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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kampen fortsätter : En studie om kompatibilitetsproblem mellan moderna webbläsare / The fight continues : A study of compatibility problems of modern web browsers

Trenkler, Silja January 2006 (has links)
<p>Under 1990-talet utspelade sig en bitter kamp om marknadsandelar mellan de två ledande webbläsare Internet Explorer och Netscape Navigator, det så kallade webbläsar-kriget. Kriget hade till följd att webbläsarna blev nästan helt inkompatibla. Sedan dess pågår en ständig utveckling av gemensamma standarder för webben. Idag är förutsättningarna för kompatibilitet mycket bättre än för tio år sidan, men problemet är inte fullständigt avhjälpt. De moderna webbläsare Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 och Safari kan återge en och samma webbsida visas på olika sätt trots att det finns gemensamma standarder. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på de tekniska orsakerna bakom problemet samt att ta fram lösningsförslag för att skapa en webbsida som är helt kompatibel i de moderna webbläsarna. Uppsatsen innehåller ett omfattande teorikapitel som behandlar definitioner, historik och problem. Teorin kompletteras av tre fältintervjuer med professionella webbutvecklare. Undersökningarna visar att kompati-bilitetsproblem beror på flera faktorer och att det är omöjligt att skapa en heltäckande lösning som kommer åt alla problem. Men genom att kombinera olika tekniker kan man skapa en metod som täcker en stor del av såväl generella som specifika kompatibilitetsproblemen utan att kollidera med rekommenderade standarder.</p> / <p>During the 1990’s the two leading web browsers, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, fought each other in a battle for market shares, the so-called browser war. This war caused almost complete incompatibility between the web browsers. Since then, there has been a continual development of common standards for the web. Today conditions for compatibility are a lot better compared to ten years ago, but the problem is not completely solved. The modern web browsers Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.5, Opera 8.5 and Safari can display the exact same web page differently despite common standards. The aim of this essay is to investigate the technical causes of the problem and to develop suggested solutions for creating a web page that is fully compatible in modern browsers. The essay contains an extensive literature study, considering definitions, history and problems. The theory was completed with three field interviews with professional web designers. The investigations show that compatibility problems depend on several factors and that it is impossible to create one exhaustive solution that encompasses all problems. However, by combining different techniques one can create a method that covers a large part of both general and specific compatibility problems without colliding with recommended standards.</p>

Småbarnsfamiljers kostvanor : En studie om kostkvalitet och föräldrars inverkan på barns ätvanor / Food habits in families with young children : A study about diet quality and parental influence on children´s eating habits

