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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”det är lättare om man är en del av konflikten” : Om teammedlemmars upplevelser av konflikthantering / “it is easier if you are a part of the conflict” : About team members‘ experiences of conflict management

Broberg, Maria, Simonsson, Rania January 2019 (has links)
Då konflikter i princip är oundvikliga i projekt och på arbetsplatser, är det en central fråga för organisationer (Tonnquist, 2016). Redan 1995 beskrevs det att konflikter kommer bli allt mer förekommande inom organisationer, oavsett branschtillhörighet, på grund av lojalitetsbrist mellan arbetstagare och arbetsgivare (Wall & Callister, 1995). Idag är teamarbete mer regel än undantag (De Dreu & Weingart, 2003) och arbetsformen team beskrivs som ytterligare en bidragande orsak till uppkomsten av konflikter (Wall & Callister, 1995). Då det saknas forskning som belyser teammedlemmens perspektiv och dennes upplevelser av konflikthantering är det ett ämne som är intressant att studera. Syftet med studien är således att bidra till ökad förståelse för hur teammedlemmar upplever konflikthantering.  Teorier om konflikttyper, konflikthanteringsstilar samt temporalitet har i kombination med ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv använts för att uppfylla studiens syfte. För att bidra till ökad förståelse för fenomenet har en komparativ fallstudie om fyra fall genomförts. De fall som har studerats har varit teammedlemmar och empiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fenomenet har studerats i kontexten team och organisation och för att sammanställa och analysera det empiriska materialet användes tematisk analys respektive tvärfallsyntes som verktyg.  I studien framkommer bland annat att teammedlemmar upplever konflikter som någonting positivt, då konflikter kan bidra till utveckling av individers förmåga att förstå människor eller utveckling av teamets prestation. Det har argumenterats för att anammandet av vissa konflikthanteringsstilar leder till uppkomst av nya konflikter (DeChurch, Hamilton & Haas, 2007) men i denna studie framkommer att dessa stilar också kan användas för att motverka uppkomsten av dessa konflikter. / As conflicts more or less are inevitable in projects and workplaces, it is a central issue for organizations (Tonnquist, 2016). As early as in 1995, conflicts were described as becoming increasingly prevalent, due to lack of loyalty between employees and employers (Wall & Callister, 1995). Today, teamwork is the exception that proves the rule (De Dreu & Weingart, 2003) and teamwork as a way of working is described as another contributing factor to the emergence of conflicts (Wall & Callister, 1995). As there is no research that highlights the team member’s perspectives and their experiences of conflict management, this is an interesting subject to study. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to contribute to an increased understanding of how team members experience conflict management.  Theories about types of conflict, conflict management styles and temporality, in combination with a phenomenological perspective, have been used to fulfill the aim of the study. In order to contribute to an increased understanding of the phenomenon, a comparative case study of four cases has been carried out. The cases that have been studied have been team members and empirical data have been collected through semi-structured interviews. The phenomenon has been studied in the context team and organization. To compile and analyze the empirical data, thematic analysis and cross case synthesis were used as tools.  The study reveals, among other things, that team members experience conflicts as something positive, since conflicts can contribute to the development of individuals' ability to understand people or a team's performance. It has been argued that the adoption of certain conflict management styles leads to the emergence of new conflicts (DeChurch, Hamilton & Haas, 2007) but this study shows that these styles can also be used to counteract the emergence of these conflicts. Furthermore, this study shows that managers as third parties have an important role in the management of conflict situations and by taking part of this study, managers can become aware of the consequences of their actions. Finally, the study reveals that when team members manage conflicts themselves, they use their precious experiences concerning conflicts. It has previously been discussed that temporality should be included in the theories used (Hernes, Simpson & Söderlund, 2013) and this study also acknowledges that the time perspective should be integrated into existing theories of conflict and conflict management.

