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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


COMMISSO, FRANCESCO 04 May 2009 (has links)
Questa tesi ha per oggetto la definizione di un “prospetto di controllo” (Modello dei costi ) per la realizzazione di un’unica piattaforma di informazioni, che permetta al Management di un’impresa finanziaria di valutare quale tipo di progetto di integrazione dei processi sia più conveniente da applicare alla propria realtà aziendale. Il modello propone una metodologia in grado di evidenziare al Management “come” ed “in quale forma” l’IT/ICT siano in grado di sostenere un ciclo di crescita e di sviluppo stabile e duraturo. Il lavoro è stato suddiviso in tre sezioni, dedicate a tre specifici contenuti: • Sezione prima: “Il Business Process Reengeneering : una strategia basata sulle sinergie di piccoli progetti”; • Sezione seconda: “IL BPR come metodo di trasparenza per le aree di valutazione normativa e per lo scambio di informazioni”; • Sezione terza: “Il Modello di Valutazione di un progetto di Integrazione di processi e di sistemi informativi (Information Comunication Technology) all’interno di una società di Asset Management”. / This Thesis' subject is the definition of a "control prospect"(Cost Model) to build a unique information platform, that would enable the management of a financial company to evaluate which type of process-integration project would be suitable for their specific corporate situation. The Model proposes a framework capable to highlight "how" and "in which shape" the "IT/ICT" could sustain a stable and durable growth cycle. The Thesis has been divided in three sections, each one dedicated to a specific topic: 1- "Business Process Reengeneering : a strategy based on small projects synergies" 2-"The BPR as a transparent method of normative evaluation and information exchange" 3-"The Evaluation Model for a project of process and information system inteegration(Information Comunication Technology) for an Asset Management company"

Le financement par le marché : essai en droit de l'OHADA à l'aune du droit français / Marked-based financing : OHADA from French law's perspective

Gansou, Mariel 30 June 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une comparaison avec les règles en vigueur en France, cette thèse propose d’étudier le droit applicable au financement par les marchés boursiers au sein de l’espace OHADA à l’aune des systèmes juridiques qui ont influencé sa formation et ses « Actes uniformes ». L’étude suggère que les paramètres juridiques qui affectent l’OHADA depuis sa création sont bien plus variés que la simple mention du droit français. Ils sont africains, européens et internationaux. De même, l’on met en exergue les réponses méritoires de l’OHADA à des problématiques de régulation dont pourrait s’inspirer le droit français. L’on peut affirmer qu’il n’y a pas ici de droit exotique ou davantage un système purement esthétique de droit, mais bien au contraire, simplement du droit. Introuvable pierre philosophale, si l’OHADA n’est pas omnipotente comme l’indiquent les aspérités que l’on esquisse, elle possède les qualités de la boussole qui montre la voie à suivre pour accompagner le développement des marchés financiers et de leurs avatars. Sans nécessairement créer un nouvel acte uniforme relatif aux marchés financiers, elle pourrait, par des voies alternatives, accroître la sécurité juridique et judiciaire qui sont, on le rappellera, dans ses gènes. / In a comparison with the rules in force in France and Africa, we have studied the law applicable for funding by stock exchanges within the OHADA space in light of the legal systems that have influenced its formation and its "Uniform Acts". The study reveals that the legal parameters affecting OHADA since its creation are much more varied than the mere mention of French law. These parameters are African, European and international. Similarly, the meritorious responses of OHADA to regulatory issues that could inspire French law are highlighted. It can be said that there is no exotic law in this case or either a purely aesthetic system of law, but rather, on the contrary, simply the law. Untouchable like a philosopher's stone, if OHADA is not all powerful as the asperities outlined show, it possesses the qualities of the compass that indicates the way forward. Without necessarily creating a new "uniform act" relating to financial markets, it could, by alternative means, increase the legal and judicial security which are, let us not forget, in its genes.

En vetenskaplig studie om kryptovaluta i ljuset av svensk sakrätt : Bitcoin – sakrättens kryptonit? / A scientific study on cryptocurrency in the light of Swedish property law : Bitcoin - the kryptonite of property law?

