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The Change of Post-war Local Political ecology in PenghuTsai, Ming-Huei 24 January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is a research for the historical reconstruction of the local political ecology since post-war in Penghu. At present, the research of local factions and democratic transition in Taiwan seems to have omitted the in-depth study of off-shore Penghu area. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to try exploring the formation and declining of Penghu local factions in the post-war, and to examine the vicissitude of military role before and after abolished martial law in Penghu. In the meanwhile, we would systematically analyze the change of Penghu local political ecology in the process of democratization. By executing this Penghu case, we would conduct a further antithesis and discussion on the existed research of the local factions in Taiwan.
This research adopted the field study and the in-dept interview method to collect empirical data. In addition that we expect the historical documents and official statistics data could be the helpful auxiliary evidence. The primary findings emerged from this research are¡G¡]1¡^Due to the pre-existing inter-group differences and competition of autonomy election, the Penghu local factions were generated and competition among factions were emerged. In addition, the only competition field was the election for congress of county or province because the position of county mayor was controlled by the military force. ¡]2¡^The faction itself was lack of strong structure because of the scarceness of Penghu local resources. In addition, there had not been any political opposition in Penghu during the martial law era. As a result, the relationship of alliance between Kuomintang and faction did not exist and the local factions were served as the counter-acting pressure of political oppositions for Kuomintang. Therefore, when the leader of faction had been changed or the members of faction were facing the conflict in profit could emerge the split, reorganization, or declining.¡]3¡^Following the transitions of authoritarian regime in Taiwan, not only military controlling role of political regime had been collapsed in Penghu, but also it withdrew the electoral mobilization machine for Kuomintang. In the meanwhile, military role had been changed from domination to assistance on the economical and social aspect.¡]4¡^On the one hand, democratization made the traditional "bi-factionalism pattern" of Penghu transformed into a multi-regional competition pattern. On the other hand, even if democratic transition boosted the political type of party competition, the influence of existing parties and military units had been gradually loosing. By contrast, local faction based on the combination of family, geography, and social relationship as well as burgeoning political-commercial sectors had become the main characters of regional political ecology. Worthy of mention, the existing theoretic perspective about local factions in Taiwan didn¡¦t absolutely fit Penghu. This research claims that it should take into account the characteristics of political economical and social structure at local, and the selection strategies of local political actors when understanding the local political ecology.
Keywords¡G political ecology, local faction, democratic transition, military role, Penghu
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The Interaction between Local Faction and Clan Association in Taiwan¡XThe Case Analysis of Tao-yuan CountyChen, Jia-hui 02 September 2009 (has links)
In Taiwan, the clan associations have some leverage over local affairs, including elections of legislator, county mayor, county congressman, township heads, town heads and town councilman, and so on. Some critics observe that the clan associations have far more significant influence than political party in some counties such as Tao-yuan, Hsin-chu, etc.
This thesis aims to explore the interaction between local faction and clan association in Taiwan through analysis on several cases about Tao-yuan county. The author will focus on the social network and bring forward the following assumptions: (1) politicians influence the result of an election by involving themselves in local faction; (2) politicians influence the result of an election by involving themselves in clan association; (3) local faction forms an alliance with clan association to influence the result of an election. In sum, the interactive patterns between local faction and clan association can be divided into four categories: (1) clan faction, i.e. local faction comprised primarily of members of clan association; (2) clan faction with some other clan ; (3) non-clan faction, i.e. local faction comprised primarily not of members of clan association; (4) local faction unrelated to any clan association.
The author attempts to explain the following aspects: first of all, how local faction develops cooperation relationship with clan association in various elections in Tao-yuan county; secondly, the alliance between local faction and clan association will be a short-term or long-term relationship; furthermore, if clan association will be in the cooperative process dwindled into factious clubs. Finally, what kind of interest exchanges will exist between local faction and clan association?
The major findings of this study were as the following: (1) local faction develops a long-term cooperation relationship with clan association in various elections in order to win; (2) local factions win over clan associations by providing service and fellowship; (3) clan association has tendency to dwindle into factious clubs.
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A Study of Democracy in Taiwan from the Perspective of the Relations between Self and CommunitiesHuang, Tsao-Huai 07 August 2001 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that people¡¦s self/communities perspective plays a critical role in making democratic political institution fully function. There are many problems such as the corruption of local factions, bribery politics, ethnic conflict, and national identity dispute in Taiwan¡¦s young history of democratic system. This thesis claims that the problems lie on the difference between Western and Chinese perspectives of the relations between self and communities.
