Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life situation"" "subject:"wife situation""
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Egentligen är det så att vi kvinnor som föddes på 1940-talet hade en väldig tur : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors förändrade livssituation och könsroll / In fact, we women who were born in the 1940s were very lucky : A qualitative study about women's changed life situation and gender roleHultin, Julia, Sköld Ulfsdotter, Clara January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvinnans livssituation har förändrats i det svenska samhället sedan 1940-talet och om kvinnorna själva upplevt skillnader/förändringar kopplat till deras könsroll och position. Vi har valt att undersöka kvinnornas livssituation utifrån tre områden: karriär, privatliv och relationer. Studiens frågeställning var ”Hur ser kvinnor i Halmstad på de förändringar av könsrollerna som ägt rum sedan 1940-talet?” Resultatet har samlats in via åtta livsvärldsintervjuer tillhörande den kvalitativa metodologin med en induktiv förståelseansats samt ett fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt. För att analysera resultatet har Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystem samt George Herbert Meads socialisationsteori tillämpats. Studiens huvudsakliga resultat visar att kvinnor märkt att det har skett stora förändringar av könsrollerna sedan 1940-talet. De är positiva och tacksamma för den samhällsstrukturella utvecklingen. Vi kan utläsa att kvinnorna är fast i de mer traditionella könsrollerna vilket visar att könsrollerna är svårförändeliga. Kvinnorna uttrycker dessutom en positiv inställning till att unga kvinnor i dagens samhälle har bättre förutsättningar för att stäcka ut sin kvinnliga roll. / The aim of the study is to investigate how women's life situation has changed in the Swedish society since the 1940s and whether the women themselves have experienced differences/changes linked to their gender role and position. We have chosen to investigate the women's life situation based on three important areas: career, private life and relationships. The study's question was "How do women in Halmstad view the changes in gender roles that have taken place since the 1940s?" The results have been collected via eight life-world interviews belonging to the qualitative methodology with an inductive understanding approach and a phenomenological approach. To analyze the results, Yvonne Hirdman's theory of gender systems and George Herbert Mead's socialization theory have been applied. The main results of the study show that women have noticed that there have been major changes in gender roles since the 1940s. They are positive and grateful for the social structural development. We can deduce that the women are stuck in the more traditional gender roles, which shows that the gender roles are difficult to change. The women also express a positive attitude to the fact that young women in today's society have better conditions for expanding their female role.
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Hur patienter med hjärtsvikt påverkas av olika former av telemedicin : en litteraturöversikt / How patients with heart failure are affected by different forms of telemedicine : a literature reviewBlom, Katarina, Ottenblad, Erica January 2023 (has links)
Hjärtsvikt är ett kliniskt syndrom som kan innebära stor påverkan på den drabbades hälsorelaterade livskvalitet och livssituation genom funktionsnedsättande symtom och stort vårdbehov. Tillståndet har hög dödlighet och ökar med en åldrande befolkning även om behandlingen förbättrats. Telemedeicin implementeras i hjärtsviktsvården på flera håll i Sverige och kan med fördel integreras i vården enligt gällande internationella riktlinjer. Syftet var att undersöka hur patienter med hjärtsvikt påverkas vid användning av olika former av telemedicin avseende livskvalitet och patientens livssituation. Metoden var litteraturöversikt med ett systematiskt arbetssätt. Sökningar utfördes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. 