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A Topologically Aware Resource Management SystemMobeen, Shariq January 2014 (has links)
As companies fight for market share whoever is able to bring products to market faster has an advantage over their competitors. Therefore it is absolutely essential to constantly evaluate and optimize processes to achieve shorter time-to-market for products. These optimizations have to be carried out in all parts of a company. This thesis describes one such attempt made by a Swedish telecommunication vendor focused on enabling a resource management system to gain a greater understanding of the resources available during testing. This system manages all of the hardware utilized by the users, software testers, within one particular part of the organization and aids users by automatically converting the information stored in its database into a configuration file that will later be used in the testing framework’s execution environment. Unfortunately, the current version of this resource management system lacks semantic understanding of the information necessary to automatically generate the configuration file, leaving a rather large part of the configuration file to be manually entered by the testers, a rather time-consuming task. The inability to completely automate the process means that the testing process is slower, more error prone, and increases the work needed for a new engineer to become a productive software tester. In order for the resource management system to automatically generate the configuration file it needs to know not only which resources it is managing, but must also how these resources are interconnected, i.e. the topology of the resources. For this reason this thesis describes how to make the resource management system topologically aware, thus making verification of the System under Test (SUT) more efficient and mitigating the problems mentioned above. This thesis does not deal with the intricate details of how to automatically extract the topology, as this is inherently domain specific and thus difficult to generalize. Rather, this thesis focused on how to allow users to custom-build their desired topology by defining a set of rules that restrict how resources can be interconnected. The goal of providing functionality for storing and retrieving topological information from database has been successfully achieved, and the resulting code has been integrated into the existing resource management system. However, the functionality has not yet been delivered because of a limitation in our front controller that stops us from providing an efficient web interface to our tool. After delivery the implemented solution is expected to remove most manual work related to test configuration and therefore also reduce the learning curve for new engineers. / När företag slåss om marknadsandelar har de som kan leverera produkter till marknaden snabbare en fördel över sina konkurrenter. Det är därför av högsta vikt att kontinuerligt utvärdera och optimera processer för att produkten snabbare skall nå marknaden. Dessa optimeringar måste utföras inom samtliga områden inom ett företag. Denna uppsats beskriver ett sådant försök av ett svenskt telekombolag att stärka ett resurshanteringssystem för att uppnå en högre förståelse för de resurser den hanterar. Detta system hanterar samtlig hårdvara för användare (mjukvarutestare) inom en del av organisationen. Det hjälper användarna att automatiskt konvertera informationen i sin databas till en konfigurationsfil som används i testramverkets exekveringsmiljö. Tyvärr saknar den nuvarande versionen den semantiska förståelsen av dess data för att kunna automatiskt generera konfigurationsfilen, vilket tvingar användaren att manuellt ägna sig åt denna tidskrävande uppgift. Oförmågan att inte kunna automatisera fullt ut innebär att den övergripande testprocessen är långsammare, mer felbenägen och ökar tiden det tar för en ny ingenjör att komma igång och bli en produktiv mjukvarutestare. För att resurshanteringssystemet ska kunna generera konfigurationsfilen automatiskt krävs inte bara kunskap om vilka resurser den hanterar utan också hur dessa är sammankopplade. Det vill säga hur de topologiskt relaterar till varandra. Den här uppsatsen beskriver därför hur ett resurshanteringssystem kan bli topologiskt medvetet och därigenom åstadkomma en mer effektiv testning av produkten och därmed överkomma de tidigare nämnda problemen. Denna uppsats inte gå in på detaljer om hur man extraherar den topologiska strukturen av resurser eftersom detta i sin natur är domänspecifikt och därigenom svårt att generalisera. Fokus istället ligga på hur man kan tillåta användare att bygga önskad topologi genom att definiera regler för hur olika resurser kan sammankopplas. Målet vi satte upp med att kunna lagra och inhämta topologisk information från en databas har med framgång integrerats i det existerande resurshanteringssystemet. Ändringen är dock ännu inte fullt ut levererad på grund av en begränsning i vår nuvarande front controller som hindrar oss från att på ett effektivt sätt koppla samman vårt nya verktyg med ett webbgränsnitt. Efter leverans förväntas den implementerade lösningen eliminera större delen av det manuella arbete som tidigare krävts i samband med konfiguration av testmiljön, och därigenom även minska inlärningskurvan för nya ingenjörer.