The perspective of self/communities relations signifies an individual¡¦s thinking of his position in the communities, groups, or society, which he belongs to or lives in, and how he will interact with other people in different communities under different circumstances. Different culture and different historical background result in different perspectives of the relations between self and communities. In chapter Two, we first trace the history of Western political thoughts and the shaping progress of Western perspective of self/communities relations (mainly the perspective from the ¡§individualism¡¨); then, we focus on what the liberal democracy¡¦s perspective of self/communities relations. In chapter Three, we analyze the related concepts of Confucian perspective of self/communities relations, and indicate that Confucianism always teaches people that an individual must benefit the community and be loyal to the superiors. This perspective of self/communities relations supports the imperial institution. But in the last period of Ching Dynasty, some Chinese intellectuals introduced the western democratic thought to the Mainland China, and at last overthrew the imperial institution and intended to build a democratic government. However, these intellectuals and political elites did not realize that the Confucian perspective of self/communities relations has made the practices of Western liberal democracy difficult in both China and Taiwan.
Chapter Four indicates that even KMT government moved to Taiwan, and there were still many intellectuals and political elites anticipating the government to build a political institution, but they still did not focus on the difference between Taiwanese perspectives of self/communities relations and Western individualism. So in chapter Five, we indicate that the problems of Taiwan¡¦s democracy were resulted from the ordinary Taiwanese perspective of self/communities relations. Such perspective emphasizes the interpersonal affections (ren-qing), relationship network (guan-xi), and the division between others and us. This research indicates that the perspective of self/communities relations is very important in studying different political culture and its political institution.
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「都市化」、「派系得票率」及「選舉投票率」關係之研究-新竹縣(市)的個案分析 / Urbanization, Local Faction & Votes Rate: A Case Study to Hsin-chu County and City張世澤, Chang, Shih-Tse Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣地區選舉與地方派系之關係-一九八一~一九九二年雲林縣之個案研究 / The Study of Election and Political Faction in Taiwan丁彥致, Din, Yann Jyh Unknown Date (has links)
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地方派系、選舉與補助款之研究-以嘉義縣為個案分析 / Local Faction, Voting and Grant.劉旭清, Liu, Shih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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縣市長與縣市議員政黨得票的連動關係 / The Linkage of Party Votes between County Magistrate/City Mayoral and County/City Councilor Elections呂孟威, Lu, Meng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣縣市議員與縣市長選舉的政黨競爭程度不及中央層級選舉,然而相對於地方首長選舉多數呈現兩黨競爭,地方議員選舉的政黨組成則相對多元,可能是近似縣市長的藍綠對決,也可以是無黨籍遙遙領先其他政黨,或是由單一政黨與無黨籍囊括多數選票,這代表政黨在各地區的議員與縣市長得票存在程度不等的落差。本文即在於尋找能夠解釋議員與縣市長選舉政黨得票連動關係不一的因素,並以「得票差距」及「得票相關程度」測量政黨得票的連動性。結果發現,議員選舉選區規模與議員選舉有效票數(縣市人口規模)等「先天結構因素」與政黨兩項選舉的得票差距具有關聯;除了「先天結構因素」,地方派系與現任議員參選比例等「政黨本身可掌握的因素」同樣與政黨兩項選舉的得票相關程度具有關係。地方派系在地方選舉具有舉足輕重的地位,足以解釋政黨議員與縣市長得票相關程度的變化,不過其與政黨得票差距的關係則未獲得證實,本文推測可能受到派系測量的限制。政黨標籤對地方議員選舉的重要性確實不如縣市長或中央層級選舉,但隨著縣市長選舉的兩黨競爭逐漸滲透至議員選舉,其意義已較以往提升。議員選舉兩黨競爭的出現反映議員選舉政黨化的跡象。 / The party competition is weaker in county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections than in central elections in Taiwan. However, Electoral landscape of councilor elections is not the same in districts, rather than competition between two major parties in most county magistrate/city mayoral elections. Some are approximate two-party competition, some are parties lag far behind the independent candidates, others are single party and the independent candidates secure most votes. It indicates that the differences of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections vary in districts. The study explores the relationship of party votes between county/city councilor and county magistrate/city mayoral elections and uses “difference of party votes” and “correlation of the party votes” to measure the dependent variable. The results show that factors which parties can’t determine have something to do with the difference of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as district magnitude in county/city councilor elections, scale of population in districts. In addition to factors which parties can’t determine, factors which parties can determine also have something to do with correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, such as local factions, the proportion of incumbent councilors run for another term. Local factions are the pivot of Taiwanese local elections, and can explain the correlation of party votes between local councilor and magistrate/mayoral elections, but the relationship with difference of party votes can’t be verified according to the result of analysis. It could attribute to the measurement of factions. The party label is less important in councilor elections than in county magistrate/city mayoral or central elections, but becomes more meaningful when two-party competition penetrates into councilor elections. The competition between two major parties of councilor elections reflects councilor election towards party competition.
