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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sportovně rekreační centrum Vsetín, Ohrada / Sports and Relaxation Centre Vsetín, Ohrada

Zifčáková, Tatiana January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this master's thesis is the revitalization of the former Spartakiad stadium. Nowadays it functions as a sports complex Ohrada, which is in neglected condition and not widely used. The area is located at the southern edge of the city Vsetín and is defined by a 1st class road from the northeast, Vsetínská Bečva from the western and agricultural areas from the southern side. Above Bečva, the Bečevná hill rises and together they create a pleasant, out-of-town atmosphere with a great potential. The priority of the proposal was to create an attractive place with a variety of sports and recreational activities for all ages. However, at the beginning it was necessary to somehow insulate the area from the overpass. Therefore a sports and recreation facility was designed at the entrance to the area - it copies the shape of the road and forms an imaginary entrance gate to the zone. A car park was designed under the overpass, so the rest of the area remained exclusively for pedestrians. Sufficient distances among the individual sports grounds are supplemented by recreational areas of greenery. Most playgrounds are designed as multi-purpose, for greater variability of the territory. The buildings have a maximum of two floors and they are located in a way not to disturb the views of the recreational areas. They contain sports facilities as well as a wide range of interior activities. Three materials are used on all the buildings - wood, steel and glass, complemented by neutral white plaster. Therefore, the area operates in a comprehensive and uniform manner.

Centro de esparcimiento y residencia temporal para adultos mayores autovalentes de 60 a 80 años - “Club Senior VIP” / Club Senior VIP

Castro Hinojosa, Claudia Victoria, Gonzalez Gentille de Varela, Cinthya Paola, Ruiz Pastor Castillo, Martín Javier, Soto Polo, Evelyn Caroll 11 July 2020 (has links)
Este proyecto ha sido elaborado para satisfacer la necesidad de adultos mayores autovalentes, de gozar de un centro de esparcimiento especialmente pensado en desarrollar hobbies y/o actividades inherentes al rango de edad de 60 a 80 años; tales como talleres de memoria, baile, natación, tai chi, entre otros. Esta idea surgió porque según el estudio de mercado realizado, hay muchos adultos mayores con necesidad de obtener un servicio diferenciado y especializado, y los familiares con los que viven - por el día a día -, no pueden satisfacer esa necesidad. La principal fuente de ingresos será la venta de membresías, para pasar el día y participar de las distintas actividades sujetas a cupo, y para además acceder a una residencia temporal que permite llevar una mejor calidad de vida de lunes a viernes en “Club Senior VIP”. Se estima que la inversión será distribuida principalmente en el alquiler e implementación del Centro, la contratación del personal especializado y una agresiva campaña publicitaria. Los impulsadores de este proyecto serán los alumnos de la UPC: Claudia Castro Hinojosa, quien será la responsable de la Jefatura de administración y ventas, 2. Cinthya Gonzalez Gentille, quien será la responsable de la Jefatura de operaciones y gestión de la calidad, 3. Martín Ruiz Pastor Castillo, quien será el responsable de marketing y ventas, y, 4. Evelyn Soto Polo, quien será la responsable de los recursos humanos. / This project has been developed to meet the need for self-sufficient older adults, to enjoy a recreation center specially designed to develop hobbies and / or activities inherent in the age range of 60 to 80 years; such as memory workshops, dancing, swimming, tai chi, among others. This idea arose because according to our research, there are many older adults in need of obtaining a differentiated and specialized service, and the relatives who are in charge of them, for the day to day they cannot meet that need. The main source of income will be the sale of memberships, to spend the day and participate in the different activities subject to quota, and also to access a temporary residence that allows to lead a better quality of life from Monday to Friday in “Club Senior VIP”, Valuing the family union. An investment that will be distributed mainly in the rental and implementation of the Center, the hiring of specialized personnel and an advertising campaign. The promoters of this project will be the UPC students: Claudia Castro Hinojosa, who will be responsible for the administrative area. 2. Cinthya Gonzalez Gentille, who will be responsible for the operations and quality area. 3. Martín Ruiz Pastor Castillo, who will be responsible for the marketing and commercial area. 4. Evelyn Soto Polo, who will be responsible for the personnel area. / Trabajo de investigación