Graden av måluppfyllelse vad gäller kriminalvårdens centrala målsättningar för vårdares arbetstillfredsställelse på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand / The Degree of Goal Fulfilment in the Swedish Correctional System Concerning the Central Objectives for Prison Guards’ Work Satisfaction at the Prison of Härnösand

Hamberg, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Titel: Graden av måluppfyllelse vad gäller kriminalvårdens centrala målsättningar för vårdares arbetstillfredsställelse på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand   Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Jennie Hamberg   Handledare: Ernst Hollander   Datum: 2011 - januari   Syfte: Ett syfte med denna uppsats var att försöka ta reda på i vilken grad kriminalvårdarna på anstalten Härnösand kände arbetstillfredsställelse. Ett ytterligare huvudsyfte var att undersöka i vilken grad kriminalvårdens målsättningar angående kriminalvårdares arbetstillfredsställelse samstämde med hur kriminalvårdarna på anstalten Härnösand upplevde sin arbetstillfredsställelse. Metod: Jag har framförallt använt en kvalitativ metod, men även av en kvantitativ. Jag har gjort en semistrukturerad intervju med en kriminalvårdsinspektör, en deltagande observationsstudie och en vårdarenkät som hade både kvalitativa och kvantitativa inslag.   Resultat & slutsats: Jag kom fram till att majoriteten av vårdarna på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand hade en ganska låg arbetstillfredsställelse. Många faktorer bidrog till den minskade arbetstillfredsställelsen. En viktig omständighet var att många vårdare kände att de hade en låg grad av egenkontroll och inflytande över t.ex. sin arbetssituation och hur de ska utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. Ledarna hade också en, till stor del, negativ effekt på vårdarnas arbetstillfredsställelse. Ytterligare en ytterst viktig aspekt för vårdarnas arbetstillfredsställelse var ledarskapsprocessen, dvs. om relationen kriminalvårdsinspektör och vårdare var positivt. I vårdarnas enkätsvar antyddes det att flertalet vårdare tyckte att förhållandet mellan ledare och medarbetare inte var ändamålsenligt. De ansåg t.ex. att det fanns brister i förtroendet mellan vårdarna och kriminalvårdsinspektörerna. Vårdarna trodde även att ledningen var ointresserad av personalen och de ansåg att kriminalvårdsinspektörerna borde vara mer aktiva och stödjande. En aspekt som dock delvis påverkade vårdarnas arbetstillfredsställelse positivt var olika medarbetarfaktorer. Vårdarna var t.ex. överlag nöjda med sina kollegor. En negativ medarbetarfaktor var dock att vårdare överlag inte var tillfredsställda med sina arbetsuppgifter. Slutligen undersökte jag i vilken grad man på kriminalvårdsanstalten Härnösand hade lyckats uppfylla kriminalvårdens centrala målsättningar för en hög arbetstillfredsställelse hos vårdarna. På anstalten Härnösand hade ledningen misslyckats med att nå de flesta av de centrala målsättningarna och bristerna verkade framförallt bero på den dåliga relationen mellan kriminalvårdsinspektörerna och vårdarna, och på vårdarnas bristande egenkontroll.   Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ett område som inte kunde inkluderas i denna uppsats och som skulle lämpa sig för fortsatt forskning är hur man skulle kunna skapa mer nöjda medarbetare inom kriminalvårdens befintliga organisationsstruktur.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Jag tror att denna uppsats kan bidra till ny kunskap genom att tydliggöra det komplexa nät av faktorer som påverkar människors arbetstillfredsställelse. Detta har jag försökt göra genom att använda mig av ett situationssynsätt.   Nyckelord: Kontingensteori, arbetstillfredsställelse, kriminalvården, byråkratisk organisation, ledarstil, ledare, medarbetare. / ABSTRACT   Title: The Degree of Goal Fulfilment in the Swedish Correctional System Concerning the Central Objectives for Prison Guards’ Work Satisfaction at the Prison of Härnösand   Level: Final Assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration   Author: Jennie Hamberg   Supervisor: Ernst Hollander   Date: 2011 - January   Aim: An aim with this essay was to investigate to what degree the guards at the prison of Härnösand felt work satisfaction.  Another aim was to investigate to what degree the Swedish Correctional System’s central objectives for prison guards’ work satisfaction were fulfilled at the prison of Härnösand.  Method: I have used a qualitative method but also a quantitative method. I have made a semi-structured interview, an observation and prison guard questionnaire with both qualitative and quantitative elements.   Result & Conclusions: In my essay I concluded that a majority of guards in Härnösand had a rather low degree of work satisfaction. Many factors contributed to this. One important factor was that many guards felt that they had little control over their own work situation and how they went about their job assignments. The leaders also had a negative effect on the guards’ job satisfaction. Another central element for high work satisfaction is the leadership process, i.e. that a functional relationship exists between the prison inspectors and the guards. Many guards said they felt that the relationship between leaders and followers was not satisfactory. They felt that there was a lack of trust between the inspectors and themselves. They also stated that they felt that the management was not interested in the staff and they also felt that the inspectors should be less passive and more supportive. One contributing factor to a more possive work satisfaction was the guards’ high satisfaction with the collegues. But a negative co-worker factor was the fact that the guards were not satisfied with their job assignments. I also concluded that the management at the prison of Härnösand had failed to fulfill the central objectives for prison guards’ work satisfaction. The failures could mostly be ascribed to the unsatisfactory relationship between the inspectors and the prison guards, but also to the guards’ low degree of control over their job situation.   Suggestions for future research: An area for future research could be to investigate how to create more content workers within the current organizational structure of the Swedish correctional system.   Contribution of the thesis: This essay may contribute to new knowledge by emphasizing the complex net of contributing factors which affects people’s degree of work satisfaction. I have tried to do this by using a contingency theory.   Key words: Contingency theory, work satisfaction, the Swedish Correctional System, bureaucratic organization, management style, leader, follower.

