Spelling suggestions: "subject:"perpetrators"" "subject:"perpetrator’s""
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De la répétition et des hommes auteurs de violences dans le couple : éléments cliniques pour une analyse critique d'un problème de santé publique / Of repetition and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence : clinical material for a critical analysis of a public health problemMarianne, Christophe 15 December 2017 (has links)
Deux faits interpellent le psychologue intervenant auprès des hommes auteurs de violences dans le couple : la responsabilisation et la prévention de la récidive en tant qu’ils constituent le moyen et la visée des interventions. À partir d’une analyse liminaire du fonctionnement des centres de prise en charge en France, la dimension de la répétition en tant que grille d’interprétation de ces violences, et en particulier en tant qu’elle structure la clinique, est interrogée. Pour ce faire, je développe le concept de répétition à l’appui de la théorie psychanalytique et analyse 8 témoignages d’hommes en m’intéressant aux fantasmes sous-jacents. Cinq constats sont ainsi relevés : la récurrence d’imagos paternelles et maternelles fortes, de composantes cruelles chez l’objet, de traits sadiques et de libido homosexuelle. Le développement théorique qui s’ensuit s’articule autour de quatre thématiques : l’identification à l’agresseur, le fantasme de la mère cruelle, le sadisme et la jalousie. / Two aspects of clinical interventions for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence are of concern to psychologists: the perpetrators’ responsibility and the prevention of recidivism insofar as they constitute the means and the aim of these interventions. From the initial analysis of batterer programmes in France, repetition, as a dimension for interpretating male intimate partner violence, in particular within a clinical intervention context, is examined. To this end, I develop the concept of repetition based on psychoanalytic theory and analyse 8 interviews of male perpetrators, focussing on the underlying fantasies. This approach led to five findings: the recurrence of strong paternal and maternal imagos, cruelty components within the object, sadistic traits and homosexual libido. The ensuing theoretical development hinged on four concepts: identification with the aggressor, the fantasy of the cruel mother, sadism and jealousy.
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Contextualizing Atrocity : The Ottoman Greeks' Suffering through the Athenian Newspapers Estia and Empros, May 1919-December 1922Mania, Foteini January 2020 (has links)
The present thesis offers an innovative perspective analysing the perception of Turkish atrocities against the Ottoman Greek communities during the temporal period May 1919-December 1922 through the Athenian newspapers Estia and Empros, which were committed to the ubiquitous Greek irredentist vision of the Megali Idea. Delving into theories which emphasize on the political nature of nationalism, on national mobilisation and on the exploitation of mass communication by the elite, this thesis attempts to elaborate on the inclusion of the Ottoman Greeks into an expanded Greek nation-state, based on the principle of self-determination. Hence, from the Greek Press' perspective, the presented Turkish atrocities against a part of the Greek nation and potential subjects of a broadened Greek state had been contextualized on the basis of Greek nationalism. The study shows that, despite the widespread and divided Greek communities in the Ottoman Empire/Turkey, Estia and Empros were declaring that their common denominator had been their Greek self-determination and the fact that all these communities were viewing the Greek state and the Greek army as their guarantors for their safety. Adding to the agents of Hellenism also the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Estia and Empros were highlighting the crucial role of these agents towards the endangered Ottoman Greek communities. Thus, the presentation of the respective information in the newspapers was leaning on this theoretical schema.
