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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La condition internationale des architectes : le monde en référence : représentations, pratiques et parcours / The international condition of architects

Rosenbaum, Laura 06 June 2017 (has links)
Les architectes forment en France une profession originale et à forte identité professionnelle. Denombreux travaux de recherches ont rendu compte d’évolutions, de mutations, d’adaptations à descontextes d’action régulièrement renouvelés. Au-delà de la révolution environnementale ounumérique, de processus de conception qui associent les populations, de conditions économiques etréglementaires plus contraignantes, l’un des phénomènes majeurs de ces deux dernières décenniesest une internationalisation des cursus de formation et des pratiques professionnelles. Bienqu’historiquement en France une majorité d’architectes exerce là où ils ont été formés, un nombrecroissant d’entre eux s’affaire, depuis les années 1980, hors des frontières (expatriation, export,partenariats). Alors que la profession a été pensée dans le cadre de l’État-Nation, la conditioninternationale devient plus fréquente. La thèse montre qu’un « nationalisme méthodologique » necorrespond pas à la réalité des pratiques et des représentations qui dépassent les territoiresnationaux.La sociologie des professions, articulée à des travaux de sociologie de l’international, offre denouvelles grilles de lecture aux pratiques des architectes. Elles montrent que la conditioninternationale s’impose dès la formation et a des effets sur les carrières : plus les étudiants viventd’expériences à l’étranger, plus ils y exercent. Une segmentation professionnelle en est le support :alter-architectes, humanitaires, institutionnels, entrepreneurs et icônes organisent leurs pratiques etcultivent des valeurs d’exercice dans le monde. De même, l’analyse de profils, sous forme deportraits, montre les socialisations en œuvre : les initiés acquis à la cause internationale ; lesuniversalistes dont les valeurs s’expriment à cette échelle ; les stratégiques qui organisent leurbiographie professionnelle à l’étranger ; les bivalents qui alternent travail local et hors des frontières.L’internationalisation d’une partie des diplômés ne transforme pas en profondeur l’identité collectivedu groupe, mais exprime un véritable renouvellement, trop souvent minoré, des dispositifs d’actionset des cultures professionnelles. La recherche combine approches qualitatives et quantitatives, etplusieurs sources : un questionnaire (1698 réponses), des entretiens semi-directifs (77), desobservations in situ, des études de cas, et une analyse documentaire. Les résultats montrent lepassage d’un modèle professionnel traditionnel à un modèle professionnel international. Finalement,plus que dans une mondialisation des échanges, les pratiques des architectes se structurent entre leséchelles d’action nationales et internationales. Une ouverture au monde qui a des chances des’accentuer. / In France, architects form a unique profession with a strong professional identity. Numerousresearch projects have reported changes, developments and adaptations to regularly renewedcontexts of intervention. Beyond the environmental or digital revolution, design processes involvinglocal populations, and more restrictive economic and regulatory conditions, one of the majorphenomena of the last two decades is the internationalization of training courses and professionalpractices. Although historically a majority of the French architects practice where they have beentrained, since the 1980s a growing number of them have been working outside the borders(expatriation, export, partnerships). While the profession was conceived within the framework of theNation, the international condition becomes more frequent. The thesis shows that a "methodologicalnationalism" does not correspond to the reality of practices and representations that go beyondnational territories.The sociology of professions, articulated to works of the sociology of the international, offers newinterpretative frameworks of the practices of architects. They show that the international conditionis an integral part of the training and has effects on the careers: the more students gain internationalexperience, the more they practice abroad. This development becomes the basis of a professionalsegmentation: alter-architects, humanitarian and institutional architects, entrepreneurs and iconsorganize their practices and cultivate the value of their profession in the world. Similarly, the analysisof profiles, in the form of portraits, shows the processes of socialization: the insiders favorable to theinternational cause; the universalists whose values are expressed on this scale; the strategists whoorganize their professional biography abroad; the «bivalents » who alternate local and internationalwork. The internationalization of a part of the graduates does not profoundly transform thecollective identity of the group, but expresses a real renewal, too often underestimated, of actionmechanisms and professional cultures. The research combines qualitative and quantitativeapproaches and several sources: a questionnaire (1698 responses), semi-directive interviews (77), insitu observations, case studies, and a literature review. The results show the transition from atraditional national to an international professional model. Finally, more than in a globalization ofexchanges, the practices of architects are structured between the national and international scales ofaction. An openness to the world that is likely to increase.