Vadovų vadovavimo stiliaus, elgsenos aktyvumo ir darbuotojų patiriamo streso darbe sąsajos / Links between management style of the managers, behavioral activity and stress that the employees experience at work

Mikelaitienė, Aušra 29 August 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti mokyklų vadovų vadovavimo stiliaus ir vadovų elgesio aktyvumo (A tipo) sąsajas su darbuotojų – mokytojų darbe patiriamu stresu (išgyvenamais stresogeniniais įvykiais, profesiniu pervargimu). Tyrime dalyvavo 242 Kauno regiono mokyklose dirbantys asmenys (mokytojai ir jų vadovai – direktoriai ir pavaduotojai). Jiems buvo pateiktos dviejų tipų apklausos anketos: mokytojams ir vadovams. Tiriamieji turėjo užpildyti anketas atitinkančias jų pareigas mokykloje: mokytojų anketa ir vadovų anketa. Pastarąją pildė mokyklų direktoriai ir pavaduotojai. Darbuotojams nustatytas patiriamų stresogeninių įvykių darbe dažnumas, profesinis pervargimas, pasitenkinimas santykiais su vadovais, kolegomis ir mokiniais, pasitenkinimas atliekamu darbu, gaunamu atlyginimu bei sudarytomis darbo sąlygomis. Vadovams nustatytas vadovavimo stilius ir elgsenos aktyvumas (A tipas). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad darbovietėse, kurių administracijos vadovavimo stilius yra orientuotas į užduotis, darbuotojų profesinio pervargimo (emocinio išsekimo) išreikštumas yra didesnis, darbuotojai daugiau išgyvena stresogeninių įvykių susijusių su mokinių susižeidimais mokykloje, nepalankiu vadovybės elgesiu ir konfliktų tarp bendradarbių sprendimu bei grėsme parasti darbą, taip pat darbuotojai mažiau patenkinti atlyginimu ir savo darbu, bei mažiau patenkinti santykiais su bendradarbiais ir administracija, lyginant su darbuotojais dirbančiais darbovietėse, kurių administracijos vadovavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose of research – to learn the links of the management style of the principals at school and the behavioral activity (A type) with the stress that employees – teachers experience at work (experienced stressogenic events, professional exhaustion). 242 persons working at Kaunas regional schools took part in the research (teachers and their managers – principals and deputies). They were given the questionnaires of two types – for teachers and managers. The respondents had to complete the questionnaires corresponding to their duties at school: questionnaire for teachers and questionnaire for managers. The latter was completed by the principals and their deputies. It was determined the frequency of the stressogenic events that the employees experience at work, professional exhaustion, satisfaction with the relations with managers, colleagues and students, satisfaction with the work done, received salary, and the work conditions. The management style and the behavioral activity (A type) were determined for the managers. The results of the research showed that in the workplaces, where the management style of the administration is directed to the tasks, the manifestation of the professional exhaustion of the employees (emotional exhaustion) is higher, the employees experience more stressogenic events related to the injuries of the students at school, unfavorable behavior of the management and solution of the conflicts with colleagues, threat to loose the job. Also the... [to full text]

