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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yrkesbehörighet i hemtjänsten : Två yrkeskategorier om utbildningens betydelse i hemtjänsten

Karagic, Armin January 2016 (has links)
In accordance with the Social Services, all Swedish municipalities work to ensure that older people should be given the opportunity to live independently in safe conditions. For that reason they offer them extra help and support in their own homes. This help and this support is provided by the home care and their health care workers in form of assistant nurses and orderlies. The National Board of Health and Welfare emphasizes in several of its investigations that competence in elderly care is one of the major challenges in the future. They consider this a must to meet the needs that come with an aging population and to meet the current lack of quality in health care. According to The National Board of Health and Welfare, competence development is the main element to ensure quality in elderly care. Therefore they establish that all health care workers should as a minimum have basic professional skills for their work in elderly care. The aim of this study has been to investigate whether the National Board's goal that all staff in elderly care should have the basic professional skills is relevant to professional categories: assistant nurses and orderlies in home care. The study has been based on sociological theory of professions that intend to explain the relations between occupational groups, how professional status is developed and maintained within the organization. In order to meet the aim of this study a total of twelve semi-structures and qualitative interviews have been conducted with nurses and orderlies at three different home care services. The results show us how differences between the occupational groups may affect the status and reputation of the profession when questions of competence emerges.

Professionsföretagare : I skärningspunkten mellan småföretagande, profession och genus / Profeneurs : In the intersection between small business ownership, profession and gender

Appelkvist, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Den här avhandlingen handlar om kvinnors företagande i en profession stadd i förändring. Flera professioner i Sverige, men också internationellt, präglas av en ökad andel kvinnor men även av de strukturella omvandlingar som under 1900-talet lett från ett industri- till ett tjänstesamhälle. Ett ökat småföretagande är en annan förändring som uppkommit under senare år. I föreliggande studie beskrivs och analyseras kvinnors företagande inom en profession utifrån vad som sker i skärningspunkten mellan företagande, profession och genus. Ett tydligt exempel i Sverige på en profession stadd i förändring är veterinärprofessionen som de senaste 50 åren genomgått en rad förändringar. Den teoretiska referensramen består av en kombination av teorier om småföretagande, profession och genus. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med samtliga veterinärer som är företagare och kvinnor i Östergötland. I avhandlingen myntas begreppet professionsföretagare med avsikt att synliggöra samspelet mellan företagande och profession. Studiens resultat visar att professionen i många fall prioriteras framför företagandet. Professionsföretagarna gör genus på skilda sätt i olika dimensioner och på olika nivåer. Det är stabilitet i hur genus görs på generell nivå medan genus på specifik nivå görs på ett sätt som i vissa dimensioner utmanar genussystemet. Även om stabilitet är dominerande visar studien exempel på att professionsföretagande skapar förutsättningar för vissa glipor i genussystemets mönster. / This thesis is about women’s business ownership within a profession in a state of flux. Several professions in Sweden but also internationally are characterized by an increased proportion of women and structural transformations during the 1900s. An increase in businesses is another change that occurred in recent years. The study describes and analyzes women’s business ownership within a profession and a particular focus is placed on the intersection between business ownership, profession and gender. An example of a profession in a state of change in Sweden is the veterinary profession, which for the past 50 years have undergone a series of changes. A theoretical combination of small business ownership, profession and gender is used. The empirical material consists of interviews with all women who are business owners and veterinarians in Östergötland County. As a result of the study I coin the term profeneurs with the intention of making visible the interplay between business ownership and profession. The results of the study show that the profession is in many cases given priority over business ownership. Furthermore, the study shows that the profeneurs do gender at different levels and in different dimensions in relation to the profession. There is stability in how gender is done at a general level, while there are opportunities for change in how gender is done at a specific level. Even if stability dominates, business format provides opportunities to create some gaps in the pattern of the gender system.