Tematisk Undervisning På Fritidshemmet : Elevers intressen, delaktighet och inflytande samt fritidshemslärarens kunskaper och förutsättningar / Thematic teaching in after-school recreation centre. : Student’s interests, participation and influence as well as the after-school teacher´s knowledge and conditions

Lind, Saga, O´Sullivan, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Tematisk undervisning beskrivs som ett verktyg där eleverna ges utrymme till att skapa och använda sina egna idéer, där undervisningen bildar en helhet och olika ämnesområden flätas samman. I denna studie kommer vi att undersöka utifrån barndomssociologin och ett relationellt perspektiv hur inkludering, elevers delaktighet och inflytande beskrivs av fritidshemslärare, vilka hinder och möjligheter fritidshemslärare ställs inför när det handlar om att ta vara på barns perspektiv, samt vilka kunskaper och förutsättningar fritidshemslärare behöver för att planera och genomföra tematisk undervisning på fritidshemmet. Vår datainsamling består av intervjuer med fritidshemslärare samt en enkät riktad mot all personal som arbetar eller har arbetat tematiskt på fritidshemmet. Resultatet pekar på vikten av elevers inflytande och delaktighet, men också att lärares tolkning av Läroplanens syfte och centrala innehåll ofta inte ger utrymme för elevers intressen, delaktighet och inflytande. Ramfaktorer togs även upp som en viktig del i planering och genomförandet av den tematiska undervisningen. / Thematic teaching is described as a tool where students are given space to create and use their own ideas, where the education forms a broad summary and different subject areas are intertwined. In this study, we will investigate from the sociology of childhood and a relational perspective how inclusion, students' participation and influence are described by the after-school teachers, what obstacles and opportunities after-school teachers face when it comes to taking advantage of children's perspectives and what knowledge and conditions after-school teachers need to plan and implement thematic teaching at the after-school recreation centre. Our data collection consists of interviews with after-school teachers and a survey aimed at all staff who work or have worked thematically at the after-school recreation centre. The results point to the importance of students' influence and participation, but also that teachers' interpretation of the curriculum's purpose and central content often does not leave room for students' interests, participation and influence. Framework factors were also mentioned as an important part of the planning and implementation of thematic teaching.

Training College Staff to Recognize and Respond to Concussions

Lopez, Lisa B. 08 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Are you okey? : En essä om simultan flerspråkighet ur elevens och lärarens perspektiv på fritidshem och skola

Grimm, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Ämnet för denna vetenskapliga essän är simultan flerspråkighet, det vill säga individer som växer upp med två eller fler modersmål från födseln. Essän har sin utgångspunkt i en berättelse. Berättelsen gestaltar en svår situation från mitt arbete som fritidshemslärare där ett pedagogiskt dilemma uppstår. I del ett undersöker jag vad språkforskning säger om simultan flerspråkighet och språkutveckling. Del två handlar om flerspråkighet ur ett pedagogisk perspektiv. Där berörs hur känslor är sammanflätade med språk samt hur det påverkar fritidshemsläraren och lärarens roll och ansvar för flerspråkighet i en skola med enspråkig norm. I del tre undersöker jag flerspråkighet ur ett språkfilosofisk perspektiv och fördjupar min analys med hjälp av ett resonemang om erfarenhet, kunskap och språkbruk. Det framkommer att simultan flerspråkighet kan innebära en viss försening av språket under de första åren men sedan är till fördel för elevens språkutveckling. Barn kan vara mer känslomässigt förenade med ett av sina två språk i vissa situationer. Slutligen framgår det att i en skola där enspråkighet är en norm bär pedagoger ett stort ansvar i att välkomna flerspråkighet. / The subject for this scientific essay is simultaneous multilingualism. This is where an individual learns to speak two languages from birth. The essay has its beginning with a story. The story is based on experiences at my work as a Leisure time teacher where a pedagogical dilemma occurs. In part one I examine what linguistic research says about simultaneous multilingualism and language development. Part two is about multilingualism from an educational perspective, and how emotions are intertwined with language. This paper analyzes the leisure-time teacher and the teacher's role and responsibility for multilingualism in a school with a monolingual norm. In part three I examine multilingualism from a philosophical perspective and immersed myself in the view of experience, knowledge, and use of language. It appears that simultaneous multilingualism could mean a certain delay in language development for the first few years but in the end is beneficial to the pupils language development. Children may be more emotionally connected to one of the two languages in certain situations. Finally it appears that in a school where monolingualism is the norm the educators carry a great responsibility to welcome multilingualism.

