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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Garbingo ir negarbingo krepšininkių ir trenerių elgesio rungtynių metu raiška / Expression of Fair and Unfair Behaviors in Female Basketball Players and Coaches During the Basketball Match

Mankutė, Goda 13 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektu pasirinktas krepšininkių ir trenerių garbingas ir negarbingas elgesys rungtynių metu. Tyrimu buvo siekta išsiaiškinti garbingo ir negarbingo krepšininkių ir trenerių elgesio rungtynių metu raišką. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo išsikelti tokie uždaviniai: išsiaiškinti krepšininkių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką pagal amžių; išsiaiškinti krepšininkių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką pagal rungtynių eigą; išsiaiškinti krepšininkių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką pagal galutinį rezultatą; išsiaiškinti trenerių garbingo ir negarbingo elgesio rungtynių metu raišką bei jo tarpusavio ryšį su krepšininkių elgesiu. Tyrime buvo išsikeltos keturios hipotezės: H1 – jaunesnėms krepšininkėms, lyginant jas su vyresnėmis, būdingesnis garbingas elgesys rungtynių metu; H2 – antroje rungtynių dalyje daugiau pasireiškia krepšininkių negarbingas elgesys; H3 – kuo rezultatas lygesnis, tuo mažiau pastebima pagarbos varžovei ir daugiau prieštaravimų teisėjo sprendimams; H4 – negarbingas trenerių elgesys bus susijęs su krepšininkių negarbingu elgesiu. Rungtynių metu buvo fiksuojamas krepšininkių ir trenerių garbingas ir negarbingas elgesys stebėjimo protokole. Stebėjimas atliktas stebint Lietuvos moksleivių krepšinio lygos rungtynes. Tyrime dalyvavo 14-17 metų amžiaus merginos, žaidžiančios krepšinį. Stebėjime dalyvavo 23 komandos. Buvo atliktas 40 rungtynių stebėjimas. Stebėjimas atskleidė, kad rungtynių metu dominuoja... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the paper is behavior in female basketball players and coaches during the basketball match. The purpose of this study is to define the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players and coaches during the basketball match. In order to execute a purpose of this study, the following objectives were set: to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players during the basketball match according to basketball players’ age; to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players during the basketball match according to its development; to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in female basketball players during the basketball match according to the final outcome; to find out the expression of fair and unfair behaviors in coaches and to find out the relationship between behaviors of coaches and basketball players. This research was focused on four hypotheses: H1 – younger basketball players demonstrate more fair behaviors during the basketball match; H2 – there are more common unfair basketball players’ behaviors during the second part of the match; H3 – the more equal the result is, the less respect towards the competitor and referee’s solutions is noticed; H4 – unfair coaches’ behaviors are related to unfair basketball players’ behaviors. Observed fair and unfair behaviors in basketball players and coaches were measured by recording their frequency in observation... [to full text]

百貨零售業組織平衡計分卡構面相關性之研究-以台北縣購物中心為例 / A Study on the Relationship between Perspectives of Balanced Scorecard for Retail Malls

林耿毅, Lin, Keng-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
Robert Kaplan與David Norton(2004)於策略地圖一書中指出,平衡計分卡四大構面,即財務、顧客、內部流程、學習與成長,是有某種程度的相關性而連結在一起的。提升與整合無形資產,必定能改善內部流程,進而增進顧客構面與改善關係人權益。 針對此一構面相關性的課題,本研究以購物中心為例,建構百貨零售業的策略管理架構,藉由績效衡量指標的建立,實施問卷調查,找出指標重要性。接著以多變量的統計方法分析資料,驗證平衡計分卡各個構面的相關性。 研究結果發現,「學習與成長構面」顯著正向的影響「內部流程構面」;而「學習與成長構面」也顯著正向的影響「財務構面」;但「學習與成長構面」對於「顧客構面」雖然呈現正向影響,在本研究的模式下卻不顯著。另外,「內部流程構面」顯著正向的影響「顧客構面」;而「內部流程構面」對「財務構面」的影響,雖為正向但並不顯著。最後,「顧客構面」顯著正向的影響「財務構面」。 實務上的意義是,百貨公司如果要提升獲利,可以藉由學習成長構面的增進來提升內部流程構面,再藉由內部流程構面的增進來提升顧客構面,進一步由顧客構面的增進來改善財務績效。 / In the book of Strategy Maps, Robert Kaplan and David Norton delineated that the four perspectives of balanced scorecard link together in a chain of cause-and-effect relations. Enhancing and Aligning intangible assets leads to improved process performance, which, in turn, results in customer and shareholder success. This research was based on a case study of a shopping mall in Taipei County. We established a set of performance measurement indicators and gave members of the shopping center a survey. After applying the SEM and LISREL, the results found how important those indicators were. By using multivariate analysis technique, we demonstrated the chain of causation between various perspectives of balanced scorecard. Our findings showed that learning and growth perspective affected internal process perspective positively. Learning and growth perspective affected financial perspective positively. But learning and growth perspective could not affect customer perspective significantly. On the other hand, internal process perspective affected customer perspective positively, but could not significantly affect the financial perspective. Ultimately, we found that customer perspective affected financial perspective positively. In practice, if a shopping center wants to raise profit by strengthening customer perspective, it can enhance learning and growth of employees to increase internal process perspective. Then, better internal process can bring out the improvement in customer perspective.

