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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternativkostnader i hälso- och sjukvården : En studie för att identifiera och utreda vad som väljs bort / The opportunity costs in the health care system : A study on identifying and investigate what is excluded

Wahlström, Julia, Fagerström, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Svensk hälso- och sjukvård är en verksamhet som till största del är finansierad av skatteintäkter och omsätter varje år flera 100 mdkr. Trots stor budget sker det prioriteringar som innebär att någonting väljs bort till förmån för något annat. Att hitta och förstå vad som prioriteras bort är av stor vikt för att på ett bättre sätt förstå implikationerna av de val som görs. Tidigare studier har på aggregerad nivå försökt skatta kostnaden per QALY samt leta efter vad som mönstras ut ur ett hälso- och sjukvårdssystem när något nytt ska mönstras in. Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka hitta de alternativkostnader som uppstår inom hälso- och sjukvården när prioriteringar görs på mikronivå.Till vår hjälp använder vi en metafor som brukar kallas kostnadseffektivitetsbokhyllan för att på ett pedagogiskt och teoretiskt sätt illustrera vad som mönstras ut. Metoden som använts i studien är triangulering och består av dokumentanalys, semistrukturerade intervjuer och fallstudier. Syftet med triangulering är att med flera metoder fånga upp olika delar av ett fenomen för att till sist kunna tolka resultaten till en helhet. Från dokumentanalysen har vi lärt oss att resursfördelningen inom hälso- och sjukvården är ett komplext system som kräver samspel mellan olika beslutsfattare. Till fallstudierna används två fall av resursfördelningsprocessen, ett för år 2020 och ett för år 2018.Resursfördelningsprocessen utgör ett forum där olika vårdcentrum inom Region Östergötland kan äska pengar från en förbestämd pott till sina inskickade förslag. Potten med pengarna som ska delas ut brukar variera mellan 30–120 mnkr medan summan för de äskade pengarna kan uppgå till flera 100 mkr. Beslutet från resursfördelningsprocessen visar därför exakt vad som har valts bort i förmån för annat. Våra resultat visar att ett mer kostnadseffektivt tillvägagångssätt skulle kunna generera stora hälsovinster till Region Östergötlands hälso- och sjukvårdssystem. Det faktiska utfallet från resursfördelningsprocessen 2020 visade att 131,3 QALYs hade producerats och det optimala utfallet med ett mer kostnadseffektivt tillvägagångssätt hade kunnat generera 303,38 QALYs. Det resulterar i en alternativkostnad på 172,08 QALYs. För år 2018 blev det faktiska utfallet från resursfördelningsprocessen att 324,55 QALYs hade producerats medan de optimala utfallet uppgick till 963,42 QALYs. Det betyder att alternativkostnaden uppgick till 638,87 QALYs.

Le coût d'opportunité de la guerre : application au cas du Liban / The opportunity cost of war : the case of Lebanon

Yammine, Jamilée 07 July 2011 (has links)
Nombreux sont les pays qui vivent aujourd’hui dans un état de guerre et de conflits violents. Ces pays supportent ainsi des coûts importants qu’ils soient directs ou indirects. Toutefois, les effets de la guerre sont encourus sur le long terme et empêchent le processus de développement économique du pays concerné. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’analyse du coût d’opportunité de la guerre. Cette analyse est reliée à la fois au prix de la vie humaine et au prix des destructions matérielles.Plusieurs économistes ont définit et ont estimé le coût d’opportunité de la guerre. Ce type d’estimation exige des hypothèses sur la manière dont l’économie aurait fonctionné en absence de la guerre. Cependant, ce genre de calcul n’est pas très élaboré. Notre travail de recherche se concentre sur le calcul de ce coût pour la guerre que le Liban a vécu entre 1975 et 1990. Nous nous intéressons au fonctionnement de l’économie libanaise, non pas uniquement pour la période de la guerre mais aussi pour la période postérieure à celle-ci. Les méthodes de calcul que nous utilisons sont inspirées des définitions du coût d’opportunité données par Jean Baptiste Say et par la Banque mondiale. / Nowadays, many countries live in a constant state of war and violence. They suffer from both direct and indirect costs that will have a long term impact on their economic development and progress. In this thesis, we are going to analyze the opportunity-cost of war. This analysis stresses both the value of human beings as well as the cost of material damages. Many economists have tried to define and estimate the opportunity-cost of wars. These estimations take into consideration several hypotheses on how the economy would have functioned in the absence of war. However, these calculations were never elaborate. Our work focuses on the calculation of the opportunity cost of the Lebanese civil war which started in 1975 and lasted for sixteen years. We will examine how the Lebanese economy functioned during the civil war as well as after it was done. The methods of calculation that we used are inspired from the work of Jean Baptiste Say and the World Bank.

