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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions de néphrologues transplanteurs et référents face à la quantification du risque immunologique global en transplantation rénale

Dion-Labrie, Marianne 01 1900 (has links)
Problématique : La pénurie d’organes qui sévit actuellement en transplantation rénale incite les chercheurs et les équipes de transplantation à trouver de nouveaux moyens afin d’en améliorer l’efficacité. Le Groupe de recherche transdisciplinaire sur les prédicteurs du risque immunologique du FRSQ travaille actuellement à mettre en place de nouveaux outils facilitant la quantification du risque immunologique global (RIG) de rejet de chaque receveur en attente d’une transplantation rénale. Le calcul du RIG s’effectuerait en fonction de facteurs scientifiques et quantifiables, soit le biologique, l’immunologique, le clinique et le psychosocial. La détermination précise du RIG pourrait faciliter la personnalisation du traitement immunosuppresseur, mais risquerait aussi d’entraîner des changements à l’actuelle méthode de sélection des patients en vue d’une transplantation. Cette sélection se baserait alors sur des critères quantifiables et scientifiques. L’utilisation de cette méthode de sélection possède plusieurs avantages, dont celui d’améliorer l’efficacité de la transplantation et de personnaliser la thérapie immunosuppressive. Malgré tout, cette approche soulève plusieurs questionnements éthiques à explorer chez les différents intervenants œuvrant en transplantation rénale quant à sa bonne utilisation. Buts de l’étude : Cette recherche vise à étudier les perceptions de néphrologues transplanteurs et référents de la province de Québec face à l’utilisation d’une méthode de sélection des patients basée sur des critères scientifiques et quantifiables issus de la médecine personnalisée. Les résultats pourront contribuer à déterminer la bonne utilisation de cette méthode et à étudier le lien de plus en plus fort entre science et médecine. Méthodes : Des entretiens semi-dirigés combinant l’emploi de courtes vignettes cliniques ont été effectués auprès de 22 néphrologues québécois (transplanteurs et référents) entre juin 2007 à juillet 2008. Le contenu des entretiens fut analysé qualitativement selon la méthode d’analyse de Miles et Huberman. Résultats : Les résultats démontrent une acceptation généralisée de cette approche. La connaissance du RIG pour chaque patient peut améliorer le traitement et la prise en charge post-greffe. Son efficacité serait supérieure à la méthode actuelle. Par contre, la possible exclusion de patients pose un important problème éthique. Cette nouvelle approche doit toutefois être validée scientifiquement et accorder une place au jugement clinique. Conclusions : La médecine personnalisée en transplantation devrait viser le meilleur intérêt du patient. Malgré l’utilisation de données scientifiques et quantifiables dans le calcul du RIG, le jugement clinique doit demeurer en place afin d’aider le médecin à prendre une décision fondée sur les données médicales, son expertise et sa connaissance du patient. Une réflexion éthique approfondie s’avère nécessaire quant à l’exclusion possible de patients et à la résolution de la tension entre l’équité et l’efficacité en transplantation rénale. / Background: The overwhelming scarcity of organs within renal transplantation forces researchers and transplantation teams to seek new ways to increase efficacy. The Groupe de recherche transdisciplinaire sur les prédicteurs du risque immunologique is attempting to put in place a scientifically precise method for determining the global immunological risk (GIR) of rejection for each patient waiting for a renal transplant. The quantification of the GIR is based on scientific factors, such as biological, immunological, clinical and psychosocial. The precise and global determination of the GIR could change the way patients are selected for renal transplantation. This selection will be based thus on scientific and quantifiable criteria. The advantages of the use of this method for selecting potential allograft recipients could be improvement in the efficacy of the process and the individualization of immunosuppressive therapy. In spite of these numerous advantages, this approach raises several ethical questions to explore with nephrologists working in kidney transplantation. Aims of the study: The aims of this study is to explore the views of transplant and referring nephrologists on the use of personalized medicine tools to develop a new method for selection potential recipients of a renal allograft. The results of this research could contribute to determine the acceptable use of this method in renal transplantation and to study the link between science and medicine. Methods: Twenty-two semi-directed interviews, using short clinical vignettes, were conducted with nephrologists in the province of Quebec between June 2007 and July 2008. The semi-directed interviews were analyzed qualitatively using the content and thematic analysis method described by Miles and Huberman. Results: The results demonstrate a general acceptance of this approach amongst the participants. Knowledge of each patient’s immunological risk could improve treatment and the post-graft follow-up. On the other hand, the possibility that patients might be excluded from transplantation poses a significant ethical issue. It could be more effective than the method presently used. The method must be validated scientifically, and must leave a role for clinical judgment. Conclusions: The use of personalized medicine within transplantation must be in the best interests of the patient. However, in spite of the use of such scientific data, a place must be retained for the clinical judgment that allows a physician to make decisions based on medical data, professional expertise and knowledge of the patient. An ethical reflection is necessary in order to focus on the possibility of patients being excluded, as well as on the resolution of the equity/efficacy dilemma.