Qvarnström, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Många människor har svårt att etablera goda matvanor trots ett ständigt informationsflöde om hur ohälsosam kost påverkar hälsan negativt. Små barn befinner sig i en beroendeställning till de vuxna som finns runt dem. Det innebär att föräldrarnas kostvanor även blir barnens. De vuxna bestämmer vad som finns hemma och vad som serveras. Denna kvantitativa studie har undersökt småbarnsfamiljers kostvanor med utgångspunkt i Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer om mindre mättat fett, mindre socker, mer kostfiber, frukt, grönt och fisk i kosten. Med hjälp av validerade frågor bedömdes uppgifter om konsumtionsfrekvenser hos föräldrar och barn. Den sökte också svar på om barnets ätvanor liknar förälderns och om föräldrars påverkan på barnets matintag har någon betydelse för detsamma. Dessutom efterfrågades vilka hinder som kunde tänkas finnas för hälsosamma matvanor i familjen. 56 föräldrar med minst ett barn i åldern 1-6 år valde att besvara det frågeformulär som distribuerades via fem förskolor i Hagfors kommun. Resultatet visar att barns och föräldrars kostvanor kan förbättras. Majoriteten av föräldrar och barn når inte upp till Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer. Sockerintaget är ett undantag som är i sin ordning hos föräldrarna. Bullar, kex, kakor och saft/läsk intas dock för ofta hos barnen. I jämförelse med tidigare svenska kostundersökningar kan man se att konsumtionsfrekvenserna för de ”onyttiga” livsmedlen är signifikant lägre i denna undersökning. En granskning av konsumtionsfrekvenserna hos paren förälder – barn visar tydligt att föräldrars ätvanor har betydelse för hur barnet äter. Studien finner inga tydliga samband mellan konsumtionsfrekvens av utrymmesmat och förälders påverkan på hur mycket/lite barnet ska äta. Ett undantag finns dock och det är de föräldrar som mutar sina barn med efterrätt för att få barnet att äta mer. De barnen hade en hög konsumtionsfrekvens av glass. De barn som inte påverkas har en tydligt högre konsumtionsfrekvens av frukt och grönt och ost än de barn som inte påverkas vilket kan tyda på bättre mellanmålsvanor och en större preferens för frukt och grönt. Därför kan sägas att förälders påverkan på barnets matintag inte leder till något positivt. Flera av föräldrarna anser att det inte finns några hinder för att äta hälsosamt, ändå konsumerar många för mycket av ohälsosamma livsmedel. Tidsbrist anges som det största hindret för hälsosamma matvanor. Slutsatsen är att om ätvanorna hos den framtida vuxna befolkningen dvs barnen ska bli bättre måste förebyggande satsningar riktas till föräldrar. Varje förälder måste förstå sitt eget ansvar när det gäller vilka kostvanor barnet får. Dels genom vad som görs tillgängligt men framförallt vilken förebild man ger sitt barn. / People have trouble establishing good eating habits in spite of a constant flow of information about the negative effects of unhealthy food. Young children depend on the present adults, which implies that food habits of parents become the food habits of their children. The adults have control over the food available and what meals are served. This quantitative study has carried out a dietary survey in families with young children. It is based on the National Food Administration (NFA) dietary recommendations about less saturated fat, less added sugar (sucrose), more dietary fibre and more fruit and vegetables. Validated questions were used to estimate consumption frequencies in food intake of the participating parents and children. This study also investigates whether eating habits of children reflects the eating habits of their parents. Furthermore questions were asked about what difficulties there might be to gain healthy eating habits in the family. Fifty-six parents with at least one child in the age of 1-6 chose to reply to the questionnaire distributed by five pre-schools in the district of Hagfors. The results indicate that the eating habits of both parents and children could change for the better. The majority of parents and children do not achieve the dietary recommendations. The recommended less sugar intake is an exception, which the parents achieve. The children consume buns, biscuits and syrups and soft drinks too often. Consumption frequencies of the unhealthy in-between meals are lower in this survey compared to earlier nation-wide Swedish dietary surveys. An examination of the parent/child pairs indicates that parent’s eating habits closely correspond to those of their children. There is no evidence of effect of parental control over the child’s food intake on consumption frequency of in-between meals. However those parents who use dessert as a bribe to encourage their child to eat more, have children who consume ice cream very often. Children who were not controlled in food intake consumed fruit and vegetables and cheese more often compared to children with parental control over food intake. This may imply that the children who are not controlled have better snack food intake and a greater preference for fruit and vegetables. Therefore it is possible to state that parental control has no positive effects on children’s food intake. Many parents consider that healthy eating habits are no problem, yet many of them consume unhealthy food too often. Lack of time is the most reported difficulty. Conclusions are that if eating habits in the future adult population is to be better, parent’s diet should be focus of change. Each parent needs to recognize the responsibility of him/her in the development of the child’s eating habits, partly by what is made available but most of all by the parental role model.

