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Characterization and modeling of advanced charge trapping non volatile memories.Della marca, Vincenzo 24 June 2013 (has links)
Les mémoires à nanocristaux de silicium sont considérées comme l'une des solutions les plus intéressantes pour remplacer les grilles flottantes dans les mémoires Flash pour des applications de mémoires non-volatiles embarquées. Ces nanocristaux sont intéressants pour leur compatibilité avec les technologies de procédé CMOS, et la réduction des coûts de fabrication. De plus, la taille des nanocristaux garantie un faible couplage entre les cellules et la robustesse contre les effets de SILC. L'un des principaux challenges pour les mémoires embarquées dans des applications mobiles et sans contact est l'amélioration de la consommation d'énergie afin de réduire les contraintes de design de cellules. Dans cette étude, nous présentons l'état de l'art des mémoires Flash à grille flottante et à nanocristaux de silicium. Sur ce dernier type de mémoire une optimisation des principaux paramètres technologiques a été effectuée pour permettre l'obtention d'une fenêtre de programmation compatible avec les applications à faible consommation d'énergie. L'étude s'attache à l'optimisation de la fiabilité de la cellule à nanocristaux de silicium. On présente pour la première fois une cellule fonctionnelle après un million de cycles d'écriture et effacement dans une large gamme de températures [-40°C;150°C], et qui est capable de retenir l'information pendant dix ans à 150°C. Enfin, une analyse de la consommation de courant et d'énergie durant la programmation montre l'adaptabilité de la cellule pour des applications à faible consommation. Toutes les données expérimentales ont été comparées avec les résultats d'une cellule standard à grille flottante pour montrer les améliorations apportées. / The silicon nanocrystal memories are one of the most attractive solutions to replace the Flash floating gate for nonvolatile memory embedded applications, especially for their high compatibility with CMOS process and the lower manufacturing cost. Moreover, the nanocrystal size guarantees a weak device-to-device coupling in an array configuration and, in addition, for this technology it has been shown the robustness against SILC. One of the main challenges for embedded memories in portable and contactless applications is to improve the energy consumption in order to reduce the design constraints. Today the application request is to use the Flash memories with both low voltage biases and fast programming operation. In this study, we present the state of the art of Flash floating gate memory cell and silicon nanocrystal memories. Concerning this latter device, we studied the effect of main technological parameters in order to optimize the cell performance. The aim was to achieve a satisfactory programming window for low energy applications. Furthermore, the silicon nanocrystal cell reliability has been investigated. We present for the first time a silicon nanocrystal memory cell with a good functioning after one million write/erase cycles, working on a wide range of temperature [-40°C; 150°C]. Moreover, ten years data retention at 150°C is extrapolated. Finally, the analysis concerning the current and energy consumption during the programming operation shows the opportunity to use the silicon nanocrystal cell for low power applications. All the experimental data have been compared with the results achieved on Flash floating gate memory, to show the performance improvement.