L'union des cinéastes (soyouz kinematografistov) : la condition des agents du cinéma en URSS et en Russie (1957-2007) / The Filmmakers Union (Soyouz Kinematografistov) : the lot of the cinema agents in the USSR and in Russia (1957-2007)

Darmon, Clara 09 September 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d'étudier le rôle et l'évolution de l'union des cinéastes en urss puis dans la nouvelle russie pour comprendre ses effets sur la gestion du cinéma, ses modes d'intervention à différents moments clés de l'urss pour reconstituer à la fois l'aspect macro-social de cette union des cinéastes, son véritable rôle et fonctionnement et l'aspect micro-social, le parcours de ses membres au travers de l'évolution de certaines carrières à la fois emblématiques comme anonymes. Ces deux terrains d'études seront menés conjointement. il s'agira de comprendre comment l'union des cinéastes a contribué sur 50 ans (2 générations) à structurer tout un champ entre 1957 et 2009 ; quels ont été les modes d'adhésion comme d'exclusion; quels ont été les acteurs collectifs impliqués dans le processus ; quels ont été les principaux clivages ou coalitions à différents moments de cette histoire ; quels types de ressources ont été mobilisés au-delà même de ce que représente le cinéma et sa fonction en urss? Dans quelle mesure l'union des cinéastes a pu agir ou pas sur les transformations intervenues en russie sur cette période, au regard aussi du rôle qu'a pu jouer le cinéma dans la société soviétique et post-soviétique ? Comment mesurer à postériori l'impact réel de l'union dans l'organisation de la vie de ses membres au quotidien et comprendre comment ses différents acteurs ont été directement impliqués par cette organisation, s'y sont mobilisés ou même opposés à certains moments de l'histoire soviétique pour l'infléchir ? Nous nous demanderons enfin comment l'union des cinéastes peut être réévaluée à partir d'une recherche de terrain qui permettra de comprendre les ressorts de l'activité cinématographique en urss et en russie, le passage à la professionnalisation et sa légitimation par l'union, les processus de décomposition et recomposition organisationnels. / The Filmmakers Union was created in 1957 at the request of film professionals : by joining forces, they aimed atbringing the Party to recognize the collective aspect of their sphere of activity. This Union gradually gatheredall the professionals of the cinematographic sphere in addition to the sole filmmakers (critiques, teachers at theVGIK, technicians . . .). However it was quickly exploited by the Communist Party, who tried hard to controlfilmmakers more efficiently once they were grouped in a single structure. Thus, the Union members had tobalance their status of civil servant and that of representative of the artistic intelligentsia. The history of theFilmmakers Union, from its institutionalization until now can first be seen as a struggle to influence decisionson film production, and to obtain more freedom in the sphere of collective creation.Despite the internal conflicts stirred up by this ambiguous status, engaging the various actors involved in thesystem, within the framework of the Soviet and post-Soviet history, the Filmmakers Union survived on newfoundations inherited from the past. Its history enables us to understand the existence of a consensus beyondthe question of the work of art. The cinema agents, divided by the conflicts, are held together by their professionalismand by their vocation. The Union provides them with a strong identity within the Russian and Sovietsociety. Through some analysis of movies, emblematic of this period, and using our field research in Russia,the intention is to trace the history of this specific organization in order to put Soviet and Russian cinema intoperspective with a different approach.

