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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Resources Business Partner : Diskrepansen mellan rollens krav och den organisatoriska verkligheten

Möllerström, Jill January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Ungdomstjänst : En kvalitativ studie av en kommuns utformning av ungdomstjänst / Youth Service : A qualitative study of a municipality’s design of youth service

Toresson, David, Foisack, Michael January 2014 (has links)
This study, which was conducted in Sweden, was based on four qualitative semi-structured interviews. The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a municipality designs the sanction for youth offenders called ”youth service” based on the law that establishes the existence of such a sentence. We interviewed social workers that work at the department of youth service in the municipality of Gothenburg, who exclusively deal with youth offenders’ sentenced to youth service as their job assignment. We asked the social workers how the municipality of Gothenburg has designed and structured its youth service as well as how and why the chosen design came to be. The result was thermalized with four topics: how is youth service designed? The reasoning behind Gothenburg’s design, the adjustment of the process of evaluating the suitability of the sentence youth service for the young offender and lastly, collaboration. Our analysis was based on neo-institutional organization theory and on protective factors that protect against negative outcomes. Based on the result that the semi-structured interviews yielded we found that Gothenburg’s designed work method very well resembled the law and guidelines issued two years subsequent the date the law gained legal force. Additionally, we found that the department for youth service in Gothenburg influenced the guidelines that were issued two years after the law gained legal force. To which degree could not be determined in this study, however some of the social workers stated that Gothenburg did not have to adjust to the guidelines when they were issued and that it was satisfying for them that the National Board of Health and Welfare listened to their organization in the process preceded the issuing of the guidelines. Lastly, the interviewed social workers reported that the municipalities collaborate regarding the design of their respective youth services to increase uniformity. The interviews indicated that Gothenburg’s designed work method was considered successful in that other municipalities contacted Gothenburg in order to study how they worked with the sanction that is youth service. This collaboration might lead to an increase of municipalities acquiring Gothenburg’s work method, which in the future may lead to a nationwide institutionalization of Gothenburg’s designed work method with youth service.

Fackligt arbete med flexibelt arbete : - Om Unionens hantering av det flexibla arbetet

Markstedt, Joel, Adolfsson, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats syfte har varit att undersöka hur det flexibla arbetet upplevs och hanteras av fackförbund. Studiens huvudobjekt har varit tjänstemannaförbundet Unionen där fyra kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts och en rad officiella dokument granskats. Utöver Unionen så har två intervju gjorts med en deltagare var från Vision och Handelsanställdas förbund.Fackförbund möter idag nya typer av frågor. Det handlar om frågor som rör hur arbete idag organiseras och hur medlemmarnas inställning till fackens verksamhet förändrats. Det flexibla arbetet är en sådan fråga. Flexibelt arbetet som fenomen framstår som något komplext för fackförbund. Komplexiteten skapar en situation där problem befaras uppstå om inga förhindrande insatser görs samtidigt som det förekommer relativt få konkreta fall eller ärenden hos Unionen. Unionens arbete med flexibilitet analyseras utifrån ett legitimitetsperspektiv i förhållande till sin omgivning. Hur Unionen hanterar frågor kring det flexibla arbetet problematiseras också i förhållande till mer övergripande utmaningar som dagens fackförbund ställs inför såsom medlemsförluster, individualisering av samhället och nya former för att organisera arbete. / The aim with this paper has been to explore how flexible work is perceived and handled by trade unions. The study's main focus has been the white-collar union Unionen, where four qualitative interviews were conducted and a number of official documents were reviewed. In addition to the interviews with Unionen two interviews were held with participant from Vision and Handelsanställdas förbund. Trade unions today face new challenges. These challenges involve questions that relate to how work today is organized and how members' attitude towards unions and their activities have changed. Flexible work is one such challenge. Flexible work as a phenomenon appears to be somewhat complex for Unionen. This complexity creates a situation where problems are expected to present themselves if no preventive efforts are made, while in reality there are relatively few actual errands for Unionen. Unionens work with flexibility is analysed from a legitimacy perspective in relation to Unionens environment. How Unionen works in relation to flexible work is also problematized in relation to the challenges of today’s unions where they are faced with decreasing number of members, individualization of society and new forms for organizing work.

Frivilliga regleringar i den svenska byggindustrin-hur påverkar de företagen? : En studie om hur den svenska byggindustrin integrerar den frivilliga regleringen Global Compact och huruvida nyinstitutionell teori kan förklara detta fenomen

Gezelius, Moa, Heimer, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur företag inom den svenska byggindustrin integrerar Global Compact samt huruvida detta fenomen kan förklaras med delar av nyinstitutionell teori. Tidigare studier har påvisat svårigheter kring integreringen av frivilliga regleringar, såsom Global Compact, då de i stor utsträckning är utformade på ett övergripande och flexibelt sätt. Inom byggindustrin återfinns denna problematik, samtidigt som branschen de senaste åren gett hållbarhet ett ökat fokus. För att undersöka studiens syfte har vi gjort en fallstudie som inkluderar de tre största byggföretagen i Sverige. Resultatet visar att integreringen av Global Compact inom den svenska byggindustrin sker främst via uppförandekoder samt genom uttalade visioner och hållbarhetsaktiviteter, främst inom miljöområdet. Vidare tyder resultatet på att Global Compact har blivit en institutionaliserad norm bland de stora byggföretagen.

