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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l’évaluation du système d’information bancaire / Contribution of evaluating bank information system

Michel, Sylvie 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l’évaluation du système d’information (SI) bancaire de front-office. Àtravers un cadre d’analyse sociotechnique, nous avons cherché à identifier les variables et leurs liens àprendre en compte pour évaluer le succès perçu du SI auprès des utilisateurs. La proposition centrale est quele succès perçu du SI bancaire de front-office dépend à la fois de caractéristiques techniques et sociales.Aussi, les spécificités du monde bancaire, l’évolution de l’environnement aussi bien réglementaire queconcurrentiel, nous ont convaincus de la nécessité d’une évaluation appropriée au domaine bancaire. C’estpourquoi ce travail de recherche est composé d’une part d’une approche qualitative exploratoire afind’identifier les variables spécifiques au domaine bancaire, et d’autre part d’une démarche quantitative denature hypothético-déductive.Au final, on propose un modèle composé de huit variables (les qualités de la formation, du système, duservice, de l’information, l’utilisation, la satisfaction, le soutien des managers intermédiaires, les bénéficesnets) expliquant le chemin menant au succès du SI bancaire. L’influence de la participation des utilisateurs àune phase de projet concernant le SI, ainsi que celle des caractéristiques sociodémographiques desrépondants ont été analysées.Ce modèle constitue à la fois un apport théorique, mais aussi managérial puisque les banques disposentmaintenant d’un instrument leur permettant de mesurer le succès de leur SI.Ce travail souligne l’importance de certaines variables, et met en évidence des liaisons spécifiques audomaine bancaire. / This research focuses on evaluating the banks’ front office information system (IS). By using asociotechnical analysis frame, we wished to identify the variables and the links that have to be taken intoaccount in order to evaluate the perceived IS success among users. The main proposal is that this perceivedsuccess depends on characteristics which are both technical and social ones. At the same time, we wereconvinced by the bank specificities, rules and competition evolution, that an evaluation, peculiar to the fieldof the banks, is necessary. This is why this research uses at the same time a qualitative approach, to identifythe specific variables in the bank world, and a quantitative approach based on hypothesis and deduction.We finally propose a model showing eight variables (the qualities of the training, the system, the service, theinformation, the use, the satisfaction, the middle managers’ support, the net profit) which enlight the wayleading to the success of bank IS. Both users’ participation to a IS step of a project and the surveyed people’ssociodemographic characteristics were analysed. This model both provides a theoretical and managerialaspect, since the banks now have a tool measuring the success of their Information System. This workemphasizes the weight of some variables and highlights some links specific to the banks field.

Exploring the use of social media tools in the University of South Africa Library