Femmes et profession comptable au Maroc / Women in the accounting profession in Morocco

Hassouni, Kenza 25 February 2015 (has links)
Les femmes, au Maroc, constituent une population hétérogène. Celles, qui, depuis l'indépendance, ont bénéficié de l'éducation puis accédé aux études supérieures, ont pu investir de nombreuses professions qu'elles exercent aujourd'hui parfois en nombre. Pourtant, certaines professions supérieures, comme la profession comptable, notamment dans son segment supérieur, l'expertise comptable, restent des bastions masculins. Les femmes y sont arrivées très lentement et restent en faible nombre, en particulier au stade de l'inscription à l'Ordre des experts-comptables. Cette étude se situe au croisement d'une sociologie des professions et d'une sociologie du genre. Elle montre comment l'intérêt s'est récemment porté sur la sociologie de la profession comptable dont le développement est lié à la libéralisation du marché et comment les modèles professionnels imposés par la colonisation à certains pays comme les pays arabes, dont le protectorat français au Maroc, ont influencé l'institutionnalisation des professions nationales. La place des femmes dans la profession comptable a été très peu étudiée et n'a encore fait l'objet d'aucun travail au Maroc. Aussi ce travail a eu également pour but l'étude de la profession, notamment au niveau de son segment supérieur, l'expertise comptable, au prisme du genre. A partir d'entretiens auprès de femmes mais également d'hommes comptables et experts-comptables à différentes étapes de leur vie professionnelle, ce travail montre la diversité des expériences et des vécus. Il analyse et interprète les trajectoires des femmes, que celles-ci soient linéaires ou qu'elles empruntent des voies alternatives qui les éloignent de l'inscription à l'Ordre. Certaines femmes feront l'expérience d'une accumulation de freins et obstacles qui remettent aujourd'hui en question la classique métaphore du « plafond de verre». D'autres au contraire, suivront des trajectoires linéaires qui leur permettront des carrières de réussite et l'accession à la stature de femmes « dirigeantes ». Les mécanismes susceptibles d'expliquer la diversité de ces parcours, dont les cursus, les conditions de travail, la place que la société fait aux femmes marocaines et la recherche permanente à laquelle s'astreignent les femmes d'un équilibre entre leur vie professionnelle et leur vie familiale, sont analysés dans ce travail. / Women in Morocco constitute an heterogeneous population. Those who, since the independence of the country, have benefited from education and accessed higher education, have been able to invest sometimes highly many professions. However, some higher professions like accounting, remain male bastions. Women have come to them very slowly and remain very few, especially when registering at the College of Accountants (Ordre).This study lies at the crossing of the sociology of professions and the sociology of gender. Starting from the development of the sociology of professions, first the Anglo-Saxon then the French one, it shows how interest has recently focused on the sociology of the accounting profession, the development of which is linked to the market liberalization and how professional models imposed on countries such as the Arab countries by colonization influenced the institutionalization of the national profession. In Morocco, the accounting profession was born with the French protectorate.The place of women in the accounting profession has been very little studied and it hasn't been the subject of any work in Morocco. Thus, this work also aimed to study accounting, through the prism of gender. From interviews with accountants, women but also men, at different steps of their professional life, this work shows the diversity of experiences. It analyzes the trajectories of women, either they have been linear or they have borrowed alternative routes that take them away from the registration to the College (Ordre). Some women have experienced an accumulation of disadvantages that would today question the classical metaphor of « glass ceiling ». Others on the contrary, have followed linear paths that have led them to successfully careers and to the stature of « leaders ». Mechanisms able to explain the diversity of courses, including curricula, working conditions, the women permanent search for a balance between their professional and their family lives and the place that society allows them are analyzed in this work.

"Ju bättre vi känner det förflutna, desto bättre kan vi förutse framtiden" : En enfallsstudie kring hur den tekniska utvecklingen påverkat redovisningskonsulten som profession inom en tidsram på 40 år. / "The better we know the past, the better we can predict the future" : A case study regarding how the technological development has affected the accounting consultant as a profession within a period of 40 years.