L'alimentation en droit international / Food in International Law

Cuq, Marie 01 December 2016 (has links)
En 2015, la FAO estimait qu’environ 795 millions de personnes sont sous-alimentées dans le monde. Les Nations Unies ont régulièrement qualifié cette situation « d’atteinte à la dignité humaine ». La coopération internationale est légitimement devenue dans ce contexte un moyen privilégié de lutter contre la malnutrition. Cependant, l’alimentation est au carrefour de nombreuses problématiques. Certains Etats sont soucieux d’affirmer leur autosuffisance alimentaire tandis que d’autres rencontrent des difficultés à gérer leurs surplus. Les enjeux de qualité sanitaire ou nutritionnelle côtoient les inquiétudes liées à la diminution accélérée de la diversité génétique. Face à ces préoccupations diverses, les aliments ont fait l’objet de nombreuses règles internationales. Certaines favorisent la libéralisation de leur production et de leur commerce, au détriment parfois d’une prise en compte du niveau de développement des pays, de la diversité biologique ou de la qualité des aliments. D’autres tiennent compte de ces questions mais leur articulation paraît délicate avec les règles de la libéralisation économique. Pourtant, les Etats ont érigé l’accès à l’alimentation comme un objectif mondial et la cohérence du droit international semble indispensable pour sa réalisation. La présente étude vise ainsi à déterminer dans quelle mesure le droit international, caractérisé par la fragmentation de ses règles, contribue à l’amélioration des conditions d’accès à une alimentation adéquate au niveau mondial. / In 2015, FAO estimated that approximately 795 million people are undernourished in the world. The United Nations has regularly qualified this situation as “a violation of human dignity”. In this context, the international cooperation legitimately became a privileged means to fight against malnutrition. However, the access to food is at the crossroads of numerous problems. Some States are eager to assert their self-sufficiency while others meet difficulties managing their surpluses. Health or nutritional quality issues join concerns about the accelerated loss of genetic diversity. Responding to these various concerns, food has been the subject of many international rules. Some promote the liberalization of their production and trade, sometimes to the detriment of a consideration of the level of development of countries, of the biological diversity or the quality of food. Some take account of these issues but their coordination seems difficult with the rules of economic liberalization. Nevertheless, States set up the access to food as a global goal and the coherence of international law seems essential for its achievement. The present study aims to determine to what extent international law, characterized by the fragmentation of its rules, contributes to improving the conditions of access to adequate food at the world level.

“Se não nos cozinharem não melhoramos” : disputas entre a medicina convencional e a tradicional em torno do HIV/SIDA na etnia Tsonga em Moçambique

