Spelling suggestions: "subject:"moisture safety"" "subject:"amoisture safety""
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Fuktsäkerhetsarbete i produktionsskedet : Alsters förskola utformas till ett referensobjektQvick, August, Hansson-Böe, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Many buildings in Sweden have some kind of moisture problem and the reason for this can in a lot of cases be attributed to the production phase. A suggested measure by Boverket is to increase feedback to reduce errors in the production phase. This study will therefore contribute to the experience feedback by describing the process of moisture safety during the production phase at Skanska’s construction of Alster’s preschool. The starting point for this study is a moisture survey carried out on Alster’s preschool. The result from the moisture survey suggests that the work with moisture safety has been successful during the construction of Alster’s preschool. The aim of this study is therefore to make Alster’s preschool into an object of reference regarding moisture safety during the production phase. The method involved a theoretical study of building components and materials used in the construction of Alster’s preschool and the moisture aspects that must be taken into account. The method also involved an examination of Skanska’s documents from the construction of Alster’s preschool, supplemented with verbal conversations with Skanska employees. The result describes the process of moisture safety during the production phase at Alster’s preschool. The description includes how the construction was built, material management, examinations that were carried out and the anomalies that occurred. One conclusion that was drawn regarding the applicability of Alster’s preschool as an object of reference is that some similarities should coincide with the new building. Similarities such as supporting structures of wood, meet the passive house standard, one floor construction, and that the building is constructed in a similar climate. Another conclusion that was drawn is that the work with moisture safety in the production phase always should strive to keep building moisture levels below critical numbers. A measure taken in the disposal to make this possible was to achieve a favorable climate regarding moisture in the building. But it is important to consider the required air tightness in the construction before the heating process starts in the building. Read more
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Hjälpmedel för fuktsäkert byggande : Utvärdering av ByggaF / Instruments for moisture proof construction : Evaluation of ByggaFJohansson, Björn, Stenfeldt, Filip January 2013 (has links)
För att efterleva Regeringens miljöpolitik har Boverket tilldelats ansvaret för miljömålet God bebyggd miljö. Boverket är en myndighet som arbetar för Riksdagens miljömål och skall vid behov förslå åtgärder för miljöarbetets utveckling. I Boverkets Byggregler finns krav som måste följas för att uppnå ett fuktsäkert byggande. Som förslag på hur dessa krav ska uppnås nämns Svensk Byggindustriers metod ByggaF – Metod för fuktsäkert byggande. ByggaF är en dokumentsamling med mallar, checklistor, kontrollpunkter och rutiner. Dessa dokument kan då ligga till grund för att upprätta en metod som säkerställer fuktsäkerheten under alla byggskeden. Skadefall har studerats i syfte att påvisa hur ByggaF fungerar och nyttan i att använda det. I samtliga av de behandlade fallen har kopplingar kunnat finnas till ByggaF, som kan förhindra problematiken. På så vis har dess täckningsgrad bekräftats. Kontakt har upprättats med flertalet aktörer i branschen för att få en uppfattning om hur metoden har tagits emot i branschen efter att den lanserades år 2007. Utifrån intervjuerna uppfattas att de flesta entreprenörer hört talas om metoden men inte använt den själva. Däremot har fuktsakkunniga använt den som underlag för att ta fram egna interna fuktsäkerhetsplaner. På grund av det används den av entreprenörer indirekt. Hos beställare ställs ByggaF som ett krav om man väljer att miljöcertifiera i Silver- eller Guldklass hos Miljöbyggnad. Annars ställs det oftast inte tillräckligt med krav på fuktsäkerhetsmetoder. / Included in Boverkets Byggregler are a number of demands that must be fulfilled in order to achieve a moisture safe construction. One of the suggestions on how to fulfil these demands is to use the method developed by Svensk Byggindustri, ByggaF – Method for moisture safe construction. In order to work according to the government’s environmental politics, Boverket has been given the responsibility to fulfil the aims of God bebyggd miljö, it is also their work to ensure that operations and establishments fulfil and reaches the goals that have been set by the Swedish government. ByggaF is a collection of documents including templates, check lists, control points and routines; these documents can be used during the whole building process to create a method which ensures that the moisture safety is withheld. It has been investigated whether or not cases of moisture damages could have been prevented with the proper use of ByggaF. In all the cases that have been studied, ByggaF could have been used to prevent mistakes and problems and by this, the efficiency and importance of the documents has been proven. Several major actors within the field have been contacted in order to gain a larger understanding about how the method has been perceived and utilized since its launch in 2007. In general most of the entrepreneurs has heard of the method but never used it themselves. However, moisture specialist from major construction operations, have utilized ByggaF in order to develop internal moisture safety routines, therefor ByggaF is indirectly used by the entrepreneurs. ByggaF would, for constructors, be a requirement if one desires an environmental certification in either the gold or the silver category within the framework of Miljöbyggnad. Normally there are not enough requirements set regarding methods for moisture safety. Read more