Åberg, Josefine, Breidmer, Julia, Carlsson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Den tekniska utvecklingen bestående av automatisering och digitalisering är ständigt närvarande i dagens verklighet. Nya program och system utvecklas dagligen inom flertalet branscher, vilka alltmer övertar människans arbetsuppgifter. Detta sker även inom redovisningsbranschen. Men hur har egentligen den tekniska utvecklingen påverkat redovisningskonsulten som profession? Utgångspunkt i studien tas år 1976, året då BAS-kontoplanen introducerades som konsekvens av den tekniska utvecklingens påverkan på professionen. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra med djupgående kunskap kring den tekniska utvecklingens påverkan på redovisningskonsulten som profession under de senaste 40 åren. Denna uppsats kommer att presentera den trend som genomsyrat redovisningskonsultens arbetsuppgifter under den valda tidsperioden, för att sedan knyta samman till varför detta har skett utifrån olika teorier. Vidare kopplas detta till professionsteori som bidrar med kunskap kring hur professionen förändrats. I denna studie kommer även vissa spekulationer föras kring hur professionen i framtiden kommer att utvecklas. Metod: Studien är uppbyggd som en enfallsstudie. Fem stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer har använts som primär datainsamling, i kombination av sekundärkällan tidskriften Balans.   Slutsats: Nästintill samtliga av redovisningskonsultens arbetsuppgifter har förändrats till att skötas alltmer av datorer och system. Att arbetsuppgifterna förändrats har i sin tur resulterat i en förminskning av redovisningskonsultens jurisdiktion. Slutligen leder förändrad jurisdiktion till förändrad profession. Den tekniska utvecklingen har endast påverkat professionen genom att omforma vilka typer av tjänster som faller inom ramarna för den, detta på grund av att expertis överförts till commodities. / Background and problem discussion: The technological development, including automation and digitalization, is constantly present today. New programs and systems are introduced and developed daily, and these are increasingly taking over human tasks. This phenomenon is affecting the accounting consultant. But how has the technological development affected the accounting consultant as a profession until today? The starting point of the study is 1976, the year when the standard for the swedish chart of accounts was introduced as a consequence of the technological development impact on the profession. Objective: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with deep knowledge about the impact of the technological development on the accounting consultant as a profession in the past 40 years. This essay will present the trend which has characterized the accounting consultant’s work tasks during the chosen time period, then linking to why this has been done based on different theories. Furthermore, this is linked to professional theory that contributes with knowledge regarding how the profession has changed. In this study, some speculations will also be drawn about how the profession will be developed in the future. Method: The essay is constructed as a case study. Five semi-structured interviews have been used as a primary source to collect information. These interviews are combined with the journal Balans which has been used as a secondary source. Conclusion: Almost all tasks that are related to the accounting consultant have changed. Today the computers and systems can fulfill these tasks almost all by themselves. The changes of the tasks have led to a reduction in the jurisdiction of the accounting consultant. Finally, the changed jurisdiction lead to a change of the profession. The technological development has only affected the profession by transforming the types of services that exist within its scope, this because expertise has been transferred to commodities.

Apoteket i förändring : en studie om farmaceuters yrkesroll i en konkurrensutsatt marknad / A pharmacy in change : a study on the pharmaceutical profession in a competitive market

