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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A análise do controle de constitucionalidade de omissões legislativas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal na Constituição Federal de 1988 / The analysis of judicial review of legislative omissions by the Supreme Court on Federal Constitution of 1988

Eduardo Sadalla Bucci 19 December 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado, apresentada como exigência parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre em Direito, na área de concentração do Direito do Estado, sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. José Levi Mello do Amaral Júnior, tem como tema análise do controle de constitucionalidade de omissões legislativas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal na Constituição Federal de 1988. A delimitação da pesquisa empírica é referente aos julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal, em sede de controle de constitucionalidade, abstrato ou concreto, de omissões legislativas, no período temporal de 05 de outubro de 1988 a 18 de dezembro de 2015. Com o levantamento dos dados chegou-se à divisão entre omissão legislativa total e omissão legislativa parcial. Com a análise dos julgados chegou-se à definição jurisprudencial de omissão legislativa, não sendo exatamente coincidente com a definição externada por parte da doutrina. Por fim, com o contexto de análise traçada, exarou-se conclusão crítica, definindo-se a necessidade de alteração legislativa para que as omissões decididas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, ao serem cientificadas ao Congresso Nacional, sejam realizadas com prazo para a colmatação da mora, sob pena de trancamento da pauta. / This dissertation is presented as partial requirement for obtaining the degree of Master in Law in concentration area of state law under the guidance of Prof. Dr. José Levi do Amaral Mello Júnior, has the theme analysis of judicial review of legislative omissions by the Supreme Court on Federal Constitution of 1988. The definition of the empirical research is related to the judgements of Supreme Court in judicial review, abstract or factual, of legislative omissions from 5 October 1988 to 18 December 2015. Hereupon, under this analysis obtained the jurisprudential definition of legislative omissions, which is not exactly coincident with the externalised definition by the doctrine. Ultimately, considering the method analysed, was consigned critical conclusion defining the need of legislative changing thus the omissions decided by the Supreme Court, aware the National Congress, are carried out with a deadline for warping under penalty of locking out the trial.


ESTELA BIAS MONTEIRO LEAO DE AQUINO 28 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar os critérios e parâmetros utilizados para a aferição do adimplemento substancial no caso concreto e as dificuldades daí decorrentes, evidenciadas pela aplicação assistemática do instituto pelos tribunais brasileiros. Além disso, também se propõe a analisar as repercussões na esfera do credor na hipótese de configuração do adimplemento substancial. / [en] The main propose of this work is to analyze the criteria and parameters used to fulfill and verify the so-called substantial performance institute as evidenced by the unsystematic application of the legal practice by Brazilian courts. In addition, it also assesses the repercussions on the creditor s rights in the event of configuration of substantial performance.

Informe sobre expediente de Relevancia Jurídica N° 02051-2016-PA/TC, E-2787. La prescripción como límite a la recaudación en los supuestos de demora en la resolución de impugnaciones administrativas y judiciales