IMO:s barlastkonventions konsekvenser för sjöfarten inom Östersjön / IMO’s Ballast Water Convention’s consequences for the shipping in the Baltic Sea

Pettersson, Daniel, Wallerstein, Fanny January 2012 (has links)
Arbetet behandlade vilka konsekvenser inom driften (ekonomiska kostnader och teknologi) som rederier kommer att drabbas av när IMO:s barlastkonvention träder i kraft då barlastvattnet måste renas innan inträde i Östersjön. Arbetets syfte var att få fram vilka konsekvenser det blir för rederier när IMO:s barlastkonvention träder i kraft. Resultatet skulle jämföra skillnaden mellan lag och rekommendation då Helsingforskonventionens rekommendationer baseras på IMO:s barlastkonventions krav. En kvalitativ metod valdes för att komma fram till resultatet, i form av en öppen intervjustudie, där fyra olika företag har intervjuats. Syftet med intervjuerna var att se ifall de följde Helsingforskonventionens rekommendationer och vilka konsekvenser det skulle innebära och skulle komma att krävas då Barlastkonventionen träder i kraft. Resultatet visade att kostnaderna kommer att bli omfattande vid installation samt att det kommer att krävas teknologiska åtgärder. Vidare visade undersökningen att inköpskostnaden endast utgör en liten del av fartygets investering och att barlastreningsanläggningar är tämligen underhållsfria. / The task discussed the consequences within the ship’s operation (economical costs and technology) companies will be affected with when IMO’s Ballast Water Convention enters into force and ballast water has to be treated before entrance to the Baltic Sea. The purpose with the task was to find out which consequences companies will be forced with when IMO’s Ballast Water Convention enters into force. The result compares the difference between law and recommendation because HELCOM’s recommendations are based on IMO’s Ballast Water Convention’s laws. A qualitative method has been used, such as an open interview form, where four different companies were interviewed. The purpose with the interviews was to see if the companies followed HELCOM’s recommendations and which consequences it would lead to and would be necessary when the Ballast Water Convention enters into force. The results showed that the costs would be extensive when installation takes place and it will require technical arrangements. The task also shows that the purchase cost only makes a small part of the vessel’s investment and ballast water treatment systems are almost totally maintenance-free.

Socio-semantic conversational information access

Sahay, Saurav 15 November 2011 (has links)
The main contributions of this thesis revolve around development of an integrated conversational recommendation system, combining data and information models with community network and interactions to leverage multi-modal information access. We have developed a real time conversational information access community agent that leverages community knowledge by pushing relevant recommendations to users of the community. The recommendations are delivered in the form of web resources, past conversation and people to connect to. The information agent (cobot, for community/ collaborative bot) monitors the community conversations, and is 'aware' of users' preferences by implicitly capturing their short term and long term knowledge models from conversations. The agent leverages from health and medical domain knowledge to extract concepts, associations and relationships between concepts; formulates queries for semantic search and provides socio-semantic recommendations in the conversation after applying various relevance filters to the candidate results. The agent also takes into account users' verbal intentions in conversations while making recommendation decision. One of the goals of this thesis is to develop an innovative approach to delivering relevant information using a combination of social networking, information aggregation, semantic search and recommendation techniques. The idea is to facilitate timely and relevant social information access by mixing past community specific conversational knowledge and web information access to recommend and connect users with relevant information. Language and interaction creates usable memories, useful for making decisions about what actions to take and what information to retain. Cobot leverages these interactions to maintain users' episodic and long term semantic models. The agent analyzes these memory structures to match and recommend users in conversations by matching with the contextual information need. The social feedback on the recommendations is registered in the system for the algorithms to promote community preferred, contextually relevant resources. The nodes of the semantic memory are frequent concepts extracted from user's interactions. The concepts are connected with associations that develop when concepts co-occur frequently. Over a period of time when the user participates in more interactions, new concepts are added to the semantic memory. Different conversational facets are matched with episodic memories and a spreading activation search on the semantic net is performed for generating the top candidate user recommendations for the conversation. The tying themes in this thesis revolve around informational and social aspects of a unified information access architecture that integrates semantic extraction and indexing with user modeling and recommendations.