Malic, Diana January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish pharmacy market has been state regulated for many years. In early 21st century, the Swedish government made a proposal to deregulate the pharmacy market in order to make a reform that would make privatization of pharmacies a possibility. The reason behind this change of the pharmacy market from state perspective was to create better service for the public. The Swedish government hoped that the change would result in increasing service selection, increased accessibility and a lower cost of non-prescription and prescription medicine. Private operators need approval from the Swedish Health Department before they can pursue their own establishment. When deregulation was finalized, many private operators opened privately owned pharmacies. The purpose of this study is to create insight on how the organizational change has evolved since the deregulation of the pharmacy market. It is also important to find out how the organizational change of the pharmacy market has affected the framework of pharmacists as an occupation. The perception of Pharmacist’ labour and changes on the profession as a whole is also studied. The study has been conducted using qualitative method to collect empirical data. Interviews have been made by conducting structured interviews with six local pharmacists. The empirical data has been analyzed by using the theory of professions. The theories of profession is used to explain pharmacists as a professions. In addition to organizational change, the study reviews pharmacist perspective, interpretation and valuation of their everyday life on the work arena. The pharmacists reveal several changes in their work life. Today they have bigger opportunities to choose employer, where before it was only one, today there are a lot of private pharmacies. That means they also can decide working hours because all the pharmacies have different working hours. Their perspectives are formulated in ways that show new routines and way of work. Due to the free market and competition between pharmacies, focus has shifted towards increased sale perspective. Pharmacist acknowledge that even though they are a profession, they feel that they have a higher workload, often less time with clients and sense of being a sales person.

Utbildningspolitiska reformer och dess inverkan på lärarprofessionen / Educational reforms and their impact on the teaching profession

Ahmeti, Donarta, Bacevac, Selma January 2021 (has links)
Profession is an autonomous social system based on the fact that the work emanates in some form of scientifically produced knowledge. The purpose of the knowledge overview is to find out how the political arena has shaped subject teachers as a profession. Our question for the essay is: What does the educational science research say about how political decisions and governance have affected the teaching profession? The method in the overview was based on research after making a selection based on the relevance to our defined area of the 649 search results (which arefurther presented in the method section). Through this we have gained an insight in how political decisions have changed the teacher’s identity that has once been very strong. The background to this project is that the teachers’ profession is changed by political reforms in the era throughout the 1990s - 2000s. The reform municipalization of the school in 1991, is described as a part of the reduction of the teacher’s control, weakening of the profession and loss of autonomy. The New Public Management - model was spread through the 1890s - 1990s and is a resultoriented management as a streaming of the schoolwork unit. The reform where freedom of choice and competition among schools brings us to problems that we are encountering today, we have a strong grade inflation, especially among private schools. We are also noticing that various market forces have contributed to inequality and segregation in schools. The teacher education reform in 2001 was a change where the government shifted the discourse in the teaching profession by replacing the scientific knowledge base with pedagogical work and allowing therapists to enter school businesses. The political reforms are commonly discussed by researchers as the beginning process of the teachers’ deprofessionalization.

Clash of Professions : Civila chefer i den militära professionen

Håberget, Fredrik, Hansson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Försvarsmakten är en av Sveriges största myndigheter och ungefär en tredjedel av alla medarbetare är civila. Myndigheten har som strategisk inriktning att tillväxa och andelen civila chefer ökar. Denna studie utforskar dynamiken, förutsättningar och friktioner för samverkan, mellan militära och civila chefer inom den militära professionen, för att skapa en djupare förståelse för deras påverkan på den operativa effekten. Många civila chefer jobbar med att stödja och effektivisera arbetet i myndigheten och har samma befogenheter som militära chefer när det kommer till verksamhetsledning. I en friktionsfri miljö fungerar samverkan mellan civila och militära chefer, och synergieffekterna gynnar organisationen. Trots ett kollegialt förhållningssätt har civila och militära chefer olika utgångspunkter för sina normer och värderingar. Vid en beredskapshöjning ökar kraven på personalen i Försvarsmakten, och den civila personalen övergår till militär personal. De civila cheferna har då lagligt stöd att fatta beslut om våldsanvändning, även om det kan vara direkt olämpligt. Förutsättningarna mellan civila och militära chefer blir då mer och mer diffusa och är därav inte längre lika tydliga. Försvarsmaktens befattningsstruktur och mandatförhållanden behöver ses över. Det måste finnas förutsättningar för uppdragstaktik, och fördelningen mellan kärnverksamhet och stödjande verksamhet behöver utredas. De civila cheferna måste ges möjlighet att förstå den militära kontexten och spänningarna mellan professionerna inom den militära professionen måste omhändertas. Kärnan av studien är en empirisk kartläggning som inhämtats genom intervjuer och är en kvalitativ studie med en induktiv ansats där analysen är inspirerad av Grounded Theory. / The Swedish Armed Forces is one of Sweden's largest government agencies. Approximately one third of all employees are civilians and its strategic focus is currently to grow and the proportion of civilian managers is increasing. This study explores the dynamics, conditions and frictions for collaboration, between military and civilian leadership within the military profession, in order to create a deeper understanding of their impact on operational outcome. One of the main duties for civilian managers is to support and increase the efficiency of the work for the Swedish Armed Forces. When it comes to operational management civilians have the same authority as the officers in a frictionless environment. The organization benefits of the collaboration between civilian and military leadership, when the operational is running smoothly. Despite a collegial approach, civilian and military managers have different point of views regarding their norms and values. At a contingency escalation, the demands on the personnel in the Swedish Armed Forces elevate. The civilian personnel will switch to military personnel and the civil managers then have legal support to make decisions about the use of force, although this may be directly inappropriate. The basic presumptions between civilian and military leadership are becoming more diffuse and less clear. The staff structure and mandate conditions need to be reviewed. There must be prerequisites for mission-type tactics, and the distribution between core and support activities needs to be investigated. The civilian managers must be given the opportunity to understand the military context and the tensions between the professions in the military profession must be dealt with. The core of this thesis is an empirical mapping of data, which were obtained through interviews. The study is based on a qualitative research method with an inductive approach where the final analysis is inspired by Grounded Theory.

