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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hypermediale Navigation in Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen: Nutzung und automatische Produktion hypermedial navigierbarer Aufzeichnungen von Lehrveranstaltungen

Mertens, Robert 08 November 2007 (has links)
In the mid nineties, electronic lecture recording has emerged as a new area of research. The aim behind most early research activities in this field has been the cost-efficient production of e-learning content as a by-product of traditional lectures. These efforts have led to the development of systems that can produce recordings of a lecture in a fraction of the time and also for a fraction of the cost that other methods require for the production of similar e-learning content.While the production of lecture recordings has been investigated thoroughly, the conditions under which the content produced can be used efficiently shifted into focus of research only recently. Employing lecture recordings in the right way is, however, crucial for the effectiveness with which they can be used. Therefore this thesis gives a detailed overview of archetypical application scenarios. A closer examination of these scenarios reveals the importance of navigation in recorded lectures as a critical factor for teaching and learning success. In order to improve navigation, a hypermedia navigation concept for recorded lectures is developed. Hypermedia navigation has proven a successful navigation paradigm in classic text- and picture-based media. In order to be adapted for time based media such as recorded lectures, a number of conceptual changes have to be applied. In this thesis, a hypermedia navigation concept is developed that tackles this problem by combining time- and structure-based navigation paradigms and by modifying existing hypermedia navigation facilities.Even a highly developed navigation concept for recorded lectures can, however, not be put into practice efficiently when production costs of suitable recordings are too high. Therefore this thesis also shows that suitable lecture recordings can be produced with minimal production cost. This endeavour is realized by the implementation of a fully automatic production chain for recording and indexing lectures.

Contrôle postural et mouvements oculaires chez le sujet atteint de DMLA : du déficit fonctionnel à la rééducation visuo-posturale, oculomotrice et visuo-attentionnelle. / Postural control and eye mouvements in AMD subject : from functional deficit to visuo-postural, oculomotor and visuo-attentional training

Chatard, Hortense 19 November 2019 (has links)
La Dégénérescence Maculaire Liée à l’Age (DMLA) affecte actuellement plus d’un million de malades en France et concernera 288 millions de personnes dans le monde en 2040. Cette pathologie du sujet âgé est à l’origine d’un handicap fonctionnel majeur, source de perte d’autonomie et de dépendance. Malgré une forte prévalence, les performances posturales et oculomotrices des sujets atteints de DMLA restent peu étudiées et beaucoup d’interrogations sont à ce jour sans réponse. Ce projet de recherche comporte deux parties pour lesquelles nous avons utilisé différents dispositifs : les plateformes de force TechnoConcept® et Framiral®, le Mobile eyeBRAIN tracker EBT2®, et la tablette connectée Metrisquare®. Dans un premier temps, nous avons examiné l’impact de la DMLA unilatérale versus bilatérale sur le contrôle postural en comparaison avec des sujets sains âgés (Etude I), pour permettre de mettre en évidence le bénéfice de la rééducation posturale chez cette population de malades (Etudes II et III). Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié l’oculomotricité des sujets atteints de DMLA à travers leurs performances de saccades visuellement guidés et de lecture, afin de rééduquer ces mêmes performances via des exercices oculomoteurs et visuo-attentionnels (Etude IV, V et VI). En objectivant les mouvements oculaires ainsi que le déplacement du centre de pression chez les sujets atteints de DMLA uni- et bilatérale, en comparaison avec des sujets sains du même âge, nous avons cherché à confirmer notre hypothèse : le déficit visuel des sujets atteints de DMLA, à l’origine d’une malvoyance, entraine la mise en place de mécanismes adaptatifs qui, grâce à une rééducation adaptée, permettent de réduire les restrictions fonctionnelles posturales et oculomotrices. In fine, ces travaux apportent des solutions pour mieux prévenir et rééduquer ces déficits fonctionnels, grâce à des outils innovants qui permettront d’optimiser la prise en charge. / Nowadays, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects more than one million of people in France and will concern 288 million of people in the world in 2040. This pathology impacts elderly and generates a serious functional disability which causes autonomy loss and dependance. Despite the high prevalence, the postural and oculomotor performances of AMD subjects are little studied and there are still lot of questions without answers. This research project is composed by two parts and used different experimental techniques: TechnoConcept® and Framiral® force plateforms, Mobile eyeBRAIN tracker EBT2®, and Metrisquare® digital tablet. Firstly, we examined the impact of unilateral versus bilateral AMD in postural control, compared with healthy elderly (Study I), in order to evidence the benefits of postural training in these groups (Studies II and III). Secondly, we studied the oculomotor pattern in AMD subjects during visually guided saccades and reading tasks, to improve their performance with oculomotor and visuo-attentional exercises (Studies IV, V and VI). By objectifying eye movements as well as the displacement of center of pressure in unilateral and bilateral AMD subjects, compared with healthy age-matched controls, we want to confirm our hypothesis: the visual impairment of AMD subjects, which causes low vision, leads to the implementation of adaptive mechanisms that, through appropriate training, reduce postural and oculomotor functional restrictions.In fine, this research provides specialists with solutions to prevent and train these functional deficits with novator techniques, in order to optimize the coverage.

