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GALLAG Strip: A Mobile, Programming With Demonstration Environment for Sensor-Based Context-Aware Application ProgrammingJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: The Game As Life - Life As Game (GALLAG) project investigates how people might change their lives if they think of and/or experience their life as a game. The GALLAG system aims to help people reach their personal goals through the use of context-aware computing, and tailored games and applications. To accomplish this, the GALLAG system uses a combination of sensing technologies, remote audio/video feedback, mobile devices and an application programming interface (API) to empower users to create their own context-aware applications. However, the API requires programming through source code, a task that is too complicated and abstract for many users. This thesis presents GALLAG Strip, a novel approach to programming sensor-based context-aware applications that combines the Programming With Demonstration technique and a mobile device to enable users to experience their applications as they program them. GALLAG Strip lets users create sensor-based context-aware applications in an intuitive and appealing way without the need of computer programming skills; instead, they program their applications by physically demonstrating their envisioned interactions within a space using the same interface that they will later use to interact with the system, that is, using GALLAG-compatible sensors and mobile devices. GALLAG Strip was evaluated through a study with end users in a real world setting, measuring their ability to program simple and complex applications accurately and in a timely manner. The evaluation also comprises a benchmark with expert GALLAG system programmers in creating the same applications. Data and feedback collected from the study show that GALLAG Strip successfully allows users to create sensor-based context-aware applications easily and accurately without the need of prior programming skills currently required by the GALLAG system and enables them to create almost all of their envisioned applications. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Computer Science 2012
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Korkeasti koulutettujen vammaisten integroituminen ICT-alalle heidän itsensä kokemana:”Älä anna muille etumatkaa!”Mononen, J. (Jukka) 19 December 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyse how highly educated people with physical and/or sensor disabilities (PwD) integrate in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. The approach was the experience of PwD. In stead of earlier single approach studies, the aim of the study was to identify factors, which are influencing on ICT field study place selection, and which are improving their employment and which factors push ahead them to carry on in the ICT field. One of the interviewees summarized:
Don’t give the lead to others!
In general, ICT-sector work has been seen as work that does not require physical capability from an employee, and usually the work is not physically demanding. Therefore, ICT sector work can be consireded to be suitable for PWD employees.
This study was carried out by using a qualitative research method. It was an empirical study that took into account elements of social research. The empirical material was based on 21 semi-structured interviews involving eight women and thirteen men, and all of them had physical and/or sensor disability. The interviewees were offered the opportunity to share their experiences as freely as possible. The severity, age and work experience of the persons involved in the study varied widely. All of the interviewees were Finnish citizens and at the time of the study they lived in Finland, and all of the interviewees had been in ICT field or suited studies in tertiary level. They had also been working or they were working in the ICT sector during the interviews.
The study showed that disability has a major impact on the choice of the place where ICT is studied. The interviewees were well aware of the constraints caused by their injuries. The interviewed persons had found workplaces easily in the ICT sector. However, a few interviewees mentioned that disability had had a negative impact on individual job search processes. The study also showed that people with disabilities are able to work independently in the ICT field and integrate into the work community. Nearly all of the interviewees had a long career in the work of their first employer and they had progressed well in the career.
The results of the dissertation are to encourage young people with disabilities to acquire higher education and work life more actively than before, as well as their teachers and employers to pay more attention to competence and eligibility than to disability. The encouragement of family and individual teachers was also seen as a major factor in starting the university studies.
During the research, it was also found that factors relevant to employment include the networks and know-how created during the studies. This study also challenges people responsible for recruiting in companies to evaluate their own values and attitudes towards different people. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida, kuinka korkeasti koulutetut fyysisesti vammaiset tai aistivammaiset henkilöt integroituvat tieto- ja viestintäteknologia-alalle (ICT). Näkökulmana oli vammaisten oma kokemus. Aikaisempien yhden näkökulman tutkimusten sijaan tämä tutkimus etsi tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat ICT-alan opiskelupaikan valintaan, edistävät vammaisten henkilöiden työllistymistä ja kannustavat heitä jatkamaan ICT-alalla. Yksi haastateltu tiivistikin asian osuvasti seuraavasti:
Älä anna muille etumatkaa!
