Spelling suggestions: "subject:"professionalization"" "subject:"rofessionalization""
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I originalets tjänst : Om framställandet och bevarandet av kalkmåleri i svenska kyrkorum mellan 1850 och 1980Svahn Garreau, Hélène January 2015 (has links)
There are approximately 1300 completely or partially preserved medieval churches in Sweden. Many of these have remains of kalkmåleri (mural paintings at least partially created in lime) from the 12th throughout the 17th century. This dissertation discusses the enactments that formed the revival of this kalkmåleri between 1850 and 1980, with a focus on restoration and conservation. The decorative and monumental paintings that were created at the same time are also discussed. The study is divided into two sections: one concentrates on the mural paintings and the networks that made their (re-)enactment possible, and the second is a case study that examines kalkmåleri in four medieval churches; Vendel and Ed north of Stockholm, and Floda and Vadsbro south of Stockholm. To come close to the paintings, an eclectic methodology with analysis of written and depicted sources, interviews, and studies in situ of the paintings through mapping and analysis of taken samples was designed. The objectives were to investigate the formation of kalkmåleri as phenomena, significant concepts, and conservation practices throughout time and space. Theoretical inspiration was taken from Actor-Network-Theory, critical discourse analysis, and speculative realism. Throughout the study the kalkmåleri is thus seen to have agency. The weave of enactments stemming from different professions and thought collectives that formed the paintings was made visible by following the actors. Some of these enactments were analyzed: i.e. the aesthetic shaping of the room, as religious and iconographic images, historical documents, art, style, technical, or hybrid objects. The latter refers to conservation that did not entirely rely on science, humanist scholarship, craftsmanship, or artistic creativity. Thus conservation is seen as a hybrid activity. Three periods of conservation principles were explored: stylistic restoration, original conservation, and precautionary conservation, which were related to what was perceived as the authentic original. Furthermore some Swedish "traditions" are discussed: that no institute for technical studies of art was formed, the use of "Curman’s principles", restricted retouching from the 1960s onward, and the use of gomma pane for cleaning. Finally appendices are included containing terminology, an index of conservators, and a DVD with mapping, chemical analysis, and photographs. / <p>Forskningsfinansiärer: FoU-medel: Riksantikvarieämbetet, Brandförsäkringsverkets stiftelse för bebyggelsehistorisk forskning, Elna Bengtsssons fond och Tyréns stiftelse.</p><p>Ett läsår på Columbia University kunde genomföras med stöd av Fulbright Commission. Erik & Lily Philipsons minnesfond och Axelson Johnsons stiftelse.</p>
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L'Université des Montagnes : une alternative citoyenne face à la crise de l'enseignement supérieur au Cameroun : (1990-2015) / The Université des Montagnes : a people's initiative in response to the crisis in higher education in Cameroon : 1990-2015Nzoko Mewawou Someu, Anselme 31 March 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche sociologique propose une étude compréhensive de l’Université des Montagnes, une initiative de la société civile issue de la crise de l’enseignement supérieur au Cameroun dans les années 1990. L’enquête de terrain réalisée au sein de l’institution a permis de collecter des données quantitatives et qualitatives à partir desquelles nous avons produit une théorie ancrée (Glaser et A. Strauss) mettant en évidence les spécificités de cette institution alternative et unique en son genre au Cameroun. Une observation participante de longue durée a permis une investigation approfondie. La première ligne de rupture qui se dégage de notre analyse est que l’Université des Montagnes est entièrement conçue, pensée et mise en œuvre par un groupe de citoyens déterminé à briser le monopole de l’État sur le développement de l’enseignement supérieur au Cameroun. Pour ce faire, les promoteurs ont dans une démarche réflexive et critique par rapport au modèle existant, élaboré une philosophie éducative et pédagogique innovante qui concilie les sciences fondamentales, appliquées et professionnalisantes, ainsi qu’une pédagogie ancrée dans les cultures africaines. En somme, nos enquêtes révèlent l’émergence d’une université générale, professionnelle et citoyenne. Le projet tente ainsi d’opérer une synthèse méthodique et adaptative des modèles universitaires de référence ayant structuré l’enseignement supérieur dans le monde. Nonobstant les difficultés d’appropriation collective, cette expérience citoyenne apparait, après quinze années d’existence, comme un analyseur et un catalyseur d’innovation sociale, tant son impact est perceptible sur le paysage de l’enseignement supérieur au Cameroun. / This sociological study offers a comprehensive study of the Université des Montagnes, a civil society initiative in response to the crisis in higher education in Cameroon in the 1990’s. A field study undertaken within the institution, using a participatory approach, enabled us to collect quantitative and qualitative data which was used to produce a grounded theory (Glaser and A. Strauss) approach that highlights the specific features of this alternative institution which is unique in Cameroon. The first break shown by our analysis is that the Université des Montagnes was entirely conceived, imagined, and established by a group of citizens determined to relieve the State of its monopoly on the development of higher education in Cameroon. To accomplish this, the founders, through a method that was reflective and critical in relation to the existing model, developed an innovative philosophy of education and pedagogy that reconciles the applied and professional sciences, and pedagogy founded on African culture. In short, our study shows the emergence of a general, professional, and people’s university. The project seeks to furnish a systematic and adaptive synthesis of reference university models that have structured higher education across the world. Notwithstanding the difficulties involved in collective adoption of the project, after fifteen years of existence, this people’s experiment appears to have been an analyser and catalyst for social innovation, considering its impact in the area of higher education in Cameroon.
