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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kunnskap og mestring av en kronisk sykdom : en kvantitativ studie av pasienter med ankyloserende spondylitt / Knowledge and mastery of chronic disease : a quantitative study of patients with ankylosingspondylitis

Bråthen, Tone January 2010 (has links)
Hensikt: Å kartlegge hvilken kunnskap norske pasienter med ankyloserende spondylitt har om sykdommen og i hvilken grad deres tiltro til egen mestringsevne påvirker deres helserelaterte livskvalitet.Metode: Tverrsnittstudie i form av en spørreundersøkelse for å kartlegge og beskrive deltagernes kunnskap om sykdommen og hvordan denne kunnskapen påvirker deres livssituasjon. Studien ble gjennomført på 150 pasienter i forbindelse med deres deltagelse på en behandlingsreise til utlandet.Resultat: Pasientene var mest fornøyde med den informasjonen de fikk fra spesialist i revmatologi og fysioterapeut. De anga også medpasienter som en viktig kilde til informasjon. Deltagelse i mestringskurs og informasjon fra sykepleier var de informasjonskildene færrest respondenter var fornøyde med. Respondentene hadde mest kunnskap om sykdommens symptomer og trening, mens kunnskap om medikamenter og hjelpemidler/tiltak for tilrettelegging hjemme og på arbeidsplassen var de temaer de hadde minst kunnskap om. De som var mest fornøyde med den kunnskapen de hadde om sykdommen, hadde en signifikant bedre tiltro til at de kunne påvirke sine smerter og sykdomssymptomer.Konklusjon: Kunnskap om sykdommen bidrar positivt til å påvirke pasientenes helserelaterte livskvalitet. Læring gjennom utveksling av kunnskap og erfaringer med andre i samme situasjon, synes å være en riktig og positiv måte å tilrettelegge pasientundervisningen på. Målgruppen bør imidlertid kartlegges, slik at undervisningen kan tilpasses deltagernes utdannelsesnivå. Likeledes bør helsepersonellets roller og funksjoner avklares og tydelig defineres. / Aims: This study sought to explore the knowledge Norwegian patients with ankylosing spondylitishave about the disease and to what extent belief in their own capacity to master the disease affectshealth-related quality of life.Methods: We used questionnaires to explore and describe participants’ knowledge about ankylosingspondylitis. The questionnaires also assessed how this knowledge affected participants’ lifesituations. The study included 150 patients who participated in a rehabilitation programme abroad.Results: The patients were most satisfied with information provided by rheumatologists andphysiotherapists. They also considered fellow patients as an important source of information. Lesssatisfactory was information provided by nurses and courses in disease mastery. Respondents werevery knowledgeable about disease symptoms and physical exercise. However, they described theirknowledge about medication and appliances designed for use at home or in the workplace as limited.The patients who were most satisfied with their knowledge about the disease had a significantlybetter belief in their ability to cope with pain and disease-related symptoms.Conclusions: Knowledge about their disease contributed positively to patients’ health-related qualityof life. Sharing knowledge and personal experience with others who are in similar situationsenhances learning and appears to be a useful and positive way of providing patient education.However, adapting training to the educational background of participants will require carefulassessment of the target group. Similarly, the roles and domains of health care professionals requireclear definitio / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-82-5</p>

Samtal för samverkan : En studie av transprofessionell kommunikation och kompetensutveckling om läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi / Discussion for Development : A study of transprofessional communication and development of inter-disciplinary competence in dyslexia

Geijer, Lena January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of the present thesis is to study whether and how professionals from such different areas as medicine, preschool and school develop and reorganize, through inter-disciplinary focus group discussions, their competence regarding reading-and-writing difficulties/dyslexia. The theoretical framework is based on sociocultural theory of mediated action, focusing on notions such as alterity, intersubjectivity, dialogicality, mastery, appropriation, practical consciousness and discursive consciousness. The data consists of participant field observations, seven individual interviews and fifteen focus group interviews, as well as narratives and written documents concerning collaboration between pre-schools and schools. The method relates to ethnographic and action research. The data is collected over three years. The interviews are audio-recorded and transcribed as close to oral language as possible. The data is analysed with regard to alterity, intersubjectivity, dialogicality, mastery and appropriation, and with regard to professional languages, professional boundaries and domains of responsibility as well as competencies. The results from the individual interviews show that each participant’s conception of dyslexia is closely attached to her or his own field of pracitice. The focus group results show that, over time, the participants changed their conception of dyslexia, and their way of communicating about dyslexia. And, that they thereby deepened their competence on the issue. The written documents show a similar development during the focus group discussions. From hastily scrawled notes they developed into computerised, and well-structured plans of actions for supporting children of special needs. Both the spoken and written data show that inter-disciplinary co-operation leads to the development of inter-disciplinary competence, and a change in organising reading and writing for children of preschool and school.