Yleisesti ICT-alan työn ei nähdä vaativan fyysisiä ominaisuuksia, eikä työ ole yleensä ruumiillisesti raskasta. ICT-alan työn voidaan katsoa soveltuvan hyvin henkilöille, joilla on rajoitteita vammoistaan johtuen.
Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimusmenetelmällä. Kyseessä oli empiirinen tutkimus, jossa otettiin huomioon sosiaalitutkimuksen elementtejä. Tutkimusaineisto perustui 21 semi-strukturoituun haastatteluun, joihon osallistui kahdeksan naista ja 13 miestä. Haastateltaville tarjottiin mahdollisuus kertoa kokemuksistaan mahdollisimman vapaasti. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden henkilöiden vammojen vaikeusaste, ikä ja työkokemus vaihtelivat laajasti. Kaikki haastatellut olivat suomalaisia, ja he olivat opiskelleet ICT-alaa korkeakouluissa sekä työskennelleet tai työskentelivät tutkimuksen aikana ICT-alalla.
Tutkimus osoitti, että vammaisuus vaikuttaa merkittävästi ICT-alan opiskelupaikan valintaan. Haastateltavat tunnistivat hyvin vammoistaan johtuvat rajoitteet. Haastatellut työllistyivät tutkimuksen perusteella hyvin ICT-alan työtehtäviin. Muutama haastateltava tosin mainitsi, että vammaisuus oli vaikuttanut negatiivisesti yksittäisissä työpaikkahakuprosesseissa. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että vammaiset henkilöt pystyvät työskentelemään ICT-alan työtehtävissä itsenäisesti, ja että he integroituvat työyhteisöön. Lähes kaikilla tutkimukseen osallistuneilla oli pitkä työura ensimmäisen työnantajansa palveluksessa, ja he olivat edenneet työuralla hyvin.
Väitöskirjan tulosten toivotaan rohkaisevan vammaisia nuoria hakeutumaan korkeakouluopintoihin ja työelämään aikaisempaa aktiivisemmin sekä heidän opettajiaan ja työnantajiaan kiinnittämään enemmän huomiota osaamiseen ja kelpoisuuteen kuin vammaisuuteen. Perheen ja yksittäisten opettajien kannustus nähtiin tutkimuksessa myös korkeakouluopintojen aloittamisen kannalta merkittäväksi tekijäksi.
Tutkimuksen yhteydessä havaittiin myös, että työllistymisen kannalta tärkeitä tekijöitä ovat opiskelujen aikana luodut verkostot ja osaaminen. Tämä tutkimus haastaa myös yrityksissä rekrytoinneista vastaavia henkilöitä arvioimaan omia arvojaan ja asenteitaan erilaisia ihmisiä kohtaan.
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Sexual Satisfaction in Women with Physical Disabilities: Results of an Online SurveyHeschel, Jessica Rose 30 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Daily life of persons with dementia and their spouses supported by a passive positioning alarmOlsson, Annakarin January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim was to describe how persons with dementia (PwDs) reflecton being outdoors and to investigate the support provided by a passivepositioning alarm (PPA) in making daily life safer for PwDs and theirspouses. Repeated conversations were held with 11 PwDs living in their own homesregarding their reflections on being outdoors (Study I). Interview study with14 spouses to a person with dementia (PwD) with their reflections on differentkinds of information and communication technology (ICT) devicesthat were used or can be used in the daily care of PwDs (Study II). An ethnographicapproach with participant observations and conversations withfive couples, a PwD and his/her spouse, describing and exploring their useand experiences of using a PPA, over time, in daily life (Study III). An experimentalsingle-case ABAB-design with three cases, a PwD and hisspouse, investigating the effects of using tracking technology on independentoutdoor activities and psychological well-being (Study IV). In summary, the results of the thesis show that being outdoors was describedby the PwDs as a confirmation of their identity, the `Self´. The useof ICT in daily care of PwDs was described by the spouses as shifting betweentheir own needs for safety and security and the perceived need forsafety and security from the perspective of the PwD. The use of a PPA indaily life among PwDs living in their own homes can give a sense of freedom,support and strengthen the feeling of independence for both PwDsand their spouses as well as give a feeling of safety and security for themboth. Use of the PPA may also increase PwDs’ independent outdoor activitiesand decrease spouses’ worries.