Propuesta de reducción del costo de despacho de cereales a granel

Dávila Rabanal, Carolina, Sánchez Aranda, Danilo Edwards January 2015 (has links)
La presente investigación denominada “Propuesta de reducción del costo de despacho de cereales a granel” tiene el objetivo de determinar una propuesta de reducción del costo de despacho de cereales a granel de la empresa objeto de estudio. Se realizó un estudio de causa - efecto, análisis de datos cuantitativos y observaciones instantáneas para identificar la actividad donde se tiene un sobre costo en el servicio de despacho. Identificando como problemas los altos costos que significan las actividades de liberación de paneles y barredura de silos metálicos que se realizan de manera manual. Se presentó el estudio económico de dos propuestas de solución, de las cuales se optó que la mejor propuesta tiene una inversión que asciende a S/.232,700.49 nuevos soles; el cual será asumido al 100% por la misma empresa. La evaluación económica muestra un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) mayor a cero y una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) mayor al costo de oportunidad del accionista por lo que se concluye que el proyecto genera valor y es económicamente viable, al implementar dicha propuesta las actividades de liberación de paneles y barredura de silos metálicos se realizaran de manera semiautomática. This research entitled "Proposal for reducing the cost of bulk grain exports" aims to determine a method for reducing the cost of bulk grain dispatch of the company under study. A cause and effect study was conducted using quantitative analysis of data and instant feedback to identify where the activity has a cost overrun on the dispatch service. As problems identifying significant than the high costs brought Activities Liberation panels and metal silo sweep carried out manually. An economic study of two proposed solutions, of which it was decided that the best proposal is an investment amounting to S/. 232,700.49 was presented; which shall be provided 100% by the same company. The economic assessment shows a higher Net Present Value (NPV) of zero and a Internal Rate of Return (IRR) greater than the opportunity cost of shareholders. Therefore, it is concluded that the project creates value and is economically feasible to implement this proposal, the proposal to implement activities and sweep release panels were held metal silo semi-automatically.

Management of thermal power plants through use values / Drift av termiska kraftverk med hjälp av användningsvärden

Assémat, Céline January 2015 (has links)
Electricity is an essential good, which can hardly be replaced. It can be produced thanks to a wide rangeof sources, from coal to nuclear, not to mention renewables such as wind and solar. In order to meetdemand at the lowest cost, an optimisation is made on electricity markets between the differentproduction plants. This optimisation mainly relies on the electricity production cost of each technology.In order to include long-term constraints in the short-term optimisation, a so-called use value (oropportunity cost) can be computed and added to the production cost. One long-term constraint thatEDF, the main French electricity producer, is facing is that its gas plants cannot exceed a given numberof operation hours and starts between two maintenances. A specific software, DiMOI, computes usevalues for this double constraint but its parameters needs to be tested in order to improve thecomputation, as it is not thought to work properly.DiMOI relies on dynamic programming and more particularly on an algorithm called Bellman algorithm.The software has been tested with EDF R&D department in order to propose some modellingimprovements. Electricity and gas market prices, together with real plant parameters such as startingcosts, operating costs and yields, were used as inputs for this work, and the results were checkedagainst reality.This study gave some results but they appeared to be invalid. Indeed, an optimisation problem wasdiscovered in DiMOI computing core: on a deterministic context, a study with little degrees of freedomwas giving better profits than a study with more degrees of freedom. This problem origin was notfound precisely with a first investigation, and the R&D team expected the fixing time to be very long.The adaptation of a simpler tool (MaStock) was proposed and made in order to replace DiMOI. Thisproject has thus led to DiMOI giving up and its replacement by MaStock. Time was missing to testcorrectly this tool, and the first study which was made was not completely positive. Further studiesshould be carried out, for instance deterministic ones (using real past data) whose results could becompared to reality.Some complementary studies were made from a fictitious system, in order to study the impact of someparameters when computing use values and operations schedules. The conclusions of these studiesare the little impacts that changes in gas prices and start-up costs parameters have on the global resultsand the importance of an accurate choice in the time periods durations used for the computations.Unfortunately these conclusions might be too specific as they were made on short study periods.Further case studies should be done in order to reach more general conclusions.