分析師推薦之實證研究:私有資訊及互蒙其利 / An Empirical Test on Analysts' Recommendations: Private Information and Mutual Benefit

戴維芯, Tai, Vivian W. Unknown Date (has links)
傳統探討分析師推薦資訊價值的研究多採用累積超額報酬的方式,近年來研究顯示個別投資人的績效顯著低於機構投資人,因此是否分析師推薦能夠幫助提升個別投資人的福利。本論文的第一個貢獻在檢定是否個別投資人能夠獲取分析師推薦的資訊價值,為區分推薦資訊分別對於個別與機構投資人的價值為何,本研究採用的每種投資人實際的交易利潤作為衡量指標。 研究結果顯示所有投資人都可以透過買入推薦獲取顯著的正報酬,但在賣出推薦上,僅外資與共同基金仍能維持獲取正的報酬。同時發現在推 薦事件期間,專業機構投資人的利潤顯著高於一般散戶的獲利。 進一步,本論文的第二的主題在探討此推薦的資訊價值對於不同投資人的差異,是否肇因於推薦券商所提供的私有資訊,因此進一步將各類投資人分成推薦券商的客戶與非客戶。結果顯示國內機構投資人的利潤在客戶的身上顯著高於非客戶的獲利,顯示推薦券商在對外公佈推薦資訊前的確提供私有資訊給其國內機構客戶,但此現象在賣出推薦並不存在。 第三,本論文進一步分析是否拿到推薦券商所提供私有資訊的客戶也是推薦券商的經紀業務收益的主要貢獻者。在比較推薦券商與非推薦券商在被推薦股票上的相對交易量(金額)中,發現推薦券商的確因為買入推薦股票而增加經紀業務量,但很驚訝的發現貢獻最多交易量的是個別投資人,而非拿到最多好處的機構投資人。 最後,本研究透過迴歸分析探討不同投資人的交易利潤與推薦券商所獲得的經紀業務量的關係。在控制推薦類型、推薦評等與被推薦股票之股票特性後,發現投資人的交易利潤與推薦券商的經紀業務收益成正相關,再次顯示券商推薦與其各項業務收益間的關係。 / Traditionally, information value of analysts’ recommendations has been well-recognized by cumulative abnormal returns. Recent studies show that individuals are underperformed, and therefore, it is a critical issue on if analysts’ recommendations are helpful to individuals’ welfares. The first contribution of this dissertation to the literature is to examine whether individual investors are capable of capturing the information value. To classify the information value of recommendations for individuals and institutions, respectively, I, thus, use a direct measure to calculate the actual trading profits of types of traders. To our best knowledge, this is the first paper that demonstrates the information value for types of investors. Our results indicate that, all investors get positive and significant profits in brokerages’ buy recommendations, no matter what types of investors are measured. As to sell recommendations, only foreign investors and mutual funds have positive returns. We also find that professional institutions earn more profits than retail investors during the recommendation event periods. Further, the second objective of this dissertation is to test whether the information values are caused by private information from brokerages’ houses, we separate the profits of types of investors into customers and non-customers based. The findings are that only domestic institutional customers of recommending brokerages are more beneficial than those of non-recommending brokerages in buy recommendations, which implies that brokerage houses may reveal private information to their own institutional customers before buy recommendations make public. This does not hold for sell recommendations. Third, we are interested in analyzing whether the private information that recommending brokerages provide to their own customers may, indeed, contribute to brokerages’ commission revenues. By comparing the trading volume of recommending brokerages and non-recommending brokerage for the covered stocks, we find that the volumes of covered stocks issued in the recommending brokerages are increased for buy recommendations. Particularly, we find that the main contribution of trading volume is from individuals. Furthermore, we run regressions to study the relationship between trading profits of types of investors and trading volume of recommending brokerages. After controlling recommendation types, consensus rating of recommendations, and stock characteristics, our results indicate that trading profits of all types of investors are positively related to commission revenues of brokerages. This may justify the importance of brokerage recommendations on their business relationships.

