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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lässvårigheters påverkan på matematikprestationer / Reading Difficulties Impact on Mathematic Achievements

Persson, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Enligt PISAs undersökning (Skolverket, 20I3) uppvisar svenska elever idag sämre prestationer i läsförståelse och matematik. Många påverkansfaktorer är omdiskuterade men varken lässvårigheter eller matematiksvårigheter har berörts. I relation till detta upprättas en litteraturstudie med syftet att undersöka huruvida lässvårigheter samverkar med matematiksvårigheter och hur det påverkar matematikprestationer. Resultatet av studien visar att lässvårigheter inte alltid påverkar matematiskprestationer. Somliga elever uppvisar svårigheter medan andra inte gör det, dock synliggörs kombinationen läs- och matematiksvårigheter oftare än svårigheterna var för sig. Slutsatser som dragits är att det behövs mer forskning på området för att undersöka hur det kommer sig att en bråkdel av elever i lässvårigheter inte uppvisar svårigheter i matematik, medan andra elever gör det och varför läs- och matematiksvårigheter uppvisas oftare i en kombinerad form. / According to the PISA research (Skolverket, 2013), Swedish students today show weaker presentations in reading comprehension and mathematics. Many factors have been discussed but neither of reading difficulties or mathematic difficulties has been concerned. According to this, a literature review will be established with the purpose to examine how reading difficulties co-operate with mathematic difficulties and how it may impact on mathematic achievements. The result shows that reading difficulties not always have an impact on mathematic achievements. Some students tend to show weaknesses while others do not; however the combined reading- and mathematic difficulties are shown more often compared to the difficulties on their own. Conclusions that have been made are that more research needs to investigate why only a minority of students with reading difficulties show weaknesses in mathematics, while other do not and why the combined reading- and mathematic difficulties are shown more often.

A formative study of rhythm and pattern: semiotic potential of multimodal experiences for early years readers

Peters, J. Beryl 08 September 2011 (has links)
Literacy education defined as the reading and writing of print text is undergoing a paradigmatic shift towards a pedagogy of multiliteracies (Cole & Pullen, 2010). At the same time, demands for rapid, efficient, and accurate reading skills escalate (Katzir et al., 2006) in a global society with increasingly instant and complex literacy requirements. Musical rhythm plays a role in multiliteracy and print literacy learning. Rhythm is essential for music making and reading, and may facilitate print literacy for all children, including those who struggle with traditional print-based teaching and learning. The purpose of this research was to investigate the potential for the semiotic resource of rhythm to engage early years children in print and non-print literacy learning. A twelve week mixed methods quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the effects of a multimodal Orff-based learning design on elements of reading and rhythm for grades one to three children in four schools. Students (N = 169) from nine classrooms were non-randomly assigned to one of two groups. The researcher instructed both groups two to three times a week totaling twenty-five sessions in each homeroom classroom. The experimental groups participated in Orff-based learning experiences that focused on elements of rhythm and prosodic oral reading fluency. The control group listened to and sang song-storybooks. Beat performance and oral reading rate assessments were administered as pre- and post-tests to each group. Struggling readers in the experimental group significantly improved on measures of oral reading rate compared to struggling readers in the control group using matched pairs t-procedures and analyses of variance. Associations between beat performance and oral reading rate were explored using bivariate and multivariate regression and correlation analysis. A strong positive correlation was found between measures of beat competency and measures of oral reading rate. Qualitative methods using grounded theory, semiotic data analysis, multimodal analysis, action research, and design research methods placed within a bricolage framework (Kincheloe & Berry, 2004) and examined through the lens of complexity thinking (Davis & Sumara, 2006) added multiperspectival meaning-making of data. Findings pointed to the value of multimodal music and rhythm experiences for engaged, deep, meaningful print and non-print learning for diverse individual and classroom collective learners in both control and experimental classrooms. Beat competency was important to both print and music literacy learning in experimental classrooms. Beat experiences were compelling, equitable, and appeared to organize music, oral language, and print literacy into meaningful and accessible patterns and structures. Similar findings may be occasioned through an ontology of multimodal richness, a complex epistemology, embodied ways of knowing and communicating, and systemic shared beliefs and values.