Champari, Amir January 2023 (has links)
Access to finance is often a vital tool for a company to make investments which in turn leads to increased generation of income. In 2022, the amount of lending to non-financial companies increased by around 13 %. Banks' traditional lending channels have recently been challenged by DeFi. Within DeFi, no central intermediary is used, the security provided is cryptocurrencies and the transaction history is public. The most common cryptocurrency used in DeFi is bitcoin. At the time of writing, bitcoin has a market capitalization of approximately $521 million. The use of DeFi has grown rapidly in 2022 as cryptocurrencies worth just under $110 billion were pledged in DeFi as collateral for credit. The EBA has previously warned about the risks of cryptocurrencies. Despite warnings, neither case law nor any clear legislation regarding cryptocurrencies and creditors protection has thus been created. Though, there is a proposal from EU that will create a uniform regulation for cryptocurrencies that are not currently covered by the EU's existing regulatory framework for financial services, the so-called MiCA regulation. In Swedish legislation, there is an ongoing investigation on how to handle cryptocurrencies. However, neither the proposals at EU-level nor national level deal with substantive legal aspects such as creditors protection. The purpose of the thesis is to present a proposal for what bitcoin as property is classified as according to Swedish law and to identify the most appropriate legal aspect when bitcoins are used within DeFi. Based on the purpose, the following questions arise (i) What type of property should the cryptocurrency bitcoin be legally classified as? (ii) How can creditor protection be achieved when a transaction with bitcoin is made? (iii) How can creditor protection be achieved when bitcoin is used as collateral? In this thesis, the legal dogmatic method and law analogies will be used to answer the questions. The conclusions are that bitcoin should first be seen as a financial instrument according to MiFID II and creditor protection in the case of acquired ownership of bitcoins can basically never be achieved. Creditor protection in case of retained ownership can be achieved with analogous application of RVL and using registration as an element of property rights. When bitcoin is used as collateral, creditor protection can be achieved through the property right element of registration or tradition. In the case of three-party escrow, notification of transfer of claim must be made to the person who holds the pledged property in accordance with the 1936 Pawn Law.

Bidding models for bond market auctions / Budgivningsmodeller förauktioner på obligationsmarknaden

