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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What do We Teach When We Teach Literature? High School Literature Textbooks and the Study of Literature in the United States, 1960-2020

Fox, Elizabeth January 2023 (has links)
Literature textbooks have been used in English classes, particularly in underresourced schools, since the late 1800s. Since then, literature textbooks have been the de facto literary studies curriculum for most high school students. Practitioners and researchers in the field of literary studies at the secondary level do not have an account of how the questions central to literary studies have been addressed by the publishers of high school literature textbooks since the 1960s. I selected six widely adopted tenth-grade literature textbooks and their accompanying teacher’s editions from three generations (the 1960s, 1990s, and 2020s) and analyzed the texts and authors, organization, and instructional apparatus in the student editions and the teaching materials in the teacher’s editions. I used the data to identify the types of literary texts, author characteristics, knowledge emphasized by textbook publishers, and the cognitive, social, and interpretive abilities they favored. I then compared these findings across the three generations. Three characteristics of literary study have remained stable from the 1960s to the 2020s. First, the knowledge privileged by textbooks—understanding literary terms and enlarging vocabulary—has remained constant. Second, students spent more time in class on solitary activities, such as keeping logs and reading texts, than on group activities. Most textbooks in the study emphasized a product-oriented approach to interpretation and favored a single, authoritative answer to questions.. Starting in the 21st century, literature textbooks have transformed from print-only editions to digital-only and hybrid print and digital editions, raising concerns about the cognitive and economic impact of screen reading. Audio, visual, and multi-media texts have become the focus of study on equal footing with textual genres, signaling the emergence of digital literacy, a form of literacy that has become necessary because of social, economic, cultural, and technological changes in the early 21st century. Digital editions allowed teachers and administrators to track data online from students’ assignments and assessments, suggesting that high school literature classes have become a site of instrumentarian power. 21st-century instructional apparatus introduced a two-step procedure for reading and interpreting texts. The first step emphasized the surface meaning of the text with comprehension activities. The second step instructed students to “close read the text" (Morrell et al., 2022a, p. 476). Both steps privilege an efferent reading of all genres while impeding students’ ability to have an aesthetic experience of literary texts.

Lära genom upplevelser i naturen : En litteraturstudie över forskningen om utomhuspedagogik i naturvetenskapliga ämnen på gymnasiet

