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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the challenges in the distribution of low-income housing in South Africa: The case of Delft Symphony Community, in Cape Town, 2000-2015

Tyhotyholo, Thembelani January 2021 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / There is a major urban housing crisis in South Africa expressing itself in the failure of the government to provide low-income housing to urban residents. Considering this crisis, the specific purpose of this study was to examine the challenges to effective distribution of low-income housing with specific reference to the Delft Symphony community, focussing on the epoch from the years 2000-2015. The study was motivated by the fact that while there is an abundance of research conducted in the Cape flats, research focusing on the Delft Symphony community (DS community) is scanty especially on low-income housing distribution. This research gap became the focus of this thesis. To understand the challenges to effective distribution of low-income housing, this study was grounded in two theories namely the theory of justice and the self-help housing theory. The study employed qualitative methods in which semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the necessary data. This research used twenty-eight (28) key informants, and these were selected through snowball and stratified samplings. Qualitative data were analysed using content and thematic analysis. The findings revealed that government internal bureaucratic procedures and due processes such as the land approval process seem to contribute to the sluggish distribution of low-income housing in the DS community. The study also found that the low-income housing processes in the DS community are seemingly driven by politics manifesting in the allocation of houses based on political affiliations. The main recommendation from this study is that to improve the distribution of low-income housing, there is a need for the government to revitalise transparency and reduce bureaucratic delays in the processes of low-income housing.

Hur pornografi påverkar ungas livsvillkor och hälsa : En litteraturöversikt / How pornography effects adolescent’s living conditions and health : A literature review

Dageryd, Emma, Klemets, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Pornografi har framställts och konsumerats långt tillbaka i historien. Digital informationsteknik har medfört att pornografi idag är mycket tillgänglig, även för ungdomar i tidiga tonåren som är vana vid att navigera i digitala miljöer. Tidigare forskning har visat att pojkar i genomsnitt är omkring 12 år när de aktivt söker pornografi för första gången. Pornografi är ett omdebatterat ämne, och särskilt ungas konsumtion. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka, sammanställa och beskriva hur unga 10–24 år påverkas av pornografi. Syftet tydliggjordes med frågeställningen “Vilka effekter har pornografi för ungas hälsa?”. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt, omfattande kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Vid analys sammanställdes, kodades och kategoriseras insamlade data i olika teman. Resultat: Sex olika teman identifierades: Psykisk ohälsa, våldsamt beteende, sexuellt risktagande, genusnormativa maktförhållanden, kroppsideal samt inspirations- och kunskapskälla. Slutsats: Konsumtion av pornografi kan medföra effekter för ungas livsvillkor och hälsa på ett flertal olika sätt. Det finns indikationer om att pornografi kan påverka den psykiska hälsan hos unga konsumenter. Unga upplever att kroppsideal och hur de har sex influeras av pornografi. Pornografi kan ge upphov till ett våldsamt beteende och sexuellt risktagande samt bidra till att förstärka genusnormativa maktförhållanden där kvinnan underordnas mannen. / Introduction: Pornography has been produced and consumed since the prehistoric age. With digital information technology, pornography today is more accessible than ever, even for early teenagers who are accustomed to navigating digital environments. Previous research has shown that on average boys seek out pornography for the first time at the age of 12 years. Pornography is a debated topic, and especially the use of it by adolescents. Aim: The purpose of this literature review compile and describe how adolescents 10–24 years are affected by pornography. The aim was elucidated by the research question 'What effects does pornography have on adolescent’s health?' Method: A systematic literature review, comprehensive qualitative and quantitative studies. During analysis, collected data was compiled, coded and categorized into different themes. Results: Six themes were identified: Mental illness, Violent behavior, Sexual risk-taking, Gender normative power relationships, Body Ideals, and Source of inspiration and knowledge. Conclusion: Pornography consumption can affect adolescents living conditions and health in different ways. There are indications that pornography can affect the mental health of young consumers. Adolescent’s experience that body ideals and how they have sex are influenced by pornography. Pornography may result in violent behavior and sexual risk-taking, as well as contribute to strengthening gender-normative power relations in which the woman is subordinated to the man.