Mandlate, Nosta da Graça January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista a compreensão dos significados atribuídos às infeções oportunistas pelos pacientes HIV+ entre os moçambicanos da etnia Tsonga do distrito de Xai-Xai e a consequente busca de atendimento nas redes tradicionais de cura, na pesquisa adotamos uma metodologia qualitativa com caráter etnográfico. Embora Xai-Xai seja a capital de Gaza, importante província de Moçambique, ali, os Tsonga ainda estão muito inseridos nas redes tradicionais de cura. Por outro lado, a rede do Sistema Nacional da Saude se faz também presente e não muito precária, relativamente ao resto do país. Essa peculiaridade nos levou a indagação central do trabalho: no que concerne aos pacientes HIV+ será que os serviços de saúde do distrito da cidade de Xai-Xai dispõem de estruturas de acolhimento tão adequadas aos pressupostos ontológicos da cultura local quanto as redes tradicionais de cura? A nossa hipótese é a de que o desajuste de um acolhimento inadequado aos pacientes Tsonga impele-os a intensificar a busca de cuidados alternativos à medicina convencional nas redes tradicionais. A metodologia que escolhemos permitiu-nos compreender as vivências dos pacientes não somente a partir das questões apresentadas verbalmente, mas também podemos acompanhar as suas práticas cotidianas relacionadas a busca de cura. A pesquisa fez nos perceber que a ausência do diálogo entre a biomedicina e as redes tradicionais de cura influência em grande medida o elevado número de óbitos e a não retenção dos pacientes em Tratamento antiretroviral- Tarv mesmo com as constantes reinvenções de políticas de assistência aos pacientes HIV+. A situação colonial dessa relação se consubstância na negação ou subalternização do conhecimento local mesmo por atores nativos que atuam no sistema nacional de saúde. / In order to understand the meanings attributed to opportunistic infections by HIV+ patients among the Tsonga Mozambicans in the Xai-Xai district and the consequent search for care in the traditional healing networks, a qualitative methodology with an ethnographic character was used in the research. Although Xai-Xai is the capital of Gaza, a major province in Mozambique, the Tsonga are still very much embedded in traditional healing networks. On the other hand, the network of the National Health System is also present and not very precarious, relative to the rest of the country. This peculiarity has led us to the central inquiry of the work: as far as HIV + patients are concerned, the health services of the Xai-Xai city district have reception facilities that are as appropriate to the ontological presumptions of the local culture as the traditional cure? Our hypothesis is that the mismatch of inadequate care for Tsonga patients prompts them to intensify the search for alternative care to conventional medicine in traditional networks. The methodology we chose allowed us to understand the patients' experiences not only from the questions presented verbally, but we can also follow their daily practices related to the search for cure. The research made us realize that the absence of dialogue between biomedicine and traditional healing networks greatly influences the high number of deaths and non-retention of patients in antiretroviral treatment-TARV even with the constant reinvention of HIV+ patient care policies. The colonial situation of this relationship is consubstantiated in the negation or subalternization of local knowledge even by native actors who work in the national health system.


[pt] Ser criança, ser adulto, ser professor: encontros, diálogos e desvios com crianças de seis a dez anos, tem como objetivo conhecer o que falam crianças de seis a dez anos da experiência de ser criança no mundo contemporâneo e de como se dão as relações entre elas e os adultos. O referido objetivo se desdobra em questões que orientam a investigação: o que as crianças falam sobre ser criança? Como revelam em seus discursos e brincadeiras a compreensão que têm de si, dos outros e do mundo social? O que as crianças falam da relação delas com os adultos, jovens, idosos? Que temas, conversas e perguntas as crianças trazem? As crianças falam da escola, dos professores? O que as crianças falam sobre a realização de pesquisas com elas? Que assuntos consideram importantes como temas de pesquisa? A escuta das crianças aconteceu em dois campos empíricos: dentro e fora da escola. Dentro da escola, o diálogo se deu com crianças dos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental em uma instituição da rede pública municipal do Rio de Janeiro. Fora da escola, o encontro com as crianças ocorreu em uma instituição não governamental sem fins lucrativos, empenhada na formação e na produção artística cultural. O estudo teve como estratégias metodológicas a observação e a realização de entrevistas coletivas. A investigação aborda as contribuições dos Estudos da Infância como campo interdisciplinar de conhecimento, que fornece elementos para pensar a infância e a criança no âmbito das Ciências Humanas e Sociais. A pesquisa problematiza as condições que a contemporaneidade tem oferecido para as relações entre adultos e crianças. A atualidade desta reflexão, que indica a contemporaneidade como tema de análise, traz para o debate as contribuições da antropologia filosófica de Martin Buber e de Walter Benjamin, interlocutores teórico-metodológicos desse estudo. A tese discute a concepção de infância fundamentada na obra de Benjamin. As análises destacam: (i) a categoria ser criança, considerando o que dizem e percebem desta condição e os significados de ser criança para elas; (ii) as crianças como depoentes privilegiados de sua condição, nos dão pistas sobre o mundo que construímos para elas e sobre as relações estabelecidas entre elas e os adultos; (iii) temas, conversas e indagações trazidas pelas crianças. Na escuta das crianças a tese enfatiza a necessidade de pensar a criança como semelhante ao adulto na sua humanidade, valorizando-a, em busca de estabelecer com ela uma relação de alteridade. No mundo contemporâneo, o olhar da criança como outro olhar é precioso para a história do homem. / [en] Being a child, being an adult, being a teacher: encounters, dialogues and deviations with 6-10 year old children aimsto cognize 6-10 year old children s discourses about their experience of being children in a contemporary world and how the relationship between them and adults happen. The research objective is unfolded into issues which conduct the investigation: what do children say about being a child? How is it revealed in their speeches and plays their understanding about themselves, about the other and about the social world? What do children say about their relationship with adults, young people and elders? Which topics, discourses and questions do children bring? Do children talk about school, about the teachers? What is the children s opinion about conducting a research with them? Which issues do they believe to important as research themes? The listening to the children s discourses occurred in two empirical fields: inside and outside school. Inside school, the dialogue took place with children in the first grades of an elementary Rio de Janeiro city public school. Outside, meetings with the children were arranged in a nongovernmental and nonprofit institution which deals with artistic cultural-artistic formation and production. Observations and group interviews were used as the study methodological strategies. The research approaches the contribution of the Children s studies as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, which provides elements to consider the child and the childhood in the scope of Human and Social sciences. The thesis questions the conditions that contemporaneity has offered to the relationship between children and adults. The topicality of such reflection, which results in the modernity as topic of analysis, bring out the debate on Martin Buber and Walter Benjamin s (theoretical-methodological interlocutors of this research) philosophical anthropology contributions. The study discusses the understanding of childhood based on Benjamin s work. The analyses underline: (i) the being a child category, taking into account what is said and perceived by children about this condition and the meanings they convey of being a child; (ii) the children, as privileged deponents of their own condition, offer us some hints on the world we build for them and on the relationship set between them and the adults; (iii) topics, conversations and inquiries raised by the children. When listening to the children s discourses, the present thesis stresses the necessity of considering the child as similar to an adult in respect to their humanity, valorizing the child, in the search of establishing with them a relationship of otherness. In the contemporaneous world, the child s eye as another eye is needed in the human history.