Mora Zambrano, Kevin Ernesto 17 June 2024 (has links)
El debate legal tributario sobre los derechos de los contribuyentes y la demora de la administración tributaria y el Tribunal Fiscal en la resolución de impugnaciones del proceso contencioso tributario ha ocupado el interés de la opinión pública y los operadores del derecho, como consecuencia de los últimos pronunciamientos del Tribunal Constitucional sobre esta materia. A partir de ello, se ha generado espacios de discusión respecto a las implicancias de dicha demora en el cómputo del plazo de prescripción y de los intereses moratorios, temas que revisten especial importancia por las consecuencias jurídicas que se derivan de su aplicación en la esfera jurídica de las personas. En el presente trabajo, se cuestiona la razonabilidad del tratamiento de la suspensión del cómputo del plazo de prescripción en el ámbito tributario, a propósito del pronunciamiento del Tribunal Constitucional en la Sentencia recaída en el Expediente N° 2051-2016-PA/TC – caso Industrial Paramonga –, que ordena la reanudación del plazo de prescripción de la acción para determinar y exigir la deuda tributaria cuando el Tribunal Fiscal se haya excedido del plazo legal para resolver el recurso de apelación en el procedimiento contencioso tributario. A partir de ello, se realiza un análisis de los motivos o razones que sustentan los límites a la recaudación de ingresos destinados al gasto público por aplicación de la institución de la prescripción en el ámbito tributario, para determinar si estos cumplen con el principio de razonabilidad en el caso concreto de la suspensión del cómputo del plazo de prescripción durante el tiempo que se excede el plazo legal establecido para resolver impugnaciones administrativas en el ámbito tributario. Con esta finalidad, se ha recurrido a los principios constitucionales que se encuentran en conflicto al aplicarse la prescripción en el ámbito tributario, recurriendo a los precedentes emitidos por el Tribunal Constitucional, así como a la doctrina especializada en el tema para determinar la naturaleza jurídica de la prescripción. Asimismo, se ha recurrido a la aplicación del Test de proporcionalidad aplicado por el máximo intérprete de nuestra Constitución, con lo cual se concluye que la posición interpretativa de dicho órgano – respecto a la reanudación del plazo de prescripción – no es adecuada, pues hay una grave afectación al deber de contribuir en que se sustenta la recaudación en nuestro país. / The legal debate surrounding taxpayers' rights and the prolonged processing times within tax administration and the Tax Court regarding challenges to tax disputes have captured public interest and legal experts' attention, especially in light of recent rulings by the Constitutional Court. These developments have sparked discussions about the ramifications of such delays on the calculation of statutory limitations and accrued interest, issues of paramount importance due to their direct implications on taxpayers' rights and protections. This paper critically examines the rationale behind suspending the statute of limitations in tax matters, particularly in response to the Constitutional Court's ruling in Case No. 2051-2016-PA/TC – Industrial Paramonga –, which mandates the reinstatement of the statute of limitations for actions to determine and collect tax debts when the Tax Court exceeds the prescribed deadline for resolving appeals in tax litigation. Drawing on this context, an analysis is undertaken to evaluate the justification for imposing limits on revenue collection for public expenditure through the mechanism of prescription in tax law. The focus is on determining whether such limitations adhere to the principle of reasonableness, particularly concerning the suspension of the statute of limitations during periods when the legal timeframe for resolving administrative challenges in tax matters is exceeded. To this end, constitutional principles in conflict during the application of prescription in tax law are examined, relying on jurisprudential doctrines articulated by the Constitutional Court and specialized legal scholarship to ascertain the legal nature of prescription. Furthermore, the application of the Proportionality Test by the Constitutional Court is scrutinized, leading to the conclusion that the Court's interpretation regarding the reinstatement of the statute of limitations is inadequate, as it significantly undermines the fundamental duty to contribute to revenue collection, a cornerstone of fiscal policy in our nation.

Von neuen Ufern - Mobile Selbst- und Weltbilder in ausgewählten Texten der neueren deutschsprachigen Migrationsliteratur / Of Other Shores - Mobile Perceptions of Self and World in Recent German Migration Literature

Meixner, Andrea 02 February 2016 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht anhand der Auseinandersetzung mit acht deutschsprachigen Romanen aus der jüngeren Vergangenheit, in denen Migrationsbewegungen thematisiert werden, wie die Auswirkungen eigener und fremder Mobilität durch Migration literarisch gestaltet werden können (in den analysierten Romanen handelt es sich dabei um Migrationen zwischen Südosteuropa und den deutschsprachigen Ländern). Dies geschieht insbesondere mit Blick auf das Zusammenspiel der präsentierten Entwürfe von ‚Identitätsarbeit‘ einerseits und der Inszenierung der subjektiven Wahrnehmung und Gestaltung von sozialen Räumen durch die ProtagonistInnen andererseits. Dazu werden die Rahmenkategorien Migration, Identität und Raum unter Berücksichtigung eines literaturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisinteresses und ihrer Bedeutung für das bearbeitete Korpus eingehend betrachtet, um anschließend im Rahmen von Textanalysen zwei großen Fragen nachzugehen: Wie und mit welchen Mitteln in der Literatur Räume im Kontext von Migration entworfen und dabei gerade migrantische Identitäten räumlich inszeniert werden, und welche Implikationen diese Inszenierungen für mögliche Aussagen über Identitätsarbeit in von Mobilität geprägten Kontexten haben können.