Självvalt Singelskap - en möjlighet till frihet?! : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors motiv till singelskap och deras upplevelser av tvåsamhetsnormen.

Olausson, Mie, Jashari, Arta January 2021 (has links)
This qualitative study has its starting point in women's experiences around self-proclaimed singlehood. The sociological relevance in this study is to study how self-proclaimed single womens life situations look and how their living conditions are affected by this choice. The studies overall purpose is to get a deeper understanding of heterosexuall womens conscious choice of not to enter in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex, thus becoming a self-proclaimed single. The study has resulted in a survey of which driving forces that affect women's life choices. This was achieved through a qualitative method where in-depth interviews were used to collect the empirical material. To be able to create a deeper understanding of the chosen fenomenon and be able to analyze the material we have used the concepts of social construction, performativity and theories about the woman in the reflexive modernity. The primary result shows that the women from the group of focus have had bad experiences of both their own and others relationships. It can be about anything from infidelity, inequality, controlling behaviour, shortcomings in responsibility and implied expectations of sex. These factors entailed such great restrictions and adjustments in their everyday lives that they eventually came to an insight about their living standard becoming far too suffering in relation to the benefits of entering in a relationship. The conclusion became that singlehood gives an opportunity to more freedom and space for both independence and self-realization. / Denna kvalitativa studie tar sin utgångspunkt i kvinnors upplevelser kring självvalt singelskap. Den sociologiska relevansen i denna studie är att undersöka hur självvalda singelkvinnors livssituation ser ut och hur deras livsvillkor påverkas av detta val.  Studiens övergripande syfte är att få en djupare förståelse över heterosexuella kvinnors medvetna val om att inte ingå i ett förhållande med en person av det motsatta könet, således vara självvalt singel. Studien har utmynnat i en kartläggning av vilka drivkrafter som påverkar kvinnors levnadsval. Detta uppnåddes genom en kvalitativ metod där djupintervjuer användes för att samla in det empiriska materialet. För skapa en djupare förståelse för det valda fenomenet och kunna analysera materialet har vi använt oss av begreppen social konstruktion och performativitet samt teorier om kvinnan i den reflexiva moderniteten. Det huvudsakliga resultatet visar på att kvinnorna från fokusgruppen har haft dåliga upplevelser av både egna och andras förhållanden. Det kan handla om allt från otrohet, ojämställdhet, kontrollerade beteende, brister i ansvarstagande och underförstådda förväntningar på sex. Dessa faktorer medförde såpass stora begränsningar och anpassningar i deras vardag att de slutligen kom till en insikt om att deras levnadsstandard blev allt för lidande i förhållande till nyttan med att ingå i en relation. Slutsatsen blev att singelskap gav en möjlighet till mer frihet och utrymme för både självständighet och självförverkligande.

L'adolescence et la problématique de la séparation : de l'espace familial à l'espace social / Adolescence and the question of separation : from family space to social space / A adolescência e a problemática da separação : do espaço familiar ao espaço social