Berättade liv, berättat Polen : en etnologisk studie av hur högutbildade polacker gestaltar identitet och samhälle

Wolanik Boström, Katarzyna January 2005 (has links)
The study takes its point of departure in the notions of life story, narrativity and context. It is based on extensive life story interviews with well-educated professionals in Poland – academics, teachers, managers, physicians, artists – during the period of transformation (or transition) from ”real socialism” to democracy and a market economy. The aim is to analyse the multilayered process of constructing a personal identity, as the narrators interweave stories about their lives with images of history and society. The central approach is narrative analysis, focusing on the interview interaction as well as the wider cultural, societal and political context in which the self-presentation takes place, and which it simultaneously creates. Concepts of cultural and paradigmatic narratives are combined with a gender perspective and selected terms from Pierre Bourdieus theory of practice. The narrators’ life experiences are shaped and evaluated in an implicit dialogue with cultural narratives of ideal biographies, professional careers, gender roles and family models in Poland during socialism and the transformation. In family background stories, the ancestors’ gendered biographies are depicted in relation to the underlying paradigm of the romantic-patriotic tradition. In childhood stories, the evaluation models used are psychological, social and based on political correctedness. The interviewees often shape their nostalgic, bitter and ambivalent memories against a background of the power relations between the family and the state, using nostalgia, dark rhetorics and a well-established genre of coping strategies during the socialism. In narratives about formal school-education during the socialist period, two paradigms are seen as highly incongruous: the intellectual-elitistic tradition and the socialistic citizen-schooling. Also stories of being a part of both formal and oppositional organisations and networks are told. In narratives about careers and working life, the pride in doing a good work is prevalent, but the narrators also depict complications in the professional paradigm due to the proliferation of politicised and informal power relations; en influence still lasting during the transformation period. The troubled issues of legitimacy, status and economy are discussed. In stories about close relationships, there is an underlying paradigm of love, marrital happiness and being a good parent, even though the stories follow a variety of plots. The evaluations become complex and sometimes contradictory. By presenting their life-experience in a proud, ambivalent, defensive or ironic way, the narrators reproduce, deconstruct and challenge the dominant cultural narratives, shaping their unique personal paradigms.

Kontinuita a kontakt:Ságy o současnosti a kulturní paměť / Continuity and Contact: The Contemporary Sagas and Cultural Memory

Korecká, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The study is focused on the Old Norse "contemporary sagas" (texts composed with a short time distance from the events of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries that are recorded in them) and some of the bishops' sagas as images of the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Icelanders' identity and their relationship to other lands, especially Norway. It aims at analysing the roles and meanings of various identity bearers portrayed in these sources - chieftains, royal representatives, ecclesiastical dignitaries, and saintly bishops. The approach to the sources is based on an analysis of how recent historical events were transformed into a narrative discourse, in which they were connected to the more distant past that formed the medieval Icelandic society's cultural memory. That way, these events themselves became a part of this society's cultural memory, and the given historical knowledge was endowed with specific meanings, which were not inherently present in the knowledge itself, but were based on its contextualization. The study shows how the narrativization of the recent events and their integration into the cultural memory creates a meaningful relationship between the past and the present. The objective of the study is to show how the narrative sources reflect the society's perception of its recent...