Fastighetsvärderares trygghet i värderingsprocessen / Appraisers assuredness in the appraisal process

Öhman, Jessica, Österberg, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrunden till studien är att den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden är en säregen marknad, med kännetecken som heterogenitet och illikviditet. Det råder en form av informationsasymmetri mellan olika parter på fastighetsmarknaden, detta på grund av att fastighetsbolag besitter mer information om fastigheterna än andra intressenter på marknaden. Detta samtidigt som det även råder en annan form av informationsasymmetri, att en stor del av fastighetstransaktioner idag sker genom bolagsförvärv, vilket leder till att dessa inte blir publika för allmänheten. Tidigare forskning menar att det finns olika metoder att tillgå vid värdering till verkligt värde samtidigt som professionsteori förklarar hur en yrkesroll som benämns profession arbetar i sin yrkesroll. Syftet med studien är således att med grund i problematiken kring fastighetsvärderingar till verkligt värde, förklara den process som fastighetsvärderare använder sig av för att känna sig trygg i sin värdering. För att besvara syftet med studien tillämpades en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med auktoriserade fastighetsvärderare i Sverige. Datan bearbetades och analyserades genom transkribering, och kodning genom indelning i kategorier och teman efter ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt. I diskussionen ställdes den teoretiska bakgrunden mot den insamlade empiriska datan. I slutsatsen skrivs att det är flera olika faktorer som skapar trygghet i värderingsprocessen. De värderingsmetoder som finns tillgängliga för en fastighetsvärderare att tillämpa för att värdera kommersiella fastigheter är inte alltid tillräckliga för att eliminera de osäkerheter som möjligtvis kan råda under en värderingsprocess. För att en fastighetsvärderare ska bli trygg i sin värderingsprocess krävs bland annat även erfarenhet, kollegialitet och autonomi. / The background to this thesis lies in the commercial property market’s unique characteristics, such as heterogeneity and illiquidity. There is also information asymmetry between different actors on the market, since the real estate companies have access to more knowledge regarding their properties. At the same time, there is also another form of information asymmetry, since many of the transactions within the real estate market occur through company acquisitions and these are not therefore made public. Previous research implies that there are different methods that can be used when appraising real estate at fair value while profession theory explains how a profession works. The purpose of this study is therefore, based on the complexity surrounding real estate appraisals to fair value, to explain the process an appraiser uses to feel assuredness in the appraisal. To answer the study’s purpose, a qualitative method was adapted by conducting semi-structured interviews with authorized appraisers in Sweden. The collected data were processed and analyzed through transcription and coding via division into categories and themes. An inductive approach was used. In the discussion the theoretical background was put up against the collected empirical data. In the conclusion it is made clear that several different factors create assuredness in the appraisal process. The methods that are available to an appraiser are not always enough to eliminate the uncertainties that might occur during an appraisal process. Experience, collegiality and autonomy are amongst the factors required for an appraiser to reach assuredness in the appraisal process.

Klassrummens aktörer : Om att arbeta som grundskollärare i 2010-talets Sverige / The classroom actors : Working as a Swedish primary school teacher in the 2010s