Kundorientering : Ledarens roll och provisionens inverkan

Flat, Emelie, Nisan, Pascal January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera hur ledare jobbar för att åstadkomma ett kundorienterat klimat på en arbetsplats med ett provisionsbaserat lönesystem. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts i den här studien. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer gav oss det empiriska underlaget som analyserades med hjälp av den systematiska, strukturerade och abduktiva metoden Well-grounded theory. Resultatet presenteras i empirin med hjälp av mönster som upptäckts. Resultat & slutsats: Vi har överlag kommit fram till att praktiken i stora drag stämmer överens med teorin. De intervjuade ledarna har en överensstämmande uppfattning om kundorienteringens innebörd, men har vissa skiljaktigheter i bland annat deras syn på provisionens inverkan. Ledarens roll ansågs även i praktiken vara avgörande för att de anställda ska vara kundorienterade. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien har utförts med inriktning på enbart fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Vi skulle gärna se en fortsatt forskning kring provisionens inverkan på kundorienteringen i branscher med förhållandevis mindre försäljningar, för att se om det skiljer sig åt. Vidare skulle en studie som liknar vår kunna göras på de anställda för att se om uppfattningen mellan ledare och anställd är annorlunda. Det vore också intressant att få in kundernas uppfattning och undersöka om den överensstämmer med ledarnas och de anställdas uppfattning. / Aim: The aim of this study is to study how leaders are working to achieve a customer-oriented climate in a workplace with a commission -based salary system. Method: A qualitative approach was used in this study. Semi - structured interviews gave us the empirical data that were analyzed using the systematic, structured and abductive method Well- grounded theory. The results are presented in the empirical data using patterns that were located. Result & Conclusions: We have generally concluded that the practice is closely matching what prevails in the theory. The interviewed managers and scientists have a consistent view of customer orientation significance but have some differences as well, in particular their views on the impact of commission. The role of the leadership was also considered essential for employees to be customer-oriented. Suggestions for future research: The study was conducted focusing only on the real estate business. We would like to see further research on the commission impact on customer orientation in industries with relatively minor sales, to see if it differs. Moreover, a study similar to ours could be made on the employees to see if the perception between managers and employees is different. It would also be interesting to add the customers’ opinions and compare these with the managers and the employees’ opinions.

桃園縣國民小學行政團隊的正向組織行為對團隊衝突管理影響之研究 / The impact of positive organizational behavior on conflict management in elementary school administration team in Taoyuan