Vztah počítačové hry a její audiovizuální předlohy / The relationship between a computer game and its audiovisual pattern

Šírová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis The Relationship between the Computer Game and its Audiovisual Pattern deals with the similarities and differences between the computer games and audiovisual works. The thesis presents some theories reflecting different points of view to the influence and blending of these media forms. Those theories are the base for a suggestion of typology of games and movies adaptations that were made according to a pattern. In each of three suggested categories, there are mentioned some particular examples of computer games that were inspired by movie or series and also examples of movies that were inspired by computer game. The final chapter is a case study which compares the computer game Lost: Via Domus to its audiovisual pattern - series Lost.

Introduction: Popularizing Instability (Chapter 1), Introducing Narrative Instability (Chapter 2)

Schubert, Stefan 27 January 2022 (has links)
The following text is an excerpt from the book Narrative Instability: Destabilizing Identities, Realities, and Textualities in Contemporary American Popular Culture, which was originally published in 2019 with Universitätsverlag Winter as part of the series American Studies – A Monograph Series. The book introduces the concept of ‘narrative instability’ in order to make visible a new trend in contemporary US popular culture, to analyze this trend’s poetics, and to scrutinize its textual politics. It identifies those texts as narratively unstable that consciously frustrate and obfuscate the process of narrative understanding and comprehension, challenging their audiences to reconstruct what happened in a text’s plot, who its characters are, which of its diegetic worlds are real, or how narrative information is communicated in the first place. Despite—or rather, exactly because of—their confusing and destabilizing tendencies, such texts have attained mainstream commercial popularity in recent years across a variety of media, most prominently in films, video games, and television series. Focusing on three clusters of instability that form around identities, realities, and textualities, the book argues that narratively unstable texts encourage their audiences to engage with the narrative constructedness of their universes, that narrative instability embodies a new facet of popular culture, that it takes place and can only be understood transmedially, and that its textual politics particularly speak to white male middle-class Americans.

"Entre ici et là-bas, je vous dessine mon chez moi" : exploration qualitative des productions des enfants en psychothérapie transculturelle / "Tra qui e laggiù, vi disegno il mio mondo" : esplorazione qualitativa delle produzioni infantili in psicoterapia transculturale / "Between here and there, I draw you my own world" : qualitative exploration of children's productions in transcultural psychotherapy

