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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Budskapspostinskott, budskapsinbäddningar och övergångsfraser : En teorigenererande konversationsanalys av politikers strategier för att utöva makt över innehållet i partiledarintervjuer. / Message Post-Expansions, Message Embeddings and Transitional Phrases : A theory generating conversation analysis of Swedish party leaders’ strategies to take power in pre-election interviews.

Palm, Eva-Lotta January 2019 (has links)
This study examines Swedish party leaders’ strategies in political campaign interviews to both answer the journalist’s question and deliver own messages. The material studied consists of eight fifty minutes long interviews, each with one Swedish party leader, broadcast in the channels of the Swedish public service company Sveriges television in a series of episodes called “Val 2014 #dinröst” in the weeks before the 2014 elections. The answering turns, where the politicians both answer the question given by the journalist and give messages which the question has not explicitly asked for, were analyzed using conversation analysis. Two main findings are the “message post-expansion” and the “message embedding”, two features of the politicians’ answering turns in which they deliver own messages, sometimes with help of a “transitional phrase”. The study is theory generating in the sense that it contributes with these features. The study indicates that the Swedish party leader interview format gives the politicians possibilities to express themselves rather freely. Questions asked by the journalists set the topics but journalists seem to expect the politicians to do more than answering the question, as well as the politicians themselves seem to feel expected to present their positions after answering the question. A conclusion is also that the party leader considers her or his task in the party leader interview as two-sided: she or he shall both follow the Q-A turn-taking organization and deliver own messages. At a macro level, the study suggests that media logic has made party leaders develop strategies to maximize their usage of the party leader interview as a communication channel, and that the features of the “budskapspostinskott” and the “budskapsinbäddning” indicate that mediatization of politics is advanced. In addition, the results make it reasonable to suggest that the journalist and the party leader, from an institutionalistic perspective of mediatization of politics, can have different logics but at the same time have at least one common aim: to provide as many people as possible with a basis to take a stand on the day of the election. With this view, the journalist and the party leader co-work to contribute to a sustainable democracy. The profession dimension of media logic can, thus, in addition to scrutinizing the party leader, include helping the party leader reach the audience with understandable and clear messages. Finally, the actions of the party leaders in “Val 2014 #dinröst” can be understood as indicating that mediatization of politics has reached so far that message construction has become a natural part of the politics dimension of political logic. The construction of political messages can be said to have been triggered by media logic but, in the light of this study, have become included into the dimension of political logic which embraces the work of winning voters and gaining support for political ideas. / Den här studien undersöker svenska partiledares strategier för att i partiledarintervjuer både svara på journalistens fråga och föra fram egna budskap som journalisten inte explicit bett om att få. Empirin består av de åtta knappt femtio minuter långa partiledarintervjuerna i Sveriges televisions program ”Val 2014 #dinröst” som direktsändes under valrörelsen inför de allmänna valen i Sverige den 17 september 2014. De svarsturer i vilka politikerna både svarar på frågan och utnyttjar sin tur till att leverera egna budskap analyserades med hjälp av konversationsanalys. Studien är teorigenererande så till vida att den presenterar budskapspostinskott och budskapsinbäddningar, två konstruktioner i politikernas svarsturer som de använder för att leverera egna budskap, ibland med hjälp av en övergångsfras. Studiens slutsatser är att partiledarna i det programformat som studerats får tala relativt fritt – partiledarna kan sägas ta sig en proaktiv roll, och deras budskapspostinskott och budskapsinbäddningar tycks för både journalist och politiker ingå som en naturlig del i programformatet. En slutsats är också att partiledaren ser sig ha ett tudelat uppdrag i partiledarintervjun – att både följa frågasvarturtagningsordningen och föra fram egna budskap. På en makronivå anför studien att det är medielogiken som har gjort att partiledarna har utvecklat strategier för att maximalt kunna nyttja partiledarintervjun som kanal, och att studiens budskapspostsinskott och budskapsinbäddningar kan ses som ett indicium på att mediatization av politiken är mycket långtgående. Därutöver konstateras att journalist och partiledare utifrån ett institutionalistiskt mediatization-perspektiv kan utgå från olika logik och samtidigt ha åtminstone ett gemensamt mål: att hålla ett begripligt och levande samtal för att så många tittare som möjligt ska tillhandahållas underlag för att ta ställning på valdagen. På så sätt kan de sägas tillsammans bidra till en hållbar demokrati. Professionsdimensionen av medielogiken kan utifrån det förda resonemanget gå ut på att journalisten, utöver att granska politikern kritiskt, ska hjälpa politikern att nå ut med sina budskap på ett lättfattligt sätt. Det föreslår den här studien. Till sist kan partiledarnas ageranden i ”Val 2014 #dinröst” sägas tyda på att mediatization av politiken har gått så långt att budskapsformulering har blivit en naturlig del i politics-dimensionen av politiken. Budskapsformulering kan sägas ha triggats av medielogiken men bör i ljuset av den här studien inte längre ses som en effekt av medielogiken som står vid sidan av politikens politics-dimension utan som en numera naturlig och självklar införlivad del av den dimension av politiken som handlar om att få väljarstöd och vinna gehör för olika frågor.