Zadera, Emil, Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Outdoor education is a common practice in the lower ages of compulsory school, and research shows great benefits of teaching outdoors, both for students' knowledge and their retention of knowledge. In the science curriculum for upper secondary school, there is little to no connection to education in the outdoors, and furthermore teachers experience many barriers to implementing outdoor education. The purpose of this work is to investigate what the research tells us about outdoor education in upper secondary school in the natural sciences. To answer our question, we did a systematic literature review. We found twelve articles that were considered relevant, from the timespan between the years 2001 and 2022. The results show that outdoor education may increase students' positive attitudes, raise their interest and motivation for further studies in the natural sciences and may furthermore strengthen their retention of knowledge. But these aspects cannot be taken for granted and we believe that research that is less biased for outdoor education is needed to confirm the effects as we identify the tendency of studies highlighting only the positive results, something we discuss in this work. Thus, we urge teachers to introduce outdoor-based learning, even if it's just a matter of going outside the classroom, to test if those positive effects apply to their students. The negative aspects are usually presented by studies as barriers towards introducing outdoor education rather than focusing on student learning. Our results also show that research of outdoor education at upper secondary school and in the natural sciences does not take place on a larger scale. Especially, research focusing on the enhancement of student knowledge because of outdoor-based learning is scarce. The biology subject is overrepresented in research due to it being the most easily linked to outdoor learning, and most of our found articles are focusing on students' and teachers' attitudes towards this learning style. To explore and clarify the potential of outdoor education, we propose to researchers to investigate outdoor education in several subjects with an emphasis on upper secondary school students' enhancement and retention of knowledge. / Utomhuspedagogik är vanligt förekommande i grundskolans lägre åldrar, och forskning visar på stora fördelar med undervisning utomhus, både för elevers kunskap samt deras bibehållande av kunskap. I läroplanen för gymnasiet saknas anknytning till utevistelse och naturen, och lärarna upplever barriärer för att implementera utomhuspedagogik. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om utomhuspedagogik på gymnasiet i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena. För att besvara vår frågeställning gjorde vi en systematisk litteraturstudie. Vi fann tolv artiklar som ansågs vara relevanta, mellan åren 2001 och 2022. Resultatet visar att utomhuspedagogiken kan öka elevernas positiva attityder, höja deras intresse och motivation till fortsatta studier inom det naturvetenskapliga ämnet och kan stärka deras återkallelseförmåga av kunskap. Men dessa aspekter kan inte tas för givet och vi anser att forskning som är mindre partisk för utomhuspedagogiken behövs för att bekräfta effekterna eftersom studierna inom området kan ha bias, något vi diskuterar i detta arbete. Vi uppmanar lärare att införa utomhusbaserat lärande även om det bara innebär om att gå utanför klassrummet eftersom forskningen tenderar att lyfta de positiva aspekterna i hög grad när det kommer till elevernas attityder och upplevelse av inlärning. De negativa aspekterna handlar oftast om lärares barriärer till att införa och testa denna didaktiska metodik snarare än om elevernas lärande. Vårt resultat visar även att forskning om utomhuspedagogiken på gymnasiet, i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena inte sker i större skala och speciellt kunskapstest används i låg utsträckning. Biologiämnet är överrepresenterat eftersom detta naturvetenskapliga ämne är enklast kopplat till utomhusvistelse, och majoriteten av artiklarna fokuserar på elever och lärares attityder mot lärostilen. För att utforska och klargöra utomhuspedagogikens potential föreslår vi till forskare att undersöka utomhuspedagogiken i flera ämnen med betoning på gymnasieelevers kunskapsförändring och återkallelseförmåga.

User Experience in Libraries : A Literature Study

Gylje, Sarah January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this master’s study is to contribute to the knowledge base about the phenomenon User Experience (UX) in libraries. That leads to the following research questions: How is UX defined in the analyzed literature? Based on the analyzed literature, which UX methods can be used in libraries? According to the analyzed literature, which problems can UX solve in libraries? A handbook, a book chapter, a blog article, an article in a professional journal, and an article in a scholarly journal get studied in a qualitative content analysis with a discursively oriented theoretical approach. UX in libraries is defined as user-centered method, and it is not an academic discipline. In libraries is UX a combination of UX research and design, UX is based on empathy, and it makes library services, spaces and products usable, useful, and desirable. All five analyzed documents used a positive tone when they described UX in libraries. Moreover, I found three narratives in the texts. The authors treat UX as “a new thing in libraries”, write that UX “works out”, and say that UX is for all users. I could identify the following UX methods in the empirical material: behavioral mapping, cognitive mapping, semi-structured interviews, touchstone tours, as well as graffiti walls, love and break-up letters, observations, photo studies, surveys, usability testing, and user journey mapping. I could find three problem areas where UX can solve problems in libraries. The first problem area was called digital library space. According to the analyzed text documents, UX can solve problems with library homepages, mobile websites, library catalogues, and discovery systems for a better information seeking. The second problem area was the physical library space. UX methods can be applied to improve the room and building design in libraries, the library layout, library access, and navigation in the library. The last problem area was called library products and services. There, UX can solve problems with communication, library use, and activities in the library. I realised in the analysis that UX in libraries cannot change politics or the organizational structure of a library.

