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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Societal Responses to the State of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Kano Metropolis- Nigeria

Kurfi, Mustapha Hashim 27 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Intersection of Social Entrepreneurshipwith Communication for Development: Investigating Croatian Social EnterpriseCommunication and Practices

Magalios-Soulein, Iason January 2024 (has links)
Over the last four decades, social entrepreneurship (SE) has evolved from an experiment toa recognized practice dedicated to social change, popularly used globally. As a result, manyof its premises are having a spillover effect into the field of communication for development(C4D). While some view this combination of disciplines and practices as a new paradigm fordevelopment in the twenty first century, others view it as part of a larger trend towards theneoliberalization of humanitarianism. This ‘new spirit’ of development practitioners,whether they be corporations or non-government organizations (NGOs), adopts capitalisttrends creating ‘humanitarian doxa’, understood as the civic identity which conforms tocorporate responsibility. While this intersection of SE with C4D has been observed for sometime, empirical research on its application on the local level is limited. This paper investigateswhether and how NGOs which operate as social enterprises in Croatia use communicationpractices which align with neoliberal values and strategies. To accomplish this, contentanalysis and critical discourse analysis are applied to a group of NGOs by analyzing theirofficially published statutes and websites. The goal is to observe whether the neoliberal trendsoutlined in the literature are apparent in regional NGOs by exploring how they practice theircommunication and whether they communicate their self-defined development goals. Theresults show a presence of neoliberal discourse in NGO statutes which is often not present incorresponding websites, with few exceptions noted.

Развитие диверсифицированной системы социальных услуг в России (на примере Свердловской области) : магистерская диссертация / The development of a diversified system of social services in Russia (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)

Мордвинова, Т. С., Mordvinova, T. S. January 2024 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассмотрена теория смешанной/диверсифицированной системы общественного благосостояния, включающая государственных и негосударственных исполнителей социальных услуг. Проанализированы основные проблемы становления такой системы услуг в отечественной региональной практике на основе результатов эмпирического исследования. Проведено aнкетировaние получателей социальных услуг (n=106) и интервью с руководителями НКО Свердловской облaсти, внесенные в Реестр постaвщиков услуг (n= 8). / In the final qualifying work, the theory of a mixed/diversified system of public welfare, including state and non-state performers of social services, is considered. The main problems of the formation of such a system of services in the domestic regional practice are analyzed based on the results of an empirical study. A survey of recipients of social services (n=106) and interviews with the heads of NGOs in the Sverdlovsk region included in the Register of Service Providers (n= 8) were conducted.

Valuta och internationellt bistånd : Svenska biståndsorganisationers hantering av valutaköp och valutarisk / International Aid and Currency : Currency management and foreign exchange risk management of Swedish non-governmental organizations.

Backlund, Eric, Sörensson, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Biståndsorganisationer (NGOs) är verksamma i hela världen och exponeras följaktligen mot valutarisk. Organisationerna hanterar biståndsmedel i så väl vanliga som ovanliga valutor när de på olika sätt finansierar lokala samarbetspartners. Andelen forskning om hur biståndsorganisationer hanterar valutaköp och valutarisk är begränsad och denna studie avser att studera området ytterligare. Syfte: Studien ämnar att utifrån riskhanteringsteori samt best practice analysera problematiken kring exponeringen mot valutarisk för svenska NGOs samt dess biståndsmottagare. Syftet är även att på detta sätt kunna diskutera generella strategier för svenska NGOs valutahandel och valutariskhantering. Genomförande: Den kvalitativa ansatsen utgörs av informationsinhämtning i form av nio intervjuer som utformats efter teori samt tidigare studier. Genom fem intervjuer med svenska NGOs ges en bild av hur organisationernas processer och behov ser ut relaterat till valutariskhantering. Information om hur valutarisk- och valutahantering bedrivs i praktiken samt hur experter inom området ser på NGOs nuvarande hantering baseras på fyra intervjuer med aktörer inom valutarisk- och valutahantering. Studiens empiri från genomförda intervjuer analyseras med stöd i studiens teoretiska referensram samt tidigare studier. Slutsats: Studien visar att problematiken kring valutahandel och valutariskhantering är mer komplex än den verkar vid en första anblick samt att syftet med valutariskhantering skiljer sig mellan vinstdrivande företag och ideella organisationer. Det framgår även att NGOs i nuläget överför merparten av exponeringen mot valutarisk till motpart genom avtal och att NGOs med stor andel bunden finansiering inte har möjlighet att utförligt undersöka eller implementera valutariskhantering. Slutligen har ett antal strategier utvecklats för att mer kostnadseffektivt köpa valuta. / Background: Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are active in most parts of the world and are consequently exposed to foreign exchange risk. The organizations manage aid funds in both common and uncommon types of currency when they in different ways finance local cooperation partners. The amount of previous research how aid organizations handle the management of currency trade and foreign exchange risk is limited and this study aims to examine the area further. Aim: The study aims to analyse the complex of problems regarding exposure to foreign exchange risk for both Swedish NGOs and their cooperation partners, to do so on the basis of foreign exchange risk theory and best practice. The aim is in such a way to discuss general strategies for currency trade and foreign exchange risk management for Swedish NGOs. Completion: The qualitative approach consists of nine interviews that have been designed in accordance with theory and previous research. A picture of the organizational processes and needs of Swedish NGOs regarding foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management was given by five interviews with NGOs. Information concerning how foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management is utilized in practice and how experts in the field perceive current management of NGOs was gathered from four interviews with actors within foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management. The empirical data is analysed on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Conclusion: The study shows that the complex of problems regarding foreign exchange risk- and currency trade management are not as straightforward as at first glance. It also indicates that foreign exchange risk management differs between for-profit businesses and non-profit organizations. It appears that NGOs currently transfer all foreign exchange risk exposure to its counterpart through contracts. The investigation and implementation of foreign exchange risk management is not possible for NGOs with a large ratio of restricted funds. Finally a number of strategies have been developed for a more cost-effective currency trade.