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Fuktsäkerhetsprojektering från allmänt råd till föreskrift : Fokus på aktörer och tidiga skeden / Moisture safety design from general advice to regulation : Focus on actors and early stagesMartinez, Dennis, Sabbagh, Franco January 2023 (has links)
The report Genomlysning branschstandard för fuktsäker byggprocess (translated as “Reviewof the industry standard for moisture-proof construction process”) is produced by a group ofpeople who represent different actors within the construction sector. These actors are wellacquainted with the industry standard ByggaF (an abbreviation of “building moisture-proof”),which is a method for moisture safe design. The report states that the moisture safety design isthe part in the industry standard ByggaF that works the worst.The report mentions that there are many indications that the moisture safety design will beelevated from general advice to regulation (requirement) in the upcoming BBR (Boverket’sbuilding regulations). The purpose and goal of this paper is to examine how this elevationwould affect the actors, i.e. the designers, and their work.The paper comprises two parts. The first is a literature study that aims to give the reader ageneral theoretical understanding of current regulations, the moisture problem and theconstruction process and more specifically describe moisture safety design, the industrystandard ByggaF, the system documentation phase (systemhandlingsskedet) and the newbuilding regulations. The second part is a survey consisting of a questionnaire of 20 questionssent to architects and constructors. The questionnaire consists of four parts: Professionalbackground, Moisture knowledge, Moisture safety design and Viewpoints. The first three partsaim to obtain general information about the professional background of the participatingactors, what moisture knowledge they consider themselves to possess and how they work withmoisture safety design. In the last part, the actors give their views on the change from generaladvice to regulation.The result of the last part of the questionnaire, viewpoints, was mainly used in combinationwith the literature study to answer the questions asked in this paper. To summarise, themajority of the actors are positive about the elevation. It will force affected parties and actorsto take the moisture problem seriously. Actors will be able to justify their moisture-proofdesigns more easily as a result. This will lead to increased competence among the actors, butalso demands of greater knowledge from them. As a regulation, the moisture safety design willclarify and simplify the daily work as there is no room for misinterpretation and neglect. As aresult, moisture safety design will become more efficient. Read more
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Byggföretagens hantering av fuktsäkerhetsprojektering – med fokus på projektörer / The Management of Moisture Safety Design by the Construction Companies – with focus on the PlannersAghaie Azghandi, Mohammed Ali, Ahmad, Omar January 2019 (has links)
Fuktskador uppstår vanligtvis på grund av felaktig planering, projektering och utförande under hela byggprocessen. Dessa felaktigheter resulterar i stora åtgärdskostnader som kan minimeras eller till och med elimineras om fuktsäkerhetsarbetet är väl genomförd. Projekteringsskedet är ett viktigt skede, där en noggrann och korrekt genomförd fuktsäkerhetsprojektering är av stor betydelse för det försatta fuktsäkerhetsarbetet under byggprocessen. Projektörernas roll i detta skede är att utföra en fuktsäkerhetsprojektering utifrån de ställda kraven från byggherren. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på projektörernas val av metod vid genomförandet av fuktsäkerhetsprojektering och granska om behovet av eventuell kompetensutveckling, inom fukt, bland projektörerna är nödvändig. De två metoder som har använts för att uppnå syftet i detta examensarbete är intervjuer och litteraturstudier. Målgruppen i detta examensarbete är byggföretagen i Sverige. Det som granskas är hur de hanterar fuktsäkerhetsarbetet i projekteringsskedet, med fokus på hur fuktsäkerhetsprojekteringen utförs. Av de aktörer som medverkar i projekteringsskedet riktas all fokus på projektörerna. Tre av fem projektörer är missnöjda med den egna fuktkompetensen vilket överensstämmer med de fuktsakkunnigas uppfattning om projektörernas fuktkompetens. Under intervjuerna har flera fuktsakkunniga påpekat behovet av ökat fuktkompetens bland projektörerna. Den bristande fuktkompetensen leder till att projektörerna inte kan beakta eller upptäcka eventuella