Le lien prédictif entre le sentiment d’efficacité des enseignants, l’engagement cognitif et les buts d’accomplissement des élèves de la 4e à la 6e année du primaire.

St-Onge, Zoe 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A produção de significados em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem: utilizando a teoria da ação mediada para caracterizar a significação dos conceitos relacionados à solubilidade dos materiais / The meaning making in a virtual learning environment: using the theory of mediated action to characterize the process of meaning of chemical concepts related to the solubility of materials.

Adriana da Silva Posso 12 November 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta o estudo que visou a caracterização do processo de significação de conceitos químicos como domínio e apropriação de ferramentas culturais. O registro dos dados aconteceu durante a aplicação de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem que tinha a solubilidade dos materiais, como conceito central. Os sujeitos da investigação foram alunos do Ensino Médio da Rede Estadual de Ensino do Estado de São Paulo, que participavam do Programa de Pré-Iniciação Científica da USP. Todo o projeto foi planejado tomando como referenciais teóricos a teoria do desenvolvimento humano de Lev Vigotski, a teoria da linguagem de Mikhail Bakhtin, a teoria da ação mediada de James Wertsch e o modelo de organização do ensino de Marcelo Giordan. Este estudo buscou resposta para a seguinte questão de pesquisa: Compreender o processo de significação como domínio e apropriação de ferramentas culturais, permitirá que caracterizemos a aprendizagem como um processo de produção de significados? Para que pudéssemos responder a esta questão e alcançar nosso objeto, desenvolvemos uma sequência didática problematizadora, acompanhamos o processo de resolução do problema e reconstruímos este processo em busca dos conceitos utilizado para resolver o problema. Depois reconstruímos o processo histórico da significação dos conceitos químicos, analisamos os significados produzidos pelos alunos e caracterizamos esses significados como domínio e apropriação de ferramentas culturais. Verificamos que os alunos dominaram e se apropriaram dos conceitos químicos, da forma de organização dos enunciados própria da esfera científica e do uso de modelos como ferramentas capazes de realizar atividades concretas. / This paper presents a study that aimed to characterize the process of meaning of chemical concepts such as mastery and appropriation of cultural tools. Data registration occurred during the implementation of a virtual learning environment which had the solubility of the materials as a main concept. The subject of the investigation was a group of high school students from a State School in the State of São Paulo, who attended the Program of Pre-Scientific Initiation at USP. The entire project was designed taking as a theoretical framework to human development theory of Lev Vygotsky, the language theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, the mediated action theory of James Wertsch and the organizational model for teaching of Marcelo Giordan. This study sought answer for the following research question: To understand the process of meaning as mastery and appropriation of cultural tools, will we characterize learning as a process of producing meanings? So, in order to be able to answer this question and reach our goal, we developed a didactic problematical sequence, we follow the problem solving process and reconstruct this process in search of the concepts used to solve the problem. Then we reconstructed the historical process of chemical concept meanings, analyze the meanings produced by the students and we characterized these meanings as mastery and appropriation of cultural tools. We found that students have mastered and appropriated themselves of the chemical concepts, the organizational form of the statements used on its own scientific sphere and the use of models as tools capable of performing concret activities.

Cultivating personal leadership capacities to facilitate collaboration in Strategic Sustainable Development

Baan, Christopher, Long, Phil, Pearlman, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The complex, multi-faceted sustainability challenge that society faces calls for a strategic approach to sustainable development. Strategic planning processes towards sustainability in organisations and communities are oftentimes led by a facilitator or facilitative leader. We argue that planning processes of complex and transformational change, call for collaboration among stakeholders and for highly skilled facilitative leaders who are committed to the development of self, others and society. This thesis explores the ‘interior state’ of facilitative leaders as a high leverage point in moving society towards sustainability. We identify nine personal capacities that enable leaders to facilitate collaboration in Strategic Sustainable Development: (1) Being Present, (2) Whole Self-Awareness, (3) Suspension &amp; Letting Go, (4) Compassion, (5) Intention Aligned with Higher Purpose, (6) Whole System Awareness, (7) Personal Power, (8) Sense of Humour, and (9) Holding Dualities and Paradoxes. We identify a range of personal and collective practices that help develop these personal capacities. We propose these capacities are the foundation for a more holistic and authentic facilitation approach applied to strategic sustainable development.

