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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europeiska Unionen : En resa genom tid om hur dagspressen i två nationer framställer europeisk gemenskap

Eriksson, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
This thesis has its focus on media portrayal of a large political institution; the European Union. Articles from two nations daily newspapers have been analyzed in order to examine how the European Union is described and framed for their readers. The newspapers that was chosen for this study and from which the material was collected, were the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet the American newspaper The New York Times. The material was taken from three periods of time, and by this the results did not only serve a presentiment on how the media reports about the subject, but also an idea over the media’s coverage character over time. Also, by analyzing articles from newspapers from different countries, the material could give an answer to whether there is any difference in media reporting and coverage about the European Union over nation borders. Theories that have been under observation for this study, and which have functioned as tools for the analyzing process are: the agenda-setting theory, media ideology, framing, media logic and political communication. Further inspirations that have been under consideration and of values through the development of this thesis are thoughts from the modern theorist Jürgen Habermas, and earlier studies that have been made on the subject in matter, for example ones by Lars Palm and Vanni Tjernström. Results from this study showed that there were differences between the two nations way of reporting about the subject, and also that changes over time have occurred. Mostly, it was the Swedish news reporting that showed evident change over the three investigated periods. This can be explained by the countries over all changed relationship towards the European Union. Further did results from this study show that the American articles included more actors and subjects, compared to the Swedish articles. This can be a factor of the American articles longer character.

Kvalitativ metod - vetenskap eller inte? / Qualitative research methods - science or not?

Gunneng, Vibeke January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker den kvantitativa och den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden ur ett kunskapsteoretiskt och ett vetenskapsteoretiskt perspektiv. I fråga om kvalitativ forskning har metoderna hermeneutik och fenomenologi studerats särskilt grundligt. Uppsatsen argumenterar för att kunskapsteoretiska och vetenskapsteoretiska antaganden måste vara gemensamma för de båda typerna av metod, om man anser att båda typerna ska betraktas som vetenskapliga. Vidare hävdas att de kvalitativa metoderna är sammankopplade med en rad problem beträffande objektivitet, generaliserbarhet, rättfärdigande av kunskap och teoriers empiriska stöd. I många fall utger sig dessa metoder för att leva upp till de krav man ställer på vetenskaplig forskning i dessa avseenden i lika hög grad som kvantitativ metod, men en av uppsatsens teser är att de misslyckas med detta. I uppsatsen hävdas att vetenskapens mål är att generera generaliserbar kunskap. På grund av de kunskapsteoretiska problem kvalitativ forskning stöter på, kan sådan forskning inte ensam nå detta mål och således inte ha någon självständig plats i vetenskapen, utan kan endast tjäna ett förvetenskapligt syfte, genom att, i vissa fall, formulera frågor och hypoteser som sedan besvaras respektive testas av kvantitativ forskning. / This paper examines the quantitative and the qualitative research methods with respect to both epistemology and the philosophy of science. With regards to qualitative research, the paper takes a closer look at the hermeneutic and the phenomenological methods in particular. The paper argues that the different types of method must have the same epistemological assumptions, if it is held that both types ought to be considered scientific. It is further claimed that the qualitative methods are connected to several problems concerning objectivity, generalizability, the justification of knowledge and the empirical support of theories. In many cases, these methods purport to live up to the requirements that are made on scientific research in these respects to the same degree as the quantitative method, but one of the theses of this paper is that they fail to do this. In the paper, it is maintained that the goal of science is to generate generalizable knowledge. Due to the epistemological problems qualitative research are faced with, such research cannot reach that goal alone and thus cannot hold an independent position in science, but can only serve a prescientific purpose, by, in some cases, drawing up questions and hypotheses which are then answered and tested respectively, by quantitative research.