郭素芬, Kuo, Su Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學行政團隊的正向組織行為對團隊衝突管理之影響。本研究應用一個縱觀的研究設計來了解是否團隊正向心理的潛在影響,形成團隊成員之間的正向組織行為,進而影響其團隊衝突的型態及面對團隊衝突管理的方式,以期最終達成團隊良好的績效產出,提供教育人員重視正向組織行為,促進建立學校優質的行政團隊視野。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園縣公立國民小學,共有187 所學校之教師兼行政人員為樣本母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,抽出781位受試者,回收有效問卷566份,所得資料分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分等統計方法進行資料的分析與處理,以瞭解國民小學行政團隊的正向組織行為對團隊衝突管理之現況、差異情形及其預測力。研究結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民小學行政團隊正向組織行為之知覺現況屬中上程度,以「團隊效能」最高。 二、桃園縣國民小學行政團隊衝突型態以「任務衝突」居多。 三、桃園縣國民小學行政團隊衝突管理模式以「整合」占最多數。 四、年齡、現任職務、行政服務年資、學校歷史、教師兼行政人數等五個背景變項在團隊正向組織行為上有顯著差異,以「41歲以上」、「兼任主任職務者」、「行政服務年資16年以上」與「校齡在10年以下的大型學校」較高。 五、性別、年齡、現任職務等三個背景變項在團隊衝突型態上有顯著差異,「男性」、「兼任主任職務者」較傾向知覺任務衝突型態,「年輕者較年長者」傾向知覺關係衝突型態。 六、性別、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務、行政服務年資、學校歷史、教師兼行政人數等七個背景變項在團隊衝突管理模式上有顯著差異,「男性」、「學歷高者」、「兼任主任」傾向支配模式,「41歲以上」、「兼任主任」、「服務年資16年以上」、「在大型學校者」傾向整合模式或妥協模式,「校齡在10年以下」較傾向逃避模式,「41-50歲」、「兼任主任」且在「校齡10年以下的大型學校」較傾向退讓模式。 七、行政團隊正向組織行為與任務衝突有中度正相關。 八、行政團隊正向組織行為與關係衝突有低度負相關。 九、行政團隊正向組織行為與整合、退讓、妥協等衝突管理模式有中高度的正相關。 十、高任務高關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對五種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合、逃避、退讓、妥協管理模式具有顯著正向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、逃避、支配、退讓、妥協五種管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;另「團隊樂觀」對逃避、支配具有顯著負向預測力。 十一、高任務低關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對四種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合管理模式具有顯著正向預測力,對逃避管理模式具有顯著負向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、退讓、妥協管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;另「團隊樂觀」對退讓具有顯著正向預測力。 十二、低任務高關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對五種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合、退讓、妥協管理模式具有顯著正向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、逃避、妥協管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;另「團隊樂觀」對支配具有顯著負向預測力。 十三、低任務低關係衝突型態之行政團隊的正向組織行為對四種衝突管理模式具顯著相關及預測力。其中以「團隊效能」對整合、逃避、退讓、妥協管理模式具有顯著正向預測力;「團隊恢復力」對整合、退讓、妥協管理模式有顯著相關及預測力;「團隊樂觀」在此衝突型態下對衝突管理模式皆無預測力。 最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、行政團隊、以及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) on conflict management in elementary school administration teams. This study focus on team level representations of the positive psychological capacities that have met the POB inclusion criteria, and which may have a influence on conflict management, the final to achieve good team performance outputs. A survey research was conducted using a sample of public elementary school administration teams in Taoyuan County Taiwan, excluding 781 teachers from 187 school administration teams were selected by stratified random sampling. 566 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. POB is above average, “Team Efficacy” ranks the top. 2. “Team task conflict” is the majority type of conflict. 3. “Integrating” is the majority conflict management style. 4. Five demographic variables, including age, position, total serving years, school history, team members amount, show significant differences in POB. Teachers who are older than 41, work as the chief of department, more than 16 total serving years, school history in 10 years and a large school, show higher perception of POB. 5. Three demographic variables, gender, age, position, show significant differences in conflict type. Teachers who are male, work as the chief of department, show higher perception of task conflict. Teachers who are younger than 51, show higher perception of relationship conflict. 6. Seven demographic variables, including gender, age, education, position, total serving years, school history, team members amount, show significant differences in conflict management style. 7. POB is positively related to task conflict. 8. POB is negatively related to relationship conflict. 9. POB is positively related to integrating, obliging and compromising. 10. In high-high combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding, obliging and compromising. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding, dominating, obliging and compromising. “Team Optimism” has negative direct effect on avoiding, dominating. 11. In high-low combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, and has negative direct effect on avoiding. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, obliging and compromising. “Team Optimism” has positive direct effect on obliging. 12. In low-high combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, obliging and compromising. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding and compromising. “Team Optimism” has negative direct effect on dominating. 13. In low-low combinations of task and relationship conflict, “Team Efficacy” has positive direct effect on integrating, avoiding, obliging and compromising. “Team Resilience” has positive direct effect on integrating, obliging and compromising. “Team Optimism” has no effect. Based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration authorities, administration teams and future related study are proposed.