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Diálogo de traços : etnografia dos praticantes de apropriações visuais do espaço urbano em Porto AlegreKessler, Lucenira Luciane January 2008 (has links)
Esta etnografia, apoiada nas inserções exploratórias da pesquisa de campo, recusa certa fronteira pré-estabelecida entre graffiti e pichação (forjada mediante a suposta supremacia estética e moral do primeiro com relação à segunda) e os considera como práticas de apropriações visuais realizadas no espaço da cidade. A partir dessa posição em campo, possibilita a descrição dessas práticas “por sobre o ombro” de determinados sujeitos que as praticam (e as significam) na cidade de Porto Alegre, apontando para outras relações, fronteiras possíveis. Os sujeitos acessados na pesquisa de campo compartilham certa posição no “cenário” das apropriações visuais em Porto Alegre, marcada pela utilização das habilidades desenvolvidas a partir de sua trajetória com relação às apropriações visuais (desenho, pintura) em atividades remuneráveis e capazes de gerar reconhecimento. Desse modo, a intenção de profissionalização, convive com o trabalho e a arte realizados nos espaços da cidade, que são geralmente não autorizados e não remunerados, e tecem a rede de pertencimento e sociabilidade. Mediante a descrição de elementos da visualidade dos praticantes de apropriações visuais, possibilita compreender que a pertença ao grupo está imbricada e é dependente das relações estabelecidas com o espaço (visual) da cidade, e que os praticantes de apropriações visuais dialogam, mas também questionam, tensionam certa visualidade “oficial” da cidade. Por fim são abordadas as fronteiras e os e os trânsitos realizáveis entre graffiti, pichação, publicidade e artes plásticas, conforme experimentados pelos sujeitos acessados em campo, salientando a tensão presente na dupla atuação, legal e ilegal, desses atores sociais. / This ethnography, based on exploratory insertions into fieldwork, refuses a certain pre-established frontier between graffiti and street writing (forged through an assumed esthetical and moral supremacy of the former in relation to the latter) and considers them as practices of visual appropriations realized in the space of the city. Starting from this position in the field, it enables the description of this practices "through over the shoulder" of specific subjects that do (and signify) them in the city of Porto Alegre, presenting other relations and possible frontiers. The subjects accessed in fieldwork share some position in the "scenery" of visual appropriations in Porto Alegre, marked by the utilization of the abilities developed along their trajectory, in relation to the visual appropriations (drawing, painting), in activities which are remunerable and capable of generating recognition. In this way, the intention of professionalization gets on with the work and art realized in the spaces of the city, which weave the net of belonging and sociability and are generally illegal and nonremunerable. Through the description of elements of the visuality of the practitioners of visual appropriations, it becomes possible to understand that belonging to the group is imbricated and dependant on the established relations with the (visual) space of the city, and that the practitioners of the visual appropriations dialogue, but also question, strain some "official" visuality of the city. Finally, it approaches the frontiers and the realizable transits between graffiti, street writing, publicity and plastic arts, as they are tried by the accessed subjects in the field, emphasizing the present tension in the double acting, legal and illegal, of these social actors.