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L'effet des croyances sur la production des faux souvenirs : études des témoignages de phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés / The impact of beliefs on the production of false memories : study evidence of unidentified aerospace phenomenaBouvet, Romain 27 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les effets des croyances dans la production des faux souvenirs, phénomène qui présente une importance toute particulière dans le contexte judiciaire. Nous avons trouvé avec le CNES (Centre National d’Études Spatiales) un terrain d’étude particulièrement fonctionnel pour comprendre les mécanismes de la production des faux souvenirs. En effet, le CNES a créé un service, le GEIPAN (Groupe d’Études et d’Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non Identifiés), chargé de recueillir les témoignages à propos de PAN (Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés) sur le territoire français. Le GEIPAN reçoit un volume conséquent de témoignages (en moyenne deux par jour) qui présentent bien souvent une grande homogénéité. Cette collaboration avec le CNES a permis de réaliser des études de terrain qui, articulées avec des études expérimentales de laboratoire, ont permis de mettre en évidence les conditions de production des faux souvenirs. Nous observons que les faux souvenirs sont dus à l’impact des croyances (ici à propos des OVNI) dès lors qu’un délai a permis une confusion entre différentes sources du souvenir. Dans une dernière partie de la thèse, nous montrons que l’adaptation d’une technique d’entretien judiciaire (l’entretien cognitif sur internet) à la problématique de ces témoignages permet de résoudre en partie la production des faux souvenirs. Nous évoquons dans la discussion les pistes d’utilisation des travaux de cette thèse dans le contexte des enquêtes judiciaires. / This doctoral dissertation focuses on the impact of beliefs on the development of false memories. Such memories have been reported to be important as far as the judicial system is concerned. The CNES (Centre National d’ Études Spatiales) has been an ideal study site for a depth understanding of the development of false memories. Indeed, the CNES has developed the GEPAN (Groupe d’Études et d’Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non Identifiés), a service aiming to collect French testimonies regarding PAN (Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés). The GEIPAN receive plenty of testimonies (2 testimonies per day). This collaboration with the GEIPAN allowed to conduct both field researches and experimental studies aiming to highlight processes leading to false memories. False memories were related to beliefs about UFOs as long as a period led to a confusion between the several sources memories. In a last part of this doctoral dissertation, the adaptation of judicial interview (cognitive interview on the Internet) for these testimonies will be presented as well as its utility to for solving a part of false memories. These findings and their utility in criminal investigation will be discussed in the discussion section.
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Etude de la fiabilité des mémoires non-volatiles à grille flottante / Study of floating gate non-volatile memories reliabilityRebuffat, Benjamin 15 December 2015 (has links)
De nombreuses applications industrielles spécifiques dans les secteurs tels que l’automobile, le médical et le spatial, requièrent un très haut niveau de fiabilité. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse traite de l’étude de la fiabilité des mémoires non-volatiles à grille flottante de type NOR Flash. Après une introduction mêlant l’état de l’art des mémoires non volatiles et la caractérisation électrique des mémoires Flash, une étude sur l’effet des signaux de polarisation a été menée. Un modèle a été développé afin de modéliser la cinétique de la tension de seuil durant un effacement. L’effet de la rampe d’effacement a été montré sur les cinétiques mais aussi sur l’endurance. Une étude sur la durée de vie de l’oxyde tunnel a ensuite montré l’importance de l’utilisation d’un stress dynamique. Nous avons caractérisé cette dépendance en fonction du rapport cyclique et du champ électrique appliqué. Enfin l’endurance de la cellule mémoire Flash a été étudiée et les effets de la relaxation durant le cyclage ont été analysés. / Many specific applications used in automotive, medical and spatial activity domains, require a high reliability level. In this context, this thesis focuses on the study of floating gate non-volatiles memories reliability more precisely in NOR Flash architecture. After an introduction mixing the state of art of non-volatiles memories and the electrical characterization of Flash memories, a study on the polarization signals effect has been led. A model has been developed in order to model the threshold voltage kinetic during an erase operation. The erasing ramp effect has been shown on kinetics and also on cycling. Then, a study on the tunnel oxide lifetime has shown the importance of relaxation during stress. This dependence has been characterized as a function of duty cycle and the electric field applied. Finally, Flash memory cell endurance has been explored and the relaxation effects during the cycling has been analyzed.