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"Vi ska lyssna, vi ska stödja och vi ska ge hopp" : En studie om volontärers arbete med kvinnor som blivit utsatta för incestOnval, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how two female volunteers from two different NGOs help and support vulnerable women, who have been exposed to incest. This includes how these abused women and the picture of perpetrators are perceived and described by the volunteers. The study has also examined the collaboration with social services. The study results show that the volunteers within the two NGOs lack cooperation with social services, and that the work with support-seeking women can be perceived as both positive and negative. Positive experience is described by being a volunteer as part of an important change. Negative experience describes the volunteer as painful as it involves listening to, and taking part of these women's self-experienced stories, about their own experiences of incest. The work as a volunteer with support-seeking women, has been shown to offer support in various forms of support groups. The volunteer's task is to listen in these support groups and to confirm what the women seeking assistance are saying. The result has also shown that the women seeking support, are perceived as very afraid and degraded at the beginning of the meeting with the volunteers, but that they at the same time bear strength within themselves. The result also shows a lack of cooperation between the NGOs and social services. This is even though both activities work for the same clientele, which is the women seeking support. / Syftet med den här studien har varit att undersöka hur två kvinnliga volontärer från två olika frivilligorganisationer hjälper och stöttar kvinnor som har blivit utsatta för incest. Det inkluderar hur dessa utsatta kvinnor och även bilden av förövare upplevs och beskrivs av volontärerna, samt volontärernas samarbete med Socialtjänsten. Studiens resultat visar att volontärerna upplever att arbetet med stödsökande kvinnor kan upplevas som både positivt och negativt. Positiv upplevelse beskrivs genom att som volontär få vara en del av en viktig förändring. Negativ upplevelse beskriver volontären det som smärtsamt, då det innebär att lyssna till, och ta del av dessa kvinnors självupplevda berättelser, kring sina egna erfarenheter av incest. Arbetet som volontär med stödsökande kvinnor har visat sig gå ut på att erbjuda stöd i olika former av stödgrupper. Volontärens uppgift är i dessa stödgrupper att, lyssna samt bekräfta det som stödsökande kvinnor berättar. Resultatet har även visat att de stödsökande kvinnorna upplevs som väldigt rädda och nedbrutna i början av mötet med volontärerna, men att de samtidigt bär på en styrka inom sig själva. Resultatet visar också på ett bristande samarbete mellan frivilligorganisationerna och socialtjänst. Detta trots att båda verksamheterna arbetar för samma klientel, som är de stödsökande kvinnorna.
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Vilka behandlingsmetoder finns för våldsutövande män? : En litteraturstudie om behandlingsmetoder för män som utövat våld i nära relationGailany, Lara, Lahdo, Gabriella January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är sammanställa forskning om behandlingsmetoder för män som utövat våld mot kvinnor i nära relation. I syftet ligger även att granska vilka metoder som anses vara framgångsrika i detta behandlingsarbete. Åtta artiklar utgör studiens empiri. Vi har gjort en tematisk analys som därefter analyserats utifrån studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter: professionsteorin, arbetsallians, klientorientering och yrkeskompetens. Resultaten visar att individanpassade behandlingsmetoder är avgörande i arbetet med våldsutövare och att ett holistiskt synsätt behöver tillämpas i arbetet. Våra slutsatser är att de som arbetar med behandlingsområdet behöver utgå från individanpassade behandlingsmetoder och upprätthålla en stark arbetsallians med våldsutövare. I enighet med forskningen om behandlingsmetoder ser vi också att det behövs mer forskning inom området. De behandlingsmetoder som har identifierats är duluth-modellen, kognitivbeteende- och psykodynamisk terapi samt motiverande samtal. Resultatet visar att motiverande strategier samt individanpassade metoder är de mest effektiva i behandlingsarbetet / The purpose of this study is to assemble research on treatment methods for men who have perpetrated violence against women in intimate relationships. The aim is also to examine which methods are considered successful in the treatment work. The empirical foundation consists eight articles. We have done a thematic analysis which has been analyzed based on the theoretical framework of the study: profession theory, working alliance, client orientation and professional competence. The results show that individual adapted treatment methods are crucial in working with perpetrators of domestic violence and that holistic approach needs to be applied in the work. Our conclusions are that those who work in the area treatment need to apply individually adapted treatment methods and maintain a strong working alliance with perpetrators of violence. In agreement with the research on treatment methods, we also see that more research is needed in the area. The treatment methods that have been identified are the Duluth model, cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy, and motivational interviewing. The results show that motivational strategies and individually adapted methods are the most effective in treatment work.
