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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šakių 5-6 klasių moksleivių fizinio aktyvumo, sveikatos ir savęs vertinimo ryšys su laiku, praleidžiamu prie TV ir kompiuterio / The relation of physical activity, self - evaluation, health with time spent at TV and Computer among the 5 - 6TH grade school students of ŠAKIAI

Mažeikaitė, Vilma 27 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo objektas – fizinio aktyvumo, sveikatos bei savęs vertinimo ryšys su laiku, praleidžiamu prie TV ir kompiuterio. Tyrimo problema. Medikams ir sveikatos specialistams nerimą kelia blogėjanti moksleivių sveikata (Zaborskis ir Makari, 2001; Goštautas ir Šeibokaitė, 2006; Zaborskis ir Vareikienė, 2008). Lyginant Lietuvos 1994 ir 1998 metų tyrimo duomenis su kitų šalių duomenimis, nustatyta didelė nepakankamai fiziškai aktyvių paauglių dalis. Lietuva, pagal nepakankamai fiziškai aktyvių moksleivių dalį, užima paskutiniąsias vietas (Zaborskis ir Makari, 2001). Daugėja moksleivių, laiką leidžiančių prie kompiuterio ir televizoriaus ekranų. 2002 metų tyrimo duomenimis, 50,4 proc. Lietuvos berniukų ir 64,4 proc. mergaičių yra nepakankamai fiziškai aktyvūs (Zaborskis ir Lenciauskienė, 2006). Tyrimų duomenimis maždaug kas trečias (32,2 proc.) 11, 13 ir 15 metų moksleivis savo sveikatą vertina patenkinamai arba blogai (Zaborskis ir Vareikien, 2008). Nepakankamo fizinio aktyvumo ir sveikatos sutrikimų priežasčių reikėtų ieškoti analizuojant šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje populiariausių informacinių technologijų, tokių kaip televizija ir kompiuteris, naudojimo paplitimą tarp moksleivių. Esami tyrimų rezultatai pagrindžia problemos aktualumą ir skatina šios srities mokslinius tyrimus. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti moksleivių fizinio aktyvumo, sveikatos bei savęs vertinimo ryšį su laiku, praleidžiamu prie TV ir kompiuterio. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) Nustatyti moksleivių fizinį aktyvumą lyties... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of work – relation of physical activity, health and self-evaluation with time spent at TV and computer. Problem of research. Doctors and health experts have worries about the worsening health of students (Zaborskis and Makari, 2001; Goštautas and Šeibokaitė, 2006; Zaborskis and Vareikienė, 2008). When comparing the research data of 1994 and 1998 with the data in other countries, a big part of physically inactive students has been observed. According to the part of physically inactive students, Lithuania takes the last places (Zaborskis and Makari, 2001). The number of students spending time at the computer and TV is increasing. According to the 2002 research, 50,4 per cent of Lithuania’s boys and 64,4 per cent of Lithuania’s girls are not sufficiently active (Zaborskis and Lenciauskienė, 2006). According to the survey, nearly every third (32.2 per cent) of students aged 11, 13 and 15 evaluate their health as satisfactory or bad (Zaborskis and Vareikienė, 2008). Such results show the actuality of the problem and encourage research in this field. The lack of physical activity and health disorders reasons must be sought in today's society information technologies such as analyze the prevalence of use television and computer among school children. Current research results support the relevance of the problemandencourage research in this area. Aim of work - to define the relation of physical activity, health and self-evaluation with time spent at TV and computer. Objectives... [to full text]

Jonavos miesto ir rajono mokyklų 9-12 klasių moksleivių požiūris į fizinį aktyvumą / The attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district

Lukaševičius, Audrius 19 May 2005 (has links)
When developing positive attitude to the physical activity, the most important is to introduce it to the safe lifestyle mode from very childhood, to make it the tool not only for the physical state improvement, but also for the development of spirituality, creative activity and will as well. Such viewpoint somewhat determined that health of contemporary Lithuanian people (including pupils) is not good. We were trying to ascertain in this work the attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Hypothesis. We suppose that urban pupils are physically more active than pupils living in district, especially boys. Objective of the research – to identify and compare the attitude of secondary schools’ 9-12 classes’ pupils to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Following research task was formulated after identifying research objective: 1. To identify attendance of the physical culture lessons, going in for sports in leisure time and got injuries for 9-12 classes’ pupils from Jonava town and district. 2. To identify the parent’s attitude to physical activity of 9-12 classes pupils from Jonava town and district. 3. To identify the attitude to active physical activity and knowledge of physical activity of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. 4. To identify forms of leisure time of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. Surveying pupils from 9-12 classes in Jonava town and its... [to full text]