Sportovně relaxační centrum / The sports and recreation center

Píšek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This Master´s Thesis deals with design and execution of project documentation for building of sport and wellness center. The site is situated in the outskirts of Vsetín in Zlín region. The structural system of the building is walled with porotherm blocks. Ceilings are made up of ceiling panels spiroll. Roof is mainly flat, pitched roof is only designed above squash courts. The buildings’ shape is composed of three blocks which together form a functional complex. The sport center offers these kinds of activities: spinning bike rides, exercising, weight lifting, group training and squash. The recreation centre offers massages electro and lymfo massages, pedicure, manicure, sauna, rehabilitation and solarium. Part of the center is also cafe providing also snacks, sport counseling, nutrition counseling and office.

Barns sociala samspel på skolgården : En kvalitativ studie om barns lek på skolgården utifrån socioekonomiska aspekter / Children's social interaction in the schoolyard : A qualitative study of childrens' play in the schoolyard from socio-economic aspects

Zaitoun, Malek, Anhari, Johan January 2020 (has links)
This study has focused on the schoolyard and how the social interaction between children plays out in the schoolyard-play from a socio-economic perspective. The reason for this is to highlight some major differences in children's social skills depending on where they go to school. We have reported on relevant previous research that shows that play that takes place in the schoolyard are an incredibly important part of children's lives but also in their development of social skills. Our analysis has been linked to key concepts in sociological and sociocultural theory. For the purpose of the study, it has utilized qualitative method in the form of observation at two different schools in southern Stockholm but at two different municipalities. The result shows that there is quite a difference in the social interaction between children in the schoolyard, depending on how the schoolyard looks and what kind of plays it offers. Based on the socio-economic status of the schools, we were able to conclude that an attractive schoolyard offers more opportunities for children to develop their social skills. The overall conclusion from the study is that children who attend school where the socioeconomic status is high have an easier time for the social interaction between the children. While in a school where the status is lower, it appears that the conditions for social interaction do not develop in the same way. The conclusion we have reached is that students' social skills do not develop in the same way because of the socio-economic background. / Denna studie fokuserar på skolgården och hur det sociala samspelet mellan barn utspelar sig i leken utifrån ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv, för att kunna undersöka hur barns sociala kompetenser villkoras det av var de går i skola. Vi har redogjort för relevant tidigare forskning som visar att lekar som utspelar sig på skolgården är en otroligt viktig del i barnens liv men också i deras utveckling av sociala kompetenser. Vår analys har kopplats till centrala begrepp inom sociologisk och sociokulturell teori. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod i form av observation på två olika skolor i två av Stockholms södra kommuner. Resultatet visar att det skiljer sig ganska mycket i det sociala samspelet mellan barn på skolgården beroende på hur skolgården ser ut samt vad den erbjuder för lekar. Utifrån skolornas socioekonomiska status kunde vi dra en slutsats om att en attraktiv skolgård erbjuder fler möjligheter för barn att utveckla sina sociala kompetenser. Den övergripande slutsatsen från studien är att det sociala samspelet mellan eleverna är lättare att åstadkomma i en skola där den socioekonomiska statusen är hög. På en skola där statusen är lägre visar det sig att förutsättningarna för det sociala samspelet inte utvecklas på samma sätt. Den slutsats vi kommit fram till är att elevers sociala kompetens inte utvecklas på samma sätt just på grund av den socioekonomiska bakgrunden.