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3D high density memory based on emering resistive technologies : circuit and architecture design / Mémoires 3D haute densité à base de technologies résistives : architecture et circuitLevisse, Alexandre 06 December 2017 (has links)
Alors que les mémoires non-volatiles conventionnelles, telles que les mémoires flash à grille flottante, deviennent de plus en plus complexes à intégrer et souffrent de performances et d’une fiabilité de plus en plus réduite, les mémoires à variation de résistance (RRAM) telles que les OxRAM, CBRAM, MRAM ou PCM sont vues dans la communauté scientifique comme une alternative crédible. Cependant, les architectures de RRAM standard (telles que la 1Transistor-1RRAM) ne sont pas compétitives avec les mémoires flash sur le terrain de la densité. Ainsi, cette thèse se propose d’explorer le potentiel des architectures RRAM sans transistor que sont l’architecture Crosspoint et l’architecture VRRAM.Dans un premier temps, le positionnement des architectures Crosspoint et VRRAM dans la hiérarchie mémoire est étudié. De nouvelles problématiques, telles que les courant de sneakpath, la chute de tension dans les métaux ou la surface des circuits périphériques sont identifiées et modélisées. Dans un second temps, des solutions circuit répondant aux problématiques évoquées précédemment sont proposées. Finalement, cette thèse se propose d’explorer les opportunités ouvertes par l’utilisation de transistors innovants pour améliorer la densité ou les performances des architectures mémoires utilisant des RRAM. / While conventional non-volatiles memories, such as floating gate Flash memories, are becoming more and more difficult and costly to integrate and suffer of reduced performances and reliability, emerging resistive switching memories (RRAM), such as OxRAM, CBRAM, MRAM or PCM, are seen in the scientific community as a good way for tomorrow’s high-density memories. However, standard RRAM architectures (such as 1 Transistor-1 RRAM) are not competitive with flash technology in terms of density. Thereby, this thesis proposes to explore the opportunities opened by transistor-less RRAM architectures: Crosspoint and Vertical RRAM (VRRAM) architectures.First, the positioning of Crosspoint and VRRAM architectures in the memory hierarchy is studied. New constraints such as the sneakpath currents, the voltage drop through the metal lines or the periphery area overhead are identified and modeled. In a second time, circuit solutions answering to previously mentioned effects are proposed. Finally, this thesis proposes to explore new opportunities opened by the use of innovative transistors to improve the density or the performances of RRAM-based memory architectures.
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Impact de la personnalité de l’enseignant sur le ressenti des élèves : l’assertivité socio-conative comme déterminant de la relation éducative / Impact of the teacher's personality on students : socio-conative assertiveness as a determinant of the educational relationshipMeyre, Jean-Michel 15 December 2018 (has links)
Freud définit l’acte d’enseigner comme un métier impossible (à l’instar de gouverner et soigner) car pour lui, « on peut d’emblée être sûr d’un succès insuffisant ». Quel point commun entre ces trois spécialités si ce n’est l’importance du rapport à l’autre ? Or, un examen du système scolaire et des préoccupations qui animent le milieu de l’éducation atteste d’une forte prédominance des aspects disciplinaires, didactiques. Pourtant, les souvenirs laissés par les enseignants auprès des élèves sont davantage conditionnés par la relation communicationnelle qu’ils ont établie ensemble. L’étude de ce point de vue et la recherche d’éléments signifiants venant accréditer sa fonctionnalité a été réalisée au moyen d’une méthodologie croisée, quantitative et qualitative, convoquant des questionnaires à destination des élèves, des tests d’empathie et des tests d’assertivité auprès des professeurs, des films en situation d’enseignement analysés tant d’un point de vue thématique que quantitatif, ainsi que des entretiens semi-directifs avec les acteurs. Au final, ce travail atteste que la trace mnésique laissée aux élèves est conditionnée par un « curriculum d’assertivité socio-conative » dont la dynamique propre est à même de contribuer à la formation initiale et continue des enseignants. / Freud defines the act of teaching as an impossible profession (like governing and caring) because for him, " we can be sure of an unsuccessful success ". What is the common point between these three specialties, if not the importance of the relationship to the other one? However, an examination of the school system and the concerns that animate the education community attest to a strong ascendancy of disciplinary and didactical aspects. Nevertheless, the memories left by the teachers to the students are more conditioned by the communicative relationship they have established together. The study of this point of view and the search for significant elements to accredit its functionality was carried out using a cross-methodology, quantitative and qualitative, summoning questionnaires for students, tests of empathy and tests. Assertiveness to teachers, films in teaching situations analyzed from both a thematic and quantitative point of view, as well as semi-structured interviews with the actors. In the end, this work shows that the memory trace left to the students is conditioned by a "socio-conative assertiveness curriculum" whose own dynamics are able to contribute to the initial and continuous training of teachers.