Wohnen bis ins Alter

Widany, Anne-Kathrin 11 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der These nachgegangen, dass sich Baugemeinschaften als Wohnform, die von der Gemeinschaft und dem Zusammenleben geprägt ist, im Hinblick auf den demographischen Wandel und dessen Auswirkungen sich zum lebenslangen Bewohnen eignet. Untersucht wurden die baulichen und architektonischen, aber auch sozialen und organisatorischen Gegebenheiten am Beispiel 13 Dresdner Baugemeinschaften. Am Ende liegen Maßnahmen und Empfehlunen für künftige Bauherren und Planer vor. / The present study traces the hypothesis that joint building ventures as a form of living, that is affected by the community and the cohabit, in view of the demographic change and its effects, are suit to lifelong occupancy. To be proved are the structural and architectural, but also the social and organizational conditions using the example of 13 joint building ventures in Dresden. Finally there are measures and recommendations for future building owners and architects on hand.

Die Einordnung von UNESCO-Rechtsakten

Zahm, Constanze 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Als Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen soll die UNESCO als rechtlich selbstständige Organisation mit eigener Rechtspersönlichkeit zur Erreichung des Gesamtziels der Vereinten Nationen beitragen. Grundlage dafür sind gemeinsame Standards in den Bereichen Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, die gegenseitiges Verständnis und Kooperation fördern sollen. Rechtssetzungsinstrumente sind demnach von großer Bedeutung für die Tätigkeit der UNESCO. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Analyse und kritische Würdigung der vorhandenen Instrumente und ordnet sie rechtlich sowohl nach ihrer Verbindlichkeit als auch ihrer Entstehung ein. Abschließend wird die Implementierung sowie die gewollte und erreichte Wirksamkeit der Rechtssetzungsinstrumente hinterfragt.

Die UNESCO-Strategie zu Menschenrechten und Umsetzung ("Monitoring")

Winter, Marie 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ist von der Arbeit der UNESCO die Rede, werden ihre Aktivitäten zum Schutz der Menschenrechte häufig vernachlässigt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es deshalb, durch die Beschreibung und Bewertung der menschenrechtlichen Verpflichtungen und Aktivitäten der UNESCO, den Zusammenhang zwischen Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur und den Menschenrechten aufzuzeigen und damit die Bedeutung der menschenrechtlichen Arbeit der UNESCO zu verdeutlichen. Dabei wird zunächst auf die, von der UNESCO entwickelten, Strategie zum Schutz der Menschenrechte Bezug genommen und deren Inhalt und Umsetzung kritisch betrachtet. Zudem werden die beiden Monitoring-Verfahren der UNESCO (Staatenberichtsverfahren und Individualbeschwerdeverfahren) vorgestellt und analysiert. Dabei werden vor allem vorhandene Defizite und Probleme der menschenrechtlichen Arbeit der UNESCO hervorgehoben und gezeigt, dass insbesondere im Bereich der Monitoring-Verfahren Reformbedarf besteht.

Dietary Patterns : Identification and Health Implications in the Swedish Population

Ax, Erika January 2015 (has links)
We eat foods not nutrients. What is more, we eat them in combinations. Consequently, capturing our complex food habits is likely an advantage in nutrition research. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was therefore to investigate dietary patterns in the Swedish population –nutrient intakes, nutritional biomarkers and health aspects. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the developed world. However, the impact of dietary factors on disease risk is largely unknown. In Study I we investigated the association between a Mediterranean- and a Low-carbohydrate-high-protein dietary pattern and prostate cancer risk, in a cohort of elderly Swedish men. The latter (but not the former) was associated, inversely, with prostate cancer risk when taking validity in food records into account. Diet is one of our main exposure routes to environmental contaminants. Hence, such exposure could act as a mediating factor in the relation between diet and health. In Study II we investigated the association between; a Mediterranean- and a Low-carbohydrate-high-protein dietary pattern, as well as the official dietary recommendations, and circulating levels of environmental contaminants, in an elderly Swedish population. The first two patterns were positively related to levels of both persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals, whilst the dietary recommendations were inversely associated to dioxin and lead. Finally, although dietary patterns are likely to influence health, little is known about current dietary patterns in Sweden. In Study III we used a data-reduction method to identify dietary patterns in a nationwide sample of the Swedish population. Two major patterns were derived; a Healthy pattern of foods generally considered healthy (e.g. vegetables, fruits, fish and vegetable-oils) and a Swedish traditional pattern (with e.g. meats, potatoes, sauces, non-Keyhole milk-products, sweet-bakery products and margarine). Derived patterns were associated to population characteristics and the Healthy dietary pattern was inversely associated to anthropometric variables in Study IV. Dietary characteristics of the patterns were well reflected in correlations to nutrient intake and (to a lesser extent) in nutritional biomarkers. In conclusion dietary patterns for overall health should be considered, as well as other lifestyle-factors, when interpreting results in nutrition epidemiology and establishing dietary recommendations.