Molokisi, Sinah 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Zulu and Sotho / Social media have taken a lead in academic libraries; however, there are still questions on how libraries are using social media tools to enhance their service delivery. The aim of this exploratory study was to investigate the use of social media tools by library staff working in the University of South Africa’s (Unisa) main library on the Muckleneuk Campus. Since it was realised that not all staff members use social media tools in the execution of their daily tasks, the first objective was to establish which staff members do use social media tools and for which purpose the tools are being used. A further objective was to learn about the potential advantages of social media tools to improve service delivery. The study also endeavoured to acquire an understanding of the challenges that social media tools present to its users. Based on the literature review, it could be established that libraries, and specifically academic libraries, utilise social media for marketing, dissemination of information, reference services, and communication with users and to answer student queries. The reported findings of this study concur with the findings reported in the literature review. The empirical data, which were collected through a qualitative survey questionnaire and interviews with library staff who use social media tools, revealed that only staff who communicate with library patrons, namely information processors and marketing staff, use social media tools. The findings also showed that the Unisa Library has specific guidelines and policies that guide the use of social media tools to interact with users, market the library and communicate events and service delivery changes. / Izinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi sezihamba phambili emitapweni yolwazi yasemanyuvesi, kodwa kusanemibuzo eminingi maqondana nokuthi imitapo yolwazi iwasebenzisa kanjani amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ukuthuthukisa ukuhlinzekwa kwezidingo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo oluhlola kabanzi kwakungukubheka ukuthi abasebenzi basemtapweni wolwazi omkhulu waseNyuvesi YaseNingizimu Afrika (i-Unisa) ekamu laseMuckleneuk bawasebenzisa kanjani amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi. Njengoba sekwabonakala ukuthi akuwona wonke amalungu angabasebenzi asebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ekuqhutshweni kwemisebenzi yawo yansuku zonke, injongo yokuqala kwakungukubheka ukuthi yimaphi amalungu omphakathi asebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi futhi awasebenzisela ukwenzani. Enye injongo kwakungukufunda mayelana nokuhle okungadalwa ngamathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ukuthuthukisa ukuhlinzekwa kwezidingo. Lolu cwaningo lwaluqonde nokuqonda izingqinamba abantu abasebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ababhekana nazo. Kuncike ekuhlaziyweni kwemibhalo ekhona, kwatholakala ukuthi imitapo yolwazi, ikakhulukazi leyo yasemanyuvesi, isebenzisa izinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi ukukhangisa, ukusabalalisa imininingwane, ukubheka imithombo, ukuxhumana nabayisebenzisayo kanye nokuphendula imibuzo yezitshudeni. Okwatholakela okubikiwe mayelana nalolu cwaningo kuyahambisana nokubikiwe okwatholakala ngokuhlaziya imibhalo. Imininingwane eyatholakala ngokubheka okwenzekayo, eyaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa iphephamibuzo lenhlolovo eqoqa imininingwane yamaqiniso kanye nezingxoxo ezabanjwa nabasebenzi bomtapo wolwazi abasebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi yaveza ukuthi abasebenzi abaxhumana nabasebenzisi bomtapo wolwazi, abaziwa ngokuthi ngama-information processors kanye nabasebenzi abakhangisayo yibona kuphela abasebenzisa amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi. Okutholakele kuphinde kwaveza ukuthi uMtapo Wolwazi Wase-Unisa unemihlahlandlela kanye nezinqubomgomo okulandelwayo ukuze kusetshenziswe kahle amathuluzi ezinkundla zokuxhumana komphakathi, ukuxhumana nabasebenzisi bawo, ukukhangisa ngomtapo wolwazi nokwazisa ngemicimbi ekhona kanye noshintsho ekuhlinzekweni kwezidingo. / Marangrang a leago a thomile go šomišwa kudu ka makgobapukung a thuto, efela go sa na le dipotšišo ka ga ka fao makgobapuku a šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago go kaonafatša kabo ya ona ya ditirelo. Maikemišetšo a nyakišišo ye ya phetleko e be e le go nyakišiša tšhomišo ya dithulusi tša marangrang a leago ka bašomi ba go šoma ka bokgobapukung bjo bogolo bja Yunibesithi ya Afrika Borwa (Unisa), Khamphaseng ya Muckleneuk. Ka ge go lemogilwe gore ga se bašomi ka moka ba go šomiša dithulusi tša marangrang a leago tirong ya mešongwana ya bona ya letšatši le letšatši, nepo ya mathomo e be e le go hwetša gore ke bašomi bafe bao ba šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago le gore dithulusi di šomišetšwa morero ofe. Nepo ye nngwe e be e le go ithuta ka ga mehola ye dithulusi tša marangrang a leago di kago kgona go ba nayo go kaonafatša kabo ya ditirelo. Nyakišišo gape e lekile go hwetša kwešišo ya ditlhohlo tše dithulusi tša marangrang a leago di di bakelago bašomiši ba tšona. Go ya ka tshekatsheko ya dingwalo, go lemogilwe gore makgobapuku, kudu makgobapuku a thuto, a šomiša marangrang a leago go bapatša, go phatlalatša tshedimošo, go fa ditirelo tša referentshe, go kgokagana le bathekgi le go araba dipotšišo tša baithuti. Dikutullo tše di begilwego tša nyakišišo ye di dumelelana le dikutullo tša tshekatsheko ya dingwalo tše di hweditšwego. Datha ya go lemogwa (emperikale) yeo e kgobokeditšwego ka lenaneopotšišo la nyakišišo ya khwalithethifi le dipoledišano tša bašomi ba bokgobapuku bao ba šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago, di utulotše gore ke fela bašomi bao ba boledišanago le bathekgi ba bokgobapuku, e lego basepetši ba tshedimošo le bašomi ba go bapatša bao ba šomišago dithulusi tša marangrang a leago. Dikutullo gape di laeditše gore bokgobapuku bja Unisa bo na le dipholisi le melawana ye itšeng ya go hlahla tšhomišo ya dithulusi tša mekgwa ya leago go kgokagana le bašomiši, go bapatša bokgobapuku le go tsebiša ditiragalo le diphetogo tša kabo ya ditirelo. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