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Men’s non-disclosure of intimate partner violence : a case study of Ga-Masemola, Sekhukhune District in Limpopo ProvinceKgatle, Mankwana Othilia January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Social Work)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Intimate partner violence among heterosexual couples seem to be on the rise with men
as victims of female perpetrated violence. Recent research on this phenomenon indicates
that partner violence against men is a social and health problem that is hidden and
unspoken of in most societies. The current study was aimed at exploring men’s non-disclosure of intimate partner violence at Ga-Masemola, Sekhukhune District in Limpopo
Province. Qualitative research methodology and exploratory research design were
applied to successfully explore men’s non-disclosure of IPV. The target population of this
study was heterosexual male victims of ages 18 and above. Non-probability sampling of
blended convenience sampling and snowball sampling were employed. Data was
collected using a semi-structured interview guide with open-ended questions and was
analysed through thematic analysis of qualitative data.
The results of the study have revealed that male victims of partner violence hide their
situations. Determinants of non-disclosure were found to include men’s own personal
feelings of fear to disclose, masculinity factors, societal expectations and cultural norms,
which negatively affect men’s decisions to disclose. Help-seeking behaviour of male
victims remains a huge challenge for most male victims. Due to fear of ridicule, disbelief
and false accusations, abused men seem to lack courage to seek help. The shocking
outcome is that most victims appear to lack knowledge of services available for them. The
study recommends that public education, advocacy and appropriate gender-sensitive
intervention programmes be implemented to overcome the effects of violence and to
prevent further victimisation.
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Våldtäktsrapportering i media : en kritisk diskursanalys med ett intersektionellt fokusKiwutila Lufuankenda, Viktoria, Kronqvist, Maja January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie som förhåller sig till ett kvalitativt arbetssätt kommer vi att studera hur gärningsmän respektive offer gestaltas i olika kontroversiella våldtäktsfall i Sverige. Genom att använda oss av en kritisk diskursanalys på våra valda fall, ”Rissnevåldtäkten” och ”Stureplansvåldtäkten”, strävar vi efter att kunna analysera språket samt uppnå vårt syfte och besvara våra frågeställningar. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för hur språket kan skapa olika föreställningar gällande hur gärningsmän och våldtäktsoffer framställs. För att uppnå detta kommer vi att använda oss av valda tidningsartiklar hämtade från Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Metro och Svenska Dagbladet. Vi finner det intressant att identifiera sociala kategorier som kön, klass och etnicitet för att avläsa hur dessa produceras och reproduceras i artiklarna. De frågeställningar vi använder avser således att förklara hur föreställningar om våldtäktsoffer och gärningsmän framställs samt om det förekommer några sociala kategorier som kan vara avgörande i hur tidningsartiklarna presenterar innehållet. Till en början har vi undersökt hur våldtäktsfallen framställs var för sig för att sedan kunna sätta dem i relation till varandra genom en jämförande analys. Vår övergripande teoretiska utgångspunkt är intersektionalitet, denna teori använder vi för att lyfta fram de sociala kategorierna kön, klass och etnicitet. Resultatet vi tagit fram grundar sig i de sociala kategorier vi belyst med hjälp av det intersektionella perspektivet som vi använt oss av. Gärningsmännen beskrivs med dominanta och aggressiva ordalag medan offren som i båda fallen var kvinnor, beskrivs som passiva och försvarslösa objekt. I båda våldtäktsfallen lades stor vikt vid gärningsmännens bakgrund som gav en stämplande effekt. I ”Stureplansvåldtäkten” var klass (med tillhörande status) en framträdande kategori i framställningen av gärningsmän och offer. De beskrevs bland annat som ”Stureplansprofiler”, ”krogägare” och ”stekiga och rika”, offret beskrevs som ”drinkhora”, ”gänghora”, ”barnskötare” och ”kraftigt berusad”. I ”Rissnevåldtäkten” var framförallt etnicitet framträdande vid beskrivning av gärningsmän och offer. Uttryck som bland annat ”invandrarkillar”, ”svartskallar”, ”gäng” och ”utomeuropeiska” beskrev männen. Offret i samma fall framställdes med uttryck såsom ”svennehora”, ”kraftigt berusad” och ”sönderknullad”. Offren framställs i båda fallen ur en underordnad position i förhållande till gärningsmännen som oftast framställdes som överordnade. Genom en användning av språkliga uttryck genomgående studien har vi kunnat belysa olika maktpositioner och hur dessa konstruerats. Oavsett social kategori bottnar alla uttryck och framställningar i konstruktioner som produceras och reproduceras. / In this study who relates to a qualitative approach we aim to highlight how perpetrators and victims are being portrayed in various articles regarding controversial rape cases in Sweden. Through the use of a critical discourse analysis of our selected cases, ”Rissnevåldtäkten” and ”Stureplansvåldtäkten”, we intend to analyze the language as well as achieve our purpose and answer our questions. The main purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how language can create different perceptions regarding how perpetrators and victims of rape are being portrayed. To achieve this we will use selected newspaper articles taken from Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, Metro and Svenska Dagbladet. We find it interesting to identify social categories such as gender, class and ethnicity to determine how these are produced and reproduced in the articles. The questions we use are to explain how perceptions of rape victims and perpetrators are being portrayed and if there are social categories that can be crucial in how the newspaper articles present the content. At first we will examine how the two rape cases are portrayed separately and then be able to put them in relation to each other through a comparative analysis. Our overall theoretical perspective will be intersectionality where we focus on highlighting the social categories of gender, class and ethnicity.The result we have developed is based on the social categories we elucidated using the intersectional perspective. The perpetrators are described with dominant and aggressive terms, whereas the victims in both cases were women, described as passive and defenseless objects. In the ”Rissnevåldtäkten” ethnicity was particularly prominent in the descriptions of the perpetrators through expressions such as ”invandrarkillar” (immigrant boys), ”svartskallar” (insulting word referring to foreigners), ”gäng” (gang), ”utomeuropeiska” (referring to people from outside Europe). The victim in the same case was portrayed with expressions such as ”Svennehora” (insulting word for Swedish whore), ”kraftigt berusad” (strongly intoxicated) and ”Sönderknullad” (fucked to pieces). In the ”Stureplansvåldtäkten”, class with associated status, was a prominent category in the presentations of the perpetrators. They were described among other things as ”Stureplansprofiler” (Stureplan profiles), ”krogägare” (restaurant owners) and ”stekig och rik” (referring to a rich lifestyle) while the victim was described as ”gänghora” (in this case whore in a gang), ”barnskötare” (nanny) and ”kraftigt berusad” (strongly intoxicated). The victims are portrayed from a subordinate position in relation to the perpetrators who most often are presented as superior. Through the use of linguistic expressions throughout this study, we have been able to highlight various positions of power and how these are constructed. Irrespective of social category, all expressions and portrayals are based on compositions that are being produced and reproduced.
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Att rädda en förövare : En intervjustudie om våld i nära relation och behandlingen av förövareYoo, Ulrika January 2019 (has links)
Titel:” To Save a Perpetrator” An interview study about domestic violence and the treatment of the perpetrator The purpose of this study was to investigate the treatments available to perpetrators of domestic violence. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four people who all work with perpetrators of domestic violence in some way. The result has been analyzed with the help of attachment theory, behaviorism, violence - dominance and masculinity. The results show that there are various forms of treatment for the perpetrators. According to the interviewees there is no follow-up on whether the efforts help. The interviewees also described that these treatments are all individually adapted to the perpetrator's needs and that there is a resistance among the perpetrators to be included in group treatments. In addition, the treatments were described as often related to volunteerism under some constraint. The lack of attachment and the complexity of the treatment are discussed.