Throw shit against the wall and see what sticks : En innehållsanalys av nio folkbiblioteks självframställning på Instagram / Throw shit against the wall and see what sticks : A content analysis of nine public libraries’ self-presentation on Instagram

Fransson, Hanna, Lundberg, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
As the title of this thesis suggests, presenting one’s self in modern-day society can sometimes resemble a trial-and-error process. In this bachelor’s thesis, the aim is to examine nine Swedish public libraries’ self-presentation through their social media expressions, thus to provide a contemporary overview of what content is being published in relation to the public library organization’s identity formation within the social media platform Instagram. In order to achieve this, following research questions are asked: What kind of content do libraries convey via their Instagram accounts, and what different types of library-specific genres emerge from the empirical material?; Which diverse representations of the public library, library activities and the librarian are conveyed in the empirical material, and how do they relate to more general understandings of the librarian and the library?; How can the selves that emerge in the library's self-presentation on Instagram be seen as an expression of an institutional, professional or media-specific identity, and what impact does technology and the library's social media genres have on how these are shaped?  Using a categorization scheme, consisting of six content categories, this is conducted through a content analysis of 607 library-generated Instagram posts. Based on the empirical evidence the result indicates that four themes in particular emerge as especially present and recurring in public libraries’ Instagram publications. These themes can be summarized as Tributes, hashtags and societal trends; The public library, building and place; The librarian; and The book. Through the libraries’ social media channel, their Instagram posts and mentioned themes, library-specific genres related to the library’s and librarian’s self-presentation seem to occur, which appears to go beyond professional and institutional identities. Therefore, it seems possible to talk about a specific social media identity, ergo Instagram as a new arena for the public library’s mediated self-presentation.

"Meningen är att ni ska kunna ert tal" : En studie om det förberedda talets undervisningspraktik i svenska på gymnasiet

Jarl, Cristina January 2023 (has links)
“The point is that you should be able to know your speech”. A study of the teaching practice of prepared speech, in upper-secondary school Swedish. Cristina Jarl This licentiate study explores the discursive construction of the classroom practice of teachers and students preparing a formal speech, within the Swedish language teaching. The explicit focus is on the teaching situation prior to the students’ prepared speech, and the actions per-formed by the actors within the language teaching context. The overall aim of the thesis is to increase the knowledge of teaching prepared speech as a social practice, by specifically describ-ing, analyzing, and problematizing the students’ opportunities to develop knowledge, connected to prepared speech in the language teaching classroom. By focusing on the instructional pro-cesses that lead to the delivery of the prepared speech this thesis contributes to new insights about the desired knowledge in the students’ prepared speech in school. The research questions guiding the investigation deal with aspects such as social actions, circulating discourses and the students’ subject positions as speakers in the teaching of prepared speech. A focused ethnography method was used, defined by short and intense periods of fieldwork engaging in a specific group activity in a social environment. The data production took place in two teaching groups, in two different upper secondary schools in Sweden. The empirical data consist of observations, sound and video recordings, field notes and texts produced by both teachers and students. During data production, the teaching alternated between on-site and online teaching due to the Corona pandemic. The classroom practice is explored as a social practice and as a discursive arena, where different perceptions exist. Social actors use discourse to mediate action, in which discourse impacts their ways of doing and being. By applying me-diated discourse analysis it is possible to study the complex relations between social action and discourse. The main findings suggest that teachers and students tend to focus more on the form and the production of the speech, and less on the specific subject content of the speech. The results display prominent and sometimes contradictory dichotomies in the teaching of speech: aspects of the prepared speech involve on one hand the practical, the spoken and the corporeal, and on the other hand the theoretical, the written and the visual. Additionally, the study illustrates the fixed and mobile dimensions of Swedish as a school subject. The importance of a speaker’s credibility shows a dynamic tension between students’ strategic, institutional and social posi-tions as a speaker. A concluding remark in the present study is that it seems important for the students to speak and having something to say, in a certain form and packaging, rather than what they have to say and why. Therefore the key instructional questions of what, why and who in terms of teaching prepared speech open up for further discussion.