How Learning Assistants Impact Undergraduate STEM Students

Sloan, Tyler Jackson 30 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.


CARMÉLIA MARIA ARAGÃO 19 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Obedecendo a estrutura de um diário, esta tese parte de leituras do cotidiano urbano como detonadoras de questões para pensar o papel leitura e das políticas de leitura, tendo como base o texto literário para formação de cidadãos leitores, cientes de seus direitos e obrigações. O Caderno Um – Rio de Janeiro – rememora a história de Sandro Rosa do Nascimento, conhecido como Mancha, responsável pelo sequestro do ônibus 174 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e também a vida e a morte de Márcio Amaro da Conceição, conhecido como Marcinho VP. O aporte teórico desta discussão se apoia principalmente em Luiz Eduardo Soares, Richard Rorty, Paul Ricoeur, utilizando-se também dos filmes e documentários de José Padilha e Eduardo Coutinho. O Caderno Dois – Montevidéu – se passa no Uruguai quando da pesquisa com a professora Helena Modzelewski, que tem sua tese ancorada em Martha Nussbaum e a educação das emoções através do texto literário. Modzelewski aplica a teoria de Nussbaum em seu trabalho com mulheres em situação de rua, depois transformado em livro: El refugio de las palabras dormidas (2015). Neste caderno se concentra quase toda base teórica da tese, como a ligação entre a educação das emoções e a teoria das capacidades, teorias desenvolvidas por Martha Nussbaum e Amartya Sem. O último caderno, intitulado Caderno Três – Santo Amaro da Purificação – trata da experiência das políticas de leitura no Brasil como o Proler coordenado pela Professora Eliana Yunes e o Projeto Agentes de leitura política amparada pelo Plano Nacional do Livro e Leitura, que teve seu início em 2005 no Ceará, depois foi expandido para outros estados do Brasil, pelo MinC, através da Cátedra Unesco de Leitura PUC-Rio, a partir de 2009. Neste caso, o que se avalia é o aporte da leitura literária para a consciência cidadã compartilhada. / [fr] Fidèle à la structure d un journal intime, cette thèse part des lectures du quotidien urbain en tant que déclencheuses de questions pour penser le rôle de la lecture et des politiques de la lecture et a comme base le texte littéraire pour la formation de citoyens lecteurs, conscients de leurs droits et devoirs. Le premier chapitre remémore l histoire de Sandro Rosa do Nascimento, dit Mancha (tâche), responsable de la prise d otages dans le bus 174 dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro et aussi la vie et la mort de Márcio Amaro da Conceição, surnommé Marcinho VP. L apport théorique de cette discussion se construit surtout sur Richard Rorty, Luiz Eduardo Soares, Paul Ricoeur. Le deuxième chapitre se passe en Uruguay, lors de la recherche avec le professeur Helena Modzelewski, qui a sa thèse ancrée sur Martha Nussbaum et l éducation des émotions par le littéraire. Modzelewski applique la théorie de Nussbaum dans son travail avec des femmes vivant dans les rues, devenu le livre: El refugio de las palabras dormidas (2015). Le troisième et dernier chapitre discute l expérience des politiques de lecture au Brésil, tel que le Proler coordonnée par le professeur Eliana Yunes et le Projet des agents de lecture, politique soutenue par le Plan national du Livre et de la Lecture, qui a connu le jour en 2005, au Ceará, a pris corps et a été intégré dans d autres États du Brésil, grâce au Ministère de la Culture (Minc), par la Chaire Unesco de Lecture PUC-Rio, à partir de 2009. Dans ce cas, ce qui est évalué est l apport de la lecture littéraire pour la conscience citoyenne partagée.