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Comment la professionnalisation de la fonction achat au travers du marketing achat, de l'Innovation et la conduite du changement, contribue-t-elle à la compétitivité de l'entreprise ? : une étude exploratoire / How does professionalization of the purchasing function through marketing, innovation and the change management contribute to the company's competitiveness ? : an exploratory studyBelliere-Lottier, Raphaël 28 June 2018 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la quête de compétitivité est devenue une préoccupation quotidienne des entreprises car elle permet de maintenir et de gagner des parts de marché. Ce défi est complexe à relever pour la firme qui navigue dans un environnement en perpétuelle évolution, que ce soit au niveau des besoins de ses clients, de la concurrence, des transformations technologiques et des changements de modes de fonctionnement. L’essor des opérations de recentrage tactique des firmes sur leurs activités cœur de métier entraine de fait une augmentation significative de la part achetée dans le chiffre d’affaires, installant ainsi les directions achats comme contributrices clés au chiffre d’affaires et à la rentabilité. Cependant ce phénomène engendre des changements initiés et subis par l’acheteur qu’il doit piloter dans leurs déploiements. La fonction achat a donc dû s’adapter, se muer afin de répondre à ces nouveaux enjeux, pour se faire, elle a mis en œuvre une démarche de professionnalisation adaptée. Au travers de son évolution, elle est devenue une interface privilégiée entre l’entreprise et les marchés fournisseurs permettant ainsi une meilleure qualification de ces derniers en fonction des besoins (marketing achat), en leur procurant de nouveaux leviers de compétitivité comme l’innovation et en développant le «capital fournisseurs». Néanmoins la fonction achat globalement n’a pas encore atteint son niveau de maturité le plus élevé dans tous les secteurs d’activité. La vocation de notre recherche est donc de déterminer et comprendre de façon exploratoire le rôle de la professionnalisation de la fonction et plus particulièrement du marketing achat, de l’innovation et de la conduite du changement dans la compétitivité de l’entreprise. Pour cela, notre étude s’est appuyée sur un modèle conceptuel et des hypothèses via une analyse mixte auprès d’une population de 174 personnes issues majoritairement de la fonction achat. Nos apports viennent enrichir le corps théorique du management de la fonction achat, de la professionnalisation, du marketing achat, de la conduite du changement, de l’innovation, et de la compétitivité. D’un point de vue managérial, notre recherche constitue une incitation à reconsidérer le management de la fonction achat pour bénéficier de tout son potentiel de création de valeur. / Vocation of our research, is to determine and understand in an exploratory way the role of the professionalization of the function and more particularly of purchasing marketing, innovation and change management on companies’ competitiveness. To proceed, our study was based on a conceptual model and assumptions via a mixed analysis to a population of 174 people mainly from the purchasing function. Our contributions come to enrich the theoretical corpus by management from the purchasing function, the professionalization, purchasing marketing, change management, innovation, and competitiveness. From a managerial point of view, our research establishes an incentive to reconsider the management of the purchasing function to take benefit of all its value creation potential.
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Le projet d'école et l'émergence de problématiques professionnelles dans la recherche de l´innovation : un défi pour la formation continue des enseignants / The school project and the émergence of professional problematics in the search for innovation : a challange for teachers’ continuing trainingOrellana Fernandez, Rosa Pamela 23 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le processus de décision, exécution, régulation et évaluation des projets d'école réalisés par des enseignants des écoles en France. Cette recherche, géographiquement située dans le département du Val d'Oise, a été menée sous les principes de la recherche ethnographique. Toutes les informations recueillies ont été analysées selon les préceptes de la méthode de la Théorie enracinée. Cela a permis de décrire la portée des travaux des enseignants lors de l'exécution de cette tâche imposée par le ministère de l'Education nationale depuis 1989. Ainsi l’usage que les enseignants font de ce dispositif révèle de nombreux paradoxes. Alors que pour beaucoup d’enseignants, il n’est rien de plus qu'un exercice bureaucratique, le projet est également une opportunité pour innover sur le plan pédagogique et d’installer de nouvelles formes d'interaction sociale au sein de la communauté éducative. La principale difficulté réside dans le fait que le processus projet d'école met en lumière un certain nombre de questions transversales pours lesquelles les enseignants ne se considèrent guère compétents. Cela motive, dans de nombreux cas, une série d'initiatives, une sorte d’activisme, que par la suite les enseignants ne parvenaient plus à