Prison conditions in Cameroon: the narratives of female inmates

Fontebo, Helen Namondo 17 January 2014 (has links)
This study explores and critically analyses the lived experiences of female inmates in six selected prisons in Cameroon. The study contributes to the available knowledge regarding prison conditions from the perspectives of female inmates– a subject which has been under researched globally and has received little attention from researchers in Cameroon. The Cameroon Penitentiary Regulation (CPR) professes to be gender neutral and, therefore, it ignores the special needs of female inmates. The central research question is: How do the national policies and laws on prison conditions in Cameroon relate to the lived and narrated experiences of female inmates? The study is informed by two major frameworks, namely, Foucault’s analytical framework from his seminal work Discipline and Punish (1977) and a feminist analytical framework, standpoint feminism, which fills the gap in Foucault’s thesis that is largely devoid of gender analysis. The study is qualitative, using in-depth interviews and observations. It involved a sample of 38 research participants, comprising 18 female inmates, 18 prison staff members and two NGO representatives. The findings reveal that both international and national ratified policies are merely “paperwork”, lacking effective implementation in the prisons selected for this study. There is a general lack of infrastructural facilities in prisons and this prevents classification as suggested by the CPR 1992 and ratified international instruments. In general, there was a lack of educational and other training facilities in all the prisons visited. The few educational facilities available were those supported by NGOs and FBOs, suggesting that, without their presence in prisons, prison conditions would have been even more appalling than the findings revealed. Torture and corporal punishment were meted out to female inmates, regardless of the regular visits by human rights organisations to prisons. There are no provisions made for conjugal visits in the prisons. Same-sex relationships exist in Cameroonian prisons, either because of sexual preference or as a substitute for heterosexual relationships. The reform of the dated CPR 1992 and the Cameroon Penal Code 1967 is essential. Such reform should take into consideration both the specific needs of female inmates and current debates on the imprisonment of women. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

Les intermédiaires en développement en Afrique subsaharienne : analyse comparative de Cotonou et de Lomé