Uso de Aisladores Sísmicos Para Edificios Multifamiliares. Caso De Estudio: Edificio Multifamiliar Residencial Hungría

Fernández Loayza, Jannet, Quispe Vilca, Albert Dante, Vargas Salazar, Raúl Daniel, Lucero Rojas, Katherine Reyna, Alva Jiménez, Alfonso Renato 26 October 2020 (has links)
Nuestro proyecto busca demostrar que se puede mejorar el desempeño sísmico de las edificaciones empleando aisladores sin afectar la rentabilidad del proyecto. Para ello, se evaluó aplicarlo en el proyecto “Residencial Hungría” el cual se trata de un edificio multifamiliar de 12 departamentos y 10 estacionamientos distribuidos en 4 pisos y un semisótano respectivamente. Se modifico la configuración original del proyecto y se incluyó un sistema de aisladores de base con núcleo de plomo con el fin de comparar la rentabilidad entre ambos proyectos (Original y modificado con aisladores). Los resultados obtenidos en la primera etapa muestran que ante un número reducido de pisos (04 pisos) la rentabilidad del proyecto modificado con aisladores es menor a la original, sin embargo, luego de evaluar múltiples opciones, se obtuvo que a partir de 07 pisos tiene un VAN de S/ 172,077 un TIR de 24 % mayor al COK que es de 20%. Sabemos que en la Filosofía y Principios del Diseño Sismorresistente contenidos en la Norma E.030 del Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones se reconoce que dar protección completa frente a todos los sismos no es técnica ni económicamente factible para la mayoría de las estructuras, es por ello por lo que el uso de los aisladores está enfocado principalmente a estructuras del sector salud y educación. Con esto proyecto queremos propiciar la aplicación de aisladores a más proyectos de edificaciones y viviendas multifamiliares, verificando que, si puede ser rentable económicamente para el constructor, lo cual beneficiaría la demanda desatendida de la población que requiere una vivienda más segura y con mejor desempeño ante un sismo, y que minimice los costos de reparación, muertes y damnificados ante un eventual movimiento sísmico de alto impacto aun teniendo que invertir un porcentaje adicional en la compra del inmueble. / This research demonstrate that the seismic performance of buildings can be improved by using isolators without affecting the profitability of the project. For this, it was evaluated in the "Residential Hungria" project, which is a multifamily building with 12 apartments and 10 parking spaces distributed in 4 floors and a semi- basement, respectively. The original configuration of the project was modified and a system of base insulators with lead core was included in order to compare the profitability between both projects (Original and modified with insulators). The results obtained in the first stage show that with a reduced number of floors (04 floors) the profitability of the project modified with insulators is lower than the original one, however, after evaluating multiple options, it was obtained that from 07 floors it have a NPV of S / 172,077 an IIR of 24% higher than the COK which is 20%. We know the Philosophy and Principles of Earthquake Resistant Design contained in Standard E.030 of the National Building Regulations, it is recognized that providing complete protection against all earthquakes is not technically or economically feasible for most structures, which is why isolators is mainly focused on structures in the health and education sectors. With this project we want to promote the application of insulators to more projects of buildings and multifamily housing, verifying that, it can be economically profitable for the builder, which would benefit the unattended demand of the population that requires a anti seismic building prepared for an earthquake, minimizes repair costs, deaths and victims in eventual high-impact seismic movement even having to invest an additional percentage in the purchase of the property. / Trabajo de investigación

Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Allocation of Collateral within Securities Lending / Blandad heltalsprogrammering för optimal allokering av pant inom värdepapperslån

Wass, Martin January 2020 (has links)
A mixed integer linear programming formulation is used to solve the problem of allocating assets from a bank to its counterparties as collateral within securities lending. The aim of the optimisation is to reduce the cost of allocated collateral, which is broken down into the components opportunity cost, counterparty risk cost and triparty cost. A solution consists of transactions to carry out to improve the allocation cost, each transaction consisting of sending a quantity of some asset from a portfolio to the bank or from the bank to some portfolio. The optimisation process is split into subproblems to separate obvious transactions from more complex optimisations. The reduction of each cost component is examined for all the subproblems. Two subproblems transform an initial collateral allocation into a feasible one which is then improved by the optimisation. Decreasing opportunity cost is shown to be an easier task than decreasing counterparty risk and triparty costs since the latter costs require a comparatively large number of transactions. The optimisation is run several times in a row, performing the suggested transactions after each solved iteration. The cost reduction of k optimisation iterations with 10 transactions per iteration is shown to be similar to the cost reduction of 1 optimisation iteration with 10k transactions. The solution time increases heavily with the number of iterations. The suggested transactions may need to be performed in a certain order. A precedence constrained problem takes this into account. The problem is large and the execution time is slow if a limit is imposed on the number of allowed transactions. A strategic selection of portfolios can limit the number of suggested transactions and still reach a solution which comes close to the optimal one. This can also be done by requiring that all suggested transactions must reduce the cost by a minimum amount. The final model is ready to be used in a semi-automatic fashion, where transactions are verified by a human who checks if they are sound. A fully automated process requires further testing on historical and recent data. / Ett blandat-heltal linjärt optimeringsproblem används för att lösa uppgiften att tilldela värdepapper från en bank till dess kunder som pant för värdepapperslån. Målet med optimeringen är att minska kostnaden av den tilldelade panten. Kostnaden bryts ned i komponenterna alternativkostnad, motpartsrisk och tripartykostnad. En lösning består av föreslagna transaktioner som ska genomföras för att förbättra den nuvarande säkerhetstilldelningens kostnad. En transaktion består av att ta hem eller skicka ut en kvantitet av ett visst värdepapper från eller till en av bankens kunders portföljer. Optimeringsproblemet bryts ned i flera delproblem med syfte att särskilja uppenbara föreslagna säkerheter till en godkänd tildelning som sedan blir en startpunkt för optimeringen. Att minska alternativkostnad visar sig vara enklare än att minska motpartsrisk och tripartykostnader på så sätt att de sistnämnda kostnaderna kräver fler transaktioner för att minskas. Optimeringen körs flera gånger i rad, där alla föreslagna transaktioner från en iteration genomförs innan nästa iteration körs. Kostnadsminskningen av k körningar med 10 transaktioner visar sig vara väldigt nära, om än något mindre, än en körning med 10k transaktioner. Exekveringstiden ökar drastiskt med antalet iterationer. De föreslagna transaktionerna kan behöva genomföras i en viss ordning. En problemformulering konstrueras som tar höjd för detta, men exekveringstiden är extremt lång när antalet transaktioner begränsas. Ett strategiskt urval av portföljer kan begränsa antalet föreslagna transaktioner utan att försämra lösningen särskilt mycket. På ett liknande sätt kan antalet föreslagna transaktioner minskas genom att lägga till ett villkor som säger att lönsamheten av en transaktion måste överskrida en given minsta tröskel. Den slutgiltiga modellen är redo att användas om de föreslagna transaktionerna granskas manuellt innan de genomförs. En helt automatisk process ligger längre fram i tiden efter ytterligare tester på historisk och nuvarande data.