évaluer. Le sentiment d’expérimenter en aveugle et de ne pas alimenter les processus de changement laisse chez les enseignants une forte frustration professionnelle et une grande démotivation à l’heure d’envisager des nouvelles actions. Le projet d’école met en évidence la nécessité des enseignants de disposer des outils professionnels pour, d’une part, interpréter les différents aspects de phénomènes éducatifs auxquels ils sont confrontés et, d'autre part, être en mesure de construire leurs propres dispositifs pédagogiques et évaluatifs. L'autonomie des enseignants est plus que l’autorisation institutionnelle à entreprendre des actions au sein de chaque école, elle revient plutôt à la capacité à comprendre et à rendre intelligibles leurs propres processus de travail pour améliorer la qualité de l'apprentissage et la vie à l'école. Cette thèse prône la nécessité d'associer la formation continue des enseignants et les activités réelles – la réflexion et la prise de décisions - qui concourent dans le lieu de travail des enseignants. / This thesis deals with the process of decision, execution, control and evaluation of educational projects in schools - les projets d'école - conducted by French primary education teachers. This research, geographically located in the department of Val d'Oise, was conducted under the principles of ethnographic research. The data collected was analyzed according to the precepts of the Grounded Theory Method. This allows describing the scope of teachers work when performing this mandatory task imposed by the Ministry of National Education since 1989. The teacher’s use of this obligation reveals many paradoxes. While for many teachers it is nothing more than a bureaucratic exercise, the project is also an opportunity to innovate pedagogically and install new forms of social interaction within the educational community. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the school project process brings to light a number of cross-cutting issues in which teachers do not feel competent. This motivates, in many cases, a series of initiatives, a kind of activism which teachers aren't able to later evaluate. The feeling of experimenting blindly not to feed the change process and leaves a strong professional frustration that declines motivation when teacher are to consider to engage in new activities. The educational project highlights the need for teachers to have professional tools, in order to both interpret the various aspects of the educational phenomena they face, and be able to build their own pedagogical and evaluative settings. The teacher’s autonomy is fare more than the mere institutional authorization to take action, it rather refers to the ability to understand their own work processes to improve the quality of learning and life at school. This thesis advocates the need to associate the continuous training of teachers to the actual activities - reflection and decision-making-that take place in the teacher’s workplace. / Esta tesis aborda el proceso de realización, ejecución, regulación y evaluación de los proyectos educativos de las escuelas – les projets d’école - llevados a cabo por los profesores de la educación primaria en Francia. Esta investigación situada geográficamente en el departamento de Val d'Oise, se realizó bajo los principios de la investigación etnográfica. El conjunto de las informaciones recogidas fueron analizadas según los preceptos de la metodología fundamentada en los hechos. Esto permite describir el panorama de trabajo de los profesores a la hora de realizar esta tarea impuesta por el ministerio de la Educación nacional desde el año 1989. La utilización que los profesores hacen de este dispositivos revela numerosas paradojas. Si bien para muchos no es más que una actividad burocrática, el proyecto es también la oportunidad de innovar a nivel pedagógico y de instalar nuevas formas de interacción social en el seno de la comunidad educativa. La principal dificultad reside en el hecho que el proceso projet d'école saca a luz una serie de problemáticas transversales para las cuales los profesores no se consideran competentes. Esto motiva, en numerosas ocasiones, una serie iniciativas, una especie de activismo, que posteriormente los docentes logran apenas evaluar. El sentimiento de experimentar a ciegas y de no retroalimentar los procesos de cambio dejan en los profesores una fuerte frustración profesional y una consecuente desmotivación para emprender nuevas acciones. El proyecto educativo pone en relieve la necesidad de los profesores de contar con las herramientas profesionales que les permitan por un lado interpretar las distintas dimensiones de los fenómenos educativos a los que se enfrentan y por otro, ser capaces de construir sus propios dispositivos pedagógicos y evaluativos. La autonomía de los docentes es más que la autorización institucional para realizar acciones, ésta se refiere más bien a la capacidad de entender y volver inteligibles sus propios procesos de trabajo para la mejora de la calidad de los aprendizajes y de la vida en la escuela. Esta tesis preconiza la necesidad de asociar la formación continua de los profesores a las actividades reales - a la reflexión y a la toma de decisiones- que se llevan a cabo en el lugar de trabajo de los maestros.