Patienters erfarenhet av bedsiderapportering i slutenvården : En litteraturstudie / Patients’ Experience of Bedside Handover in Inpatient Care : A literature review

Björkén, Mikael, Strand, Lii January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Överrapportering är en stor del av omvårdnaden och i planeringen av vården kring patienten. Det är en central del av sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgifter. Traditionellt sker rapporteringen i frånvaro av patienten och utan patientens delaktighet, trots att det handlar om patientens behov, resurser och vidare planering. Bedsiderapportering är en metod som sker tillsammans med patienten och patientens delaktighet blir en del av processen.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva patienters erfarenhet av bedsiderapportering i slutenvården.Metod: Litteraturstudien är baserad på tolv kvalitativa empiriska vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna har framtagits genom litteratursökning från databaserna Cinahl och PubMed och granskats enligt SBU:s kvalitetsgranskningsmall. Data analyserades i fyra steg i enlighet med Friberg (2022) för att identifiera relevanta tema vilket resulterade i en ny helhet.Resultat: Resultatet är presenterat i fyra huvudteman som är relaterat till syftet och beskriver patienternas erfarenheter. Dessa huvudtema är delaktighet, information, patientsäkerhet och brister. Utifrån dessa huvudteman har tio subtema skapas.Konklusion: Majoriteten av patienterna var positivt inställda till bedsiderapportering. Det bidrog till förbättrad patientsäkerhet och ökade patienternas delaktighet och involvering i vården. Patienterna upplevde att de blev välinformerade och hade möjlighet att ställa frågor och komplettera informationen som delgavs. Bedsiderapporteringen bidrog till att skapa relationer mellan sjuksköterska och patient. / Background: Reporting is a central part of the care and in the planning of care around the patient. This is an important part of the nurse's job. Traditionally, reporting takes place in the absence of the patient and without the patient's participation, even though it is about the patient's needs, resources, and further planning. Bedside handover is a method that takes place in the presence of the patient and the patient's participation becomes part of the process.Aim: The aim of the study is to describe patients' experience of bedside handover in inpatient care.Method: The literature study is based on twelve qualitative empirical scientific articles. The articles were produced from the Cinahl and PubMed databases and were reviewed according to SBU's quality review template. The data was analyzed in four steps in accordance with Friberg (2022) to identify relevant themes, which resulted in a new whole.Result: The result is presented in four main themes that are related to the purpose and describe the patients' experiences. These main themes are participation, information, patient safety and shortcomings. Based on these main themes, ten subthemes were created.Conclusion: Most patients were in favor of bedside handover. It contributed to improved patient safety and increased patients' participation and involvement in their care. Patients felt that they were well informed and had the opportunity to ask questions and supplement the information that was served. Bedside handover helped to create relationships between nurse and patient.

Quality of life among patients with atopic eczema

Andersson, Gunilla, Lidsten, Suzan January 2009 (has links)
Atopiskt eksem kännetecknas av en torr hud med hudsprickor som ger en svår klåda. Behandlingen går ut på att identifiera, minimera och eliminera faktorer som är utlösande och försämrande. Mjukgörande medel används dagligen för att före-bygga uppkomsten av nytt eksem. Att leva med atopiskt eksem kan vara ett stort handikapp med personliga, sociala och ekonomiska inskränkningar som leder till en sämre livskvalitet. Syftet med litteraturstudien är att klargöra om patienter med atopiskt eksem kan förbättra sin livskvalitet genom att få utbildning om sin sjuk-dom. Metoden som har använts är en litteraturstudie där artiklar har sökts i data-basen PubMed och bedömts efter ett modifierat granskningsprotokoll för kvali-tetsvärdering av artiklarna. Sammanställningen bygger på 10 artiklar där resultatet inte ger ett starkt stöd för att patientutbildning ger en förbättrad livskvalitet. Ytter-liggare forskning behövs med större och mer omfattande studier för att kunna på-visa huruvida patientutbildning ger förbättringar i livskvaliteten hos patienter med atopiskt eksem. / Atopic eczema is characterized by a dry skin with dermal tearing giving a severe itching. The treatment is to identify, minimize and eliminate factors that trigger and adverse. Softening agents are used daily to prevent the formation of new eczema. Living with atopic eczema can be a major handicap with personal, social and economic restrictions that might lead to a reduced quality of life. The purpose of this literature study is to clarify whether patients with atopic eczema may improve their quality of life by receiving education of their illness. The method used is a literature review which items have been sought in the database PubMed and assessed by a modified examination protocol for quality assessment of articles. The compilation is based on 10 articles in which the results do not provide strong support for patient education provides an improved quality of life. Further research is needed with larger and more extensive studies to demonstrate if improvements can be shown in quality of life in patients with atopic eczema.