Engman, Kristofer January 2019 (has links)
In this study, we explore models for optimal bidding in auctions on the bond market using data gathered from the Bloomberg Fixed Income Trading platform and MIFID II reporting. We define models that aim to fulfill two purposes. The first is to hit the best competitor price, such that a dealer can win the trade with the lowest possible margin. This model should also take into account the phenomenon of the Winner's Curse, which states that the winner of a common value auction tends to be the bidder who overestimated the value. We want to avoid this since setting a too aggressive bid could be unprofitable even when the dealer wins. The second aim is to define a model that estimates a quote that allows the dealer to win a certain target ratio of trades. We define three novel models for these purposes that are based on the best competitor prices for each trade, modeled by a Skew Exponential Power distribution. Further, we define a proxy for the Winner's Curse, represented by the distance of the estimated price from a reference price for the trade calculated by Bloomberg which is available when the request for quote (RFQ) arrives. Relevant covariates for the trades are also included in the models to increase the specificity for each trade. The novel models are compared to a linear regression and a random forest regression method using the same covariates. When trying to hit the best competitor price, the regression models have approximately equal performance to the expected price method defined in the study. However, when incorporating the Winner's Curse proxy, our Winner's Curse adjusted models are able to reduce the effect of the Winner's Curse as we define it, which the regression methods cannot. The results of the models for hitting a target ratio show that the actual hit ratio falls within an interval of 5% of the desired target ratio when running the model on the test data. The inclusion of covariates in the models does not impact the results as much as expected, but still provide improvements with respect to some measures. In summary, the novel methods show promise as a first step towards building algorithmic trading for bonds, but more research is needed and should incorporate more of the growing data set of RFQs and MIFID II recorded transaction prices. / I denna studie utforskar vi modeller för optimal budgivning för auktioner på obligationsmarknaden med hjälp av data som samlats in från plattformen Bloomberg Fixed Income Trading och MIFID II-rapportering. Vi definierar modeller som ämnar att uppfylla två syften. Det första är att träffa det bästa konkurrentpriset så att en handlare kan vinna auktionen med minsta möjliga marginal. Denna modell bör också ta hänsyn till fenomenet Winner's Curse, som innebär att vinnaren av en så kallad common value auction tenderar att vara den budgivare som överskattat värdet. Vi vill undvika detta eftersom det kan vara olönsamt att skicka ett alltför aggressivt bud även om handlaren vinner. Det andra syftet är att definiera en modell som uppskattar ett pris som gör det möjligt för handlaren att vinna en viss andel av sina obligationsaffärer. Vi definierar tre nya modeller för dessa ändamål som bygger på de bästa konkurrentpriserna för varje transaktion vi har data på. Dessa modelleras av en Skew Exponential Power-fördelning. Vidare definierar vi en variabel som indirekt mäter fenomenet Winner's Curse, representerad av budprisets avstånd från ett referenspris för transaktionen beräknad av Bloomberg som är tillgänglig när en request for quote (RFQ) anländer. Relevanta kovariat för transaktionen implementeras också i modellerna för att öka specificiteten för varje transaktion. De nya modellerna jämförs med en linjärregression och en random forest-regression som använder samma kovariat. När målet är att träffa det bästa konkurrentpriset ger regressionsmodellerna ungefär samma resultat som expected price-modellen som definieras i denna studie. När man däremot integrerar effekten av Winner's Curse med den definierade indirekta variablen kan vår Winner's Curse-justerade modell minska effekten av Winner's Curse, vilket regressionsmetoderna inte kan. Resultaten av modellerna som ämnar vinna en förbestämd andel av transaktionerna visar att den faktiska andelen transaktioner som man vinner faller inom ett intervall på 5% kring den önskade andelen när modellen körs på testdata. Att inkludera kovariat i modellerna påverkar inte resultaten till den grad som uppskattades, men ger mindre förbättringar med avseende på vissa mättal. Sammanfattningsvis visar de nya metoderna potential som ett första steg mot att bygga algoritmisk handel för obligationer, men mer forskning behövs och bör utnyttja mer av den växande datamängden av RFQs och MIFID II-rapporterade transaktionspriser.

Understanding the Implications of Sustainability Inclusion : A Case Study of the Role of the Financial Advisor and Sustainability / Att förstå konsekvenserna av hållbarhetsinkludering : En fallstudie av den finansiella rådgivarrollen och hållbarhet

Larsson, Rebecca, Månsson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
The role of the financial advisor is subject to fiduciary duty, which means that the advisor always should act in the best interest of the client and has traditionally referred to the financial aspects. Finance is now experiencing a revolution, where the concept of sustainable finance is on the agenda of many actors when the sustainability amendments to MiFID II entered into force, as part of the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Finance. The new regulations will add to the already intensified information load characterizing the financial advisory landscape. Moreover, this new dimension of sustainability is very different from the strictly financial one, which in itself is subject to both conceptually and operational complexity. This study aims to investigate what difficulties and complexities are arising from the growing amount of sustainability demands and information and how these affect the financial advisor and its role. This was done as a qualitative case study where nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with financial advisors working in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, together with two interviews with employees working with sustainability at a central level in a Nordic bank. The analysis is based on the interviews combined with current literature and together lays the foundation for the findings. The key findings of the study are that there are five identified difficulties stemming from different areas that are seen as important for understanding what the inclusion of sustainability preferences into financial advisory might mean going forward, and what effects that it will have on the financial advisor: (i) regulatory changes and compliance, (ii) sustainability preferences, (iii) the information-intensive landscape, (iv) advisors’ required awareness and knowledge, and (v) the perceived advisor’s role. When adding these identified difficulties together, the conclusion is that the concept of sustainable finance is not as uncomplicated as perhaps portrayed, and this holds extra true for the studied inclusion of sustainability in the advisory process. / Den finansiella rådgivarens roll är föremål för fiduciary duty, vilket innebär att rådgivaren alltid ska agera i kundens bästa och traditionellt har hänvisat till de ekonomiska aspekterna. Finans upplever nu en revolution, där begreppet hållbar ekonomi står på dagordningen för många aktörer när hållbarhetsändringarna till MiFID II trädde i kraft, som en del av EU: s handlingsplan för finansiering av hållbar tillväxt. De nya reglerna kommer att öka den redan intensifierade informationsbelastningen som kännetecknar det finansiella rådgivande landskapet. Dessutom skiljer sig denna nya hållbarhetsdimension mycket från den strikt ekonomiska, som i sig är föremål för både konceptuell och operativ komplexitet. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka svårigheter och komplexiteter som uppstår till följd av den ökande mängden hållbarhetskrav och information och hur dessa påverkar den finansiella rådgivaren och dess roll. Detta gjordes som en kvalitativ fallstudie där nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med finansiella rådgivare som arbetade i Danmark, Finland och Sverige, tillsammans med två intervjuer med anställda som arbetade med hållbarhet på en central nivå i en nordisk bank. Analysen baseras på intervjuerna i kombination med aktuell litteratur och lägger tillsammans grunden för resultaten. De viktigaste resultaten i studien är att det finns fem identifierade svårigheter som härrör från olika områden som ses som viktiga för att förstå vad införandet av hållbarhetspreferenser i finansiell rådgivning kan innebära framöver och vilka effekter det kommer att få för finansiella rådgivare: (i) regeländringar och efterlevnad, (ii) hållbarhetspreferenser, (iii) det informationsintensiva landskapet, (iv) rådgivarnas medvetenhet och kunskap och (v) den upplevda rådgivarens roll. När man sammanställer dessa identifierade svårigheter är slutsatsen att begreppet hållbar ekonomi inte är så okomplicerat som det kanske framställs, och detta gäller extra för den studerade inkluderingen av hållbarhet i rådgivningsprocessen.