Les philosophes de l'exil republicain espagnol de 1939 / Spanish Republican philosophers in exile (1939 – 1965)

Foehn, Salome 26 November 2011 (has links)
Les philosophes de l’exil républicain espagnol appartiennent au camp des défenseurs de la Seconde république légitimement proclamée le 14 avril 1931, et plus largement, de la lutte anti-fasciste des années trente. Ils se trouvent au côté du "peuple" lors de la guerre civile, qui dure trois ans. La victoire en 1939 du Général Francisco Franco, soutenu par l’Allemagne nazie et par l’Italie fasciste, les forcent à fuir l’Espagne en 1939 – au péril de leur vie. Certains intellectuels connaîtront les camps de concentration français, mais la plupart trouveront refuge en Amérique latine, en particulier au Mexique et au Venezuela. En exil, ils jurent de rester fidèles à la Seconde république et à l’esprit du peuple espagnol. Ces philosophes appartiennent au camp des vaincus, à l’instar de tous ceux qui, mus par des idéaux progressistes et d’humanité, partout en Europe se sont élevés contre la barbarie fasciste. C’est pourquoi leurs œuvres respectives demeurent aujourd’hui encore inconnues dans leur quasi intégralité – malgré les tentatives de "récupération" menées tout au long des cinquante ou soixante dernières années pour promouvoir leur pensée auprès d’un lectorat plus large. Au contexte de crise historique de l’entre-deux guerres, s’ajoute la situation particulière de la philosophie espagnole proprement dite. En effet, celle-ci n’est institutionnalisée que dans le premier tiers du vingtième siècle : on voit alors apparaître l’École de Madrid et l’École de Barcelone. L’Espagne en ce sens rattrape le "retard" pris par rapport aux autres pays européens, notamment l’Allemagne. Aussi la génération des philosophes que j’étudie, nés autour de 1900, est-elle la première bénéficiaire de cette politique de renouveau culturel et intellectuel : au moment où éclate la guerre d’Espagne, ce sont des philosophes professionnels jouissant d’une reconnaissance internationale qui s’engagent dans le conflit. Par conséquent, l’oubli qui recouvre leurs noms n’est pas seulement dû aux dramatiques circonstances historiques et politiques de la première moitié du vingtième siècle : il est également dû aux limites de la philosophie dogmatique elle-même. L’expérience de l’exil elle-même, à mon sens, s’avère un catalyseur : ceux-ci visent à s’émanciper des conventions académiques pour philosopher de façon autonome, c’est-à-dire en espagnol et dans l’esprit du peuple. Cet idéal de liberté est à n’en pas douter à la source de la "raison poétique", véritable invention de l’exil républicain espagnol. / Spanish Republican philosophers in exile sided with the Second Republic, legally proclaimed on April 14, 1931. They embraced the anti-fascist cause rising in the 1920s and 1930s in Europe. During the Civil war they stood among the people. The war lasted three years. 1939 saw the victory of General Francisco Franco, supported by Nazi Germany and the Italy of Mussolini. Threatened with death, they had no choice but to escape Spain. Some intellectuals experienced French concentration camps but, for the most part, they found refuge in Latin America, especially in Mexico and Venezuela. In exile, they swore to remain loyal to the Second Republic and to the spirit of the Spanish people. These philosophers belonged to the vainquished, as those everywhere in Europe who, moved by liberal views and humane ideals rised against Fascist barbarity. As a result, their respective works are still widely unknown today – despite restless efforts made to promote their thought to a larger audience for over half a century. In addition to the historical context of crisis during the interwar period, the situation of Spanish philosophy itself is suggestive. Indeed, Spanish philosophy was institutionalised at the beginning of the twentieth century only ; the Schools of Madrid and Barcelona were created. In this sense, Spain caught up on other European countries, Germany especially. These politics of cultural and intellectual renovation are first bestowed upon the generation of philosophers I study, born in the 1900s. When the Spanish war erupts, they had become professionals of international recognition. This shows the actual limits of academic philosophy, incapable of taking or unwilling to accept unorthodox ways of philosophising. The experience of exile itself serves in my opinion as a catalyst : Spanish republican philosophers in exile seek emancipation from academic conventions to philosophise freely ; that is, in Spanish and according to the spirit of the people. No doubt "poetic reason" – the true invention of Spanish republican exile – stems from this ideal of autonomous thinking.

