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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estilo de vida saudável em São Paulo / Healthy lifestyle in Sao Paulo

Ferrari, Tatiane Kosimenko 18 September 2014 (has links)
Estudos epidemiológicos têm comprovado a associação que as doenças cardiovasculares mantêm com um conjunto relativamente pequeno de fatores de risco modificáveis, como o tabagismo, o consumo de álcool, a dieta inadequada e a inatividade física. Objetivos: Analisar o estilo de vida saudável e não saudável da população adolescente, adulta e idosa do município de São Paulo, de acordo com as variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas e com a quantidade e o tipo de domínios não cumpridos. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo transversal, de base populacional, realizado em 2008 e que utilizou dados do Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo (ISA-Capital 2008). As informações foram obtidas por meio de um questionário estruturado e entrevistas domiciliares realizadas por pessoas treinadas e supervisionadas durante toda a realização do inquérito. A população do estudo foi obtida por amostragem probabilística complexa, por conglomerados, em dois estágios: setores censitários e domicílios. Das 3271 pessoas entrevistadas, 1652 indivíduos adolescentes (1219; =15,3 anos), adultos (2059; =38,7 anos) e idosos (60 ou mais; =70,8 anos) de ambos os sexos possuíam dados de avaliação da atividade física, tabagismo, consumo alimentar, consumo abusivo e dependência de álcool. O estilo de vida foi determinado pela avaliação de cinco domínios: atividade física, consumo alimentar, tabagismo, consumo abusivo e dependência de álcool, de acordo com as respectivas recomendações. Os indivíduos foram classificados em: estilo de vida saudável ou não saudável. Aqueles classificados como não saudável também foram categorizados de acordo com a quantidade e o tipo de domínios não cumpridos. Foram calculadas as estimativas de prevalência e o teste qui-quadrado, com p<0,05. Resultados: A prevalência de estilo de vida saudável foi de 36,9 por cento entre os idosos, 15,4 por cento entre os adultos e 9,8 por cento entre os adolescentes (p=0,000). Entre os idosos (p=0,0001) e adultos (p=0,0015), o sexo feminino teve uma prevalência maior de estilo de vida saudável, quando comparado com o sexo masculino. Nos adultos, houve uma diferença na escolaridade em anos de estudo, sendo maior para 12 anos ou mais (p=0.0019); e na morbidade de 15 dias, sendo maior entre os que referiram morbidade (p=0,0006). Entre os indivíduos com estilo de vida não saudável, 51,5 por cento dos idosos, 32,2 por cento dos adultos e 57,9 por cento dos adolescentes não cumpriram um domínio, sendo que não atingiram a recomendação para uma dieta adequada. Conclusões: A prevalência de estilo de vida saudável foi maior entre os idosos, seguida pelos adultos e adolescentes. Entre os idosos e os adultos, o estilo de vida saudável foi maior no sexo feminino do que no sexo masculino. Em todas as faixas etárias, o consumo alimentar foi o principal domínio responsável pelo estilo de vida não saudável neste município, evidenciando a importância de estratégias de intervenção para a promoção do estilo de vida saudável e, principalmente, da dieta adequada. / Background: Epidemiological studies have confirmed the association that cardiovascular disease maintain with a relatively small cluster of modifiable risk factors, like smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet and physical inactivity. Objective: To analyze the healthy and unhealthy lifestyle of adolescents, adults and elderly population in São Paulo city, according to demographic and socioeconomic variables, and according to the number and type of no met domains. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study, population-based, conducted in 2008, which used data from the Health Survey of São Paulo (ISA Capital - 2008). The information was obtained through a structured questionnaire and household interviews conducted by trained and supervised people during the whole survey. The study population was obtained by complex probability sampling, by clusters, in two stages: census tracts and household. From 3271 surveyed people, 1652 adolescents (1219; =15.3 years), adults (2059; =38.7 years) and elderly (60 or more; =70.8 years) subjects of both sexes had data for assessment of physical activity, smoking, dietary intake, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. The lifestyle was determined by the valuation of five domains: physical activity, smoking, dietary intake, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence, according to the respective recommendations. The subjects were classified as healthy or unhealthy lifestyle. Those classified as unhealthy lifestyle were also categorized according to the number and type of no met domains. The prevalence estimates and the chi-square were calculated, with p<0.05. Results: The prevalence of healthy lifestyle was 36.9 per cent among the elderly, 15.4 per cent among the adults and 9.8 per cent among adolescents (p=0.000). Among the elderly (p=0.0001) and adults (p=0.0015), females had a higher prevalence of healthy lifestyle when compared with males. In adults, there was a difference in education in years of study, higher for 12 or more years (p=0.0019); and in morbidity of 15 days, higher among those who reported morbidity (p=0.0006). Among individuals with unhealthy lifestyle, 51.5 per cent of elderly, 32.2 per cent of adults, and 57.9 per cent of adolescents have not served one domain, which have not attained the recommendation for an adequate diet. Conclusions: The prevalence of healthy lifestyle was higher among elderly, followed by adults and adolescents. Among elderly and adults, the healthy lifestyle was higher in females than males. In all age groups, food intake was the main domain responsible for the unhealthy lifestyle in this city. It shows the importance of intervention strategies to promote healthy lifestyle and, especially, the proper diet.