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O impacto da inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho: uma análise da relação entre a inclusão e os resultados de trabalho em equipeBraga, Guilherme Pritsch 23 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-08-15T16:21:47Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-04-23 / Nenhuma / Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o impacto da inclusão de pessoas com de deficiência (PcD) em equipes de trabalho. No Brasil, a lei 8.213/91 obriga empresas a partir de 100 funcionários a incluir PcD em seu quadro de colaboradores. Através da pesquisa foi possível entender a influência da legislação nesse processo e o impacto que isso gera nas equipes de trabalho. Para tanto foi buscado teorias que embasassem o tema e indicadores que poderiam ser utilizados para esse objetivo. O tema diversidade em equipes de trabalho e resultados é amplamente discutido no meio acadêmico e empresarial, contudo não contempla as pessoas com deficiência em suas análises. Foi utilizada essa literatura para embasar a construção de uma survey que foi aplicada em 8 equipes de trabalho de 5 diferentes empresas do Rio Grande do Sul e São Paulo. A pesquisa foi quantitativa, de cunho exploratório e com uma temporalidade longitudinal. Foram definidos 9 conjuntos de indicadores para serem avaliados nos resultados das equipes de trabalho. Foi realizada uma coleta antes da entrada de uma pessoa com deficiência e outra 3 meses após a inclusão desse novo colaborador. Dessa forma, foi possível mensurar o impacto nos resultados das equipes de trabalho antes e depois da inclusão de uma PcD. Ao agrupar as respostas das equipes e realizar a comparação de médias entre a coleta 1 e coleta 2 e não foi encontrada uma diferença significativa na comparação das médias dos conjuntos de indicadores escolhidos. Foi ressaltada a relevância desse resultado tendo em vista as barreiras que existem para a inclusão de PcD no mercado de trabalho. Não haver uma diferença significativa entre a os resultados, antes e depois da inclusão de uma pessoas com deficiência, contribui para desmistificar percepções equivocadas de empresas que possuem resistências na inclusão. Foi também proposto um instrumento para mensuração de resultados das equipes de trabalho, considerando a inclusão de uma pessoa com deficiência como variável. Esse instrumento foi desenvolvido com base em todo referencial de literatura, conhecimentos práticos adquiridos com a pesquisa e análise dos resultados. Dessa forma, deixando um instrumento que pode ser aplicado para estudos no meio acadêmico e empresarial. / This study aims to analyze the impact of inclusion of people with disabilities (PwD) on work teams. In Brazil there is a law that requires companies with 100 employees or more to include PwD in their workforce. Through the research it was possible to understand the influence of the legislation in this process and the impact that this generates on work teams. Were brought theories that supported the theme and indicators that could be used for this purpose. The theme of team diversity and outcomes is widely discussed in academic and business, but does not address people with disabilities in their analysis. This literature was used to base the construction of a survey that was applied in 8 work teams of 5 different companies from Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. The research was quantitative, of an exploratory nature and with a longitudinal temporality. Nine sets of indicators were defined to evaluate the results of the work teams. A collect was performed before the entry of one person with a disability and another 3 months after the inclusion of this new employee. This way, it was possible to measure the impact on the results of work teams before and after the inclusion of a PwD. By grouping the team responses and comparing results between collection 1 and collection 2, no significant difference was found in the comparison of the chosen sets of indicators. It was emphasized the relevance of this result considering the barriers that exist for including a PwD in the labor market. Not having a significant difference between the results, before and after the inclusion of people with disabilities, contributes to demystify misperceptions of companies that have resistance in inclusion. It was also proposed an instrument for measuring the results of the work teams, considering the inclusion of a person with disability as a variable. This instrument was developed based on all references of literature, practical knowledge acquired with the research and analysis of the results. Thus, leaving an instrument that can be applied to academic studies and for business.