Factors affecting voluntary nursing staff turnover in Mengo Hospital

Katamba, Henry Stanley 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived availability of opportunities for promotion, training, career progression, existing management style and voluntary staff turnover intention among the nurses working in Mengo Hospital. A quantitative, descriptive correlational design was used. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. Full time staff nurses (N= 235) were surveyed. The findings revealed that all the four variables were significantly and negatively correlated to the intention to leave and predicted 16.8 percent of the variance in intention to leave scores. Management style was the strongest predictor of intent to leave (14.5%). Nurses perceiving their managers as participatory had lower intention to leave. To retain qualified personnel, hospital administrators should focus on participative management style and career development programs that address the needs of the staff and the hospital / Public Health / M.A. (Public Health)

Estilo gerencial e capacidade organizacional para mudança: um estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor de implementos rodoviários / Management style and organizational capacity for change: a case study on a company of road implement sector

Vargas, Katiuscia de Fátima Schiemer 24 June 2013 (has links)
This study aims to identify the relationship between management styles and the factors that facilitate or hinder organizational changes. Therefore, has been carried out a descriptive and quantitative character survey, through a case study on a company of road implement sector. As a theoretical and data collection basis had been used two instruments with already validated scales: (i) Assessment Scale of Managerial Style (EAEG) - (Melo, 2004), and (ii) Instrument of Organizational Capacity for Change (Neiva, 2004). It was obtained the participation of 307 (three hundred and seven) employees of the company under study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlations. Regarding the management style of managers, has been analyzed the styles oriented to the task, the relationship and the situational style, and it was found that, as perceived by the employees, most exercise a task oriented management. When investigating the organizational capacity to change, it was found that, in general, the company has low capacity to change. In turn, the analysis of the standardized mean of the factors that facilitate or hinder transactional change revealed that the organization under study presents levels classified as low for all constructs that comprise these factors, highlighting Bureaucracy and Organizational Continuity and Autonomy of Units and People as factors of high and low level, respectively. Analyzing the average of the factors that facilitate or hinder transformational change, stands out the most significant average, of Turbulence in External Environment, and the very low average of Supportive Coalitions of Change. The investigation of the relationships between management styles and factors that facilitate or hinder organizational change showed that all correlations were significant, positive and moderate, where: among all the management styles investigated and the factors that facilitate change transactional, the associations were of greater intensity with the construct Direction, Flexibility and Reliability in Performance Management; and, among all the management styles and factors that facilitate or hinder transformational change, the associations were of greater intensity with the construct Information Flow. The results allow to infer that the management styles relate to the same constructs of the factors that make up the organizational capacity for change. In other words, regardless of the focus of the manager be oriented to the tasks and results, interpersonal relationships or suitable to the context situation, the influence on the capacity to change is the same. / Este estudo busca identificar a relação entre o estilo gerencial e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam as mudanças organizacionais. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo e quantitativo, valendo-se de um estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor de implementos rodoviários. Como base teórica e de coleta de dados utilizou-se dois instrumentos com escalas já validadas: (i) Escala de Avaliação do Estilo Gerencial (EAEG) (Melo, 2004); e (ii) Instrumento de Capacidade Organizacional para Mudança (Neiva, 2004). Obteve-se a participação de 307 (trezentos e sete) colaboradores da empresa em estudo. Os dados foram tratados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e correlações. Com relação ao estilo de gerenciar dos gerentes, analisaram-se os estilos orientados à tarefa, ao relacionamento e o estilo situacional e verificou-se que, segundo a percepção dos colaboradores, a maioria exerce uma gestão orientada para a tarefa. Ao investigar a capacidade organizacional para mudança verificou-se que, de modo geral, a empresa possui baixa capacidade para mudar. Por sua vez, a análise das médias padronizadas dos fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança transacional revelou que a organização em estudo apresenta níveis classificados como baixos para todos os construtos que compõem estes fatores, destacando-se a Burocracia e Continuísmo Organizacional e Autonomia de Unidades e Pessoas como os fatores de maior e menor nível, respectivamente. Analisando a média dos fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança transformacional, destacam-se a média mais expressiva, de Turbulência no Ambiente Externo e a menos expressiva de Coalizões Apoiadoras da Mudança. A investigação das relações entre os estilos gerenciais e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança organizacional demonstrou que todas as correlações foram significativas, positivas e moderadas, sendo que: entre todos os estilos gerenciais investigados e os fatores que facilitam a mudança transacional, as associações de maior intensidade foram com o construto Direção, Flexibilidade e Confiança na Atuação Gerencial e, entre todos os estilos gerenciais e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a mudança transformacional, as associações de maior intensidade foram com o construto Fluxo de Informação. Os resultados permitem inferir que os estilos gerenciais relacionam-se com os mesmos construtos dos fatores que compõem a capacidade organizacional para mudança. Ou seja, independentemente do foco de atuação do gerente ser orientado às tarefas e resultados, voltado para as relações interpessoais ou se adequar conforme o contexto da situação, a influência sobre a capacidade para mudar é a mesma.

