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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林芝立 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣解嚴之後,社會運動團體除了抗爭行動外,漸漸以體制內的修訂法律為主要手段。婦女運動團體也不例外。婦運團體推動的婦女法案,立法過程大部分都需要花很長一段時間和政府機關周旋。家庭暴力防治法則是一個特殊的例子,因為它在立法院裡,從提案到通過只花費一年多的時間,而且相關行政單位並沒有提出相對版本一起競逐。 筆者從歷史制度主義切入,觀察家庭暴力防治法(包含其前身―婚姻暴力防治法)的立法過程。最開始婚姻暴力議題因為鄧如雯殺夫案而受到注目;之後婦女新知基金會接受內政部補助,著手研究婚姻暴力,但研究報告出來後卻完全停擺;半年後現代婦女基金會以高鳳仙法官翻譯的美國模範家庭暴力法為藍本,擬定家庭暴力防治法草案;最後家暴法在立法院內經過數次政黨協商後,三讀通過。這中間的四年,對於婚姻暴力議題的宣導而言,因為受制於新聞熱潮的快速消退,整個政治環境被修憲、選舉、反核四等議題綁住,以及傳統家庭倫理和兩性相處觀念,所以受到的注視和討論有限。法案擬定方面,則因為有大環境有彭婉如案和白曉燕案的刺激,國際社會的風潮,制度上則有趨於健全的政黨協商機制和現代婦女基金會的董事長潘維剛佔有有利的政治地位(即身為執政黨資深立委,政府單位願意與其合作),加上推法策略上刻意隱藏性別問題,因此法案可以快速通過。 本研究發現,整個家暴法的立法過程,因為整個社會環境對法案擬定的刺激,強於政治環境的影響,制度上有政黨協商機制可以暫時調解警察和司法兩機關的權力鬥爭,策略上避開父權體制忌諱的性別意識,因此家暴法才能夠異於其他婦女法案,在立法院內順利審查、快速通過。

求職者個人資訊保障之研究 / A Study on the Protection of Job Applicants’ Informational Privacy

詹岱蓉, Jan, Day Rong Unknown Date (has links)
雇主在招募過程中,為了提高企業的生產力或行政組織的效率,防免契約、侵權責任的發生,必須謹慎挑選人才,因此通常會以詢問或檢測(如人格測驗)盡量蒐集與求職者相關的資訊,來遴選合適員工。但是,雇主得要求應徵者揭露多少資訊?求職者在雇主的要求下,為了提高獲聘的機會,是否只能拋棄個人的隱私利益?這些疑惑均值得思考,從中也顯現出了雇主與求職者間利益衝突的問題。 關於求職者個人資訊的保障,我國目前的基本規範為「個人資料保護法(簡稱個資法)」及「就業服務法(簡稱就服法)第5條第2項第2款」。雇主如欲蒐集求職者的個資,除必須符合個資法的特定條款外,假若涉及隱私資訊,尚須通過就服法第5條第2項第2款「就業所需」的檢驗。 在這看似簡明的基本架構中,事實上存有許多令人困惑的地方,以個資法特定條款的蒐集事由為例,如:「執行法定職務必要範圍內」的意涵具體所指為何;「與當事人有類似契約之關係」是否包含雇主可請求當事人以外的第三人(如:前雇主)協助為履歷調查;以及「經當事人同意」在勞動關係不對等時其有效性的爭議等。而就服法第5條第2項第2款最讓人頭痛之處則為應如何詮釋「就業所需」。是以,我們須要更多的實務及學說見解來填充個資法與就服法勾勒出的雇主與求職者間利益權衡框架。 本文將先探討雇主通常是基於什麼考量而對求職者為哪些詢問及檢測;而應徵者面對這些詢問及檢測往往會有什麼憂慮。接著借鏡美國法制,剖析我國針對求職者個人資訊保障的判準,並關注在個資法修正與就服法第5條第2項第2款增訂後,過往的實務見解是否依舊恰當或有所革新。最後比較美國與我國法制的異同,提出檢討與建議,期望能在保障求職者個資的同時,也兼顧到雇主的利益。 / In the hiring process, employers need to select workers cautiously in order to improve the productivity and efficiency of their enterprises, and to avoid the potential liability caused by reckless employees. To screen out the best possible candidate for a particular job, employers usually wish to gather as much information about job applicants as possible by making oral or written inquiries, or conducting different kinds of employment tests (such as personality tests). However, what kind of information can employers legally require job applicants to disclose? Do job applicants have no choice but to relinquish their personal privacy if they want to be employed? To answer these questions, we need to carefully balance the competing interests between employers and job applicants. In Taiwan, “Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)” and “Employment Service Act (ESA) §5II②” form the basic framework of protecting job applicants’ informational privacy. Employers need to obey specific provisions of the PIPA before they can collect job applicants’ information; and if private information is to be collected, employers should further confirm their collecting actions meet the “job-related” requirement specified by §5II② of the ESA. This legal framework seems simple and clear, but there are many questions remain to be answered. For example, what is the exact scope of the term “within the scope of job functions provided by laws and regulations” of the PIPA? Does the condition “quasi-contractual relationship between the Parties” specified in PIPA allow employers to contact third parties (such as job applicants’ former employers) and conduct a reference check? Further, since there is a serious power-imbalanced problem in the employment relationship, can we truly expect the job applicants to offer a free and valid consent when they are requested to provide their personal information? Last but not the least, what is the precise meaning of the term “job-related” of §5II② of the ESA? More studies and court judgments are needed to delineate the boundaries between what employers are entitled to know and what job applicants should be able to keep private. This thesis begins with analyzing why employers need/hope to gather information about job applicants and what screening tools they prefer to use. It then discusses job applicants’ concerns when they face employers’ inquiries or employment tests. By comparing relevant U.S. legislation and judicial decisions regarding the protection of job applicants’ informational privacy, this thesis examines the standards used in Taiwan’s case-law when balancing employers’ and job applicants’ interests. Special attentions are paid to the issue whether these standards are still appropriate or should be updated in light of the latest amendments to the PIPA and ESA. Finally, through concrete cases, this thesis tries to provide practical recommendations on how we can better protect job applicants’ privacy while respecting employers’ legitimate interests in knowing their future employees.

