em índices sociais baixos, tanto em relação ao Estado de Santa Catarina, quanto em relação à Federação. Os dados da pesquisa evidenciaram que as determinações internacionais incidem sobre as determinações nacionais e estaduais de maneira tirânica evidenciando as determinações do campo econômico sobre o campo educacional. A pesquisa constatou que há um movimento de adequação também dos docentes ao jogo jogado ou segundo Bourdieu no Illusio, como algo a ser seguido, não por ser obrigatório, imposto, mas visto pelas docentes como algo positivo, evolutivo do próprio campo da educação. Os dados permitiram explicitar que as docentes, por vezes, utilizam o discurso de autoajuda para superarem a realidade vivida na sua prática, usando deste subterfúgio como única saída de superar as demandas impostas, onde o professor é sua própria medida de superação. Constatou-se que a prática da meritocracia na docência impõe-se como mais um marcador de distinção das classes superiores. A pesquisa também evidenciou que a prática da meritocracia na docência serve de catalisador da imposição neoliberal do campo econômico ao campo educacional, e reafirmado como algo evolutivo do próprio campo da educação
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Afro-brasileiros e racismo institucional: o papel do concurso na democratiza??o de acesso aos cargos p?blicos / Afro-brazilians and institutional racism: the role of the exams in democratization of access to public jobsPACE, ?ngela Ferreira 29 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-05T19:56:30Z
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2012 - ?ngela Ferreira Pace.pdf: 1149010 bytes, checksum: 895783ef467cbc9c60ade82ef35d17bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-05T19:56:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2012 - ?ngela Ferreira Pace.pdf: 1149010 bytes, checksum: 895783ef467cbc9c60ade82ef35d17bf (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-03-29 / The contemporary globalized scenery has brought people a greater range to information and hence to opportunities in the labor market. In this context, there was the emergence and the consolidation of public exam, as the main mechanism for admission to public jobs. It is believed that through public exams, there is room for all those who fill the requirements for a particular public job and have equal conditions of competition. This investigation has emerged from the interest of the researcher to understand the real role that public exams can play in the selection process for joining the public jobs, in Brazil, particularly, with regard to the access democratization of Afro-Brazilians to public service careers. It has been aimed to analyze many relevance aspects, since the appearance of the exam in the legal system till nowadays. Historical aspects that influenced the implementation of the competition are discussed as a mechanism of access to service employee career in Brazil, as well as the laws that rules this instrument, since the Imperial period. Emphasis is given to its importance as a vehicle for democratization by examining, therefore, existing legal regulations and documents on the subject. The research has a strong qualitative bias, using statistical data resources. The survey sample covers data extracted from SIAPE system in relation to self-declarations related to color and ethnicity of teachers and technical-administrative servers from UFRRJ, especially those hired in the past 6 years. It has also been adopted as methodological procedure, the application of semi-structured interviews with teachers of public universities, who are researchers of ethnic-racial relations in Brazil, coming from IES located in different geographical regions, following the method of critical discourse analysis, based on I?iguez, It has still been focused the influence of institutional racism in Brazilian society, from its roots and, highlighted, in the conduction of public exams, especially those who have stage presence. It should be noted that the analysis of material collected in the field has been made according to the basic theoretical research, as well as other academic support. It has been demonstrated how education, in the way it is presented is a major factor in perpetuating racial inequality and, therefore, hoe it interferes in a negative manner on the effectiveness of the meritocratic system. It has also tried to evidence how the system of compensatory actions can help to make up for the servile past to what the black people were submitted and how ethnic-racial inequalities were constructed and legitimated by the state, that insists on imposing them the myth of racial democracy that brings a scene of discriminations, prejudices and inequalities. / O cen?rio contempor?neo globalizado trouxe ?s pessoas um alcance maior a informa??es e, consequentemente a oportunidades no mercado de trabalho. Neste contexto, houve o aparecimento e a consolida??o do concurso p?blico, como principal mecanismo de ingresso aos cargos p?blicos. Acredita-se que mediante o concurso p?blico, abre-se espa?o para que todos aqueles que preencham os requisitos para determinado cargo p?blico, tenham condi??es igualit?rias de competi??o. Esta pesquisa surgiu a partir do interesse da pesquisadora em compreender o real papel que o concurso p?blico pode desempenhar nos processos de sele??o para o ingresso nos cargos p?blicos, no Brasil, em especial, no que diz respeito ? democratiza??o de acesso de Afro-brasileiros ?s carreiras do servi?o p?blico. Foram analisados aqui v?rios aspectos de relev?ncia, desde o surgimento do concurso