Promoção da saúde cardiovascular a partir da representação de adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e prática de atividade física / Promoting cardiovascular health through the representation of adolescents on eating habits and physical activity practice

Ianeta, Luciana Maria Oliveira Fonseca 31 July 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos epidemiológicos demonstram que as doenças cardiovasculares e suas complicações estão associadas ao estilo de vida das pessoas. Há evidências de que o processo aterosclerótico se inicia na infância, e que sua prevenção pode ser mais efetiva se iniciada precocemente, com ações de educação em saúde que visem a promover a prática regular de atividade física e a mudança de hábitos alimentares. OBJETIVOS: Observação das representações dos adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e práticas de atividade física no contexto da promoção da saúde cardiovascular. Verificação d a exeqüibilidade das técnicas de ensino-aprendizagem baseadas em Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière, Prochaska e Di Clemente na reflexão com os adolescentes sobre a prevenção primária dos fatores de risco relacionados com essas representações. Testar a hipótese de que a presença da doença cardiovascular nos familiares têm influência nas representações observadas. MÉTODOS: Alunos da sétima série de uma escola pública de São Paulo foram levantados por meio de questionário epidemiológico para avaliar os riscos associados ao estilo de vida. Dois grupos diferentes de alunos, selecionados de acordo com a presença de doença cardiovascular nos pais, receberam a intervenção educativa em dinâmicas aplicadas no decorrer de 10 reuniões de grupo. RESULTADOS: A matriz de Prochaska e Di Clemente permitiu avaliar que a representação dos temas de alimentação e atividade física foi modificada nos dois grupos, que passaram do estágio de pré-contemplação para contemplação; no entanto, dez reuniões não foram suficientes para os grupos se manterem no estágio de preparação para mudança, oscilando com o estágio de contemplação. A análise feita pela matriz de Pichon- Rivière demonstra que o aprendizado do grupo sem história familiar aparece de forma clara como conhecimento construído sobre os temas propostos, enquanto o grupo com história familiar possui conhecimento pré-existente, e adquire novos conceitos de maneira mais lenta. Justificando as diferentes formas de abordagem aplicadas às atividades dos grupos no presente trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção por meio de grupos educativos baseados em Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière e Prochaska e Di Clemente se mostrou útil para observar as representações dos adolescentes sobre hábitos alimentares e práticas de atividade física no contexto da promoção da saúde cardiovascular. Durante as atividades dos grupos educativos foi possível avaliar a informação pré-existente, como também, estabelecer com eles um diálogo construtivo para a prevenção primária dos fatores de risco relacionados com essas representações. / INTRODUCTION: Epidemiologic studies demonstrated that the cardiovascular disease and its complications are associated with people\'s life style. There are evidences that the atherosclerotic process begins in infancy and that its prevention can be more effective if it is precociously started by taking educative actions concerning health, which aim at promoting regular physical activity practice and the change of eating habits. OBJECTIVE: Observe the adolescents\' representations on eating habits and physical activities practices to promote cardiovascular health. Verify the techniques applied in the teaching - learning process, based on Paulo Freire, Pichon- Rivière, Prochaska and Di Clemente and together with the adolescents reflect on the primary prevention of the risks related to these representations. Test the hypothesis that the presence of the cardiovascular disease in the family influences in the representations observed. METHODS: Students of the 7th. grade of a public elementary school of São Paulo were surveyed by means of an epidemiologic questionnaire to evaluate the risks associated with their life style. Two different groups of students, chosen according to the presence of cardiovascular disease in their parents were followed during ten sections, when educative dynamics were applied. RESULTS: Prochaska and Di Clemente\'s matrix enabled the evaluation of the representations related to eating and physical activity. The representations were modified in both groups, which changed from pre- contemplation stage to contemplation stage. However, the ten group meetings were not enough for the groups to keep in the stage of preparation for the change, oscillating to the stage of contemplation. The analyses made by Pichon-Rivière?s matrix demonstrates that the learning process in the group which belongs to a family with no risk of cardiovascular disease presents a clear constructed knowledge on the proposed themes, whereas the group belonging to families under such risks has a pre- existing knowledge and acquires new concepts more slowly, justifying the different approaches applied to the activities of the groups in this study. CONCLUSION: The intervention by means of educative groups based on Paulo Freire, Pichon-Rivière, Prochaska and Di Clemente was useful to observe the representations of the adolescents on eating habits and physical activities practices to promote cardiovascular health. During the activities of the educative groups it was possible to evaluate the adolescents pre-existing information as well as establish a constructive dialogue for a primary prevention of the risk factors related to these representations.

Associação entre deficiência auditiva, estilo de vida e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis autorreferidas no Brasil : dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde, 2013