Effects of regulatory policies on bank-specific risk and financial stability

Ludolph, Melina 23 August 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit umfasst drei unabhängige Aufsätze, welche die Auswirkungen verschiedener regulatorischer Maßnahmen auf das Bankenrisiko und/oder die Finanzstabilität untersuchen. Zunächst wird der Einfluss von Eigenkapitalanforderungen auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Bankgröße und Volatilität analysiert. Unsere Panel-Datenanalyse zeigt, dass strengere Eigenkapitalanforderungen den Nexus zwischen Größe und Volatilität schwächt. Große Banken haben, ceteris paribus, einen weniger volatilen Kreditbestand, wenn sie strengerer Kapitalregulierung ausgesetzt sind. Gemäß dem Granularitätskonzept kann dies ebenfalls die makroökonomische Stabilität erhöhen. Als Nächstes untersuche ich, ob MiFID II die frühzeitige Informationsweitergabe über Änderungen von Analystenempfehlungen an einzelne Anleger, genannt Tipping, reduziert hat. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die absoluten Renditen und Handelsvolumina einen Tag vor Veröffentlichung einer Hoch- oder Herabstufung vor und nach Inkrafttreten von MiFID II signifikant ansteigen. Da die Aktienkurse am Veröffentlichungstag weiter steigen bzw. fallen, profitieren ausgewählte Anleger trotz der regulatorischen Änderung weiterhin von einem Informationsvorteil. Dies hat vermutlich negative Auswirkungen auf den Finanzmarkt insgesamt. Zuletzt untersuche ich wie sich die Ausgabe von Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Anleihen, die als regulatorisches zusätzliches Kernkapital (AT1) geltend gemacht werden können, auf das Bankenrisiko auswirkt. Meine Analyse zeigt, dass AT1-CoCo-Anleihen ein bis drei Jahre nach Ausgabe zu einem signifikant höheren Bankenrisiko führen. Übereinstimmend mit theoretischen Studien deutet dies darauf hin, dass CoCo-Anleihen ihr Potenzial zur Stärkung der Eigenkapitalbasis der Banken durch die regulatorischen Anforderungen genommen wurde. / This thesis comprises three independent essays evaluating the impact of different regulatory policies on bank risk and/or financial stability. First, we examine the effects of capital regulation on the link between bank size and volatility. Our panel data analysis reveals that more stringent capital regulation weakens the size-volatility nexus. Hence, large banks show, ceteris paribus, lower loan portfolio volatility when facing more stringent capital regulation. According to the granularity concept, that can increase macroeconomic stability. Next, I evaluate if MiFID II reduced the early information disclosure on analyst recommendation changes to selected investors - so-called tipping. I find absolute returns and turnover rise significantly on the day preceding the up- or downgrade release before and after MiFID II became law. Given that stock prices move further in the revision direction on publication day, selected investors continue to profit from an informational advantage, notwithstanding the regulatory change. That is likely harmful to the financial market overall. Lastly, I examine the impact of issuing contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds that qualify as regulatory additional tier 1 (AT1) capital on bank risk. My treatment effects analysis reveals that issuing AT1 CoCo bonds results in significantly higher risk-taking one to three years after the issuance. That is in line with previous theoretical studies suggesting that regulators have stripped CoCo bonds of their potential to strengthen the banks’ capital bases.