Samspelet mellan skrift och bild i matematikläroböcker

Lindholm, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Många av dagens matematikläroböcker är multimodala som innebär att de innehåller fler kommunikationsformer som exempelvis skrift och bild. Denna studies bidrag var att konstruera verktyget MAV (Multimodalt Analysverktyg) som undersöker och identifierar multimodal text. Studien utgår från en sociosemiotisk teori och dess frågeställningar handlade om att undersöka hur skrift och bild förhåller sig till varandra, vad bilden har för funktion och hur den relaterar till skriften utifrån användning av MAV. Metoden som användes för att konstruera verktyget var att skapa kategorier utifrån begrepp från sociosemiotiken och applicera dem i två kodningsscheman. Kategorierna i det första kodningsschemat var: inramning, avstånd/närhet, överlappning och visuellt rim. Det andra kodningsschemat hade kategorierna: dekorativ, förankringsrelation och avbytesrelation. Resultatet visade att MAV kunde användas som verktyg i läroböckerna. Det visade också att skrift och bild ofta förhåller sig till varandra genom närhet och att de till mestadels skapar en förankringsrelation som innebär att de bidrar med ett likvärdigt matematiskt innehåll. En slutsats är att denna relation kan vara gynnsam för elevernas lärande eftersom innehållet kan vara abstrakt och att både skrift och bild behöver förmedla samma information. Det diskuterades även om vad den dekorativa bilden kan skapa för effekter i elevens lärande. / Many of today's mathematics textbooks are multimodal, which means that they contain more forms of communication such as writing and image. This study's contribution was to construct the MAV (Multimodal Analysis Tool) tool that investigates and identifies multimodal text. The study is based on a sociosemiotic theory and its issues were about investigating how the image and image relate to each other, what the image is for function and how it relates to the writing based on the use of MAV. The method used to construct the tool was to create categories based on concepts from socio-chemistry and apply them into two coding schemes. The categories in the first coding scheme were: framing, distance / proximity, overlap and visual rim. The second coding scheme had the categories: decorative, anchor relation, and interchange relation. The result showed that MAV could be used as a tool in the textbooks. It also showed that writing and image often relate to each other by close proximity and that they mostly create an anchoring relationship which means they contribute with an equivalent mathematical content. One conclusion is that this relationship can be beneficial to the students' learning because the content can be abstract and that both the writing and the image need to convey the same information. It was also discussed what the decorative image could create for effects in the student's learning.

Učivo o savcích v prvouce a přírodovědě / Subject matter of mammals in Homeland study and biology lessons

NOVOTNÁ, Daniela January 2007 (has links)
In this graduation theses is processed general theoretical principle of subject matter mammals, analisis curriculum of nature study and general science, suggestion and subject for nature study and general science use relationship between subjects and analysis of realization some of the schemes in practises.