Upplev mera, spelifiera! Eller? : En experimentdriven dagboksstudie om hur spelifiering påverkar användarupplevelsen av digitalt medierad sysslohantering / Gamify more, experience more – right? : An experiment driven diary study on how gamification affects the user experience of task management applications

Hjorth, Anna-Maria January 2022 (has links)
Since 2013 gamification has been applied in a number of domains, among these task management applications (TMA), to achieve positive effects. However, a discrepancy has been found regarding expected results and those of applying the method to TMA. This study has conducted a field experiment to evaluate the user experience of two instances of a web-based TMA called Att.Göra. One instance was gamified (AG.Play), while the other was not (AG). 14 respondents were asked to evaluate their user experience through diaries over a one week period. Through thematic analysis of the resulting data, this study concludes that gamification can affect the user experience by heightening the experience of hedonic attributes, lowering expectations regarding pragmatic attributes and increasing motivation for continued usage. However, this may not be enough to sustainably satisfy user needs, since the aim of TMA is to aid users in pragmatically oriented activities rather than hedonic. / Sedan 2013 har spelifiering applicerats inom olika områden, bland annat digitalt medierad sysslohantering (DMSH), för att uppnå positiva effekter. Tidigare forskning visar dock på en diskrepans i väntade utfall vid bruk av metoden och resultat inom området. Studien har nyttjat fältexperiment för att utvärdera användarupplevelsen av två instanser av en nätbaserad DMSH kallad Att.Göra. En instans spelifierades (AG.Play) och en inte (AG). 14 deltagare läts utvärdera sin användarupplevelse genom dagböcker under en veckas tid. Genom tematisk analys av den resulterande empirin har denna studie funnit att spelifiering kan påverka användarupplevelsen av DMSH genom att förhöja upplevd hedonik, sänka förväntningar på pragmatisk förmåga samt öka motivation tillfortsatt användning. Detta riskerar dock inte vara nog för att tillfredsställa användarens behov långsiktigt, då det primära syftet med DMSH är att understödja användare i pragmatiskt orienterade aktiviteter snarare än hedoniska.

"Det har blivit nästan trendigt att vara autentisk" : En intervjustudie om influencer marketing

Eriksson, Lovisa, Wrete, Helena January 2023 (has links)
Influencer marketing (IM) har blivit en allt vanligare marknadsföringsstrategi. Tidigare forskning belyser att fenomenet autenticitet är en växande trend på sociala medier, vilket således är av intresse att studera vidare. Studiens syfte är att få en ökad förståelse för IMbyråers syn på influerares autenticitet samt hur dessa byråer upplever att autenticitet värderas bland såväl annonsörer som följare och hur det påverkar interaktionen mellan influerare och följare. Vidare är studiens syfte att skapa insikter om IM-byråers syn på vad som gör IM effektivt samt om branschens framtida utveckling och vilka potentiella utmaningar den står inför. Frågeställningarna som studien ämnar besvara är “Hur definierar IM-byråer autenticitet i relation till influerare?”, “På vilka sätt anser IM-byråer att influerares framställning av autenticitet påverkar interaktionen med följarna?”, “Vilka faktorer anser IM-byråer gör IM effektivt?” och “Hur ser IM-byråer på branschens framtida utveckling?”. För att besvara dessa frågeställningar har åtta intervjuer med yrkesverksamma på IM-byråer i Sverige utförts. Studien har ett medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapligt angreppssätt medutgångspunkt frånsocialpsykologisk dramaturgisk teori om social interaktion samt kommunikationsvetenskapligteori om medierad interaktion.Resultatet visar att IM-byråer menar att autenticitet värderashögt i branschensamt att influerares framställning av autenticitet påverkar interaktionen medföljarna genom att de upplevs som relaterbara, vilket leder till högre engagemang ochrelationsskapande. Resultatet visar också att IM-byråer menar att IM är effektivt dåmarknadsföringsformen är mätbar och gör att man kommer nära konsumenterna samtattnischade influerare och digitala plattformar är trender som väntas växa i framtiden. / Influencer marketing (IM) has become a more often used marketing strategy. Previous research illustrates that authenticity as a phenomenon is an increasing trend on social media, which therefore is of interest to further study. The aim with the study is to gain an increased understanding of IM agencies perception of authenticity among influencers and how these agencies are experiencing how authenticity is valued among advertisers and followers and how it affects the interaction between influencers and followers. Furthermore, the aim with the study is to create insights about IM agencies and their perception of what makes IM effective as well as their outlook on the future development of the industry and potential challenges it faces. The research questions that the study aims to answer are “How does IM agencies define authenticity in relation to influencers?”, “In what ways do IM agencies consider that influencers' portrayal of authenticity is affecting the interaction with followers?”, “Which factors make IM agencies consider IM effective?” and “What is IM agencies perception of the future development of the industry?” To answer these questions, eight interviews with professionals at IM agencies in Sweden have been conducted. With a media and communication science approach, the study builds upon theories such as the dramaturgical model of social interaction and an interactional theory of communication media. According to the results, IM agencies state authenticity as something highly valuable in the industry and that influencers presentation of authenticity affects the interaction with their followers by coming across as relatable, which leads to higher engagement and creation of relationships. The results also show that IM agencies believe that IM is an effective marketing method since it is measurable and creates closeness to consumers, and that niched influencers and digital platforms are trends that are expected to increase in the future.