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嘉義縣地方派系結構變遷過程之研究 / The Changing Process of Chia-yi County's Local Faction Structure張致源, Chang, chi-yuan Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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中央與地方政治權力關係之轉變--國民黨威權政體的鞏固與轉型 / The Change of Power Relationship beTween National and Local Politics -- The Consolidation and Transition of Kuomintang Authoritarian Regime劉明煌, Liu, Ming-huang Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究主旨在於 : 從中央與地方政治權力關係變動的主軸來探
討台灣威權政體的轉型過程。在概念的界定上,早期( 1972 年前)或狹
,後期( 1972 年後)或廣義的意涵,則主要係指涉中央政治勢力和地方
形成的歷史背景,繼之分析國民黨威權政體的建構,包括國民黨威權政體的控制與支配,及其內在脆弱性。其次,本文將中央與地方政治權力關係的演變劃分為三個時期:第一個時期是 1949-1972 年, 主要劃分的依據在於 1972 年增額選舉的舉辦(象徵中央大門的開啟),分析焦點則是國民黨與地方派系依侍結盟的建立; 第二個時期是 1972-1986 年,主要劃分的依據在於民進黨的成立(象徵中央政治權力的分化),分析的焦點則是本土地方勢力(包括反對運動和地方派系)的向中央挺進,及其和外來政權之間的互動、激盪;第三個時期是 1986 年後,分析的焦點在於黨國體制的瓦解 -- 國民黨的轉化、國會的全面改選 -- 立法院的轉型及地方派系的變與不變 -- 政經結合體。再者,在分析的流程中,本文援引了兩
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地方派系、社會運動與環境治理:以八輕在雲、嘉設廠決策分析為例 / Local Faction, Social Movement and Environmental Governance: Taking the 8th Naphtha Cracking Project for Example.呂季蓉, Lu,Chi-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
八輕的興建由於具備提振經濟發展的功能,受到熱烈歡迎;卻也因為其對環境生態影響甚鉅,引發當地居民的反對聲浪,以及全國各地的環保團體串連抗議,導致進度延宕。這種經濟與環保衝突的鄰避型設施,在廠址的選擇上,因為必須要滿足社會大眾的需求,而成為環境決策相當重要的一環。只是,同樣渴望經濟發展的雲林縣與嘉義縣,為何八輕最後會選擇落腳雲林而非嘉義?決策過程中的利害關係人又是如何互動?研究結果發現,雖然政商聯盟在中央決策場域上佔有優勢,然廠址抉擇的關鍵仍在於地方的政治生態。嘉義黃林兩派對立的政治生態,讓主政黃派在爭取開發案上,因受到林派為反對而反對的掣肘,中油倍感經營不易而退出;在雲林張派獨大的情形下,沒有足以抗衡的反對勢力,而有利於八輕的進駐。此外,無論在中央或地方的層級,環保團體都企圖在政治力的夾縫中求生存,以阻擋政商聯盟的不正義開發。地方民眾則因利益不同而選擇與派系或環保團體結盟。 / The building of 8th Naphtha Cracking Project is so popular because of its function of promoting economic development. However, local residents have great opposition to it because of its giant influence on environment. Furthermore, the series of representations from the environmental groups have made the work progress at a very low pace. The siting of nimby facility which causes the conflict between economic development and environment protection has become an important part of decision making because it has to satisfy all kinds of needs in the society. Then, we may wonder why 8th Naphtha Cracking Project chooses Yun-lin County instead of Chia-yi County since both of them are eager to develop their own economics, and how the stakeholders interact during the decision making process. The study finds out that politicoeconomic coalitions control the national political arena, and they seem to monopolize decision making process. But the local political ecology is the key to siting. In Chia-yi County, Huang Faction is in confrontation with Lin Faction. Although Huang Faction makes efforts to win the developing project, Lin Faction just protests without particular reasons. Finally, CPC gives up the project because it is so difficult to run business in this situation. On the other hand, Chang Faction is so dominant that there is no political opposition movement in Yun-lin County. And that fosters the coming of 8th Naphtha Cracking Project. In addition, no matter in central or local level, environmental groups try to influence policy to prevent the unjust development from politicoeconomic coalitions. And the local residents enter into strategic coalitions with factions or environmental groups due to different interests.
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