ALESSANDRA GOMES DA SILVA 18 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] Por uma poética dos sentidos: a literatura no contexto da surdez tem como objetivo discutir modos e práticas de experimentar a literatura com os alunos surdos adultos do curso noturno, no colégio de aplicação do Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos (CAp/INES). Tais alunos vivenciam uma experiência de bilinguismo, já que são usuários da língua de sinais e devem aprender a modalidade escrita da língua portuguesa como segunda língua. Nesse sentido, desdobramos as duas perguntas de pesquisa: elementos de intermidialidade e performance podem ser relevantes no contato dos alunos surdos adultos com as narrativas literárias? Como tais recursos podem contribuir para criar estratégias que possibilitem uma vivência literária significativa no contexto em questão? Com isso, pretendemos desenvolver uma compreensão sobre como assuntos relacionados ao bilinguismo ou a políticas linguísticas afetam o cotidiano desses alunos. Assim, levaremos em conta ainda um diálogo entre teoria e prática, uma vez que trazemos para a discussão a fala dos próprios alunos participantes, principais atores de nosso estudo. / [fr] Pour un sens poétique: la littérature dans le contexte de la surdité a pour but de discuter des moyens et des pratiques de lecture littéraire avec des étudiants sourds dans les cours du soir à l Institut national de l éducation des Sourds (Cap / Ines). Ces élèves éprouvent une expérience bilingue, tout comme les utilisateurs de la langue des signes et doit apprendre le portugais écrit comme langue seconde. En ce sens, nous déployons des questions de recherche: éléments de l intermédialité et de la performance peuvent être pertinents pour communiquer avec les apprenants sourds adultes de récits littéraires? Comment ces ressources peuvent aider à créer des stratégies qui permettent une expérience littéraire dans le contexte donné? Nous avons l intention de développer une compréhension de la façon dont les questions relatives aux politiques de bilinguisme ou de langue affectent la vie quotidienne de ces étudiants. Nous allons prendre en compte également un dialogue entre la théorie et la pratique, une fois que nous apportons à la discussion le discours d eux-mêmes étudiants, les principaux acteurs de notre étude.

Investigation into the pedagogical value of demonstrating deliberate design deficiencies in PCB design instruction