"Ettan" som kom först : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur en studenttidnings förstasida förändrats genom tiderna / The number one that came first : A quantitative content analysis of how the first page of a student newspaper changed over time

Melkersson, Emma January 2011 (has links)
The aim was to explore how the first page of a student newspaper has been changed over time since it was founded in the 1960´s. This thesis explores how the front page of the student newspaper Lösnummer has been changed since it was founded in 1966. It concerns the location and frequency of elements and it is based on theories of layout, the first page and visual communication In addition, the thesis develops a new kind of method for determining the location of elements on the type area. The method is based on the hexadecimal number system. It is formed as a grid which is placed on the first page to determine the location of the elements. It concludes that the frequency of elements had its peak during the 1970´s and has ever since decreased gradually. Image placement has gone from being scattered all over the front page to be centered and increase in size. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur en studenttidning har förändrats sedan den grundades på 1960-talet. Denna avhandling undersöker hur framsidan av studenttidningen Lösnummer har förändrats sedan den grundades 1966. Den behandlar placering och frekvens av element och är baserad på teorier om layout, första sidan och visuell kommunikation. Avhandlingen utvecklar en ny typ av metod för fastställande av placeringen av elementen på förstasidan. Metoden bygger på det hexadecimala talsystemet då ett rutnät placeras på första sidan för att bestämma placeringen av elementen. Slutsatsen av undersökningen visare att frekvensen av elementen hade sin höjdpunkt under 1970-talet och har sedan minskat successivt. Bildernas placering har gått från att vara utspridda över hela framsidan till vara centreras och öka i storlek.

Hur påverkar energi- och proteinrik kost intaget av energi och makronutrienter? / How does a energy- and protein enriched diet affect the intake of energy and macronutrients?

Lindberg, Ellinor, Andersson, Louise January 2015 (has links)
Today 70 percent of the people residing in nursing homes are undernourished. One way to avoid that an individual is affected by malnutrition it is a necessity that the meals is customized after special needs current among other things as energy and protein. Food record is a method that can be used to examine and evaluate if an individual is getting sufficient nutrition and energy to cover the daily needs. For those suffering from malnutrition it is recommended to eat energy and protein enriched diet. Aims The aim is to compare the intake of energy and macronutrients in a group of elderly people living in a nursing home in southern Sweden before and after the introduction of an energy and protein enriched diet based on newly developed recipes. Methods Food record was made during four days. Food record means that everything that is consumed by an individual is noted precisely. The food records were performed during four days and were then nutritionally calculated in DietistNet. In our analysis we used a paired t-test and a significance level of 5 percent were used in all hypothesis tests. Results The intake of energy, fat and protein significantly increased when the energy and protein enriched diet was introduced. The amount of finished portions that by size corresponded with a reference portion increased from 22 to 75 percent. Conclusion When the energy and protein enriched diet was introduced the intake of energy, protein and fat was significantly increased and the mean amongst the participants reached the nutrition recommendations from NNR. / Idag är cirka 70 procent av de som är bosatta på särskilda boende konstaterat undernärda eller i riskzonen för undernäring. En metod för att undvika att en individ drabbas av undernäring är att måltiderna anpassas efter särskilda behov med avseende på bland annat energi och protein. Kostregistrering är en metod som kan användas för att undersöka och värdera om en individ får i sig tillräckligt med makronutrienter och energi för att täcka dagsbehovet. För de som lider av undernäring kan en energi- och proteinrik kost (EPR-kost) rekommenderas. Syfte Syftet är att jämföra intag av energi och makronutrienter bland äldre på ett särskilt boende i södra Sverige före och efter införande av EPR-kost baserad på nyutvecklade recept. Material och metod Kostregistrering innebär att allt som konsumeras av en individ noteras med exakthet. Kostregistreringarna genomfördes under fyra dygn och näringsvärdesberäknades i DietistNet. I analysen användes ett parat t-test och en felrisk på 5 procent användes vid alla hypotestest. Resultat Intaget av energi, fett och protein ökade signifikant då EPR-kost infördes. Antalet uppätna portioner som storleksmässigt motsvarade en referensportion ökade från 22 till 75 procent. Slutsatser Då EPR-kost infördes ökade intaget av energi, protein och fett signifikant och medelvärdet bland deltagarna uppnådde näringsrekommendationerna enligt NNR.