no ordenamento jur?dico brasileiro at? os dias atuais. S?o abordados fatos hist?ricos que influenciaram a implementa??o de concurso como mecanismo de acesso ? carreira de servidores p?blicos, no Brasil, assim como a legisla??o que regula esse instrumento, desde o per?odo Imperial. ?nfase ? concedida ? sua import?ncia como ve?culo de democratiza??o examinando-se, para tanto, diplomas legais e documentos existentes sobre o tema. A pesquisa possui forte vi?s qualitativo, com recurso a dados estat?sticos. A amostra da pesquisa abrange um levantamento extra?do do sistema SIAPE, no que se refere ? autodeclara??o relativa ? cor e etnia dos servidores docentes e t?cnico-administrativos da UFRRJ, principalmente os nomeados nos ?ltimos 6 anos. Foi adotado, tamb?m, como procedimento metodol?gico, a aplica??o de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a professores de universidades p?blicas, pesquisadores das rela??es ?tnico-raciais brasileiras, oriundos de IES localizadas em diferentes regi?es geogr?ficas brasileiras, seguindo a modalidade de an?lise cr?tica do discurso, fundamentada em I?iguez (2004),. Foi enfocada, ainda, a influ?ncia do racismo institucional na sociedade brasileira, desde suas ra?zes e, em destaque, na condu??o dos concursos p?blicos, especialmente aqueles que possuem fase presencial. Ressalta-se que a an?lise do material coletado no campo foi feita ? luz do referencial te?rico basilar da pesquisa, bem como outros acad?micos como suporte. Demonstrou-se como a educa??o ? um fator preponderante para perpetuar as desigualdades raciais e, portanto, como interferem negativamente na efic?cia do sistema meritocr?tico. Procurou-se, tamb?m, evidenciar como o sistema de a??es compensat?rias pode contribuir para compensar o passado servil a que foram submetidos os negros e como as desigualdades ?tnico-raciais foram constru?das e legitimadas pelo Estado, que insiste em impor-lhes o mito da democracia racial, que traz na bagagem um cen?rio de discrimina??es, preconceitos e desigualdades.
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Arts Facilitation and Creative Community Culture: A Study of Queensland Arts CouncilRichards, Michael John January 2005 (has links)
This thesis adopts a Cultural Industries framework to examine how Queensland's arts council network has, through the provision of arts products and services, contributed to the vitality, health and sustainability of Queensland's regional communities. It charts the history of the network, its configuration and impact since 1961, with particular focus on the years 2001 - 2004, envisages future trends, and provides an analysis of key issues which may be used to guide future policies and programs. Analysis is guided by a Cultural Industries understanding of the arts embedded in everyday life, and views the arts as a range of activities which, by virtue of their aesthetic and symbolic dimensions, enhance human existence through their impact on both the quality and style of human life. Benefits include enhanced leisure and entertainment options, and educational, social, health, personal growth, and economic outcomes, and other indirect benefits which enrich environment and lifestyle. Queensland Arts Council (QAC) and its network of branches has been a dominant factor in the evolution of Queensland's cultural environment since the middle of the 20th century. Across the state, branches became the public face of the arts, drove cultural agendas, initiated and managed activities, advised governments, wrote cultural policies, lobbied, raised funds and laboured to realise cultural facilities and infrastructure. In the early years of the 21st century, QAC operates within a complex, competitive and rapidly changing environment in which orthodox views of development, oriented in terms of a left / right, or bottom up / top down dichotomy, are breaking down, and new convergent models emerge. These new models recognise synergies between artistic, social, economic and political agendas, and unite and energise them in the realm of civil society. QAC is responding by refocusing policies and programs to embrace these new models and by developing new modes of community engagement and arts facilitation. In 1999, a major restructure of the arts council network saw suffragan branches become autonomous Local Arts Councils (LACs), analogous to local Cultural Industry support organisations. The resulting network of affiliated LACs provides a potentially highly effective mechanism for the delivery of arts related products and services, the decentralisation of cultural production, and the nurturing across the state of Creative Community Cultures which equip communities, more than any other single asset, to survive and prosper through an era of unsettling and relentless change. Historical, demographic, behavioural (participation), and attitudinal data are combined to provide a picture of arts councils in seven case study sites, and across the network. Typical arts council members are characterised as omnivorous cultural consumers and members of a knowledge class, and the leadership of dedicated community minded people is identified as the single most critical factor determining the extent of an LAC's activities and its impact on community. Analysis of key issues leads to formulation of eight observations, discussed with reference to QAC and LACs, which might guide navigation in the regional arts field. These observations are then reformulated as Eight Principles Of Effective Regional Arts Facilitation, which provide a framework against which we might evaluate arts policy and practice.