Jismyr, Michelle January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur det är att arbeta som grundskollärare i 2010-talets Sverige. För att ta reda på detta har intervjuer genomförts med sex stycken informanter. Under intervjuerna framträdde fyra teman centrala för läraryrket – ansvar, respekt, fostran och status. Dessa fyra teman utgör uppsatsens stomme och är representerat i var sitt kapitel. Enligt beräkningar kommer det att saknas upp emot 80 000 lärare år 2031, och lärarutbildningarna har länge haft svårt att rekrytera studenter. Yrkets status är låg och informanterna anser inte att lönerna står i proportion till det ansvar och den arbetsbelastning som deras yrke innebär. Informanterna berättar vidare att de ofta känner sig ifrågasatta i sin yrkesroll och att de ser många brister i den kommunala ledningen. Samtidigt medger flera av informanterna att det finns en stor orättvisa i att kommuner ska styra skolan. Respekten för yrket upplevs ha försämrats och informanterna får ofta ta diskussioner med både föräldrar och elever. En allt större del av lärarnas arbete upptas av att fostra sina elever och lära ut grundläggande sociala värderingar. En utmaning informanterna berättar om är den att kunna möta alla elevers behov, och mycket arbete läggs på att skapa en inkluderande skola. Yrkets låga status kan delvis förklaras genom den kvinnliga dominansen, främst mot de yngre årskurserna. Men det handlar också om en ojämn lärarutbildning som inte alltid gett tillräckliga verktyg för att hantera läraryrkets utmaningar. Vägen framåt handlar om att på organisatorisk nivå dra lärdom av tidigare misstag och vikten av att de som leder skolans utvecklingsarbete inte låter sig luras av kortsiktiga lösningar som först senare visar sig vara mycket kostsamma. Trots de utmaningar som finns är många av de knappt 100 000 lärare som finns i tjänst idag passionerade och trivs med sitt yrke. Det bekräftas av de sex informanter som intervjuats i denna uppsats. / The aim of this essay is to investigate the work life of primary school teachers in Sweden in the 2010s. To find out, interviews have been conducted with six informants. During the interviews, four themes emerged central for the teaching profession – responsibility, respect, upbringing and status. The essay is based on these four themes and each theme are represented in a chapter. Calculations show that the Swedish primary school system will be missing up to 80,000 teachers in the year of 2031, and the teacher education programmes have long had difficulty recruiting students. The status of the profession is low and the informants do not consider that wages are proportionate to the responsibility and workload that their profession entails. The informants further say that they often feel questioned in their professional role and that they see many shortcomings in the municipal management. At the same time, several of the informants admit that there is a great deal of injustice in the fact that municipalities are to govern the school. The respect for the profession is perceived to have deteriorated and the informants say they often have discussions with both parents and students. An increasing part of the teachers' work is occupied by teaching their pupils basic social values. A challenge the informants tells about is the ability to meet the needs of all students, and much work is done to create a school that includes all. The low status of the profession can partly be explained by the female dominance, mainly towards the younger grades. But it is also about an uneven teacher education that has not always provided the teacher students with sufficient tools to deal with the challenges within the teaching profession. The way forward is, however, to learn from past mistakes at organizational levels and the importance of those who lead the school's development work not be fooled by short-term solutions that only later prove to be very costly. Despite the challenges that exist, many of the nearly 100,000 teachers currently on duty today are passionate and comfortable with their profession. This is confirmed by the six informants interviewed in this essay.

De la machine à l'expert(e) libéré(e) : l'idéal du professionnel comptable moderne selon la publicité. : une étude des représentations du professionnel comptable par l'analyse des publicités parues dans la Revue Française de Comptabilité de 1955 à 2017. / From the machine to the relaxed expert : the ideal of the modern accountant professional according to advertising : a study of accounting professional representations in the advertising published in the revue française de comptabilité from 1955 to 2017

Bournel, Benjamin 18 December 2018 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche doctorale est d’analyser les transformations successives de l’image perçue de ce qu’est un professionnel comptable dans les publicités qui leur sont adressées. À partir de l’étude des publicités parues dans la Revue française de comptabilité de 1955, soit sa date de création par l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables, à 2017, l’évolution des éléments centraux et périphériques de ces représentations a été analysée en accord avec la théorie du noyau central élaborée par Abric (1984). Pour ce faire, une étude sémiologique a été privilégiée, fondée sur l’analyse conjointe des messages dénotés et connotés de ces publicités. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent qu’en soixante ans, l’idéal du professionnel comptable est passé d’un individu inféodé à la machine à un expert des relations sociales, orienté aujourd’hui vers une quête de son plaisir au travail et dans sa vie privée, une transformation apparue au rythme des mutations technologiques qui ont émaillé l’histoire de la profession comptable. Sur le plan managérial, l’enjeu de cette recherche est de permettre à la profession comptable de mieux comprendre son image perçue pour mieux la maîtriser. Ce faisant, elle questionne les effets des publicités à l’attention des professionnels comptables sur la définition de leur identité professionnelle. / The goal of this doctoral research is to analyze the successive transformations of perceived image of what is an accountant in advertising aimed at them. Based on the study of advertisements published in the Revue française de comptabilité from 1955, creation date of journal by the French Order of Chartered Accountants, to 2017, the transformations of the constituent elements of the central core and the peripheral elements of accounting professionals social representations, have been analysed in accordance with Abric's theory (1984). To do this, a semiological study of advertisements was favored, based on the joint analysis of their denoted and connoted message. The results of this research show that in sixty years, the ideal of the accounting professional has gone from the machine domination to an expert in social relations, looking for pleasure at work and his or her life. It thus appears that successive technological changes in the accounting profession have contributed to the modernization of the image of what an accountant should be. The managerial interest of this research is to enable the accounting profession to better understand its perceived image in order to better control it. In doing this, this study also questions the effects of advertising the professional accountants their professional identity definition.