Lawani, Ayemi A. 04 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur les acteurs au sein des organisations non gouvernementales locales (ONG) qui, dans la configuration actuelle de l’aide internationale au développement, jouent un rôle de relais ou d’intermédiaires entre donateurs internationaux et populations bénéficiaires en Afrique subsaharienne. En analysant les trajectoires professionnelles de 32 femmes et hommes « leaders » dans des ONG de Cotonou (Bénin) et de Lomé (Togo), la thèse se propose d’appréhender les processus sociaux à travers lesquels ces individus deviennent intermédiaires dans les activités de développement. La recherche s’inscrit dans une approche théorique construite à la rencontre entre la perspective orientée vers l’acteur en socioanthropologie du développement, la sociologie de l’individuation et le paradigme des parcours de vie. La thèse prend également une posture comparative en contrastant, d’une part, les trajectoires professionnelles des intermédiaires du Bénin et du Togo, deux pays ayant connu entre les années 1990 et début 2000 des « destinées » opposées en ce qui a trait à leurs rapports avec les bailleurs de fonds étrangers. D’autre part, l’analyse compare deux générations d’intermédiaires et contraste l’expérience des intermédiaires féminins et masculins. L’analyse montre qu’en premier lieu, les conférences nationales en 1990 au Bénin et en 1991 au Togo ont constitué un tournant important dans les trajectoires professionnelles des intermédiaires dans les deux pays, créant subséquemment, d’un côté, un contexte favorable aux intermédiaires du Bénin, et de l’autre, un environnement délétère pour ceux du Togo. Toutefois, au cours des dix dernières années, ces différences de conditions de travail se sont beaucoup atténuées et les défis relevés par les intermédiaires dans les deux pays sont à nouveau similaires; les contextes actuels sont caractérisés par un soutien étatique au minima, un champ d’activités très concurrentiel et politisé, une professionnalisation du champ, et une forte dépendance vis-à-vis des bailleurs de fonds extérieurs. En second lieu, l’analyse des récits de vie a permis de ressortir quatre types de profils des intermédiaires au moment où ils intègrent le champ des ONG : les « reconvertis », les « nouveaux diplômés des années 1990 », les « carriéristes », et les « activistes ». La comparaison générationnelle suggère en outre que les deux premiers types décrivent mieux les intermédiaires ayant commencé leurs activités avant les années 2000, alors que les « carriéristes » sont pour l’essentiel des intermédiaires de la jeune génération qui intègre le domaine de l’intermédiation après 2000. Aussi, la recherche montre que pour entrer, mais surtout « durer », dans le champ des ONG ces individus utilisent divers réseaux politiques et associatifs et savent « manœuvrer », notamment en choisissant une « thématique porteuse », en veillant à maintenir une constante « visibilité » ou en ayant recours à des formations continues pour acquérir ou consolider des compétences recherchées par les bailleurs de fonds. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des trajectoires professionnelles féminines a révélé qu’alors que le poids des responsabilités familiales a fait que les « pionnières » de l’intermédiation sont entrées de façon tardive dans une profession dominée par les hommes, et se sont toutes focalisées sur des thématiques liées directement aux droits des femmes, les parcours de leurs cadettes sont bien différents. Ces dernières ne travaillent pas dans le traditionnel domaine du « genre », et même si elles reconnaissent aussi leurs difficultés à concilier responsabilités professionnelles et devoir familial, elles ne sont pas prêtes à mettre de côté leur carrière et ont une perception très différente de leurs aînées des rôles genrés au sein de la famille. / This dissertation focuses on individuals in local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who, in the current configuration of international development, act as relays or intermediaries between international donors and recipient populations in sub-Saharan Africa. By analyzing the careers of 32 female and male "leaders" in NGOs in Cotonou (Benin) and Lomé (Togo), the dissertation aims to understand the social processes through which these individuals become intermediaries in the development arena. The research mobilizes a theoretical approach that combines the actor-oriented perspective in socio-anthropology of development, the sociology of individuation and the life course paradigm. This thesis also takes a comparative approach, first, by contrasting the careers of development intermediaries from Benin with those from Togo, two countries that experienced in the 1990s and early 2000s opposite fates in terms of their relations with international donors. Also, the analysis compares two generations of intermediaries and contrast the experiences of male and female intermediaries. The analysis shows that, first, the Benin National conference of 1990 and the one in Togo in 1991 were turning points in the careers of intermediaries in both countries, by creating a supportive working environment for intermediaries in Benin, and, on the opposite, a deleterious context for those in Togo. However, over the past decade, these differences in working conditions have dwindled, and the challenges faced by intermediaries in both countries are once again similar; the current contexts are characterized by a limited state support, a very competitive and politicized working environment, a professionalization of the field, and a strong dependence toward external donors. Second, four types of intermediaries’ profiles at the time they enter the NGO sector emerged from the life history analysis: the "converted", the "new graduates of the 1990s," the "careerists" and the "activists". Generational comparison shows that the first two types best describe the intermediaries that started their activities before 2000, while "careerists" are mostly intermediaries from the younger post-2000 generation. The research also shows that in order to enter, and more importantly to "last", in the NGO sector these individuals use various political and associative networks and develop various strategies such as choosing a “fashionable” field of interest, remaining “visible”, and constantly seeking trainings in order to acquire “marketable” expertise. In addition, the analysis of women's professional trajectories revealed that while “pioneers” female intermediaries entered the male dominated NGO sector late in their life due to their familial obligations and all worked in the area of women's rights, the experience of their younger counterparts are quite different. The latter work outside the traditional “gender” arena; and, although they also have difficulties reconciling work and family duties, they are not ready to give up their career, and they have very different perceptions of gender roles within the family than their older counterparts.