Fernandes, Elisangela Barboza 02 August 2016 (has links)
L'adolescence impose de nouvelles exigences à la famille qui connaît alors l'angoisse de l'effacement de ses frontières - frontières qui séparent le « nous » des « autres » et celles qui scindent les générations qui se succèdent. L'intense processus d'affiliation de l'adolescent/e à d'autres groupes menace les pactes et alliances garants du maintien du groupe familial. La capacité contenante de la famille est fortement requise pour que celle-ci soit à même d'accueillir les transformations vécues par l'adolescent/e. Il incombe à ce dernier / cette dernière de reconsidérer la séparation entre soi et les objets primaires, entre le Moi et l'autre, exigence rendue manifeste par son investissement vers l'extérieur. Aussi, l'adolescent/e doit se trouver une place au sein de liens externes, hors de sa famille. La présente recherche vise à analyser la manière dont la problématique de la séparation chez l'adolescent/e se répercute sur le plan des liens familiaux et sur sa relation avec ses espaces de vie (domicile, communauté). Née des interrogations de l'auteure, au fil de son travail auprès d'adolescents en situation de précarité sociale, cette étude soutient l'hypothèse que la problématique de la séparation chez ces adolescents revêt une coloration toute particulière du fait de la « découverte », par ces derniers, du piètre positionnement de leur famille et de leur groupe dans la société. Pour mener à bien cette recherche, ont été réalisées huit séances - ou rencontres - en groupe (composé de onze adolescents âgés de 15 à 17 ans), conduites sur la base du référentiel de groupe opératif de Pichon-Rivière. En accord avec la conception psychanalytique du sujet en tant que « sujet du lien», l'analyse s'appuie sur certaines notions fondamentales telles que celles d' « alliances inconscientes » et de « narcissisme groupal ». Les adolescents ont fait montre d'un grand travail d'élaboration psychique autour de la question du dedans familial et du dehors, parallèle à leur mouvement vers l'extérieur. Leurs propos ont indiqué que, pour leur famille, l'extérieur faisait figure de menace à l'encontre des pactes établis, menace notamment incarnée par la sexualité et par le risque de voir « leur » adolescent/e prendre part à la violence présente au sein de la communauté. Pour leur part, ces adolescents ont révélé à la fois l'expectative d'y obtenir du plaisir - à savoir celui de connaître et de vivre les aspects de leur être intime, aberrants à l'intérieur du groupe primaire - et de la crainte quant à ce nouveau lieu social à occuper. L'extérieur est également apparu comme un espace de différence et d'expérience d'humiliation sociale, vécue par les adolescents, porteurs des marques de leur groupe et de leur communauté. Au travers d'un mouvement inconscient d'opposition à ces marques sociales avilissantes, les adolescents ont en réalité renforcé les marques identificatoires de leur appartenance à la communauté, mettant en lumière la fonction de cette dernière, celle d'espace de contenance. En conclusion, ces adolescents ont été rencontrés à mi-parcours, à la fois en voie de s'assurer une place dans leur communauté - en tant qu'héritière du lien et de l'identification familiale - et de se projeter vers l'extérieur, comme pour se « dégager » du lien familial et se reconstituer. / Adolescence imposes new requirements on the family who then lives in dread of seeing its boundaries blurred and rubbed out - its boundaries between us and the others as well as those framing its different generations. The adolescent's intense process of affiliation to other groups threatens the agreements and alliances made to hold the family group together. The family's containing function is then absolutely necessary to deal with the adolescent's transformations. The adolescent needs to reconsider the separation between himself/herself and primary objects, between his/her Self and the other - that need being clearly expressed through his/her outward investment, commitment. He/She needs to find himself/herself a place to be and behave out of the family structure. This research is aimed at analyzing how the question of separation for adolescents impacts their family links, connections and relationship with their living places (home, community). Resulting from its author's questions and observations raised while working with teenagers in precarious living conditions, this study supports the hypothesis that the question of separation is experienced differently by those who have "realized" that their families and groups are - socially speaking - badly considered. From this perspective, eight group sessions (made up of eleven 15- to 