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Mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à la satisfaction des parents d'accueil dans leur rôleJoly, Marie-Pierre 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Identidade docente: inter-relações entre cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática e a profissionalidade do professor / Teaching identity: interrelations between mathematics teacher degree program and teacher professionalityBenites-Bonetti, Vanessa Cerignoni 22 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Vanessa Cerignoni Benites Bonetti (vanessa.benites@gmail.com) on 2018-07-05T12:53:07Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Inserida no contexto da formação de professores de Matemática, a presente pesquisa objetiva – analisar e compreender a identidade docente de egressos de cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática de Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior (IPES) do Estado de São Paulo. Para alcançar o objetivo, tomamos como eixo norteador a seguinte questão: Como se constitui a identidade docente de egressos de cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática? Balizadas por essa interrogação, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa, que foi desenvolvida em dois movimentos. No 1º Movimento, utilizamos dois procedimentos metodológicos: Análise Documental e Questionário, os quais foram utilizados como recurso/instrumento para obtenção dos dados. Realizamos a Análise Documental dos Projetos Pedagógicos de Cursos (PPC) de três cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática do estado de São Paulo (UNESP/Rio Claro; UNESP/Bauru; e USP/São Carlos). Ainda no 1º Movimento, aplicamos um Questionário com egressos desses três cursos, que os haviam concluído entre os anos de 2004 e 2009. O 1º Movimento foi importante para caracterizarmos o cenário investigado, e subsidiar a elaboração das Entrevistas (2º Movimento), que se mostrou como o corpus de análise. Dessa forma, o 2º Movimento foi marcado pela realização de Entrevistas com seis egressos dos cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática (UNESP/Rio Claro; UNESP/Bauru; e USP/São Carlos), três coordenadores dessas instituições e cinco pesquisadores envolvidos com Políticas Públicas de formação de professores. O momento da sistematização, baseada em alguns conceitos de Análise de Conteúdo, foi realizado a partir do delineamento do corpus de análise, as Entrevistas. Elencamos, por meio de sentido e significado, Unidades de Contexto, Unidades de Registro, Eixos Temáticos, até findarmos em cinco Categorias de Análise: Trabalho Docente e Conhecimento do Professor: caminhando para a profissionalidade; Cursos de Licenciatura: aspectos estruturais e conceituais; Profissionalização como Espaço Próprio à Profissionalidade; Comprometimento e Engajamento do Professor: um percurso de seu profissionalismo; e Formação de Professores na Atualidade: desafios e perspectivas das políticas educacionais e da colaboração. Posteriormente realizamos um diálogo entre o referencial teórico e os dados coletados, por meio de inferências e interpretações a partir dos núcleos de sentido. A identidade docente foi revelada nas inter-relações entre os aspectos pessoais e sociais, e influenciada diretamente pelos aspectos relacionados à profissionalidade e à profissionalização docente. / Inserted in the context of Mathematics Teachers Education, the present research aims to analyze and understand the teaching identity of graduates of Mathematics Degree courses’ graduates of Higher Education Public Institutions in the State of São Paulo. To reach this objective, we took as a guiding axis the following question: How is the teaching identity of graduates in Mathematics undergraduate courses constituted? Based on this question, we performed a qualitative research, which was developed in two movements. In the first movement, we used two methodological procedures: Documentary Analysis and Questionnaires, which were used as a resource/instrument to obtain the data. We carried out the Documentary Analysis of the Pedagogical Projects of Courses of three Mathematics courses in the state of São Paulo (UNESP/Rio Claro, UNESP/Bauru, and USP/São Carlos). Still in the first movement, we applied a Questionnaire with graduates of these three courses, which had concluded the course between the years of 2004 and 2009. The first movement was important to characterize the scenario investigated, and to subsidize the elaboration of the Interviews (second movement), which was shown as the corpus of analysis. Thus, the second movement was marked by the conduction of Interviews with six graduates of the Mathematics degree courses (UNESP/Rio Claro, UNESP/Bauru, and USP/São Carlos), three coordinators of these institutions and five researchers involved with public policies for teacher education. The moment of systematization, based on some concepts of Content Analysis, was carried out from the delineation of the corpus of analysis, that is, the Interviews. We listed, through sense and meaning, Context Units, Registration Units, Thematic Axes, until we finished in five Categories of Analysis: Teaching Work and Teacher Knowledge: moving towards professionality; Degree courses: structural and conceptual aspects; Professionalization as a Private Space for Professionality; Commitment and Engagement of the Teacher: a course of his professionalism and; Teacher Education in the Present: challenges and perspectives of educational policies and collaboration. Subsequently, we conducted a dialogue between the theoretical data collected through inferences and interpretations from the sense cores. The teaching identity was revealed in the interrelationships between the personal and social aspects, and directly influenced by the aspects related to the professionality and the teacher’s professionalization.