以優選理論分析日語中的英語外來語 / An Optimality Theoretic Approach to English Loanwords in Japanese

鄭智仁, Cheng, Chih-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在從優選理論(Optimality Theory)來探討日語中的英語外來語。所研究的問題有四個,包括英語詞彙日語化過程中的語音代換(segmental substitutions)與音韻調整(phonological modifications)的現象,英語輔音韻尾促音化(consonant gemination)的現象,以及外來語截短(loanword truncation)現象的研究。在語音代換方面,基於過去以對比分析(Contrastive Analysis)的研究只重視英日語間音與音的對應,然共通語法(Universal Grammar)為當代語言學研究的主要目標,因此本文以優選理論這一針對共通語法所提出的當代音韻學理論中的制約(constraints)排行與違反的概念來重新分析。在本文中,語音代換主要是起因於共通語法下的音段標顯性制約(segmental markedness constraints)、極大性制約(MAX-IO)、及特徵一致性制約(IDENT[F] constraints)在日語語法中排行的結果。在音韻調整方面,日語主要是以元音添加(vowel epenthesis)來處理英語韻尾輔音及輔音群。過去的分析將元音添加視為是一種規則(rules)運作的結果,然這種分析仍需要制約的概念。有鑑於此,本文純以制約的排行與違反來分析這個現象。在本文中,音韻調整及元音添加主要是起因於共通語法下的一組音節結構完好性制約(syllable wel-formedness constraints)與極大性、依循性制約(DEP-IO)在日語中排行的結果所致。在英語韻尾輔音促音化方面,由於許多過去的研究將此一現象歸因於是模仿英語原字,特別是其閉音節結構的結果。根據此一看法,本文主張此一現象乃是起因於與韻尾輔音相關的音拍一致性制約(IDENT[m])因模仿英語原字這一目的而獲得優先被滿足權。也就是當其排行高於反孳生輔音制約(anti-gemination constraints)時,就會導致促音化的現象。在外來語的截短現象方面,過去學者的分析引發不少的問題,如Suzuki(1995)根據優選理論所提出的分析卻與Ito(1990)的統計結果相矛盾等。有鑑於此,本文作者亦進行外來語截短詞包括長度、音節類型、截短方向及重音等的統計。根據這一統計結果,本文將截短現象分成「最小截短」與「非最小截短」。兩者各由其相關的制約排行所控制。此外,本文並指出日語外來語的「最小截短」能驗證emergence of the unmarked (McCarthy and Prince 1994, 1995b, 1997)這一主張。 / This thesis aims to study English loanwords in Japanese within the framework of Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993, McCarthy and Prince 1993ab). It deals with four issues: the segmental substitutions and phonological modifications in loanword nativization, consonant gemination, and loanword truncation. The segmental substitutions are attributed mainly to the Japanese-specific ranking of the UG segmental markedness constraints, together with the higher ranked MAX-IO. The choices of substitute sounds are mainly determined by the rankings of lDENT[F] constraints in Japanese. The phonological modifications are attributed mainly to the Japanese-specific ranking of the UG syllable well-formedness constraints. In addition, vowel epenthesis as a way of modification is prompted by the dominance of MAX-10 over DEP-IO. As for consonant gemination, it is not motivated by any native requirements in Japanese, and thus results from a conscious effort to imitate English source forms by having lDENT[μ] acquire a priority to be respected. That is, when it dominates the anti-gemination constraints, consonant gemination takes place. Finally, on the basis of the statistical results, the present study distinguishes two kinds of truncation: the minimal and non-minimal truncations. In the minimal truncation, FTBIN and NONFIN(σ) are responsible for the accented LL and HL output patterns while in the non-minimal truncation WDBIN and MAX-BT lead to the unaccented four-mora outputs as well as LLL outputs.