Kūno kultūros ir sveikos gyvensenos žinių įtaka moksleivių fizinės saviugdos formavimuisi / Physical fitness and healthy lifestyle knowledge influence on schoolchildren physical self – help formation

Masalskytė, Raminta 25 May 2005 (has links)
PHYSICAL FITNESS AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLE KNOWLEDGE INFLUENCE ON SCHOOLCHILDREN PHYSICAL SELF – HELP FORMATION (SUMMARY) One of the most approachable means of the pedagogical effect while stimulating the physical training of the pupils at school is rendering of the integral theoretical knowledge. In this paper the analysis of the village and city pupil approach to the regulations of physical training, physical activity and values were made. The training experiment was made also and results were given while the pupils were fostered to get into training. The object of the thesis was to analyse the effect of the physical training and healthy manner of living on the fostering of the pupils’ physical self-command formation. In order to realise the object the following tasks were made: 1) to analyse the point of view of the pupils about the physical training and physical activity; 2) analyse the pupil approach to the healthy way of living; 3) analyse the place of self-command in the pupil’s value scale; 4) in this pedagogical experiment to estimate the impact of the physical training and healthy way of living onto the formation of the physical self-command among the pupils. The research was made among the pupils of kaunas Simonas Daukantas secondary school and Jurbarkas region secondary schools, between the seventh, nineth and eleventh forms (No of pupils –230). All the pupils were distributed according to the age, gender and living place. They were given a 29 points questionarry. In... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų poreikis Alytaus miesto mokyklose / The need of health care services at the secondary schools of Alytus town

Kubilienė, Daiva 07 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY THE NEED OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES AT THE SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF ALYTUS TOWN Author: Daiva Kubiliene Supervisor: Linas Sumskas, PhD, Assoc. Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine Aim of study. To evaluate the need of health care services in the secondary schools of Alytus. Objectives: 1. To assess the health and health behavioral problems in school-aged children. 2. To evaluate the attitudes of parents to the need of health care services at the secondary schools. 3. To evaluate the attitudes of staff of health care services at school about the provision of health care services in school settings. Methods. Questionnaire survey was carried out in parents of school-aged children of 3rd, 7th and 11th grades at the secondary schools in Alytus town in 2004. 216 respondents were selected for the study, 161 (74.5%) of them have filled in the questionnaire forms (response rate – 74.5%). A set of questions was addressed to parents in order to clarify parents’ attitudes about the health care services at schools. Also another questionnaire was developed for health care specialists of secondary schools: 9 from 12 have responded (75.0%). Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS 10; criterion and p<0.05 confidence level was used for comparison between the variables. Results. Health care services were provided for students at all 18 secondary schools in Alytus. 12 health care specialists were conducting their duties... [to full text]

Sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, vykdančių moksleivių sveikatos priežiūrą Kauno mieste, kompetencijos vertinimas / Competence self-assessment of school health care specialists in Kaunas

Mingailienė, Rūta 13 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study: to evaluate competence of school health care specialists in Kaunas. Objectives: 1. to evaluate professional competence; 2. to evaluate personal and social competence; 3. to determine the factors related to competence evaluation. Methods: The object of the research – competence of school health care specialists. Three levels of competence – professional, personal and social – are evaluated. Methods – 1. review of scientific literature; 2. juridical paper analysis; 3. questionnaire survey; 4. statistical data analysis (Spearman correlation coefficient, t – test, descriptive statistics. Results: The analysis of professional knowledge self-assessment of separate functions showed that 10 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of knowledge of all 17 functions was 67,9±8,8 points out of 85 points possible. The analysis of professional skills self-assessment showed that skills of 9 functions out of 17 were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of professional skills was 64,6±10,2 points out of 85 points possible. The evaluation of personal competence showed that respondents gave 4 points and over to 3 personal features out of 8 features possible. Total evaluation of personal competence was 31,7±4,3 points out of 40 points possible. The analysis of social competence evaluation showed that 2 out of 5 social features were evaluated by 4 points and over. Total evaluation of social competence reached 19,5±2,7... [to full text]

Moksleivių sveikatos priežiūra mokyklos slaugos specialistų požiūriu ir jos tobulinimo galimybės / School nurses view of schoolchildren health care and it’s developing possibilities