Personers erfarenheter av fysisk aktivitet vid kronisk hjärtsvikt - en litteraturstudie / People with chronic heart failure's experiences with physical activity - a literature study

Forslund, Henrik, Forsberg, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hjärtsvikt är ett vanligt syndrom som drabbar många över hela världen och påverkar de drabbades livsstil och möjligheter. Fysisk aktivitet som behandling kan bidra till en bättre livskvalitet hos personen med hjärtsvikt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av fysisk aktivitet vid kronisk hjärtsvikt. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes där åtta kvalitativa artiklar valdes ut till resultatet genom en databassökning i CINAHL och PubMed. Författarna genomförde en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys på artiklarna. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier kunde sammanställas av analysen. (1) Information och kunskap påverkar personens förmåga att kunna utföra fysisk aktivitet. (2) Motivation till fysisk aktivitet påverkas av personen själv, socialt stöd och personens omgivning. (3) Fysiologiska upplevelser både hindrar och underlättar fysisk aktivitet. Konklusion: Många som lever med hjärtsvikt känner en rädsla för att utöva fysisk aktivitet, som grundas i de symtom som de upplever av sin hjärtsvikt. Socialt stöd och personens omgivning, samt gruppaktiviteter kan öka motivationen för fysisk aktivitet och övervinna rädslan. Även ökad kunskap om hjärtsvikt hjälper personen hantera sin sjukdom, dess symtom och ökar följsamheten till egenvårdsråd som fysisk aktivitet. Personer med hjärtsvikt som får konkreta råd om fysisk aktivitet utformade efter rekommendationer och professionell uppföljning känner en ökad trygghet och säkerhet i deras utövande av fysisk aktivitet. Vårdpersonal bör anpassa givna råd med personens deltagande och utifrån personens egna sociala och ekonomiska resurser samt hens omgivning.

Effects of learning logs on high school literature achievement

Bowman, Cynthia Ann 21 November 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the learning log, a reader-response journal, as an instructional tool in the study of literature. One hundred high school seniors participated in this study over the course of a year. Random sampling was used to assign the students to two groups -- an experimental group and a control group. The variable was the learning log. Group A kept a learning log on A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, and Group B did not. An objective exam was administered to both groups immediately following completion of the study of the novel. Several months later, Group B kept a learning log on 1984 by George Orwell and Group A did not. Again, a follow-up test was given to both groups. Statistical analysis indicated that the learning log did make a difference in students' exam scores. At the end of the year, another exam on these novels was given to both groups and statistical analysis on this data indicated the learning log was particularly effective in delayed testing. A major portion of the study also included case studies to examine the variety and patterns of student responses in the learning logs. Based on textual analysis, it appeared that high-achieving students wrote responses which were predicting and analytical; average students wrote responses which were more comparative and associative; and lower achieving students wrote responses which were questioning but not probing. / Master of Arts

Livet med förmaksflimmer : Perspektiv från de drabbade personerna / Living with atrial fibrillation : From the perspective of the affected people