15 artiklar publicerade 2013-2021 inkluderades från dessa sökningar. En integrerad analys av artiklarna utfördes. Resultatet visade att användning av telemedicin vid hjärtsvikt kan påverka livskvaliteten och patienternas livssituation. De kategorier som framträdde i resultatet var påverkan på livskvalitet utifrån hälsa, stöd till förändrat behov av sjukvård, support till egna handlingar och stöd tll förändringar i psykisk hälsa. Telemedicin påverkade den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten positivt och kunde ge stöd till förändrat behov av sjukvård. Telemedicin kunde också ge support till egna handlingar och stöd till förändrad psykisk hälsa. Olika former av telemedicin hade använts enskilt eller som tillägg till andra interventioner. Slutsatsen är att telemedicin vid hjärtsvikt kan påverka patienternas hälsorelaterade livskvalitet och livssituation positivt. Vidare forskning kring vilka former av telemedicin som har positiv påverkan behövs samt vilka interventioner som med fördel kan kombineras. / Heart failure is a clinical syndrome that may have a major impact on the affected´s health related quality of life (HRqOL) and life in general through disabling symptoms and a substantial need for helathcare. Even though treatment has improved, the condition has high mortality rate and is increasing with an aging population. Telemedicine is implemented in heart failure care in several locations in Sweden and can advantageously be integrated into care according to international guidelines. The aim of this study was to scrutinize how patients with heart failure are affected when using various types of telemedicine regarding quality of life and life situation. The method was a literature review with a systematic approach. Literature search was conducted in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The quality of the articles was reviewed according to Sophiahemmet University´s assessment documents. A total of 15 articles published between 2013-2021 were eventually included in the study. An integrated analysis of the articles was performed. The results showed that the use of telemedicine in heart failure can affect quality of life and the patient´s life situation. The categories that appeared in the results were impact on quality of life based on health, support for changing needs for healthcare, support for own actions and support for changes in mental health. Telemedicine had positive impact on HRqOL and supported changing needs for healthcare. Telemedicine could provide support for own actions and support for changed mental health. Various forms of telemedicine had been used alone or combined with other interventions. The conclusion is that telemedicine in heart failure can positively affect the patients´ HRqOL and life situation. Further research on which forms of telemedicne have a positive impact is needed and which interventions can be advantageously combined.
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Livet efter hjärtstopp : en litteraturöversikt / Life after cardiac arrest : a literature reviewGadd, Johanna, Smetana, Stina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtstopp är ett globalt hälsoproblem och en av de främsta dödsorsakerna runt om i världen. Mortaliteten är hög och insatser utförs av både sjukvård och samhälle vilket förbättrat överlevnaden de senaste årtionden till följd av ökad kunskap om HLR samt att det finns fler automatiska defibrillatorer utplacerade i samhället. Allvarlig sjukdom kan utlösa en krisreaktion och även leda till posttraumatisk stress. Det är individuellt hur människor upplever, hanterar och bearbetar sin nya livssituation under återhämtningen där målet är att kunna leva med så god livskvalitet som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur personer som överlevt ett hjärtstopp upplever sin livssituation under återhämtningen. Metod: Metod som använts är en litteraturöversikt med systematisk sökning. Sexton artiklar med kvalitativ ansats har inkluderats och analyserats med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Artiklarna hittades via databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Samtliga artiklar är kvalitetsgranskade utifrån Caldwell et al. (2011) och visade på hög kvalitet. Resultat: Fyra kategorier identifierades; kroppsliga besvär, emotionella reflektioner, vård & stöd och nya utmaningar. Kategorierna reflekterar de utmaningarna i livet som hjärtstoppet medfört vilka genomsyras av en oro, rädsla, osäkerhet och en känslomässig bergochdalbana. Återhämtningen känns lång och svår för många som uttrycker stort behov av stöd, hjälp och information av sjukvården samt mycket stöttning från anhöriga. Strävan efter att återgå till det normala beskrivs men förändrade förutsättningar och relationer kräver anpassning och en ny identitet. Slutsats: Nära-döden-upplevelsen är traumatisk för både den drabbade och anhöriga och förändrar livet. Kroppsliga, psykiska, kognitiva samt sociala förändringar beskrivs som livet behöver anpassas efter. Hemgången från sjukhuset känns osäker och skrämmande där resan tillbaka till det normala livet upplevs ensamt. Trotts detta uttrycks en tacksamhet till livet och sjukvården