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Shifting Memories: Burial Practices and Cultural Interaction in Bronze Age China : A study of the Xiaohe-Gumugou cemeteries in the Tarim Basin / Skiftande minnen: Gravskick och kulturell interaktion i bronsålderns Kina : En studie av Xiaohe och Gumugou gravfälten i TarimbäckenetYang, Yunyun January 2019 (has links)
This study focuses on the burial practices in the Bronze Age Xiaohe-Gumugou cemeteries, north-west China, in order to understand how people constructed their social identities and delivered the social cognitions through generations. The Xiaohe-Gumugou cemeteries, as the main sites of the Xiaohe cultural horizon, have central roles for the understanding of the formation of the Bronze Age cultural groups and the cultural interactions between the west and the east in the Tarim Basin. However, current research is lacking in-depth examinations of the material culture of the cemeteries, and the contexts of the surrounding archaeological cultures in a timespan from Bronze Age to Iron Age. Through detailed comparisons of the construction of coffins and monuments, the dress of the dead, and the burial goods assemblages, this study provides an overview of the social structural development, from the Gumugou group’s heterogenous condition to the Xiaohe group’s homogeneous and mature state. Also, through relating to the results of biological and osteological analyses, and applying geographical analyses to the material, this study suggests that the early settlers in the Tarim Basin, the Xiaohe-Gumugou people have created their own social identities. Although the Xiaohe-Gumugou people might have migrated from southern Siberia or Central Asia, the archaeological material shows indications of their own typical features. When newcomers joined the society, the local burial customs were accepted and applied in a new cultural setting. / Denna studie fokuserar på gravskick på gravfälten Xiaohe och Gumugou i nordvästra Kina, för att förstå hur människor konstruerade social identitet och överförde kulturella föreställningar mellan generationer. Xiaohe-Gumugou-gravfälten, som de viktigaste platserna i Xiaohe-kulturhorisonten, är centrala för förståelsen av bildandet av bronsålderns kulturgrupper och de kulturella växelverkningarna mellan väst och öst i Tarimbäckenet. Tidigare forskning saknar fördjupade undersökningar av gravfältens materiella kultur samt den historiska kontexten med de omgivande arkeologiska kulturerna under tidsperioden från bronsålder till järnålder. Genom detaljerade jämförelser av konstruktionen av kistor och monument samt de dödas klädsel och gravgåvor, ger denna studie en översikt över utvecklingen av sociala strukturer, från Gumugou-gruppens heterogena situation till Xiaohe-gruppens homogena och mogna tillstånd. Genom att relatera till resultaten från biologiska och osteologiska analyser och tillämpa geografiska analyser på materialet, tyder den här studien på att de tidiga bosättarna i Tarimbäckenet, Xiaohe-Gumugou-folket, har utvecklat egna sociala identiteter. Trots att Xiaohe-Gumugou-folket kan ha migrerat från södra Sibirien eller Centralasien visar det arkeologiska materialet indikationer på egna typiska egenskaper. När nykomlingar anslöt till samhället accepterades de lokala begravningssederna och tillämpades i ett nytt kulturellt sammanhang.
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Fiction et autofiction antillaises : la poétique énonciative de Patrick Chamoiseau / Caribbean fiction and autofiction : The poetic utterance by Patrick ChamoiseauBourhane-Maoulida, Ahamada 15 February 2013 (has links)
Notre réflexion consiste à analyser, sur le plan narratologique et énonciatif, la fiction et l'autofiction de Patrick Chamoiseau. Le rôle de l'écrivain y est démultiplié. Il instaure le doute dans la caractérisation générique de son œuvre, résolument digressive et paratextuelle. Il s'efforce de donner à lire un dire narratif créole dans une poétique du compromis- l'oraliture – où l'écrit et l'oral se télescopent, où une esthétique plus personnelle se débat dans une esthétique plus dominante. La mise en scène de la parole des personnages est le lieu d'une négociation scripturaire, littéraire : les énoncés mettent en relief le mariage heuristique de la fiction et de la diction, mais aussi de leur interaction intime avec des implicites énonciatifs – au sens bakhtinien de la théorie énonciative – qui traduisent le propre engagement idéologique de l'auteur. Chamoiseau tente d'extraire de sa narration polyphonique un sujet indemne des affres du présent et de l'Histoire. Il le construit par une parole, anodine et sérieuse, qui use de tout un spectre identitaire, pour se dire et dire la communauté. Les échanges prolifèrent ainsi à l'intérieur du rêve, de l'imaginaire, des histoires ou des mémoires que ses textes engendrent. / Our thinking is to analyze, through narratology utterance, fiction and fictionalized autobiography of the writer Patrick Chamoiseau. Its role is multiplied. He creates doubt in characterization of generic text, a strongly digressive and paratextual text. He tries to give a reading to a narrative creole telling in a poetic compromise – the oralture – where written and oral collide, where a more personal aesthetic struggles in a more dominant one. The staging of the characters ‘speech is the place of a scriptural and literary negotiation: the statements highlight the marriage of heuristic fiction and diction, but also their intimate interaction which implicit enunciation – in a Bakhtinian sense of the theory of enunciation – that reflect the author's specific ideological commitment. In his polyphonic narration, Chamoiseau attempts to retrieve a subject free from horrors of the present and History. He built this subject with a trivial and serious word which uses a spectrum of identity, to say and tell the community. Exchanges proliferate inside the dreams, imagination, stories or memories that his lyrics create.