Olovsson, Amelia, Johansen, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förmaksflimmer (FF) är den vanligaste kroniska hjärtarytmin för människor i världen och den främsta riskfaktorn för att drabbas av sjukdomen är hög ålder. Runt 35 000 personer i Sverige drabbas årligen av FF och dagliga begränsningar orsakade av sjukdomen kan leda till nedsatt livskvalitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att leva med förmaksflimmer. Metod: Sju kvalitativa artiklar och en mixed methods studie har granskats, analyserats och därefter sammanställts till denna litteraturstudie. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier framgick i analysens resultat vilka var: ”Att uppleva fysiska och psykiska besvär”, ”Att uppleva stöd från vården som viktigt”och ”Att hantera och acceptera sin sjukdom”. Konklusion: Litteraturstudiens resultat visade att personerna med FF upplevde hur fysiska symtom påverkade deras vardagsliv negativt, att de upplevde negativa känslor av oro, rädsla, ångest och dödsångest, att de upplevde hur fysiska symtom nonchalerades av vården, att de utvecklade hanteringsstrategier och de accepterade sjukdomen. / Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in adults with advanced age being the most significant risk factor. Around 35 000 individuals in Sweden are afflicted by AF annually and daily limitations caused by the disease can lead to decreased quality of life. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experience among people living with atrial fibrillation.  Methods: Seven qualitative and one mixed methods study have been reviewed, analyzed,and then compiled for this literature study. Results: Three main categories were discovered in the result from the analysis. These three main categories were “To experience physical and psychological difficulties”, “To experience the importance of support from the healthcare” and “To cope and accept the disease”. Conclusion: In conclusion, the people with AF described experiences with physical difficulties and how they affected daily living, that they experienced negative emotions such as worry, fear, anxiety, and death anxiety, that they experienced how physical symptoms were disregarded from the healthcare, that they developed coping strategies and accepting the disease

Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av de två första yrkesverksamma åren. En litteraturstudie / Newly graduated nurses' experiences of the two first professional years. A literature study

Olofsson, Emelia, Gadd, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever en klyfta mellan teori och praktik. Sjuksköterskor examineras i stor utsträckning men många väljer att lämna yrket. Det blir problematiskt när nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor väljer att lämna yrket när personalbrist redan råder. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av de två första yrkesverksamma åren.Metod: Litteraturstudien är baserad på åtta kvalitativa studier. Databaser som användes var Scopus, CINAHL och APA Psychinfo. Analysen genomfördes med inspiration av Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier och nio underkategorier. Kategorierna som framkom var, ‘upplevelse av känslomässiga påfrestningar’, ‘Kollegialt bemötande påverkar upplevelsen’, ‘Upplevelse av bristande professionell kapacitet’, ‘Att med tiden uppleva utveckling’. Konklusion: Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplevde en stark känslomässig påfrestning samt att yrket påverkade privatlivet negativt. De upplevde att de inte var tillräckligt förberedda och att de hade begränsade kunskaper. Bristande stöd från kollegor var ett hinder för utvecklingen. Positiv feedback från kollegor gav känsla av säkerhet En lättnad upplevdes efter mer erfarenhet. Mer arbete krävs av ledning inom hälso- och sjukvården för att underlätta de första åren som yrkesverksam sjuksköterska. / Background: Newly graduated nurses experience a gap between theory and practice. Nurses in large extent graduate, but many choose to leave the profession. It becomes problematic when newly graduated nurses choose to leave the profession when there is already a shortage of staff. Aim: The purpose of the literature study was to investigate newly graduated nurses' experiences of the two first years in the profession.Methods: Literature study based on eight qualitative studies. Databases used were Scopus, CHINAL and APA Psychinfo. The analysis was performed with inspiration from Friberg's five-step model. Results: The analysis resulted in four main categories and nine subcategories. The categories that emerged was, 'experience of emotional stress', 'Collegial treatment affects the experience', 'Perception of lack of professional capacity', 'Experience development over time'. Conclusion: Newly graduated nurses experienced emotional stress and that the profession affected private life negatively. They felt that they were not sufficiently prepared and that they had limited knowledge. Lack of support from colleagues was an obstacle to development. Positive feedback from colleagues gave a sense of security. After more experience a relief was felt. More work is required by the management of healthcare to facilitate the first years of professional nursing.

An Evaluation of Practices and Procedures of Book Reporting in Secondary School English Classes

Floyd, Roberta L. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to make an investigation into the practices and procedures recommended and employed in making book reports in the public schools. The aim is to determine also what methods are most recommended and what practices are followed in secondary school English classes. Special attention is given to the book reporting program in the Frisco High School. Attention is given to the needs for creating a taste for good reading, the ability to interpret what is read, and to the values accruing to the intelligent reader. The reports of reading, as given by a class of secondary pupils, are analyzed to determine the methods most advisable for creating these interests and abilities.

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