Engenheiro, política e sociedade no contexto da reestruturação capitalista brasileira / Ingénieur, politique et société dans le contexte de la reestructuration capitaliste brésilienne

Gutierrez, Andriei 25 February 2011 (has links)
L'objet d'étude de notre thèse correspond au groupe professionnel des ingénieurs brésiliens face aux transformations politiques et économiques menées au Brésil dans les années 1990 et 2000, notamment l'introduction des politiques néolibérales et de la restructuration productive. La thèse analyse comment les différentes fractions du groupe professionnel ont été touchées par ces transformations et comment ses distinctes organisations d'intérêt ont agit dans la conjoncture politique.D'un coté, la thèse montre comment la combinatoires des politiques d'ouverture commerciale, de déréglementation financière, de privatisations et de reforme de l'État sont liées à l'augmentation de la participation du secteur privé dans l'économie et à la croissante dépendance financière, technologique et patrimoniale du pays envers l'extérieur. D'autre par, la thèse suggère que les politiques de déréglementation du marché de travail, de réforme du système de retraites et de focalisations des dépenses sociales de l'État ont eu un effet sur le groupe professionnel : il y a une croissante tendance d'individualisation de la gestion de la carrière et du bien-être. A partir d'une étude quantitative avec des ingénieurs et qualitative entre ceux et leurs organisations d'intérêt, notre thèse est ciblée sur l'analyse de l'évolution historique et politique du groupe professionnel. Elle part, dans un premier moment, de la description de la littérature qui porte sur les organisations d'intérêt des ingénieurs dans les années 1970 et 1980 et analyse, dans un deuxième moment, la façon dont ces organisations ont agit dans la conjoncture politique des années 1990 et 2000. La thèse fait également une analyse exploratoire des profils politiques des ingénieurs des entreprises étatiques, en particulier la Petrobras, en les comparant directement avec les transformations dans leurs rapports de travail. D'une manière plus générale, notre thèse soutient que la dynamique des luttes macrosociales a une influence considérable sur le positionnement politique des différentes fractions du groupe professionnel et de ses organisations d'intérêt. / This thesis analyses Brazilian engineers professional group in the context of the neoliberal policies and of the productive restructuring. It studies how the fractions of the professional group have been affected by these structural transformations and how their different political organizations have reacted in the political conjuncture.On one hand, the thesis shows how the combination of opening up the economy,privatization, States' reform and financial liberalization could raise private sector activities and Brazilian economic dependence. This thesis describes how both transformations have been qualitatively touched engineers activities. On the other hand, it suggests that the liberalization of labor market, the reform of the public retirement system and the policies of focusing State social investments have had an effect on the professional group: a trend towards an individual career and well being management.Through quantitative analyses amongst engineers and qualitative studies among them and their interest organizations, the thesis focuses on analyzing the evolution of political history of the professional group. First, it describes the literature which shows the Brazilian engineers interest organizations during the 1970s and 1980s. Second, it studies in depth how these organizations have acted in the political context of the 1990s and early 2000s.This thesis also makes an exploratory analysis of the political profiles of the engineers of state companies, particularly Petrobras, in direct comparison with the changes occurring in their labor conditions. In general, the thesis argues that the dynamics of the macrosocial conflicts carries considerable weight in the political positioning of the different fractions of the professional group and its interest organizations.