fuktrisker vid fuktsäkerhetsprojekteringen. Metod som 80 % av projektörerna tillämpar vid fuktsäkerhetsprojektering är ByggaF metoden. Projektörerna kunskap om ByggaF är fortfarande låg enligt de fuktsakkunniga och av den anledningen kan projektörerna inte tillämpa ByggaF metoden i sin helhet. Kompetens och erfarenhet är de viktigaste faktorerna som en projektör måste ha med sig, för att kunna beakta och upptäcka vad som är fel krävs det kunskap samt erfarenhet om vad som är rätt. Utifrån responsen från både byggnadsnämnden och deltagarna, framgår det att en granskning av dokumentationen gällande fuktsäkerhetsarbetet inte, alltid, begärs in av byggnadsnämnden. Slutsatsen är att projektörer måste införskaffa sig kompetens inom fukt och ByggaF metoden. / Moisture damage usually occurs due to incorrect planning, design and execution throughout the construction process. These inaccuracies result in large cost of action that can be minimized or even eliminated if the moisture safety work is done properly. The design phase is an important stage and a properly implemented moisture safety design can be of great importance for the moisture safety work during the construction process. The planners’ role at this stage is to carry out a moisture safety work based on the requirements of the developer. The purpose of this exam is to find out the choice of method made by the planners’ in the implementation of moisture safety design and to review the need of competence development among the planners’ about moisture. The two methods that have been used to achieve the purpose of this exam are interviews and literature studies. The target group in this exam is the construction companies in Sweden. The way of how the companies handle of moisture safety design is being reviewed in the design stage. Of all involved actors in the design phase, the focus is on the planners'. Three out of five planners' are dissatisfied with their own moisture competence, which is in line with the opinion of the experts' of moisture about the planners' competence. During the interviews, several experts' of moisture have pointed out the need for increased moisture competence among the planners'. The lack competence means that the planners' cannot consider or detect possible moisture risks during the moisture safety design. The method that is used by 80% of the planners' during moisture safety design is the ByggaF method. The planners' knowledge of ByggaF is still low according to the experts' of moisture and for this reason the planners' cannot apply entirely the ByggaF method. The tools that planners' need to have with them is knowledge and experience. In order to discover what is wrong, you need to have both the knowledge and experience about what is right. Based on the response from both the building committee and the participants, a review of the documentation regarding the moisture safety work is not always requested by the building committee. The conclusion is that projectors must acquire competence in both moisture and the ByggaF method. Read more
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Fuktsäkert byggande : Sjönära bostäder i Östra Hamnen i VästeråsHyytiä, Nanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Housing construction very close to the lake Mälaren has become very popular today. One potential problem with these houses is the influence of the sea climate. Unprotected buildings are affected by strong winds and precipitation. So for that reason, it is very important to make an accurate climate investigation and use it for decision-making during the planning of the new settlement.</p><p>It is very important with a good moisture protection regarding pelting rain, that is the combination of wind and rain. This is more important for buildings close to a lake, as this location normally means a higher exposure to wind. The location of the main bodies of the houses has an effect on the wind force between the houses. Some house parts are affected more than other, for instance curtain walls, bays, balconies and so on. These are problematic because of water and moisture that are moving in into joints and cavities in connections.</p><p>Bigger efforts than climate investigations are needed to get rid of the moisture problem.</p><p>The different actors that are involved in the construction project need to cooperate and focus on potential moisture problems during the complete construction process, not only during the production phase. It is also important that the construction workers have the knowledge on how to construct buildings that are moisture safe in practice.</p><p>According to investigations made, it appears that many of the moisture damages in buildings originate from the production phase because of incorrect construction components that are moisture-sensitive. But approximately 50% of the moisture problems derive from the planning process. The reasons are mainly lack of easily available tools, (for instance descriptions of moisture protection), insufficient knowledge, lack of time and lack of interest. These early mistakes results in later problems during the production phase. It is of great importance that the project members have good communication with the building contractors. They need to inform them on how to calculate dry times for different construction components and what type of inspections that shall be performed.</p> Read more