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Análise da história de vida e a relação com o nível de stress em idosos institucionalizados / Analysis of the life history and its relation to the stress levels in the elderly people living in old age homesDonato, Alice de Castro 09 December 2016 (has links)
No Brasil, a porcentagem de pessoas idosas e sua expectativa de vida aumentam gradualmente. O envelhecimento é considerado um fenômeno natural, social, cultural e econômico. Ademais, a redução da taxa de fecundidade, diminuição de integrantes das famílias, as mudanças nos padrões de nupcialidade e a crescente inserção da mulher no mercado de trabalho reduzem a disponibilidade de cuidadores familiares; tudo isso torna o idoso mais suscetível ao stress. Assim, pensar em questões referentes ao envelhecimento e ao dia a dia dos idosos passa a ser uma necessidade dentro da realidade brasileira. Entre os serviços especializados voltados para a população idosa em nosso país, estão as ILPIs (Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos), responsáveis por auxiliar os idosos em suas tarefas diárias e/ou dificuldades relacionadas ao envelhecimento físico, psicológico, cognitivo e social. O aumento paradoxal do nível de stress na vida cotidiana e da longevidade dos seres humanos convida a refletir sobre as estratégias desenvolvidas para minimizar o efeito deletério do agente stressor. Assim, este estudo pretende compreender e descrever o stress, a partir da perspectiva ainda pouco estudada, de idosos em situação de dependência física e/ou financeira, com autonomia cognitiva-funcional, residentes em ILPIs. Investigaremos a relação entre a história pessoal e o nível de stress nessa população, buscando compreender e descrever o impacto de eventos estressores em sua qualidade de vida. Foram entrevistados apenas idosos em condição de autonomia cognitivo-funcional, com idade igual ou superior a 70 anos, que residem em ILPI, na cidade de Santos SP. Para tanto, foram aplicados um Quesionário de Informações Gerais, O Mini Exame do Estado Mental, o Life Events Units (LEU/VAS) e algumas Questões Complementares. Entre os eventos de vida com nível de stress mais relevantes, estão Morte do Cônjuge, Acidente ou Doença, Casamentos, Aposentadoria, Gravidez, Nascimento de Crianças na Família, Morte de Alguém na Família, Mudança na Condição Financeira, Férias e Cirurgia. Foi possível observar que, os eventos citados atingiram nível de stress altíssimo no período em que foram vividos e nível alto ainda nos dias de hoje. Apesar dos altos níveis de stress encontrados, o grupo em que houve diminuição do nível de stress corresponde a 100% da amostra / The percentage of senior citizens and their life expectancy have been increasing gradually in Brazil. Aging is considered to be a natural, social, cultural and economic phenomenon. Therefore, questions concerning this phenomenon and the daily life of the elderly people have become a necessity in the Brazilian society. The ILPIs (long stay old age homes) are the institutions responsible for assisting the senior citizens in need of special care such as carrying out daily chores and/or difficulties related to physical, psychological, cognitive and social aging. Furthermore, factors like the decrease of the fertility rate, the decrease of members in families, changes in marriage patterns and the increase of the participation of women at the work market , have affected the availability of relatives to become care takers. Therefore, the elderly have become more susceptible to stress as before. The absurd rise of stress levels in our daily lives and the increase of our longevity, invite us to reflect upon the strategies which should be developed in order to minimize the harmful effect of the stress then.That being the case, this study intends to cast light on the comprehension and description of stress in the elderly people who find themselves in an economical and/or physical dependency but are still cognitively and functionally fit and living in the ILPIs, mentioned above. We will investigate the relationship between their life history and the stress level while living in the old age homes. Only cognitively and functionally fit elderly people have taken part in our research, at the age of 70 and older. The following tests and questionnaires have been applied: Firstly, a general questions questionnaire, then The mental health status examination, The Life Events Units(LEU/VAS) and other complementary questions. Relevant events which are linked to the rise of the stress levels are: the death of a spouse, accident or illness, marriage, retirement, pregnancy, the birth of children in the family, death in the family, financial difficulties, holidays, and surgery. It is important to mention that the stress levels have reached their highest during the occurrence of these life events mentioned before, and they still have an impact on the stress levels presently. Despite of the high levels of stress, we could observe that the people in the group which had a stress reduction corresponds to 100% of the samples taken