Færøske kvinders kostvaner i tredje trimester / Dietary survey with pregnant women from the Faroe Islands during their third trimester

Veyhe, Anna Sofía January 2006 (has links)
Formålet med undersøgelsen var at finde ud af, hvorvidt gravide kvinder på Færøerne fik en kost, som er i overensstemmelse med rekommandationer der foreligger gravide. 148 kvinder deltog i undersøgelsen, hvor der blev gennemført tre 24 h recall og seks selvregistreringer, samt et food frequency qeistionnaire omhandlende de sidste 12 måneder. Resultatet af den samlede energi, energifordeling, A-, C-, D- og E-vitaminer, og folsyre, jern og calcium er sammenlignet med de rekommandationer der foreligger for gravide i de nordiske lande, specielt Danmark, idet Færøerne følger de danske anbefalinger. Det gennemsnitlige energiindtag var 10,0 MJ, som i gennemsnit fordelte sig i henhold til kostanbefalingerne med 15% proteiner, 52% kulhydrater og 33% fedt. Kostfiberindtaget var lavere end anbefalet, 17,4 gram per dag. Mættede og monoumættede fedtsyrer fulgte anbefalingerne, men indtaget af polyumættede fedtsyrer var lavt, 3,6%. Indtaget af n-3 fedtsyrer var 0,6%, som er lavere end anbefalet. Indtaget at C-vitaminer og calcium var tilstrækkeligt gennem kosten. Indtaget af de andre vitaminer og mineraler var mindre end anbefalingerne. 85% tager vitamintilskud og 64% tager jerntilskud. Indtaget af fisk var 280 gram per uge, kornprodukter 323 gram per dag, kød 193 gram per dag, sødesager 128 gram per dag, frugt og grønt 193 gram per dag, frugt juice 98 gram per dag. Resultatet fra denne opgave kan sætte større fokus på kost og graviditet, samt at der er et behov for en større og mere indgående kostundersøgelse blandt den generelle befolkning, hvis resultater kan bruges i sundhedsfremmende arbejde. / The purpose of this project was to find out whether pregnant women in the Faroe Islands had a dietary intake, which were in accordance with recommendations for pregnant women. 148 women participated in the survey, which involved three 24 hour recall and six days diary, and a food frequency questionnaire for the last 12 months. The results of total energy, the energy distribution of protein, carbohydrate and fat and the micronutrients vitamin-A, -C, -D, -E, folic acid, iron and calcium are compared with recommendations for pregnant women in the Nordic countries, especially from Denmark because the Faroe Islands follow the Danish recommendations. In average the total energy consumption per day was 10,0 MJ, and the distribution was 15% protein, 52% carbohydrates and 33% fat. Dietary fibre intake was 17,4 gram per day, which is lower than recommended. The intake of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids followed the recommendations whereas the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and n-3 fatty acids was lower then recommended, 3,6% and 0,6%. Supply of vitamin-C and calcium through the food was sufficient, whereas the supply of the other micronutrients was too low compare to recommendations. 85% of the women took vitamin supplements and 64% took iron supplements. Intake of fish was 280 gram per week, cereal products 323 gram per day, meat 139 gram per day, sweets 128 gram per day, fruit and vegetables 193 gram per day, fruit juice 98 gram per day. The results from this project can put a focus on the connection between diet and pregnancy as well as there is a need for a detailed dietary survey among the general population, where the results can used in further health promotion / <p>ISBN 91-7997-141-5</p>

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