Economic analysis of wireless sensor-based services in the framework of the Internet of Things. A game-theoretical approach

Sanchis Cano, Ángel 25 May 2018 (has links)
El mundo de las telecomunicaciones está cambiando de un escenario donde únicamente las personas estaban conectadas a un modelo donde prácticamente todos los dispositivos y sensores se encuentran conectados, también conocido como Internet de las cosas (IoT), donde miles de millones de dispositivos se conectarán a Internet a través de conexiones móviles y redes fijas. En este contexto, hay muchos retos que superar, desde el desarrollo de nuevos estándares de comunicación al estudio de la viabilidad económica de los posibles escenarios futuros. En esta tesis nos hemos centrado en el estudio de la viabilidad económica de diferentes escenarios mediante el uso de conceptos de microeconomía, teoría de juegos, optimización no lineal, economía de redes y redes inalámbricas. La tesis analiza la transición desde redes centradas en el servicio de tráfico HTC a redes centradas en tráfico MTC desde un punto de vista económico. El primer escenario ha sido diseñado para centrarse en las primeras etapas de la transición, en la que ambos tipos de tráfico son servidos bajo la misma infraestructura de red. En el segundo escenario analizamos la siguiente etapa, en la que el servicio a los usuarios MTC se realiza mediante una infraestructura dedicada. Finalmente, el tercer escenario analiza la provisión de servicios basados en MTC a usuarios finales, mediante la infraestructura analizada en el escenario anterior. Gracias al análisis de todos los escenarios, hemos observado que la transición de redes centradas en usuarios HTC a redes MTC es posible y que la provisión de servicios en tales escenarios es viable. Además, hemos observado que el comportamiento de los usuarios es esencial para determinar la viabilidad de los diferentes modelos de negocio, y por tanto, es necesario estudiar el comportamiento y las preferencias de los usuarios en profundidad en estudios futuros. Específicamente, los factores más relevantes son la sensibilidad de los usuarios al retardo en los datos recopilados por los sensores y la cantidad de los mismos. También hemos observado que la diferenciación del tráfico en categorías mejora el uso de las redes y permite crear nuevos servicios empleando datos que, de otro modo, no se aprovecharían, lo cual nos permite mejorar la monetización de la infraestructura. También hemos demostrado que la provisión de capacidad es un mecanismo válido, alternativo a la fijación de precios, para la optimización de los beneficios de los proveedores de servicio. Finalmente, se ha demostrado que es posible crear roles específicos para ofrecer servicios IoT en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones, específicamente, los IoT-SPs, que proporcionan servicios basados en sensores inalámbricos utilizando infraestructuras de acceso de terceros y sus propias redes de sensores. En resumen, en esta tesis hemos intentado demostrar la viabilidad económica de modelos de negocio basados en redes futuras IoT, así como la aparición de nuevas oportunidades y roles de negocio, lo cual nos permite justificar económicamente el desarrollo y la implementación de las tecnologías necesarias para ofrecer servicios de acceso inalámbrico masivo a dispositivos MTC. / The communications world is moving from a standalone devices scenario to a all-connected scenario known as Internet of Things (IoT), where billions of devices will be connected to the Internet through mobile and fixed networks. In this context, there are several challenges to face, from the development of new standards to the study of the economical viability of the different future scenarios. In this dissertation we have focused on the study of the economic viability of different scenarios using concepts of microeconomics, game theory, non-linear optimization, network economics and wireless networks. The dissertation analyzes the transition from a Human Type Communications (HTC) to a Machine Type Communications (MTC) centered network from an economic point of view. The first scenario is designed to focus on the first stages of the transition, where HTC and MTC traffic are served on a common network infrastructure. The second scenario analyzes the provision of connectivity service to MTC users using a dedicated network infrastructure, while the third stage is centered in the analysis of the provision of services based on the MTC data over the infrastructure studied in the previous scenario. Thanks to the analysis of all the scenarios we have observed that the transition from HTC users-centered networks to MTC networks is possible and that the provision of services in such