Profession : agent sportif : contribution à une théorie des modèles professionnels / Profession : sports agent : contributions to a professions theory

Sekulovic, Adriana 31 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse appréhende les agents sportifs comme des acteurs évoluant dans un univers professionnel dynamique, complexe et multidimensionnel. Profession, métier et activités de travail, ces trois termes, souvent interchangeables, demeurent pourtant amphibologiques étant donnée leur extrême polysémie. C’est à partir de cette ambivalence que se construit l’objet d’étude, une profession atypique au statut inachevé, entre régulation et autonomie. Dans un premier temps, sous l’angle de la sociologie des professions, cette recherche s’attache à restituer et à éclairer la terminologie utilisée. Ce faisant, elle pose les prémices d’un modèle professionnel de l’agent sportif, marqué par des interventions réglementaires émanant des sphères politiques et sportives. Puis, nous proposons de réinterroger l’organisation et la régulation de la profession d’agent sportif, telles qu’imposées par les instances présumées compétentes en la matière. Nous opérons ensuite un changement de paradigme qui entraîne une modification de point de vue sur la profession car notre regard se déplace sur la pratique quotidienne des activités de travail de l’agent sportif. C’est dans l’interaction acyclique ou continue avec les groupes et les individus qu’il cotie que l’agent sportif acquiert et intègre les compétences nécessaires à la réalisation réussie de son projet professionnel. La carrière de l’agent sportif et l’orientation professionnelle donnée à son activité dépendent de l’authenticité de ses parcours antérieurs lesquels déterminent en partie les choix et les stratégies que celui-ci développe dans la construction de sa carrière. Les analyses des trajectoires biographiques et des tâches professionnelles d’agents sportifs présentés dans cette thèse permettent de comprendre comment se développe et évolue l’identité professionnelle au cours de la carrière. La profession d’agent sportif est abordée par la manière dont les agents sportifs parlent de leur métier au quotidien et reconstituent les étapes de leur engagement dans les activités d’intermédiation. / This thesis views sports agents as actors evolving in a dynamic, complex and multi-dimensional work environment. Profession, occupation and work, these three terms, although often used interchangeably yet, remain amphibological given their extreme polysemy. The object of this research arises in light of that ambivalence as a study of an atypical profession with an uncompleted status, teetering between regulation and autonomy. The first section of the study aims to help specify and clarify the terminology being used. In doing so, using the literature from the sociology of professions, it provides a starting point for a suitable theoretical framework that could be applied to the profession of sports agent or to the (sports) agency practice, as a whole. The occupational model of sports agent is framed in such a way that the professional self-regulation is restricted by Sports governing Bodies and State regulatory interventions. Therefore we propose to re-examine the organization and regulation of the sports agents’ activities. The findings indicate significant differences between the regulations applicable to sports agents. The inefficiency of the current regulations whether they are enacted by national sports federations, international sports federation or by the State is closely related to the internal professional dynamics that these regulations disturb. The thesis examines therefore the tasks of sports agents, the individuals that carry them out, and the variable and inconstant connections that tie one to the other. In this respect, as a means of a more accurate conceptualization of its object of analysis, this research describes sports agents’ activities quantitatively and qualitatively, exploring various dimensions and aspects such as the foundations of the profession, the social role of sports agents, the different typologies of sports agents and the occupational tasks accomplished by each. It also highlights the international scope of sports agents’ activities

Shades of Liberalism: Lawyers and Social, Political and Legal Transformations in Nineteenth Century Cuba

Pelegrin Taboada, Ricardo 15 November 2018 (has links)
In 1819, Ferdinand VII ordered the creation of two Colegios de Abogados in Cuba to prevent the expansion of the number of legal professionals, as well as the unauthorized practice of law. The strategy, however, failed, and lawyers increasingly became a force of political and social change in the island, being mostly inspired by the debates about the implementation of liberal agendas in and out of Cuba. Some Colegios de Abogados eventually became centers of anti-Spanish conspiracy and lawyers even led recurrent uprisings for Cuban independence. Ideas of reform among Cuban lawyers, however, were diverse, and different interpretations of liberalism surfaced, especially under the influence of other movements such as annexationism and autonomism. This variety of ideas encountered one another at the Constitutional Convention of 1901, where self-proclaimed liberal delegates still questioned, for example, free education and universal suffrage, which made evident the many shades that liberalism still had in Cuba at this time. This study takes legal professionals to be a strategic window to approach and explain key social, political and intellectual transformations in nineteenth century Cuba, while unveiling the leading role lawyers themselves played in those processes. Relying on personal and professional documentation, correspondence and job applications, the dissertation recreates lawyers’ political, intellectual and social positions, and shows how they had a decisive participation in historical change in late colonial Cuba. Their ideas survived in periodical publications, newspapers, and political writings that they established or where they participated, as well as in legislations that they enacted, applied or commented on. Being the most influential professional group of the period under study, lawyers represent a perfect tool to understand the end of Spanish times in Cuba and its transit, under the flags of liberalism, to an independent republic.