17-year-old adolescents) were conducted according to Pichon-Rivière's operative group framework. In accordance with the psychoanalytic concept of the subject as the "subject of the link", this analysis is based on certain essential notions such as the ones of "unconscious alliance/s" and "collective (or group) narcissism". The interviewed adolescents showed a real effort to reflect on the question of the family's inside and outside - that question being parallel to their outward movement. They expressed that their families viewed the outside as a threat to their established alliances, a threat notably embodied by sexuality and by the risk of seeing "their" adolescent take part in the surrounding community's violence. Regarding their own opinion of the outside, those adolescents revealed both their expectation of experiencing pleasure - that is the pleasure of getting to know and to experience their intimate, inner aspects, unconceivable within their primary group - and the fear of occupying a new social place. The family's outside also turned out to be considered as a space of difference and social humiliation experienced by those teenagers bearing their group's and community's marks. Though through an unconscious movement of opposition to those derogatory marks, the adolescents actually reinforced their community's identificatory traits, thus highlighting the function of the latter, that is to be a containing space. In conclusion, those adolescents were met "half way", both on their way to ensure themselves a place in their community - which inherits the link and family identification - and to project themselves outwards, as if to "get loose" from the family connection and reconstitute themselves. / A adolescência impõe novas exigências à família, que vivencia a angústia do esmaecimento de suas fronteiras - daquelas que separam o "nós" dos "outros", mas também das fronteiras no suceder das gerações. O intenso processo de afiliação do adolescente a outros grupos ameaça os pactos e alianças que garantiram a manutenção do grupo familiar. A capacidade de continência da família é fortemente requisitada, para que ela possa dar conta de acolher as transformações vivenciadas pelo adolescente. Cabe a ele/ela rever a separação entre si mesmo e os objetos primários, entre o eu e o outro, exigência que se efetiva pelo investimento no exterior. Deve, então, encontrar um lugar nos vínculos externos à família. Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como a problemática da separação do adolescente repercute no plano dos vínculos familiares e na relação com os espaços onde vive (casa, comunidade). Surgido das inquietações da autora em seu trabalho com adolescentes em situação de precariedade social, esse estudo sustenta a hipótese de que a problemática da separação desses adolescentes ganha contornos particulares relacionados à "descoberta" de que suas famílias e seu grupo social ocupam um lugar depreciado na representação social. Para condução da pesquisa foram realizadas oito sessões em grupo (formado por onze adolescentes, entre 15 e 17 anos), conduzidas com base na técnica de grupo operativo de Pichon-Rivière. De acordo com a concepção psicanalítica do sujeito como "sujeito do vínculo", a análise foi norteada pela consideração de algumas noções fundamentais, tais como "alianças inconscientes" e "narcisismo grupal". Os adolescentes revelaram um intenso trabalho psíquico de elaboração em torno da questão do dentro e do fora da família, simultâneo a seu movimento em direção ao exterior. As suas falas indicaram que para a família o exterior figurava como uma ameaça aos pactos estabelecidos, representada pela sexualidade, em especial, e pelo risco de que o adolescente se envolvesse na violência presente na comunidade. Os adolescentes, por sua vez, revelaram a expectativa de obtenção de prazer no exterior - de viverem os aspectos de seu íntimo, que não cabem no interior do grupo primário - e, ao mesmo tempo, o receio quanto a um novo lugar social a ocupar. O exterior surgiu, também, como espaço de diferença e de experiência de humilhação social, vivenciada pelos adolescentes como portadores das marcas do estigma ligado a seu grupo e a sua comunidade. Em um movimento inconsciente de oposição às marcas sociais de rebaixamento, os marcos identificatórios de pertencimento dos adolescentes à comunidade foram fortalecidos, destacando-se o papel desta como espaço de continência. Concluímos que os adolescentes encontravam-se no caminho entre assegurarem seu lugar na comunidade - como herdeira do vínculo e da identificação com a família - e se projetarem para o exterior, como expressão da tentativa de "desprenderem-se" do vínculo familiar e re-criarem-se.