scenarios is viable. In addition, we have observed that the behavior of the users is essential in order to determine the viability of a business model, and therefore, it is needed to study their behavior and preferences in depth in future studios. Specifically, the most relevant factors are the sensitivity of the users to the delay and to the amount of data gathered by the sensors. We also have observed that the differentiation of the traffic in categories improves the usage of the networks and allows to create new services thanks to the data that otherwise would not be used, improving the monetization of the infrastructure and the data. In addition, we have shown that the capacity provision is a valid mechanism for providers' profit optimization, as an alternative to the pricing mechanisms. Finally, it has been demonstrated that it is possible to create dedicated roles to offer IoT services in the telecommunications market, specifically, the IoT-SPs, which provide wireless-sensor-based services to the final users using a third party infrastructure. Summarizing, this dissertation tries to demonstrate the economic viability of the future IoT networks business models as well as the emergence of new business opportunities and roles in order to justify economically the development and implementation of the new technologies required to offer massive wireless access to machine devices. / El món de les telecomunicacions està canviant d'un escenari on únicament les persones estaven connectades a un model on pràcticament tots els dispositius i sensors es troben connectats, també conegut com a Internet de les Coses (IoT) , on milers de milions de dispositius es connectaran a Internet a través de connexions mòbils i xarxes fixes. En aquest context, hi ha molts reptes que superar, des del desenrotllament de nous estàndards de comunicació a l'estudi de la viabilitat econòmica dels possibles escenaris futurs. En aquesta tesi ens hem centrat en l'estudi de la viabilitat econòmica de diferents escenaris per mitjà de l'ús de conceptes de microeconomia, teoria de jocs, optimització no lineal, economia de xarxes i xarxes inalàmbriques. La tesi analitza la transició des de xarxes centrades en el servici de tràfic HTC a xarxes centrades en tràfic MTC des d'un punt de vista econòmic. El primer escenari ha sigut dissenyat per a centrar-se en les primeres etapes de la transició, en la que ambdós tipus de tràfic són servits davall la mateixa infraestructura de xarxa. En el segon escenari analitzem la següent etapa, en la que el servici als usuaris MTC es realitza per mitjà d'una infraestructura dedicada. Finalment, el tercer escenari analitza la provisió de servicis basats en MTC a usuaris finals, per mitjà de la infraestructura analitzada en l'escenari anterior. Als paràgrafs següents es descriu amb més detall cada escenari. Gràcies a l'anàlisi de tots els escenaris, hem observat que la transició de xarxes centrades en usuaris HTC a xarxes MTC és possible i que la provisió de servicis en tals escenaris és viable. A més a més, hem observat que el comportament dels usuaris és essencial per a determinar la viabilitat dels diferents models de negoci, i per tant, és necessari estudiar el comportament i les preferències dels usuaris en profunditat en estudis futurs. Específicament, els factors més rellevants són la sensibilitat dels usuaris al retard en les dades recopilats pels sensors i la quantitat dels mateixos. També hem observat que la diferenciació del tràfic en categories millora l'ús de les xarxes i permet crear nous servicis emprant dades que, d'una altra manera, no s'aprofitarien, la qual cosa ens permet millorar la monetització de la infraestructura. També hem demostrat que la provisió de capacitat és un mecanisme vàlid, alternatiu a la fixació de preus, per a l'optimització dels beneficis dels proveïdors de servici. Finalment, s'ha demostrat que és possible crear rols específics per a oferir servicis IoT en el mercat de les telecomunicacions, específicament, els IoT-SPs, que proporcionen servicis basats en sensors inalàmbrics utilitzant infraestructures d'accés de tercers i les seues pròpies xarxes de sensors. En resum, en aquesta tesi hem intentat demostrar la viabilitat econòmica de models de negoci basats en xarxes futures IoT, així com l'aparició de noves oportunitats i rols de negoci, la qual cosa ens permet justificar econòmicament el desenrotllament i la implementació de les tecnologies necessàries per a oferir servicis d'accés inalàmbric massiu a dispositius MTC. / Sanchis Cano, Á. (2018). Economic analysis of wireless sensor-based services in the framework of the Internet of Things. A game-theoretical approach [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/102642 / TESIS