O "direito vivo" das liminares: um estudo pragmático sobre os pressupostos para sua concessão

Costa, Eduardo José da Fonseca 05 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Jose da Fonseca Costa.pdf: 1076274 bytes, checksum: 311258a291d703faf4ae6c9a12956e77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-05 / As far as the matter of granting injunctive relief is concerned there is a dead right provided in state-approved legal texts that is in disagreement with the living right of forensic practice. When ruling on the granting of urgent injunctions, the plain wording in the legislative text may give rise to an interpretation whereby the fumus boni iuris and the periculum in mora are requirements independent of each other. As a result, for the traditional scholastic doctrine which usually conforms to chiefly analytic and hermeneutic dogmatic models the absence of either one or the other of these requirements suffices to have the motion for preliminary injunction denied [= rigid and mechanistic model]. However, an empirical study of the status of the legal practice shows that justices usually take together the fumus boni iuris and the periculum in mora and that those requirements seem to have a mutually complementary relationship. In other words: a dogmatic-pragmatic model can through empiric, descriptive and inductive investigative procedures prove that in daily court practice the absence or the lean presence of one of the requirements may from time to time be offset by the exaggerated presence of the other [= fluid and adaptive model]. This is why in daily court practice it is possible to find orders granting preliminary injunctions grounded (α) merely on a near certainty of the allegation of a material right to which the plaintiff claims to be entitled, with the justice leaving out of consideration the presence of the periculum in mora [= plain extreme evidence injunction], or (β) only on the imminent danger of extreme irreparable harm, with the justice leaving out of consideration the presence of the fumus boni iuris [= plain extreme urgency injunction]. In this sense, the several types of preliminary injunction are but points of tension tugging at the strands of a rope stretched between the fumus boni iuris and the periculum in mora. The more the tension moves toward the fumus boni iuris the closer it gets to the granting of extreme evidence injunction; the more the tension moves toward the periculum in mora the closer it gets to the granting of extreme urgency injunction. Halfway between these extremes lies an infinitesimal set of possibilities all interlinked by means of a vital connection. Thus, within this infinitude eight key-types of preliminary injunction stand out: a) plain extreme evidence injunction; b) plain extreme urgency injunction; c) extreme evidence and non-extreme urgency injunction; d) extreme urgency and non-extreme evidence injunction; e) extreme evidence and extreme urgency injunction; f) non-extreme evidence and non-extreme urgency injunction; g) presumed extreme plain evidence injunction; h) presumed extreme plain urgency injunction. Therefore, it is naïve to maintain that the granting of preliminary injunctions is either a discretionary (Cândido Rangel Dinamarco), or an associative (Betina Rizzato Lara) act. As a matter of fact, it does have something of a discretionary and something of an associative quality, since it is an act of complex conditionality, an outcome of a justice s appraisal of the fundamental tension between the fumus boni iuris and the periculum in mora such as they appear in a given real case / Em matéria de concessão de medidas liminares, existe um direito morto nos textos de lei positivados pelo Estado que não coincide com o direito vivo da prática forense. No momento da concessão das medidas de urgência, o campo meramente textual dos diplomas legislativos dá a entender que o fumus boni iuris e o periculum in mora funcionam como pressupostos autônomos entre si. Portanto, para a doutrina escolástica tradicional que, em geral, segue modelos dogmáticos prevalentemente analíticos e hermenêuticos a falta de um desses pressupostos é suficiente para o provimento liminar deixar de ser concedido [= modelo rígido e mecanicista]. Todavia, um estudo empírico do plano situacional da prática judiciária revela que o fumus boni iuris e o periculum in mora costumam ser analisados em conjunto pelos juízes e que eles parecem assumir uma relação de complementação mútua . Em outros termos: um modelo dogmático-pragmático é capaz de comprovar, através de procedimentos investigativos empíricos, descritivos e indutivos, que, na experiência quotidiana dos Tribunais, a ausência ou a presença minguada de um dos pressupostos pode ser eventualmente compensada pela presença exagerada do outro [= modelo fluido e adaptativo]. Daí a razão pela qual, no dia-a-dia forense, é possível deparar-se com a concessão de liminares calcadas (α) tão apenas na quase-certeza da pretensão de direito material alegada pelo autor, sem que a presença do periculum in mora tenha sido levada em consideração pelo juiz [= tutela de evidência extremada pura], ou (β) somente no perigo iminente de um dano irreparável extremo, sem que a presença do fumus boni iuris tenha sido examinada [= tutela de urgência extremada pura]. Nesse sentido, os diferentes tipos de liminar nada mais são do que pontos de tensão ao longo de uma corda esticada entre o fumus boni iuris e o periculum in mora. Quanto mais essa tensão se dirige para o fumus boni iuris, mais se está perto da outorga de uma tutela de evidência extremada; quanto mais a tensão se dirige para o periculum in mora, mais se está perto da concessão de uma tutela de urgência extremada. Em meio às duas extremidades, existe um conjunto infinitesimal de possibilidades, todas interligadas por uma conexão vital. Assim, dentro dessa infinitude, podem destacar-se oito tipos-chave de providência liminar: a) tutela de evidência extremada pura; b) tutela de urgência extremada pura; c) tutela de evidência extremada e urgência não-extremada; d) tutela de urgência extremada e evidência não-extremada; e) tutela de evidência e urgência extremadas; f) tutela de evidência e urgência não-extremadas; g) tutela de evidência pura de extremidade presumida; h) tutela de urgência pura de extremidade presumida. Logo, é simplista sustentar que a concessão de liminares é ato discricionário (Cândido Rangel Dinamarco), ou vinculativo (Betina Rizzato Lara). Na verdade, existe nela um quid de discricionariedade e um outro de vinculatividade, visto que se trata de um ato de condicionalidade complexa, fruto da valoração que o juiz faz da tensão fundamental havida entre o fumus boni iuris e o periculum in mora, tal como configurados num determinado caso concreto