Vårdköns konsekvenser : En studie om bortprioriterad kirurgi / The consequences of long waiting lists in healthcare : A study about deprioritized surgery

Brundell, Fredrik, Svanstam, Emil January 2022 (has links)
I Sverige har vårdköerna varit hett debatterade under större delen av 2000-talet. Detta berorpå att vårdköerna har blivit långa, vilket har lett till att politikerna stiftat lagar som stipulerarhur lång tid en patient ska få vänta på vård. Detta är den så kallade Vårdgarantin, som innebärbland annat att patienten inte ska behöva vänta längre än 90 dagar på kirurgisk vård efterfastställd diagnos. Trots Vårdgarantin har vårdköerna inte minskat, utan snarare ökat. Utifrån denna problematik är syftet att undersöka alternativkostnaden för samhället av att inteprioritera vårdkön. Vi gör detta genom att analysera operationer som har längre väntetid änvad Vårdgarantin föreskriver, och undersöker hur kostnadseffektiva operationerna är för attberäkna hur många år i full hälsa som går förlorade på grund av väntetiderna. Slutligendiskuterar vi vad regionens kostnader blir av att inte prioritera vårdköerna. För att svara på frågeställningarna gör vi en litteratursökning likt en tidigare studie nyligengenomförd i Irland för att undersöka kostnadseffektiviteten av kirurgiska behandlingar, ochdärefter jämföra kostnadseffektiviteten mot ett tröskelvärde för kostnadseffektivitet på 300000 SEK. Resultatet visar att en större investering i den svenska vårdkön vore mycketkostnadseffektivt, då operationernas kostnadseffektivitet är betydligt lägre än tröskelvärdet på300 000 SEK. I studien visar vi exempelvis att ingen av de sex interventionerna somundersöks kostar mer än 50 000 SEK per år i full hälsa, medan svenska beslutsfattare inomvårdsektorn är villiga att acceptera en kostnad uppemot 2 miljoner SEK under vissaförutsättningar. Det ska dock tilläggas att patienterna som står i vårdkö får vård till slut, ävenom det kan dröja flera år tills de får det. Vår slutsats är att patienter som väntar på vård är en nedprioriterad grupp i sjukvården, ochatt de representerar en alternativkostnad som beslutsfattare bör ta i beaktande vid andrainvesteringsmöjligheter gällande hälsa- och sjukvård. Vidare forskning bör bland annatutreda möjligheterna att förkorta väntetiderna. / The waiting lists for healthcare have been heavily debated in Sweden during the 21st century.It has been so because patients have been waiting for healthcare much longer than expected,which has led politicians to change the healthcare laws, promising to decrease the queuingtime for patients. This is the so-called Vårdgarantin (Healthcare Warranty), which, amongother things, says that a patient should not have to wait longer than 90 days for surgery, afterreferral. Despite Vårdgarantin, the waiting lists have not decreased, but rather increased. Based on this problem we have chosen to examine the opportunity cost for society of notprioritizing the healthcare waiting lists by analyzing which surgeries have longer waiting liststhan the Vårdgaranti prescribes. We will also examine how cost effective each surgery is andcalculate how many years at full health is lost in the population when society does notprioritize addressing the queues. Furthermore, we will discuss the Swedish regions’ (which isthe administrative unit in Sweden that is responsible for providing health care to its citizens)opportunity costs by not prioritizing the waiting list. To answer these issues, have we done a literature study, in the same fashion as researchers inIreland recently, to examine the cost effectiveness of surgeries and compare it to a 300 000SEK cost-effectiveness threshold. Our results show that it would be cost effective forSwedish regions to invest in reducing their waiting lists, due to relatively low costs per yearwith full health of surgeries with long waiting lists. In our study, all of the six includedinterventions cost less than 50 000 SEK per year in full health. This can be compared to theSwedish decision makers who sometimes are willing to pay up to 2 million SEK per year atfull health for the very ill under extraordinary circumstances. It should be noted that thepatients who are in the healthcare queue receive care in the end, even if it can take severalyears until the patients receive it. Conclusively, patients waiting for care is a deprioritized group in the healthcare sector andcan be seen as an opportunity cost when considering new investment opportunities. Furtherresearch should investigate the possibilities of how waiting times can be reduced.