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Consumo de memórias e experiências em cafés paulistanos cenas: culturais em torno do café Girondino e do Coffe Lab / Memory consumption and experiences in cafes paulistanos scenes: cultural around Coffee Girondino and Coffee LabTeixeira, Lucas de Vasconcelos 17 March 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-17 / The theme of this academic research is the Cafés, as communicational environments of sociability and consumption of memories and experiences. Its theoretical object is the consumption of memories and experiences, spatialities and temporalities of Cafés in the city of São Paulo, while the empirical objects are Café Girondino and Coffee Lab, which allow us to observe a variety of cultural scenes involving the universe of coffee. The general objective of this study is to examine the phenomenon of cultural scenes in the city of São Paulo, originated from the consumption of memories and experiences in communicational spaces and sociability, as observed at the Cafés mentioned above. One of its specific objectives is to analyze to what extend Café Girondino, nowadays, operates as a space organized by communicative strategies, enabling to revisiting memories and histories that took place at the beginning of modernity in the city of São Paulo, mainly at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the following century. In addition to that, to identify how Coffee Lab disseminates the culture of specialty coffees, counting on a pedagogy of consumption, and becomes an obligatory destination for coffee lovers. Furthermore, we aim to problematize similarities and differences involving these cultural scenes including here the consumption of memories and experiences in these two Cafés. The guiding issue is to understand how these cultural scenes rise and structure with the consumption of memories and experiences in these iconic Cafés in the city of São Paulo. The corpus of this study includes the physical spaces of both Cafés, their objects, interviews and courses. For a deeper investigation into these communicational environments, we employed the flânerie methodology, as proposed by McLaren (2000), grounded on bibliographical and documentary researches. Among the theoretical references, authors as Will Straw, Norval Baitello, Mary Douglas and Baron Isherwood, Walter Benjamin, Iúri Lótman, Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Nora, Mike Featherstone, Mônica Nunes, Cláudia Pereira, Vander Casaqui, Ana Luiza Martins and Nicolau Sevcenko, not to mention other thinkers that have contributed to our discussions. The results show there is a media strategy in these spaces, and the symbolic meaning that brings reasoning and value to consumptions is the fruit of sociabilities that go beyond market studies, characterizing these cultural scenes as a symptomatic phenomenon. / Esta pesquisa tem como tema os Cafés como ambiências comunicacionais de sociabilidade e de consumo de memórias e experiências. O objeto teórico diz respeito ao consumo de memórias e experiências, de espacialidades e temporalidades em cafeterias paulistanas, enquanto que os objetos empíricos são o Café Girondino e o Coffee Lab, que permitem observar variadas cenas culturais envolvendo o universo do café. O objetivo geral é examinar o fenômeno das cenas culturais paulistanas originadas do consumo de memórias e experiências em espaços comunicacionais e de sociabilidade, como nas referidas cafeterias. Os objetivos específicos são: analisar em que medida o atual Café Girondino opera como um espaço que se organiza através de estratégias comunicativas que proporcionam revisitar memórias e histórias do início da modernidade paulistana, mais precisamente do final do século XIX e início do seguinte; identificar