Soares, Midiany de Oliveira January 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Mais de 5% da população mundial - 360 milhões de pessoas - tem surdez incapacitante, já as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis são responsáveis por 38 milhões de mortes por ano e vem aumentando sua prevalência na população adulta. Já é sabido que as doenças crônicas e a perda auditiva estão associadas a aspectos ligados ao estilo de vida, como tabagismo, etilismo, exposições laborais, entre outros. OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre a deficiência auditiva, estilo de vida e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis autorreferidas em adultos no Brasil. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal baseado nos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde de 2013. A amostragem foi feita por conglomerados de três estágios, sendo os setores censitários a unidade primária, os domicílios as unidades secundárias e um morador adulto (maior ou igual a 18 anos) selecionado de cada domicílio como unidade terciária. Os domicílios e os moradores foram selecionados por amostragem aleatória simples. A população-alvo foi constituída por moradores adultos, residentes em domicílios particulares de todo o território nacional. Foram realizadas 60.202 entrevistas individuais com o morador selecionado no domicílio. O desfecho foi obtido através da pergunta: “O Senhor (a) tem deficiência auditiva?”. As variáveis foram descritas por frequências absolutas e relativas. A estimação do parâmetro populacional foi realizada a partir do intervalo de 95% de confiança. Os dados foram ponderados utilizando-se peso amostral. A medida de efeito calculada foi a Razão de Prevalências (RP) obtida a partir dos modelos de Regressão de Poisson com variância robusta univariável e multivariável. As variáveis que apresentaram valor de p<0,20 na análise univariável foram selecionadas para permanecer na análise multivariável. O modelo multivariável foi construído de forma hierárquica considerando a proximidade dos fatores com o desfecho em estudo. O critério para a permanência da variável no modelo subsequente foi de que a mesma apresentasse um valor p<0,10 no seu bloco. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de deficiência auditiva foi 2,4% (IC95% 2,3-2,6), de diabetes 6,0% (IC95% 5,9-6,2), de hipertensão arterial 20,8% (IC95% 20,4-21,1), de colesterol alto 12,1% (IC95% 11,9-12,4) e de AVC 1,6% (IC95% 1,5-1,7). A deficiência auditiva foi maior no sexo masculino 2,9% (IC95% 2,7-3,1), na faixa etária com mais de 75 anos, 13,5% (IC95% 12,3-14,8), em quem se autodeclarada de cor de pele ou raça branca, 2,9% (IC95% 2,7-3,1) e em quem tem nível de escolaridade até o ensino fundamental incompleto, 6,1% (IC95% 5,6-6,7). Na análise multivariável, obteve-se um modelo final com as variáveis sociodemográficas, tabaco e exposição ocupacional onde a associação entre deficiência auditiva e doenças crônicas não transmissíveis mostrou-se significativa. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de deficiência auditiva em adultos no Brasil é de 2,4%. Essa deficiência foi mais prevalente em homens, grupos com idade avançada e baixa escolaridade. Adultos tabagistas, diabéticos, hipertensos, com colesterol alto e com histórico de AVC, bem como com exposição ocupacional para deficiência auditiva apresentam maior risco de perda de audição. A compreensão dos fatores de risco etiológicos relacionados à deficiência auditiva redundará em ações mais direcionadas para populações adscritas, resultando em melhor aplicação dos recursos em saúde pública e contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas para a prevenção da deficiência auditiva. / INTRODUCTION: More than 5% of the world's population - 360 million people - have incapacitating deafness, since chronic noncommunicable diseases account for 38 million deaths annually and have been increasing in the adult population. It is already known that chronic diseases and hearing loss are associated with aspects related to lifestyle, such as smoking, alcoholism, occupational exposures, among others. OBJECTIVE: To verify the association between hearing loss, lifestyle and self - reported non - transmissible chronic diseases in adults in Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study based on data from the National Health Survey of 2013. Sampling was done by three-stage clusters, census tracts being the primary unit, households secondary units and an adult (18 years or older) selected from each household as a tertiary unit. Households and residents were selected by simple random sampling. The target population consisted of adult residents living in private homes throughout the country. A total of 60.202 individual interviews were conducted with the resident selected at home. The outcome was obtained through the question: "Do you have a hearing impairment?". The variables were described by absolute and relative frequencies. The population parameter was estimated from the 95% confidence interval. The data were weighted using sample weight. The calculated effect measure was the Prevalence Ratio (RP) obtained from the Poisson Regression models with robust univariate and multivariate variance. The variables that presented p value <0.20 in the univariate analysis were selected to remain in the multivariable analysis. The multivariate model was constructed hierarchically considering the proximity of the factors with the outcome under study. The criterion for the permanence of the variable in the subsequent model was that it presented a p value <0.10 in its block. The level of significance was 5% (p <0.05). RESULTS: The prevalence of hearing loss was 2.4% (CI95% 2.3-2.6), diabetes 6.0% (CI95% 5.9-6.2), arterial hypertension 20.8% (CI95% 20.4-21.1), high cholesterol 12.1% (CI95% 11.9-12.4) and stroke 1.6% (CI95% 1.5-1.7). Hearing impairment was greater in males 2.9% (CI95% 2.7-3.1), in the age group older than 75 years, 13.5% (CI95% 12.3-14.8), in (CI95% 2.7-3.1), and in those with a level of schooling up to incomplete primary education, 6.1% (CI95% 5.6% 6,7). In the multivariate analysis, a final model was obtained with sociodemographic, tobacco and occupational exposure variables, where the association between hearing loss and chronic non-communicable diseases was significant. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of hearing impairment in adults in Brazil is 2.4%. This deficiency was more prevalent in men, older age groups and low schooling. Adult smokers, diabetics, hypertensives, high cholesterol and a history of stroke, as well as occupational exposure to hearing impairment present a higher risk of hearing loss. The understanding of etiological risk factors related to hearing impairment will result in more targeted actions for ascribed populations, resulting in a better application of resources in public health and contributing to the development of public policies for the prevention of hearing impairment.

The associations between obesity, dietary intake, lifestyle factors and immune status in newly diagnosed female breast cancer patients in Hong Kong.