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Fuktsäkert byggande : Sjönära bostäder i Östra Hamnen i VästeråsHyytiä, Nanna January 2007 (has links)
Housing construction very close to the lake Mälaren has become very popular today. One potential problem with these houses is the influence of the sea climate. Unprotected buildings are affected by strong winds and precipitation. So for that reason, it is very important to make an accurate climate investigation and use it for decision-making during the planning of the new settlement. It is very important with a good moisture protection regarding pelting rain, that is the combination of wind and rain. This is more important for buildings close to a lake, as this location normally means a higher exposure to wind. The location of the main bodies of the houses has an effect on the wind force between the houses. Some house parts are affected more than other, for instance curtain walls, bays, balconies and so on. These are problematic because of water and moisture that are moving in into joints and cavities in connections. Bigger efforts than climate investigations are needed to get rid of the moisture problem. The different actors that are involved in the construction project need to cooperate and focus on potential moisture problems during the complete construction process, not only during the production phase. It is also important that the construction workers have the knowledge on how to construct buildings that are moisture safe in practice. According to investigations made, it appears that many of the moisture damages in buildings originate from the production phase because of incorrect construction components that are moisture-sensitive. But approximately 50% of the moisture problems derive from the planning process. The reasons are mainly lack of easily available tools, (for instance descriptions of moisture protection), insufficient knowledge, lack of time and lack of interest. These early mistakes results in later problems during the production phase. It is of great importance that the project members have good communication with the building contractors. They need to inform them on how to calculate dry times for different construction components and what type of inspections that shall be performed. Read more
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Mould resistance design for external wood frame wall systems : Simulation and evaluation of wall structures under varying conditions of exposure using the MRD model / Mögelresistensdimensionering för träregelkonstruktioner i ytterväggar : Simulering och utvärdering av ytterväggar under varierande exponeringsförhållanden med MRD-modellenDahlström, Carl, Giesen, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Moisture induced damages to building envelopes can result in microbial growth possibly affecting the health and wellbeing of occupants. Recent failing structures and damaged buildings indicate a lack of tools to estimate risk of mould growth and moisture damage. In this work a so-called mould resistance design (MRD) model has been applied for mapping the risk for mould growth on a number of wood-containing wall structures. The MRD model introduces an engineering approach to moisture safety design in a similar way as for structural design, where load and resistance is compared. The MRD model introduces and quantifies the concepts of climatic exposure and material resistance and compares them through an MRD index. This MRD index incorporates a limit state, which gives the critical dose of exposure for a given resistance to initiate onset of mould growth. Three conceptual wall structures were evaluated and analyzed in terms of MRD index: two wall systems with an air gap and one wall system without. A parametric study investigating the effect of parameter variation on MRD index was conducted. Evaluated parameters were: climate (geographic location), orientation, air changes per hour in the air gap, driving rain penetrating the facade layer, exterior plaster properties and wood type. The simulations were performed using the hygrothermal calculation software WUFI. The results indicate that the wall systems with a ventilated air gap performs better in terms of MRD index i.e. suggests a lower risk of initiation of mould growth than the wall system without air gap. The results of orientation variation show that wall systems perform differently dependent on layering structure. The inherent water sorption properties of the exterior plaster are shown to have a large effect on the results. In addition, uncertainties were found on how to accurately include hydrophobicity as a parameter in the model. The report concludes that geographical location and its specific climate is the most important parameter to consider when designing for moisture safety. The MRD model is recommended to be used in combination with traditional moisture safety evaluation. Read more
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Fukt i byggnadsmaterial : Hur man förebygger fuktskador vid materialhantering på byggarbetsplatsen / Moisture in building materials : How to prevent moisture damage during material handling at the construction siteNyman, Peter, Geuriya, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