Založení a rozvoj školicího střediska / Creating and developing of training centre

Žídek, Marek January 2008 (has links)
Document describes foundation and development of computer training center. It introduces the reader to the development process and the structure of business plan in the beginning. The process starts with SLEPTE analysis, customer research and simple financial analysis. The result of previous three analyses is SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis recommends author to continue in the business plan development. Therefore, documents describe more accurate and detailed analyses specialized to computer professional courses in the region of Brno and surrounding cities. Next, it describes company strategy according to the results of analyses. Marketing and financial parts of the strategy are the most stressed ones. The reader is very deeply familiarized with company product and their price policy. The last pages of document present steps required to successfully implement company strategy.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals for its Improvement

Hofmann, Eduard January 2013 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the evaluation and assessment of the financial situation and of the financial health of the company BLANESTA, s.r.o. throughout the years 2008 to 2011 by means of selected methods of financial analysis. The aim of this work is to propose changes leading to the efficient use of business resources chosen on the basis of the potential problems that will arise from the evaluation of the current financial state of the company.

Renaissance de l'habitat participatif en France : vers de nouvelles formes négociées de fabrication de la ville ? Deux études de cas dans l'agglomération bordelaise : le projet HNord (Bordeaux) et La Ruche (Bègles) / Revival of participative housing in france : towards new negotiated forms of urban production. Two case studies in the Bordeaux area : HNord (Bordeaux) and La Ruche (Begles)