January 2004 (has links)
Tse Man. / Accompanying booklet titled: Dietary assessment food portion booklet. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-122). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii / Abstract (Chinese version) --- p.iv / Table of contents --- p.vi / List of figures --- p.x / List of tables --- p.xi / List of abbreviations --- p.xiv / Chapter Chapter one: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Breast cancer trends in Hong Kong --- p.1 / Risk factors for breast cancer occurrence --- p.4 / "Body weight, obesity, hormones and breast cancer" --- p.4 / Evidence for postmenopausal women --- p.4 / Evidence for premenopausal women --- p.6 / Hormones and breast cancer --- p.7 / Dietary factors: Foods and nutrients --- p.11 / Animal foods and fats --- p.11 / Dietary fats --- p.13 / Other animal foods --- p.14 / Fruit and vegetable intakes --- p.14 / Positive family history --- p.15 / Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking --- p.15 / Physical Activity --- p.17 / "Cancer, obesity and immunity" --- p.17 / Aims and scope of the study --- p.19 / Chapter Chapter two: --- Methodology --- p.22 / Questionnaires and their derivation --- p.22 / Literature derivation of the questionnaires --- p.22 / Pretest of the questionnaires --- p.25 / Research ethics --- p.26 / Subject recruitment --- p.26 / Anthropometric measurements --- p.27 / Interviews --- p.28 / First interview --- p.28 / Second and third telephone interviews --- p.29 / Immunoassays --- p.30 / Materials for immunoassays --- p.30 / Immunophenotyping of cells --- p.30 / MultiTEST´ёØ four-color direct immunofluorescence reagent kit --- p.32 / Human tumor neurosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) Quantikine® high sensitivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit --- p.33 / Methods for immunoassays --- p.33 / Flow cytometric analysis --- p.34 / TNF-α Quantikine® high sensitivity ELISA assay --- p.35 / Data management --- p.35 / Statistical methods --- p.35 / Data analysis --- p.36 / Dietary analysis --- p.36 / Definition of weight status --- p.37 / Measurements of immune cell levels --- p.37 / Chapter Chapter three: --- Results --- p.39 / Participation rate --- p.39 / Characteristics of the patients --- p.40 / Demographics --- p.40 / Pregnancy and breast-feeding experiences --- p.42 / Medical history --- p.43 / Body weight and obesity status --- p.45 / Dietary patterns --- p.46 / Fat and oil removal habit when eating meat and poultry --- p.46 / Perceived fat consumption --- p.46 / Eating out habits --- p.47 / Vegetarian diet adoption and food allergy or intolerance --- p.48 / Cooking methods --- p.48 / Alcohol consumption and supplementation habits --- p.50 / Preferences and perceived amounts of consumption on food groups --- p.51 / Cooking oils used at home --- p.52 / Nutrient intake patterns from dietary recalls --- p.53 / Soy intakes --- p.55 / Meal locations --- p.55 / Energy intakes by weight status --- p.56 / Food group intakes by FFQ --- p.57 / Food items not covered by FFQ --- p.62 / Top ten fat and fiber contributors by FFQ --- p.63 / Daily fruit and vegetable intakes by FFQ and 3 days' dietary recalls --- p.64 / Correlation of FFQ and 3 days' dietary recalls by food group intakes --- p.64 / Correlation of FFQ and 3 days' dietary recalls by fat and fiber intakes --- p.65 / Fat and fiber intakes by weight status --- p.66 / Other lifestyle patterns --- p.68 / Exercise participation and smoking habits --- p.68 / Daily activities' participation by weight status --- p.69 / Immune status / Overview of general immune cell levels --- p.71 / Immune status and BMI weight grouping --- p.72 / Immune status and overweight --- p.74 / Immune status and percent body fat --- p.76 / Immune status and waist-hip ratio --- p.77 / "Weight status, adiposity and immune status: summary" --- p.78 / Immune status and protein intakes --- p.82 / Immune status and fat intakes --- p.83 / Immune status and fiber intake --- p.84 / Immune status and vitamin C intake --- p.85 / Immune status and menopausal status --- p.86 / Chapter Chapter four: --- Discussion / Implications of findings --- p.88 / Interpreting the Immune status of the subjects --- p.88 / Lymphocyte and NK cell levels --- p.89 / Regulatory T cell (Treg) levels --- p.89 / TNF-α levels --- p.90 / Immune status and nutrient intakes --- p.90 / Typical dietary patterns of the subjects --- p.91 / Physical activity patterns --- p.94 / Weight status --- p.95 / "Subjects' fat, fiber intakes and anthropometric measurements compared to previous research" --- p.96 / Limitations of the study --- p.96 / Future directions of research --- p.98 / Chapter Chapter five: --- Conclusion --- p.99 / References --- p.101 / Appendices --- p.123 / Chapter A1 --- Questionnaire (Chinese version) --- p.123 / Chapter A2 --- Questionnaire (English version) --- p.138 / Chapter B1 --- Food frequency questionnaire (Chinese version) --- p.153 / Chapter B2 --- Food frequency questionnaire (English version) --- p.156 / Chapter C --- Dietary assessment food portion booklet --- p.160 / Chapter D1 --- 3 days dietary recall questionnaire (Chinese version) --- p.161 / Chapter D2 --- 3 days dietary recall questionnaire (English version) --- p.174 / Chapter El --- Consent form (Chinese version) --- p.187 / Chapter E2 --- Consent form (English version) --- p.189 / Chapter F --- Results of patient invitation to participate during recruitment period --- p.191

Impacto da mudança de estilo de vida no perfil pró-aterosclerótico em crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade / Impact of life style changing in the pro-atherosclerotic profile in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity

Costa, Geodete Batista 08 January 2007 (has links)
Esta tese foi motivada por uma pesquisa anterior (COSTA, G.B. Relevância da obesidade para o incremento do risco cardiovascular global na criança e no adolescente. Aracaju, 2002. 109p. Dissertação (Mestrado) - UFS, na qual se caracterizou o perfil pró-aterosclerótico. Na pesquisa atual realizou-se um ensaio clínico controlado em 52 indivíduos, entre 10 e 18 anos, todos com o percentil do IMC > 85%, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo IR, que recebeu intervenção não-farmacológica multidisciplinar por 16 semanas consecutivas e Grupo IU que recebeu uma única intervenção não-farmacológica. Não houve diferenças estatísticas em relação a: idade, raça e gênero. Na análise multivariada verificou-se interação significativa para grupo x tempo (p<0,05) para as seguintes variáveis: peso (p<0,0001), altura (p=0,0083), índice de massa corpórea (p=0,0053), %GC (p=0,0022), circunferência da cintura (p=0,0359), pressão arterial sistólica (p=0,0021), pressão arterial diastólica (p=0,0004), triglicérides (p=0,029), Apo A-1 (p=0,001), glicemia em jejum (p=0,018), IGFBP-3 (p=0,005), TSH (p=0,045) e testosterona total (p=0,030). Não se verificou interação significativa para grupo x tempo (p<0,05) para as seguintes variáveis: freqüência cardíaca(bpm) (p=0,6809), colesterol total(mg/dL) (p=0,445), HDL-C(mg/dL) (p=0,726), LDL-C(mg/dL) (p=0,926), Apo B(mg/dL) (p=0,069), insulina(uU/mL) (p=0,866), HOMA-ir (p=0,088), IGF-1(nanog/mL) (p=0,424), cortisol sérico(mcg/mL) (p=0,175), PCR-us(mg/mL) (p=0,594) e estradiol(picog/mL) (p=0,507). Observou-se uma baixa incidência das variáveis depressão (23,0%), ansiedade (15,4%) e compulsão alimentar (13,5%) na população estudada. Não se obteve dados estatísticos em relação à nutrição nem ao condicionamento físico, uma vez que os mesmos tiveram papel educativo no presente estudo. / This hypothesis was developed by reason of another research (COSTA G.B. Importance of the obesity increasing cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents. Aracaju, 2002. 109p.), in which pro-atherosclerotic profile was determined. At this current survey a controlled clinical trial was performed in fifty-two subjects, aged 10 to 18 years, all of them with IMC percentile > 85% and divided in two groups: Group IR, which received non-pharmacological multidisciplinary interventions for sixteen weeks and Group IU, which received only one intervention. There were no statistical differences in relation to: age, race and gender. There was significant interaction group x time (p<0,05) for: weight(Kg) (p<0,0001), height(m) (p=0,0083), body mass index(Kg/m2) (p=0,0053), percentage of body fat(%) (p=0,0022), waist circumference(cm) (p=0,0359), systolic blood pressure(mm Hg) (p=0,0021), diastolic blood pressure( mm Hg) (p=0,0004), TG(mg/dL) (p=0,029), Apo A-1(mg/dL) (p=0,001), fasting glucose(mg/dL) (p=0,018), IGFBP-3(mcg/mL) (p=0,005), TSH(uUi/mL) (p=0,045) and total testosterone(ng/mL) (p=0,030). However, there was not significant interaction group x time (P<0,05) for: heart rate (bpm) (p=0,6809), total cholesterol(mg/dL) (p=0,445), HDL-C(mg/dL) (p=0,726), LDL-C(mg/dL) (p=0,926), Apo B(mg/dL) (p=0,069), insuline(uU/mL) (p=0,866), HOMA-ir (p=0,088), IGF-1(nanog/mL) (p=0,424), cortisol(mcg/mL) (p=0,175), PCR-us(mg/mL) and estradiol(picog/mL) (p=0,507). There was low incidence of depression (23,0%), anxiety(15,4%) and alimentary compulsion(13,5%) on whole studied population. In regarding to nutrition and exercise, there are no statistic data because the aim was the education.

Capacidade funcional, atividades de vida diária, atividade física, estilo de vida e deterioração cognitiva de pessoas com Síndrome de Down maiores de 20 anos / Functional capacity, Activities of Daily Living, Physical Activity, Lifestyles and Deterioration Cognitive people with higher Down Syndrome 20 Years.