Byggsektorn har fortfarande svårigheter med att hantera fuktproblematiken. Vi har valt att fokusera på hanteringen av material i produktion. Den informationssamling vi utfört ligger till grund för vår analys och slutsats. Vi har intervjuat flera olika entreprenörer från byggbranschen för att ge oss en helhetssyn av fuktsäkerheten ute på byggarbetsplatserna. Studien påvisar att det råder brister både på beställar- och entreprenörssidan. Vi ser att det finns potential för förbättring när det så krävs. Därför rekommenderar vi att högre krav ställs på fuktsäkerheten och att tydliga riktlinjer finns att följa. Den handbok som framtagits är riktat till att hjälpa yrkesarbetarna på entreprenörssidan att uppnå de krav som ställs. Handboken innehåller tillvägagångssätt för materialhantering och fuktkvotsmätning samt kritiska fuktvärden för olika material. / The construction sector still has difficulties in dealing with moisture problems. We have chosen to focus on the material handling in the production phase at the building site. The information collection we performed is the basis for our analysis and conclusion. We have interviewed several contractors in the construction industry to give us a comprehensive view of the moisture safety out on construction sites. The study shows that there are shortcomings on both constructor- and contractor’s side. We see that there is a potential for improvement when it’s required. We recommend that greater demands are placed on the moisture safety and that clear guidelines are to follow. The handbook is directed at helping skilled workers in the contractor end to achieve the required demands. The handbook includes procedures for material handling and moisture measurements as well as critical moisture values for different materials. Read more
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Torkklimat under byggproduktion : En kvantitativ studie baserad på klimatdata och litteraturstudier / Drying climate during construction condition : A quantitative study based on climate date and literature studiesSidenqvist, Daniel, Ternstedt, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
En utmaning under produktionen är uttorkning av byggfukt i byggnadens betongbjälklag. Om uttorkningen försenas kan golvbeläggningar inte appliceras i rätt tid, men att arbetet forceras är inte ett alternativ, då risken finns att fuktskador uppkommer under driftsskedet. Avgörande för att uttorkningen skall fortskrida enligt plan är att torkklimatet i byggnaden är gynnsamt för uttorkningsprocessen. För att kontrollera torkklimatet genomför företaget ett omfattande arbete genom att mäta klimatet, där dataloggar på olika platser i byggnaden registrerar luftens temperatur och relativa fuktighet. Tillsammans med trendmätningar i betong är tanken att insamlad data skall ge en bild av hur uttorkningen fortskrider. Svårigheten med torkklimat är att ämnesområdet i många avseenden är abstrakt och teoretiskt, just därför att parametrarna som beskriver torkklimatet ständigt varierar. För att insamlad data skall addera värde för produktionen måste datamängderna analyseras och visualiseras på ett tydligt sätt, som medför att produktionsledningen kan agera utifrån informationen utan att nödvändigtvis besitta spetskompetens inom ämnesområdet. Examensarbetet syftar till att bistå företaget med ökade kunskaper om torkklimat under byggproduktion, kopplat till uttorkning av byggfukt. Under arbetet har förutsättningarna för en effektiv uttorkning studerats, med avseende på torkklimatets variation. Under arbetet har också en undersökning gjorts för att ta reda på när företaget i ett generellt fall bör komplettera torkklimatet med ökad ventilation och/eller avfuktning för att hålla ett jämnt torkklimat i byggnaden året om. Som bakgrund till ämnesområdet redovisas en beskrivning av de styrande faktorerna för torkklimatet, teoretiskt och projektspecifikt. Resultatet av studien visar att förutsättningarna för en effektiv uttorkning har funnits på de platser i byggnaden som studerats, i det avseendet att en majoritet av klimattrenderna följer uppsatta kriterier i projektets fuktsäkerhetsplan. Studien visar också att en komplettering med ökad ventilation och/eller avfuktning bör starta under perioden mars till april och under oktober till november kan uttorkningsstrategin återgå till att enbart värma inomhusluften. / A challenge during construction is drying of construction moisture in the building's concrete slab. If the drying is delayed, the flooring can’t be applied at the right time, but forcing the process is not an option, because of the risk of moisture damage during the operating phase. Crucial to the planed drying is that the climate in the building is favorable for the drying process. In order to control the drying climate the company is conducting an extensive work by measuring, where data logs at different locations in the building records air temperature and relative humidity. Along with the trend measurements of moisture levels in the concrete slab, the idea is that the data series should provide a picture of how the drying progresses. The difficulty with drying climates is that the subject in many respects is abstract and theoretical, because the parameters that describe the drying climate are continuously changing. If the collected data should add value to the construction site, the amount of