Nonverbal behaviour in the process of the therapeutic interview : an ecosystemic perspective

Scott, Sybil 11 1900 (has links)
Communication can be divied into two broad areas namely, the verbal and nonverbal levels. While attention has been paid to nonverbal communication in the literature, few studies address the nonverbal communication that takes place in the natural setting of a therapeutic session. The present study provides such a naturalistic study, where the verbal content of actual therapy sessions are integrated with the nonverbal content to yield a holistic view of the session. An ecosystemic epistemology is adopted in this study, and represents a move away from more traditional approaches to nonverbal behaviour which are largely confined to a positivistic framework of thought and design. Symlog Interaction Scoring is employed as a practical method of assisting observers in distinguishing nonverbal behaviours, which are usually perceived unconsciously, and lifting them into consciousness, allowing this infonnation to be integrated with the meanings and hypotheses generated during therapy. By deliberately including descriptions of nonverbal behaviour, the descriptions of therapy were broadened, thereby providing a more holistic approach to therapy. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)


Delevati, Ananda da Silva 17 November 2012 (has links)
Based on Risk Communication assumptions, this paper investigates the relationship between sources and journalists in covering disasters, to evaluate what is the role of the journalist and point out some elements that might contribute to a quality coverage. Methodologically, this paper is based on literature review and individual and semi-open interviews. From the analysis of six months of Zero Hora editions, we mapped and interviewed the expert sources used by the newspaper in articles related to disasters involving climate. We also interviewed the journalists authors of disaster related articles, to know how they deal with the challenge of covering climate and how they relate to the experts. Through interviews, this paper presents the capabilities and antagonisms present in the relationship between journalistic and expert sources fields. This dissertation is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, Society and Risk Communication , addresses the concepts of Risk Society and Risk Communication. The second chapter, entitled social fields and journalistic sources in news coverage of disasters , discusses the concept of field, the specifics and relations between fields, and also the concept of source. The last chapter, The vision of experts on the news coverage of disasters , analyzes interviews with the expert sources and journalists and proposes some actions to guide the journalistic work. The analysis of the interviews is divided into two parts. The first concerns the logic and operation of the journalistic field and covers: news values, determination and relationship between sources and experts. The second part seeks to establish elements for a protocol of action and is divided into three parts: Before: the necessity of prevention , Moment of crisis: precautions and limits to journalists in a disaster and After the disaster: the journalistic oversight . The paper concludes that, like other fields, journalism needs protocols for dealing with risk situations. Moreover, there is still much to advance in the dialog between journalistic field and expert sources, a relationship that has incompabilities, especially considering that the two fields follow a different logic. We understand that the journalist can not be just a witness of facts, but must have an intellectual work to analyze it and understand its role within the network of disasters, in view of the social role of journalism. This dissertation is part of the Media and Identity line of research, because it comprises journalism within the sociocentric paradigm and takes into account the actions of society along with journalism, highlighting the active paper of journalists in the production of information. / A partir dos pressupostos da Comunicação de risco, o trabalho investiga as relações entre fontes e jornalistas na cobertura de desastres, para avaliar o papel do jornalista e apontar alguns elementos que possam contribuir com uma cobertura de qualidade. Metodologicamente, o trabalho baseia-se em revisão bibliográfica e em entrevistas individuais e semiabertas. A partir da análise de seis meses de edições Zero Hora, mapeamos e entrevistamos as fontes especializadas utilizadas pelo jornal nas matérias relativas a desastres que envolvem o clima. Também entrevistamos os jornalistas autores de matérias sobre desastres, para saber como eles lidam com o desafio de cobrir o tema e como se relacionam com os especialistas. Por meio das entrevistas, o trabalho apresenta as compatibilidades e os antagonismos presentes na relação entre o campo jornalístico e os campos das fontes especializadas. A dissertação divide-se em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, A sociedade e a comunicação no contexto dos riscos , aborda-se o conceito de Sociedade de risco e de Comunicação de risco. O segundo capítulo, intitulado Campos sociais e fontes jornalísticas na cobertura de desastres , discute o conceito de campo, as especificidades e as relações entre os campos, além do conceito de fonte. Já o último capítulo, A visão dos especialistas sobre a cobertura jornalística de desastres , analisa as entrevistas com as fontes especialistas e com os jornalistas e propõe algumas ações para nortear o trabalho jornalístico. A análise das entrevistas está dividida em duas partes. A primeira diz respeito à lógica e ao funcionamento do campo jornalístico e abrange valores-notícias, apuração e relação entre fontes e especialistas. A segunda parte busca estabelecer elementos para um protocolo de ação e está divida em três partes: Antes do desastre: a necessidade da prevenção , Momento de crise: os cuidados e limites para os jornalistas em um desastre e Após o desastre: a fiscalização jornalística . Com o trabalho conclui que, assim como outros campos, o jornalismo precisa de protocolos para lidar com situações de riscos. Além disso, ainda há muito para se avançar no diálogo entre o campo jornalístico e as fontes especializadas, uma relação que apresenta incompatibilidades, principalmente tendo em vista que os campos seguem lógicas diferentes. Entendemos que o jornalista não pode ser apenas um testemunho dos fatos, mas tem que realizar um trabalho intelectual para analisá-lo e compreender a sua função e seu papel dentro da rede de desastres, tendo em vista o papel social do jornalismo. A dissertação insere-se na linha de pesquisa Mídia e identidade porque compreende o jornalismo no interior do paradigma sociocêntrico e leva em consideração as ações da sociedade junto ao jornalismo, destacando o papel ativo dos jornalistas na produção da informação.