för att ha överlevt men återhämtningen efter hjärtstoppet upplevs både lång och svår. Nyckelord: hjärtstopp, livssituation, upplevelse, återhämtning, överlevnad / Background: Cardiac arrest is a global problem and one of the leading causes of death. Mortality is high and efforts are made by healthcare and society, which improved survival in recent decades because of increased knowledge about CPR and more automatic defibrillators in society. A Serious illness can trigger a crisis response and lead to posttraumatic stress. It’s individual how people experience and processes their new life situation during recovery and to live with as good quality-of-life as possible. Aim: The aim is to shed light on how persons who survived a cardiac arrest experience their life situation during recovery. Methods: The used method is a literature review with a systematic search. Sixteen qualitative articles have been included and analyzed using a content analysis. The articles were found through the databases CHINAL and PubMed and were quality audited by Caldwell et al. (2011) and showed high quality. Results: Four categories were identified; physical ailments, emotional reflections, care & support and new challenges. These categories reflect the challenges in life brought by the cardiac arrest and is permeated as an emotional rollercoaster. The recovery feels long and difficult for many who express a great need for support, help and information from the healthcare system as well as support from relatives. The quest to return to normal is described but changed conditions and relationships force to adaptations and a new identity. Conclusion: The near-death experience for both the affected person and their relatives is lifechanging. Bodily, psychological, cognitive, and social changes are described which life needs to adapt for. The discharge from hospital feels unsafe and fearsome and the journey back to a normal life is experienced lonely. Despite this, gratitude is expressed to life and the medical care for having survived, but the recovery is experienced as long and difficult.
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Lärares upplevelser av socialt arbete i skolan - med fokus på barn i utsatta livssituationerBadri, Fatima, Landén, Linn January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera lärares upplevelser av socialt arbete med fokus på barn i utsatta livssituationer. Följande frågeställningar har formulerats; Hur ser lärare på sin roll i arbetet med elever i utsatta livssituationer eller livsmiljöer? Vilket utrymme upplever lärare att dessa frågor får och har i skolan? Vilka framgångsfaktorer och hinder upplever lärare i sitt arbete med elever i utsatta lägen? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Elva lärare har intervjuats om sina upplevelser av sitt arbete. Lärarnas berättelser om deras upplevelser av arbetet handlar om komplexitet i arbetet med förväntningar från olika håll, relationsskapande, stöd av kollegor och medarbetare, tidsbrist, otillräckliga resurser, krav på att eleverna ska ha full måluppfyllelse, krävande eller oengagerade vårdnadshavare, skillnader mellan skolor och stadsdelar, gränssättning, prioriteringar och ett tidskrävande dokumentationsarbete. I diskussionen lyfts tids och resursbristerna fram som dominerande aspekter av skolans verklighet, där skolan har svårt att lyckas med sitt kompensatoriska uppdrag. / The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze teacher’s experience of social work with a focus on children in vulnerable situations. The following questions have been formulated: How do teachers see their role in dealing with students in vulnerable situations or environments? What scope do the teachers perceive this question have in school? What are the success factors and barriers that teachers experience in their work with children in vulnerable situations? This study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured qualitative interviews as a method. Eleven teachers were interviewed about their work related experiences.The teachers' accounts of their experiences of work depict complexity with expectations from different directions, relationship-building, the support of colleagues and co-workers, lack of time, lack of resources, demands of students on required grade achievements, demanding or uninvolved guardians, differences between schools and neighborhoods, setting limits, priorities and a time-consuming documentation work. The discussion highlights time and resource deficiencies as dominant aspects of the school's reality, where the school has difficulties to succeed with their compensatory duties.