Mutations contemporaines du roman espagnol : Agustín Fernández Mallo et Vicente Luis Mora

Pantel, Alice 04 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis 2007, le panorama littéraire espagnol est secoué par un mouvement " mutant " dont Vicente Luis Mora et Agustín Fernández Mallo sont les principaux représentants. Ces écrivains prétendent apporter à la littérature un nouveau paradigme esthétique qui ajusterait la fiction romanesque aux mutations sociales, culturelles et technologiques qui modifient notre rapport quotidien au réel. À partir de l'analyse d'un corpus composé de sept textes, l'objet de cette étude est de comprendre comment émerge une littérature qui revendique une écriture capable d'ouvrir les possibles narratifs à la complexité du monde contemporain. Dans une démarche essentiellement littéraire, mais capable d'adapter les outils de la narratologie à la porosité des frontières du corpus d'étude, nous amorcerons la réflexion sur les particularités formelles de ces textes, dans le but d'éclairer le rapport de ces œuvres au réel. Le roman mutant évoque, cite et s'approprie le langage propre à l'art visuel, à la musique, à l'architecture ou à la science : la prégnance de ces abords sur le texte littéraire est l'objet de la deuxième partie. Dans une troisième partie, nous évaluerons l'impact de ces mutations sur l'environnement socioculturel du roman (auteur, livre, lecteur). Dans le but de proposer une lecture au présent d'une littérature actuelle, nous interrogeons les mutations espagnoles de " la machine à raconter " en questionnant la pertinence de notions telles que récit rhizomatique, écriture plastique, esthétique citationnelle ou roman augmenté.