A comparison of road and rail transport for the benefit of the independent timber growers of Natal Cooperative Timbers

Bepat, Merisha 02 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate and compare the brokered transport costs of road and rail transport for the independent timber growers of NCT Forestry Co-operative Limited in Kwa-Zulu-Natal. Reliability, flexibility, visibility, rates and total transport time were evaluated for each mode of transport. The impact of the carbon emissions was also considered and the option of performance based standard vehicles investigated. During the period 2000 to 2003, rail was the dominant mode of transport. However from 2004 onwards, due to the diminishing service levels and the high tariff structures of rail transport, road became the preferred mode of transport. The results of the survey conducted for the purposes of this study showed that although road transport outperformed rail transport, rail transport scored significantly higher than road transport as a cost-effective mode of transportation. Rail transport was shown to be a far less carbon intensive mode of transport than road transport, while there were substantial cost savings and benefits from performance based standard vehicles. / Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Logistics)

Highway Development Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Analysis, Critique and Advancement

El-Khatib, Mayar January 2010 (has links)
While decision-making under uncertainty is a major universal problem, its implications in the field of transportation systems are especially enormous; where the benefits of right decisions are tremendous, the consequences of wrong ones are potentially disastrous. In the realm of highway systems, decisions related to the highway configuration (number of lanes, right of way, etc.) need to incorporate both the traffic demand and land price uncertainties. In the literature, these uncertainties have generally been modeled using the Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) process, which has been used extensively in modeling many other real life phenomena. But few scholars, including those who used the GBM in highway configuration decisions, have offered any rigorous justification for the use of this model. This thesis attempts to offer a detailed analysis of various aspects of transportation systems in relation to decision-making. It reveals some general insights as well as a new concept that extends the notion of opportunity cost to situations where wrong decisions could be made. Claiming deficiency of the GBM model, it also introduces a new formulation that utilizes a large and flexible parametric family of jump models (i.e., Lévy processes). To validate this claim, data related to traffic demand and land prices were collected and analyzed to reveal that their distributions, heavy-tailed and asymmetric, do not match well with the GBM model. As a remedy, this research used the Merton, Kou, and negative inverse Gaussian Lévy processes as possible alternatives. Though the results show indifference in relation to final decisions among the models, mathematically, they improve the precision of uncertainty models and the decision-making process. This furthers the quest for optimality in highway projects and beyond.

Highway Development Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Analysis, Critique and Advancement

El-Khatib, Mayar January 2010 (has links)
While decision-making under uncertainty is a major universal problem, its implications in the field of transportation systems are especially enormous; where the benefits of right decisions are tremendous, the consequences of wrong ones are potentially disastrous. In the realm of highway systems, decisions related to the highway configuration (number of lanes, right of way, etc.) need to incorporate both the traffic demand and land price uncertainties. In the literature, these uncertainties have generally been modeled using the Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) process, which has been used extensively in modeling many other real life phenomena. But few scholars, including those who used the GBM in highway configuration decisions, have offered any rigorous justification for the use of this model. This thesis attempts to offer a detailed analysis of various aspects of transportation systems in relation to decision-making. It reveals some general insights as well as a new concept that extends the notion of opportunity cost to situations where wrong decisions could be made. Claiming deficiency of the GBM model, it also introduces a new formulation that utilizes a large and flexible parametric family of jump models (i.e., Lévy processes). To validate this claim, data related to traffic demand and land prices were collected and analyzed to reveal that their distributions, heavy-tailed and asymmetric, do not match well with the GBM model. As a remedy, this research used the Merton, Kou, and negative inverse Gaussian Lévy processes as possible alternatives. Though the results show indifference in relation to final decisions among the models, mathematically, they improve the precision of uncertainty models and the decision-making process. This furthers the quest for optimality in highway projects and beyond.

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