Conditions d'habitat, entourage, politiques publiques : l'adaptation des logements des personnes âgées en Europe / Housing conditions, Home care, public policies : the adjustment of elderly houses in Europe

Lépori, Mélanie 17 May 2019 (has links)
Les impacts du vieillissement de la population européenne ne peuvent se résumer aux modifications de la structure de la population. Aussi, les politiques publiques actuelles – nationales et européennes – se saisissent de ses enjeux sociaux et économiques dont le logement. Cette thèse étudie l’adaptation des logements aux enjeux du vieillissement dans les territoires européens en cherchant à comprendre la manière dont les personnes âgées et les politiques publiques prennent en considération l’impact du vieillissement individuel sur les conditions de logement et, plus largement, d’habitat. La mesure de l’adaptation du logement des 50 ans ou plus est réalisée en considérant la situation de logement (type, peuplement, équipements), celle de l’habitat (environnement de vie) et l’aide humaine reçue. Les cas danois, français et espagnols sont plus particulièrement étudiés, grâce aux données de l’enquête Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Trois questions y sont particulièrement traitées : dans quels pays l’adaptation se produit-elle ? Comment les individus y procèdent ? Qui y recourt et quand ? Chacune fait l’objet d’une méthodologie spécifique : typologies, étude des trajectoires et régressions logistiques. Elles permettent de mettre en évidence une adaptation globalement limitée et essentiellement centrée sur l’environnement. La manière dont elle se produit ne présente pas de schéma typique et peut répondre ou non à des besoins en termes de santé ou de taille du ménage. / The consequences of the ageing of Europe’s population ageing are not limited to changes in the population structure. National and European contemporary public policies have been tackling its social and economic implications, particularly in the field of housing. This PhD thesis studies the adjustment of housing to ageing in Europe. To do so, it examines the ways in which both the elderly and public policy-makers take into account the impact of individual ageing on housing and living conditions. Housing adjustments in individuals aged 50 were measured with a focus on housing conditions (type of housing, occupation, and amenities), living conditions and home care. The Danish, French and Spanish cases are most particularly analysed, based on data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Three research questions are addressed : in which countries are adjustments made ? How do individuals adjust ? Who adjusts and when ? Each of these questions is answered with a specific methodology : clustering, trajectory analysis and logistical regressions. Adjustments are shown to be ultimately limited, and mainly focused on the environment. No typical adjustment scheme is identified ; adjustments may or may not be responses to needs in terms of health or household size.

Chudoba a materiální deprivace se zaměřením na seniorskou populaci v Česku / Poverty and material deprivation with focus on seniors in Czechia

Dvořáková, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
Poverty and material deprivation with focus on seniors in Czechia Abstract The diploma thesis adresses the issue of poverty and material deprivation, which are still very actual not only in developing countries but also in highly advanced societies. The initial information is The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) from 2019, supplemented by data from Eurostat and the Czech Statistical Office. The target group was defined as persons 65 years old or over. The main goal of the thesis is to determine the chances of being a poor or materially deprived senior based on selected sociodemographic characteristics, which are gender, age groups, marital status and the highest educational attainment. The core analysis was performed using Binary Logistic Regression. The highest odds of being poor or materially deprived comes from single seniors with basic education. The age categories with the highest chance vary in individual analyses, however, they are always 80-84 years of age, 85-89 years of age or 90 years and older. Concerning gender, senior women always have a higher chance to be poor and also materially deprived than senior men. Furthermore, the probabilities of poverty and material deprivation were calculated as part of the search for answers to the research question. Clear...

I Mannens Skugga : En Kvalitativ Studie Kring Afghanska Kvinnors Erfarenheter av att Leva Under Patriarkala Levnadsförhållanden / In the Man’s Shadow : A Qualitative Study of Afghan Women’s Experiences of Living under Patriarchal Living Conditions