Silveira, Jennifer Rodrigues 25 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Anelise Milech (anelisemilech@gmail.com) on 2017-11-07T13:44:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Jennifer Rodrigues Silveira.pdf: 1408769 bytes, checksum: 47d2f27d1597cd5156c8542574ab85c2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-01-02T13:20:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Jennifer Rodrigues Silveira.pdf: 1408769 bytes, checksum: 47d2f27d1597cd5156c8542574ab85c2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-01-02T13:21:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Jennifer Rodrigues Silveira.pdf: 1408769 bytes, checksum: 47d2f27d1597cd5156c8542574ab85c2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-02T13:22:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Jennifer Rodrigues Silveira.pdf: 1408769 bytes, checksum: 47d2f27d1597cd5156c8542574ab85c2 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-25 / O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se existe associação entre a capacidade funcional e os níveis de atividade física, deterioração cognitiva, e atividades de vida diária, em pessoas com Síndrome de Down maiores de 20 anos. A amostra foi composta por 32 indivíduos moradores da zona urbana e rural da cidade de Pelotas/RS. O estudo prevê a avaliação das capacidades funcionais (CF), das atividades de vida diária (AVD), dos níveis de atividade física (AF), deterioração cognitiva (DC) e questões referentes ao estilo de vida. Para análise estatística foram empregados recursos da estatística descritiva. Para as associações o teste do qui-quadrado e Análise de Variância Univariada (ANOVA). Regressão linear para verificar a variabilidade da CF. Foi adotado um nível de significância de 5% e os dados foram tratados no programa SPSS 22. Fizeram parte do estudo 17 (53%) homens e 15 (46,9%) mulheres, com media de idade de 30,94 anos. Encontrou-se 62,6% (N=20) no nível de obesidade. Foram considerados independentes 37,5% (N=11), parcialmente dependentes 34,4% (N=11) e 28,1% (N=9) classificados como dependentes. Cerca de dois terços da amostra foi classificado com baixa e média CF. Dos estudados 75% (N=24) e 70,8% foram considerados inativos no lazer (questionário) e na AF total (acelerômetro) respectivamente. Em média 12 horas do dia são ocupadas com atividade sedentárias. Verificou-se associação significativa entre ter alta CF para o teste de 800 metros e ser ativo. Encontrouse 78,1% (N=25) dos estudados com maior deterioração cognitiva (DC). A menor DC foi associada a melhores resultados de CF para o teste de sentar e deslocar (p=0,04) habilidades manuais (p=0,02) e levantar-se do solo (p=0,03). Na ANOVA a idade (p=0,04) dos 31-40, ser ativo no lazer (p=0,03) e ser ativo na AF total (p=0,03) foram associadas a melhores resultados do teste de 800 metros. Possuir maiores níveis de AF total (p=0,03), maior independência nas AVDs (p=0,04) e menor DC foram associadas com melhores resultados no teste de sentar e deslocar e maior DC (p=0,03) com resultados inferiores no teste de habilidades manuais. Na regressão linear percebeu-se que as variáveis do G1 (grupo 1) (AF lazer, sexo, idade, DC, doenças associadas, IMC, NSE e AVD total) explicam de forma mais consistente a variabilidade das variáveis de CF. Nota-se um aumento no poder aquisitivo, nos níveis de alfabetização e nas oportunidades de emprego. Foram encontradas poucas associações da AF com AVD e CF. Entende-se com os resultados apresentados que, não é apenas pela condição física associada à SD, mas sim em relação às variáveis de estilo de vida e DC que explicam a variabilidade dos resultados CF. / The present study aims to verify the existence of associations between functional capacity and physical activity levels, cognitive deterioration, and daily life activities in people older than 20 years with Down syndrome. The sample was made up of 32 individuals from the urban and rural areas of Pelotas/RS. The study provides an assessment of functional capacity (FC), daily life activities (DLA), levels of physical activity (PA), cognitive deterioration (CD) and issues related to life style. Descriptive statistical resources were used for statistical analysis. Chi-square test and Univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for associations. Linear Regression was used to verify FC variability. A significance level of 5% was adopted and data were treated using the SPSS 22 program. The sample was made up 17 (53%) men and 15 (46,9%) women with an average age of 30.94 years. It was found 62.6% (N=20) at an obesity level, 37,5% (N=11) were considered independent, 34.4% (N=11) partly dependent and 28.1% (N=9) dependent. Around two thirds of the sample was classified at a low and average FC. From the studies, 75% (N=24) and 70.8% were considered inactive at leisure time (questionnaire) and at total PA (accelerometer) respectively. In average, 12 hours a day are used with sedentary activities. A significant association between high FC for the 800meter test and being active was verified. A higher cognitive deterioration was found in 78.1% (N=25) of the participants. The lower CD was associated to the best FC results for the sitting and dislocation test (p=0.04) manual abilities (p=0.02) and standing up from the floor (p=0.03). In ANOVA, age (p=0.04) of 31-40, being active at leisure time (p=0.03) and active at total PA (p=0.03) were associated to the best results in the 800-meter test. Having higher levels of total PA (p=0.03), more independence in DLAs (p=0.04) and lower CD were associated to the best results at the sitting and dislocation tests and higher CD(p=0.03) to lower results in the manual ability test. It was noticed, in the linear regression, that the G1 variables (group 1) (PA at leisure time, sex, age, CD, associated diseases, BMI, NSE and total DLA) explained more consistently the variability of the FC variables. One may notice an increase in buying power, literacy levels and job opportunities. Few associations were found between PA, DLA and FC. The results show that not only physical conditions associated to DS but also variables related to life style and CD explain the variability of the FC results.

Faktori koji utiču na postignute vrednosti krvnog pritiska osoba sa dijagnostikovanom arterijskom hipertenzijom na nivou primarne zdravstvene zaštite / Factors affecting blood pressure in people diagnosed with hypertension in primary health care