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Livet efter sepsis : En litteraturöversikt om patienters upplevelse av sin livssituation efter att ha överlevt sepsis / Life after sepsis : A literature review of patients’ experience of their life situation after surviving sepsisAspång, Agnes, Bylund, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
Sepsis, a life-threatening response to infection, represents a substantial global health concern. Each year, about 48,9 million people are affected by sepsis. While survival rates have improved, sepsis survivors often experience numerous challenges after discharge from the hospital. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe patients’ experience of their life situation after surviving sepsis. A literature review was carried out using Friberg’s four step model for analyzing quantitative and qualitative research. The data were collected from seven quantitative and four qualitative studies. The analysis revealed two themes and eight subthemes: (1) Difficulties adjusting to new living conditions, (2) A challenging recovery process. The first theme had four subthemes: Changed quality of life after sepsis, Physical limitations in everyday life, The challenge of becoming dependent on others and The importance of social relationships. The second theme had four subthemes: A mental struggle to return to a normal life, Traumatization and fears of relapse, The importance of recovery, and Educational and informational gaps. Among sepsis survivors, various problems and challenges have been identified that impact their daily life. Numerous survivors suffered from persistent residual symptoms primarily related to physical, psychological, and cognitive domains. Survivors were widely dissatisfied with the information and education about sepsis and its aftermath provided by the healthcare system. Further research is needed to clarify the long-term consequences of sepsis survivorship, and to improve the healthcare guidelines and interventions aimed at improving the well-being of this patient group
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Personers upplevelse av att leva med multipel skleros : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / People's experiences of living with multiple sclerosis : A qualitative literature reviewStrömstedt, Felicia, Torrez, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Multipel skleros är en kronisk, neurologisk, autoimmun och inflammatorisk sjukdom. Den livslånga kontakten med vården, oförutsägbara symtom samt att det idag inte finns något botemedel gör sjukdomen komplex. Patienter med MS finns i alla delar av vården, därför är det viktigt att sjukvårdspersonal har kunskap och motivation för att bedriva en inkluderande vård där patientens livssituation förbättras. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa personers upplevelser av att leva med sjukdomen multipel skleros. Metod: Två databassökningar användes, PubMed och CINAHL Complete. Denna litteraturöversikt baseras på tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Dessa artiklar analyserades och granskades utifrån Fribergs beskrivning. Resultat: I resultatet framkom det fyra huvudteman: Oförutsägbara förändringar, Ett förändrat jag, Psykosociala perspektiv och Att hantera sjukdom. Slutsats: Att anpassa sig och acceptera sin livssituation var svårt men med hjälp av hanteringsstrategier, stöd från närstående och andra i samma sits samt vårdpersonal var det möjligt. Kunskap om sjukdomen och upplevelsen av att leva med MS var viktigt för att främja adaption och förbättra personens livssituation. / Background: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, neurological, autoimmune and inflammatory disease. A lifelong contact with healthcare, unpredictable symtoms and that there presently is no cure makes the disease complex. Patients with MS are present in every part of nursing, therefore it is important that nurses have the knowledge and motivation to provide inclusive care where the patient's life situation is improved. Aim: The purpose of the study was to highlight people's experiences of living with the disease multiple sclerosis. Method: Two database searches were used, PubMed and CINAHL Complete. This literature review is based on ten qualitative scientific articles. These articles were analyzed and reviewed based on Friberg's method. Results: The results showed four main themes: Unpredictable changes, A changed self, Psychosocial perspectives and To manage the disease. Conclusion: Adapting and accepting one's life situation was difficult, but with the help of self management strategies, support from relatives and others in the same situation as well as healthcare professionals, made it possible. Knowledge about the disease and the experience of living with MS was important to support adaptation and enhance the personens life situationen.