Tlaopo le manonapelo mo diterameng tsa thelevisene tsa ga D.M. Mothibi

Seremo, Anna Mmapule 25 November 2014 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to critically explore elements of comedy and satiric elements in two television dramas of D.M. Mothibi, / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Svårigheter vid undersökning och bedömning av bristningar efter vaginal förlossning ur ett barnmorskeperspektiv / Difficulties in examination and assesment of perineal traumafollowing vaginal childbirth from a midwifery perspecitve

Grönvall, Kerstin January 2017 (has links)
Av de kvinnor som genomgår vaginalförlossning drabbas 85% av förlossningsbristningar, och följderna av dessa kan variera från lätta besvär till svåra komplikationer. En förutsättning för att kvinnan ska få rätt behandling är en korrekt diagnostik. Majoriteten av bristningarna handläggs av barnmorskor, och tidigare forskning har visat att kunskapen och kompetensen inom området varierar. Studiens syfte var att kartlägga svårigheter i barnmorskors arbete med att undersöka och bedöma vaginalbristningar efter förlossning. En enkätundersökning med barnmorskor som handlagt 72 förlossningar på en mellanstor förlossningsklinik vid ett svenskt sjukhus genomfördes under en period av 7 veckor. Resultatet visade att de vanligaste hindren vid granskning av bristningar var blödning och smärta hos patienten och de vanligaste svårigheterna var att identifiera strukturer och vävnader i bristningen. I en fjärdedel av fallen tog handläggande barnmorska stöd av kollega eller läkare, och några barnmorskor skattade sin kunskap och kompetens inom området som otillräcklig. Behovet av kollegialt stöd och av fortbildning och träning uttrycktes hos barnmorskor med både kort och lång erfarenhet. Det finns ett behov av fortsatt forskning om blödning som hinder för bedömning av förlossningsbristningar och av utvärdering av smärtlindringsmetoder. / Of all women undergoing vaginal birth, 85% sustain some form of perineal trauma and the consequences vary from smaller problems to severe complications. An accurate diagnosis of the trauma is necessary for it to be adequately treated. A majority of the perineal and vaginal ruptures are managed by midwives, and earlier research has shown that there is a considerable variation in midwives knowledge and skills concerning perineal trauma. The aim of this study was to explore difficulties in midwives examinations and assessments of perineal trauma following vaginal birth. A survey with midwives attending 72 births within a medium- sized Swedish birth-clinic, was conducted in a period of 7 weeks. The most common obstacles in assessing perineal ruptures, were the patient ́s bleeding and pain. The largest difficulties in assessment were identifying the structures and anatomy within the rupture. In one case out of four, peer support from midwife colleague or doctor was sought, and there were cases of midwives estimating their competence as non-sufficient. The need for peer support and continuous training and education was expressed in cases with midwives having short and long experience. There is a need for further research in the focus on bleeding as an obstacle in assessment of perineal trauma, and a need for further evaluation of the anaestethical methods used in management of them.

Beskriva och jämföra den psykosociala arbetsmiljön hos ambulanspersonal i en region i mellan Sverige : Utifrån Distriktssköterskans profession