La protection des données à caractère personnel dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique. / The protection of personal data in scientific research

Coulibaly, Ibrahim 25 November 2011 (has links)
Comment devrait être assurée, de façon efficiente, la protection des données à caractère personnel dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique ? Telle est la problématique de cette thèse. Question cruciale à l'heure où les traitements de données sont appelés à multiplier à l'avenir dans tous les domaines de recherche, et dont les finalités ne sont pas toujours clairement définies ni perçues. A cette question, l'application de la loi Informatique et Libertés, loi à vocation généraliste pour l'encadrement des traitements de données à caractère personnel, a laissé apparaître, dès son adoption, de nombreuses difficultés dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique. Diverses modifications et adaptations sont intervenues – 1986, 1994, 2004 – à l'aune desquelles, il fallait déterminer l'encadrement des traitements de données personnelles à des fins de recherche scientifique. De cette investigation, il résulte que la loi Informatique et Libertés pose les principes de base de la protection des données traitées dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique en prévoyant un encadrement a priori de la collecte des données et un suivi et un contrôle a posteriori de la mise en œuvre du traitement. L'encadrement a priori vise principalement à la garantie de la qualité scientifique des projets de recherches. Inhérent à la finalité scientifique du traitement des données, le suivi a posteriori tend, quant à lui, à garantir le respect de certaines règles comme la compatibilité des réutilisations des données, la présentation et l'utilisation des résultats de la recherche dans des conditions ne devant pas porter atteinte aux personnes. Parce que ne pouvant pas relever de la seule intervention du responsable du traitement, le suivi a posteriori se complète d'un contrôle a posteriori opéré autant par la personne concernée, la CNIL, les juridictions. Dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique, ces différents contrôles pourraient opportunément se compléter par une intervention de la communauté des chercheurs en question. Il s'agit de l'autorégulation. En définitive, une protection efficiente des données à caractère personnel résultera d'un système de régulation à plusieurs niveaux et acteurs dont chacun doit effectivement utiliser les moyens d'action qui lui sont reconnus. / How should the protection of personal data in scientific research be efficiently ensured ? This is the main question of this dissertation. Important issue at a time personal data processing are to be increased in the future in all scientific research fields, but whose aims are neither clearly defined nor always clearly perceived. To this question, the enforcement of data protection act which is a general law for the management of personal data processing has shown, since its adoption, many problems in scientific research. Many changes and adaptations have been made in 1986, 1994 and 2004, on the basis of which it was necessary to determine the management of personal data processing to scientific research purposes. This investigation reveals that data protection act lays the basic principles of the protection of personal data processed in scientific research by forecasting an a priori data gathering, a follow-up and an a posteriori control of the data processing implementation. The a priori management mainly aims at guaranteeing the scientific quality of research projects. As for the a posteriori follow-up which is inherent in scientific aim of data processing, its objective is to guarantee the enforcement of some rules such as the accountancy of data reuse, the presentation and the use of the research results in conditions that should not be harmful to people. As it cannot depend on the sole intervention of the responsible for the processing, the a posteriori follow-up is completed by an a posteriori control carried out by the affected person as well as the CNIL and the courts. In scientific research, these different controls could opportunely complement one another by an intervention of the community of researchers in question. This is self regulation. At the end, an efficient protection of personal data will result from a multiple step regulation system in which participants and everyone must actually use the means of actions which are acknowledged to them.