Liutaitė, Neringa 12 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY With changing public attitude to health and health care, health indicators and health care priorities are changing too. This situation is increasing special demands for health care system and for schoolchildren health care in schools too. Health care situation in schools has changed, because become popular to think that school was responsible for schoolchildren health education but not for their treatment (Vienonen, Springett, 1998/1999). Health indicators of children and young people are going lower (Juskelienė, Kalibatas, 2003). We have to pay a big attention to children and youth health service. Aim of study – to analyze school nurses view of schoolchildren health care and it‘s developing possibilities. Objectives: 1. To reveal schoolchildren health problems in a view or school nurses. 2. To analyze school nurses problems in a process of their work. 3. To present schoolchildren health care developing possibilities/ways. Methods. This research methodology consists of theoretical analysis (scientific literature and documents) and written questionnaire with quantitative data analysis. The questionnaire was answered by 202 school nurses from the biggest Lithuania cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai, Panevezys) schools. The written questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics methods, counting average of respondents opinion, discriminantive analysis. The SPSS 12.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was using for data analysis. Results... [to full text]

Vidurinės mokyklos abiturientų baimės ir pažangumo ypatumai bei sąryšis / The Reletion and specialities of academic achievement and fear of the leavers of secondary school

Sugaudis, Svajūnas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - ištirti vidurinės mokyklos abiturientų baimės ir pažangumo ypatumus bei sąryšį. Buvo ištirta 111 moksleivių. Darbe naudota metodika - „Diferencijuotas mokyklos baimės aprašas“ - (DBA) - (Diferentielle Leistungsangast Inventar (DAI), (Rost D. H., Schermer F. J. 1997), leidžiantis nustatyti abiturientų baimę provokuojančių veiksnių, baimės apraiškos formų bei baimės įveikos ir įtvirtinimo būdų lygius. Ji panaudota du kartus – vieną kartą likus mėnesiui iki egzaminų buvo naudojamas ilgasis variantas, o kitas trumpasis pakartotinis variantas – prasidėjus pirmiesiem įskaitų laikymam. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad abiturientų įvairių baimės rodiklių išreikštumas pirmojo bei pakartotinio tyrimo metu skiriasi, o taip pat šie rodikliai skiriasi priklausomai nuo lyties, bet fiziologinės baimės apraiškos pakartojus tyrimą išlieka nepakitusios. Humanitarinį ir realinį mokymosi profilį pasirinkę abiturientai įvairių baimės rodiklių išreikštumu nesiskiria. Tik pakartotinio testavimo rezultatai rodo, kad į humanitarinius mokslus linkę abiturientai labiau nei linkę į realinius kontroliuoja baimę. Be to, pakartotinio testavimo rezultatai rodo, kad abiturientai, pasirinkę didesnį valstybinių egzaminų skaičių, mažiau linkę į išorinį ir vidinį baimės įtvirtinimą nei abiturientai, pasirinkę mažesnį egzaminų skaičių. / The aim of this research is to assess the connection between fears of school – leavers and academic achievement peculiarity. 111 school-leavers participated in this research. These method were used for investigation – Discriminating Fear of School Inventory (DBA) - (Diferentielle Leistungsangast Inventar (DAI), (Rost D. H., Schermer F. J. 1997), which lets to assess factors provoking fear of school- leavers, fear‘s expressions, coping ways with fear and levels of fear fix. School – leavers were assessed two times. The results indicated that fear index are different at testing first and second time. These indexes are different to men and women, but at first and second time of testing the physiological expresses of fear are the same. The index of fear are the same in school leavers with humanitarian and real profiler (first time testing), but humanitarians can control fear more effectively than real profiler schoolchildren (second time testing). One more thing – school- leavers who have chosen more exams were more prone to fix fear than school- leavers who have chosen less exams.

Vyresniųjų klasių moksleivių požiūris į žalingus įpročius kaip žmogiškojo kapitalo ugdymo grėsmes: Maišiagalos vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių tyrimas / Senior pupils' attitude towards bad habits as the threats to the process of development of the human capital: research on pupils' of Maišiagala secondary school