Rizzi, Alice Titia 03 November 2014 (has links)
Le dessin représente le moyen d'expression privilégié pour un enfant, notamment lorsqu'il est amené à s'exprimer devant à un groupe d'adultes et, de surcroît, lorsqu'il porte en lui plusieurs cultures, comme les enfants de migrants. La recherche qui fait l'objet de cette thèse s'appuie sur une revue de la littérature concernant l'approche psychologique du dessin d'enfant et l'approche transculturelle de l'enfant de migrants. Elle a une perspective complémentariste afin d'enrichir leur pluralité théorique, méthodologique et clinique. Notre recherche se centre sur le matériel créé par les enfants, les dessins produits au sein des consultations transculturelles du Professeur Marie Rose Moro, dispositif de psychothérapie familiale et groupale, des Hôpitaux Cochin (Maison de Solenn - Paris) et Avicenne (Bobigny). La population de notre recherche est constituée de soixante-trois dessins produits par cinq enfants durant les séances transculturelles. Nous avons analysé les productions graphiques et narratives des enfants en lien avec les interactions au sein du groupe. Le processus de co-construction, qui est au coeur du dispositif transculturel, émerge des interactions entre le signe et la parole, entre l'ici et l'ailleurs, entre le monde des enfants et le monde des adultes. Les résultats de nos analyses mettent en évidence l'aspect dialogique du dessin. La production graphique soutient le processus d'élaboration psychique et culturelle de l'enfant, véritable objet médiateur entre les langues, les langages, les cultures et les interactions. Le dessin tient donc une place centrale, non seulement signe de la créativité des enfants mais aussi d'une production narrative et transculturelle partagée et partageable. Notre discussion s'axe sur trois dimensions complémentaires. Premièrement, nous théorisons une lecture transculturelle du dessin d'enfant de migrants ainsi qu'une méthode originale d'analyse qui se structure sur un double axe : les contenus et les valences du dessin. Deuxièmement, nous affinons la compréhension des mécanismes de construction identitaire et de métissage spécifiques aux enfants de migrants à partir de leurs dessins, desquels nous dégageons plusieurs propositions conceptuelles : les mécanismes de clivage dans le dessin, l'objet culturel transitionnel dessiné, la narrativité transculturelle (le voyage symbolisé et l'histoire dessinée), la créativité figurée et l'affiliation culturelle précoce. Troisièmement, nous enrichissons le cadre thérapeutique élaboré en clinique transculturelle en définissant la place du cothérapeute auxiliaire dans une perspective complémentariste à la fois psychanalytique et anthropologique. En effet, l'analyse des mouvements transféro/contre-transférentiels autour du dessin met en évidence l'intérêt pour l'enfant de bénéficier d'une relation privilégiée au sein du groupe afin d'accompagner ses productions graphiques. Notre recherche témoigne des bénéfices tirés par le clinicien - dans la perspective de la rencontre de l'autre - de l'élaboration de la culture (Devereux), de l'altérité (Moro) et de l'enfant en soi, et ce afin de pouvoir accueillir les productions des enfants ''d'ici et de là-bas'' et de les accompagner dans l'élaboration d'un ''chez soi'' créatif et métissé. / Drawing is the preferred means of expression for children in particular when they are asked to express themselves in front of a group of adults, and moreover when it comes to children having multicultural backgrounds such as immigrant children. This thesis's research is based on a review of the available literature regarding the psychological approach of child's drawing as well as the transcultural approach of immigrant children. This complementary perspective aims to enrich their theoretical, methodological and clinical plurality. The research is focused on the material created by the children, the drawings imagined and produced during the transcultural consultations of Professor M.R. Moro, groupal psychotherapy for family, at Cochin Hospital (Maison de Solenn, Paris) and Avicenne Hospital (Bobigny). The research sample consists of sixty-three drawings produced by five children during the transcultural sessions. These drawings along with the narrative productions of the children have been analyzed in relation to the interactions within the group. The process of co-construction, which is at the heart of the transcultural approach, emerges from the interactions between sign and word, between cultures from here and from there, as well as between the children's world and the adult's one. The results of the analysis highlight the dialogical aspect of drawing. The graphical production supports the process of psychic and cultural elaboration of the child, therefore considered as the essential aspect of mediation between the speakings, the languages, the cultures and the interactions. Drawing thus holds a significant place: it is the sign of children's creativity, but also of the narrative and transcultural production experienced and shared. Our discussion is focused on three complementary dimensions. Firstly, we theorize a transcultural