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Upplevelsen av att vara närstående till en person med diagnosen cancerKarlsson, Josefin, Malm, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag uppskattas var tredje person få en cancerdiagnos under sin livstid.Cancer drabbar inte enbart den enskilda individen utan även de närstående. De närstående anses vara patienternas viktigaste stöd under sjukdomsprocessen och de har ett behov av att vara delaktiga i vården. Syfte: Att belysa forskning om upplevelsen av att vara närstående till en person med diagnosen cancer. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio kvalitativa studier.Resultat: Tre teman framkom vid dataanalysen. De närstående upplevde en förändrad vardag med nya roller och prioriteringar. Känslor som oro, osäkerhet och rädsla präglade de närstående men samtidigt fanns där ett hopp om att behandlingen skulle gå bra. De närstående upplevde att de ibland hade behov av att vara fria från sjukdomen och de sökte stöd hos vänner och familj. Att få vara delaktig i vården och få information var viktigt för att de närstående skulle få en känsla av kontroll och säkerhet. Resultatet i studien visar att de närståendes livssituation förändras och att det är viktigt för sjuksköterskan att vara medveten om deras upplevelser. / Background: Today it is estimated that one of three people get a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. Cancer affects not only the individual but also the next of kin. The next of kin are considered to be the patient’s main support during the disease, and they need to be involved in the care. Aim: To illustrate the research about the experience of being next of kin to a person diagnosed with cancer.Method: A literature review based on ten qualitative studies.Results: Three themes were found from the data analysis. The next of kin experienced that their daily lives were changed with new roles and priorities. Feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and fear characterized the next of kin but at the same time, there was a hope about that the treatment would go well. The next of kin felt that they sometimes had needs to be free from the disease and they sought support from friends and family. To be involved in the care and get information was important so that the next of kin would get a sense of control and security. The results of the study shows that the next of kin’s life situations are changing and it is important for the nurse to be aware of their experiences.
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Everyday Life among Next of Kin of Haemodialysis PatientsZiegert, Kristina January 2005 (has links)
Everyday life can be complex when next of kin of haemodialysis patients are preoccupied with taking care of the patient and his/her health, which implies the difficulties and requirements needed. The general aim of this thesis was to explore and describe everyday life among next of kin of haemodialysis patients with focus on the life situation, health, time and professional support. Two perspectives of the thesis was applied: a holistic perspective on the everyday life of next of haemodialysis patient and a social perspective with focus on human communication and understanding of next of kin’s experience of everyday life. A qualitative descriptive and explorative design, comprising a phenomenographic and content analysis was used in Studies I-IV. The data collected in the studies consisted of interviews with next of kin to haemodialysis patient and analysis of professional support for next of kin to chronic haemodialysis patients in nursing documentation from two hospitals in Sweden. The experience of time in everyday life among next of kin of haemodialysis patients demonstrated that time for them is minimised and life space contracted. Next of kin experienced ambivalence towards their own health, especially in cases of patients’ spouses When next of kin of haemodialysis patient’s became involved in the patients’ care, they experienced arduousness in relation to their own health as well as less uninterrupted time for themselves in everyday life, and their life situation was characterised by confinement and social isolation. They were aware of the prognosis of renal disease and the fact that haemodialysis is a life-sustaining treatment, which forced them to live for the moment. The everyday life among the next of kin changed when the family became involved in the care, which in turn lead to a changed life situation and restrictions in everyday life. Lack of knowledge in nursing documentation of professional support revealed necessity of the readiness of next of kin. It is therefore important to be familiar with this in the nursing process, especially when the patient and their next of kin need support and attention in everyday life. Original papers not included. / <p>Linköping University Medical Dissertation, 926, I. Ziegert K. & Fridlund B. Conceptions of life situation among next of kin of haemodialysis patients. Journal of Nursing Management 2001; (9) 231-239. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2834.2001.00233.x, II. Ziegert K., Fridlund B. & Lidell E. Health in everyday life among spouses of patients on haemodialysis; a content analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 223-228(6). DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2006.00400.x, III. Ziegert K., Fridlund B. & Lidell E. Time in everyday life as experienced by next of kin of haemodialysis patients (Submitted for publication)., IV. Ziegert K., Fridlund B. & Lidell E. Professional support for next of kin of patients receiving chronic haemodialysis treatment. A content analysis study of nursing documentation. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Volume 16, Number 2, February 2007, pp. 353-361(9). DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2006.01597.x,</p>