Ninković Mrđenovački Olivera 28 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Uvod. Kardiovaskularne bolesti kao deo grupe hroničnih nezaraznih bolesti predstavljale su i predstavljaju vodeći uzrok obolevanja i umiranja u svetu. Brojni naučni dokazi potvrđuju da je arterijska hipertenzija glavni kardiovaskularni faktor rizika, a da postignute vrednosti krvnog pritiska niže od 140/90mmHg značajno smanjuju kardiovaskularni rizik, odnosno pojavu kardiovaskularnih događaja, prvenstveno infarkta miokarda i moždanog udara. Arterijska hipertenzija je najzastupljenije stanje koje se viđa u ustanovama primarne zdravstvene za&scaron;tite, a mere prevencije, rano dijagnostikovanje, lečenje i kontrola arterijske hipertenzije predstavljaju javno-zdravstveni izazov u svim zemljama sveta. Ciljevi. Ciljevi istraživanja su utvrđivanje prevalencije arterijske hipertenzije koja je pod kontrolom; utvrđivanje prevalencije i povezanosti metaboličkih faktora sa ishodom u kontroli krvnog pritiska; utvrđivanje prevalencije i povezanosti nezdravih stilova života sa ishodom u kontroli krvnog pritiska; utvrđivanje prediktora lo&scaron;e kontrole krvnog pritiska i izračunavanje 10-godi&scaron;enjeg kardivaskularnog rizika. Metode. U studiju preseka (prevalencije) uključeno je 373 ispitanika oba pola starosti od 45 do 75 godina sa dijagnozom arterijske hipertenzije u kartonu koji su u periodu od oktobra 2015. godine do februara 2016. godine dolazili kod svog izabranog lekara. Prikupljanje podataka obavljeno je merenjem krvnog pritiska, antropometrijskim merenjima, biohemijskim analizama i anketiranjem popunjavanjem upitnika. Rezultati. Uzorak ispitanika je činilo 55% žena i 45% mu&scaron;karaca prosečne starosti 59&plusmn;6,3 godine. Utvrđena je niska učestalost arterijske hipertenzije pod kontrolom od 39,1%, a visoka učestalost metaboličkih faktora (44,5% predgojaznosti, 34% gojaznosti, 29% &scaron;ećerne bolesti, 88,2% povi&scaron;enih masnoća i 41,8% metaboličkog sindroma) kao i njihova povezanost sa ishodom u kontroli krvnog pritiska jer su ispitanici sa nekontrolisanim krvnim pritiskom najče&scaron;će imali dva faktora rizika (40,5%), dok su ispitanici sa kontrolisanim krvnim pritiskom najče&scaron;će imali jedan faktor rizika (45,9%). Utvrđeno je da su prosečne vrednosti sistolnog, dijastolnog pritiska i pulsa bile značajno (p&lt;0,001) niže u grupi sa kontrolisanim pritiskom kao i da su ispitanici sa nekontrolisanim pritiskom imali značajno veći obim struka (p=0,006), metabolički sindrom (p&lt;0,001) i značajno če&scaron;će pili veći broj lekova (p&lt;0,001). Utvrđena je visoka učestalost pu&scaron;enja (26,3%) i visoka učestalost sedentarnog načina života (76,7%) kao i da znanja, stavovi i pona&scaron;anja ispitanika u vezi faktora rizika (pu&scaron;enja, konzumiranja alkohola, fizičke neaktvnosti i prekomerne upotrebe soli) nisu na zadovoljavajućem nivou. Kao nezavisni prediktori arterijske hipertenzije koja nije pod kontrolom dobijeni su obim struka, telesna masa, indeks telesne mase, starost, vrednost pulsa, broj lekova koje ispitanici piju, pasivno pu&scaron;enje, nesvesnost o postojanju arterijske hipertenzije, neznanje o &scaron;tetnosti konzumiranja prekomerne količine alkohola, nepreležan infarkt miokarda i moždani udar. Izračunato je da je u visokom i veoma visokom riziku od neželjenih kardiovaskularnih događaja u desetogodi&scaron;njem periodu 2,7% ispitanika sa arterijskom hipertenzijom bez dijabetesa i 22,2% hipertenzivnih ispitanika sa dijabetesom. Zaključak. Potrebno je sprovođenje javno-zdravstveno vaspitnih i promotivnih aktivnosti u cilju povećanja znanja, promene stavova i pona&scaron;anja kod populacije sa arterijskom hipertenzijom usled lo&scaron;e kontrole krvnog pritiska i prisustva visoke učestalosti pridruženih faktora rizika koji utiču na njegovu kontrolu.</p> / <p>Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases, as part of a group of chronic noncommunicable diseases, have been and still are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. Numerous scientific proofs confirm that arterial hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor and that the achieved blood pressure values lower than 140/90mmHg significantly reduce cardio-vascular risk, or the appearance of cardio-vascular events, mainly myocardial infarction and stroke. Arterial hypertension is the most common condition that is seen in primary health care institutions and preventive measures, early diagnosis, treatment and control of arterial hypertension are a public health challenge in all countries of the world. Objectives. The objectives of the research were to determine the prevalence of arterial hypertension which is controlled; to determine the prevalence and correlation of the metabolic factors with the outcome in blood pressure control; to determine the prevalence and correlation of unhealthy lifestyles with the outcome in blood pressure control; to determine the predictors of poor blood pressure control and calculate a 10-year cardiovascular risk. Methods. The cross-sectional study (of prevalence) included 373 respondents of both sexes aged 45 to 75 years diagnosed with arterial hypertension who in the period from October 2015 to February 2016 visited their chosen doctor. Data collection was performed by measuring blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, biochemical analyses and surveying by filling out a questionnaire. Results. The sample consisted of 55% women and 45% men, of mean age of 59&plusmn;6.3 years. The results showed low incidence of arterial hypertension under control of 39.1%, and high incidence of metabolic factors (44.5% of overweight, 34% of obesity, 29% of diabetes mellitus, 88.2% of elevated fat and 41.8% of the metabolic syndrome) as well as their association with the outcome in blood pressure control as the respondents with uncontrolled blood pressure usually had two risk factors (40.5%), while the group with controlled blood pressure usually had one risk factor (45.9%). It was found that the average values of systolic, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate were significantly (p&lt;0.001) lower in the group with controlled blood pressure, as well as that the respondents with uncontrolled pressure had a significantly greater waist circumference (p=0.006), the metabolic syndrome (p&lt;0.001) and more often drunk greater number of medicines (p&lt;0.001). There was a high prevalence of smoking (26.3%) and a high incidence of sedentary lifestyle (76.7%) and it was found that knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of the respondents related to risk factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and excessive use of salt) were not satisfactory. As independent predictors of arterial hypertension which was not under the control, the study obtained waist circumference, body weight, body mass index, age, heart rate value, the number of medicines that the respondents drunk, second-hand smoking, unawareness of the existence of arterial hypertension, inexperience on the harmful effects of excessive amounts of alcohol, not overcome myocardial infarction and stroke. It was calculated that 22.2% of hypertensive respondents with diabetes and 2.7% of respondents with arterial hypertension without diabetes were in the high and very high risk of adverse&nbsp; Conclusion. It is necessary to implement public-health educational and promotional activities in order to increase the knowledge, changes in the attitudes and behavior of the population with arterial hypertension due to the poor control of blood pressure and the presence of the high incidence of associated risk factors affecting its control.</p>