"Detta ideliga mötande" : En studie av hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar gymnasieelevers skolpraktik / “Always these meetings” : A study of communication and interaction constituting the school practice of upper secondary students

Möllås, Gunvie January 2009 (has links)
Practically all pupils leaving the nine-year compulsory school continue their studies at the upper secondary school, which consequently faces the challenge of meeting the whole range of varying needs and conditions of students. Daily school practice is constituted by a number of communicative contexts, formal as well as informal. In these social and linguistic contexts, conversations are held about and with students. The dissertation, which focuses on students in need of support, is expected to contribute to the creation of knowledge about how communication and interaction constitute daily work and how this ultimately may be manifested in exclusion and inclusion processes during the upper secondary school education of the young. The research is directed at the organisation of the work of the upper secondary school as well as at students’ experience of and learning from their participation, communication in various contexts and their own learning. The dissertation has its point of departure in the communicative relational perspective (KoRP), which is founded on socio-cultural theory formation. In addition, concepts from dramaturgy have been used as analytical tools for deepened analysis and interpretation of interaction. The study is ethnographic and longitudinal in its nature. During slightly more than three years of field work, eleven case study students have been followed on their journey through upper secondary school education. The outcome indicates the complexity of the upper secondary school, where communication and actions in a number of communicative contexts not always have the expected effect. To formal contexts that shall have a precautionary and supportive function belong pupil welfare team meetings, transition conferences and class meetings. For the group of case study students, however, these turn out to have limited significance. Among other things, the study uncovers how work organisation, mediational tools and the interaction of participants may become obstacles. Further, waiting for support efforts as well as inadequate collaboration between various communicative contexts have negative consequences for students concerned. For students who prosper in spite of complicated schooling and life situation in general, the experience of participation in a community of friends has a prominent position, but above all participation in one’s own learning process appears to be a decisive factor. This calls for continuous talks and follow-ups, in which teachers and not least class teachers/mentors have a central role. / I stort sett alla elever som lämnar grundskolan fortsätter sina studier i gymnasieskolan, som därmed står inför utmaningen att kunna möta hela variationen av elevers skiftande behov och förutsättningar. Skolans dagliga praktik byggs upp av en mängd kommunikativa kontexter, formella såväl som informella. I dessa sociala och språkliga sammanhang förs samtal om och med elever. Avhandlingsarbetet riktar intresset mot elever som av olika skäl har bedömts vara i behov av stöd och studien förväntas utgöra ett bidrag till kunskapsbildningen om hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar den dagliga verksamheten samt hur detta i sin förlängning kan ta sig uttryck i exkluderings- och inkluderingsprocesser under ungdomarnas gymnasieutbildning. Forskningsarbetet är inriktat dels mot organiseringen av gymnasieskolans verksamhet och dels mot elevernas upplevelser och erfarande av sin delaktighet, kommunikationen i olika kontexter och det egna lärandet. Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet (KoRP), som vilar på en sociokulturell teoribildning. Därtill har begrepp hämtade från dramaturgin använts som analysverktyg, för fördjupad analys och tolkning av samspelet. Studien har en etnografisk och longitudinell karaktär. Under drygt tre års fältarbete har elva fallstudieelever följts på resan genom den gymnasiala utbildningen. Resultatet visar på gymnasieskolans komplexitet, där kommunikation och handlingar inom en rad kommunikativa kontexter inte alltid får förväntad effekt. Till formella sammanhang som ska ha en förebyggande och stödjande funktion hör elevvårdsteamsmöten, överlämnings- och klasskonferenser. För gruppen av fallstudieelever visar sig emellertid dessa ha en begränsad betydelse. Studien blottlägger bland annat hur verksamhetens organisering, medierande verktyg och aktörernas samspel kan bli till hinder. Vidare får väntan på stödinsatser och bristande samverkan mellan olika kommunikativa kontexter negativa konsekvenser för berörda elever. För elever som når framgång trots en komplicerad skolgång och livssituation i övrigt, får upplevelsen av delaktighet i en kompisgemenskap en framskjutande plats, men framförallt framstår delaktigheten i den egna lärandeprocessen som en avgörande faktor. Detta ställer krav på kontinuerliga samtal och uppföljningar där undervisande lärare och inte minst klassföreståndare/mentor intar en central roll. / "Villkor och förutsättningar för delaktighet, kommunikation och lärande i gymnasieskolan" - ett projekt vid Göteborgs Universitet, IPD, Enheten för specialpedagogik

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