Gómez Alfonso, Carlos José 05 April 2016 (has links)
[EN] ABSTRACT This work aims to compile and to study school buildings which were designed and constructed in Valencia and its province, between the year 1920 and 1939. The period begins in 1920 when the Oficina Técnica de Construcción de Escuelas was founded, given that this measure -together with others of the same moment- supposed a very important change in the mechanisms that the State arranged for the construction of school buildings. The temporary period of this study finishes in 1939, moment in which Spanish II Republic falls. The present work raises five thematic core issues (nudos temáticos) able to establish a framework capable to centering the context from where the school production was developed The second part of this work consists on the specific study of all the schools compiled in Valencia, by means of a systematic analysis, which uses defined variables distilled from the above mentioned core issues. This analysis will allow us to explain some circumstances in a relatively trustworthy way, that is to say we will be able to extract founded conclusions. To be able to study the school buildings in Valencia and to understand the school buildings production in our environment, there has been compiled a great quantity of information about the school buildings designed and constructed, gathered in four annexes in this work. / [ES] RESUMEN Este estudio se plantea como objetivo la recopilación y estudio de los grupos escolares proyectados y construidos en Valencia y su provincia, entre los años 1920 y 1939. El ámbito temporal se inicia en 1920 con la creación de la Oficina Técnica de Construcción de Escuelas, puesto que esta medida junto con otras del mismo momento, suponen un cambio muy importante en los mecanismos que el Estado dispone para la construcción de edificios escolares. El periodo temporal de estudio finaliza en 1939, momento en que cae la II República El estudio plantea cinco nudos temáticos que establecen una trama capaz de centrar el contexto sobre el que se desarrolló la producción escolar. La segunda parte de este trabajo consiste en el estudio específico de todas las escuelas recopiladas en Valencia, mediante un análisis sistemático, destilado de los nudos temáticos a través de las variables definidas. El análisis nos permitirá explicar algunas circunstancias de una manera relativamente fiable, es decir extraeremos conclusiones fundadas. Para poder realizar el estudio de las escuelas en Valencia y entender la producción escolar en nuestro entorno, se ha recopilado una gran cantidad de información sobre los edificios escolares proyectados y construidos, recogida en los cuatro anexos de este trabajo. / [CA] RESUM Aquest treball es planteja com a objectiu la recopilació i estudi dels grups escolars projectats i construïts a València i la seua província, entre els anys 1920 i 1939. El període temporal s'inicia en 1920 amb la creació de la Oficina Técnica de Construcción de Escuelas, ja que aquesta mesura juntament amb unes altres del mateix moment, suposen un canvi molt important en els mecanismes que l'Estat disposa per a la construcció d'edificis escolars. El estudi finalitza en 1939, moment en què cau la II República. El treball planteja cinc nusos temàtics que estableixen una trama capaç de centrar el context sobre el qual es va desenvolupar la producció escolar. La segona part d'aquest treball consisteix en l'estudi específic de totes les escoles recopilades a València, mitjançant una anàlisi sistemàtica, destil¿lat dels nusos temàtics a través de les variables definides. L'anàlisi ens permetrà explicar algunes circumstàncies d'una manera relativament fiable, és a dir extraurem conclusions fonamentades. Per a poder realitzar l'estudi de les escoles a València i entendre la producció escolar en el nostre entorn, s'ha recopilat una gran quantitat d'informació sobre els edificis escolars projectats i construïts, recollida en els quatre annexos d'aquest treball. / Gómez Alfonso, CJ. (2016). CONSTRUCCIONES ESCOLARES EN VALENCIA. 1920-1939 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62170

Individuální charakteristiky řečového rytmu ve čtených hlasatelstvích v ruštině / Personal characteristics of speech rhythm in Russian newsreading

Čížková, Irena January 2015 (has links)
Personal characteristics of speech rhythm in Russian newsreading Bc. Irena Čížková Abstract An issue of individual rhythmic characteristics of particular 5 native speakers of the Russian language, newsreaders from the BBC, is described in this thesis. A research of the given 5 speech recordings was conducted based on the academic concepts created by Ramus, Mehler and Nespor, and by Low and Grabe and also by Dellwo, so through a speech rhythm research based on rhythm correlates that are related to vocalic and intervocalic intervals. The recordings were processed in an analyting program called Praat and the extracted results were then evaluated in a statistical processor called STATISTICA. These materials were used for further analysis. The recordings were analysed based on several parameters: %V (proportion of vocalic intervals in one breath group), ∆C and ∆V (standard deviation of the vocalic and consonantal interval duration), PVI-V, PVI-C (Pairwise Variability Index of the vocalic and consonantal interval duration), Varco V and Varco C (variation coefficient of the vocalic and consonantal interval duration) and the difference between duration of stressed and unstressed vowels. Three parameters that were the most successful from the speakers' ability to differentiate point of view were selected through an...

Paleocurrents and Depositional Environments of the Dakota Group (Cretaceous), San Miguel County, New Mexico

Bejnar, Craig Russel January 1975 (has links)
The Dakota Group surrounding Las Vegas, New Mexico, consists of three units: 1) a basal, predominately trough cross-stratified, conglomeratic sandstone, 2) middle intercalated, thin-bedded sandstone and carbonaceous shale, and 3) upper, predominately tabular-planar cross-stratified, sandstone containing trace fossils. These units represent, respectively, 1) a fluvial piedmont plain, 2) fluvial coastal plain, and 3) a beach, littoral, and shallow marine complex. The cross-stratification in the lower sandstone unit indicates an easterly paleoslope. The cross-stratification in the upper sandstone unit has a bimodal distribution almost at right angles to the paleoslope, suggesting deposition by longshore currents. The standard deviation of the cross-stratification in the lower sandstone unit of 78° is typical of fluvial deposits. The standard deviation in the upper sandstone unit of 97° indicates a marine origin.

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