The realisation of rights in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Scott, Tshepiso 06 1900 (has links)
The thesis examines the enforcement of consumer rights in South Africa, and is set against the backdrop of the underlying principles and theories on the enforcement of consumer protection law. It then analyses the various forms of consumer protection law enforcement mechanisms that were in place prior to the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, and sets out why there was a need for the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act. The thesis then critically discusses the consumer protection law enforcement mechanisms introduced and/or catered for by the Consumer Protection Act. The in-depth comparative analysis against the consumer protection law enforcement dispensations in both India and the United Kingdom culminates in a critical analysis of the successes and shortcomings of consumer protection law enforcement regime in present-day South Africa; as well as recommendations (in the form of legislative amendments and practical solutions) on how the South African consumer protection enforcement framework can be improved in order to facilitate the realisation of consumer rights. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

加拿大難民政策之研究 / The Study of Canada Refugee Policy

陳孟綺, Chen, Mong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
難民問題是一個國際性問題,難民是指居住在自己國籍國家以外,無法或不願返國的個人,由於種族、宗教、國籍、特定社會成員身分,或政治立場遭迫害而有所恐懼。由於難民對移入國造成政治、經濟、文化、社會、教育、安全等方面的衝擊,政府必須規劃難民政策並制定相關法規來因應難民問題。加拿大每年收容難民約25,000人,約收容世界上難民的10%,加拿大在2002年制定「移民及難民保護法」等法規,建立了完整的難民政策,並與聯合國難民署及國際移民組織等單位進行合作,共同協力來解決難民的安置問題。加拿大落實人權治國理念,積極參與國際事務,實質進行難民庇護措施,政府與民間共同合作提供難民保護及協助,並因時制宜的對其難民政策進行調整,以利其國家未來發展。本文以加拿大的難民歷史沿革之架構出發,就加拿大難民政策發展歷程、接納難民現況及難民政策實踐及改革措施作一整理,文末筆者以其研究發現提出建議及結論。 / Refugee problem was recognized as an international issue. The term of “refugee” has been perceived as people who face systematic discrimination on the bases of ethnicity, religion, nationality, and membership in a specific social group with “fear of persecution”. The problem of refugee has fostered an intense debate regarding what changes of political, economic, cultural, educational and secure environments are necessary in refugee-receiving countries to provide effective solutions. In Canada, there are about 25,000 people entered to seek asylum every year – with approximately 10% of all refugees worldwide. In order to deal with refugees’ settlement issues, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act came into effect in 2002. In addition, the Canadian government's effort in cooperating with UNHCR and IOM enables refugees to stay in safety. The dissertation presents historical overview of issues of refugees and provides critical review and discussion on refugee policies in Canada. In the end, the author proposed her personal conclusion and suggestion through the research.