reading of the drawings of immigrant children as well as an innovative two-axis analysis method: the contents and the valences of a drawing. Then, we refine the comprehension of the mechanisms of identity-building and interbreeding specific to immigrant children thanks to their drawings. Based on these, several abstract propositions are highlighted: the mechanisms of splitting in the drawing, the transitional cultural object drawn, the transcultural narrativity (the symbolized journey and the history drawn), the figurative creativity and the precocious cultural affiliation. Finally, we enhance the transcultural therapeutic setting by defining the place of the auxiliary co-therapist in a complementary perspective, both psychoanalytic and anthropologic. In fact, the analysis of the dynamics of transfer/countertransference around the drawing enlightens the interest for the child to benefit from a privileged relationship within the group in order to accompany its graphic productions. This research aims to highlight the benefits and advantages taken by the clinician -in the perspective of other one' meeting -in the elaboration of the culture (Devereux), of the otherness (Moro) and of the child in itself, and after all to welcome the productions of the children « from here and there » and to accompany them in the elaboration of a « own world » creative and crossbreed. / Il disegno rappresenta il mezzo espressivo privilegiato per un bambino, soprattutto quando è tenuto a esprimersi in un gruppo d'adulti e, ancor più, quando viene da altrove e porta in sé differenti culture. La ricerca che è al centro di questa tesi di dottorato in psicologia, poggia le sue basi sulla letteratura esistente riguardo sia l'approccio psicologico del disegno infantile sia l'approccio transculturale dei bambini delle famiglie migranti. L'obbiettivo del nostro lavoro è di associare questi due approcci in una prospettiva complementarista per arricchirne la pluralità metodologica, clinica e teorica. La nostra ricerca si fonda sul materiale creato dai bambini, in particolar modo i disegni prodotti durante le consultazioni transculturali della Professoressa Marie Rose Moro, dispositivo di psicoterapia familiale e gruppale, degli ospedali Cochin (Casa degli Adolescenti -Maison de Solenn- di Parigi) et Avicenne (Bobigny - Parigi). La popolazione della ricerca è costituita da sessantatré disegni prodotti da cinque bambini durante gli incontri transculturali. Abbiamo analizzato le produzioni grafiche e narrative dei bambini in relazione alle interazioni gruppali. Il processo di co-costruzione, strumento principe del dispositivo transculturale, emerge dalle interazioni tra segno e parola, tra qui e altrove, tra mondo infantile e mondo adulto. I risultati delle nostre analisi evidenziano l'aspetto dialogico del disegno, che è, in effetti, fondamentale al processo d'elaborazione psichica e culturale del bambino poiché funge da oggetto mediatore tra le lingue, i linguaggi, le culture e le interazioni. Il disegno assume quindi un ruolo centrale; non solo è segno della creatività dei bambini ma anche della produzione narrativa e transculturale condivisa e condivisibile. La nostra discussione concerne tre dimensioni complementari. Innanzitutto, teorizziamo una lettura transculturale del disegno del bambino di famiglia migrante e un metodo originale d'analisi che prende la forma di una tabella a doppia entrata: le valenze del disegno da un lato, e i contenuti dall'altro. In secondo luogo, affiniamo la comprensione dei meccanismi propri alla costruzione identitaria e al métissage specifici dei bambini di migranti partendo dai loro disegni per declinare diverse proposte concettuali: i meccanismi di scissione visibili nei disegni, l'oggetto culturale transizionale disegnato, la narratività culturale (il viaggio simbolizzato e la storia disegnata), la creatività figurata e l'affiliazione culturale precoce. Per finire, arricchiamo il setting transculturale definendo il ruolo del coterapeuta ausiliario in una prospettiva complementarista tanto psicoanalitica che antropologica. Effettivamente, l'analisi dei movimenti transferenziali e contro-transferenziali rispetto al disegno evidenzia la necessità per il bambino di poter beneficiare di una relazione privilegiata che accompagni le produzioni grafiche nel gruppo terapeutico. La nostra ricerca mostra i benefici, utili ad ogni terapeuta nell'incontro con l'altro, sollevati dall'elaborazione della cultura (Devereux), dell'alterità (Moro) così come del bambino in sé, per poter accogliere le produzioni dei bambini "di qui e di laggiù" e per accompagnarli nell'elaborazione d'un ''sé'' meticcio e creativo.

Zwischen Interaktion und Narration: / ein Kontinuumsmodell zur Analyse hybrider digitaler Spiele. Modellbildung – Funktionalisierung – Fallbeispiel (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time). / Between Interaction and Narration: / A Continuum Model for the Analysis of Hybrid Digital Games. Model Design – Functionalisation – Typical Example.

Matuszkiewicz, Kai 06 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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