Η προθηματοποίηση στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους : συγχρονική και διαχρονική προσέγγιση / Prefixation in modern Greek dialects : synchronic and diachronic perspective

Δημελά, Ελεονώρα-Διονυσία 05 January 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή επιχειρείται η συγχρονική και διαχρονική προσέγγιση φαινομένων προθηματοποίησης στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους. Συγκεκριμένα, μελετώνται τα διαλεκτικά μορφήματα ακρο-, μωρο-, πλακο-, σ(ι)ο-/σα-, χαμο- ως προς την ιστορική τους εξέλιξη, και τις φωνολογικές, δομικές και σημασιολογικές τους αποκλίσεις σε συγχρονικό επίπεδο. Η μετάβαση από τη σύνθεση στην παραγωγή, δηλαδή η προθηματικοποίηση (βλ. Amiot 2005), αποδεικνύει ότι τα όρια ανάμεσα στις δύο διαδικασίες δεν είναι σαφώς διακριτά (Booij 2005, Bauer 2005, Ralli 2010). Κατά την προθηματικοποίηση, ένα μόρφημα αποκλίνει από το λεξηματικό του πρόγονο, χάνει την αυτονομία του (Iacobini 2004) και είναι δυνατό να υπόκειται σε φωνολογικές αλλαγές. Είναι γενικώς παραδεκτό ότι η γραμματικοποίηση επιτελείται, εφόσον πληρούνται ορισμένες προϋποθέσεις (Lehmann 1985, Hopper & Traugott 1983, Hopper 1991, Heine & Kuteva 2002, Heine 2003, Amiot 2005, Giannoulopoulou 2006, Αναστασιάδη-Συμεωνίδη 2008, van Goethem 2008). Οι προτεινόμενες γενικές παράμετροι για την προθηματικοποίηση από τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία είναι οι ακόλουθες: α) φωνολογική διάβρωση, β) αποσημασιοποίηση, γ) αποκατηγοριοποίηση, δ) περιορισμός συντακτικού βάρους, ε) ανάμειξη, στ) διεύρυνση συνδυαστικών μορφολογικών ιδιοτήτων. Στη μελέτη αυτή, προσπαθώ να απαντήσω σε τρεις σημαντικές ερωτήσεις: α) Ποιες είναι οι εξειδικευμένες παράμετροι που ερμηνεύουν τη μετάβαση από τη σύνθεση στην προθηματοποίηση; β) Οι παράμετροι αυτές είναι ίδιες για όλα τα φαινόμενα γραμματικοποίησης ή περιορίζονται στο πεδίο της μορφολογίας; γ) Ποια είναι η ιεράρχηση των συγκεκριμένων παραμέτρων κατά τη μορφολογικοποίηση; Στο πεδίο της μορφολογίας, υποστηρίζω ότι ο μορφολογικός παράγοντας έχει αποφασιστική σημασία για την περάτωση μιας διαδικασίας μορφολογικοποίησης. Είναι δυνατό άλλες παράμετροι να κινητοποιούν ή να συνεισφέρουν στην εξέλιξη της διαδικασίας, αλλά δεν μπορούν να εγγυηθούν την ολοκλήρωση αυτής. Υπό αυτήν την έννοια, προτείνω ότι οι γενικές παράμετροι που εμπλέκονται είναι η επανασημασιοποίηση και η διάβρωση, ενώ οι εξειδικευμένες μορφολογικές παράμετροι που απαντούν σε τελικό στάδιο της προθηματικοποίησης είναι: α) η αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας, β) η διεύρυνση των μορφολογικών συνδυαζόμενων βάσεων. Τόσο τα εξεταζόμενα διαχρονικά δεδομένα της Ελληνικής γλώσσας, όσο και τα εξεταζόμενα συγχρονικά δεδομένα από τη διαλεκτική ποικιλία της νέας Ελληνικής επιβεβαιώνουν τις παραπάνω θέσεις. / This thesis deals with prefixation cases in Modern Greek Dialects from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. In particular, the following dialectal morphemes: akro-, moro-, plako-, s(j)o-/sa- and hamo- are investigated with respect of their historical development and their phonological, structural and semantic differences in synchronic terms. Prefixization (c.f. Amiot 2005) as a diachronic crossing from compounding to prefixation shows that there is no clear borderline between the two processes (Booij 2005, Bauer 2005, Ralli to appear). According to this phenomenon, a morpheme shows divergence with respect to its ancestor, loses its lexical independence (Iacobini 2004), and may be subject to phonological erosion. It is generally accepted that grammaticalization occurs if certain criteria are satisfied (Lehmann 1985, Hopper & Traugott 1983, Hopper 1991, Heine & Kuteva 2002, Heine 2003, Amiot 2005, Giannoulopoulou 2006, Αnastasiadi-Symeonidi 2008, van Goethem 2008). As far as prefixization is concerned, and with some degree of variation from one author to another, there is more or less agreement on the following general criteria: a) phonological erosion, b) desemanticization, c) decategorialization, d) shrinking of syntagmatic weight, e) coalescence, f) extension of the morphological combinatorial properties. In this study, I try to answer three important questions: a) what are the specific parameters which may induce prefixization out of compounding? b) Are these parameters the same for all the range of grammaticalization phenomena, or are they restricted to morphology? c) Is there a particular order according to which these parameters seem to play a role in morphologization? I argue that if we deal with morphology the parameters which lead to the completion of a morphologization process have to be morphological in nature. Other parameters may trigger the process, or may play a role during the process, but do not guarantee completion. Within this spirit, I propose that the general grammaticalization parameters which are involved in prefixization are desemanticization and phonological erosion, but the specific morphological parameters which are crucial for determining the final stage of prefixization are related to: a) the increase of productivity, b) the expansion of morphological combinatorial properties. Evidence from the history of Greek and its Modern Greek dialects illustrate the above proposals.