Anställd i anställbarhetens namn : En kvalitativ studie om anställningsbarhet vid Uppsala universitet

Löfstedt, Julia, Pohl, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i nyinstitutionell teori, och med anställningsbarhet som bakgrund, har denna uppsats undersökt fenomenet att universitet- och högskolestudenter, både internationellt och i Sverige, i allt högre utsträckning arbetar vid sidan av sina studier. Ett vanligt förekommande skäl till att studenter väljer att arbeta är att skapa arbetslivserfarenhet, vilket kan indikera att praktisk erfarenhet blir likt en norm för att uppnå anställningsbarhet. Universitet har enligt direktiv från staten i uppdrag att förbereda studenter inför kommande arbetsliv och arbeta för anställningsbarhet. Det finns belägg för motsättningar kring hur universitet ska balansera arbetet för ökad anställningsbarhet i utbildningen, med dess syfte att bilda. Denna uppsats har utifrån anställningsbarhetsbegreppet försökt skapa en djupare förståelse kring den problematik som omfattar begreppet och hur universitet ser på att studenter verkar ta sin anställningsbarhet i egna händer. Studiens slutsats är att universitet förstår varför studenter väljer att arbeta, och ser fördelarna, dock skapar det viss problematik kring incitament, resursfördelning och frågor om vad universitetets ansvar och roll de facto är.

Kulturarvsdigitalisering : En inblick i kommunala biblioteks arbetsvardag / Digitization of Cultural Heritage : A glimpse into the everyday work of municipal libraries

Boersma, Jennifer, Englund, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor´s thesis is to examine how municipal libraries relate to national guidelines pertaining to the digitization of cultural heritage. Though these guidelines presently do not pertain to municipal libraries, we suspect that similar guiding principles will eventually be developed for them in the future as the digitalization of society continues. Our study aims to see to what extent municipal libraries with local heritage collections would be able to adhere to such guidelines should they be implemented. We intend to find this out by examining how the libraries in our study reason around the possibilities and obstacles of digitization, as well as how their reasoning differs from the national guidelines. The material for this study was collected by conducting five qualitative interviews with the librarians primarily responsible for the local heritage collections at five different libraries. The results were then analyzed by using thematic text analysis. The themes used were prominent areas of concern expressed in previous research pertaining to cultural heritage digitization. The four themes are comprised of technical uniformity, economy, copyright and awareness. In addition to thematic text analysis, the results were also examined within the theoretical framework of new institutionalism in order to see how the formal structures of the libraries function, and how they are affected by their surroundings in light of the digitalization of society. The results show that the libraries examined find that the main possibility of digitization is access, and that the biggest obstacle is financial. In general, we can conclude that the municipal libraries in our study would not adequately measure up to the national guidelines if they were to be implemented at the municipal level at this time.

De kommunala biblioteksplanerna: strategiska styrdokumenteller ett spel för gallerierna? : En textanalys ur ettnyinstitutionellt perspektiv / Municipal library plans: strategic regulatory documents orwindow dressing? : A text analysis from a new institutionalperspective

Delitsch, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to explore possible explanations for the composition and contents of local library plans. A review of 33 local library plans from three Swedish counties was carried out in order to investigate the strategic documents design and contents in relation to the legal requirements placed upon them. In order to accomplish this task an analysis tool that consists of an eight-item questionnaire was constructed. A qualitative analysis of the texts, based on a new institutional theoretic framework, was performed in pursuance of finding causal factors to the properties of the texts. The results of the investigation reveal that the new institutional theories constitute a relevant framework for interpreting the strategic documents. Proof of existence of several phenomenon defined by theorists of new institutionalism were found. Strongest evidence was encountered for the legitimizing function of the texts .Numerous signs of the presence of hypocrisy, the procedure of integrating organizational structures, processes and ideologies for internal and external application, were also found in the texts. There were also some manifestations of an acquiescing and/or compromising organizational response to external pressure. Even though the theoretical framework was found to be highly relevant for the interpretation of the texts it is difficult to reach an unambiguous conclusion. Further investigations on this matter is recommended in order to determine the exact causal explanation of the design and contents of Swedish local library plans.

Medling vid brott - på vems ansvar? : en studie om socialsekreterares uppdrag att erbjuda medling vid brott

Furu, Angelica, Henningsson, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Biståndshandläggningens villkor inom kundvalsmodellens ram : en kvalitativ studie i Stockholms län / The terms of care management in the client-choice model : a qualitative study in Stockholm County

Nilsson, Mårten, Skoglund, Beatrice January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

”Dom vill att det ska vara så som man sagt” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om genomförandeplaner i äldreomsorgen / ”They want it to be as it was said” : A qualitative interview study on individual plans in elderly care

Sjöberg, Veronica January 2017 (has links)
The care of older people today strives to focus on a person-centered care, aimed to perform individual care filled with wellbeing and respect. To do so the Swedish municipalities are using individual plans to describe how care actions should be performed in line with law descriptions on elderly individuals.This study is a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews aiming to describe and understand how staff working in close contact with elderly individuals establish and use individual plans. This also include difficulties that the staff may experience. The results found that the interviewed staff saw great importance of filling out these plans due to the formal structure linking the plans to law descriptions. The study also explain difficulties with this as they try to make the individual plans work as a living document that is person-centered for the elderly, as well as being a modell for documentation and the work that the staff are assigned. Furthermore, the results also include examples of how the informants show great interest of caring for the elderly and how they also share what could be described as a normative view on the matter.

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