data needs to be analyzed and visualized in a clear way, which means that the company's construction management services can act based on the information without necessarily possessing expertise in the subject area. This bachelor degree project aims to assist the company with knowledge of drying climate during construction condition, linked to the drying of construction moisture. During the work, the conditions for effective drying of construction moisture have been studied with respect to variations in drying climate. Another study also conducted, was to find out when the company in a general case may complement drying climate with increased ventilation and/or dehumidification to keep the drying climate at a steady level in the building year round. As background to the subject, a description of the factors controlling the drying climate is presented in the report, theoretical and specifically for the project. The results of the study show that the conditions for effective drying of construction moisture have been the case of the building sites that has been sampled, in the sense that a majority of climate trends follow the established criteria in the project's moisture safety plan. The study also shows that increased ventilation and/or dehumidification may be applied as a supplement in the period from March/April until October/November at which time the dehydration strategy can revert back to warming indoor air only. Read more
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Underlag för projektering av terrasstak och källarväggar : Kvalitativ analys av terrasstak och källarväggar ur ett livslängdsperspektiv med fokus på byggbarhet, fuktsäkerhet, robusthet och kostnad / Basis for design of terraces and cellar walls : Qualitative analysis of terrace roofs and cellar walls from a lifetime perspective focusing on constructability, moisture safety, robustness and costBrodén, David, Wiik, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Typdetaljer för olika byggnadsdelar som finns tillgängliga på internet och i böcker är idag begränsade i sin utformning. Terrasstak och källarväggar har båda en utmanande konstruktion där det ställs höga krav på utformning då de är husets skydd mot det yttre klimatet. Uppdragsgivaren WSP hade upplevt ett problem med att konstruktörer på företaget ritade olika vid projektering av dessa typer av detaljer. Företaget ville därför hitta en metod där konstruktörerna kunde utgå från samma typdetaljer. Syftet med detta arbete var att underlätta kvalitetssäkringen av konstruktionsdetaljer vid projektering av terrasstak och källarväggar genom att skapa ett underlag att utgå ifrån. Målet blev då att framställa tydliga typdetaljer med tillhörande teknisk beskrivning. Genom litteraturstudier, projektgranskningar, samtal med konstruktörer och experter på och utanför företaget har underlag insamlats. Ett underlag som sedan legat till grund för analys och slutsats. Analys och slutsats genomfördes utifrån ett livslängdsperspektiv med fokus på aspekterna; byggbarhet, fuktsäkerhet, robusthet och kostnad. Resultatet visade tydligt att konstruktörerna ritat dessa detaljer olika och att de inte alltid har kunnat motivera sina val. Resultatet visade också att gällande terrasstak är det omvända konceptet det bästa ur livslängdssynpunkt och för källarväggar är det viktigt att väggen hålls varm och torr. För både källarväggar och terrasstak råder flera olika förutsättningar som påverkat framtagningen av typdetaljer. Slutligen resulterade arbetet i två typdetaljer för terrasstak och tre för källarväggar. / Construction details available on the Internet and in books for various building components are today limited in their design. Terraces and cellar walls both have a challenging construction where high demands are made, as they are the house's protection against the external climate. The initiator WSP had experienced a problem that designers at the company designed differently when designing these types of details. The company therefore wanted to find a method where the designers could use the same type details as guidance. The purpose of this work was to facilitate the quality assurance of design details when designing terrace roofs and cellar walls by creating a basis for starting. The goal was then to produce clear construction details with an accompanying technical description. Through literature studies, project reviews, conversations with designers and experts on and outside the company, information has been collected to a sufficient extent as a basis for analysis and conclusion. Analysis and conclusion were conducted based on a longevity perspective focusing on the aspects; constructability, moisture safety, robustness and cost. The result clearly showed that the designers at the office designed these details differently and that they could not always justify their choices. The result also showed that the terrace roof as per the reverse concept is the best solution according to the longevity perspective, and for cellar walls is the important aspects to keep the wall dry and warm. For both cellar walls and terraces, there are different conditions that affect the production of construction details. This eventually led to two types construction details of terrace roofs and three for cellar walls. Read more
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