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A pena que vale a pena: alcances e limites de grupos reflexivos para homens autores de violência contra a mulher / A sentence that it\'s worth: scope and limits of discussion groups for men who commit violence against womenPrates, Paula Licursi 15 May 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O estudo das masculinidades e suas relações com a ocorrência da violência contra a mulher são decorrentes dos estudos de gênero. Para enfrentar o problema e incorporando esta tendência, a Lei Maria da Penha recomenda o encaminhamento de homens autores de violência contra mulher a serviços específicos, sendo o grupo reflexivo uma das possibilidades de intervenção. Objetivos: Caracterizar o perfil de homens participantes do grupo reflexivo; descrever como a dinâmica e os conteúdos veiculados no grupo mobilizam a reflexão; identificar que aspectos das falas dos sujeitos são indicadores de novas posturas e ressignificações das relações; analisar alcances e limites de grupos reflexivos como estratégia de enfrentamento à violência contra as mulheres. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, centrada na análise de um grupo composto por homens autores de violência contra a mulher, encaminhados pela justiça para cumprimento de medida judicial. Os dados sociodemográficos e criminais dos homens foram coletados em formulários e boletins de ocorrência. As falas dos sujeitos foram obtidas através de gravação dos grupos e de entrevistas individuais. As falas foram transcritas e interpretadas por meio da análise temática e discursiva, bem como à luz da literatura sobre gênero, violência e masculinidades. Os grupos foram conduzidos por profissionais vinculados a uma ONG, em parceria com o 1º Juizado de Violência Doméstica e Familiar de SP. Resultados e discussão: Os homens, inicialmente, sentem-se vitimizados e injustiçados diante da medida judicial de participação no grupo, não se identificam como autores de violência, apresentam concepções tradicionais do padrão de masculinidade hegemônica. No decorrer do processo, o acolhimento, as intervenções dos facilitadores e a vinculação dos homens ao grupo possibilitaram a ampliação de suas visões de mundo, de modo que as questões relacionadas ao uso da violência de gênero, masculinidades, direitos das mulheres e relacionamentos fossem flexibilizadas e ressignificadas. A maioria referiu adoção de novas posturas e atitudes frente a situações de conflito, procurando evitar o uso de violência em seus relacionamentos. Ao término da participação o grupo é percebido, pela maioria, como espaço que traz contribuições. Considerações Finais: A análise demonstrou que a estratégia de grupos reflexivos para homens autores de violência contra a mulher representa uma iniciativa promissora, a ser utilizada nos serviços de responsabilização para os agressores. Além disso, é importante que tais serviços sejam implantados como parte de uma política pública, vinculada à justiça e integrada à rede de serviços. A consolidação desta política pode ser entendida como um avanço na implementação da Lei Maria da Penha e no enfrentamento à violência contra a mulher / Introduction: The study of masculinities and their relationship to the occurrence of violence against women are a result of gender studies. To tackle the problem and incorporating this trend, the Maria da Penha Law recommends referral of men who commit violence against women to specific services, being the discussion group as one of the possibilities for intervention. Objectives: To characterize the profile of discussion group participants; describe how the dynamics and transmitted content mobilize the group reflection; identify which aspects of the subjects\' statements are indicative of new attitudes and new meanings of relationships, analyze scope and limits of discussion groups as a strategy to combat violence against women. Method: A qualitative case study research, focusing on the analysis of a group of men who commit violence against women, referred by the court to comply with a judicial order. Socio-demographic data and legal convictions of men were collected on forms e police reports. The subjects\' statements were obtained by recording the groups and individual interviews at the end of the process. The contents of the speech were transcribed and interpreted using thematic and discourse analysis, as well as with the literature on gender, violence and masculinities. The groups were conducted by experts of an NGO, in partnership with the 1st Special Court of Domestic and Family Violence, both in São Paulo. Results and discussion: The men initially feel victimized and wronged before the judicial measure to attend the group, do not identify themselves as perpetrators of violence, have traditional conceptions of hegemonic masculinity pattern. In the process, the welcoming, the facilitators interventions and the pool binding enabled the expansion of their worldviews, so that issues related to the use of gender violence, masculinities, women\'s rights and relationships were resignified e made flexible. The majority reported adopting new postures and attitudes to conflict situations, seeking thereby to avoid using violence in their relationships. At the end of participation, the group is perceived by most as a space that brings contributions. Conclusions: The analysis showed that the strategy of discussion groups for men who commit violence against women represents a promising initiative to be used in the service of accountability for perpetrators. Furthermore, it is important that such services are deployed as a public policy, linked to justice and integrated into a network of care services. The consolidation of this policy can be seen as a breakthrough in the implementation of the Maria da Penha Law and in confrontation violence against women