UK equity market microstructure in the age of machine

Sun, Yuxin January 2018 (has links)
Financial markets perform two major functions. The first is the provision of liquidity in order to facilitate direct investment, hedging and diversification; the second is to ensure the efficient price discovery required in order to direct resources to where they can be best utilised within an economy. How well financial markets perform these functions is critical to the financial welfare of every individual in modern economies. As an example, retirement savings across the world are mostly invested in capital markets. Hence, the functioning of financial markets is linked to the standard of living of individuals. Technological advancements and new market regulations have in recent times significantly impacted how financial markets function, with no period in history having witnessed a more rapid pace of change than the last decade. Financial markets have become very complex, with most of the order execution now done by computer algorithms. New high-tech trading venues, such as dark pools, also now play outsized roles in financial markets. A lot of the impacts of these developments are poorly understood. In the EU particularly, the introduction of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and advancements in technology have combined to unleash a dramatic transformation of European capital markets. In order to better understand the role of high-tech trading venues in the modern financial markets' trading environment generally and in the UK in particular, I conduct three studies investigating questions linked to the three major developments in financial markets over the past decade; these are algorithmic/high-frequency trading, market fragmentation and dark trading. In the first study, I examine the changing relationship between the price impact of block trades and informed trading, by considering this phenomenon within a high-frequency trading environment on intraday and inter-day bases. I find that the price impact of block trades is stronger during the first hour of trading; this is consistent with the hypothesis that information accumulates overnight during non-trading hours. Furthermore, private information is gradually incorporated into prices despite heightened trading frequency. Evidence suggests that informed traders exploit superior information across trading days, and stocks with lower transparency exhibit stronger information diffusion effects when traded in blocks, thus informed block trading facilitates price discovery. The second study exploits the regulatory differences between the US and the EU to examine the impact of market fragmentation on dimensions of market quality. Unlike the US's Regulation National Market System, the EU's MiFID does not impose a formal exchange trading linkage or guarantee a best execution price. This has raised concerns about consolidated market quality in increasingly fragmented European markets. The second study therefore investigates the impact of visible trading fragmentation on the quality of the London equity market and find a quadratic relationship between fragmentation and adverse selection costs. At low levels of fragmentation, order flow competition reduces adverse selection costs, improves market transparency and enhances market efficiency by reducing arbitrage opportunities. However, high levels of fragmentation increase adverse selection costs. The final study compares the impact of lit and dark venues' liquidity on market liquidity. I find that compared with lit venues, dark venues proportionally contribute more liquidity to the aggregate market. This is because dark pools facilitate trades that otherwise might not easily have occurred in lit venues when the spread widens and the limit order queue builds up. I also find that informed and algorithmic trading hinder liquidity creation in lit and dark venues, while evidence also suggests that stocks exhibiting low levels of informed trading across the aggregate market drive dark venues' liquidity contribution.