Popal, Amina January 2023 (has links)
Med underlag av en kvalitativ ansats är studiens syfte att skapa en förståelse kring varför en del afghanska kvinnor inte lönearbetar eller behärskar det svenska språket trots att de bott flera år i Sverige. Studiens frågeställningar fokuserar på kvinnans roll i familjen, hur de patriarkala strukturerna kommer till uttryck samt hur kvinnornas syn på kultur påverkar deras sätt att leva. Det empiriska materialet består av semistrukturerade intervjuer av sex gifta afghanska hemmafruar som bott i Sverige i mer än 15 år och som än inte behärskar det svenska språket eller lönearbetar. Studiens teoretiska grund baseras på begrepp kopplat till patriarkat, kultur, och symbolisk våld. Tidigare forskning visar hur kvinnors underordning är utformad för att komplettera männens överordning samtidigt som tystnad är ett redskap kvinnor använder sig av för att göra motstånd mot de patriarkala levnadsförhållandena de lever under. Denna studie resulterar i att den patriarkala strukturen i kvinnornas liv främst kommer till uttryck i den privata sfären där männen drar nytta av kvinnornas underordning samtidigt som kvinnorna ser på den afghanska kulturen som en sorts patriarkal maktutövning.Fast samhället ofta ser på kvinnorna som en grupp som inte anses vara medvetna om sin situation så kan vi med denna studie dra slutsatsen att kvinnorna är väl medvetna om sin verklighet och gör motstånd i det tysta / Based on a qualitative approach, the purpose of the study is to create an understanding of why some Afghan women do not work or speak the Swedish language despite having lived in Sweden for several years. The study's questions focus on the woman's role in the family, how the patriarchal structures are expressed and how the women's view of culture affects their way of life. The empirical material consists of interviews with six married Afghan housewives who have lived in Sweden for more than 15 years and who do not yet have a command of the Swedish language or are in paid employment. The study's theoretical basis is based on concepts linked to patriarchy, culture, and symbolic violence. Previous research shows how women's subordination is designed to complement men's supremacy, while silence is a tool women use to resist the patriarchal living conditions they live under. This study results in the fact that the patriarchal structure in women's lives is mainly expressed in the private sphere where the men benefit from the women's subordination while the women see the Afghan culture as a kind of patriarchal exercise of power. Although society often sees women as a group that is not considered to be aware of their situation, with this study we can conclude that the women are aware of their reality and resist in silence.

Sexuell hälsa bortom normativa linjer? : om normers betydelse för sexuell hälsa bland transpersoner / Sexual Health Beyond Normative Lines? : the implications of Norms on Sexual Health among Transgender People

Björkman, Norea January 2022 (has links)
Studier visar på att transpersoner i Sverige upplever sämre villkor för sexuell hälsa jämfört med övriga befolkningen. Den forskning som finns att tillgå pekar på att normer kring kön och sexualitet är en av de faktorer som influerar transpersoners upplevda sexuella hälsa. Mot denna bakgrund konstateras på flera håll att människobehandlande professioner behöver satsa på kunskapshöjning och kompetensutveckling för att förbättra transpersoners möjligheter till god hälsa. En förutsättning för detta är att det finns kunskap som representerar transpersoners egna erfarenheter av hur normer och förväntningar samspelar med sexuell hälsa. Det är något som saknas i nuläget. Studiens syfte är därför att fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att undersöka transpersoners subjektiva upplevelser av hur köns- och sexualitetsnormer påverkar förutsättningarna för sexuell hälsa. Uppsatsens empiri bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med 8 personer som identifierar sig själva som transpersoner. Materialet har analyserats och tematiserats med hjälp av Sara Ahmeds (2006) queera fenomenologi och Gagnon och Simons (2005) teori om sexuella script. Resultatet visar att normer kring kön och sexualitet upplevs influera sexuella livsvillkor på komplexa och mångfacetterade sätt. Denna påverkan tycks ske genom att normer influerar såväl samhällsstrukturer, interpersonella möten som intrapsykiska attityder. Normer upplevs på så vis som ett yttre och inre tryck på samma gång. Studiens slutsats är att personer med normöverskridande könsidentiteter bemöts av omvärlden på ett sätt som begränsar förutsättningarna för sexuell hälsa. Samtidigt pekar resultatet på att normöverskridandet kan främja vissa aspekter av sexuell hälsa genom att det medför en vidgad horisont från vilken det blir möjligt att utforska sex och sexualitet bortom rigida genusnormer. Att existera helt bortom samhällets normativa strukturer upplevs dock som en omöjlighet. Det är därför tydligt att ett mindre cisnormativt samhälle krävs för att transpersoner ska kunna åtnjuta samma sexuella livsvillkor som den övriga befolkningen. Denna slutsats trycker på att det finns ett behov av att utveckla det sociala arbetets praktik för att säkra transpersoners rätt till jämlika levnadsvillkor. / Studies show that the transgender population in Sweden experience poorer conditions for sexual health compared with the rest of the population. The available research indicates that gender norms are one of the factors that influence transgender people's perceived sexual health. Against this background it has been argued that human service organizations need to invest in knowledge and skill development in order for transgender people’s sexual health to be improved. Knowledge that represents transgender people's own experiences of how norms and expectations interact with sexual health is needed for this to be possible. This knowledge is currently lacking. The purpose of this study is therefore to fill this gap by examining transgender people’s subjective experiences of how social norms affect the conditions for sexual health. The study is bases on qualitative interviews with 8 people who self-identify as transgender. The material has been analyzed and thematized based on Sara Ahmed’s (2006) queer phenomenology and Gagnon and Simon's (2005) sexual script theory. The results show that norms are perceived to influence sexual living conditions in complex and multifaceted ways. This influence seems to occur as societal structures, interpersonal encounters as well as intrapsychic attitudes are shaped by social norms. In this way, norms are experienced as an external and internal pressure simultaneously. The study concludes that transgender people are treated in a way that creates poor conditions for sexual health. At the same time, the results indicate that gender nonconformity can promote sexual health by creating space for sexual exploration beyond rigid gender norms. To exist completely beyond society's normative structures, is however perceived as an impossibility. It is therefore clear that a less cisnormative society is required for transgender people to be able to enjoy the same sexual living conditions as the rest of the population. This conclusion emphasizes the need to develop the social work practice to secure transgender people’s rights to equal living conditions.