身心障礙者自立支援法制之介紹 ──以日本障礙者總合支援法與我國身心障礙者權益保障法第50條個人支持服務為中心 / Introduction of support scheme for independent living of persons with disabilities :Focusing on the Services and Supports for Persons with Disabilities Act of Japan and the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act of Taiwan

陳芃伃, Chen, Peng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
身心障礙者如同一般人,擁有獨立自主的人權,但因其障礙使然,如要達到自立生活,時常需要藉助外界的協助。障礙者自立生活已逐漸成為障礙者社會促進的制度典範,在如此的前提下,支援障礙者的自立生活的自立支援措施,應為如何的設計,應為障礙者社會促進措施的研究要點所在。本文旨在從日本與台灣的學界及實定法中,探尋障礙者福利措施的典範移轉,以及從「自立」於社會保障法上及障礙者社會促進中的意義,剖析障礙者自立支援措施的應有樣貌,並進而藉此檢視及分析日本與台灣身心障礙者法制中具體的障礙者自立支援措施,提出本文的比較結論,期待能對我國的身心障礙者社會促進法制未來的改革,提供比較法上的參考。本文研究架構如下: 第一章為緒論,介紹本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍、用詞定義、研究方法及研究架構。 第二章探討身心障礙法政策的典範移轉。本章將先針對身心障礙者社會福利法制的典範移轉進行論述,再介紹身心障礙者的自立生活運動的國際脈絡,其理念、內容、發源及於亞洲的擴散。 第三章探討「自立」及「自立支援」於日本社會保障法脈絡中的意義。本章將從日本學說及實定法進行剖析,目的為將對於「自立」概念論述較深入的日本狀況,引為參考標的。 第四章為探討日本障礙者自立支援法及障礙者總合支援法之法制。從其發展脈絡,到具體的法制內容介紹,使讀者一窺日本對於障礙者支援法制之中心─障礙者總合支援法之樣貌,並對本文後續章節之我國與日本制度的比較進行鋪陳。 第五章為將先針對我國身心障礙者權益保障法中與障礙者自立生活較有相關的個人支持服務進行介紹,再進行台日制度的比較分析。 第六章為本文結論,本文將於本章呼應本文研究動機及目的,提出結語。

The concept ‘fairness’ in the regulation of contracts under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Stoop, Philip N. 14 January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyses the concept ‘fairness’ in consumer contracts regulated by the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, mainly from the perspective of a freedom and fairness orientation. It discusses the evolution of ‘fairness’ as background to a more detailed discussion of the classification of fairness into substantive and procedural fairness. The thesis examines dimensions of fairness, factors which play a role in the determination of fairness, and fairness- oriented approaches in an attempt to formulate a framework for fairness in consumer contracts. The main aspects that should be taken into account to justify a finding of fairness, or to determine whether a contract is fair, are identified. This analysis addresses, too, the extent to which the fairness provisions of the Consumer Protection Act are appropriate (with reference to the law of South Africa, Europe, and England). / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