Pratiques d'enseignement de l'orthographe lexicale : le cas des propriétés visuelles

Bruneau, Marie-Josée 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Ordflödesförmåga och analogiskt resonerande hos barn med cochleaimplantat i jämförelse med normalhörande barn / Word Fluency Ability and Analogical Reasoning in Children with Cochlear Implants Compared to Normal-Hearing Children

Gärskog, Malin, Hedström, Ingrid January 2018 (has links)
Ett fåtal tidigare studier har visat att barn med cochleaimplantat (CI) har sämre förmåga till såväl ordflöde som verbalt analogiskt resonerande jämfört med normalhörande barn. Det finns ett förhållande mellan språk och analogiskt resonerande, men förhållandet mellan ordflödesförmåga och förmågan till analogiskt resonerande har inte undersökts tidigare för varken barn med CI eller normalhörande barn, vilket motiverar föreliggande studie. Syftet var att undersöka huruvida det finns skillnader mellan barn med CI och normalhörande barn vad gäller ordflöde och analogiskt resonerande. Studien syftade även till att undersöka förhållandet mellan ordflöde och analogiskt resonerande hos barn med CI respektive normalhörande barn. Nio barn med CI i åldrarna 6;4–8;2 år och en kontrollgrupp av trettio normalhörande barn i åldrarna 6;1–7;1 år medverkade. Ordflödesförmågan undersöktes med det fonologiska ordflödestestet FAS och det semantiska ordflödestestet Djur. Visuellt analogiskt resonerande undersöktes med AnimaLogica och verbalt analogiskt resonerande undersöktes med deltestet Auditiv analogi från Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities-3 (ITPA-3). I föreliggande studie har barnen med CI sämre ordflödesförmåga och analogiskt resonerande än de normalhörande barnen. Det finns ett samband mellan semantiskt ordflöde och verbalt analogiskt resonerande hos normalhörande barn, med ett liknande mönster hos barn med CI. Förmågan till ordflöde och analogiskt resonerande samt sambandet mellan dessa förmågor har klinisk relevans för logopeden i och med att detta blir ännu en aspekt att ta hänsyn till vid språkliga utredningar och behandlingar hos såväl normalhörande som barn med CI. / Previous studies have shown that children with cochlear implant (CI) have worse word fluency abilities and analogical reasoning abilities compared to normal-hearing children. There is a relationship between language and analogical reasoning. However, a possible relationship between word fluency and analogical reasoning has not been studied before among children with CI or among normal-hearing children. This warrants the present study, which aimed to examine if there are differences between children with CI and normal-hearing children regarding word fluency and analogical reasoning. The study also aimed to examine the relationship between word fluency and analogical reasoning in children with CI and normal-hearing children. The present study involved nine children with CI aged 6;4–8;2 years and thirty normal-hearing children aged 6;1–7;1 years. Word fluency was examined using the phonological word fluency test FAS and the semantic word fluency test Animal. Visual analogical reasoning was examined using AnimaLogica and verbal analogical reasoning using Spoken Analogies from Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities-3 (ITPA-3). The results of the present study show that the children with CI had poorer word fluency ability and analogical reasoning compared to the normal-hearing children. A relationship between semantic word fluency and verbal analogical reasoning in normal-hearing children was found, with the children with CI showing the same trend. Word fluency ability and analogical reasoning and their relationship has a clinical relevance for speech-language pathologists since this must be considered when investigating and treating language difficulties in children with CI as well as normal-hearing children.