Sunedal, Björn January 2021 (has links)
Universities and other higher education institutions have been struggling with high levels of student dropouts and poor graduation rates for a long time. As a result, there has been an interest in modifying traditional teaching techniques and implementing new ones to improve student learning outcomes. Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILD) is one such teaching technique which has shown positive results in terms of improving student learning outcomes. An audio recorder and player application with the addition of a DC/DC converter was developed. Six different PCB versions of the audio application were created, containing different combinations of deliberate design deficiencies. The deliberate design deficiencies came in the form of different configurations of decoupling capacitors and ground planes. The DC/DC converter served as a noise source to expose weaknesses in the design. In order to make certain that design deficiencies were exposed effectively, the conversion frequency of the DC/DC converter was switchable between a "high" and a "low" setting. The "low" conversion frequency setting was chosen to comfortably fall in the frequency range of human hearing. Measurements of voltage (time domain and spectral), current spectrum, audio spectrum and radiated emissions were collected. Audio recordings illustrating the impact of decoupling capacitors and interference from the DC/DC converter were performed. The measurement results and audio recordings were used to produce an ILD in video format. The ILD was structured around a modified version of the PODS (Predict-Observe-Discuss-Synthesize) model, which is a four-step process used in ILDs. The ILD contained four separate demonstrations that covered the impact of decoupling capacitors, ground topology and the DC/DC converter on the audio quality and radiated emissions. The ILDs were presented in such a way that the measurement results and audio recordings were correlated with the underlying design theory. Students who had taken either one of two courses related to PCB and electronics design offered at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in the spring of 2019 and 2020 were invited to view the ILD video. The effectiveness of the ILD presentation in terms of pedagogic value was measured via a survey which the students were asked to fill out after watching the video. The results were overall very positive. The feedback received indicate that the students found the demonstrations to be informative and educational. By being able to see and hear the effects of neglecting good PCB design practices in two key areas, the demonstrations were able to provide a more realistic and real-world view of the consequences of neglecting to adhere to good design practices in these two areas that may not be apparent in the theoretical literature. In addition, since PCB design is such a vast subject, the results motivates further developments and study of the ILD concept related to other PCB design concepts such as transmission lines, layer ordering, signal integrity (crosstalk, timing, noise, etc), and others. / Universitet och andra högre lärosäten har länge kämpat mot höga nivåer av studentavhopp och låg genomströmning. Som en följd av detta har det funnits ett intresse att göra förändringar i de traditionella undervisningsmetoderna samt att implementera nya sådana. Interaktiva föreläsningsdemonstrationer (Interactive Lecture Demonstrations, ILD) är en undervisningsmetod som har visat på positiva resultat gällande studenters förmåga att uppnå läromålen. En ljudinspelnings- och uppspelningstillämpning med en likspänningsomvandlare konstruerades. Sex olika kretskort med en kombination av olika avsiktliga konstruktionsbrister producerades. De avsiktliga konstruktionsbristerna innefattade olika kombinationer av avkopplings-kondensatorer och jordplan. Likspänningsomvandlaren agerade som en störningskälla vars syfte var att blottlägga svagheter i konstruktionen. För att säkerställa att konstruktionsbristerna skulle kunna blottläggas tydligt var omvandlingsfrekvensen på likspänningsomvandlaren ställbar mellan ”hög” och ”låg”. Omvandlingsfrekvensen på inställningen ”låg” valdes så att den med god marginal hamnade inom frekvensområdet för mänsklig hörsel. Matningar av spänning (tids- och frekvensdomän), strömspektrum, ljudspektrum och utstrålad radioenergi genomfördes. Ljudinspelningar som belyste inverkan av avkopplings-kondensatorerna och störningar från likspänningsomvandlaren samlades in. Mätningarna och ljudinspelningarna användes för att producera en ILD i videoformat. ILD:erna konstruerades kring en modifierad version av PODS-modellen (Predict- Observe- Discuss- Synthesize, ung. Förutspå-Observera-Diskutera-Inlärning), vilken är en fyrstegsprocess för ILD:er. ILD:en innehöll fyra separata demonstrationer som belös avkopplingskondensatorernas, jordtopologins och likspänningsomvandlarens inverkan på ljudkvaliteten och den utstrålade radioenergin. ILD:en presenterades på ett sådant sätt att mätresultaten och ljudinspelningarna korrelerades till den bakomliggande konstruktionsteorin. Studenter som hade läst endera av två kurser relaterade till kretskorts- och elektronik-konstruktion vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH) under våren 2019 och 2020 mottog en inbjudan att titta på videon. Utvärdering av effektiviteten hos ILD-presentationen gällande dess pedagogiska värde gjordes via en enkät vilka studenterna ombads att fylla i efter att de tittat på videon. Resultatet var övervägande positivt. Återkopplingen tyder på att studenterna tyckte att demonstrationerna var informativa och lärorika. Genom att kunna se effekterna av att försumma god PCB-konstruktionssed inom två nyckelområden så lyckades demonstrationerna ge en mer realistisk syn på konsekvenserna av att inte följa god konstruktionssed på ett sätt som inte är uppenbart i den teoretiska litteraturen. Eftersom att PCB-konstruktion är ett så pass omfattande ämnesområde så motiverar resultaten vidare utveckling och studier av ILD-konceptet inom andra PCB-konstruktionskoncept, t.ex transmissionsledningar, lager-ordning, signalintegritet (¨överhörning, timing, brus, etc), samt andra.

Reviving the Nibelungenlied: A Study and Exploration of the Relationship between Medieval Literature and Music

Bretz, Katherine Hazel-Louise 14 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

A comparative study of traditional lecture methods and interactive lecture methods in introductory geology courses for non-science majors at the college level

Hundley, Stacey A. 10 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of Lecture Hall Layout on Evacuations Using Crowd Simulations