消費者保護法第51條之研究 / The study of Article 51 of Consumer Protection Act

陳柏蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
懲罰性賠償金係透過課予加害人超出被害人損害之賠償,達成制裁加害人,並嚇阻加害人以及其他行為人從事相類行為。該制度係源自於英國,並自英國傳遞自美國,並於美國廣泛盛行。懲罰性賠償金制度具有懲罰、嚇阻、設立典範之功能、執行法律等功能,惟其係私法下之概念,卻帶有懲罰目的之公法性質,跨越兩種領域使其極具爭議性。 消費者保護法第51條將英美法之懲罰性賠償金制度引進,致使我國民刑分立之法體系產生模糊地帶。關於我國實務對於懲罰性賠償金之態度,得以自其就消費者保護法第51條要件之解釋觀察。然實務就要件之解釋未盡統一,如此將導致當事人無所適從。 2015年6月17日修正之消費者保護法第51條,明確將「重大過失」納入規定,顯見立法者對於企業經營者採取更為嚴格之態度。如此修正固解決長久以來「過失」是否應限縮於「重大過失」之爭議,惟關於消費者保護法第51條其他要件之解釋,仍有尚未解決之問題。 觀諸消費者保護法第51條之要件,「依本法所提之訴訟」於「本法」及「訴訟」即存在寬嚴不同之解釋。另關於該條文之責任主體,企業經營者是否就其受僱人之懲罰性賠償金責任負責,又企業經營者間之責任關係為何,皆有釐清之必要。請求權主體之部分,消費者保護法第7條規定之「第三人」並未出現於第51條懲罰性賠償金之規定中,產生消費者以外之「第三人」是否為請求權主體之爭議。另外,被害人死亡時懲罰性賠償金之歸屬,亦為立法者制定該條文規定時,未審慎思考致生之法律漏洞。究竟被害人死亡時,應由間接被害人抑或繼承人請求懲罰性賠償金,無論如何結論之擇採,皆有賴縝密之法律邏輯推演。最後於懲罰性賠償金之計算,2015年6月17日明確懲罰輕過失行為以及提高倍數上限之修正,其妥適性為何;又消費者保護法第51條規定之計算基礎「損害額」之意義、計算時酌定之因素、與有過失之考量等,皆有待解決。本文以整理消費者保護法第51條懲罰性賠償金適用上之爭議,並嘗試透過學說及實務見解之分析歸納出合理之結論,並就結論之推演,參考部分日本法學說,期能對於消費者保護法第51條要件之解釋提供另一種思考方向。 / Punitive damages are extra monetary burdens which make the offender to pay more than those the injured has lost, in order to deter the offender and other offenders from behaving the same. The doctrine of punitive damages is originated from England and swept America. Punitive damages have the functions of punishment, deterrence, setting examples to the society, law enforcement and so on. However, it is controversial that the doctrine of punitive damages is the concept under civil law, but with the function of punishment, which makes the doctrine in the borderland between public and private law. Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act is the doctrine of punitive damages in Taiwan, which causes a gray area among the separation of civil law and criminal law, and makes Art. 51 controversial. It is not difficult to know the attitude of the judges toward punitive damages by understanding the explanation of Art. 51. But there is no consistency in the explanation of each element of Art. 51, which makes the Article bewildering. On June 17, 2015, gross negligence has been added to the amended Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act, which shows the strict attitude of the legislators toward the business operators. This amendment solves the problem that whether negligence should be limited to gross negligence or not, but there still are other issues about Art. 51 Which should be solved. Among Art. 51, “this law” and “litigation” in the element of “in a litigation brought in accordance with this law” are explained in both strict and easing ways. About the subject of the legal responsibility of Art. 51, whether the business operators should be responsible for the act of their employees, and whether business operators should be jointly and severally liable for punitive damages are issues should be discussed. About the claimers of Art. 51, comparing Art. 7 to Art. 51, we can find that “third party” isn’t showed in Art. 51, which brings up to the issue that whether third party other than consumer can claim for punitive damages. Also, who can claim for punitive damages when the victim dies is an important issue. The legislators did not think of this kind of situation, which caused legislation imperfection among Art. 51. Whether the indirect victim or the successor should be the claimer of punitive damages in this kind of situation should be explained carefully and logically. Last but not least, in related to the calculation of punitive damages, the amendment of Art. 51 in June, 17, 2015 specifies that objective negligence and subjective negligence should be punished and the maximum limit on the amount of damages has been raised. Whether the amendment is proper or not, and whether “the amount of damages” should be confined to “property damages” should be clarified. It is also necessary to figure out the considerations of determination of the amount. Whether comparative negligence should be considered while deciding the amount of punitive damages is also controversial, which should be investigated prudently. This thesis will focus on Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act and the issues about it. This thesis will analyze those issues according to the theories and opinions of practice in Taiwan. American theories and Japanese theories will also be discussed in this thesis in order to solve the problems, and to provide a different view of Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act.