SABRINA ANACLETO TEIXEIRA 28 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese investiga o modo como a criança, no início da aquisição do português como língua materna, identifica a presença de estruturas recursivas no sintagma complementizador. Assume-se que a criança identifica a informação gramatical com base nas interfaces entre a língua interna que se desenvolve na criança, e os sistemas envolvidos no desempenho linguístico. Recursividade é a propriedade do sistema linguístico que possibilita a geração de um número infinito de objetos sintáticos complexos a partir de um número finito de itens lexicais, por meio de um número finito e restrito de operações. Em línguas, tais como o português, pode haver recursividade no nó mais alto da hierarquia sintática (C - complementizador), o que possibilita a geração de orações completivas (OCs). OCs satisfazem os requisitos de verbos que subcategorizam um CP, ocupam a posição de complemento do verbo e podem ser introduzidas por um complementizador. O aporte teórico desta tese é uma teoria da aquisição da linguagem fundada na hipótese do bootstrapping fonológico (MORGAN e DEMUTH, 1996; CHRISTOPHE et al, 1997) aliada à concepção de língua apresentada no Programa Minimalista (PM) da Linguística Gerativista (CHOMSKY, 1995, 1999, 2005; HAUSER, CHOMSKY e FITCH, 2002), tal como é proposta nos termos do modelo procedimental de aquisição da linguagem em Corrêa (2009a; 2009b; 2011). São reportados dois grupos de experimentos, cada um centrado em um tipo de informação que pode servir de pista para a criança identificar a presença de estruturas recursivas, quais sejam: a forma fônica dos complementizadores e a estrutura da OC, respectivamente. Os resultados indicam que, embora não haja evidência conclusiva de que a criança seja sensível à presença do complementizador por suas propriedades fônicas, aos 12 meses, crianças parecem ser sensíveis à estrutura da completiva, o que sugere que reconhecem a possibilidade de C como nó recursivo. Ao reconhecer a estrutura da completiva, a criança vai além da interface fônica e pode dar início ao processamento de relações de subcategorização. / [en] This thesis investigates how children acquiring Brazilian Portuguese (BP) identify recursive structures in the complementizer phrase. It is assumed that children identify grammatical information based on the interfaces between the internal language and the systems related to linguistic performance. Recursion is a property of the language system which allows humans to build an infinite set of complex syntactic objects from a finite set of lexical items and syntactic operations. BP allows recursion in the highest node of the hierarchical structure (C - complementizer), building completive clauses. Structurally, completive clauses occupy the position of the complement of a verb and are introduced by a complementizer. The theoretical framework of this thesis is a procedural theory of language acquisition that reconciles the phonological bootstrapping hypothesis (MORGAN AND DEMUTH, 1996; CHRISTOPHE et al, 1997) and minimalist assumptions (CHOMSKY, 1995, 1999, 2005; HAUSER, CHOMSKY AND FITCH, 2002), as in Corrêa (2009a; 2009b; 2011). Two groups of experiments are reported, which focus on possible cues to the identification of a recursive structure, namely: the phonic form of complementizer and the structure of the completive clause. The results indicate that, although there is no conclusive evidence that children are sensitive to the presence of the complementizer due to its phonic properties, children, at 12 months, are sensitive to the structure of the completive clause, thereby suggesting that they go beyond the phonetic interface and start to be able to process subcategorization relations.