"Det viktigaste är hur man har det runtomkring sig, och det bemötande man får" – En intervjustudie ur ett genusperspektiv om livsvillkorens betydelse för gymnasieungdomars psykiska hälsa

Landstedt, Evelina January 2005 (has links)
Det finns ett genusmönster i ungdomars psykiska hälsa där unga tjejers situation är sämre än unga killars. Bakgrunden till denna studie är att det saknas kunskap om hur detta mönster är relaterat till ungdomars livsvillkor. Uppsatsens syfte är att, ur ett genusperspektiv, synliggöra och öka kunskapen om livsvillkorens betydelse för gymnasieungdomars psykiska hälsa. Genus utgör uppsatsens centrala analytiska begrepp. Studien bygger på fokusgruppsintervjuer med gymnasieungdomar om vilka faktorer som de anser vara betydelsefulla för psykisk hälsa. Materialet är analyserat enligt metoden för innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att för ungdomarna betydelsefulla livsvillkor är: Krav i form av prestationer, utseende, ansvar, relationer och bemötande samt utsatthet för sexuella trakasserier och våld. Det finns könsskillnader i erfarenheterna av dessa livsvillkor. Den genusteoretiska analysen synliggör hur såväl materiella/reella levnadsförhållanden som diskursiva aspekter av genusordningen bidrar till genusmönstren i psykisk hälsa. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsatser är: a) ungdomarna anser att livsvillkor som krav, relationer, sexuella trakasserier och våld har betydelse för psykisk hälsa; b) innebörden och erfarenheterna av dessa är genusrelaterade; samt c) framtida folkhälsovetenskapliga forskning inom fältet bör uppmärksamma de livsvillkor ungdomarna har betonat, anlägga ett genusperspektiv i studier av dem samt utveckla sina metoder. Detta i syfte att skapa kunskap utifrån vilken hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete kan utformas. / Title: ”The most important thing is how the environment surrounding me is, and how I am treated” – A gender perspective based interview study on the importance of the living conditions for the mental health of adolescentsThere is a consistent gender pattern in the mental health among adolescents, where young women report more of mental ill-health than young men do. The background to this study is the lack of knowledge about the relation between this pattern and the living conditions of adolescents. From a gender perspective, this study aims to shed light on, and increase the knowledge about, the relevance of living conditions for the mental health among adolescents. Gender is the main analytical concept. The study is based on focus group interviews with senior high school adolescents, discussing what factors determine mental health. The main factors are, according to the interviews: demands concerning achievements, physical appearance and responsibility, relations, social contact and exposure of sexual harassment and violence. The experiences of these living conditions among female and male adolescents differ. The gender-theoretical analysis shows how both factual and discursive aspects of the gender structure contribute to gender patterns in mental health. The main conclusions are: a) Adolescents believe that living conditions like demands, relations, sexual harassment and violence influence mental health; b) the meaning and experience from these conditions are gendered; and c) future public health research in this field should consider these living conditions, use a gender perspective when analysing them and refine the methods. The purpose for this should be an increase in knowledge, from where health-promoting and preventive measures could be taken.