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Die offiziellen almohadischen Briefe – ein vernachlässigtes Fragment im Mosaik der politischen und literarischen Geschichte des Maghreb im Mittelalter / The official Almohad letters - an unheeded piece in the picture of political and literary history of the Western Muslim world in the Middle AgesHerdt, Andreas 21 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Utbud av tillgänglighetsanpassade aktiviteter i Jämtlands län : - En studie om hur turism- och aktivitetsföretag arbetar med inkludering av personer med fysisk funktionsnedsättningPersson, Irma, Olofsson, Jessica January 2020 (has links)
Att utöva turism- och fritidsaktiviteter är en väsentlig del i många människors liv, men för personer med funktionsnedsättningar (PmF) är genomförandet av sådana aktiviteter långt från lika självklara. Frågan om aktivt deltagande och inkludering av PmF i samhällets alla delar lyfts allt mer och kraven på tillgänglighet ökar. Därav syftar denna studie till att undersöka på vilka sätt turism- och aktivitetsföretag i Jämtlands län arbetar med att anpassa sina aktiviteter för att kunna inkludera individer med fysisk funktionsnedsättning. För att uppnå syftet var en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer studiens huvudsakliga metodologiska verktyg för insamling av empiriska data. Resultatet tyder på att majoriteten av verksamheterna inte erbjuder aktiviteter som är specifikt anpassade för PmF men att en del av utbudet går att kan anpassa om efterfrågan skulle uppstå. Marknadens efterfrågan styr verksamhetens utbud av aktiviteter och en bristande efterfrågan från PmF på tillgängliga aktiviteter har identifierats. Studiens slutsats beskriver att den bristande efterfrågan från PmF ligger till grund för det bristande utbudet av tillgängliga aktiviteter samt att verksamheterna anger resurser såsom kunskap och ekonomiska faktorer som utmanade vid utvecklingen av tillgänglighetsanpassade aktiviteter. / Tourism and leisure activities are an essential part of many people's lives, but for people with disabilities (PwD), their involvement can be highly conditional. The issue of active participation and the inclusion of PwD in all parts of society is increasingly being raised and the need for accessibility is growing. This study aims to investigate how tourism and activity companies in Jämtland County works to adapt and customize their activities to include individuals with physical disabilities. The study had a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews as the key focus for collecting empirical data. The result indicates that the majority of businesses do not currently offer activities that are specifically tailored to PwD, but for most of the companies these activities can be adjusted if there is a demand for it. Market demand controls the companies’ range of activities and a lack of demand from PwD for accessible activities has been identified. The conclusion describes that the absence of demand from PwD is the reason for the lack of accessible activities and that the companies specify resources such as knowledge and financial factors as challenging for the development of accessible activities. / <p>2020-06-08</p>
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Journeys Through Rough Country: An Ethnographic Study of Blind Adults Successfully Employed in American CorporationsAdams, Kirk 09 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Invisible / the notion of disability in the context of HIV/AIDS in Kwazulu-Natal, South AfricaHanass-Hancock, Jill 29 September 2008 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit den Vorstellungen von Krankheit, Behinderung und HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, Südafrika. Besonderer Augenmerk liegt dabei auf den kulturellen Wurzeln und sozialen Repräsentationen von Behinderung und HIV/AIDS. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen dass die sozialen Interpretationen von Beeinträchtigung erheblich dazu beitragen dass Menschen mit Behinderungen in KwaZulu-Natal einem hohen HIV-Ansteckungsrisiko ausgesetzt sind und gleichzeitig dafür sorgen dass diese Menschen kaum Zugang zu Aufklärung und medizinischer Versorgung haben. Die Studie geht bei der Analyse über den Blickwinkel Behinderung hinaus und beleuchtet südafrikanische Gesellschaftsverhältnisse auf makrokultureller, mikrokultureller und individueller Ebene. Die Studie schließt mit einem Ausblick auf Veränderungsmögichkeiten im südafrikanischen Kontext. / The study focuses on the interweaving patterns of stigmatisation between disability and HIV/AIDS in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The study was designed to understand the cultural roots of non-medical representations of disability and HIV/AIDS. The results show strong evidence that the way in which people are prone to think about and respond to disability and HIV/AIDS exposes people with disability to a particularly high risk of infection while simultaneously decreasing access to treatment and care. While unfolding hidden meanings and notions about disability and HIV/AIDS, the study analyses both phenomena on a macrocultural, microcultural and individual level. The study concludes with key messages emerging from the empirical research as well as from historical and policy analysis. Through this, it attempts to provide some guidance for transformation.
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