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L'activité de Fil Rouge : mission ou métier ? : étude de cas dans un dispositif professionnalisant de l'industrie nucléaire / The activity of Red Wire : mission or profession? : case study in a device professionalizing of the nuclear industryLecoq, Pascal 23 November 2016 (has links)
Une entreprise du domaine de l'énergie met en œuvre des dispositifs de professionnalisation qui durent plusieurs mois et auxquels participent tous les nouveaux recrutés quel que soit leur diplôme et quelle que soit leur future affectation. Pour accompagner le dispositif, il y a la présence un nouveau type de personnage. Quelles sont les fonctions de ce personnage et quel est l'impact de son action sur la professionnalité des stagiaires. / A business in the field of energy implements professionalization devices lasting several months and involving all new hires regardless of their degree and whatever their future assignment. To accompany the device, there is the presence of a new type character. What are the functions of this character and what is the impact of its action on the professionalism of the trainees.
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Princípio republicano, cargo em comissão e clientelismo político nos municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro: reflexões sobre a profissionalização da função pública no BrasilAmorim, Carlos Alberto Novelino de January 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008 / The origin of the desire to get a govemment job in Brazil goes back to the development of the first settlements and vilIages during the colonial period. Nepotism and political patronage pervades the country's history. With the republican principIe as a guide line, we sought to verify to what extent are political appointees utilized in the municipalities of the State of Rio de Janeiro as a strategy to maintain and renew patronage practices and nepotismo The use of methods and techniques of documental analysis and of content, in legal provisions produced by the studied municipalities and in Ordinary Audit Reports made by the Audit Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro, not only alIowed us to proceed with qualitative analysis as welI as the use of quantitative techniques and graphic charts of the findings, alIowing an easier reading and understanding for those who have little contact with the material. This complementarity of methods alIowed the inference that the actions taken by public administrators referring to free nomination are against the practice of citizenship, equalitarianism, and respect of public service. The study demonstrated that almost alI the municipalities studied use political appointees in a manner completely inverse to that foreseen in the constitution. In fact, such positions serve to provide entry to public service to those persons who are related to the administrator, not to assist the administrator, but to increase the family income, fulfill campaign promises and even in exchange for votes. They exercise functions that, by their requirements, should be offered in public civil service exams to all society. FinalIy, the study suggests a set of measures, based on criteria grounded on scientific principIes of administration, to value civil servants, to reduce the degree of politicization of public management and heritable appropriation of public posts, to expedite professionalization of public functions and to restrict the free granting of political appointments as well as to enforce sanctions for administrative improbity on those who disrespect such measures. In regard to the importance of preventive measures, directed toward the development of an attitude in the sense of an authentic public service, the tendency toward permissiveness urgent1y needs to be eliminated. / A origem do comportamento orientado para a conquista de cargos públicos no Brasil remonta à formação dos primeiros povoados e vilas durante o período colonial. O nepotismo e o clientelismo político perpassam toda a história do País. Tendo como fio condutor o princípio republicano, buscou-se verificar até que ponto são os cargos em comissão utilizados no âmbito dos Municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro como estratégia para manter e atualizar práticas clientelísticas como o empreguismo e o nepotismo. A utilização de métodos e técnicas de análise documental e de conteúdo, em dispositivos legais produzidos pelos municípios estudados e em Relatórios de Inspeções Ordinárias neles realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, permitiu não só o proceder de uma análise qualitativa como o uso de técnicas quantitativas e representações gráficas dos achados, possibilitando uma leitura mais amena àqueles que têm pouco contato com a matéria. Essa complementaridade de métodos permitiu depreender que as ações empreendidas pelos gestores públicos, no que tange à utilização da livre nomeação, encontram-se na contramão da prática da cidadania, do igualitarismo, do respeito ao servir público. A pesquisa atestou que a quase totalidade dos municípios estudados se utiliza dos cargos em comissão de forma totalmente avessa à prevista constitucionalmente, servindo tais cargos, na verdade, para dar ingresso no serviço público a pessoas das relações do administrador, não para assessorá-lo, mas para aumentar renda familiar, cumprir compromissos de campanha e, até mesmo, para, em troca de votos, exercerem funções que por suas características deveriam ser oferecidas em concurso a toda sociedade. O estudo sugere, ao fim, um conjunto de medidas, baseadas em critérios fundamentados em princípios científicos de gestão, visando à valorização do servidor público, à redução do grau de politização da direção da administração pública e da apropriação patrimonialista dos postos de trabalho, à aceleração da profissionalização das funções públicas e a restringir o livre provimento de cargos em comissão, bem como a impingir sanções, por improbidade administrativa, aos que as desrespeitarem. Em que pese à importância de medidas preventivas, orientadas para o desenvolvimento de uma postura no sentido de um autêntico servir público, a tendência à permissividade precisa ser urgentemente afastada.