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Brister i revisionsprocessen : Revisorsnämndens sytematiska och uppsökande tillsynsverksamhet / Failures in the audit process : The Supervisory Board of Public Accountants´ quality control inspectionFransson, Anna, Folkesson, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
Revision innebär att kritiskt granska, bedöma samt uttala sig om ett företags finansiellainformation. Det är revisorns roll att utföra detta granskningsarbete och därmed kvalitetssäkrainformationen gentemot företagets intressenter. Hur detta arbete bedrivs kan ses som en process,vilken startar med att en planering av revisionsarbetet sker och följs därefter utav självagenomförandet (granskningen) där efter följer rapportering av vad som framkommit underrevisionen. Löpande skall även revisionen dokumenteras med sådan noggrannhet att revisornsarbete kan bedömas i efterhand.Det är viktigt att revisionsarbetet håller en hög nivå vilken i sin tur måste övervakas.Revisorsnämnden är en statlig myndighet vilken avser att just kontrollera Sveriges godkännandeoch auktoriserade revisorer genom att bedriva kvalitetskontroller samt tillsyner. En del i derastillsynsverksamhet är den systematiska och uppsökande tillsynen (SUT), vilken genomföras påutav dem själva utvalda riskgrupper. En utredning som visar på allvarliga brister i revisionenöverförs det till ett disciplinärende och efter prövning utdelas en disciplinär åtgärd. Sanktionernasom kan delas ut är erinran, varning med eller utan straffavgift samt upphävande av en revisorsbehörighet.Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka brister i revisionsprocessen som Revisorsnämndenanmärker på samt att urskilja hur sambandet mellan de identifierade bristerna irevisionsprocessen och de utdelade sanktionerna ser ut. Ärendena som har legat till grund förgranskning har varit de som genom nämndens systematiska och uppsökande tillsynsverksamhetövergått till ett disciplinärende och som efter prövning tilldelats en disciplinär åtgärd.Granskningen har skett genom en utarbetad modells struktur som baserar sig pårevisionsprocessens fyra delar, planering, genomförande, rapportering och dokumentation. Engenomläsning har skett av de 129 stycken ärenden som studien totalt omfattar, varefter aktuelldata har plockats ut efter modellens valda variabler. För att kunna påvisa att samband eller inteförekommer har vi räknat fram korrelationskoefficient för varje fas och dess brister i förhållandetill sanktionen varning eller upphävande.Studiens resultat visar att Revisorsnämnden anmärker mest frekvent på bristerna jäv ochoberoende i planeringsfasen. Den vanligaste situationen då revisorn äventyrar sitt oberoende ärnär denne är vald revisor i en redovisningsbyrå vilken handhar redovisningen åt flera av revisornsövriga klienter. Den vanligaste jävsituationen är att revisorn upprättat eller biträtt, mer än vadsom tillåts enligt lag, med klientens bokföring eller upprättande av årsredovisning. Bristerna idokumentationsfasen beror till övervägande del på att revisorerna använt sig av kortfattadechecklistor, vilka inte är tillräckliga för att bedöma revisorns arbete i efterhand. Igranskningsfasen är det framförallt granskning av lager och interna kontroller/rutiner somrevisorerna får sina anmärkningar, på grund av att de inte närvarat vid inventering ellergranskning av dessa. Det enskilt mest frekvent hänvisade lagrummet har varit god revisionssed,vilken anses vara en övergripande praxis som gäller för samtliga faser av revisionsprocessen. Vifinner inget tydligt samband mellan någon enskild fas i revisionsprocessen och sanktionenupphävande, vilket indikerar att upphävande är ett resultat av brister i flera faser simultant.Starkare är sambandet mellan brister i de olika revisionsfaserna och sanktionen varning. Lägst samband mellan brist i revisionsfas och sanktion (oavsett varning eller upphävande) stårrapporteringsfasen för.