Kuzelis, Linas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Jaunimo vertybių sistemoje derama vieta tenka pagrindinėms universalioms vertybėms – išsilavinimui, dorai, darbui, grožiui, sveikatai, verslumui, savitarpio pagalbai, kurios atsispindi žmogiškame, socialiniame ir dvasiniame kapitale. Jei moksleivis neišsiugdo šių vertybių, tai jų vietą užima „žemesniojo“ lygio asmeninės vertybės ir žalingi įpročiai– rūkymas, alkoholizmas ir net narkomanija. Žalingų įpročių plėtra – greičiausiai plintanti socialinė problema mokyklose. Jauni žmonės turėtų augti saugioje aplinkoje, auklėjami ir globojami šeimos bei mokyklos. Pedagogams pavyksta sumažinti pamokų nelankymo problemą, palaikyti klasėse draugiškus santykius tarp moksleivių ir pedagogų, sumažinti didėjančio nusikalstamumo statistinius rezultatus. Tačiau narkotinių ir psichotropinių medžiagų vartojimo atvejų kasmet didėja. Jauni žmonės - moksleiviai - eina pertraukų metu parūkyti, daugelis jų jau vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus, nes tokį pavyzdį mato savo aplinkoje. Nemaža dalis moksleivių jau yra ragavę ne tik „lengvais“ vadinamų narkotikų, bet bandę ir „stipresnių“ narkotikų. Kyla vis didesnis narkomanijos paplitimo pavojus tarp jaunų žmonių. Narkotikų platintojai išnaudoja kiekvieną galimybę išplėsti narkotikų tinklą ir tarp moksleivių. Tyrimo problema. Lietuvos mokyklose vis aktualesnė tampa žalingų įpročių – alkoholizmo, rūkymo ir narkotikų – plitimo tarp moksleivių problema. Daugelis moksleivių pirmą kartą gyvenime susiduria su šiomis blogybėmis. Situacija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The first hypothesis was confirmed that bad habits of pupils pose a threat to the process of development of the human capital. Findings of the research conducted show how it is important to form the social skills, capacity and readiness to resist the social pressure to use narcotic substances, to smoke and to consume alcoholic beverages. Only after realization of that threat it is possible to timely break bad habits and to choose the adequate decision. The human capital – investment to education and health care, development of knowledge and life skills are becoming a priority trend of prevention. The second hypothesis that children at school and within its territory are safe from the threat of drug addiction has also been confirmed. Even though the school administration and pedagogues seek actively to prevent the spreading of drugs, the number of pupils with bad habits is still more increasing. Of the two thirds of the respondents they recognized of having bad habits (consume alcohol, smoke, and are dependent on drug addiction). Only half of the respondents spend less than 50 Litas per month for bad habits, one fifth of the pupils from 51 to 100 Litas, 15 percent of the pupils from 101 to 200 Litas and 12 percent or every eighth of the responding pupils spend even several times more for bad habits. The market economy contributed to the increase of bad habits and the growth of drug threat. The third hypothesis that drug addiction is further spreading at schools and the efforts... [to full text]

Atotolio šeima emigracijos kontekste (socialinės dokumentikos laidos „Emigrantai“ ir vaikų laiškų sociologinė analizė) / Family with parents abroad in the context of emigration (sociological analysis of telecast "emigrants" and children’s letters)

Kazlauskaitė, Airina 23 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvai įstojus į Europos sąjungą suaktyvėja trumpalaikė ir ilgalaikė žmonių emigracija iš Lietuvos. Susiduriama su nauju reiškiniu – vienas iš tėvų arba abu tėvai vyksta į užsienį užsidirbti, ieškoti geresnių gyvenimo sąlygų, o jų vaikai lieka Lietuvoje giminių arba valstybės globai. Tokia nauja partnerystės forma vadinama „atotolio šeima“. Magistro darbe keliamas tikslas - sudaryti teorinį modelį atotolio šeimų analizei ir atskleisti atotolio šeimų pateikimą televizijos laidoje „Emigrantai“ bei moksleivių laiškuose. Jis realizuojamas pirmoje dalyje analizuojant šeiminę partnerystę emigracijos procesų kontekste (pateikiant emigracijos mastus ir ankstesnius tyrimus atotolio šeimos tema), antroje dalyje aptariant atotolio šeimų tyrimo teorinį lauką (nagrinėjamos emigracijos priežastis aiškinančios teorijos, šeimos teorinės prieigos: L. Ryan, J. Arango, J. Scanzoni, R. M. Milardo, B. Wellman, N. Charles). Remiantis šiomis prieigomis ir R. Hill šeimos streso ABC – X analizės modeliu sudarytas teorinis modelis atotolio šeimų tyrimui, šią partnerystės formą analizuojant kaip šeimą, patiriančią stresą. Pagal teorinį modelį, analizuojant atotolio šeimas svarbu tyrinėti stresorių (A), resursus, padedančius šeimai įveikti stresą (B), šeimos narių stresoriaus vertinimą (C) ir šių trijų veiksnių sukeltas pasekmes šeimai (X). Trečioje empirinėje dalyje atliekami du sociologiniai tyrimai. Pagal sukurtą teorinį modelį atliekamas atotolio šeimos tyrimas, pasitelkiant retai naudojamus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Emigration rate increases after Lithuania becomes the member of European Union. New phenomenon emerges – parents (or one of them) go abroad to work, to look for better living conditions and their children stay in Lithuania in care of their relatives or state. This phenomenon creates the new family form – “family with parents abroad” (FWPA). The purpose of this work is to suggest the theoretical model for analysis of FWPA and display presentation of FWPA in Lithuanian telecast “Emigrants” and in children’s letters. It is implemented by analyzing family partnership in the context of emigration in the first part (presenting statistics and previous analysis of FWPA) and discussing theoretical field for researches on FWPA in the second part (analyzing theories explaining reasons of emigration, theoretical approaches for family: L. Ryan, J. Arango, J. Scanzoni, R. M. Milardo, B. Wellman, N. Charles). According to those approaches and R. Hill ABC-X model of family stress I frame the model for analysis of FWPA. In FWPA as family under stress analysis it is important to pay attention to stressor (A), recourses, helping family to cope with stress (B), stress definition given by family members (C) and consequences of stress (X). In the third empirical part I present two sociological researches. According to created theoretical model FWPA is analyzed using unusual methods. First research - content analysis of television broadcast “Emigrants”. The goal of the research is to analyze how... [to full text]