Maltreatment and Juvenile Delinquency Among Crossover Youth

Sader, Josette 12 1900 (has links)
Objectif. Les jeunes crossover sont définis comme des adolescents qui sont à la fois victimes de maltraitance et délinquants juvéniles. L'objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les relations entre les paramètres de la maltraitance (ex., récurrence, sous-types et variété) et les paramètres de la délinquance juvénile (ex., précocité, volume, variété, gravité moyenne et présence de sous-types) vécus par les jeunes crossover. Méthodes. La source des données est constituée de rapports officiels pour tous les adolescents et adolescentes québécois qui ont plaidé coupables ou ont été reconnus coupables d'un crime entre le 1e janvier 2005 et le 31 décembre 2010. D'abord, un portrait des jeunes crossover québécois est dressé à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des analyses multivariées sont utilisées pour déterminer si les paramètres de la maltraitance prédisent les différentes dimensions de la délinquance et pour examiner les différences selon le sexe. Résultats. La délinquance des jeunes crossover est plus importante que celle des délinquants non-maltraités. Les expériences différentielles de la maltraitance sont liées à des paramètres hétérogènes de la délinquance juvénile. La récurrence de la maltraitance est un prédicteur important des paramètres de la délinquance ultérieure. De plus, la maltraitance est particulièrement influente sur la délinquance des garçons. Implications. Les interventions au sein des systèmes de la protection de la jeunesse et de la justice juvénile doivent être adaptées afin d'identifier les jeunes à risque de délinquance grave, de cibler les dimensions spécifiques de la maltraitance et d’entraver leurs liens à la délinquance ultérieure. L'intervention doit être privilégiée pour les victimes de multiples incidents de maltraitance et pour les garçons victimes de maltraitance. / Objective. Crossover youth are defined as youth who are both victims of maltreatment and juvenile offenders. The objective of this thesis to shed light on the associations between the parameters of maltreatment (i.e., recurrence, subtypes and variety) and the parameters of juvenile delinquency (i.e., precocity, volume, variety, average severity and presence of subtypes) experienced by crossover youth. Methods. The data source is comprised of official records for the population of Quebec male and female adolescents that pled guilty or were convicted of a crime between January 1st 2005 and December 31st 2010. First, descriptive statistics are utilized to draw a portrait of crossover youth in Quebec. Second, multivariable analyses are used to determine whether the parameters of maltreatment predict different dimensions of delinquency and to examine possible sex differences. Findings. Crossover youth demonstrate more serious delinquency than non-maltreated offenders and differential exposure to maltreatment is linked to heterogeneous parameters of juvenile delinquency. The recurrence of maltreatment emerges as an important predictor of the parameters of subsequent offending. Moreover, maltreated boys demonstrated more problematic indicators of juvenile delinquency than maltreated girls. Implications. Interventions within the youth protection and juvenile justice systems should be tailored in order to identify youth at-risk for serious delinquency, to target specific dimensions of maltreatment and to potentially hamper their link to subsequent offending. Intervention should be privileged for victims of multiple incidents of maltreatment and for maltreated boys.

論偵查機關調閱銀行私人帳戶資料之合法性─與美國作比較 / The Legality on Our Law Enforcement's Access to Private Banking Account–In Comparison with the United States