Ecrits de droit financier : de certaines insuffisances de la régulation financière / Writings of financial law : some insufficiencies of financial regulation

Boucheta, Haroun 28 June 2017 (has links)
Les écrits de Monsieur Haroun BOUCHETA, rassemblés en vue de l’obtention du titre de Docteur en droit, portent sur le droit financier. Depuis 2005, en prenant appui sur ses expériences professionnelles, l’auteur publie régulièrement des articles à destination tant des praticiens que des universitaires. Les écrits rassemblés sont de deux ordres. Premièrement, l’auteur s’intéresse à l’encadrement juridique de certains acteurs des marchés financiers ainsi qu’à celui d’instruments financiers et techniques financières.Parmi les acteurs étudiés, les contreparties centrales tiennent une place importante. Les études de l’auteur portant sur ce thème permettent d’appréhender l’environnement juridique et réglementaire spécifique et de comprendre ses récentes évolutions aux niveaux européen et français. Quant aux instruments financiers et techniques financières ayant fait l’objet de publications, l’auteur s’est essentiellement concentré sur les dérivés et les matières premières. Deuxièmement, d’autres écrits sont plus transversaux, voire prospectifs, puisqu’ils ont trait à des réformes européennes incontournables en matière de réglementation financière. A côté du règlement EMIR, l’auteur a consacré plusieurs études approfondies sur la réforme de la directive concernant les marchés d’instruments financiers (MIF). Ces écrits de droit financier sont accompagnés d’une introduction générale. La première partie s’appuie sur quinze articles publiés et a vocation à mettre en exergue certaines des lacunes de la régulation financière post-crise. Dans la seconde partie, l’auteur s’interroge sur la physionomie actuelle des sources du droit financier et sur le processus d’élaboration des textes. / The writings of Mr. Haroun BOUCHETA, gathered for the title of Doctor of Laws, deal with financial law. Since 2005, drawing on his professional experience, the author regularly publishes articles for both practitioners and academics. The collected writings are of two kinds.First, the author is interested in the legal framework of certain players in the financial markets as well as those of financial instruments and financial techniques.Among the actors studied, central counterparties play an important role. The author's studies on this subject make it possible to understand the specific legal and regulatory environment and to understand its recent developments at European and French levels.As for financial instruments and financial techniques that have been the subject of publications, the author concentrated mainly on derivatives and commodities.Secondly, other writings are more cross-cutting and even forward-looking, as they relate to unavoidable European reforms in financial regulation. In addition to the EMIR regulation, the author devoted several in-depth studies on the reform of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID).These writings of financial law are accompanied by a general introduction. The first part is based on fifteen published articles from the author and is intended to highlight some of the shortcomings of post-crisis financial regulation. In the second part, the author examines the current physiognomy of the sources of financial law and the process of drafting the texts.

Regulace derivátových kontraktů / Regulation of Derivatives Contracts

Růžek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of derivatives contracts with respect to their economic nature. It provides a detailed view on the legislation regulating derivatives contracts in the legal order of the Czech Republic. Considering the interconnection of local derivatives markets, this diploma thesis pays attention to the legal regulation and standardization of derivatives contracts in foreign countries and at the international level. The first part of this thesis describes basic features of derivatives and proposes their typology. The aim of the following part is to evaluate the contemporary legal regulation of derivatives contracts in the Czech Republic. The rest of this thesis elaborates on foreign and international legal regulation of derivatives contracts. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to evaluate present the state of the regulation of derivatives contracts in the Czech Republic, asses to what degree it reflects their economic nature, and eventually, propose legal changes.

Ochrana spotřebitele na finančním trhu České republiky / Consumer Protection in the financial market in the Czech republic

Deržáková, Ilona January 2009 (has links)
The thesis provides an overview of consumer protection in the financial markets in the Czech Republic. The focus is on the legislative system of client protection in commercial banking, which includes consumer credit, protecting consumer deposits and system of payments. Furthermore, this thesis deals with capital markets, focusing on consumer protection resulting from the implementation of MiFID in the legal system of the Czech Republic. The last segment of the financial markets defined in this thesis is the insurance industry. Each area of consumer protection is complemented by illustrations of current cases and includes an evaluation of the effectiveness of certain legal measures and revealing the weaknesses in each segment. Beyond the legislative framework are also described activities in the area of consumer protection by major institutions, in particular the activities of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, Czech Financial Arbitrator, Deposit Insurance Fund and the Guarantee Fund. To add to the comprehensiveness of the overview of consumer protection in the financial markets, additional protective measures were included (Institute of debt relief, distraint of debtor, protection of personal data of clients of financial institutions).

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