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An individualized CELL Listening Comprehension Program: making listening more meaningful for Thai learners of EnglishPuakpong, Nattaya, n/a January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was to examine theories of learning, theories of teaching, and theories of listening comprehension with a view to developing and testing a computer-enhanced listening comprehension system for English as a Foreign Language within the Thai university system. In addition to carrying out an in-depth literature review, factors contributing to difficulties in the listening process were also carefully examined in order to build a sound foundation for dealing with listening comprehension. A brief history and analysis of Computer Assisted Language Learning were presented together with a review of some computer programs with the aim of determining their characteristics. An Individualized CELL Listening Comprehension Program was then developed on the basis of four theoretical frameworks: the Constructivist approach, the need to use authentic spoken passages, reduction of cognitive load and response to learner differences.
The system was then used by twenty students of Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Thailand for a period of fifteen weeks. Students were volunteers from different proficiency levels. SUT midterm and final examinations were employed, in part, to observe the effect of the program on proficiency levels. The SUT examinations, which were usually in a multiple-choice format, tested students on minor details through short, simple conversations. These tests might not fit entirely within best practice for listening but they seem to be a common way of measuring listening development in several educational contexts. Pretests and posttests examining global ideas and specific details in written and multiple-choice formats were then developed so as to provide a more accurate gauge of improvement in listening skills. Log files were kept in order to scrutinize in detail students� interactions with the system. Questionnaire and interview techniques were applied to seek out students� attitudes towards the program.
The results revealed that the participants performed better than their peers in the same proficiency levels in SUT midterm and final examinations although the difference was not at a statistically significant level. However, posttest scores were better than those of pretest at a statistically significant level in most aspects except in case of the global ideas. The log files revealed that all students tended to focus on the word level by attempting to understand and decode every word in the transcriptions. This fixation is likely to explain the low global ideas scores. Analysis was complicated by the fact that some students were not able to use the
program frequently enough, usually because of unexpectedly heavy schedules. However, the data extracted through questionnaires and interviews showed that most students demonstrated a positive attitude towards the various features of the program and felt that use of the program had improved their listening skills. In addition to findings relating to the development of listening comprehension, the study revealed that the majority of students felt that they did not think listening comprehension and, more generally the study of English, was sufficiently important to spend time on. This interesting but shocking discovery needs to be attended to immediately as it may have a strong effect on how Thai students prioritize their learning of English, and how this may impact on the levels of proficiency which they might subsequently attain.
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The Medicago truncatula sucrose transporter family : sugar transport from plant source leaves towards the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus / Medicago truncatulaDoidy, Joan 23 May 2012 (has links)
Pas de résumé en français / In plants, long distance transport of sugars from photosynthetic source leaves to sink organs comprises different crucial steps depending on the species and organ types. Sucrose, the main carbohydrate for long distance transport is synthesized in the mesophyll and then loaded into the phloem. After long distance transport through the phloem vessels, sucrose is finally unloaded towards sink organs. Alternatively, sugar can also be transferred to non‐plant sinks and plant colonization by heterotrophic organisms increases the sink strength and creates an additional sugar demand for the host plant. These sugar fluxes are coordinated by transport systems. Main sugar transporters in plants comprise sucrose (SUTs) and monosaccharide (MSTs) transporters which constitute key components for carbon partitioning at the whole plant level and in interactions with fungi. Although complete SUTs and MSTs gene families have