張君寧, Chang, Chun Ning Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,我國在偵辦民刑事案件時,調閱相關人等之銀行帳戶資料通常是必要作法之一,表面上看來行之有年、理所當然,但深究後卻發現未臻完善、有待改進,其中尤以正當合法性及與個人隱私權之衝突最具爭議。調閱銀行帳戶資料固然是快速有效偵查案情的方式之一,但若無合理的法律依據、明確的施行方針、完善的配套措施及必要的懲處規定,將易流於擴權濫用,不僅違背法理,亦侵害當事人之隱私權,影響甚鉅,而當今我國文獻中卻較缺乏關於此方面之探討,殊為可惜。因此,目前我國偵查機關調閱銀行帳戶資料之法律依據為何?與其他法律是否有矛盾衝突之處?實務上如何施行?有哪些配套措施?未來有何改進之道?若公務機關違法濫權有何懲罰機制?如何適當修改現有法令規範以使其更臻完善?凡此皆與社會大眾息息相關,並使筆者產生高度興趣及強烈研究動機,期盼透過深入研究,得以充分瞭解相關理論與實務,並對問題提出解決或改善之建議。 無論自人性尊嚴、隱私權或資訊自決權之觀點來看,個人資料保護皆為基本且重要之議題,不容忽視,而銀行帳戶實為個人資料當中非常重要之一環。美國為隱私權概念發源地,理論與實務發展久遠,深具探討價值,故本文擇其作為比較分析對象。為求深入探討調閱銀行帳戶資料在台灣及美國司法實務面運作之情形,本文整理解析兩國近年來相關法規及民事刑事裁判,2010年4月我國立法通過之「電腦處理個人資料保護法修正案」(後更名為「個人資料保護法」,2012年10月付諸實行,以下亦簡稱「新個資法」)亦在本文討論範圍內。本文將介紹各相關法規內容,分析新舊法規之差異,探究實務面作法及未來可能走向,以提供各位讀者先進參考。 國家為履行公共任務或打擊金融犯罪,通常需要調閱相關人等之銀行帳戶資料,此為偵查機關職責所在,但若稍有不慎即可能使個人資訊隱私權遭受重大侵害,而目前理論與實務面皆尚有未盡完善之處。筆者盼以本身面臨之法令疑義,對我國新個資法及台美兩國相關法規之檢視,對本文蒐集資料之研讀心得,及在金融業服務十年之工作經驗作為本文研究之核心。 本篇論文之主要目的,盼藉由各面向之探討及對法律制度之論述,檢視當今我國與美國調閱銀行私人帳戶資料之正當性與合法性;本文不僅描述兩國偵查機關調閱銀行帳戶資料之現況,亦針對問題分析研究,提出建議策略,盼能為我國目前存在之問題困境貢獻一己之力,以供法律界、金融界及相關公務部門參考。 透過本文研究,可觀察目前我國與美國調閱銀行私人帳戶資料相關法規與實務之發展方向,探討主管機關在提升偵查效率及保障個人財務資訊隱私權之間如何取得平衡,希冀政府機關不僅能快速有效完成偵查任務,亦能在合情合理合法範圍內作好個人資料保護,兩全其美。 / In Taiwan, law enforcement’s access to private banking account is a common way of investigating civil or criminal crimes. Although it seems very normal, it still has some problems need to be solved, especially its legality and controversy over privacy. It’s efficient to investigate a crime by retrieving data from private banking account, but it’s easy to invade personal privacy if there’s no reasonable law, clear direction, supplementary measures or necessary punishments. As a result, it’s very worthwhile and important to discuss this thesis’ title. However, there are not many relevant essays or writings in our country nowadays. About this issue, there are many relevant topics which are worthy to be discussed. For example, what is the legal basis of this kind of investigation? Is there any inconsistency between its legal basis and other laws? What are the implementations or supporting measures in practice and improvements in the future? Is there any supervision mechanism if the Government abuses its power? How to amend existing legal regulations appropriately to make them more perfect? Topics above are closely related to all society so the author has a high degree of interest and motivation. Hope this thesis will make readers fully understand relevant theory and practice then they may know how to solve problems and make improvements by this article’s suggestion. Whether from the point of view of privacy, human dignity or self-determination of revealing personal information, protection of personal data is always a basic and important issue which shouldn’t be ignored. The private banking account is actually one kind of the most important personal data. The United States (hereinafter also “America”) is the birthplace of the concept of privacy which has developed there for a long time. It is worth researching so the author selects America for comparative analysis task. In order to discuss the judicial practice about private banking account being investigated by the authorities in Taiwan and America, the author sorts out and analyzes relevant regulations and criminal judges of these two countries in recent years. “Computer Processed Personal Information Protection Act Amendments” (later renamed “Personal Information Protection Act”, implemented in October 2012, hereinafter also “New Personal Information Act”) passed by the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan in April 2010 is also within the scope of this article. This article will describe the contents of relevant laws, analyze the differences between old and new regulations and discuss practical approaches and possible directions in the future so this thesis will provide reference for all readers. The Government often needs to retrieve banking account information to fulfill public tasks or fight against financial crimes. Although this is the duty of the authorities, it will result in serious violation of personal information privacy if the authorities make any mistake. In fact, both of relevant theory and practice in our country have some drawbacks and deficiencies at this time. The author looks forward to discussing the doubts of law, examining “New Personal Information Act” and relevant regulations of Taiwan and America and sharing study experience on this issue and a decade of work experience in the financial industry in order to constitute the core of this research. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the necessity and legality of retrieving banking account information in Taiwan and America by discussing all relevant aspects and legal systems. This article not only describes the authorities’ access to banking account information in the current situation but also analyzes problems, makes suggestions and offers strategies. The author hopes to do his best to make some contribution to the law, financial industry and related public authorities. Through this thesis, readers could observe Taiwan and America’s investigation of private banking account currently and developing directions of relevant regulations and actual situations in the future. Readers could also learn and discuss how the authorities weigh improvement of investigation efficiency and protection of personal financial information privacy. Hope our Government will not only complete investigation quickly and efficiently but also protect personal information privacy legally and reasonably.

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