Mattsson, Tobias, Umeh, Ernest January 2022 (has links)
The planning and preparation phases of emergency management are of great social interest. If appropriate safety measures can be implemented in buildings beforehand as a response to foreseeable hazards, the safety of individuals can be significantly increased. Previous research suggests that alterations to different building elements impact the evacuation rate. However, due to the unique layout of lecture halls, there is no definitive answer regarding whether evacuation rates for this building type are impacted in the same manner. In this paper, numerous crowd evacuation simulations developed in Unity3D are evaluated. The alterations selected are exit amount (2, 3 and 4 exits), exit size (50%, 60% and 70% less), and passage width between seat blocks, which has been altered by increasing the width of the seat rows (10%, 20% and 30% longer). In addition, alterations have been made to the High Density Simulator [16]. In each simulation, an alteration variation is applied to a 3D model of the F2 lecture hall at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Finally, agents are placed inside the 3D environments to determine the alteration’s effect on the evacuation rate. The general findings indicate that increasing the number of exits and the size of both exits and the passages between seats has a positive effect on the evacuation rate. However, when introducing 4 exits the evacuation rate is no longer positively affected, which agrees with previous research. The evacuation rates were only positively impacted for the two other alterations but to different degrees. We also discuss the limitation that leads us to conclude that more research within this field is needed to confidently apply these results in real-world scenarios. / Planerings- och förberedelsefaserna inom nödsituationshantering är av stort samhälleligt intresse. Om lämpligt kan säkerhetsåtgärder implementeras i byggnader på förhand som svar på förutsägbara hinder, genom vilket säkerheten hos individerna kan märkbart öka. Enligt tidigare studier så kan ändringar hos olika delar av en byggnad påverka evakueringstakten. Men, på grund av den unika layouten hos föreläsningssalar, så finns det inget definitivt svar för huruvida evakueringstakten för denna typ av byggnad påverkas på samma sätt. I denna text har flera utvecklade simulationer i Unity3D evaluerats. De valda ändringarna är mängden utgångar (varierar mellan 2, 3 och 4 stycken), storlek på utgångar (50%, 60% respektive 70% mindre) samt bredden för passager mellan sätesblocken, som har ändrats genom att ändra bredden på sätesraderna (10%, 20% och 30% längre). Ändringar har gjorts till en Högdensitets-Simulator [16], och i varje simulation appliceras en layoutändring till en 3D-modell av föreläsningssalen F2 vid KTH. Agenterna placeras inuti dessa 3D-miljöer för att avgöra varje layoutändrings effekt på evakueringstakten. De generella fynden indikerar på att en ökning av antalet utgångar samt storleken för både utgångarna i sig och passagerna mellan sätena har en positiv effekt på evakueringstakten. Introducering av 4 utgångar ledde dock ej till positiva effekter för evakueringstakten, vilket stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Evakueringstakten påverkades endast positivt mellan de andra två ändringarna, men i olika grad. Vi diskuterar även begränsningarna vilka leder oss till slutsatsen att mer förskning bör göras inom detta fält för att kunna applicera dessa resultat i verkliga scenarion.

An Exploratory Study of Effects of Lecture's Acoustic Features on L1 Chinese Listeners' Listening Comprehension of Online L2 English Lectures

Huang, Jingjing 09 June 2021 (has links)
This study explored the effects of lecture speech rate and duration on L1 Chinese listeners' listening comprehension of online L2 English lectures on free-recall and cued-recall questions. There are many factors that may affect a Chinese listener's listening comprehension of online English lectures. The current study focused specifically on the effects of speech rate and duration, and explored the possibility of identifying tools that listeners might use to control these factors during online lectures in order to achieve better learning experiences. Using an exploratory quasi-experimental approach, this study explored the research questions in three phases: 1) An initial quasi-experiment was conducted via Qualtrics and applied as a pilot study; 2) The quasi-experiment was revised, with a new link sent out to potential participants from both the United States and China; and 3) Quasi-experiment responses were collected and analyzed. Based on 28 participant responses, the findings from the current study suggest that the interaction between speech rate and duration impacted L1 Chinese listener's comprehension of online L2 English lectures. The findings also suggest that study participants' responses on various types of questions were affected differently by the speech rate and duration of the lectures. / Doctor of Philosophy / It is assumed that the slower and the shorter the listening material is, the better the foreign language learner's listening comprehension will be. Is this true? This study explored how a lecture's speech rate and duration may affect L1 Chinese listeners' listening comprehension of online L2 English lectures on free-recall and cued-recall questions. It discusses the possibility of identifying tools for listeners to control the speech rate and duration of online lectures in order to help listeners achieve better learning experiences. Using an exploratory quasi-experimental approach, this study explored the research questions in three phases: 1) An initial quasi-experiment was conducted via Qualtrics and applied as a pilot study; 2) The quasi-experiment was revised, with a new link sent out to potential participants from both the United States and China; and 3) Quasi-experiment responses were collected and analyzed. Based on 28 participant responses, the findings from the current study suggest that speech rate and duration worked together to impact L1 Chinese listeners' comprehension of online L2 English lectures. The findings also suggest that study participants' responses on various types of questions were affected differently by the speech rate and duration of the lectures.

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