Le Conseil des bâtiments civils et l’administration de l’architecture publique en France, dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle / The Conseil des bâtiments civils and the public architectural administration in France in the first XIXe century (1795-1848)

Chateau-Dutier, Emmanuel 21 November 2016 (has links)
À l’issue de la Révolution, la rationalisation de la politique architecturale opérée au moyen d’une centralisation des affaires qui s’appuie sur un découpage administratif très hiérarchique allait permettre, en moins d’un demi-siècle, de fournir aux nouvelles institutions les édifices nécessaires à leur exercice et d’inscrire leur existence symbolique dans le bâti. Comme commission consultative établie auprès du ministre de l’Intérieur en 1795, le Conseil des bâtiments civils fut appelé à se prononcer sur l’ensemble des questions relatives à l’architecture que lui soumettait le ministre. Ses compétences portaient tout autant sur l’examen sous le rapport de l’art de tous les projets d’architecture construits aux frais de l’État que sur des sujets aussi divers que le règlement des honoraires, les alignements de voirie ou la liquidation des sommes dues aux entrepreneurs. Principal outil de la politique architecturale de l’État, le Conseil des bâtiments civils allait être à l’origine d’une pratique encadrée de l’architecture. En commandant l’accès à la commande publique la plus rémunératrice et la plus importante pour la notoriété de l’architecte, et par la normalisation du processus de production architectural, le Conseil et l’administration des bâtiments civils furent à l’origine, selon le mot de Georges Teyssot, d’un véritable « système des bâtiments civils » dont le rôle fut sans doute plus déterminant encore que celui de l’École et de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle. / At the end of the Revolution, the rationalization of the architectural policy that engendered a centralisation based on a strict hierarchical administrative division would, in less than a century, allow to give to the new institutions the buildings they needed and to inscribe their symbolic existence in the built. As a consultative commission established next to the Interior ministry in 1795, the Conseil des bâtiments civils was called to decide on all architectural matters submitted to it by the Minister. His competences were equally relevant to the examination of all architectural projects built at public expense under the art point of view, or on topics as diverse as the payment of fees, road alignments or liquidation of amounts due to contractors. Main tool of the architectural policy of the State, the Conseil des bâtiments civils would frame the architectural practice. By controlling access to the most lucrative public command and the most determinant for the reputation of the architect, the standardization of architectural production process that the Conseil des bâtiments civils introduced, was a true "system of civil buildings" whose role was probably even more important than that of the École des Beaux Arts or the Académie in the early nineteenth century.