Partenariats ONG-entreprise et évolution du business model de la grande entreprise. Le cas de Suez-Environnement / Corporate-NGO partnerships and large companies’ business model evolution. The case of Suez-Environnement

Maucuer, Raphaël 15 May 2013 (has links)
Avec l’émergence des ONG dans nos économies globalisées, les grandes entreprises développent divers types de partenariats ONG-entreprise (POE). Les chercheurs s’interrogent sur leurs enjeux stratégiques. Dans notre thèse, nous étudions la contribution spécifique des POE à l’évolution du business model (BM) de la grande entreprise.Une étude de cas longitudinale processuelle chez Suez-Environnement met en lumière trois grands apports des POE : les POE, selon leur type, influencent la stratégie de l’entreprise par leur concours à la segmentation des activités ; ils contribuent à la conception et au déploiement des BM issus de la nouvelle segmentation ; et ils jouent un rôle moteur dans l’évolution du portefeuille de BM de l’entreprise.À partir de ces résultats, nous proposons : une conception élargie de la finalité du BM intégrant la performance sociétale ; une représentation enrichie du concept de BM, baptisée modèle RCOV-EPs, articulant quatre dimensions en interactions ; et le concept de métabusiness model que nous définissons comme : une métalogique de création de valeur socioéconomique émergeant de relations inter-BM. / With the emergence of the NGOs in our globalized economies, large companies developdiverse types of corporate-NGO partnerships (CNPs). Some researchers raised interrogations on their strategic issues. In our thesis, we study the CNPs specific contribution to the evolution of large companies’ business model (BM).Drawing on a longitudinal processual case study at Suez-Environnement, we highlight three main contributions of CNPs: first, some types of CNPs influence company’s strategy by taking part in the activities’ segmentation; second, they contribute to design and to implement the BMs resulting from the new segmentation; third, they play a driving role in the company’s BMs portfolio evolution.From these results, we suggest: an extended approach of BM’s purpose including societalperformance; an enhanced representation of the BM concept, called RCOV-PsE model,structuring four interacting components; and the meta business-model concept that we define as: a socio-economic value creation logic appearing from inter-BM relations.

Prison conditions in Cameroon: the narratives of female inmates

Fontebo, Helen Namondo 06 1900 (has links)
This study explores and critically analyses the lived experiences of female inmates in six selected prisons in Cameroon. The study contributes to the available knowledge regarding prison conditions from the perspectives of female inmates– a subject which has been under researched globally and has received little attention from researchers in Cameroon. The Cameroon Penitentiary Regulation (CPR) professes to be gender neutral and, therefore, it ignores the special needs of female inmates. The central research question is: How do the national policies and laws on prison conditions in Cameroon relate to the lived and narrated experiences of female inmates? The study is informed by two major frameworks, namely, Foucault’s analytical framework from his seminal work Discipline and Punish (1977) and a feminist analytical framework, standpoint feminism, which fills the gap in Foucault’s thesis that is largely devoid of gender analysis. The study is qualitative, using in-depth interviews and observations. It involved a sample of 38 research participants, comprising 18 female inmates, 18 prison staff members and two NGO representatives. The findings reveal that both international and national ratified policies are merely “paperwork”, lacking effective implementation in the prisons selected for this study. There is a general lack of infrastructural facilities in prisons and this prevents classification as suggested by the CPR 1992 and ratified international instruments. In general, there was a lack of educational and other training facilities in all the prisons visited. The few educational facilities available were those supported by NGOs and FBOs, suggesting that, without their presence in prisons, prison conditions would have been even more appalling than the findings revealed. Torture and corporal punishment were meted out to female inmates, regardless of the regular visits by human rights organisations to prisons. There are no provisions made for conjugal visits in the prisons. Same-sex relationships exist in Cameroonian prisons, either because of sexual preference or as a substitute for heterosexual relationships. The reform of the dated CPR 1992 and the Cameroon Penal Code 1967 is essential. Such reform should take into consideration both the specific needs of female inmates and current debates on the imprisonment of women. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

The effectiveness of European embassies' climate diplomacy with the USA and China