been identified from the reference Dicot Arabidopsis thaliana and Monocot rice (Oriza sativa), sugar transporter families of the leguminous plant Medicago truncatula, which represents a widely used model for studying plant-fungal interactions in arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), have not yet been investigated.With the recent completion of the M. truncatula genome sequencing as well as the release of transcriptomic databases, monosaccharide and sucrose transporter families of M. truncatula were identified and now comprise 62 MtMSTs and 6 MtSUTs. I focused on the study of the newly identified MtSUTs at a full family scale; phylogenetic analyses showed that the 6 members of the MtSUT family distributed in all three Dicotyledonous SUT clades; they were named upon phylogenetic grouping into particular clades: MtSUT1-1, MtSUT1-2, MtSUT1-3, MtSUT2, MtSUT4-1 and MtSUT4-2. Functional analyses by yeast complementation and expression profiles obtained by quantitative RT-PCR revealed that MtSUT1-1 and MtSUT4-1 are H+/sucrose symporters and represent key members of the MtSUT family. Conservation of transport capacity between orthologous leguminous proteins, expression profiles and subcellular localization compared to previously characterized plant SUTs indicate that MtSUT1-1 is the main protein involved in phloem loading in source leaves whilst MtSUT4-1 mediates vacuolar sucrose export for remobilization of intracellular reserve.The AM symbiosis between plants and fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota is characterized by trophic exchanges between the two partners. The fungus supplies the autotrophic host with nutrients and thereby promotes plant growth. In return, the host plant provides photosynthate (sugars) to the heterotrophic symbiont. Here, sugar fluxes from plant source leaves towards colonized sink roots in the association between the model leguminous plant M. truncatula and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices were investigated. Sugar transporter candidates from both the plant and fungal partners presenting differential expression profiles using available transcriptomic tools were pinpointed. Gene expression profiles of MtSUTs and sugar quantification analyses upon high and low phosphorus nutrient supply and inoculation by the AMF suggest a mycorrhiza-driven stronger sink in AM roots with a fine-tuning regulation of MtSUT gene expression. Conserved regulation patterns were observed for orthologous SUTs in response to colonization by glomeromycotan fungi.In parallel, a non-targeted strategy consisting in the development of a M. truncatula - G. intraradices expression library suitable for yeast functional complementation and screening of symbiotic marker genes, similar to the approach that led to the identification of the first glomeromycotan hexose transporter (GpMST1), has been developed in this study. [...]
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The Medicago truncatula sucrose transporter family : sugar transport from plant source leaves towards the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungusDoidy, Joan 23 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In plants, long distance transport of sugars from photosynthetic source leaves to sink organs comprises different crucial steps depending on the species and organ types. Sucrose, the main carbohydrate for long distance transport is synthesized in the mesophyll and then loaded into the phloem. After long distance transport through the phloem vessels, sucrose is finally unloaded towards sink organs. Alternatively, sugar can also be transferred to non‐plant sinks and plant colonization by heterotrophic organisms increases the sink strength and creates an additional sugar demand for the host plant. These sugar fluxes are coordinated by transport systems. Main sugar transporters in plants comprise sucrose (SUTs) and monosaccharide (MSTs) transporters which constitute key components for carbon partitioning at the whole plant level and in interactions with fungi. Although complete SUTs and MSTs gene families have been identified from the reference Dicot Arabidopsis thaliana and Monocot rice (Oriza sativa), sugar transporter families of the leguminous plant Medicago truncatula, which represents a widely used model for studying plant-fungal interactions in arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), have not yet been investigated.With the recent completion of the M. truncatula genome sequencing as well as the release of transcriptomic databases, monosaccharide and sucrose transporter families of M. truncatula were identified and now comprise 62 MtMSTs and 6 MtSUTs. I focused on the study of the newly identified MtSUTs at a full family scale; phylogenetic analyses showed that the 6 members of the MtSUT family distributed in all three Dicotyledonous SUT clades; they were named upon