Möjligheter och hinder att arbeta språkutvecklande i förskoloaklass : Med fokus på fonologisk medvetenhet

Pettersson, Christina January 2018 (has links)
Thepurpose of my study is to investigate pedagogues experience of working methodsto promote linguistic phonological development in pre-school children whoselanguage development is weak. The aim is further tohighlight the obstacles and opportunities that the pedagogues in the studyconsider to aggravate and stimulate the work of language development inchildren with weak phonological awareness and how the organization's designaffects the teachers 'work in this area. Today's society places highdemands on reading and writing skills for citizens who, in turn, place highdemands and good knowledge of reading and writing lessons for all educators andteachers. Through qualitative semistructured interviews, I interviewed fiveeducator active pre-school class. The five teaching educators are from fivedifferent schools in four municipalities. The results of the study have shownthat all educators work conscious language development with language games,more or less systematically and organized. The Bornholm model is the screeningmaterial and exercises used most frequently. The biggest obstacles theeducators need to deal with is the absence of colleagues. Then the planningtime that everyone considers necessary to provide quality education is lost.Factors that promote linguistic work on phonological awareness are commoncompetence development and collaboration in the work team. In my limited study,I have gained insight into how language development works in the municipalities.I have also received good examples of language development, fun working method andmethods.

The development of a formal diagnostic assessment tool for spelling in the foundation phase

Richards, Sonja 12 1900 (has links)
This research is concerned with an investigation into the development of a formal diagnostic assessment tool for spelling in the foundation phase. A literature study and information acquired from educators provided information to compile a suitable spelling list that could be used as a diagnostic tool in the foundation phase. A self-designed questionnaire was administered to fifty educators Who provided their expert opinion regard the spelling list. This was followed up by second questionnaire that was based on the analysis and interpretation of the first. The Delphi-technique was applied to this investigation. The study was complete when consensus was reached among the educators with regard to which words should be included in the final spelling list. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Phonological and morphological nativisation of english loans in Tonga

Zivenge, William 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the phonological and morphological nativisation of English loans in the Tonga language. The contact situation between English and Tonga, in Zimbabwe, facilitates transference of lexical items between the two languages. From having been one of the most widely used languages of the world, English has developed into the most influential donor of words to other languages such as Tonga. The infiltration of English words into the Tonga lexical inventory led to the adoption and subsequent nativisation of English words by the native Tonga speakers. The main deposit of English words into Tonga is the direct interaction between English and Tonga speakers. However, it is sometimes via other languages like Shona, Ndebele, Venda and Shangani. In the 21st century, English’s contribution to the vocabulary of Tonga became more widely spread, now covering a large proportion of the Tonga language’s lexical inventory. The fact that English is the medium of instruction, in Zimbabwe, language of technology, education, media, new administration, health, music, new religion and economic transactions means that it is regarded as the high variety language with coercive loaning powers. Words from English are then adopted and nativised in the Tonga language, since Tonga asserts itself an independent language that can handle loans on its own. The main focus of this study therefore, is to try and account for the phonological and morphological behavior and changes that take place in English words that enter into Tonga. Analyzing phonological processes that are employed during nativisation of loan words entails analyzing how Tonga speakers handle aspects of English language such as diphthongs, triphthongs, cluster consonants, CVC syllable structure and sounds in repairing unacceptable sequences in Tonga. The research also accounts for the handling of morphological differences between the two languages. This entails looking at how competence and ordered-rule framework are harmonized by Tonga speakers in repairing conflicting features at morphological level. Since the two languages have different morphological patterns, the research analyzes the repairing strategies to handle singular and plural noun prefixes, tenses and particles, which are morphological components of words. The researcher appreciates that the native Tonga speakers have robust intuitions on the proper way to nativise words. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

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