Buchmann, Katrin Annika January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on public diplomacy efforts targeted at persuading other countries to strengthen their domestic and international climate change policies. While previous research on climate diplomacy has addressed the global negotiations extensively, the role of embassies and the interplay between diplomats, their partners and the instruments and storylines they employ, has so far not received the scholarly attention it deserves. This is despite the fact that such behind-the-scenes outreach is one of the most promising tools available to engage other states. The dissertation aims to fill this literature gap by examining climate public diplomacy conducted by embassies and consulates of four EU states: the UK, Germany, Sweden and Denmark. The European Union, and these states in particular, were chosen because they have sought to portray themselves as leaders in tackling climate change while undertaking extensive climate diplomacy. The United States and China were chosen as target states since they have been the main focus of EU climate diplomacy, due to their position as the two largest aggregate contributors to climate change. The dissertation addresses public diplomacy in the field of climate change applied to both the federal/national and subnational levels of governance of these states. The main research question tackled by this dissertation is: What role do embassies and consulates play in climate diplomacy, and how effective is this diplomacy? In answering this, the research focuses on identifying environmental discourses and framings of climate change employed by embassies/consulates for different audiences, and assesses the impact of these frames. A central finding was a strong trade and growth orientation of climate diplomacy. The diplomatic network identified industry, especially fossil-fuel intensive businesses, as allies. Some companies that were embassy partners supported climate denial behind the scenes.

Méthodes de veille textométrique multilingue appliquées à des corpus de l’environnement et de l’énergie : « Restitution, prévision et anticipation d’événements par poly-résonances croisées » / Textometric Multilingual Information Monitoring Methods Applied to Energy & Environment Corpora : "Restitution, Forecasting and Anticipation of Events by Cross Poly-resonance"

Shen, Lionel 21 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une série de méthodes de veille textométrique multilingue appliquées à des corpus thématiques. Pour constituer ce travail, deux types de corpus sont mobilisés : un corpus comparable et un corpus parallèle, composés de données textuelles extraites des discours de presse, ainsi que ceux des ONG. Les informations récupérées proviennent de trois mondes en trois langues différentes : français, anglais et chinois. La construction de ces deux corpus s’effectue autour de deux thèmes d’actualité ayant pour objet, l’environnement et l’énergie, avec une attention particulière sur trois notions : les énergies, le nucléaire et l’EPR. Après un bref rappel de l’état de l’art en intelligence économique, veille et textométrie, nous avons exposé les deux sujets retenus, les technicités morphosyntaxiques des trois langues dans les contextes nationaux et internationaux. Successivement, les caractéristiques globales, les convergences et les particularités de ces corpus ont été mises en évidence. Les dépouillements et les analyses qualitatives et quantitatives des résultats obtenus sont réalisés à l’aide des outils de la textométrie, notamment grâce aux analyses factorielles des correspondances, réseaux cooccurrentiels et poly-cooccurrentiels, spécificités du modèle hypergéométrique, segments répétés ou encore à la carte des sections. Ensuite, la veille bi-textuelle bilingue a été appliquée sur les trois mêmes concepts dans l’objectif de mettre en évidence les modes selon lesquels les corpus multilingues à caractère comparé et parallèle se complètent dans un processus de veille plurilingue, de restitution, de prévision et d’anticipation. Nous concluons notre recherche en proposant une méthode analytique par Objets-Traits-Entrées (OTE). / This thesis proposes a series of textometric multilingual information monitoring methods applied to thematic corpora (textometry is also called textual statistics or text data analysis). Two types of corpora are mobilized to create this work: a comparable corpus and a parallel corpus in which the textual data are extracted from the press and discourse of NGOs. The information source was retrieved from three countries in three different languages: English, French and Chinese. The two corpora were constructed on two topical issues concerning the environment and energy, with a focus on three concepts: energy, nuclear power and the EPR (European Pressurized Reactor or Evolutionary Power Reactor). After a brief review of the state of the art on business intelligence, information monitoring and textometry, we first set out the two chosen subjects – the environment and energy – and then the morphosyntactic features of the three languages in national and international contexts. The overall characteristics, similarities and peculiarities of these corpora are highlighted successively. The recounts and qualitative and quantitative analyses of the results were carried out using textometric tools, including factor analysis of correspondences, co-occurrences and polyco-occurrential networks, specificities of the hypergeometric model and repeated segments or map sections. Thereafter, bilingual bitextual information monitoring was applied to the same three concepts with the aim of elucidating how the comparable corpus and the parallel corpus can mutually help each other in a process of multilingual information monitoring, by restitution, forecasting and anticipation. We conclude our research by offering an analytical method called Objects-Features-Opening (OFO).

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