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A profissionalização do campo do desenvolvimento rural na região do SisalMendonça, Patrícia Maria Emerenciano de 18 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-18T00:00:00Z / This study aims at verifying the existence of the professional field of rural development in the Sisal Region, in Bahia’s semi-arid region, analyzing the forms through which this process might have contributed to the institutionalization of ideas on what rural development entails and how it might have opened space for the creation of new local logics. As to methodological approaches, micro and macro social analyses were integrated, having the concept of social field as analytical level so as to deal with middle range theories in order to explain social phenomena, particularly neo-institutional and social movement theories. Empirical survey was based on primary data collected in different periods from interviews and observations, to which were added a considerable amount of secondary data gathered from reports, newsletters, videos, newspapers and other academic works. In order to historically recover the field of rural development, from the 70’s to the present days, discourse analysis technique was employed, so as to characterize actors, their main logics of action, particularly those related to professionalization. The attempt at conceptualizing professionalization and clarifying what is being considered as the field or rural development were an important task of the work. Four main contrasting forces in the field, influencing its professionalization were identified: Insurgent Solidarity; insurgent solidarity and economic insertion conflicts; particular forms of relation between State and society; and the insertion of themes and practices absorbed during actors/fields mimetic, regulative and normative mechanisms at micro and macro levels. From the identification and analysis of forces involved in professionalization in the field, suggestions are put forward as to the enlargement of the understanding on professionalization and institutional entrepreneurship, which might be relevant to future studies aiming at integrating agency-structure analyses and individual and collective action dimensions. / Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a existência de campo profissional do desenvolvimento rural na Região do Sisal, no semi-árido baiano, analisando de que forma este processo contribuiu para a institucionalização de idéias sobre o que vem a ser desenvolvimento rural, e como ele, também, abriu espaços para a criação de novas lógicas locais. Como estratégia metodológica buscou-se integrar análises macro e micro sociais, utilizando-se noção de campos sociais como nível de análise, com o objetivo de trabalhar com teorias de médio alcance para explicação de fenômenos sociais, em especial as teorias neo-institucionais e as teorias de movimentos sociais. O levantamento empírico fundamentou-se em dados primários, recolhidos em diferentes momentos a partir de entrevistas e observações, aliado a uma ampla gama de dados secundários, recolhidos a partir de relatórios, boletins, newsletters, vídeos, jornais, e outros trabalhos acadêmicos. Foi utilizada a técnica da análise de discurso para trabalhar com os dados fazendo uma reconstituição histórica do campo do desenvolvimento rural entre a década de 70 e os dias atuais, buscando caracterizar os atores participantes, suas principais lógicas de ação, em especial aquelas relacionadas à profissionalização. Esclarecer o que se entende por profissionalização e o que foi considerado como campo do desenvolvimento rural fizeram parte de um esforço de conceituação do trabalho. Foram identificadas quatro principais forças que se contrastavam no campo e que influenciaram na sua profissionalização: a Solidariedade Insurgente; os conflitos entre inserção econômica e a solidariedade insurgente; formas particulares de relacionamento entre sociedade e Estado; e a inserção de temáticas e práticas absorvidas através de mecanismos miméticos, regulativos e normativos de atores/campos localizados em níveis meso e macro. A partir da identificação e análise das forças envolvidas na profissionalização do campo, são propostas sugestões para a ampliação do entendimento sobre profissionalização e empreendedorismo institucional, que poderão ser pertinentes para futuros estudos que busquem integrar as análises sobre agência-estrutura e as dimensões individual e coletiva da ação.
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