Organizing Children and Youth Tobacco Prevention in Community / Vaikų ir jaunimo rūkymo prevencijos organizavimas bendruomenėje

Paukštė, Ernesta 28 June 2011 (has links)
Aim. To assess the association of smoking prevention program with children knowledge and attitudes towards smoking as well as with their smoking behavior. Methods. Survey targeted at the 11-15 years old pupils and was carried out in four schools in Latvia and four schools in Liverpool before and after peer-to-peer pilot intervention. 931 questionnaires in Riga and 836 in Liverpool were used for data analysis. SPSS 15.0 for Windows has been utilized for processing the statistical data. The statistical significance of the data in question was tested, by using the chi-square (χ2) and Z criteria. Results. 15% of pupils in Riga (12% girls and 19% boys) and 8% in Liverpool (13% and 5%) smoked during last month, from which 3% and 1% - smoked daily. 92% of respondents in Liverpool and 94% in Riga knew that smoking is harmful for health. Before intervention 85% of pupils in Riga and 90% in Liverpool declared not smoking if one of the best friends offered a cigarette, ever smokers were less likely to resist. 35% in Liverpool and 49% Riga thought that girls and accordingly, 29% and 40% boys who smoke have less friends. Majority of population in both cities thought that smoking makes young people look less attractive. Approximately, half of the smokers were willing to quit with higher percentage of those who smoked daily. 50% of children in Riga and 44% in Liverpool schools were exposed to ETS at least one day, last week (daily, 22% and 19%), which was strongly associated with... [to full text] / Paukštė E. Vaikų ir jaunimo rūkymo prevencijos organizavimas bendruomenėje. Visuomenės sveikatos vadybos magistro baigiamasis darbas / darbo vadovas doc. Veryga A.; Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas, Medicinos akademija, Visuomenės sveikatos fakultetas, Sveikatos vadybos katedra. – Kaunas, 2011. – 98 p. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti vaikų rūkymo prevencijos programos reikšmę vaikų žinioms, nuostatoms apie rūkymą bei jų rūkymo įpročiams. Metodai. Anoniminė 11-15 metų moksleivių apklausa atlikta keturiose Latvijos ir keturiose Liverpulio mokyklose prieš ir po bendraamžis-bendraamžiui bandomają intervenciją. Į duomenų analizę buvo įtraukta 931 anketa Rygoje ir 836 anketos Liverpulyje. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant statistinį programinį paketą SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Surinktų duomenų skirtumų patikimumas buvo vertinamas Chi kvadrato (χ2) ir Z kriterijais. Rezultatai. Nustatyta, jog per pastarąsias 30 dienų, Rygoje rūkė 15 proc. (12 proc. mergaičių ir 19 proc. berniukų) ir Liverpulyje 8 proc. moksleivių (13 proc. ir 5 proc.) iš kurių 3 proc. ir 1 proc. rūkė kasdien. 92 proc. moksleivių Liverpulyje ir 94 proc. Rygoje žinojo, jog rūkymas yra žąlingas sveikatai. 85 proc. vaikų Rygoje ir 90 proc. Liverpulyje prieš intervenciją teigė, jog nerūkytų jeigu vienas geriausių draugų pasiūlytų cigaretę. 35 proc. apklaustųjų Liverpulyje ir 49 proc. Rygoje manė, jog mergaitės ir atitinkamai, 29 proc. ir 40 proc. berniukai, kurie rūko turi mažiau draugų. Beto, didžioji... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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