Sportovně relaxační centrum / Sports and relaxation center

Bárta, Hynek January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the new building is the construction of sports and relaxation center in Jihlava in the Vysocina. The building will serve as a sports and leisure center also contains the 1st floor squash courts, relaxation area with jacuzzi, sauna and massage. In the 2nd floor will be located with aerobic fitness, office manager, a children's playground and a bar with seating. The building consists of two floors and a basement. External walls are lined with masonry elements of Heluz Family tl. 300 mm 3 square inches with excellent thermal insulation properties, the internal load-bearing walls of thick STI Heluz system. 300mm. The building can escape three unprotected pathways into the open towards the northwest and south. The building is situated in a slightly sloping terrain. From the main road to get to the building access road to the 1st floor. The overall height of the first floor is 4.00 m, the second floor is 4m and also underground floor is 3.40 m The building consists of three wings in the longitudinal structural system. The building has three floors: a basement and two floors. The roof is flat, single-layer, above the squash courts is inclined with an inclination of 6 degrees. The ground plan is mass divided into 3 wings on 1st floor with main entrance and staircase connecting all the floors in the middle of disposition. Ground object is longitudinally divided into differently sized parts of the corridor, which on each side of the staircase joining the center of the building. Check the plot is solved its own parking with direct entrance from the road.

Sportovně rekreační centrum Vsetín, Ohrada / Sports and Relaxation Centre Vsetín, Ohrada

Marková, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
The assignment is an architecture and urban planning study of a sports and recreation center. The solved area is located in the town of Vsetín, in the part called Ohrada. Nowdays, the area is obsolete, unfunctional and also unmodern. My project is mainly focused to create a concept that responds to the environment, offers outdoor and indoor spaces for all generations. It allows better connection with nature, variable use, and division of area by function. The design is defined by the river Bečva on the west side and a busy 1st class road on the east side. It was important to separate pedestrians and cyclists from motor vehicles. The response to this restriction is to direct traffic in the area to the west, towards the river. This creates a terrain works that optically deflects the design in a quieter direction. Buildings are placed in the line and oriented in the western direction. After creating the terrain, I divided the area into several segments according to functionality. In the heart of the area, a multifunctional central hall with an inner climbing wall is set in the terrain. In front of it is a public space for meetings, sports and recreation. On the other side, there is a basketball court, a workout playground, a children's playground in front of the hall and a rest area of ??greenery closer to the river. If we continue southerly down, another cube set into the terrain is a building with a restaurant and a cafe. The southernmost building is a tennis club with facilities for athletes and squash. In front of the building there is a 9x tennis court with a grandstand. Closer to the river and the bike path there is an outdoor climbing wall. From the newly created embankment, the area is divided by a cycle path around the river. Behind the bridge is a green belt separated area which, unlike the previous ones, is tuned in a calmer spirit. We will find a building of a yoga and meditation center.

Centrum vodního lyžování Soběslav / Center of water skiing Soběslav

Veselý, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused of proposal and procesing of project documentation Center for waterskiing. The proposed object is located in the western part of the town Soběslav, in the locality aimed at sports activities. The building is created of facilities for summer sports, especially water skiing and wakeboarding. Further there will be built a playground for ball sports and track on roller skates. This is a three-storey no with a cellar object with a flat roof. The object is based on the foundation reinforced concrete pads a strips. The first floor is bricked of permanent formwork and partly of cast in place structure. The second and third floors is designed of clay blocks POROTHERM. This masonry is insulated with the aid of external contact thermal insulation. In the western part of the building is designed ventilated facade. The floor structures is designed from prestressed reinforced concrete panel SPIROLL and partly from reinforced concrete slabs. The object is divided into several operating units. They are the gym and its facilities, restaurant with kitchen, facilities for employees and the necessary storerooms, coffeehouse, shop with sporting equipment, rental equipment for water skiing and a dressing room serving the outdoor sports. The essential part of the second floor is comprised outdoor terrace. From this terrace is allowed entry to the coffeehouse, restaurants, shops and on the main staircase.

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