Goal Pursuit Perspective on Conflict Resolution and its Relationship with Psychological Well-being

Brodérus, Sofie, Malmborg, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
It is proposed that goal pursuit is related to how we resolve conflicts with others, and with our psychological well-being. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether there is an association between individual’s interpersonal goals (compassionate and self-image goals), conflict management style (integrating, compromising, obliging, dominating and avoiding), and psychological well-being. To further investigate the role of interpersonal goals, we designed a self-report questionnaire to measure the preference of compassionate goals as opposed to self-image goals in social conflict situations. Seventy university students completed an on-line questionnaire. The results showed that compassionate goals are negatively associated with dominating style, and positively associated with integrating, compromising and obliging style. Self-image goals correlated positively with dominating style, and negatively with integrating style. Furthermore, individuals with higher levels of self-image goals have a consistent way of dealing with conflicts in different situations. There was no statistically significant association between psychological well-being and interpersonal goals or conflict management style. The results are discussed in light of previous findings and concrete suggestions for further research are presented. / Det föreslås att ens strävan efter ett mål är relaterat till hur man löser konflikter med andra, och vårt psykiska välmående. Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan individers interpersonella mål (medkännande och självbildsmål), konflikthanteringsstil (integrerande, kompromissande, tjänstvillig, dominerande och undvikande), och psykologiskt välmående. För vidare undersökning av interpersonella måls roll, designade vi ett självrapport frågeformulär för att mäta preferens av medkännande mål i motsats till självbildsmål i sociala konfliktsituationer. Sjuttio universitetsstudenter slutförde online frågeformulären. Resultatet visade att medkännande mål är negativt associerade med dominerande stil, och positivt med integrerande, kompromissande och tjänstvillig stil. Självbildsmål korrelerade positivt med dominerande stil, och negativt med integrerad stil. Dessutom, individer med höga nivåer av självbildsmål hanterar konflikter på ett konsekvent sätt genom olika situationer. Det var inget statistiskt signifikant samband mellan psykologiskt välmående och interpersonella mål eller konflikthanteringsstilar. Resultaten är diskuterade med hänsyn till tidigare fynd och konkreta förslag på framtida forskning är presenterad.