phylogenetic grouping into particular clades: MtSUT1-1, MtSUT1-2, MtSUT1-3, MtSUT2, MtSUT4-1 and MtSUT4-2. Functional analyses by yeast complementation and expression profiles obtained by quantitative RT-PCR revealed that MtSUT1-1 and MtSUT4-1 are H+/sucrose symporters and represent key members of the MtSUT family. Conservation of transport capacity between orthologous leguminous proteins, expression profiles and subcellular localization compared to previously characterized plant SUTs indicate that MtSUT1-1 is the main protein involved in phloem loading in source leaves whilst MtSUT4-1 mediates vacuolar sucrose export for remobilization of intracellular reserve.The AM symbiosis between plants and fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota is characterized by trophic exchanges between the two partners. The fungus supplies the autotrophic host with nutrients and thereby promotes plant growth. In return, the host plant provides photosynthate (sugars) to the heterotrophic symbiont. Here, sugar fluxes from plant source leaves towards colonized sink roots in the association between the model leguminous plant M. truncatula and the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices were investigated. Sugar transporter candidates from both the plant and fungal partners presenting differential expression profiles using available transcriptomic tools were pinpointed. Gene expression profiles of MtSUTs and sugar quantification analyses upon high and low phosphorus nutrient supply and inoculation by the AMF suggest a mycorrhiza-driven stronger sink in AM roots with a fine-tuning regulation of MtSUT gene expression. Conserved regulation patterns were observed for orthologous SUTs in response to colonization by glomeromycotan fungi.In parallel, a non-targeted strategy consisting in the development of a M. truncatula - G. intraradices expression library suitable for yeast functional complementation and screening of symbiotic marker genes, similar to the approach that led to the identification of the first glomeromycotan hexose transporter (GpMST1), has been developed in this study. [...]
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En prestanda- och funktionsanalys av Hypervisors för molnbaserade datacenterBard, Robin, Banasik, Simon January 2013 (has links)
I dagens informationssamhälle pågår en växande trend av molnbaserade tjänster. Vid implementering av molnbaserade tjänster används metoden Virtualisering. Denna metod minskar behovet av antal fysiska datorsystem i ett datacenter. Vilket har en positiv miljöpåverkan eftersom energikonsumtionen minskar när hårdvaruresurser kan utnyttjas till sin fulla kapacitet. Molnbaserade tjänster skapar samhällsnytta då nya aktörer utan teknisk bakgrundskunskap snabbt kan komma igång med verksamhetsberoende tjänster. För tillämpning av Virtualisering används en så kallad Hypervisor vars uppgift är att distribuera molnbaserade tjänster. Efter utvärdering av vetenskapliga studier har vi funnit att det finns skillnader i prestanda och funktionalitet mellan olika Hypervisors. Därför väljer vi att göra en prestanda- samt funktionsanalys av Hypervisors som kommer från de största aktörerna på marknaden. Dessa är Microsoft Hyper-V Core Server 2012, Vmware ESXi 5.1.0 och Citrix XenServer 6.1.0 Free edition. Vår uppdragsgivare är försvarsmakten som bekräftade en stor efterfrågan av vår undersökning. Rapporten innefattar en teoretisk grund som beskriver tekniker bakom virtualisering och applicerbara användningsområden. Genomförandet består av två huvudsakliga metoder, en kvalitativ- respektive kvantitativ del. Grunden till den kvantitativa delen utgörs av ett standardsystem som fastställdes utifrån varje Hypervisors begränsningar. På detta standardsystem utfördes prestandatester i form av dataöverföringar med en serie automatiserade testverktyg. Syftet med testverktygen var att simulera datalaster som avsiktligt påverkade CPU och I/O för att avgöra vilka prestandaskillnader som förekommer mellan Hypervisors. Den kvalitativa undersökningen omfattade en utredning av funktionaliteter och begränsningar som varje Hypervisor tillämpar. Med tillämpning av empirisk analys av de kvantitativa mätresultaten kunde vi fastställa orsaken bakom varje Hypervisors prestanda. Resultaten visade att det fanns en korrelation mellan hur väl en Hypervisor presterat och vilken typ av dataöverföring som den utsätts för. Den Hypervisor som uppvisade goda prestandaresultat i samtliga dataöverföringar är ESXi. Resultaten av den kvalitativa undersökningen visade att den Hypervisor som offererade mest funktionalitet och minst begränsningar är Hyper-V. Slutsatsen blev att ett mindre datacenter som inte planerar en expansion bör lämpligtvis välja ESXi. Ett större datacenter som både har behov av funktioner som gynnar molnbaserade tjänster och mer hårdvaruresurser bör välja Hyper-V vid implementation av molntjänster. / A growing