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Avaliação de desempenho na administração pública federal: um estudo no Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS).ALMEIDA, Katiana Diniz de. 11 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-11T14:21:25Z
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KATIANA DINIZ DE ALMEIDA -DISSERTAÇÃO (PROFIAP-CCJS) 2016.pdf: 2832078 bytes, checksum: 22c66bd622c5c43370f8cf7ab30f8d20 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T14:21:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
KATIANA DINIZ DE ALMEIDA -DISSERTAÇÃO (PROFIAP-CCJS) 2016.pdf: 2832078 bytes, checksum: 22c66bd622c5c43370f8cf7ab30f8d20 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-05-11 / As pessoas são o fundamento da construção de um serviço público mais efetivo, que responda às necessidades da sociedade. A Gestão do Desempenho, por sua vez, é considerada um elemento central no processo de transformação da Administração Pública, mesmo diante da evidência que o conceito de desempenho e meritocracia não integram profundamente a matriz cultural brasileira, é preciso investir na mudança desta realidade pelo seu potencial em garantir melhores resultados àqueles que financiam os serviços públicos, ampliando os valores democráticos da sociedade. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o Sistema de Avaliação de Desempenho do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social - INSS e sua relação com o desempenho institucional, tendo adotado, portanto, a estratégia de estudo de caso. Para coleta de dados, procedeu-se a pesquisa documental e de dados primários, tendo sido aplicado um survey aos Gestores das Seções Operacionais de Gestão de Pessoas (SOGP), atores relevantes neste processo, visando identificar suas percepções em relação ao processo desenvolvido no INSS, ao método utilizado e aos usos das informações geradas pelas Avaliações de Desempenho. A amostra contemplou 43 (quarenta e três) respondentes. Os resultados apontam para o esgotamento do sistema de Avaliação de Desempenho Individual, que além de apresentar fragilidades metodológicas, é invalidado por aspectos culturais, tendo em vista o amplo impacto financeiro da gratificação por desempenho na remuneração dos servidores. Estes fatores invalidam seu propósito, pois 99,4% dos servidores obtém a pontuação máxima na Avaliação de Desempenho. Além disso, as informações geradas não têm sido úteis para prover capacitações, nem a aplicação de pessoal de forma mais efetiva. A avaliação de desempenho institucional, com base no indicador Idade Média do Acervo – IMA, representa um elevado êxito para o INSS, que somada ao Plano de Ação, ambos iniciados em 2009, e ao atendimento programado pela Central 135 e canais remotos, iniciado três anos antes, contribuíram para redução de 60% dos estoques de processos no primeiro ano de sua implementação e a uma melhoria sustentável desde então. No entanto, a administração focada nos resultados tem reduzido os investimentos no desenvolvimento humano e no futuro da organização, as oportunidades de capacitação presencial, consideradas mais efetivas pelos servidores, tem sido reduzidas. A proposta de melhoria apresentada contempla uma reformulação no método de avaliação e critérios da Avaliação do Desempenho Institucional e Individual, com foco na produtividade individual, acompanhamento sistemático, melhoria da comunicação e reconhecimento do mérito, além da gestão criteriosa das baixas performances. / People are the foundation of building a more effective public service that responds to society's needs. The Performance Management, in turn, is considered a central element in the process of transformation of the public administration. Even in the face of evidence that the concept of performance and meritocracy are not deeply integrate the Brazilian cultural matrix, we must invest in changing this reality for their potential to ensure better results to those that finance public services, expanding the democratic values of society. This research aimed to analyze the Performance Evaluation System of the National Institute of Social Security - INSS and its relation to the institutional performance, having adopted, so the case study strategy. To collect data, we proceeded to the desk research and primary data and applied a survey to people managers, relevant stakeholders in this process to identify their perceptions of the developed process INSS, the method used and the uses of the information generated by Performance Appraisals. The sample included 43 (forty-three) respondents. The results point to the exhaustion of the Individual Performance Evaluation system, which besides presenting methodological weaknesses and is invalidated by cultural aspects, in view of the broad financial impact of the bonus for performance in the wages of employees, in fact 99.4% of the civil servants get the highest score in the Performance Evaluation. In addition, the information generated have not been helpful to provide training, nor enforcement personnel more effectively. The evaluation of institutional performance, based on the indicator Idade Média do Acervo – IMA (middle age of backlog), is a high success for the INSS, which added to the Action Plan, both initiated in 2009, and service set by the Central 135 and remote channels, started three years earlier, contributed to a 60% reduction of inventory processes in the first year of implementation and a sustainable improvement since then. However, the administration focused on results has reduced investments in human development and the future of the organization, classroom-training opportunities, considered more effective by civil servers has been reduced. The presented improvement proposal includes a redesign of the evaluation method and criteria of Institutional and Individual Performance Evaluation, focusing on individual productivity, systematic monitoring, improved communication and recognition of merit, as well as careful management of low performance.
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