“Se não nos cozinharem não melhoramos” : disputas entre a medicina convencional e a tradicional em torno do HIV/SIDA na etnia Tsonga em Moçambique

Mandlate, Nosta da Graça January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista a compreensão dos significados atribuídos às infeções oportunistas pelos pacientes HIV+ entre os moçambicanos da etnia Tsonga do distrito de Xai-Xai e a consequente busca de atendimento nas redes tradicionais de cura, na pesquisa adotamos uma metodologia qualitativa com caráter etnográfico. Embora Xai-Xai seja a capital de Gaza, importante província de Moçambique, ali, os Tsonga ainda estão muito inseridos nas redes tradicionais de cura. Por outro lado, a rede do Sistema Nacional da Saude se faz também presente e não muito precária, relativamente ao resto do país. Essa peculiaridade nos levou a indagação central do trabalho: no que concerne aos pacientes HIV+ será que os serviços de saúde do distrito da cidade de Xai-Xai dispõem de estruturas de acolhimento tão adequadas aos pressupostos ontológicos da cultura local quanto as redes tradicionais de cura? A nossa hipótese é a de que o desajuste de um acolhimento inadequado aos pacientes Tsonga impele-os a intensificar a busca de cuidados alternativos à medicina convencional nas redes tradicionais. A metodologia que escolhemos permitiu-nos compreender as vivências dos pacientes não somente a partir das questões apresentadas verbalmente, mas também podemos acompanhar as suas práticas cotidianas relacionadas a busca de cura. A pesquisa fez nos perceber que a ausência do diálogo entre a biomedicina e as redes tradicionais de cura influência em grande medida o elevado número de óbitos e a não retenção dos pacientes em Tratamento antiretroviral- Tarv mesmo com as constantes reinvenções de políticas de assistência aos pacientes HIV+. A situação colonial dessa relação se consubstância na negação ou subalternização do conhecimento local mesmo por atores nativos que atuam no sistema nacional de saúde. / In order to understand the meanings attributed to opportunistic infections by HIV+ patients among the Tsonga Mozambicans in the Xai-Xai district and the consequent search for care in the traditional healing networks, a qualitative methodology with an ethnographic character was used in the research. Although Xai-Xai is the capital of Gaza, a major province in Mozambique, the Tsonga are still very much embedded in traditional healing networks. On the other hand, the network of the National Health System is also present and not very precarious, relative to the rest of the country. This peculiarity has led us to the central inquiry of the work: as far as HIV + patients are concerned, the health services of the Xai-Xai city district have reception facilities that are as appropriate to the ontological presumptions of the local culture as the traditional cure? Our hypothesis is that the mismatch of inadequate care for Tsonga patients prompts them to intensify the search for alternative care to conventional medicine in traditional networks. The methodology we chose allowed us to understand the patients' experiences not only from the questions presented verbally, but we can also follow their daily practices related to the search for cure. The research made us realize that the absence of dialogue between biomedicine and traditional healing networks greatly influences the high number of deaths and non-retention of patients in antiretroviral treatment-TARV even with the constant reinvention of HIV+ patient care policies. The colonial situation of this relationship is consubstantiated in the negation or subalternization of local knowledge even by native actors who work in the national health system.

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