trend of cloud-based services can be witnessed in todays information society. To implement cloud-based services a method called virtualization is used. This method reduces the need of physical computer systems in a datacenter and facilitates a sustainable environmental and economical development. Cloud-based services create societal benefits by allowing new operators to quickly launch business-dependent services. Virtualization is applied by a so-called Hypervisor whose task is to distribute cloud-based services. After evaluation of existing scientific studies, we have found that there exists a discernible difference in performance and functionality between different varieties of Hypervisors. We have chosen to perform a functional and performance analysis of Hypervisors from the manufacturers with the largest market share. These are Microsoft Hyper-V Core Server 2012, Vmware ESXi 5.1.0 and Citrix XenServer 6.1.0 Free edition. Our client, the Swedish armed forces, have expressed a great need of the research which we have conducted. The thesis consists of a theoretical base which describes techniques behind virtualization and its applicable fields. Implementation comprises of two main methods, a qualitative and a quantitative research. The basis of the quantitative investigation consists of a standard test system which has been defined by the limitations of each Hypervisor. The system was used for a series of performance tests, where data transfers were initiated and sampled by automated testing tools. The purpose of the testing tools was to simulate workloads which deliberately affected CPU and I/O to determine the performance differences between Hypervisors. The qualitative method comprised of an assessment of functionalities and limitations for each Hypervisor. By using empirical analysis of the quantitative measurements we were able to determine the cause of each Hypervisors performance. The results revealed that there was a correlation between Hypervisor performance and the specific data transfer it was exposed to. The Hypervisor which exhibited good performance results in all data transfers was ESXi. The findings in the qualitative research revealed that the Hypervisor which offered the most functionality and least amount of constraints was Hyper-V. The conclusion of the overall results uncovered that ESXi is most suitable for smaller datacenters which do not intend to expand their operations. However a larger datacenter which is in need of cloud service oriented functionalities and requires greater hardware resources should choose Hyper-V at implementation of cloud-based services.
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β-Aminosubstituted α,β-Unsaturated Fischer Carbene Complexes as Precursors for Complex Oligocyclic Molecules - Basics and Applications / β-Amino-substituierte α,β-Ungesättigte Fischer Carben-Komplexeals Vorläufer für Kompexe Oligocyclische Moleküle - Grundforschung und AnwendungenWu, Yao-Ting 03 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Photoaktivierungsfähige Rhodamine als Bio-Calcium-Sensoren und Markierungen für Tetracystein-Tags in Proteinen / Photoactivable Rhodamines as Bio-Calcium Sensors and Labels for the Tetracysteine-Tags in ProteinsYan, Sergey 28 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchungen zur Synthese von Yohimban- und Campthoteca-Alkaloiden durch Domino-Knoevenagel-Hetero-Diels-Alder-Reaktion / Efforts toward the total synthesis of yohimban and campthoteca alkaloids via domino Knoevenagel-hetero-Diels-Alder reactionKlapa, Katharina Anna 17 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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A Pedagogy of Holistic Media Literacy: Reflections on Culture Jamming as Transformative Learning and HealingStasko, Carly 14 December 2009 (has links)
This qualitative study uses narrative inquiry (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988, 1990, 2001) and self-study to investigate ways to further understand and facilitate the integration of holistic philosophies of education with media literacy pedagogies. As founder and director of the Youth Media Literacy Project and a self-titled Imagitator (one who agitates imagination), I have spent over 10 years teaching media literacy in various high schools, universities, and community centres across North America. This study will focus on my own personal practical knowledge (Connelly & Clandinin, 1982) as a culture jammer, educator and cancer survivor to illustrate my original vision of a ‘holistic media literacy pedagogy’. This research reflects on the emergence and impact of holistic media literacy in my personal and professional life and also draws from relevant interdisciplinary literature to challenge and synthesize current insights and theories of media literacy, holistic education and culture jamming.
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