Hedberg, Viktoria, Linderstam, Catherine January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är viktig för individen. Att skapa arbetsplatser med en tillfredsställande arbetsmiljö är både svårt och utmanande, men med kunskap och utbildad personal kan det skapas goda arbetsmiljöer och främja hälsan hos personalen. Syftet: Var att beskriva och jämföra hur ambulanspersonalen skattade sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö samt om det fanns skillnad i skattning mellan män och kvinnor inom ett verksamhetsområde i en region inom hälso-och sjukvården. Metod: En beskrivande och jämförande studie med kvantitativ ansats. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att faktorerna arbetskrav, låg kontroll i arbete, rollförväntningar, förutsägbarget i arbetet, social interaktion, ledarskap, kommunikation, organisationskultur/klimat, grupparbete, skicklighet i arbetet, arbetets centralitet och interaktion mellan arbete och privatliv/stress innefattade den påverkade psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Det fanns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan män och kvinnor av de beskrivna områdena arbetsnivå, social och organisationsnivå samt individnivå. Slutsatser: Distriktsjuksköterskans preventiva arbete kan förse arbetsplatser med hälsofrämjande kunskap angående den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Att uppmärksamma och bibehålla faktorer på arbetsplatsen som gör den till en god och hälsosam arbetsplats är viktigt. Känslan av att känna ett sammanhang är betydelsefullt för både individen och gruppen. / Background: The psychosocial work environment is important for the individual. Creating workplaces with a satisfactory working environment is both difficult and challenging, but with knowledge and trained staff good working environments can be created and health promotion for the staff. Aim: To describe and compare how ambulance staff estimated their psychosocial work environment and whether there was a difference in estimation between men and women within an operation area in a healthcare region. Method: A descriptive and comparative study with quantitative approach. Main results: The result showed that factors such as work demands, control at work, role expectations, predictability, social interactions, leadership, communication, organization culture/climate, group work and skills at work, centrality of work, interactions between work and private life/stress were factors that included the affected psychosocial work environment. There were no significant differences between men and women in the described areas of work level, social and organizational level and individual level.    Conclusion: The district nurse´s preventive work can provide workplaces with health promotion knowledge regarding the psychosocial work environment. Attention and maintaining factors in the workplace that make it a good healthy workplace is important. The feeling of feeling a context is important for both individual and group.

Sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse  och informellt lärande : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och informellt lärande med personlighet som modererande variabel / The relationship between job satisfaction and informal learning: : A quantitative study of the relationship between job satisfaction and informal learning with personality as a moderating variable

Christenson, Louise, By Faal, Jasmine January 2021 (has links)
Arbetstillfredsställelse och informellt lärande är två välstuderade ämnen men otillräckligt medstudier har undersökt sambandet dem emellan. En orsak kan vara att arbetstillfredsställelse faller inom ramen för psykologi och informellt lärande faller inom ramen för pedagogik. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka sambandet mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och informellt lärande. Då tidigare studier tyder på personlighet har betydelse för både arbetstillfredsställelse och informellt lärande har vi valt att addera personlighet som modererande en variabel, för att se hur sambandet påverkas. En kvantitativ metod användes och datainsamling skedde genom webbaserade frågeformulär bestående av 66 påståenden. Frågeformulären bestod av fyra instrument, IPIP-30 (ämnad att mäta personlighetsdimensionerna), instrument för informellt lärande på arbetsplatsen (LPW), instrument för arbetstillfredsställelse och instrument för Work-Life-Balance (COPSOQ) och bakgrundsfrågor (ålder, kön, utbildning, distans under covid-19, personalansvar, år på nuvarande arbetsplats och allmänt hälsotillstånd).  Totalt deltog 225 personer i studien (M = 34år, SD = 12, räckvidd 18–69 år, 91,5% kvinnor). Resultatet vittnar om ett positivt signifikant samband mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och informellt lärande. Neuroticism, extraversion och samvetsgrannhet påvisar signifikans till arbetstillfredsställelse separat, men har ingen interaktionseffekt på sambandet mellan våra två huvudvariabler, vilket innebär att personlighet inte har någon modererande effekt på relationen mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och informellt lärande. Vår slutsats är att informellt lärande verkar ha en betydande roll för arbetstillfredsställelsen och att fortsatta studier på området uppmuntras. / Job satisfaction and informal learning are two well-studied subjects, but insufficient studies have examined the relationship between them both. An explanation could be that job satisfaction being within the framework of psychology and informal learning being within the framework of pedagogy. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and informal learning. As previous studies indicate personality is important for both job satisfaction and informal learning, we have chosen to add personality as a moderating variable, to see how the relationship is affected. A quantitative method was used and data collection was done through web-based questionnaires consisting of 66 statements. The questionnaires consisted of four instruments, IPIP-30 (intended to measurepersonality dimensions), instruments for informal learning in the workplace (LPW),instruments for job satisfaction, instruments for Work-Life-Balance (COPSOQ) and general questions (age, gender, education, distance during covid-19, personnel responsibilities, years at current workplace and general state of health). A total of 225 people participated in the study(M = 34 years, SD = 12, range 18-69 years, 91.5% women). The results testify to a positively significant relationship between job satisfaction and informal learning. Neuroticism,extraversion, and conscientiousness demonstrate significance to job satisfaction separately, but have no interaction effect on the relationship between our two main variables, meaning that personality has no moderating effect on the relationship between job satisfaction and informal learning. Our conclusion is that informal learning seems to play a significant role in job satisfaction and that further studies in this area are encouraged.