as formas pelas quais o Coffee Lab dissemina a cultura dos cafés especiais por meio de uma pedagogia do consumo e se converte em destino obrigatório para os apreciadores da bebida; problematizar as semelhanças e diferenças entre as cenas culturais e também entre os consumos de memórias e experiências nas duas cafeterias. A questão que norteou a pesquisa pretende responder de que modo são constituídas as cenas culturais que se articulam em torno do consumo de memórias e experiências nestas cafeterias paulistanas icônicas. O corpus de pesquisa inclui os espaços físicos de ambas as cafeterias, seus objetos, entrevistas e cursos. Para melhor explorar estas ambiências comunicacionais, utilizamos a flânerie de McLaren (2000) como a metodologia aplicada, alicerçada por pesquisas bibliográfica e documental. O referencial teórico inclui autores como Will Straw, Norval Baitello, Mary Douglas e Baron Isherwood, Walter Benjamin, Iúri Lótman, Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Nora, Mike Featherstone, Mônica Nunes, Cláudia Pereira, Vander Casaqui, Ana Luiza Martins e Nicolau Sevcenko, entre outros pensadores que contribuem para as discussões. Os resultados indicam que há uma estratégia midiática de construção desses espaços ao mesmo tempo em que as apropriações que dão sentido e valor ao que é consumido são fruto de sociabilidades que ultrapassam o que é mercadologicamente planejado, sendo as cenas culturais seu fenômeno sintomático.
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Ellus Desfila São Paulo : comunicação, consumo e memória na cidade-mídia / Ellus Parade São Paulo: communication, consumption and memory in the city-mediaCosta, Filipe de Oliveira 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-08T11:46:59Z
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FILIEP DE OLIVEIRA COSTA.pdf: 34744343 bytes, checksum: 71634fee97ac357a57fe6a65745efe6e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Cristina Ropero (ana@espm.br) on 2017-11-10T12:15:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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FILIEP DE OLIVEIRA COSTA.pdf: 34744343 bytes, checksum: 71634fee97ac357a57fe6a65745efe6e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-27 / This research has as its theme the fashion shows as communicational ambiences, consumption of memories, experiences and also spaces of performances. The theoretical object is related to the uses of places of memories of the city of São Paulo as a way of intensifying the communicative strategies for the consumption of the institutional discourse of the brand that circulates in each parade.
The empirical objects are the Ellus brand parade, namely: Winter 2008, Summer 2012, Winter 2013, Winter 2014 and Winter 2016. The question that guided the research presupposes that fashion shows are already consecrated advertising strategies as a way of publicizing brand. But for this research these parades also behave as a process that communicates the city and its places of memory (spaces and characters) through the performance that the parade itself performs. We seek to investigate whether the parades so understood convert the memories into a strategy for the symbolic consumption of Ellus' institutional discourse, which translates as sophisticated, urban and transgressive. The general objective is to identify and analyze how Ellus brand fashion shows that use the city and its memories (spaces and characters) communicate and convert memory into a strategy for the symbolic consumption of the brand's institutional discourse. The specific objectives are: to recognize the strategies of the production of the symbolic consumption of the values enunciated in the narrative of the advertising brand Ellus by means of the analysis of the selected parades (Winter 2008, Summer 2012, Winter 2013, Winter 2014, Winter 2016); to identify the places of memory of the city of São Paulo, its characters and the game that is established between the representations of memory and its characters presented in the selected parades; to analyze the parade as performance (gesture, body, soundtrack and the circumstances of its accomplishment, like time and space). The theoretical reference includes authors such as Maria Aparecida Baccega, Everardo Rocha, Don Slater, Ana Paula de Miranda, Mary Douglas, Baron Isherwood, Claudia Pereira, Andreas Huyssen, Michel Pollak, Pierre Nora, Monica Nunes, Iuri Lotman, Paul