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Life After a Stroke Event : With Special Reference to Aspects on Prognosis, Health and Municipality Care Utilization, and Life Satisfaction Among Patients and Their Informal CaregiversOlai, Lena January 2010 (has links)
Objectives. The aim of this thesis was to study the prognosis, health care utilization and health situation in stroke patients, and informal caregiver burden during the first post-stroke year. Material and methods. 390 patients, 65 years or older, discharged from hospital after a stroke, were followed with repeated patient interviews, patient record and register data, and hospital staff and informal caregiver questionnaires. Results. Prognosis assessments performed by hospital staff at discharge regarding the course of events during the following year were highly accurate and were mainly influenced by the patient’s pre- and post-morbid state. The risk of dying or having a new stroke decreased rapidly during the early post-morbid phase. Health care utilization, in hospitals as well as in primary health care, and municipal social service support was considerably higher after the stroke than before, but the utilization of services was lower than previously reported. Health problem prevalence according to interview and record scrutiny was modest, peaked early after discharge and then declined. Support from informal caregivers increased significantly after discharge and remained high during the first post-stroke year. The support given was mainly determined by patient functional ability, distance to patient, relation to patient, municipal social service support provided, and patient sex. The informal caregivers reported considerable strain and burden, with significantly higher levels of anxiety and depression than the stroke patients. Moreover, there was a parallel between the patient’s and the caregiver’s situation regarding anxiety, emotional and social situation, and home, social and outdoor activities. Conclusion. Hospital staff prognosis assessments of patient outcomes during the next year were highly accurate. Risk of recurrence and mortality, and health problem prevalence was high in the early post-stroke period, and than declined. Health care utilization and municipality social support increased over time. Informal caregivers reported considerable strain and burden.
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Bajset styr mitt liv! : en litteraturstudie om människor som har problem med avföringenDahlberg, Anna-Sara, Lönnkvist, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Avföringsproblemen förstoppning, avföringsinkontinens och irritabel tarm är vanliga åkommor hos människor i det västerländska samhället. Alla tre har liknande symtom och problematik. Åkommorna påverkar hela människan inte bara den fysiska kroppen. Få studier har fokuserat på människors upplevelse av att leva med avföringsproblem. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur människor med avföringsproblem upplever sin livssituation. Metod: Studien var baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre huvudteman; upplevelsen av det egna lidandet, upplevelsen av det dagliga livet och upplevelsen av relationer med åtta underteman. Resultatet visade att människor som lider av avföringsproblemen förstoppning, irritabel tarm och avföringsinkontinens upplevde att hela deras livssituation påverkades av avföringsproblemen. Hela människan drabbades psykiskt, emotionellt, fysiskt och socialt. Människorna var tvungna att leva ett liv fullt av dagliga begränsningar. Slutsats: Att leva med avföringsproblem innebar för människorna att vara involverad i en evig kamp som de ofta var ensamma i. Resultatet indikerar på att avföringsproblem är ett dolt problem och tystnaden kring problemen gör att många människor inte får den hjälp och stöd som de behöver. / Background: Bowel movement problems as constipation, faecal incontinence and irritable bowel syndrome are common problems in the community. All three has similar symptoms and the same complex of problems. The disorders affect the whole human being not just the physical body. Few studies have been focusing on peoples experiences of living with bowel movement problems. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to describe how people with bowel movement problems experienced their life situation. Method: The study was based on ten scientific articles in qualitative approach. Results: The study resulted in three main themes; the experience of the own suffering, the experience of the daily life and the experience of relations with eight subthemes. The result showed that people suffering from bowel movement problems as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and faecal incontinence experienced that their whole life situation was affected by the problems. The whole human being was affected psychological, emotional, physical and social. These people had to live a life full of daily restrictions. Conclusion: A life with bowel movement problems meant being involved in an everlasting fight, which they often fought alone. The result indicates that bowel movement problems are a hidden problem in the community and because of the silence many people does not get the help and support that they need.
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