Den osynliga bibliotekarien? : En studie av meröppna bibliotek och professionen i Norrbotten och Västerbotten våren 2020 / The ghosting librarian? : A study of more-opened public libraries and the profession in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in the spring of 2020

Riekkola, Annika January 2020 (has links)
More-opened hours is a fast-growing service at public libraries in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to examine how this new operations impacts the profession. How are the attitudes of the emplyoees affected? What are the consequences for the daily work of librarians? How may more-opened hours transform the future of the profession? These questions will be adressed by examining public libraries and combined public- and school libraries in the north of Sweden. The theoretical point of departure consists of profession theory, in particular Andrew Abbott’s theories and the notion of ”jurisdiction”. The theoretical framework is supplemented by Anders Ørom’s ideal librarian identities. A mixed method of survey and interview is applied. The data from each approach is analyzed separately and subsequently pooled, by means of applied thematic analysis. The result of the study shows that a vast majority of the librarians hold a positive attitude toward more-opened hours. This is found to be closely related to a user-perspective. Overall, librarians’ work is not dramatically changed, but certain routine tasks like book handling and tidying have increased. A new librarian identity, the Attendant (Funktionären), is suggested for maintanance tasks surrounding the more-opened service. Such a developement risks limiting the librarian’s professional jurisdiction and lead to deprofessionalization. However, the more-opened service may also support professionalization by relocating resources and competence from self-service tasks to more visible and qualified work. Additionally, more-opened hours may generate new areas for professional expansion, such as Library on demand and the field of statistics. Lastly, the results tentatively suggest that more-opened hours might play a part in interprofessional competition and a strenghtening of borders to the school. In conclusion, the impacts are complex but they offer much potential. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Förskollärares uppdrag: att hitta balans mellan krav och resurser : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares uppfattningar av det didaktiska ansvaret och dess konsekvenser för arbetsbelastningen i förskolan / Preschool teacher´s mission: to find a balance between requirements and resources : A qualitative study on preschool teacher´s perceptions of didactic responsibility and its consequences for workload in preschool

Nannen (Kuneman), Annemieke January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett didaktiskt professionsperspektiv synliggöra hur fem förskollärare identifierar sitt uppdrag och att få ökad förståelse för vilka konsekvenser uppdraget, enligt förskollärarna, har för arbetsbelastningen. De tre frågeställningar som studien har utgått ifrån är: Hur beskriver förskollärare sitt didaktiska ansvar utifrån förskolans läroplan? Hur ser, enligt förskollärare, de didaktiska förutsättningarna ut för den aktuella ansvars- och arbetsfördelningen i arbetslaget? Vilka konsekvenser har de didaktiska förutsättningarna för förskollärares arbetsbelastning? Studien har en kvalitativ metodansats och studiens empiri har samlats in med hjälp av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer.     Studiens resultat har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk där begreppen didaktik och profession stått centrala samt i förhållande till tidigare forskning. I resultat- och analysarbetet framkom att förskollärare identifierar sitt uppdrag som ett ansvarsfullt uppdrag och själva yrket som ett yrke i en ständigt föränderlig process. Ett yrke som följer samhällets utveckling, som kämpar med sin identitet eller status som profession och framförallt ett yrke som saknar behöriga kollegor att dela ansvaret med. Det didaktiska ansvaret utifrån förskolans läroplan upplevs som tungt dock hittar förskollärare stabiliteten i verksamheten med läroplanen som grund. Det konstateras bland annat att de didaktiska förutsättningarna för den aktuella ansvars- och arbetsfördelningen existerar, men upplevs vara sköra på grund av personalbrist, personalneddragningar och den osäkra framtiden. De konsekvenser för förskollärares arbetsbelastning som framkommer i denna studie greppas av förskollärarna bland annat genom att använda sina arbetslivserfarenheter för att tona ner arbetsbördan så att den är hanterbart, genom att använda alla kompetenser som finns i arbetslagen samt genom en bra kommunikation med ledningen och stödet därifrån.

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