Mastery Learning im Klassenunterricht: Problemformulierung für eine Untersuchung mit Hilfe der Automatentheorie

Bank, Volker, Damm, Anita 27 October 2009 (has links)
In der Didaktik ist zwar die Klassengemeinschaft als pädagogischer Wirkungsfaktor anerkannt und wird sogar als positive Einflußgröße geschätzt, doch wird die durch die Einrichtung stablier Klassen entstehende Sozialdynamik recht selten auf ihre Auswirkungen für das Lernen hin untersucht. Das einst von Carroll entworfene Modell schulischen Lernens, das in seiner Abwandlung zum Konzept des Mastery Learnings einige Prominenz in der Didaktik gewinnen konnte, wird in diesem Beitrag zum Ausgangspunkt für ein Modellierungsansatz gewählt. Ziel der hier zunächst nur in Ansätzen entworfenen Modellierung kann etwa sein, die Dynamik der Klasse daraufhin zu untersuchen, welche Menge individueller Lernfortschritte in Bezug auf bestimmte Zeitintervalle und unter der Annahme variierender Bedingungen im Aggregat der Klasse (und dieses ist für die Lehrkraft allgemein die entscheidende Aggregationsebene didaktischer Entscheidungen) zustande kommen.

The Impact of an Online, Mastery, and Project-Based Developmental Math Curriculum on Student Achievement and Attitude

Zollinger, Steven Ray 01 January 2017 (has links)
Due to anxiety, low confidence, and inadequate content knowledge, many college students struggle to complete their developmental math coursework. As colleges redesign their programs to address these issues, careful research is imperative to determine the factors that best meet the needs of these struggling students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of one college's redesigned program (integrating online, mastery, and project-based learning) compared with the traditional program. Using Weiner's attribution theory of achievement motivation and emotion as a guide, this mixed methods case study used a quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design in conjunction with a qualitative examination of student interviews. The study used archived quantitative data and interview data from community college students in the Western United States. The quantitative data was analyzed using multiple regression, and a thematic analysis was used for the interview data. The results indicated that students in traditional courses achieved higher final exam scores than those in the revised courses. However, the revised and traditional math students did not exhibit significantly different attitudes toward math. Some of the key factors that directly impacted student success included the availability of student support services, student collaboration, and self-concept and motivation. Based on these results, the participating college and similar colleges will be able to make more informed decisions to improve the efficacy of their developmental math programs. These revisions will then help to improve student attitude and success in mathematics, will motivate students to persist in their education, and will better equip students to positively contribute to their future communities and workplaces.

An Exploratory Comparison of a Traditional and an Adaptive Instructional Approach for College Algebra

Kasha, Ryan 01 January 2015 (has links)
This research effort compared student learning gains and attitudinal changes through the implementation of two varying instructional approaches on the topic of functions in College Algebra. Attitudinal changes were measured based on the Attitude Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI). The ATMI also provided four sub-scales scores for self-confidence, value of learning, enjoyment, and motivation. Furthermore, this research explored and compared relationships between students' level of mastery and their actual level of learning. This study implemented a quasi-experimental research design using a sample that consisted of 56 College Algebra students in a public, state college in Florida. The sample was enrolled in one of two College Algebra sections, in which one section followed a self-adaptive instructional approach using ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Space) and the other section followed a traditional approach using MyMathLab. Learning gains in each class were measured as the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores on the topic of functions in College Algebra. Attitude changes in each class were measured as the difference between the holistic scores on the ATMI, as well as each of the four sub-scale scores, which was administered once in the beginning of the semester and again after the unit of functions, approximately eight weeks into the course. Utilizing an independent t-test, results indicated that there was not a significant difference in actual learning gains for the compared instructional approaches. Additionally, independent t-test results indicated that there was not a statistical difference for attitude change holistically and on each of the four sub-scales for the compared instructional approaches. However, correlational analyses revealed a strong relationship between students' level of mastery learning and their actual learning level for each class with the self-adaptive instructional approach having a stronger correlation than the non-adaptive section, as measured by an r-to-z Fisher transformation test. The results of this study indicate that the self-adaptive instructional approach using ALEKS could more accurately report students' true level of learning compared to a non-adaptive instructional approach. Overall, this study found the compared instructional approaches to be equivalent in terms of learning and effect on students' attitude. While not statistically different, the results of this study have implications for math educators, instructional designers, and software developers. For example, a non-adaptive instructional approach can be equivalent to a self-adaptive instructional approach in terms of learning with appropriate planning and design. Future recommendations include further case studies of self-adaptive technology in developmental and college mathematics in other modalities such as hybrid or on-line courses. Also, this study should be replicated on a larger scale with other self-adaptive math software in addition to focusing on other student populations, such as K - 12. There is much potential for intelligent tutoring to supplement different instructional approaches, but should not be viewed as a replacement for teacher-to-student interactions.

Resiliency in Youth Who Have Been Exposed to Violence

Ghali, Nancy 12 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Reflexive Self: A Model of Self-Reflexivity and its Relationship to Depression and Social Anxiety Symptoms

Mullet, Stephen D. 16 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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