An analysis of factors influencing Grade 12 results

Mutshaeni, Humbulani Nancy 25 September 2008 (has links)
Of the nine South African provinces, Limpopo Province has produced the worst Grade 12 results in the ten years between 1996 and 2006. Yet Thohoyandou and Mutale districts in that province performed outstandingly well from 1994 to 2006. This study aimed to find out what influential factors made the difference within these two districts between high-performing and poorly performing schools, by comparing those that performed well with those that performed badly. Data were gathered by means of questionnaires completed by a total of 87 teachers, and structured interviews were conducted with principals. The sample of 24 schools was divided into two types, ‘high performing’ and ‘poorly performing’. By means of the questionnaires, a total of 114 variables were explored, encompassing a number of different factors, from which a total of 18 hypotheses were derived: three concerning teacher factors (qualifications, home language), 10 concerning school factors (locality, number of classrooms, assembly hall, library etc. and teacher-generated problems), one concerning parental involvement, two concerning teacher motivation and management (frequency and scheduling of staff meetings), and two concerning learner motivation and management (including performance with notes and summaries). The data from both groups of schools were compared in order to test the 18 hypotheses on the influence of different variables upon Grade 12 results, the null hypothesis being, of course, that there was no influence. Before this was done, pairs of variables were also compared and subjected to chi-square testing for each of the two groups of schools to see which of the factors might be related to one another in some way, thus impacting on interpretation of the results of the hypothesis testing. For each of the two groups of schools, results from the questionnaires were analyzed by means of: <ul> <li>Frequency analyses and descriptive statistics extracted from the tables of results where they were of possible interest. Variables such as the gender of teachers were, for example, included.</li> <li>Contingency tables with chi-square analysis testing the independence of the variables where possible relationships between the variables could emerge.</li> <li>Contingency tables with chi-square analysis where the connection was not significant and independence of the variables from each other could therefore be assumed.</li></ul> The chi-square analysis tested the difference between the variables at a 0.5% level of significance. Results of the various analyses were not particularly conclusive. Those with the most reliable levels of significance suggested that the most important variables were those relating to interpersonal relationships, specifically those involving different types of contact. Where staff meetings were scheduled and not particularly frequent, Grade 12 results were better. These results were also better where there was frequent contact between parents and teachers. The results of this study and in this sample area suggest that a school’s management style is more important to Grade 12 performance than the provision of funding and facilities. Further investigation is needed before these conclusions can be generalized to other districts and provinces. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Konfliktai ir jų poveikis prekybos įmonių konkurencingumui / Conflicts and their effect on competitiveness of trading companies

Rauckienė, Asta 31 May 2005 (has links)
Term paper of master degree contains 123 pages, 21 pictures, 12 tables, 58 references, 4 appendixes, in Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: conflicts, management, organization, manager, employee, causes of conflicts, competitiveness, factors of competitiveness, solution of conflicts, reduction of conflicts, management style, organizational culture, managerial culture. Purpose of the work – to explore the essence of conflicts, causes and outcomes of their emergence, and to prepare a framework of conflicts reduction measures that improves competitiveness of the company. Research object – trading companies. Research subject – conflicts in trading companies and their effect on companies’ competitiveness. Research tasks: 1. To analyze concept and essence of conflicts and their emergence causes and outcomes after evaluation of attitudes of different authors with this respect; 2. To analyze theoretical aspects of competitiveness and its factors; 3. To prepare methodology for investigation of conflicts and competitiveness interaction; 4. To explore causes and outcomes of conflicts emergence in investigated companies; 5. To analyze interaction of conflict causes and competitiveness and to provide framework of conflicts reduction measures. Hypothesis – reduction of conflicts has a positive effect on company’s framework of conflicts reduction measures. Research methods – logical comparative analysis and synthesis of scientific literature sources, questionnaire interview of employees... [to full text]

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