Distriktssköterskor i primärvården och deras upplevelser av sin yrkesroll och vad som ingår i uppdraget : En intervjustudie med tio distriktssköterskor

Dicksson Svensson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upplevelse av sin yrkesroll och vad som ingår i uppdraget. Studien hade en beskrivande design och tio distriktssköterskor från tre olika hälsocentraler i Mellansverige deltog i studien. Data samlades in via strukturerade intervjuer och analyserades utifrån kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet som framkom under intervjuerna redovisas utifrån tre kategorier och ett tema: Att utvecklas i yrkesrollen och i teamarbetet trots avsaknaden av tydliga styrdokument om uppdraget. Kategorierna som framkom var: Yrkesroll, teamarbete och distriktssköterskans uppdrag.  Distriktssköterskorna upplevde sin yrkesroll som ett brett, fritt och ett varierande yrke med många möjligheter att utvecklas i. Att arbeta som distriktssköterska idag byggde på ett teamarbete med flera olika yrkeskategorier inom vården och distriktssköterskan är den som är spindeln i nätet kring patienterna. Distriktssköterskorna vet vad som ingår i deras arbetsuppgifter men de har svårt att uttrycka vad som egentligen är deras uppdrag. Distriktssköterskorna upplevde att de inte vet om uppdraget finns nedskrivet någonstans och om det diskuterats eller om det arbetats med vad som ska ingå i uppdraget på arbetsplatsen. Distriktssköterskorna kände viss oro i sin yrkesroll inför framtiden relaterat till att flera omorganisationer inom landstinget var på gång.</p> / <p>The purpose of the study was to describe the district handles cross experience of their professional and what is included in the mission. The study had a descriptive design and ten district nurses from three health centers in central Sweden participated in the study. Data were collected through structured interviews and analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. The result that emerged during the interviews reported on the basis of three categories, creating a theme: To develop in the professional role and team work, despite the lack of a clear governing documents of the mission. The categories that emerged were: professional, team-work and district nurse assignments. District nurses felt their professional role as a broad, free, and a diverse profession with many opportunities to develop in. Working as a district nurse today was based on a team work with various professionals in health care and district nurse is the spider in the net around patients. District nurses know what is included in their duties but they have difficulty expressing what exactly their mission is. District nurses felt that they did not know if the order is written down somewhere and if it discussed or if it worked with what should be included in the mission at work. District nurses felt some anxiety in their professional capacity for the future related to several reorganizations within the County Council was at once</p>

De värnlösas vänner : [den svenska djurskyddsrörelsen 1875-1920]

Dirke, Karin January 2000 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the Swedish animal welfare movement, its origin and early development 1875-1920. The first national Swedish animal welfare society was formed in Stockholm 1875. It was soon followed by other associations for the protection of animals. The animal welfare movement grew rapidly in Sweden. Not until towards the 1920s did the membership decline. The material studied in this thesis consists of a broad variety of documents from the animal welfare societies, such as journals and books as well as children's stories and parliamentary publications. The aim is to study both the origins and early development in Sweden of societies for the protection of animals, wild and domestic, during the decades around the turn of the century. The Swedish debates on animal welfare laws are of interest as well as discussions about vivisection and slaughter. The aim is to provide a wider analysis by taking various ideas and groups of people, such as veterinarians, schoolteachers and women into account.

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