Managing Strategy Risks through Balanced Scorecard (BSC) : A Survey Study in the Iranian Petroleum Equipment Industry

Azizi Shalbaf, Elnaz, Mian, Nabira Ashfaq, Sohaib, Muhammad Numair January 2021 (has links)
Purpose- This thesis aims to identify the role of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for managing strategy risks as well as the types of strategy risks that can be managed using four perspectives of the BSC in the Iranian Petroleum Industry Equipment Manufacturers (IPIEM). Design/ approach/ methodology- In this thesis cross-sectional design and the deduction approach are used. For collecting data for quantitative analysis, a questionnaire was conducted by the research team. Then the data collected from respondents were then analyzed through running simple linear regression analysis in the SPSS software. Findings- The first research question (RQ) is about BSC’s roles in managing strategy risks in IPIEM. These roles are risk assessment, risk controlling and collecting data for decision making of strategy risks. It was proved by the research team that BSC can play a role of the assessment of strategy risks in IPIEM. This means by using BSC as an RM tool in IPIEM, companies can assess strategy risks through identifying, analysing and evaluating strategy risks. However, the results indicate risk controlling and collecting data for decision making cannot be managed by using BSC. The second Research question is about the types of strategy risks that four perspectives of BSC can manage. The results show that from the 8 strategy risks chosen for this thesis, 6 of them which are “liquidity risk” from the financial perspective; “risk of clients’ opposition to pilot testing of the product” from the customer perspective; “risk of improper design of the product at development stages”, and “risk of improper selection of international partners” from the internal perspective; “risk of incorrect evaluation & selection of technology options” and “the risk of not enough operational experience in similar previous projects” from the learning and growth perspective can be managed through using BSC as an RM tool in IPIEM. Based on the conclusion of RQ1, the effect can now be adjusted into RQ2 findings. This study concludes that IPIEM can use BSC for risk assessment of the above-mentioned six different strategy risks. It can also be concluded that the BSC cannot be a full RM tool for managing strategy risks in the companies, since it only can apply for one of the three processes of RM; risk assessment.

Kommunikation oavsett vad: En kvantitativ studie om kommuners anställningar av kommunikatörer. / Communication no matter what: A quantitative study on Swedish municipalities hiring ofcommunicators.

Hallström, Anton January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to show how Swedish municipalities are differentiating in the hiring of communicators in order to practice internal and external communication. By contacting 50 randomly selected municipalities, an overview of their communication force could be established. The results showed great variance between municipalities. The following three hypotheses were then constructed to explain the variance between the municipalities. 1) Factors that will damage reputation will lead to an increase in communicators. 2) There will be a positive linear relationship between communicators and the organization’s size. 3) Municipalities with weak economies will have fewer communicators than municipalities with strong economies. These hypotheses were then tested through an ordinary least square method. This study concludes that from the selection used there were no relationship between economic situation and factors presumed to damage the municipality’s reputation, and investment in communicators, operationalized in hired communicators per hundred thousand inhabitants. A linear relationship between organization size and hired communicators could, however, be proven, thus indicating a strong belief in the gains of internal communication.

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