Faktory ovlivňující postoje žáků 2. stupně ZŠ ke zdravému životnímu stylu / Factors influencing pupils' attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle

Kubíková, Martina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with attitudes of 2nd grade primary school pupils to a healthy lifestyle. Trying to answer the question Which of the factors offered are the most interesting for this target group and therefore the most motivating? Work and unveiling personal and social lives and their views on human health today. The research tool is a questionnaire on two different and independent schools. It goes through a deeper probe in to the viewer level and at the same time reveals their everyday leisure habits. At the end of the thesis, an alternative offer of educational activities is proposed, which can complement the upcoming offer that is currently being implemented in schools. KEYWORDS Healthy, life style, family, movement habits, school environment, media pressure, free time activities

臺灣地區家庭低涉入產品之市場區隔研究-以家庭食用油為例 / Market segmentation study by hosuehold's low involvement product in Taiwan

魏淑玲, Wei, Su-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以市場規模近百億元的家庭食用油為探討產品。家庭食用油為品牌間產品差異性低、低關心度之家庭日常烹飪用品。本研究的主要研究目的為:1. 探討家庭食用油市場之消費者行為,2. 將食用油市場以適當區隔變數劃分成有不同市場特性及外顯行為的數個區隔,3. 探討各區隔市場的特徵及消費行為。研究對象為臺北縣市、臺中縣市、高雄縣市30~49歲家庭食用油購買者或主膳者。 本研究以生活型態╱產品利益混合變數為區隔變數,以產品態度、人口特徵、地理變數、行為變數(使用者、使用者狀況、使用頻率、使用量、忠誠度) 等為描述變數。整合次級資料及經由焦點團體研究所得之初級資料發展問卷,以配額抽樣的方法至各指定賣場進行問卷調查。以因素分析由54個變數萃取出10個生活型態/產品利益因素,再以非層次集群分析法將樣本區隔為三個區隔。 三個區隔分別為:「健康賢妻」共 157人佔 樣本之39%,「保守經濟」共 74人佔樣本之18%,「認真生活」共 173人佔樣本之43%。除年齡在各區隔間無顯著差異外,其他描述變數在區隔間皆有顯著差異。健康賢妻:平均家庭生命週期最年輕,是最大的潛在市場,十分注重食用油的健康因素,甚至連烹飪方式亦傾向於低油脂的方式。保守經濟:生活態度保守,會在其認識的品牌當中選擇價格較便宜的食用油購買,忠誠度低,以食用油的市場來看,此區隔的消費量最小。認真生活:此區隔中48%的受訪者其家庭生命週期為滿巢二期,食用油的消費量最大,對食用油或日用品會嚐試不同的品牌,其對食用油的知識可能來自廣告、報章雜誌、口碑。本研究推論影響食用油的最大變數為家庭生命週期。

Att bli miljömedveten : Perspektiv på miljöhandbokens textvärld

Adenling, Elinor January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation is the study of environmental consciousness as a discursive educational project. The empirical material consist of 18 environmental handbooks that have been published in Sweden during the years 1976-2007 of which 13 appeared between 1988 and 1995. The research work uses the basic assumptions of discourse analysis, namely that language is an important factor in the construction and development of social norms and values. Three areas recieve close attention: questions relating to the form and content of the handbooks, questions relating to the social circumstances in which the handbooks were produced and questions relating to the overall educational significance of the handbooks. In the first instance, the handbooks are examined in the light of three different contextual stories. They can be read as part of wider discussions of environmentally-concsious life-styles, as a development of earlier Swedish discussions about domesticity, health, thrift and consumption, and, finally they can be read as an expression of a narrative about a dominant aspect of modernity – science. The second part of the research work comprises an examination of the handbooks in terms of their audience and educational purpose. What kind of individual is to be shaped by these handbooks? What is anticipated as the desired or ideal environmentalist? Discourse analysis suggests that, collectively, the handbooks project an image of somone who displays qualities of motivation, investigation and judgement. They should be motivated to begin a process of change in their lives, to encourage others to do the same, and to adopt the environmental problems as their own personal problems. The second quality pursued in the handbooks is of someone who should take an active stance towards the environment as a pervasive element in their way of life. They should, therefore, adopt an investigative attitude to the surrounding world, cultivate certain cognitive properties such as watchfulness, thoughtfulness and being suspicious, and constantly ask questions about their surroundings with a view to understanding how actions in their private world has an effect on the wider world. And thirdly, the ideal environmentalist citizen should be someone who demonstrates judgement in balancing polarities and resolving the claims of different standpoints. They should give attention to separating right from wrong, wisdom from madness and, above all, to finding a way of linking their own efforts to what is worth striving for and what is worth avoiding or neglecting. In summary, the subjects identified in the handbooks are expected to avoid extreme positions, to place their own expectations about sustainability on a suitable level, and to be prepared for failure and feelings of guilt. The final part of the investigation – interpreting the wider significance of the handbooks – uses a pluralistic model of analysis which takes its departure from three concepts – ecological modernisation, governmentality and the risk society. Using these orientations, the extent of the discursive educational project of the environmental handbooks is highlighted. If the handbooks are regarded as modernist prescriptions, they are texts which highlights slow and careful change taking place within the present power structure of society. If they are regarded as texts that offer a governmentality prescription, they can be read as texts which promote the transformation of everyday micropractices. And if they are regarded as prescriptions for a risk society, they are texts which enable readers to come to terms with confusion and powerlessness in a complex and risky social context. One main result is that the environmental handbooks display interesting similarities, worthy of futher exploration, supported by a broadened empirical base.

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