Zumthor, among others contribute to the discussions. As methodological procedures are carried out bibliographical research in authors of the semiotics of culture, memory, consumption and fashion, and documentary research in videos of the parades and institutional of Ellus and graphic pieces of advertising campaigns of the brand. In addition, we refer in speeches of journalists specialized in fashion news, who were relevant allied to some theoretical aspects. The research corpus includes the analysis of photographic images and frames of the parades (urban spaces, clothes, gestures, soundtracks, temporal marking and construction of the elements that mark the spaces of the parades like scenography, lighting). The results indicate that there are strategies to provide the symbolic consumption of the memories of the locations of the parades in a way that will result in the loyalty of brand clients and symbolic consumers of the repositioned memories not only of the city of São Paulo but also of large urban spaces according to the urban, transgressive and sophisticated institutional discourse of Ellus. / Esta pesquisa tem como tema os desfiles de moda como ambiências comunicacionais, de consumo de memórias, de experiências e também de espaços de performances. O objeto teórico é relativo aos usos de lugares de memórias da cidade de São Paulo como forma de intensificar as estratégias comunicativas para o consumo do discurso institucional da marca que circula em cada desfile. Os objetos empíricos são o desfile da marca Ellus, a saber: Inverno 2008, Verão 2012, Inverno 2013, Inverno 2014 e Inverno 2016. A questão que norteou a pesquisa pressupõe que os desfiles de moda são estratégias publicitárias já consagradas como forma de divulgação de marca. Mas, para esta pesquisa estes desfiles também se comportam como um processo que comunica a cidade e seus lugares de memória (os espaços e os personagens) por meio da performance que o próprio desfile realiza. Buscamos investigar se os desfiles assim compreendidos convertem as memórias em estratégia para o consumo simbólico do discurso institucional da Ellus, que se traduz como sofisticada, urbana e transgressora. O objetivo geral é identificar e analisar de que forma os desfiles de moda da marca Ellus que utilizam a cidade e suas memórias (os espaços e os personagens) comunicam e convertem a memória em estratégia para o consumo simbólico do discurso institucional da marca. Os objetivos específicos são: reconhecer as estratégias da produção do consumo simbólico dos valores enunciados na narrativa da marca publicitária Ellus por meio da análise dos desfiles selecionados (Inverno 2008, Verão 2012, Inverno 2013, Inverno 2014, Inverno 2016); identificar os lugares de memória da cidade de São Paulo, seus personagens e o jogo que se estabelece entre as representações da memória e seus personagens apresentados nos desfiles selecionados; analisar o desfile como performance (gesto, corpo, trilha sonora e as circunstâncias de sua realização, como o tempo e o espaço). O referencial teórico inclui autores como Maria Aparecida Baccega, Everardo Rocha, Don Slater, Ana Paula de Miranda, Mary Douglas, Baron Isherwood, Cláudia Pereira, Andreas Huyssen, Michel Pollak, Pierre Nora, Mônica Nunes, Iuri Lotman, Paul Zumthor, entre outros que contribuem para as discussões. Como procedimentos metodológicos são realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas em autores da semiótica da cultura, memória, consumo e moda, e pesquisa documental em vídeos dos desfiles e institucional da Ellus e peças gráficas de campanhas publicitárias da marca. Além disso, nos referenciamos em falas de jornalistas especializados em notícias de moda, que foram relevantes aliadas a alguns aspectos teóricos. O corpus da pesquisa inclui a análise a partir de imagens fotográficas e frames dos desfiles (espaços urbanos, roupas, gestos, trilhas sonoras, marcação temporal e construção dos elementos que marcam os espaços dos desfiles como cenografia, iluminação). Os resultados indicam que há estratégias para proporcionar o consumo simbólico das memórias das locações dos desfiles de forma que resultem na fidelização dos clientes da marca e consumidores simbólicos das memórias ressignificadas não apenas da cidade de São Paulo, como também de grandes espaços urbanos de acordo com o discurso institucional de urbana, transgressora e sofisticada da Ellus.
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