Darroman, Mélanie 11 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les effets combinés des enjeux d’un urbanisme durable et d’un impératif participatif grandissant des habitants – usagers – citoyens, dans le cadre de la fabrication métropolitaine contemporaine. Depuis le début des années 2000, des expériences alternatives d’habitat émergent en France sous l’impulsion de revendications sociales portées par la société civile. Le terme générique d’« habitat participatif », définit récemment par la loi pour l’Accès au Logement et à un Urbanisme Négocié (ALUR), publiée au Journal Officiel le 26 mars 2014, rassemble ainsi d’une même voix la variété de ces initiatives à l’œuvre, contribuant à pérenniser les dynamiques de structuration et de diffusion d’un mouvement de l’habitat participatif. Faisant référence aux expressions citoyennes contestataires des années 1970-1980, avec la critique d’un urbanisme moderne et des politiques publiques, les projets actuels marquent la renaissance des questionnements autour de la place de la maîtrise d’usage – incarnée par les habitants-usagers – dans la chaîne de production des logements et, plus largement, dans les processus décisionnels d’aménagement des territoires. Porteuse de pratiques participatives innovantes, la résurgence de l’habitat participatif révèle des logiques diverses d’engagements citoyens, militants ou professionnels, et des formes négociées de fabrication de l’habitat. Dès lors, s’opposent des dynamiques « bottom-up » – illustrées par des demandes et des initiatives habitantes, et des dynamiques « top-down » – portées par des instances politico-institutionnelles en plein renouvellement de leurs modes d’action et savoir-faire. Supportée par une trame multidimensionnelle de négociations, la thèse propose alors une analyse des interactions et des formes d’hybridation de cette production collective en cours à travers trois dimensions : la dimension valorielle, pour fixer le socle des transactions sociales ; la dimension organisationnelle et relationnelle, pour observer la micropolitique des groupes-projets ; la dimension processuelle, pour saisir les temporalités du projet et les moments clés de la négociation sur l’ensemble du processus. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur deux cas d’étude dans l’agglomération bordelaise, en pleine métropolisation : le cas de la coopérative d’habitants HNord, sur l’îlot Dupaty à Bordeaux ; et celui d’un projet d’habitat participatif multi-partenarial, La Ruche, sur la commune de Bègles au sein de l’Opération d’Intérêt National (OIN) Bordeaux-Euratlantique. Encadrée par un dispositif CIFRE avec l’Etablissement Public d’Aménagement Bordeaux-Euratlantique (EPA), la recherche repose sur une approche ethnographique, basée sur de nombreuses situations d’observation participante, des entretiens d’acteurs cibles et une analyse documentaire. Les enquêtes menées à différentes échelles offrent une vision macro, méso et microsociale des processus de production et de diffusion de l’habitat participatif. Les résultats de la thèse mettent alors en évidence les modalités de partenariats entre différentes sphères d’acteurs – les habitants, les institutions et les experts – dans la production de l’habitat participatif conduisant à un changement de paradigme sociétal et professionnel à travers le renouvellement des modes d’habiter, des savoirs et savoir-faire. Ainsi, nous proposons une réflexion sur les moyens et possibilités d’intégration de cette dynamique collective et citoyenne au sein des processus décisionnels d’aménagement urbain pour la fabrication métropolitaine et, de voir en quoi ce phénomène participatif et collaboratif peut-il constituer un outil de management territorial novateur préfigurant le futur de nos cités. / This PhD thesis questions the combined effects of the challenges of sustainable urban development and a growing priority for inhabitants – users – citizens, to participate in contemporary metropolitan production. Since the early 2000s, there is in France an emergence of alternative housing experiences as a result of social demands. The generic term of « participative housing », recently defined by the bill for access to housing and urban renovation (ALUR), published in the Official Journal on March 26, 2014, gathers with one voice, the variety of these initiatives at work, contributing to ensure the dynamic structuring and dissemination of the participative housing movement. Referring to the civil protests of 1970-1980, criticizing modern urban planning and public policy, the current projects tackle once again of how to combine the inhabitants expertise with professional expertise in the production of housing, and more broadly in the decision-making processes of regional planning. Producing innovative participatory practices, the resurgence of participative housing reveals different logics of social commitments on the part of citizens, activists and professionals, and negotiated forms of housing production. As a consequence, the « bottom-up » dynamic, based on the demands and initiatives of the inhabitants, opposes the « top-down » dynamic, based on the initiative of politico-institutional bodies in full renewal of their modes of action and know-how. Supported by a multi-dimensional framework of negotiations, the thesis analyzes the interactions and forms of hybridization of this ongoing collective production through a three dimensional approach : the value related dimension, to set the base of social transactions ; the organizational and relational dimension to observe the micro-political groups-projects ; the procedural dimension to grasp the temporality of the project and the key moments of negotiation of the whole process. For this, we build on two case studies in the Bordeaux area, being subject to processes of metropolization : the case of the residents cooperative HNord in the Dupaty housing block in Bordeaux ; and the multi-partnered participative housing project, La Ruche, in the town of Bègles within the framework of the « Operation of National Interest » (OIN) Bordeaux-Euratlantique. Governed by a CIFRE program with the « Local Planning and Development authority » (EPA) Bordeaux-Euratlantique, the research is based on an ethnographic approach : participant observation, interviews with target stakeholders and a literature review. The investigations conducted at different scales offer a macro, meso and micro-social understanding of the process of participative housing production and dissemination. The results of the thesis highlight the partnership conditions between different groups of stakeholders – inhabitants, institutions and expertsn – in the production of participative housing leading to a societal and professional paradigm shift through a renewal of ways of living, knowledge and expertise. Thus, we propose a reflection on ways and possibilities how to integrate this collective and civic dynamics in the decision-making processes of urban planning for metropolitan production and to see how this participatory and collaborative phenomenon can serve as an innovative tool in territorial management for our future cities.