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Le traitement judiciaire des auteurs de violences au sein du couple / The judicial treatment of the perpetrators of conjugal violenceAiriau, Marine 29 September 2017 (has links)
Le traitement judiciaire des auteurs de violences commises au sein du couple a connu une évolution manifeste comme le démontre la première partie de l’étude. Cette évolution apparaît à travers le dévoilement de ces violences par la société et par le droit ainsi que par la spécificité du traitement en direction de ces auteurs. Les mutations de la politique criminelle française tendent à un accroissement de la répression des auteurs de ces violences, marquées par une accélération législative en droit interne et l’influence du droit international et européen sur celui-ci. La seconde partie de l’étude met en avant les limites du traitement judiciaire des auteurs de violences commises au sein du couple. Certaines de ses limites sont structurelles, et dépendent des difficultés générales rencontrées par la justice, d’autres sont des limites juridiques. Enfin, certaines limites se manifestent au stade du prononcé des peines et de leur exécution. Interroger les limites ne conduit pas à nier leur possible dépassement, comme l’y invite l’étude. / The judicial treatment of the perpetrators of conjugal violence has evolved since its inception, as this study’s first part intends to demonstrate. The evolution becomes apparent through the exposure of such violence by society and by law as well as the need for specific treatment for perpetrators of conjugal violence. The permutations in French criminal policy lean towards increasing severity in sentencing, marked by legislative acceleration in domestic law as well as the influence of European and international law. The second part of this study examines the limits of the judicial treatment of the perpetrators. Some of its limits are structural, contingent on general difficulties encountered in court, while others are legal limits. Finally, certain limits occur during the sentencing and the implementation of the sentence. To question the limits is not to deny the possibility of overcoming them, as this study argues.
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Intervenções com autores de violência doméstica e familiar na produção acadêmica nacional (2006-2015)Nothaft, Raíssa Jeanine January 2016 (has links)
A violência doméstica e familiar não é fenômeno novo na realidade brasileira, entretanto a forma como vem sendo enfrentado tem se modificado ao longo dos anos. A Lei Maria da Penha (11.340/2006) reflete um processo de passagem da indiferença do Estado à absorção das demandas feministas no âmbito da formulação de uma política nacional para o enfrentamento da violência doméstica. A Lei estabelece diversas políticas para a prevenção, a orientação e o encaminhamento de mulheres e homens que se encontrem em relações violentas. Esse artigo se inclui no debate sobre enfrentamento da violência de gênero a partir de uma perspectiva feminista crítica de gênero, direcionando o olhar às intervenções com autores de violência. Para tal, é analisada a produção acadêmica nacional sobre o tema a partir das teses e dissertações da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) no período de 2006 a 2015. Os textos foram analisados e interpretados conforme a técnica da Análise de Conteúdo, utilizando o software Nvivo como suporte informacional. O trabalho teve dois objetivos: explorar como os conceitos de violência e gênero são articulados nos fenômenos estudados, e sistematizar as análises e considerações dos textos sobre intervenções com autores de violência. Os resultados dos estudos sugerem a possibilidade de transformações nas relações sociais e flexibilizações nos discursos dos autores de violência. Entretanto, trazem à tona fragilidades na estruturação das políticas de enfrentamento à violência doméstica e familiar como um todo, que podem reduzir as intervenções com autores de violência a novos processos de conciliação forçados ou limitá-los a rearticulações pontuais de comportamento. / Domestic and familiar violence is not a new phenomenon in Brazil’s reality. However, the way it has been confronted has changed over the years. The Maria da Penha Law (11.340/2006) reflects a process of transition between the State’s indifference towards the absorption of feminist demands within the formulation of a national policy to confront domestic violence. The law establishes several policies addressing prevention, orientation and guidance of women and men who find themselves in violent relationships. This article participates in the debate on tackling gender violence from a feminist critical gender perspective, directing its focus towards interventions with perpetrators of violence. To this end, it analyzes the national academic research on the topic from theses and dissertations of the Brazilian Digital Theses and Dissertations of the Brazilian Institute of Information Library for Science and Technology (IBICT) from 2006 to 2015. The texts were analyzed and interpreted according to the Content Analysis technique and using the software NVivo as informational support. The study had two objectives: to explore how the concepts of violence and gender are articulated in the studied phenomenon and systematize the analysis and considerations of the texts on interventions with perpetrators of violence. The study results suggest the possibility of changes in social relations and flexibilities in the speeches of perpetrators of violence, which nevertheless bring out weaknesses in the structure of policies to cope with domestic and family violence as a whole.
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