Att möta det svenska samhället som kvinnlig migrant : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga migranters livsvillkor i Sverige / Facing Swedish society as a female migrant : A qualitative study on the living conditions of female migrants in Sweden

Högberg, Julia, Hansen, Micaela January 2024 (has links)
Facing Swedish society as a female migrant - A qualitative study on the living conditions of female migrants in Sweden The purpose of the essay is to examine the life situation of female migrants in Sweden based on the questions "What conditions did the women have to be able to integrate into Swedish society?”, “How have the women acted to integrate into Swedish society” and “How do women experience their living conditions after migrating to Sweden?". The essay is based on nine interviews conducted through a qualitative method with women from different countries. The theoretical framework consists of the main theorist Pierre Bourdieu with the theory of capital and the concepts of habitus, social space, symbolic space, and the field of power. The theorist Thomas Scheff has also been chosen with the concepts of social bonds, shame and pride.   The results of the essay shows that the women who have migrated to Sweden have had good living conditions and that their families have been significant for the integration. Conditions they brought with them in the form of different capital from their home country were essentially linked to the integration process. The results also show that the women who migrated during childhood had easier language learning in comparison to the women who migrated in adulthood.   In the analysis, the theorists' concepts were combined to analyze the women's conditions they brought with them from their home country and the living conditions that arose in Sweden. It emerged from the analysis that weak social bonds can benefit social capital through a wide network of superficial contacts, which promotes integration. / Att möta det svenska samhället som kvinnlig migrant - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga migranters livsvillkor i Sverige Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka kvinnliga migranters livssituation i Sverige, utifrån frågeställningarna “Vilka förutsättningar hade kvinnorna med sig från hemlandet för att kunna integreras i det svenska samhället?”, ”Hur har kvinnorna agerat för att integreras i det svenska samhället?” och “Hur upplever kvinnor sina livsvillkor efter att ha migrerat till Sverige?”. Uppsatsen baseras på nio intervjuer utförda genom en kvalitativ metod med kvinnor från olika länder. Det teoretiska ramverket består av huvudteoretikern Pierre Bourdieu med kapitalteorin och begreppen habitus, socialt rum, symboliskt rum och maktens fält. Även teoretikern Thomas Scheff har valts med begreppen sociala band, skam och stolthet. Uppsatsens resultat visar att kvinnorna som har migrerat till Sverige har fått bra livsvillkor och att familjen har varit betydande för integrationen. Förutsättningar de tog med sig i form av olika kapital från hemlandet var väsentliga kopplat till integrationsprocessen. Resultatet visar även att kvinnorna som migrerade under barndomen hade enklare språkinlärning i jämförelse med kvinnorna som migrerade i vuxen ålder.   I analysen kombinerades teoretikernas begrepp för att analysera kvinnornas förutsättningar de hade med sig från hemlandet och de livsvillkor som uppstod i Sverige. Det framkom i analysen att svaga sociala band kan gynna socialt kapital genom ett brett nätverk av ytliga kontakter, vilket främjar integration.

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