The perceptions of mental health care users regarding the factors leading to their re-admissions at Letaba Hospital in Limpopo Province

Khumalo, Tsakani Adonia 10 February 2016 (has links)
MCur / Department of Advanced Nursing Science

A programme to facilitate the implementation of Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002 by Medical doctors in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Ramovha, M. R. 18 September 2017 (has links)
PhD (Advanced Nursing Science) / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / iii Abstract The Mental Health Act is the law which sets out when you can be admitted, detained, and treated in hospital against your wishes. It is also known as being “sectioned”. For this to happen, certain people must agree that you have a mental disorder that requires a stay in hospital. In South Africa, the Mental Health Act of 1973 was noted to have many gaps. Due to all the shortcomings, in 2004 the Mental Health Care Act No. 17 of 2002 came into being in order to protect human rights of the mental health care users. This study sought to determine the knowledge and explore the experiences of medical doctors regarding the implementation of Mental Health Care Act No. 17 of 2002. Secondly, based on the findings, to develop a programme to facilitate the implementation of the Mental Health Care Act No. 17 of 2002 by medical doctors in Vhembe District. The population of this study consisted of all medical doctors working in Vhembe District Hospitals with mental health units and at a specialized mental health hospital as well as all documents completed by medical doctors during admission, care and discharge of mental health care users were purposively sampled. The study was conducted in two phases. In phase 1, where quantitative and qualitative designs were followed to do situational analysis. In phase 2, the programme was developed using results from phase 1, the theoretical framework and approaches outlined by Dickoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968); Chinn and Krammer (1999); Walker and Avant (1995). Individual in-depth interviews and questionnaires checklist were used to collect data which was analysed through opened coding method and SPSS. The findings of this study indicate that medical doctors have knowledge and skills deficit regarding implementation of the Mental Health Care Act No. 17 of 2002 during the admission, care, and discharge of mental health care users. Based on these, a programme to facilitate the implementation of the Mental Health Care Act No. 17 of 2002 by medical doctors during admission, care and discharge of mental health care users was developed. The study concludes that this is a significant contributor in supporting the vision of the National Department of Health to ensure improved mental health for all in South Africa. The study recommends a longitudinal study, tracking the impact of a developed programme, the knowledge of medical doctors regarding the implementation of Mental Health Care Act No. 17 of 2002, and its contribution to the improvement of mental health for all should be conducted over a period of 5 (five) to 10 (ten) years

Vocabulaire employé pour l'accès thématique aux documents d'archives patrimoniaux : étude linguistique exploratoire de termes de recherche, de description, d'indexation

Guitard, Laure 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

La prise en compte des aînés et de leurs activités : étude du projet Vendôme à Montréal dans la perspective de l’ergonomie et du design urbain

Feillou, Isabelle 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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